
=== swiss_ is now known as swiss
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alkisgWill ubuntu gnome 14.04 be an LTS release?06:51
=== makije|away is now known as makije
=== makije is now known as makije|away
=== makije|away is now known as makije
=== makije is now known as makije|away
=== makije|away is now known as makije
=== makije is now known as makije|away
=== makije|away is now known as makije
eichenwaldanybody having issues with gnome shell extension installation19:09
eichenwaldon 14.0419:09
[Ch4m3l30n]If I have Chrome running when trying to restart Gnome-Shell, it hangs at the gray static screen until I kill or SIGSTOP Chrome. Anybody else experience that?20:37
=== makije is now known as makije|away
aliasbodyHi Everyone.23:26
aliasbodyCould anyone help me understand why I can't compile gnome-panel from source ? It says : checking for xmllint... xmllint23:27
aliasbodyUsing config source xml:merged:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults for schema installation23:27
aliasbodyUsing $(sysconfdir)/gconf/schemas as install directory for schema files23:27
aliasbodyconfigure: creating ./config.status23:27
aliasbodyconfig.status: error: cannot find input file: `Makefile.in'23:27
darkxstaliasbody, how are you building it?23:31
aliasbodydarkxst, I've downloaded the sources by doing "apt-get source gnome-panel", I've made the modifications in the sources and then I've just build it by doing "./configure"23:32
darkxstyou possibly need to run autoconf first, however if you are using the debian source, then use that to build it as well (you changes will need to go into quilt patches first)23:33
darkxsttry: dpkg-source --commit23:33
darkxstthen dpkg-buildpackage23:33
aliasbodydpkg-source: info: 'dpkg-source --commit' is not supported by the source format '1.0'23:34
darkxstedit debian/source/format23:34
darkxstto "3.0 (quilt)23:34
aliasbodyin the source folder right ? Because there is no debian/source, Just a debian folder with a patches folder and the normal debian files23:35
aliasbodyHow can I do this ?23:54
Noskcajaliasbody, Just make debian/source/format yourself23:55
NoskcajWhat version of ubuntu are you on?23:55
aliasbodyNow I have a differente error23:59

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