
BobJonkman1Since you created the Hangout, you get to be the person to add people.00:00
Cranky_and away we go...00:00
BobJonkman1#startmeeting Ubuntu Canada IRC/Video Chat for 27 February 201400:00
meetingologyMeeting started Fri Feb 28 00:00:54 2014 UTC.  The chair is BobJonkman1. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.00:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick00:00
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-ca to: Ubuntu Canada LocoTeam | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Meeting on Thursday, 27 February 2014 - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/Next | Ubuntu Canada IRC/Video Chat for 27 February 2014 Meeting | Current topic:
BobJonkman1#chair Cranky_00:00
meetingologyCurrent chairs: BobJonkman1 Cranky_00:00
BobJonkman1Hey Everybodeee!00:01
BobJonkman1Roll call! Cranky  sainte Guest32399 azend_ FiReSTaRT zykotick9 DarwinSurvivor willwh_ bregma laurelrusswurm  zul IdleOne jaguar ryanakca Chex cyphermox  MylesBraithwaite  jlamothe johanbr sipherdee00:01
Cranky_ok.. trying to invite more people now..00:02
BobJonkman1Cranky_: Just got a note that in the hangout that "This Party Is Over"00:02
BobJonkman1Technical difficulties?00:03
Cranky_it says it's broadcasting live now00:03
BobJonkman1I can see you!00:03
bregmaI see you00:03
BobJonkman1#link View the YouTube stream: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4cE294dDnk00:03
BobJonkman1Welcome to the Ubuntu Canada IRC and Video Chat meeting00:03
BobJonkman1#link Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2014/2014-02-2700:03
bregmaI'm getting no audio though00:04
BobJonkman1I can't hear Cranky_ either, but he's a quiet type00:05
BobJonkman1#link Participate in the Video Chat: https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/cmj49r3pl7fn0sbce1i5bv8513s00:05
BobJonkman1#info: To speak and be seen in the Video send your Google+ ID to +Jeff_Smith  crankyoldbugger@gmail.com or https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/116845700584173888571/101763540123089959893/00:05
BobJonkman1Please mute your microphone if you're not speaking. Headsets are recommended!00:06
BobJonkman1Please keep the text in the IRC channel so that it gets logged in the meeting minutes: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-ca00:06
BobJonkman1I could almost make that out.00:06
BobJonkman1Cranky_ sez we have two viewers, but they're not on the video00:07
BobJonkman1I think you have to add them00:07
Cranky_it says we have 4 viewers so far, but I'm only seeing myself on the screen.  no audio00:07
BobJonkman1My Google+ ID is bobjonkman@gmail.com00:07
BobJonkman1Anyway, we can start with Introductions in the IRC channel while Cranky_ adds people to the Video00:07
BobJonkman1#topic Introductions00:07
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-ca to: Ubuntu Canada LocoTeam | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Meeting on Thursday, 27 February 2014 - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/Next | Ubuntu Canada IRC/Video Chat for 27 February 2014 Meeting | Current topic: Introductions
BobJonkman1Hi! I'm Bob Jonkman, from Elmira, Ontario. I'm one of the contacts for Ubuntu Canada, and a Free Software enthusiast00:08
Cranky2try this link for fun:  https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYfZW-k14E6xxDhm5_PPDFOTe-uy-SEEt4Fn9MvpKy9uLSvpFQ00:08
Cranky_I can see Bob...00:09
BobJonkman1I'm getting a notice that my microphne is hardware muted.00:09
BobJonkman1Not so.00:09
BobJonkman1My lips are moving, but no sound is coming out00:10
BobJonkman1That sounds a lot better. Say Hi, Cranky00:10
BobJonkman1Who else do we have?00:12
BobJonkman1Say Hi, tell us where you're from and what you dowith Ubuntu00:12
* BobJonkman1 is looking for an external microphone00:12
bregmaHi!  I'm Stephen M. Webb, an engineering manager at Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, I live near Perth, Ontario00:13
BobJonkman1...and that's not Perth County :)00:13
bregmanope, it's the other Perth00:13
BobJonkman1Well, this meeting seems to be sparsely attended :(00:14
bregmaonly the quality folks here today00:15
katherinebHi from Waterloo!00:16
BobJonkman1I'm trying to find another microphone00:16
BobJonkman1Lets move on the next agenda item00:17
BobJonkman1#topic Events00:17
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-ca to: Ubuntu Canada LocoTeam | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Meeting on Thursday, 27 February 2014 - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/Next | Ubuntu Canada IRC/Video Chat for 27 February 2014 Meeting | Current topic: Events
BobJonkman1#subtopic Past Events00:17
BobJonkman1I was at the Open Data Hackathon last weekend00:17
BobJonkman1Great fun! I didnt do any coding, but took pictures and video.00:18
katherinebMe too.  I really enjoyed it.00:18
BobJonkman1You can see the page with links to the media at http://wiki.opendataday.org/Waterloo_Region00:18
BobJonkman1Hi katherineb !00:18
BobJonkman1Tell us what you worked on00:19
katherinebHi Bob!  I worked on an HTML page with javascript about police call data00:19
Cranky_Anyone who is in the Google+ group who didn't get an invite, raise your hands, please00:20
BobJonkman1Darcy (dscassel) was there too, working on the Food Premise Inspection Data, getting info on New Restaurants so it could generate notifications00:21
bregmaI released a new version of Unity 7, video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzFXRz-b3Ns&feature=youtu.be00:22
* bregma is very proud of the video00:22
Cranky_Unity 7 is coming with 14.04?00:22
BobJonkman1bregma: I recently found your Ubuntu blog too!00:22
BobJonkman1Gotta link for us?00:22
bregmauh ih....00:22
BobJonkman1That's the one! Catchy name!00:23
bregmaalthough I think I'm the only one here who uses Unity00:24
* BobJonkman1 is not a fan of Unity00:24
Cranky_I love it..00:24
BobJonkman1OK, moving on to more recent stuff00:25
BobJonkman1#subtopic Ongoing events00:25
BobJonkman1We had a pleasant Ubuntu Hour in Kitchener a couple of weeks ago00:25
BobJonkman1And azend_ had one in Guelph last week.00:25
BobJonkman1Aruna (who can't be with us tonight) is planning one for the near future in Toronto00:26
BobJonkman1And I've already scheduled the next Ubuntu Hour KW for Monday, 17 March00:26
Cranky_St. Patrick's Day?00:27
BobJonkman1It's St. Patricks Day, so I joke we're going to Thanh O'Nguyen's Vietnamese restaurant00:27
Cranky_well the Irish pubs will be a bit full00:28
Cranky_as will the Irish00:28
BobJonkman1"Tony" makes a mean Vietnamese Green Curry dish00:28
BobJonkman1#subtopic Upcoming events!00:28
BobJonkman1Lots of stuff on the horizon, what with an upcoming release and all00:29
BobJonkman1Apparently we have sound00:30
Cranky_I can hear Bob00:31
Cranky_if anyone wants a direct invite, send me your email.00:32
* BobJonkman1 has just recapped the events for the Video chat00:32
BobJonkman1Trusty Tahr 14.04 LTS is coming out on 17 April00:35
BobJonkman1genii has a release party in Toronto on the 17th,00:35
BobJonkman1with free cupcakes and coffee00:35
BobJonkman1(but you have to decorate your own cupcake)00:36
katherinebThat could be fun!00:36
BobJonkman1Next week is the Ubuntu Developer Week, followed by Ubuntu Developer Summit the week after.00:37
BobJonkman1bregma: Can you shed any insight on those events?00:37
bregmasorry, I've been too tied up in the last couple of weeks to pay attention to those events00:38
BobJonkman1Google+ video page, for refence: https://plus.google.com/events/cmj49r3pl7fn0sbce1i5bv8513s00:38
bregmaI suspect it will involve a lot of discussions about phones and apps for phones00:39
BobJonkman1What news on phone hardware?00:39
bregmaMark Shuttleworth announces two OEMs (phone manufacturers)  will be selling Ubuntu phones, probably by the end of this year00:41
BobJonkman1Ubuntu Global Jam is also coming up.00:41
BobJonkman1Last year we had a great time at Computer Recycling.00:41
BobJonkman1I hope to get Charles McColm chaslinux to host again this year00:42
BobJonkman1Or maybe dscassel can get us Kwartzlab again00:42
BobJonkman1There's an opportunity to fix bugs, install the new release, discover new bugs, write some documentation00:43
BobJonkman1And it's another excuse for an Ubuntu Social Event00:43
* BobJonkman1 and katherineb are such party animals00:43
BobJonkman1After UGJ I hope to have a release party here in KW as well.00:44
BobJonkman1dscassel promised!00:44
cagordonmissed it?00:45
Cranky_I'm thinking of doing another wipe and load when 14.04 comes out, I might bring my laptop with me00:45
BobJonkman1cagordon: Nope, we're still going.00:45
BobJonkman1Join us in the Video Chat at https://plus.google.com/events/cmj49r3pl7fn0sbce1i5bv8513s if you've got the Googles00:45
BobJonkman1I was thinking of holding the April IRC meeting on Release Day00:46
BobJonkman1So we should be able to catch the Toronto gang as they gearing up for their release party00:47
BobJonkman1Although last year it was a bit hectic having an IRC meeting in the middle of a party00:47
BobJonkman1After the release there is something called Ubuntu Open Week00:50
BobJonkman1a series of classroom events00:50
BobJonkman1I think they're being held on Google Hangouts, but there may still be a backchannel on IRC.00:51
BobJonkman1The IRC channel tends to suffer from lack of attention in Ubuntu Open Week.00:51
BobJonkman1I can tell you, it's difficult to focus your attention in two places at once00:52
BobJonkman1#link Ubuntu Open Week https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek00:52
BobJonkman1But I don't think it's updated for the new release yet00:52
BobJonkman1Jono Bacon had a blog post about it: http://www.jonobacon.org/2013/12/05/ubuntu-events-coming-up/00:53
BobJonkman1Anybody on Facebook?00:55
BobJonkman1I'd like to get a Facebook curator for an Ubuntu Canada page so that other people have a place to get information and join the Ubuntu Canada community00:56
BobJonkman1It might nice to have an Ubuntu Canada Twitter feed too.00:56
BobJonkman1I'll if anything like that exists already.00:57
BobJonkman1Oh, I guess that should have gone into "Other Stuff"00:57
BobJonkman1#topic Other Stuff00:57
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-ca to: Ubuntu Canada LocoTeam | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Meeting on Thursday, 27 February 2014 - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/Next | Ubuntu Canada IRC/Video Chat for 27 February 2014 Meeting | Current topic: Other Stuff
BobJonkman1Any other Other Stuff?00:57
katherinebDoes Ubuntu Canada have a facebook account?00:57
Cranky_the colour coding on my new headphones is backwards...00:57
BobJonkman1katherineb: I don't know...00:57
BobJonkman1katherineb: Are you on Facebook?00:58
katherinebNo and I don't want to sign up but might consider volunteering if I was just using an organizational account00:58
BobJonkman1katherineb: I think Facebook wants people accounts, not organization accounts00:59
BobJonkman1So once you're in as a person you can set up a page for an organization00:59
BobJonkman1katherineb: If you want to create an account as firstname=Ubuntu lastname=Canada I have no objections01:00
Cranky_I take that back.. this is the correct page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2212705657/?fref=ts01:00
katherinebI guess not then.  I don't want to be on facebook myself01:00
Cranky_the first one I listed is mis-using the ubuntu name for who knows what end01:01
BobJonkman1The link to the Facebook page Cranky posted can only be seen if you're logged in. So that's not for me.01:01
BobJonkman1Alrighty then, probably time to wrap it up01:02
BobJonkman1Any last words from anyone?01:02
BobJonkman1Next IRC/Video Chat will be on Thursday, 27 March at the usual time01:03
BobJonkman1I think we'll have the kinks worked out of the video by then01:03
BobJonkman1I've asked Jeff to start the video at 6:58pm EST so that we can adjust the rabbit ears before the meeting starts01:03
BobJonkman1OK, goodnight everybodeee!01:04
katherinebGood night !01:04
Cranky_goodnight everybody01:04
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-ca to: Ubuntu Canada LocoTeam | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Meeting on Thursday, 27 February 2014 - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/Next
meetingologyMeeting ended Fri Feb 28 01:05:01 2014 UTC.01:04
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-ca/2014/ubuntu-ca.2014-02-28-00.00.moin.txt01:04
Cranky_be sure to join our Google + page if you haven't already01:05
BobJonkman1That's at https://plus.google.com/116845700584173888571/posts01:05
=== BobJonkman1 changed the topic of #ubuntu-ca to: Ubuntu Canada LocoTeam | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/Next on Thursday, 27 March 2014 7pm EDT
azend_missed another one01:25
azend_I have an excuse! My mother's car broke down and needed to be limped to the doctor01:25
azend_I ended up being a support vehicle01:26
BobJonkman1New movie: "Azend, my life as a Support Vehicle"01:28
Cranky_next month try the video chat.  March 27th.  find us on Google+ for all the details (https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/116845700584173888571/)01:28
BobJonkman1Cranky_: That was fast!01:29
Cranky_sometimes I can actually make it look like I know what I'm doing...  sometimes!01:31

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