
=== chu_ is now known as chu
ubottuoxford called the ops in #ubuntu ()06:43
ubottuIn ubottu, karthick871 said:     If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.07:17
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PriceyUnit193: Howdy? :-/08:54
bazhang<MarkDavies> hi. Where does exactly the version of vim for Ubuntu come from?10:03
bazhangfrom debain?10:03
Unit193Pricey: Heh, play off of "we're all friends, lets talk"10:04
bazhangapart from unity, what isnt10:04
Unit193Kernel, firefox, etc.10:05
bazhangiceweasel is it?10:05
Unit193Yeah, doesn't sync, nor does chromium.10:05
bazhangand thunderbird is icemonkey?10:06
knomepeyam doing some acting up in #xubuntu, have him on PM now12:57
knome@mark #xubuntu peyam acting up on #xubuntu againg: arguing and insisting developers to do changes that please him; talked with him in PM, explained why his attitude is faulty. he promised to consider his attitude in the future.13:31
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:31
AlanBell /last ops13:48
knomelast ops fail? yeah, i guess that'll happen.13:48
AlanBell!no ops-#ubuntu-ops is <reply> Thanks for letting us know you are here, someone will be along presently13:51
ubottuI'll remember that AlanBell13:51
ubottuThanks for letting us know you are here, someone will be along presently13:51
ubottuAlanBell called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()13:51
AlanBellproblem fixed?13:51
Picisounds good to me13:51
PiciI highlight on the call itself.13:51
AlanBellstaff as well?13:51
AlanBellI mean, should I do that to the !staff call?13:52
PiciPersonally, I think we should forget ¡staff13:52
* Pricey is easy13:53
AlanBellI think I agree, I am more than happy to find people, mention staff and wait or use /stats p to find people13:53
AlanBellI don't see why users should have an easy way to bother freenode staffers13:54
PiciThey're probably all ignoring any hilights from Ubuntu channels because of this anyway ;)13:54
AlanBellI haven't seen it being used constructively13:54
PiciI don't think it has had a use for a few years.13:54
AlanBellok, I forgot how to forget things13:54
Piciubottu: forget staff13:54
ubottuI'll forget that, Pici13:54
PriceyThere're a few puns in there.14:04
Piciphunyguy: amireldor has been pm'ing me over the past few days and not saying anything meaningful, all after I kicked him from #ubuntu for some sort of annoying behavior (I don't even remember what it was) so good luck18:46
phunyguyyeah I have muted him before18:48
phunyguyPici: ^18:48
PiciYesterday he asked me if I was around, when I replied yes he said 'hold on' an then never said anything else.18:48
bazhang<amireldor> bekks: #ubuntu-offtopic are just making fun at me :q18:49
bazhangfrom #u18:49
phunyguyyeah that's not true at all.18:52
Picijust as true as that traitor bazhang ever says :P18:53
FlannelI don't know who owns Gilles.19:52
AlanBelloh, a bot, don't recognise the name20:06
FlannelI didn't find anyone with lastlog and the IP/host/whatever20:10
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knomewe need #ubuntu-newdocs clean, and forwarded to #ubuntu-doc23:54
knomecurrently, the channel has ubot5 and ubuntulog223:54
Unit193knome: Alrighty, AlanBell should be able to do it, so I just poked him (was around.)23:59
Unit193I would think you'd contact rt about the log bot though.23:59

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