
balloonshey nik90 if you are still about :-)00:41
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tuxd3vhi guys00:47
tuxd3vI want to develop an app for ubuntu...i have already the sdk installed...the problem is...i have no emulator :(00:48
tuxd3vHow can i use a emulator to test it??00:49
tuxd3vi ahve an android fone, but it only have 512 ram, and a single core cpu @104Ghz00:50
sarnoldtuxd3v: seen this yet? http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/sdk/tutorials/using-the-ubuntu-emulator/00:50
tuxd3vI have ben there, but i got an error in log00:54
tuxd3vDetecting device.. * there is no device connected.00:54
sarnoldtuxd3v: are there any errors before that in the logs?00:55
tuxd3vWhen i click on devices apears to me a message00:56
tuxd3vinstall emulator package00:57
tuxd3vThe emulator package is not installed ...do you want to install it?00:57
tuxd3vif i click the button that says "ok"00:58
tuxd3vappears some magic in the log section00:59
tuxd3vChecking installed emulator package. The package is not installed. Detecting device.. * daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 * * daemon started successfully * * there is no device connected. Install the emulator package on the system.. Reading package lists... Building dependency tree... Reading state information...  The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required:   kde-l10n-engb Use 'apt-get 00:59
tuxd3v......in the end I got this:01:00
tuxd3vDetecting device.. * daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 * * daemon started successfully * * there is no device connected.01:00
tuxd3vDetecting device.. * daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 * * daemon started successfully * * there is no device connected.01:00
tuxd3vgod...how can i past multi lines??01:00
sarnoldtuxd3v: best is to just use a pastebin01:00
tuxd3v* daemon started successfully * * there is no device connected.01:01
sarnoldtuxd3v: everyone uses different length lines on irc, and since the ircd rate limits how quickly ou can send data anyway, a bunch of junk wil always interrupt you01:01
sarnoldtuxd3v: check out the pastebinit tool, that makes using pastebins very easy :)01:01
tuxd3vthanks sarnold ;) and sorru for the noise ;)01:01
tuxd3vSo here he goes...my log file afther the "instalation of emulator":01:03
sarnoldoh yes that's easier :)01:04
tuxd3vyeah...sorry for the previous noise :)01:05
sarnoldtuxd3v: was this installed from the ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa  ppa?01:08
sarnoldtuxd3v: was this installed from the ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa  ppa?01:08
tuxd3vho, afther that i returned to devices->emulators...I created a name for one and clicked create new....and apperas a progress bar...but it neves ends :S01:09
tuxd3vyes it was sarnold01:09
tuxd3vi followed the rules there01:10
sarnoldtuxd3v: ah, that might be progress. check netstat or ss or ifconfig output to see if it's downloading a huge pile of data?01:10
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tuxd3vi have followed this http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/sdk/tutorials/installing-the-sdk/01:11
elopiook, I'm refreshed and ready to go again.01:12
elopioballoons, nik90: I'll split my branch in two to make it easier to land.01:12
sarnoldI've not personally tried the emulator myself but I could imagine step one is "download an armhf-based ubuntu image"01:12
balloonshey elopio..01:12
elopioballoons: on your trace, I see two problems. One is that you have too many alarms, because we are not deleting them01:12
aquariusmhall119, jono's video about putting out a new app had the click-verification stuff right there inside the SDK. I don't seem to have that. Am I just missing an update, or does that only happen for people running trusty?01:12
elopioballoons: that problem will not be on jenkins.01:12
balloonselopio, yes, there are quite a few :) I can remove them for a run if we wish01:12
elopiothe other is that it fails to select a tab. I think timp is fixing that on the toolkit. I saw a branch related to that.01:12
balloonsthe failure to select a tab is a known random thing01:13
balloonsi didn't have time to review earlier, just left the runs for you.. had to go for a run.. just getting back into it01:13
elopioballoons: yes, removing all your alarms should make it better. The change on the toolkit to handle long lists is not yet landed.01:16
elopioprobably that's why you can't select the alarm # 8, it is not created in the qml list yet.01:17
elopioI'm splitting the branch in two.01:17
balloonselopio, k. let me know when you are ready, I've deleted the alarms. Apparently nik90's changes show off a bug, so I guess they won't be landed01:19
mhall119aquarius: we should all have the same version of the SDK01:23
aquariusmhall119, hence my question :)01:23
mhall119aquarius: I'm apt-get upgrading now to see if I get it on Saucy01:24
tuxd3vsarnold...hey in log section I can see it is downloading a file...01:24
aquariusit is entirely possible that I've just failed to see the magic button that does it01:24
tuxd3vhe sayd 7 minutes to finhish01:24
tuxd3v, but strange...since now every thing is ok, because I started ubuntu sdk like root01:24
mhall119aquarius: it should be on the left side of QtCreator01:25
aquariusmhall119, under "Publish"?01:25
tuxd3vmaybe I will need permissions first to download and install emulators os something and afther that i can run ubuntu-sdk like normal user...I don  know01:25
mhall119aquarius: yeah01:26
mhall119aquarius: I'll check myself as soon as apt is done01:26
elopioballoons: here: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-clock-app/check_alarm_creation/+merge/20869301:27
elopiothis should be merged even if the tests don't pass, as it makes the errors cleaner and adds the missing wait.01:27
sarnoldtuxd3v: you sholdn't have to run the sdk as root; if you do, please file a bug :)01:28
aquariusmhall119, http://pasteboard.co/10vV2gZi.png is what my Publish screen looks like. Am I missing whatever it is that runs the verifier?01:28
mhall119aquarius: still apt-getting01:28
aquariusalso, respect to pasteboard.co which lets me upload an image from the clipboard :)01:28
tuxd3vsarnold...like root it is now sayng "seting up" ;)01:28
tuxd3vbut ok I will try later without been root ;)01:29
balloonselopio, ahh I see.. Yea, I can happily approve that01:29
elopioballoons: now this one could be up to discussion, as we are changing the current assertions:01:32
elopioI would be happy to leave it for next week when things should be better, if you prefer.01:32
mhall119aquarius: yeah, I have the same as you too01:32
mhall119aquarius: I'm not sure what he's running, maybe a pre-release PPA01:32
mhall119or maybe something made it into trusty but not the PPA yet01:33
aquariusmhall119, ah, OK. You might want to wag the waggy finger of disapproval about a video which shows how easy stuff is when it's not that easy for people who aren't running unstable prerelease weirdo code ;)01:34
aquariusanyway, I'm going to bed, since it's half one.01:35
tuxd3vsarnold: hell yeahhh....afther running like sudo  ...i got several permission denies, but i run a chowner and seems to be ok now ;) thanks man for the help ;)01:37
sarnoldtuxd3v: nice :) have fun!01:37
elopioballoons: now, about nik90's branch, reorganise-clock-tests, I also see it as an improvement from what we have now. If we are missing something on it, the traces will be more complete and clear.01:37
elopioballoons: can we land that one too?01:37
mhall119aquarius: is that "whinging"?01:37
balloonselopio, at this point, the question is do we think we have something reasonable and stable enough to land that would pass tests and can go to the store?01:38
elopioballoons: well, we haven't been changing the code, nor the assertions. We have just been reorganizing the tests.01:38
balloonselopio, things that improve can always be landed :-) nik90 mentioned finding a bug, but we don't have to throw the whole thing out because of it. I believe the bug is somewhere else01:38
aquariusmhall119, no. that's a legit complaint :)01:38
elopioballoons: I don't fully understood where is the bug, but I think it will be exposed only if we check for the days label of the alarms. I've moved that to my second branch.01:39
balloonssadly he's not about.. perhaps we should land all these improvements and see what we're left with01:40
elopioballoons: +1 to that. I am confident we will not be worse ;)01:41
balloonselopio, the diff on this is weird; https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-clock-app/improve_alarm_tests/+merge/208714 why does it show you removing prints?01:41
mhall119oh, so whinging isn't legit?01:42
mhall119I'm still trying to learn your strange, foreign language01:42
balloonselopio, whoa.. I get it now.. why did my experiment go to trunk? what the heck01:42
elopioballoons: because we should neeeever have prints. If you want to show something, it should be through the log.01:42
elopiobut what I did here is that the failure in case something is wrong will show all the details of all the alarms, not just the count.01:42
balloonsI deleted that branch..01:42
elopioballoons: yes, that's what I was saying to you. You commited to trunk.01:43
balloonsok, I suddenly get our conversation lol01:43
mhall119aquarius: he's going to bug me about publishing it to developer.u.c tomorrow, so I'll complain to him about it then01:43
balloonsI had an MP you looked at, went around a bit with it and deleted it.01:43
aquariusmhall119, good work :)01:43
balloonswhy on earth did it get pushed? and how?01:43
aquariusright, ttfn01:43
* balloons rattles head01:43
mhall119aquarius: on an unrelated note, look API docs! http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/html5/sdk-14.04/01:43
balloonselopio, well we certainly need to revert that nonsense01:44
mhall119balloons: uncommit, revert, push with --overwrite01:45
elopioballoons: you probably pushed to the wrong parent. Happens all the time if you are not extra careful. After messing big time with a couple of u1 branches, took advice from vila about always creating a new folder from trunk every time.01:46
elopioone time I did the push the wrong way, and deleted like 20 revisions :D01:46
elopioluckily, pindonga is patient.01:46
balloonselopio, ahh, makes sense. Yea, I did a final commit push at the end, that was probably it.. I was trying to revert and merge something, and it wanted me to commit..01:47
elopioballoons: ok, now the hard thing will be to get both branches merged. Mine has just failed on the test nik90 fixed :)01:53
balloonselopio, indeed :-)01:54
balloonsso nik90 first I guess01:54
elopioI'll reapprove to see if we have better luck this time.01:54
elopioballoons: nik90's can fail on the alarm tests too. Only solution would be to merge both and land them as one.01:55
balloonslet's see what happens :-) I approved his01:57
balloonsthis will be easier when it's all landed01:57
* balloons crosses fingers02:00
balloonsoverall the tests are like night and day what they used to be02:00
balloonsthere's some really cool stuff in there :-)02:00
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elopioballoons: something else urgent to do?02:05
balloonselopio, nope.. I'm weekend time as soon as this has reached some sort of resolution.. :-)02:06
balloonsand you, well, there's time enough tomorrow for whatever you might wish to do now :-)02:07
elopioballoons: enjoy! I'm going crazy and will delete my home and restart from scratch. I'm sick of my machine being weird.02:07
elopioI'll be back later, if I can make it to the other side.02:07
balloonselopio, delete all of /home? or just the . folders?02:07
balloonselopio, es loco02:07
balloonsme gusta :-)02:08
tuxd3vits normal that the emulator does note have dothing running in X server?02:17
balloonselopio, all 3 landed :-002:27
tuxd3vguys...the emulator with developement tools will burn my home out of disk space xD02:29
balloonsnik90, elopio test run after all the merges; http://paste.ubuntu.com/7008334/. 2 failures. Tests for alarm verification asserts failed02:49
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tuxd3vits normal that the emulator runs without graphical environment??Mine is always black!!And the logs show some erros :(02:58
tuxd3vthis is the log of my emulator running from cold start03:00
sarnoldtuxd3v: I do know it is slow.. how long have you been waiting?03:01
tuxd3v30 minutes more or less :S03:02
Aidan___Hey guys, I wanted to make a app in html5 can i just use basic html script?03:02
tuxd3vsee the final of my pastbin above...03:03
tuxd3vHow can I try to login in console mode?03:05
tuxd3vwhich username and password?03:06
tuxd3vWell...know i get graphical environment ;)03:15
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elopioballoons: this is weird: ('Single Test', 'Once on Sat', True) not in [(u'Single Test', u'Once on Fri', True), (u'Recurring Test', u'Every Mon,Wed,Fri', True)]03:33
elopioI'll look into it.03:33
suhaibhey guys, I don't get it. I thought python is Ubuntu's favourite language :-( I'm new to programming. But Can't we implement the convergence thing with python ? i.e: If I want to program in python. Is that still ok ?04:09
sarnoldsuhaib: I can't answer yes or no to your question, but I will note in passing that the last time I made a gui interface in python it was annoying and difficult. I suspect making interfaces in qml is probably easier than trying to use the ubuntu widgets from python04:15
sarnoldoh. sigh. sadness.04:15
tuxd3vSeems that the ubuntu version rised to 211 ;)07:12
tuxd3vthere are some bugs with it...07:12
tuxd3vi am installing developers tools in qtcreator devices->device actions...07:13
tuxd3vbut i already failed a lot of times :(07:13
tuxd3vseems that we need 17 packages for developers tools...07:14
tuxd3vlets see07:14
tuxd3vany bosy out there??07:15
tuxd3vseems to freeze in package 12....07:17
tuxd3vmaybe the problem is the ram memory of the image...to slow??51207:18
tuxd3vinstalling x11... :)07:24
zsombinik90: ping07:24
tuxd3vzsombi:its ofline07:25
zsombituxd3v: ah ok... I saw his nick and thought he is in... nevermind07:26
tuxd3vno problem ;)07:37
CarakasI have a question. When is an app considered a port ? Does it have to be exact like that or also when it does something like that app ?07:41
dholbachgood morning07:49
Samangood morning07:49
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tuxd3vgood morning07:57
tuxd3va port means, based on the other, but to another arch07:57
tuxd3vits the same app!!07:57
tuxd3vbut its ported to another architecture...07:58
Carakasokey, thank you :)07:58
tuxd3vits diferente from fork. because for means based in someting...but we don't caracterize the architecure...it seems implicit that the arch is the same...07:59
tuxd3vin a port is diferent, because you are catching the same code and compiling it, and altering it it a minimal way to rum in another arch... i.e ARM07:59
CarakasI gues it won't be a port than :)08:00
CarakasI Found an open API for public transport in our country, the different companies have their own apps on android but I was thinking about making an app that handles all the companies08:01
tuxd3vso you need to port that API to ubuntu, and then make your aplication?08:07
tuxd3vWell..its not even a port ;)08:07
tuxd3vits only a port from operating system name only xD08:07
tuxd3vbecause android is linux08:08
tuxd3vand ubuntu too08:08
tuxd3vyour API is writem for android write??08:08
tuxd3vbut it will depend in what language it is writen...is it is writem form example in C language, then you can use it like that ;)08:09
tuxd3vbut if it is writen is Java, then you need java on ubuntu, or ... translate it to c or c++, or what else you like, that runs on ubuntu..python for example...08:10
CarakasWell it can be accessed by a url (and if I want it can serve json) so I tought I could use that api, and just build an app that uses the data from that api that is already online08:12
tuxd3vyes you write ;)08:12
tuxd3vI mean yes you can...sorry my english...in not my mother thong08:17
nik90Good morning all08:17
nik90zsombi: pong08:17
Carakasits okey :) Thank for the answers :)08:19
jo-erlendwhenever I join a channel and the first message I receive includes "in not my mother thong", I get very curious about people are talking about :)08:19
tuxd3vgood morning08:19
tuxd3vafther a lot of hours...my sdk is running but very slow :S08:20
tuxd3vI don  know how to speed it...08:20
nik90tuxd3v: Is it the SDK or the emulator that is running slow?08:21
tuxd3vThe sdk if fine since it is based on the marvelous qtcreator...08:21
tuxd3vde problem is the emulator...08:22
tuxd3vsome time is detected offline08:22
tuxd3vand in the instalation process of the emulator is an error08:22
tuxd3vwe need root permissions to install emulator tools...and it create the forlders in ./local/share/ubuntu... like root08:23
zsombinik90: hi, I have two issues to conform with you08:23
tuxd3vso no one be able do write inside that forlder...without a chown08:23
zsombinik90: one: I found a bug in Alarms fetching order: the alarm date fetched is always the original one.08:24
zsombinik90: I have a fix for it, just need to test it properly, which brings me to the second issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtorganizer5-eds/+bug/128601908:24
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1286019 in qtorganizer5-eds (Ubuntu) "test application segfaults with qtorganizer5-eds and UI toolkit trunks" [Critical,Confirmed]08:24
tuxd3vSo the problem is...when we try to create a emulator device...it canot create it because he does not have permissions(the forlders have beem crated with root user :S)08:25
nik90zsombi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/128582808:25
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1285828 in Ubuntu Clock App "Clock segfaults on exit on desktop" [High,Confirmed]08:25
tuxd3vIn that process we can drop root permissions, or make a chown -R user: ubuntu-emulator08:25
nik90zsombi: we noticed this yesterday .. so I supposed this is not localised to clock08:26
zsombinik90: I asked renato yesterday to take a look on it, don't know whether he had time for it or not, but this is pretty bad. I'd like you to confirm this also.08:26
nik90tuxd3v: yeah I had permission issue08:26
tuxd3vin /home/user/.local/share/ubuntu-emulator08:26
nik90tuxd3v: so I chowned it and then fixed the permission issue08:26
zsombinik90: I guess as this affects SDK also, it is no longer high, it is critical08:26
nik90tuxd3v: now everything works08:26
nik90zsombi: which one do you want me to confirm?08:27
nik90zsombi: I guess I just confirmed the 2nd bug08:27
tuxd3vdo you have already installed the development in device->Device actions?08:27
zsombinik90: #128601908:27
zsombinik90: I have a stack trace for the UITK, so I thought you could also (eventually) repeat that, but if you have the clo=ck app then it's fine08:28
nik90zsombi: I will merge the clock crash bug with your bug as a duplicate08:29
zsombinik90: thx! this is super critical as blocks my UITK testing08:29
nik90zsombi: quick question...can this in anyway block the hud actions from appearing?08:30
nik90zsombi: apparently clock doesn't show HUD actions...even the QUIT action that is default in the HUD08:30
zsombinik90: it shouldn't however you never know... I've noticed that after EDS backend is instantiated, I do not get any traces anymore!!!08:30
nik90tuxd3v: the emulator shows up on the detected devices08:32
nik90tuxd3v: for me the emulator works as expected08:33
nik90tuxd3v: however I have not run it for hours..so I can say if it slows down or not08:33
tuxd3vyes it shows up!08:33
tuxd3vbut sometims he got ofline...for example if you try to redetect devices...in devices->devices action08:34
tuxd3vbut it sometims...08:34
nik90tuxd3v: but why would you try to redetect devices if you already have the emulator?08:34
tuxd3vlet me try08:34
nik90tuxd3v: also please report the bugs to https://launchpad.net/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu08:35
nik90dpm: good morning dpm, you are back08:36
tuxd3vnik90:i will do that08:36
dpmhi nik90 :)08:36
randomcpphey nik90 :)08:36
dpmnik90, kind of back, I'm be working from Barcelona today08:36
nik90randomcpp: hey08:36
nik90dpm: how is that we never saw you in the pictures, eh :P08:36
dpmnik90, I was busy doing demos of the clock app to people :)08:37
randomcppI've almost finished this session exams :/ almost..08:37
nik90dpm: ;)08:37
nik90randomcpp: nice...I love that feeling when they are just about to end08:37
dpmnik90, but seriously folks loved the clock on full screen on the tablet, good job again on getting the convergent design in :)08:38
nik90dpm: thnx08:38
randomcppnik90, are you a judge again for this app showdown?08:38
nik90randomcpp: yes ;)08:38
randomcppI don't know if I will participate again..I don't have any nice idea this time..08:39
nik90randomcpp: check out jono bacon's top 5 favourite apps for ideas08:40
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randomcppabout g+ client, does google provides API for g+?08:42
nik90randomcpp: it does...not sure if it provides a write API for g+ though..that's something you need to confirm08:43
nik90randomcpp: but yes a g+ app will be appreciated by the 4500 app developer community members ;)08:43
tuxd3v<nik90> randomcpp: check out jono bacon's top 5 favourite apps for ideas08:47
randomcppnik90, meanwhile I think there will be updates for saucybacon08:56
nik90randomcpp: you should check out Ubuntu.Layouts to implement convergence for your app. It is quite siimple to use.08:56
nik90randomcpp: some of the core apps have already started used it08:57
nik90randomcpp: so the rough edges have been cleared up for you guys08:57
randomcppnik90, I'll have a look, last time I've used it there were such a pain08:58
nik90randomcpp: yes..but now we have proper documentation, tutorials to make it so much easier08:58
randomcppdoes anybody here use vim with qml?08:58
* randomcpp *checks calendar and wonders 'how many month have I been in the cave?'*08:59
nik90I think ogra does If I vaguely remember...you guys are so weird :D08:59
tuxd3vthe emulator got updated from revision 210 to 21109:01
randomcppnik90, do you have any hint on when qt will be updated to 5.2? IIRC 5.1 implements conditional layouts and they are pretty neat09:03
nik90randomcpp: I heard there is a big push for it...hopefully soon if it doesn't cause any regressions in the apps currently available09:04
randomcppok thank you09:04
randomcppouch qtcreator still spawns random blank unclosable windows09:05
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JamesTaitGood morning all!  Happy Friday, and happy Tooth Fairy Day! :-D09:39
randomcppnik90, is anybody working on a mail client that you are aware of?09:48
nik90randomcpp: not that I am aware of09:49
randomcppok thanks09:49
randomcppI saw you switched to cmake, great choice :)09:52
nik90randomcpp: actually I didnt do that switch :P nor am I too comfortable with it :D09:53
nik90randomcpp: it was done by the QA time since it helps easier testing of AP tests on device09:53
randomcppnobody likes qmake :/09:54
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nik90|afkzsombi: the lack of console output is really annoying :/10:34
nik90|afkzsombi: I hope the bug gets fixed today asap10:34
zsombinik90|afk: even if it gets fixed, it'll take some days to land :/10:34
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randomcppI can't make the autopilot test sample work, it fails to load the c++ plugin10:54
Carakasis there a place where I can find a more detailed description of the html5 UI elements ?11:26
CarakasIm trying to make an optionselector but I can't get it to work11:27
dholbachalex_abreu, ^ can you help?11:34
dakerCarakas: ?11:35
Carakasnm forgot the js file11:35
Carakassorry ^^11:35
dakerno problem :)11:37
nik90zsombi: I have a clock bug where a recurring alarm saved on tuesday, wednesday, thursday, sunday does not result in the sunday being properly retrieved from Alarms API. Basically something is going wrong on Sunday alone.11:57
nik90zsombi: do you happen to know why that may be?11:57
dakerCarakas: does it work for you ?11:57
nik90zsombi: I am able to reproduce this bug even 200 commits before in the clock app which makes it weird since I or someone would have noticed it earlier..something tells me that it broke outside the clock app i.e in EDS or Alarms API11:58
nik90zsombi: I also created the same alarm using the sample alarm app we had11:58
nik90zsombi: I can confirm this bug using your own ui-toolkit-alarm example. I am going to toss the report to the ui-toolkit12:04
Zabuldonhi all12:10
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Zabuldonplease help me. i installed the ubuntu-sdk and try to create emulator device, but in log i see next error:Creating snapshots for disks... Error while converting /home/test/.local/share/ubuntu-emulator/test/system.img: Unknown option 'compat' qemu-img: Invalid options for file format 'qcow2'.12:11
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randomcppwhere can I find this python module? "from ubuntuuitoolkit import emulators"12:45
t1mprandomcpp: ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot12:46
randomcppthanks a lot t1mp12:46
t1mpnp :)12:47
renatozsombi, nik90, oSoMoN could you guys make sure that the bug #1284587  get fixed with this https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/qtorganizer5-eds/fix-1284587/+merge/20879112:53
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1284587 in Ubuntu Calendar App "crash when exiting the application" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128458712:53
renatooSoMoN, could you review that ^12:53
oSoMoNrenato, will do after lunch12:55
nik90renato: just waiting on a deb build12:55
nik90renato: is there a way I can build the source and export the variables or something?12:57
nik90renato: well there is a way..but can you show me how to do it12:58
renatonik90, what do you mean?12:58
nik90renato: as in can I try your branch out without having to wait for the deb? by building the source files12:58
renatonik90, yes, I am not sure how to do that from qtcreator, I am using schroot for that12:59
renatoand takes longer to configure the chroot than wait for jenkins :D12:59
nik90I will wait then :P13:00
nik90bzoltan1: I upgraded to 14.04 after which I am unable to start the ubuntu-emulator in qtcreator. It is crashing. http://paste.ubuntu.com/7010214/13:05
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wellsbdholbach, I received your feedback for click-app 49.  Let me know when you're available and we'll discuss it13:50
dholbachwellsb, sure14:04
dholbachwellsb, how can I help?14:05
wellsbdholbach, I just added a new comment to the feedback for that app14:05
dholbachwellsb, I'll talk to the security team about this.14:07
wellsbdholbach, That sounds good.  If you need anything further from me, let me know14:07
kalikianamhall119: please review https://code.launchpad.net/~kalikiana/u1db-qt/qmlDocs/+merge/20881814:39
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nik90dholbach: you got a few minutes to talk about the app dev school?15:13
mhall119kalikiana: they look good15:29
kalikianamhall119: sweet!15:31
dholbachhi nik9015:42
dholbachnik90, sure15:43
dholbachnik90, just read your mail - how can I help?15:44
nik90dholbach: was I right about the duration of the presentations?15:44
dholbachnik90, dpm is a good person to ask - dpm: the two presentations for the app dev school - what do you reckon how long it takes to give the talks? 4h?15:45
nik90dholbach: also I feel that since the main purpose of the release party is to celebrate the release of 14.04, I dont think a 4 hr session is possible15:45
dpmdholbach, yes, 4 h is a good estimation.15:45
nik90dpm: is it okay to split the presentations to diffferent days?15:45
nik90due to the reason I mentioned above ^^15:46
dpmnik90, you can organize it the way you want, the presentations are there just to help bootstrap the workshop. They're not there to tell you exactly what to do. So please feel free to modify it how you see fit15:46
nik90dpm: oh okay..yeah that was my next question as to modifying the slide content15:47
CorasaaaHi all, i'm Francesco Corazza and i'm tryng to write a web app for ubuntu desktop and mobile. The app is Webogram (online version of telegram)15:47
dpmnik90, I'm running a workshop tomorrow and it'll be a dedicated event, so it'll be 2h in the morning, then lunch, then 2 hours more15:47
CorasaaaI need help, i'm in trouble15:47
dpmnik90, sure, feel free to modify the slides.15:47
nik90dpm: oh nice...good luck!15:47
nik90dpm: btw you once posted a video of the your talk on g+..do you happen to still have that link?15:48
dpmthanks :)15:48
nik90dpm: watching your talk might give me a better idea of the event15:48
dpmnik90, that was at a conference where I ran a workshop and a presentation. Unfortunately, there is no video of the workshop, which would be the most interesting thing for an app dev school, but I can dig out the link to the presentation, which was recorded15:49
nik90dpm: ok15:50
dpmnik90, http://oredev.org/2013/wed-fri-conference/ubuntu-a-potent-new-force-in-mobile15:50
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tuxd3vdoes any one know hou to rum a ssh session on the emulator?16:36
Laneyhow do I take qt creator out of full screen? :(16:37
seb128Laney, ctrl-maj-f11?16:39
Laneywhat is maj?16:39
Laneynice, that works16:40
Laneyfull screen is obnoxious16:40
Laneyyou can't get to the menus16:40
Laneyit even blocks hud16:40
seb128that's an issue for sure :/16:41
nik90tuxd3v: why do you need ssh?16:53
nik90tuxd3v: you can "adb shell" into the device and run commands directly on the device16:54
ograyou could do adb shell "start ssh" :)16:55
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nik90popey: can you help me confirm a bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/128595817:04
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1285958 in Ubuntu Clock App "Reccuring Alarm can't be set for sunday" [High,Confirmed]17:04
nik90popey: just on your desktop would be fine17:05
popeysure thing17:05
popeynik90: what do you need me to do?17:07
nik90popey: create a recurring bug which triggers on mon, tue, fri, sun and then save it17:07
popeyi set an alarm for sun,wed,fri and it saves as wed,fri17:07
nik90popey: see if the saved alarm shows sun17:08
popeyit doesnt17:08
popeywed,fri only17:08
nik90okay so you have the bug as well17:08
popey(as an aside, I would expect to see sunday at the top, but I suspect that's a cultural thing)17:08
dakerhi guys question why the camera is not 100% full screen ? we can see black borders in it17:08
nik90really weird since elopio and jenkins on their 14.04 install doesn't have that issue and I am unable to find out where exactly the issue is17:09
popeydaker: known bug17:09
dakerpopey: ok :)17:09
popeyi tried on phone, lemme try on desktop nik9017:09
nik90popey: oh I meant desktop since I have that issue on phone as well17:10
popeyworks on desktop17:10
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popeynik90: surprised you have sunday as 7 there, I thought it was 017:12
nik90popey: where do you see sunday as 7?17:13
popeyin the code17:13
popeyin alarm/AddAlarmPage.qml17:13
nik90popey: yeah I changed that to sunday 0 in my latest branch to test stuff out. But Sun is still not displayed on my desktop or phone.17:14
popeywas just a guess ☻17:15
nik90popoey: hmm so you don't see the bug on your desktop as well17:17
nik90popey ^^17:17
nik90I am starting to think something is wrong in my comp17:17
popeyyeah, i dont see it17:17
popeynik90: you up to date with the qt organizer stuff?17:18
nik90lol in the date indicator on the desktop, it shows the alarm on sunday!17:18
dakerpopey: do you have a bug # ?17:20
popeydaker: couldn't find one17:20
dakerbug #117950317:21
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1179503 in Ubuntu UX "[Camera] Black margin on right hand side of camera app" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117950317:21
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dakerpopey: can you help this guy https://plus.google.com/u/0/+FrancescoCorazza/posts/cJ42pHaQ9Je18:18
dakeri don't have a phablet-flashed phone18:19
* popey replies18:21
carakas_sorry if I just asked this, IRC crashed. Is it allowed to use a dialog for a search field with a list of sugestions ?18:24
wellsbThe new mir with mirscreencast for 4.4.2 still hasn't landed?18:25
* wellsb dislikes not being able to take screenshots18:25
ograoyu can temporary switch to SF18:27
carakas_something like this http://i.imgur.com/YlJtfjE.png18:28
nik90|afkcarakas_: you are better of using a sheet or a pagestack18:29
nik90|afkcarakas_: check out the weather app "add city" sheet18:30
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carakas_oki thx :)18:30
nik90elopio, popey: Can either of you check the following package versions and let me know  -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7011850/18:34
nik90I am trying to dissect the version at which this bug is reproducible18:35
nik90the phone has this bug but you two dont have it18:35
nik90while I have it18:35
nik90popey: The packages on the phone are the same version as the versions I mentioned in the pasteubuntu18:42
short_samHey guys question... How do I access a google account from account manager? I'm so confused as to how to access that.. Do I still need to use my client id or anything like that?18:45
short_samI looked at the online api for the sdk and I'm still lost18:46
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carakasis there a way to hide the footer with back button on the main page of a page stack ?19:10
nik90carakas: yes19:11
nik90carakas: the footer is actually a toolbar. It has two properties 1. visible 2. locked19:12
nik90carakas: check the sdk docs for more info on these19:12
carakasnik90: ok thx19:13
elopionik90: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7012106/19:24
elopioI don't have eds.19:24
elopioI need to go, bbs.19:24
nik90elopio: ok19:24
nik90elopio: ping me when you are back19:26
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ahayzenballoons, ping22:11
mhall119aquarius: ping22:12
aquariusmhall119, pong22:12
mhall119aquarius: so the video you asked me about yesterday, turns out it was actually recorded by popey22:12
aquariusindeed it was22:13
aquariusand jono did the voiceover22:13
mhall119who is running Trusty and has the qtcreator ubuntu plugins from those archives22:13
aquariusactually I suspect half of it was recorded by nik90, surely?22:13
mhall119so it seems Trusy has a newer version than in the PPA (at least for Saucy)22:13
mhall119and both bzoltan and Mirv are off enjoying their weekend already, so we will have to wait until Monday to get anything done about that22:13
nik90aquarius: nope...popey did all the recording22:14
aquariusmhall119, the reason I asked the question is that I thought that, running saucy with the PPA, I got all the new stuff. Is that now by policy not the case (that is: I have to upgrade to trusty now?) or just that the PPA lega a little?22:14
nik90aquarius: he created my name22:14
aquariusnik90, ah ok cool :)22:14
nik90mhall119: I dont have it trusty..do you have it?22:14
mhall119aquarius: so we've had a series of meetings about that, and yes the SDK *should* provide the same development tools and environment for all supported releases of Ubuntu22:14
mhall119nik90: I'm still on Saucy22:14
aquariusmhall119, ah, cool -- that's why I was asking, in case that policy had changed :)22:15
aquariusI'm cool if the PPA's *meant* to be up to date but is currently lagging behind -- these things happen, not a problem22:15
nik90mhall119, aquarius: The SDK updated have not landed in the PPA for the past 2 weeks due to the new landing change22:15
nik90I asked fginther to push the changes to the PPA22:15
mhall119aquarius: the policy hasn't, but the process has to change in order to continue with that policy, because backporting a lot of the runtime stuff is going from difficult to impossible22:15
nik90but I guess he must be busy22:15
aquariusI was worried that this meant a change in policy -- that I had to run a dev OS in order to build apps, which I don't wanna do ;)22:15
aquariusI personally think it's reasonable, once 14.04 is out, to require people to have 14.04 or later to develop apps...22:16
aquariusbecause it's an LTS.22:16
aquariusBut I don't get to decide these things :)22:16
mhall119aquarius: the goal is to use chroots and the emulator to let you target Ubuntu versions other than your host machine's version22:17
aquariusmhall119, that makes sense.22:17
aquariusI just don't want to have to run an unreleased Ubuntu in order to do things :)22:17
fginthernik90, I'm actually not able to push an updated sdk. I've asked for assistance on what the proper process should be22:17
mhall119but judging by what nik90 said, I think the blocker right now isn't related to that, but rather the landing freeze/feature freeze22:18
nik90fginther: ah okay..yeah I figured there must be a good reason why the PPA hasn't been updated.22:19
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carakasDoes your app have to be in englisch for the app showdown ?23:41
sarnoldcarakas: I think all languages are welcome..23:47

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