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=== cmiller_ is now known as CardinalFang
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darkxstdesrt, ping04:46
darkxstdesrt, did you see Bug 1284017?04:48
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1284017 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell crashed with SIGABRT in g_thread_abort()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128401704:48
=== cmiller_ is now known as CardinalFang
pittiGood morning05:22
czajkowskipitti: you're up very early!07:48
pitticzajkowski: heh, yes07:48
czajkowskipitti: just too excited to be working on Trusty you're here so early :p07:49
pittiwell, I'll call it a day early today, as we're going to the Alps for some days of hiking and skiing :)07:50
czajkowskioh lovely07:50
didrockspitti: oh nice! Seeing how it's raining here, you should start to have some snow :)07:53
pittibonjour didrocks07:53
pittididrocks: ah, sunny here, but it's going to rain tomorrow :/07:53
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti07:53
=== popey_ is now known as popey
pittibut Sunday they promised 9 hours of sun07:53
pittiso, hiking tomorrow, skiing on Sunday :)07:53
czajkowskididrocks: now you know how people living in england feel all day long in winter, rain! and lots of it07:53
czajkowskiand ireland :)07:54
didrocksczajkowski: heh, yeah ;) It's already the second day and I'm bored by the weather :p07:54
didrockspitti: excellent, I hope you'll enjoy :)07:54
pittididrocks: merci07:55
pittididrocks: I took Mon/Tue off, so nice long weekend07:55
* didrocks wonders if he shouldn't take holidays until the image is green again :)07:56
didrockslike 2 weeks07:56
didrocksqt 5.2 should be done by then07:56
didrocksmaybe even the scope transition07:56
didrocksand AP python307:56
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
seb128good morning desktopers, happy friday!09:05
seb128Laney, hey, how are you?09:06
Laneyhappy friday seb128! I'm good thanks, looking forward to the weekend ;-)09:09
seb128I'm good as well, thanks09:09
seb128same, w.e soon! though some work to get done before that ;-)09:09
seb128update-manager is less bored this morning :p09:10
seb128Laney, can you hint britney to try gnome-session and ubuntu-settings updates together?09:10
Laneylemme see09:13
Laneypushed that09:20
seb128Laney, thanks09:21
Laneypitti: hey, can you do me a favour using your TB powers please?09:31
LaneyArchive Upload Rights for gunnarhj: archive 'primary', source package 'ubuntu-doc'09:31
LaneyI think that there was a typo when Stéphane granted this09:32
seb128Laney, the grouped hint worked09:42
pittiLaney: ah, let me find  out how that work09:42
seb128pitti, hey, wie gehts?09:42
Laneypitti: edit-acl from lp:ubuntu-archive-tools09:42
Laneyalso, yeah, happy friday ;-)09:42
Laneyedit-acl -p gunnarhj -s ubuntu-doc remove then -s ubuntu-docs add AFAIK09:43
pitti$ edit-acl -p gunnarhj query09:44
pitti== All rights for gunnarhj ==09:44
pittiArchive Upload Rights for gunnarhj: archive 'primary', source package 'language-selector'09:44
pittiArchive Upload Rights for gunnarhj: archive 'primary', source package 'accountsservice'09:44
pittiArchive Upload Rights for gunnarhj: archive 'primary', source package 'ubuntu-docs'09:44
pittiLaney: better?09:44
Laneypitti: looks good to me, thankk you!09:44
seb128pitti, there is a gvfs 1.19.5 -> 90 update, do you want to have a look to it?09:45
seb128Laney, glib-networking in the same case in you are want to do it09:45
pittiseb128: can do in parallel to upgrade testing, just need to do something for jibel ATM09:46
Laneyseb128: noted it down, ty09:46
seb128pitti, no hurry, thanks09:46
seb128Laney, thanks ;-)09:46
Laneycool, someone did it in debian already09:47
Laneyshould be a sync ...09:47
pittilikewise, I'll merge our gvfs with Debian then09:47
deniswnice to see nautilus also having a classic menu bar now :)09:49
larsuochosi: the nautilus patch adds the menubar when the Gtk/shell-shows-menubar xsetting is set09:52
larsuotherwise you'd get a menubar inside the nautilus window, which is weird with the current design09:53
pittiseb128: do you know why we have a separate gvfs-backends-goa binary?09:53
seb128pitti, because we don't want goa09:53
seb128we use uoa09:53
ochosilarsu: oh, i see. thanks for clearing that up!09:58
seb128hey ochosi, larsus10:00
larsuseb128: hi!10:01
seb128larsu, wie gehts? happy friday!10:01
ochosihey seb128 :)10:01
larsuseb128: I'm okay thanks! And you?10:01
ochosioh, viele deutschsprachige hier? :)10:01
ochosi(never noticed)10:01
larsuochosi: seb128 tut nur so ;)10:02
seb128larsu, I'm good thanks10:02
ochosiall looking forward to the weekend i suppose?10:03
seb128oh yes, it has been a busy week again ;-)10:05
* seb128 could use some extra sleep and recharging of batteries10:05
ochosi(lucky people, poor leisure-time contributors don't have these kind of weekends)10:05
seb128(yeah, we can't complain ;-)10:06
ochosiseb128: still post-FF exhausted?10:06
seb128yeah, a bit, but things are getting better10:06
ochosigood that there's at least hope at the end of the (release) tunnel10:10
seb128yeah, it's not bad, good to see things landing and work done10:11
seb128it's just that when you in the middle of doing the actual reviews/landings/uploads you up being overwhelmed the ff week when everybody tries to finish their thing and get it in ;-)10:12
ochosiyup, in a way that always seems to be the same each release (although LTS seems tougher)10:15
seb128why is cheese complaining about "Error during camera setup: One or more needed GStreamer elements are missing: cluttervideosink."10:23
seb128gstreamer1.0-clutter is installed10:23
seb128shrug, removing ~/.cache/gstreamer-1.0/registry fixed it...10:28
seb128(same mentioned on https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1047389)10:28
LaneyI think there's a blacklisting10:28
Laneycould conceivably be hybris fallout10:29
ubot2`bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1047389 in cheese "cheese fails to start, prints error message "One or more needed GStreamer elements are missing: cluttervideosink"" [Medium,Assigned]10:29
seb128how so? like it failed to init once and got blacklisted?10:29
seb128hum, k, that's quite suboptimal10:30
seb128reminds me off compiz unloading the unityshell plugin if you happen to hit a bug which makes it not load correctly :p10:30
pittiseb128: gvfs two-way merged, tested, uploaded10:36
seb128pitti, danke!10:43
seb128pitti, speaking of gvfs, that reminds me I should open a bug about the "ipod are displayed with an usb key icon" issue10:44
seb128pitti, jfyi, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/128607210:49
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1286072 in gvfs (Ubuntu) "ipod displayed with an usb key icon" [Undecided,New]10:49
ritzcyphermox, ping, wrt https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-applet/+bug/1116317 . Do you plan to pull in the patches from debian into trusty ?11:15
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1116317 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu Raring) "[ffe] allow option to create user connections by default" [Medium,In progress]11:15
om26erseb128, hey! Can i get this reviewed https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/ubuntu-system-settings/pep8_pyflakes_fix/+merge/207966 ?11:15
om26erit doesn't change the actual test code, just makes it nice. more will follow11:16
seb128om26er, hey, I saw it, I'm a bit busy but I'm going to try to have a look11:16
seb128I've not a lot of clue about pep8 and pyflakes though11:16
Laneydo/can you add a test to run those linters so that we don't go backwards in that regard?11:17
om26erseb128, just run 'pep8' on the tests dir and if it does not show any errors then the code is good ;)11:17
om26ersame for pyflakes11:17
seb128what Laney said as well11:17
om26erCI have a hook for that, I'll get that added for uss11:24
LaneyI meant in the source11:25
didrocksLaney: do you know how to make an armhf chdist?11:36
LaneyI have done it before11:37
didrocksI have done: chdist --arch=armhf create trusty-armhf http://ports.ubuntu.com trusty "main universe restricted multiverse"11:37
Laneythat's not the same thing as knowing though11:37
didrocksahah :)11:37
Laneycan you use the chdists on snakefruit?11:37
didrocksbut it's trying to get i386 on ports.ubuntu.com11:37
didrockssure, but would have been better to not use snakefruit resources and have a local one :)11:37
didrocksI'm really unsure why it's trying to getch i38611:39
Laneyfor multiarch I guess11:40
didrocksoh, it should be enabled, good point!11:40
Laneyyou can say deb [arch=blah] ...  in sources.list11:41
didrocksI wanted to avoid that but mhhh :)11:42
LaneyI'm guessing that it uses the dpkg configuration from your host11:44
didrocksLaney: yeah, I was trying to find any clue in the chdist config and nothing11:45
didrocksLaney: so you're probably riht11:45
didrockslet me check if I can override that the other way around11:45
didrockstelling "no foreign arch please"11:45
didrockssetting a list of arch doesn't work11:48
didrocksso yeah, probably taking the host config11:48
Laneydidrocks: yeah if I use a chroot without i386 to update it it works11:57
didrocksLaney: yeah, I tried with the arch restriction, only way I found for now :/11:58
Laneyhave a chroot with chdist installed to do updates11:58
didrocksyeah, that can be a solution. I don't use it enough though, but possible. Thanks for the hint Laney!12:03
Laneyin that case I'd just use the one you have access to on snakefruit :-)12:04
didrocksyeah, will not hesitate to do that next time directly I guess :)12:05
LaneyI have it symlinked into my home directory to avoid having to sudo or mess around12:06
didrocksahah :)12:10
Laneycrisis: run out of milk, still tea left in the pot12:12
Laneysend help12:12
didrockstea without milk should be mandatory12:14
didrocksthat's on the list :)12:14
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
Sweetsharkritz: how urgent is it to get bug 1200277 fixed in the archive? I think we'll do another upload for trusty anyway before release, but dont see much movement in precise/3.5.12:21
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1200277 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "[LibreOffice] - libreoffice-writer.desktop when drag/drop to desktop, 100% broken. " [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120027712:21
Sweetshark^^ seb12812:21
ritzSweetshark, not very12:21
Sweetsharkritz: cool, thanks.12:22
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
desrtdarkxst: i did.... unfortunately i'm having a difficult time with my computer... it keeps rebooting when i try to compile stuff13:04
desrtdarkxst: new one is in the mail today :)13:04
ritzchrisccoulson, hi, any thoughts on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird/+bug/1281887 ?13:04
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1281887 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "upgrade thunderbird to 24.3.0" [Undecided,New]13:04
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
asacseb128: is uss using private qt headers?13:14
seb128asac, not that I know, why?13:15
asacseb128: because you landed qt5.2 fixes13:15
asacseb128: and people are currently operating on the assumption tha tunles you use private headers13:15
asacseb128: qt will no break you13:15
asacso if you neded fixes it means we can never use a qt point release as a drop in replace in future13:16
asacso i need hard data as this will change the way we think about qt substantially13:16
seb128there was one tweak for tests, nothing for build/run for the code I think13:16
asacseb128: only valid cases for breakage are: a) private headers or b) qreal13:16
Laneywhat 5.2 fix?13:17
asacseb128: can you validate? we want to ensure we triple test all our apps without bulding them against qt5.213:17
asacso we get the data to decide what to do in the future13:17
seb128Laney, asac: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~system-settings-touch/ubuntu-system-settings/trunk/revision/57113:17
seb128that's the only change we had for 5.2 issues13:18
chrisccoulsonritz, when I get some spare time13:25
chrisccoulsonit's not my main focus anymore13:26
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, how are you?13:26
seb128chrisccoulson, since the recent firefox update I've a "Firefox" menu on the left of the tabs is that known?13:27
chrisccoulsonseb128, ill. my daughter has given me a cold. how are you?13:27
seb128chrisccoulson, get better!13:27
chrisccoulsonseb128, oh, i've not seen that. i don't think that's intentional13:27
seb128I'm good thanks13:28
seb128hum, I wonder if that's a problem with my profile or some integration bit missing13:28
seb128I've the menu in the unity panel though13:28
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's not meant to happen13:28
ritzchrisccoulson, thanks :)13:28
seb128but you don't see the issue?13:29
chrisccoulsoni don't13:29
seb128hum, k :/13:29
chrisccoulsonalthough, the integration is quite broken with the new australis theme anyway13:29
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i think i've had enough of v8 for one day13:34
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xnoxseb128: did you notice http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/desktop/amd64/20140224/6808/health-check/813406/ ?13:53
seb128Laney, rb looks fine to me, if you still want to sponsor it14:37
=== CardinalFang is now known as qengho
seb128xnox, no, didn't notice, I don't watch those logs14:41
seb128shrug, I hate suspend/inhibits14:46
seb128the "don't suspend on lid close when on power" doesn't work (or need to restart u-s-d, going to try that in a bit)14:47
=== alex_abreu is now known as alex-abreu
seb128bregma, hey, any sign of an unity landing? (having the fixes from Trevinho in, and a build on ppc64el so it can migrates to trusty, would be nice)15:00
bregmaseb128, the ever-growing HDPI tweak MP is going to some thorough testing before we try to land it:  it's not a good Friday landing candidate15:07
seb128bregma, :/15:07
seb128bregma, having it in a silo would mean it's easy for others to test15:07
seb128bregma, and you can trigger rebuilds if new commits arrive15:08
bregmaand the ppc64el failure makes no sense, in that there's no reason for a piece of code untouched for over a year should start failing to compile, unless the build machine itself is unstable15:08
seb128I retried the build, failed again15:08
seb128they changed the toolchain on ppc64el to default to -O315:08
seb128so maybe an issue there?15:08
seb128though the log has undefined references, that shouldn't be coming for -O changes...15:09
bregmaseb128, we have a bunch of other small fixes to land in Unity (mostly AP test fixes) I'm more interested i getting out of the way first so we can have more reliable testing of the big change15:09
seb128bregma, well, fine by me, I just want to see the lockscreen stuff to land, and that seems less and less likely since that's coming after HiDPI and HiDPI is still not landed :/15:10
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
qenghoI have this new machine, running saucy, and I'm trying to build on it "bzr bd --builder=pdebuild". pbuilder doesn't download any of the build-deps, though. "Depends: python but it is not going to be installed." "Aborted".  Any ideas?15:14
qengho>   http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7010845/15:15
ograhow the heck do i tell my laptop to not pop up notifications for meetings asnd ring horridly loudly when i have meetings scheduled15:15
ograit preferably does that when locked and sitting next to my girlfriend while i'm away in the office15:16
ograthe popup has a "show" button, but nothing opens if i click it .... only "dismiss" seems to work15:16
qenghoogra: I had to "killall indicator-datetime-service"15:17
ogra(it goes on for hourse if i dont unlock and dismiss)15:17
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ograqengho, not an option for my GF15:17
qenghoogra: Plug in headphones to mute until you return?15:17
ograi would just like to quieten it with an option or so15:17
ograqengho, right, muting is what i do when i think of it in advance15:18
ograbut i fail that at times ... meaning she sits here with a loud ringing thing for 2h15:18
ograi dont suppose we want to release like that15:18
qenghoogra: A "silence alarms" button on the lock screen would be nice.15:19
ograwell, i would prefer a way to switch sound for alarms off completely in the system-settings15:19
seb128ogra, qengho: upgrade, the fix for that bug landed yesterday15:20
* ogra hugs seb128 15:20
ograawesome !15:20
seb128ogra, hugs go to charles who did the fixing15:20
* ogra hugs charles too15:21
qenghoI guess I had to create the pbuilder image with "universe" component, but that doesn't explain the refusal to install things like "python".  Ah well.15:43
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seb128Laney, did you see my ping about rb? do you still want to sponsor it?15:56
Laneyseb128: sorry, must have missed it15:57
Laneyfeel free to do that15:57
seb128Laney, I don't want to steal it from you, you started it and have a tree with the archive uploads, etc ;-)15:58
seb128I just test run the binary15:58
Laneythey should be in larsu's bzr branch15:58
LaneyI think he merged from me15:58
LaneyI can do it, but finishing up the reset tests atm15:59
seb128I can do it if you want, as said you started on it so I didn't want to "hijack"15:59
Laneydon't mind15:59
seb128ok, so I'm doing it15:59
Laneygreat, cheers15:59
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
seb128bregma, I can reproduce the ppc64el unity build issue btw, by building with O3 on my intel box16:00
seb128so it is -O3 by default on ppc64el creating the bug16:01
bregmaseb128, I'm trying to do that, too, but I have a slow machine16:01
seb128unity takes ages to build16:01
seb128took me 30min to hit the error16:01
seb128(4 years old i5 laptop)16:01
bregmaI can try stripping that option from CXXFLAGS and forcing -O2 in an MP in today's landing16:01
seb128please make sure that any rules hackery doesn't eat -g again though :p16:02
seb128well, if it's on ppc64el only it should be fine16:02
=== greyback|food is now known as greyback
Sweetsharkseb128: MIR and FFE galore: bug 1285424, bug 1276252 and bug 1286216. Comments appreciated.16:28
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1285424 in hunspell-fr (Ubuntu) "[MIR] hunspell-fr" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128542416:28
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1276252 in fonts-crosextra-carlito (Ubuntu) "[MIR] Caladea and Carlito fonts, essential fallback fonts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127625216:28
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1286216 in Ubuntu "[FFE] new package libreoffice-dictionaries" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128621616:28
Sweetsharkseb128: The MIRs are already CC'ed to the MIR team, the FFE not yet to the release team, would love a quick nod-off from you first.16:29
seb128ok, looking16:29
seb128Sweetshark, yeah, they all 3 make sense to me. for the FFE maybe specify if it superseed the openoffice one totally/if that one can be dropped from the archive for the LTS16:38
Sweetsharkseb128: thanks. added a note to the description and cc'ed ubuntu-release16:42
seb128Sweetshark, thanks16:44
=== robru is now known as robru-sick
LaneyQDEBUG : PluginsTest::testResetInPlugin() reset function in plugin16:46
LaneyINFO   : PluginsTest::testResetInPlugin() Did not receive message: "reset function in plugin"16:46
Laneythanks qt16:46
seb128gatox_lunch, your click u-s-s branch fails to build on a missing "fakedownloader.h", where can I find it?16:46
seb128Laney, hum?16:47
Laneythe message is there16:48
Laneybut the test says it doesn't see it16:48
seb128\n difference?16:48
Laneyhmm maybe16:48
Laneyit works with a console.log() message from js16:49
seb128print "!%s!" and see if the second "!" is on a new line :p16:49
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
gatoxseb128, it shouldn't be there.... i forgot to remove that include, removing it17:02
seb128gatox, thanks17:02
Laneyseb128: hahaha seems qDebug inserts an extra space at the end17:09
seb128Laney,  https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/unity-settings-daemon/backport-small-bugfixes/+merge/208816 please17:09
seb128Laney, "nice"17:09
seb128go Qt!17:09
Laneyanyway, woo tests etc17:10
Laneyyou want that usd thing in today?17:10
seb128Laney, I've a silo with that mp in it17:10
seb128but I'm not going to publish until it's accepted17:10
seb128and yeah, there were some other fixes I wanted to land today17:10
seb128that's a 2 liner, as safe as it can get17:10
Laneyoh you17:11
Laneydidn't i see a comment with the upstream commits?17:11
seb128yeah, I had one with more backports, but it turned out to be buggy17:12
Laneyyou superseded it?17:12
seb128so I wipped it out and make that one with the obvious changes17:12
Laneyok, I just wanted to click on them17:12
Laneywhat happened to https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/?id=96b3a1d980f3ccd2a9f42ca669592014c0a9b44c ?17:13
Laneywas that the buggy one?17:13
seb128we already have it in our try17:13
seb128the buggy one was the power changes17:13
seb128they conflict with ubuntu-lid-action diff we have17:13
seb128in our *tree*17:14
Laneyoh ok17:15
seb128I ended up backporting only https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/?id=17b0a43b3f7d2fe31d25a95850489bb3a869bcb7 and https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/?id=f48210a591bef31b2a691ed88d01c95fdd63f32f17:15
seb128Laney, btw the lid stuff is buggy for me17:15
seb128if I set "do nothing on lid close when on power" and close the lead of my docked laptop, it goes to suspend :/17:15
seb128doh, I start being tired, should read what I type17:16
Laneyask p_itti about it on monday i guess17:17
seb128yeah, I plan to17:17
seb128I'm going to test undocked and after a session restart as well17:17
gatoxseb128, done17:22
seb128gatox, thanks17:25
seb128Laney, sooo17:30
seb128Laney, https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-settings/+activereviews ... do you have an opinion on what we should land next?17:30
seb128what about17:31
seb128those 3, seems a safe batch for a friday evening17:32
seb128we can land the ringtone and reset on monday?17:32
Laneythat's quite small17:32
LaneyI didn't check if it conflicts with the click-updates one17:32
Laneythose three seem fine17:35
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* didrocks waves good evening and good week-end!17:53
seb128oh, IRC is back18:19
dobeyis gnome-settings-daemon supposed to get uninstalled automagically?18:21
desrtso xps13... this is fun19:17
dobeydesrt: eh? how so?20:18
desrtdobey: new laptop just came with ubuntu preinstall20:19
desrtand a nice ubuntu logo on the bottom :)20:19
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=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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