
claude_got my video00:02
wxl!nomodeset | claude_00:06
ubottuclaude_: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:06
claude_oh ok I will look at that thread now... but this would explain also why things hangs in the end?00:07
claude_With Lubuntu 13.04 and 13.10, I don't have the screen that turn off at the beginning of the boot process unlike now00:07
claude_I see how its done... I'm going to do that and see if this will fix the issue :)00:16
holsteinclaude_: how did the hard drive test go?00:18
claude_oh the hard drive should be fine00:18
claude_I tested it during the past month00:18
holsteinwhat you are showing me could be failing hardware00:18
claude_it had no bad sector at all, its almost new00:18
claude_yeah I thought that too00:18
holsteinwhen they are almost new is when they are most likely to fail00:19
claude_but there is something that makes me think that it could be not...00:19
claude_Because when I boot into rescue mode00:19
holsteinyou can google search that, and consider testing so that you *know* for certain00:19
claude_and then I select "resume", everything goes fine00:19
holsteinclaude_: lubuntu 12.04 is technically not supported any longer00:19
claude_when I said new... well not really new.. like 7-8 months old. but you could be right too00:20
claude_yeah can't wait to see 14.04 LTS :D00:20
claude_13.04 was probably the most stable for me but there was some random bugs (just small bugs although... nothing too disturbing)00:21
claude_I'll do what wxl said to me to see if this will change something I will now reboot|00:21
claude_Thanks for all your support this is really awesome00:21
holsteinclaude_: whats that?00:21
holsteinclaude_: nomodeset?00:21
holsteinclaude_: i suggested that when you first joined00:22
holsteinclaude_: you should have already tried it00:22
claude_maybe I completely didn't see it00:22
claude_my bad :S00:22
claude_sorry about that00:22
holsteinclaude_: and the vesa driver.. and tested the hard drive.. and tried 13.10.. and/or 14.0400:22
claude_the graphic driver that I'm using now by the way is ... the 304 series of Nvidia00:22
holsteinvesa is another one you can try00:23
holsteintheres an open one.. and ppa's with othe drivers00:23
claude_to get those 304 drivers I think I typed nvidia-current-updates00:23
claude_that version00:23
claude_so this should be 304 updates00:23
claude_ok I'll go reboot with this new nomodeset setting :) See you soon00:24
holsteinyoud have to ask nvidia. and with the response i usually get, i just troubleshoot on my own00:24
holsteincould have been someone else i suggested nomodeset to earlier.. but, try it :)00:24
holsteinclaude_: and good luck!00:25
claude_haha yep I will let you know what happen00:25
wxlany luck yet, claude_ ?01:13
claude_crap... I struggled SO MUCH to come back here01:13
claude_I had to boot from my live Ubuntu USB key01:13
claude_in order to be able to boot into rescue mode (I changed the entry for the default OS in the grub.cfg file to do that)01:14
claude_and now01:14
claude_ok just before I have to say this01:14
claude_so I'm here now because I was able to boot with the rescue mode01:14
claude_here is the process01:14
claude_that I used01:14
claude_I changed "GRUB_DEFAULT=0" to "GRUB_DEFAULT=1" and then I did "update-grub" in order to be able to boot into rescue mode01:15
claude_then when the blue screen appear to choose what to do, I have simpy chosen "resume"01:16
claude_and now I'm here. But my screen resolution changed from 1440x900 to a lower one... certainly 800x600 now01:16
wxlso did nomodeset fix anything or not?01:16
claude_nop it didnt do anything01:17
wxlok well that's out01:17
wxlbut i don't doubt it's a video issue of some kind01:17
wxlmaybe try video=ofonly as a boot parameter and see if that doesn't fix it01:17
claude_so for example: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash video=ofonly" ?01:18
claude_ok what will this do exactly? Something like choosing a generic VGA driver?01:18
claude_will try that01:18
claude_thats weird that my screen resolution isnt the same now01:19
claude_and when I start "nvidia-settings", all the tabs disappeared instead of 201:19
claude_alright I will do this now01:19
wxlhave you tried the open source driver? nouveau?01:19
ubottunouveau is an open-source nvidia driver included by default since Ubuntu 10.04. Currently, 3D rendering is only partially supported. More information can be found at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/ | See !nvidia for the closed-source Nvidia driver.01:19
claude_oh I'm going to read that now01:20
claude_I dont think so01:20
wxlthat may be another idea too01:20
claude_is there any command line we can type for that? Something like sudo apt-get nvidia-nouveau?01:21
claude_oh I would have to purge my nvidia drivers before installing new one I think... isn't it?01:21
claude_I will try video=ofonly first01:21
claude_see you soon01:21
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
claude_actual result: First boot: it worked. I rebooted. System hung at the same place. I powered off the PC. I started it. System boots fully.01:30
wxlyou need to make it permanent in grub settings01:31
claude_in /etc/default/grub ?01:31
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:31
wxlthat should be helpful enough (the 2nd)01:32
claude_ok I will take a look. What I just did is... I changed the line in /etc/default/grub for "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash video=ofonly" then I did grub-updates and rebooted01:33
Unit193update-grub I hope?01:33
claude_oops yes you are right01:37
claude_thats what I did yep01:38
claude_sometimes I type the contrary but the command prompt tells me that I'm wrong when I do so I type it correctly01:38
claude_according to what I read so far, I think the last change I've done was done "permanantly" by editing the grub file in /etc/default01:48
claude_there is something I could do maybe... "Boot-Repair " and showing you the file that will be created01:49
claude_in my grub.cfg file, I see at many times "insmod ext2" ... I have no ext2 partitions in my hard drive... just ext401:55
claude_not sure if this really matter01:55
johnakabeanhello, I need to get fancontrol installed WITHOUT the gui; however, apt-get refuses to install configuration file. Laptop has bios problem where fan doesnt run with "automatic" mode; I have it sitting on top of my desktop, with top desktop fan blowing through the vent where it sucks in.....its working :)02:26
johnakabeaninstall fails with trying to put xserver on there, dependency02:26
johnakabeani try to run it and it says "cant find configuration file"02:26
johnakabeani just tried putting ssh server on there and it fails with "xserver" dependency02:29
Unit193Uhhh.. Not for me?02:29
johnakabeanwhere is the default config file for fancontrol?02:35
johnakabeanso i can type from this screen into that one02:35
johnakabeannevermind, ssh finished, logged in from here02:36
claude_seems like the nouevau driver make everything stay stable02:47
claude_thats so weird02:47
claude_so this may have to do something with Lubuntu 12.04 and the Nvidia Geforce 6150SE chipset02:47
claude_that doesn't happen in 13.04 and 13.1002:48
druizany spanish user here?03:55
wxl!es | druiz03:55
ubottudruiz: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:55
utusanpre 1.2 pcmanfm would let me right click on display col label to move.  with 1.2 right click doesn't show anything anymore. any ideas?05:22
sgo11hi, can I ask lubuntu trusty issue here?10:11
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:17
sgo11fine. both google-chrome and firefox got segmentation fault in latest lubuntu trusty release. any ideas? thanks.10:18
sgo11where can I open a bug for such problem? lubuntu trusty 14.04. thanks.10:22
Unit193Likely to get better results and if it's a known issue in #ubuntu+110:28
sgo11Unit193, I asked there for a couple of hours. nobody have any ideas.10:28
Unit193Well, it's still night/early morning US/EU time as well.10:29
sgo11Unit193, ok. thanks. I will ask again later.10:30
mkl_Hi, I am pretty new to using linux. I am trying to install Java but I am unsure as to where to start. I had no trouble installing a few things via the 'lubuntu software cente" but Java was not there and it seems a little more counterintuative to me.10:51
Unit193For browsers, get the iced tea plugin, otherwise openjdk-7-jre or such.10:52
mkl_so waht does putting "openjdk-7-jre" in the command line actually instruct the computer to do?10:53
MikaelaNothing. The command is "sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre".10:55
MikaelaSudo tells to run it with root priviledges, apt-get install tells it to install package and openjdk-7-jre is the package to install.10:56
Unit193(or, default-jre, but either way the package will be installed.)10:57
mkl_Thanks! I am hoping to be able to install a few other things as well. They may or may not be as straight forward as Java. I was initially trying to install Aladin, a skymap for astronomers. It called for Java as a requirement. I'll have a quick go at installing Aladin again now11:02
mkl_Seems to be working now. The instructions were pretty much to extract it into the desired directory11:04
mkl_Aladin does not appear in my list of applications though.11:05
mkl_It would be nice to add a shortcut to the desktop for Aladin.11:05
Unit193Could do that, and if it's just unpacking, yes there will be no launcher in the applications menu.11:06
mkl_It was suggested that I should be open it by typing "Aladin" into the terminal. However this doesn't seem to work. I guess it had to be in the binary directory? Which directories does the terminal link to? How do I do a root access copy to one of these directories so that I can start Aladin in this way?11:08
mkl_Is that the best way to do this?11:09
Unit193I'd just make a launcher in the applications menu or something if it doesn't have a make install target.11:10
Unit193In the directory you unpacked it, does  java -jar aladin.jar (or whatever the file is called) work?11:10
mkl_How do I find out if it has a make install target? I assume that is the equivalent of "openjdk-7-jre" for java11:11
mkl_there is a shell script to open it called Aladin11:12
mkl_#!/bin/sh  # Aladin Bourne shell launcher  # P.Fernique [CDS] - F.Ochsenbein [CDS] # V1.1 - oct 2010 # V1.0 - april 2009  # JAVA memory max allocation (in Mb) mem=1024  # Via a symbolic link ? prog=$0 while test -h $prog; do     prog1=`ls -l $prog | awk '{print $NF}'`     if test `expr $prog1 : /` -gt 0; then       # Absolute symlink         prog="$prog1"     else         prog=`dirname $prog`/$prog1             # Relative symlink     11:12
mkl_The contents of the shell script^^11:12
Unit193(I'll be disappearing in a minute or so.)  That'd only really help if you had make installed.  Just launch that?11:13
Unit193That can't be all of it...11:14
mkl_make is a program?11:14
Unit193And, I be out.11:15
mkl_okay, I'll investigate it. I think the chat pae only lets me copy so much. You're right thats not all. thanks for your help!11:15
=== Private_User1 is now known as Private_User
mkl_I am trying to install something called TopCat. It is not a standard application from the lubuntu software Centre. I have downloaded a .jar file and am unsure as how to proceed13:45
mkl_still pretty new to linux13:45
webgenhi guys13:55
webgenhow do i make windows snap at the edges and change size?13:55
webgenlike it does on ubuntu and windows etc?13:56
mkl_I am not sure. I would imagine there is an application for it though. I don't think it comes as a standard feature14:01
mkl_I am pretty new to linix by the way, no expert14:01
mkl_I am trying to install something called TopCat. It is not a standard application from the lubuntu software Centre. I have downloaded a .jar file and am unsure as how to proceed14:04
holsteinmkl_: you shouldnt get a jar from the software center like that14:13
holsteinmkl_: what are you trying to do?14:13
mkl_it is not from the software centre14:13
mkl_it is a more specialised software for astrophysics14:14
holsteindoesnt really matter what it is14:14
holsteinyou look up how to run jar files14:14
holsteinthen, if you have issues with it, you ask the maintainers14:14
holsteinjava -jar Minecraft.jar14:15
holsteinfor example14:15
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.14:15
mkl_I installed Java beforehand14:18
holsteinsure.. its a requirement.. so you will need to14:18
mkl_Is there a way to add the application to my applications list?14:18
holsteinmkl_: you can add the command to whatever yo like14:18
mkl_so for example how do I add the command to the "education" section when I hit the bottom left ubuntu logo14:21
holsteinmkl_: just edit the menu and add what you like14:21
holsteinor, use another panel.. or lanucher..14:22
mkl_Do I copy the whole .jar file in there and I guess a shell script to run "java -jar Minecraft.jar"14:22
holsteinmkl_: no14:23
holsteinmkl_: you are asking how to make a launcher.. so just make that14:23
holsteinmkl_: make a launcher that lanches "java -jar /path/to/whatever.jar"14:23
mkl_So I created the launcher and called it TopCat_Launch. I can't seem to copy it to the applications directory the commend I am using is: cp /home/scrutonm1/MKL_Software/TopCat_Launch  /usr/share/applications/TopCat_Launch14:50
mkl_the error is No such file or directory14:50
vn151502510try `cp /home/scrutonm1/MKL_Software/TopCat_Launch  /usr/share/applications/`14:52
mkl_ cannot stat ‘/home/scrutonm1/MKL_Software/TopCat_Launch’: No such file or directory14:53
mkl_still the same error14:53
holsteinmkl_: you dont copy it anywhere14:55
holsteinjust make the launcher for it14:55
mkl_I have made the launcher. But I wanted the launcher to apear in the same list as all the other apllications14:56
mkl_so that I could run it as if it was any other application without having to treat it as an exception14:57
holsteinmkl_: and, you can14:58
holsteinmkl_: the othes run the same way.. those are just links14:58
mkl_so how do I get the launcher to appear in the list?14:58
holsteinmkl_: you can do what you are trying to do... you'll just have to keep troubleshooting. or use a "friendlier" and arguably heavier menu14:58
mkl_What do you mean?14:59
holsteinmkl_: i mean, you can do what you are trying to do.. but you will need to research and learn how15:00
holsteinmkl_: or, use something else that facilitates these types of changes easier15:00
shinerjust wanted to say, installed lubuntu 14.04 beta 1, all good so far, seems smoother and slicker, I'm a happy camper!!16:24
webgenhey guys mysql channel is dead, I cant run mysql after installing deb pack, how do I run it??16:26
wxlwebgen: you mean you've never run mysql and want to know how?16:47
webgenwxl well i didnt use terminal to install it so deb package just unpacked it at a random location, i didnt know how to run that one otherwise i know how to run the one that installs from apt-get :P16:49
webgenwxl i already installed one from apt-get i got tired of tinkering lol16:49
wxlwebgen: should be the same. apt-get uses dpkg.16:49
webgenwxl it was just 0.1 version lower thats the stupid reason i decided to download the package myself haha16:50
wxlwebgen: you can see if you succeeded in stalling with dpkg -l | grep -i mysql16:52
webgenwxl, uh  i dont wanna mess with it anymore, i already installed :S and deleted the downlaoded .deb package16:53
webgenwxl thanks thought :P16:53
mkl_so I am trying to install Swarp17:16
mkl_I have installed make17:17
mkl_yet when i try the steps in the int=stall instructions i get an error17:17
mkl_they are to type./configure followed by make and then make install17:17
mkl_no "make" file seems to be created though :(17:17
wxlwhat's the error?17:18
mkl_I am still new to the linux environment17:18
mkl_ no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH17:18
wxlinstall gcc17:18
wxland in general refer to this:17:18
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)17:18
mkl_there is available for download a rpm file. I tried to get that to work too to no avail17:19
mkl_I believe that is a pre built package?17:20
wxlno don't bother with the rpm tho alien can convert it maybe17:21
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !dpkg, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)17:27
mkl_well I am glad I aborted mission on that one then. I did nearly install alien. Currently following the steps to instal gcc17:28
mkl_I think that will be my best option. I am not really seeing it prebuilt anywhere thus far17:28
wxlcompiling is not for the weak but if your patient, it will work17:28
wxldid you search on launchpad ppas?17:28
mkl_it is 3% done at the moment17:28
mkl_that is the same as I have though17:29
wxloh then there's prolly a ppa17:29
wxlnot certainly17:29
wxlbut probably17:29
mkl_what is a ppa?17:30
mkl_please excuse my ignorance17:30
wxlpersonal package archive17:30
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge17:30
mkl_also by compliling is not for the weak do you mean it just requires patience? Patience I have plenty but technical skill and experience with linux I still lack17:30
wxlwell a little bit of both :)17:31
wxlwhat cpu/lubuntu do you have?17:31
wxl!info swarp17:32
ubottuPackage swarp does not exist in saucy17:32
wxltrusty only methinks17:32
mkl_lubuntu13.10 desktop17:33
mkl_cpu is an intel Core2Duo@1.6617:33
mkl_pretty old laptop17:34
wxlstop compiling17:34
wxlit's available in the repos17:34
wxl!info suckless-tools17:34
ubottusuckless-tools (source: suckless-tools): simple commands for minimalistic window managers. In component universe, is optional. Version 38-2 (saucy), package size 46 kB, installed size 176 kB17:34
mkl_Thanks. that looked like it was going to take all night17:35
wxlcompiling does often take a while17:35
wxlrecommend doing this in the future: apt-cache search <thing you want>17:35
wxldmenu, lsw, slock, st, sselp, ssid, tabbed, and wmname are also included17:36
wxlwhich apt-cache show suckless-tools will show you17:36
* wxl wnoders17:36
wxl!search swarp17:36
=== Ciblia is now known as Mikaela
wxlUnit193: is there an ubottu search command that works like apt-cache search?17:40
mkl_:) install finished17:40
mkl_now to do the same for SExtractor17:40
wxlcompiling is a good skill to have but generally not necessary17:40
wxlyou don't even have to search for that17:41
wxl!info sextractor17:41
ubottusextractor (source: sextractor): Source extractor for astronomical images. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.8.6+dfsg-1 (saucy), package size 438 kB, installed size 1391 kB17:41
mkl_I don't know that I am up to it just yet. And although I have a keen interest in computer science I have only just taken the plunge yesterday to make my old laptop a dual boot17:42
wxlit will come in time17:42
mkl_I have fiddled around with live USB's and I use Linux at work17:42
Natsumhi guys, is there any lubutnu 13.10 iso which can fit to CD?19:04
ianorlinit actually fits on the cd when you burn it just the iso is a little bigger19:07
Natsumthx, I will try19:09
Natsum+ Does lubuntu have wifi drivers? I have usb wifi card (ratlink)19:11
guest5691203the sound preferences dialog in ubuntu has a "Output" tab where you can choose through which output you want to play sound20:10
guest5691203how can this be done in lubuntu? i tried installing pulseaudio + pulseaudio volume control (pavucontrol). but i don't see where and how this setting could be achieved from within pavucontrol20:12
guest5691203is anyone here who knows how to do it?20:13
=== guest5691203 is now known as LubuntuAudioOutp
Phil42guest5691203:  you are on the right track.  lubuntu ships without pulseaudio20:26
holsteinLubuntuAudioOutp: you an add pulse it you like20:26
holsteini have, and have added pavucontrol.. worked OK20:27
LubuntuAudioOutpPhil42 & holstein : thx for your replies. but i am talking about this tab: http://i.stack.imgur.com/bV6Ya.png20:29
LubuntuAudioOutpin that picture you can see the "play sound through" setting20:29
LubuntuAudioOutpwhere is that setting in pavucontrol?20:29
holsteinLubuntuAudioOutp: i use pavucontrol20:29
holsteinLubuntuAudioOutp: i added it20:29
LubuntuAudioOutpi can't find it20:29
LubuntuAudioOutpyeah, me too, but how do you choose the default output in pavucontrol20:30
holsteinLubuntuAudioOutp: cant find it always? or just in lubuntu? or just on that hardware?20:32
LubuntuAudioOutpholstein: well, to be a bit more precise: i want a system wide equalizer. pulse audio has a built-in system wide equalizer, see: http://www.webupd8.org/2013/03/install-pulseaudio-with-built-in-system.html20:33
LubuntuAudioOutpbut to get it to work one must select "FFT based equalizer on Built-in..." as the output, just as described on that page20:34
holsteinLubuntuAudioOutp: you can add pulse20:34
holsteinLubuntuAudioOutp: lubuntu doesnt ship with it20:35
LubuntuAudioOutpholstein: i already have added pulseaudio + pavucontrol...20:35
holsteinwhat i might do is, load up a live CD of xubuntu, install/use pavucontrol.. see if that is meeting your needs on that hardware. add what you like to lubuntu20:35
holsteinLubuntuAudioOutp: sure.. but, its not meeting your needs.. and why?20:35
holsteinLubuntuAudioOutp: is it that the device doesnt support alsa?20:35
holsteinLubuntuAudioOutp: what is preventing you from seeing what you want in pavucontrol?20:36
holsteinLubuntuAudioOutp: we konw pavucontrol and pulse does what you want..20:36
holsteinits either that your device doenst support linux/alsa and *wont* do it.. or, you have improrperly configured pulse or something else20:36
LubuntuAudioOutpholstein: well, look, this is what the ubuntu sound preferences look like: http://i.stack.imgur.com/bV6Ya.png - as you can see in that image, it has an option called "play sound through"20:38
holsteinLubuntuAudioOutp: ubuntu sound prefercnes in the *same* hardware?20:38
LubuntuAudioOutpand pavucontrol does not have this option20:38
holsteinLubuntuAudioOutp: lubuntu *is* ubuntu, friend20:38
holsteinso, if you have the same version, and the same software from the same repos, it should be the same20:38
LubuntuAudioOutpholstein: yes, in the same hardware.20:38
holsteinif you have lubuntu 13.10, and ubuntu 12.04.. or some other differences..20:38
LubuntuAudioOutpholstein: no. pavucontrol is not the same as the ubuntu sound preferences AFAIK20:39
holsteinLubuntuAudioOutp: no AFAIK.. confirm20:39
Phil42holstein:  there are differences, and audio is different in lubuntu20:39
holsteinPhil42: sure. but he's trying to add, and says he has added pulse20:39
holsteinPhil42: the same tools will, or have for me, acted the same20:39
holsteinthey are the same packages from the same repos, at least. assuming configuration20:39
holsteinLubuntuAudioOutp: so.. ask your self, whats the difference.. find that difference, and rectify20:40
LubuntuAudioOutpholstein: the ubuntu sound preferences are different from pavucontrol. just look at them:20:41
salikoi had problems in lubuntu when connect audio using BT bluetooth20:41
holsteinLubuntuAudioOutp: sure.. but pavucontrol does that routing20:41
LubuntuAudioOutpubuntu sound preferences:20:41
holsteinLubuntuAudioOutp: and, the audio controls you have in ubuntu are in the repo. and you can add them if you like20:41
holsteinLubuntuAudioOutp: i use pavucontrol to do *exactly* what you are trying to do20:42
LubuntuAudioOutp[20:41] <holstein> LubuntuAudioOutp: and, the audio controls you have in ubuntu are in the repo. and you can add them if you like <--- ok that's what i wanted to know. how can i add them to lubuntu?20:42
holsteinLubuntuAudioOutp: just install them20:42
LubuntuAudioOutp[20:42] <holstein> LubuntuAudioOutp: i use pavucontrol to do *exactly* what you are trying to do <--- and how are you doing it?20:42
holsteinLubuntuAudioOutp: the sources are the same20:42
LubuntuAudioOutp[20:42] <holstein> LubuntuAudioOutp: just install them <--- what are they called?20:43
holsteinLubuntuAudioOutp: you search using the package manager of your choice, and install them20:43
holsteinLubuntuAudioOutp: i havent used main ubuntu in ages.. but when i want to know *exactly* what is going on, i load a live CD and look in a package manager20:43
holsteinLubuntuAudioOutp: you may also find that information looking at a package list, or in #ubuntu20:43
LubuntuAudioOutp<holstein> LubuntuAudioOutp: i use pavucontrol to do *exactly* what you are trying to do <--- and how are you doing it?20:46
LubuntuAudioOutpwhich tab? which setting?20:46
Unit193!find ssh server21:02
ubottuserver is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, saucy, saucy-backports, saucy-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable21:02
Unit193!find ssh21:02
ubottuFound: erlang-ssh, libssh-4, libssh-dbg, libssh-dev, libssh-doc, openssh-blacklist, openssh-blacklist-extra, openssh-client, openssh-server, ssh (and 68 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ssh&searchon=names&suite=saucy&section=all21:02
Unit193wxl: Kind of, but not as good ^21:02
Unit193It's package and file search.21:03
Unit193!find sshd_config21:03
ubottuFile sshd_config found in condor, monkeysphere, oar-node, openssh-server, python-vm-builder21:03
wxl!find swarp21:03
ubottuFound: suckless-tools21:03
wxlyep that's what i needed21:03
wxlthanks, Unit19321:03
Phil42did the audio output question get answered/21:04
ianorlinI know there is something like that for audicious under the prefrences menu23:33
ianorlinwow that was way back23:34

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