
slickymasterWorkI think it will be wuick16:10
slickymasterWorkas no one has even answered the mail on ML, I think we ought to move forward with the integration of the team in the Doc Team16:11
knomeyeah, sounds fair16:11
slickymasterWorkis there any bureaucracy needed16:11
knomehas geoff answered in PM?16:11
knomedo you want to wait for that, or do you think it's okay to go ahead without it?16:11
slickymasterWorkbut as far as I could get from some of his posts in UF he acknowledged it16:12
knomeok, so, let me think16:12
knomefirst, you need to send an email saying we're doing this now16:12
slickymasterWorkIMO we should go ahead, there's no point on dragging it16:12
knomesomeone needs to ask #ubuntu-ops to forward this channel to #ubuntu-doc once we're ready with it16:13
knomethe LP team can be deleted, but of course you should invite everybody to other doc teams16:13
knomeor, well, it can stay if you want to16:13
knomei guess that doesn't matter much16:13
knomethe mailing list is LP only as well?16:13
knomeyou should edit the LP team to tell people to use the -doc mailing list16:13
slickymasterWorkyeah, the mailing list is only LP, it's not as ubuntu one16:14
knomeand maybe send a mail to that list telling "these people will start using this list, with this [tag]"16:14
knomeiirc, you can deactivate the mailing list16:14
knomeyourself, that is16:14
knomethat would be sane16:14
knomeif there are forum threads, they can keep existing16:15
knomebut you might want to send an URL to those to the -doc list as well16:15
knomethen you probably want to move the team wiki stuff around a bit16:15
slickymasterWorkas far as the name changing in the wiki, can I do it (permissions wise?)16:15
knomei can do it16:15
slickymasterWorkok, I'll get all the motion started this weekend16:16
knomei'll do the wiki name change now16:16
slickymasterWorkok, thanks16:16
knomeno problem16:16
slickymasterWorkbelkinsa ^^16:17
knomeok, rename done, and NewDocs redirected to PopularPage16:17
slickymasterWorkthat covers it for now16:18
knomei'll change all the links in that wiki to point to the new page16:18
slickymasterWorkwhile you're at it :)16:18
slickymasterWorkhmmm, think I'm also going to post something in the UF thread16:20
knomeyeah, that too16:20
knomethe alphabet pages need updating for the banners.16:23
knomebut i kept NewDocs/Banner for now16:24
slickymasterWorkisn't there any sort of script that would allow you to rename the url's16:24
knomedon't know16:25
knomei mean, i can rename the pages16:25
knomebut not easily batch-edit the pages16:26
slickymasterWorkbut there are quite a few of them, to be renamed16:26
knomebut they work for now, so no problem16:26
knomedo it while you go really16:26
knomeor take 15mins to do it ;)16:26
slickymasterWorkwhen renaming, is there something that has to be done to the ancient page? deletion of sorts?16:27
knomei redirected the old page to the new page16:28
knomebut not the subpages16:28
slickymasterWorkbelkinsa: go through today's backlog please18:01
belkinsaslickymaster (or slickymasterWork) ping18:36
slickymasterWorkpong if it's real fast belkinsa18:38
belkinsaAre you going to talk to #ubuntu-ops about fowarding the channel?18:38
slickymasterWorkyes, but not just now though18:39
belkinsaOkay, just checking.18:39
slickymasterWorkbut we're not obliged to18:39
slickymasterWorkit's just that it doesn't make much sense keeping this channel once everything is done with18:39
belkinsaI know.  But I think the Doc mailing-list needs another prefix.18:40
slickymasterWorkI thought you were already working on that18:40
slickymasterWorkat least from what I recall from your mailing list18:41
pleia2couldn't it just be part of [Wiki] ?18:41
pleia2(I would prefer that)18:41
belkinsaI guess so.18:41
slickymasterWorkwhat pleia2?18:41
pleia2slickymasterWork: the mailing list prefix18:41
belkinsaA prefix for NewDocs or whatever it's calle.d18:42
slickymasterWorkyes, and it would saner18:42
slickymasterWorkPopularPages, as of unofficially today, and officially tomorrow18:43
belkinsaSounds good.18:43
slickymasterWorkI have to go now, but I'll be back after dinner18:44
knomethe alphabet pages now point to the PopularPages/Banner page.23:49
slickymastergreat knome, thanks23:50
belkinsaThanks knome.23:50
knomeso, is ya no a real person, or a bot?23:51
slickymasterI0ve already emailed the ML, posted in the UF, and edited the LP page stating that from tomorrow NewDocs will cease to exist in the present format23:51
pleia2great work everyone23:51
slickymastertks pleia223:51
pleia2my day off begins in a couple hours, so I'll take the opportunity now to /part here, see you in -doc ;)23:51
knomeyes, let's empty this channel23:52
belkinsaSame, and remove from my favorites23:53
knomeyano, hai.23:53
slickymasterbefore that knome how do I ask #ubuntu-ops to forward this channel to #ubuntu-doc23:53
belkinsaWe need to remove jenni, yano.23:53
yanoah, okay23:53
knomeyano, cheers23:54
belkinsayano, https://lists.launchpad.net/newdocs/msg00403.html23:54
knomeyano, welcome to #ubuntu-doc23:55
slickymasterknome: does this channel has to be active to ask #ubuntu-ops to forward it to #ubuntu-doc?23:57
knomei'm asking about it23:58
belkinsaWell, it's time to update my wiki page.23:59

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