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sgo11hi, I heard unity 8 is faster. will that be faster than lxde? thanks.03:26
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didrocksSaviq: hey, mind doing a special unity8 delivery containing the cleanup socket fix?06:59
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davidcalleSaviq or tsdgeos, ping09:16
tsdgeosdavidcalle: hi09:16
davidcalletsdgeos, hey ! Do you have an ETA for header attributes and emblem?09:17
tsdgeosyou're going to need Saviq for that sorry :D09:17
tsdgeosi mean for the ETA09:17
davidcalletsdgeos, thanks :)09:19
Saviqdidrocks, will do09:25
didrocksSaviq: thanks! please stick that in your landing :)09:26
vinihi, how can i update unity to the most recent release?09:36
Saviqvini, how do you usually update software in ubuntu?09:37
vinihi Saviq09:37
vinii mean beta and early versions, not final09:38
Saviqvini, you'll have to update to the ubuntu development release (trusty)09:38
vinineed fresh install?09:39
Saviqvini, no, http://askubuntu.com/questions/12909/how-do-i-upgrade-to-the-development-release-aka-ubuntu109:39
Saviqmzanetti, are you in a state to review / test https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/drop-stale-socket/+merge/196917 ?09:40
vinithanks Saviq09:40
Saviqdidrocks, icanhassilo for row 28?09:40
Saviqdidrocks, actually, since you wrote I can get the other things...09:41
Saviqlet me09:41
Saviqdidrocks, or actually... you didn't comment on row 17? does the comment for 16 apply?09:42
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viniSaviq, there is an option to update only unity? not the whole distro09:49
Saviqvini, you could try, but that's not guaranteed to work - unity has quite some dependencies that would have to be pulled in anyway09:50
viniok thank you09:51
Saviqvini, https://wiki.debian.org/AptPreferences#Pinning has some info on how to do that09:51
Saviqvini, or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto for more ubuntu-style docs09:52
vini2nd link is more preffered, thanks09:53
didrocksSaviq: so, yeah, if you want to stich more in, it's now or never! :)10:10
Saviqdidrocks, !!!10:10
* Saviq does10:10
didrocksSaviq: line 17 can land, after discussing with xnox, it's not activated until line 16 lands10:10
Saviqdidrocks, ah, so let me stick all that into line 1610:10
didrocksSaviq: sure10:11
didrocksSaviq: please do take care of the landing as per my email10:11
didrockswhen testing10:11
Saviqdidrocks, will do10:11
didrockswe really need to be extra cautious10:11
didrocksthanks :)10:11
Saviqdidrocks, ok, row 17 ready10:15
didrockssil2100: I'm assigning it ^10:15
didrocksSaviq: "exterminating" the other line?10:15
Saviqdidrocks, already did10:16
Saviqor not10:16
Saviqnow dii10:16
didrocksSaviq: mind being a little bit more descriptive than "Unity8 update"?10:16
Saviqdidrocks, right10:16
Saviqdidrocks, done10:17
didrocksSaviq: silo 008 is yours10:18
Saviqdidrocks, \o/10:18
Saviqdidrocks, no it isn't :/10:18
Saviqoh now it updated10:19
didrocksah, be patient :)10:19
SaviqI even refreshed!10:19
didrocksGAS are taking some times to recompute ;)10:19
tsdgeosanyone not using qt5.210:25
tsdgeoscan you run unity8 on the desktop10:25
tsdgeosand tell me if you get10:25
tsdgeosfile:///home/tsdgeos_work/phablet/unity8/unity8/qml/Shell.qml:761:5: QML Binding: Binding loop detected for property "target"10:25
tsdgeoson startup?10:25
Saviqtsdgeos, upgrading10:26
tsdgeosSaviq: upgrading? i said "not" using 5.210:26
Saviqtsdgeos, ah10:26
tsdgeosok, ignore, that's not the binding that is breaking the phone10:27
Saviqtsdgeos, yes, it's there10:28
tsdgeosok, tx10:28
Saviqhuh, btw10:28
Saviqtarget: i18n10:28
Saviqbinding loop!10:29
tsdgeosi guess i18n is not defined by whoever defines it until a later stage10:29
tsdgeosmaybe should be in Component.onCompleted10:29
tsdgeosas a Qt.binding() thing10:29
Saviqtsdgeos, maybe10:29
Saviqdednick, you around?10:30
dednickSaviq: yarp10:30
Saviqdednick, you in a state you could test https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/drop-stale-socket/+merge/196917 ?10:31
Saviqi.e. do you have a device running unity8? ;)10:31
dednickSaviq: think i can manage it10:31
Saviqdednick, would be enough to copy /usr/share/upstart/sessions/unity8.conf into ~/.config/upstart/10:31
Saviqdednick, applying the patch10:32
Saviqdednick, stop unity8; start unity8; pkill -9 unity810:32
Saviqif it recovers, we're good10:32
dednickSaviq: mako test failures normal on jenkins?10:49
Saviqdednick, yeah, random?10:49
Saviqdednick, we've a Qt crasher that got worse with android 4.4.2 - we're running away from it to Qt 5.2... but then there's two other crashers tsdgeos is looking into10:50
dednickSaviq: ok.10:50
Saviqdednick, if it says that "process not found" or so - that's it10:50
dednickSaviq: mmm. doesnt say that. but unity8 did crash10:51
didrocksyou can quickly get the crash10:51
didrocksand check that frame0 address finish with d8f810:51
didrocksit's the signature :)10:51
Saviqdednick, which job on jenkins?10:52
dednickSaviq: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-mako/5574/console10:52
Saviqdednick, "NoSuchProcess: no process found with pid 6296"10:52
dednickah. looking for wrong text.10:53
dednickSaviq: approved10:54
Saviqdednick, thanks!10:54
Saviqyup, d8f810:55
vinihi, there is a plugin for file manger to "open terminal" in specific location?11:10
Saviqdidrocks, hum, silo failed on armhf https://launchpadlibrarian.net/167968584/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-armhf.unity8_7.84%2B14.04.20140228-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz any idea?11:13
Saviqshall I just kick it again?11:13
didrocksSaviq: ah, I guess it's time to chdist11:13
didrockslet me check if I can get that easy11:14
* didrocks wonders why it's trying to fetch i386 on his new created chdist armhf11:28
didrocksSaviq: meanwhile, retry to see if that was transient11:28
didrocksI keep looking11:28
Saviqdidrocks, can you kick "retry" on https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-008/+build/564571511:29
Saviqdidrocks, I don't have the rights11:29
didrocksoh right11:29
tsdgeosno daniel?11:33
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, national holiday for him11:37
Saviqthe whole week, according to cadmin ;D11:38
tsdgeosmakes sense11:38
didrocksSaviq: was an archive skew11:43
Saviqdidrocks, whatever that means, but transient, yeah :)11:43
Saviqxnox, hey, I tried to x-build unity8 with qt5.2 from canonical-qt5-edgers/qt5-beta2, got http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7009939/ - any ideas?11:56
xnoxSaviq: that spec file is gone in 5.2, no?11:58
xnox(or the other way around, this _is_ the new spec)11:58
Saviqxnox, hmm wait, I might've confused my chroots12:01
didrocksSaviq: then, you know you can just relaunch "build" with "watch only" to only watch the ppa and not rebuilding12:01
Saviqdidrocks, ah, doing12:02
Saviqxnox, hmm seems legit http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7009976/12:05
* Saviq is worried they broke x-compilation again12:05
Saviqxnox, so... seems set(_qt5_corelib_extra_includes "${_qt5Core_install_prefix}/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5//mkspecs/linux-g++") is a new addition to the cmake module12:09
Saviqxnox, looks like qt5-base-dev would have to start depending on qt5-qmake to get those... or we need to install the mkspecs in some other way12:10
SaviqMirv, ↑12:10
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xnoxSaviq: Mirv: oh, that looks wonderful! if mkspecs are not in multiarch locations it's execellent! and knowing _qt5Core_install_prefix also helps a lot!12:12
xnoxSaviq: so we need more deps. and qt5-qmake should be multiarch-same, i think it is/was. if not that's easy to fix.12:13
Saviqxnox, yup, that's what I thought12:13
MirvI have no idea of the CMake speficics you're talking about, but mkspecs moved from /usr/share/mkspecs to /usr/lib/{multiarch}/qt5/mkspecs in 5.2 and some sources might need changes accordingly (known so far and with patches maliit-framework, pyqt5)12:14
Saviqxnox, fyi https://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qtbase/commit/6fa9394c12:14
tsdgeoslarsu: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/qmenumodel/fix_uninit/+merge/20878312:14
xnoxMirv: i'm so happy for that move! =)12:15
* xnox schedules some time to enable cross-compilation with qmake12:15
Mirvxnox: ah, you meant s/not/now/, so it's good news like I though :)12:15
Saviquh oh12:16
Saviqxnox, that's worse http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7010023/ :/12:16
xnoxSaviq: Mirv: correct =))) bad typpo. It's all good news all around! =)12:16
MirvSaviq: that binary is probably somewhere in tools12:16
larsutsdgeos: the patch looks good to me, but I didn't write that code...12:17
* larsu approves anyway12:17
xnoxMirv: Saviq: when cross-compiling, that's the wrong path. But that's easy to fix.12:17
tsdgeoslarsu: who do you want me to nag?12:17
tsdgeoslarsu: ah thanks :)12:18
xnoxSaviq: i'll fix things up for 5.2. Let me just finish up with android i686 cross-toolchain.12:18
Saviqxnox, ok thanks12:18
larsutsdgeos: it's trivial enough I think12:18
larsutsdgeos: would be dednick or renato I guess12:18
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dednicktsdgeos: um, dont think thats right...12:21
tsdgeosdednick: why not?12:21
dednicktsdgeos: oh, it's in constructor. no, it's fine then12:21
dednickthought the signal wasn't getting emitted12:22
tsdgeosit won't anyway12:22
tsdgeosyou can't emit signals from a constructor12:22
tsdgeoswell you can12:22
tsdgeosbut nobody will be listening12:22
dednicktsdgeos: yeah :) i didn't realise the code was in the constructor12:22
tsdgeossince noone has had time to connect to you yet12:22
tsdgeosoki :)12:23
SaviqMirv, did you notice on qt5.2 that you have to press twice to wake the screen when it's timed out?12:28
SaviqMirv, ignore12:29
SaviqMirv, I've powerd-cli in a terminal ;)12:29
MirvSaviq: hmm, no I have not. maybe I've just ignored it but I don't remember having to press twice.12:31
SaviqMirv, ignore me, I had it locked with powerd-cli12:31
MirvSaviq: the good thing was that the waking started to work with 5.2.1. maybe it was even some qtbase 5.2.0 bug or such, the original one there were.12:31
Mirvok :)12:31
SaviqMirv, :)12:31
Saviqdidrocks, can you reconfigure silo 008 please? we've a fix for the unity8 5.2 crash in store12:34
Saviqtsdgeos FTW!12:34
Saviqtsdgeos, looking good, halfway through ap run and /var/crash clean!12:34
tsdgeosone down!12:35
tsdgeosthe other should not be that hard12:35
tsdgeosseems one of those "dude you removed the stuff under my feet"12:35
tsdgeosSaviq: do you have bluetooth in your desktop and qt 5.2? does the crash happen in there?12:36
Saviqtsdgeos, upgrading to 5.212:36
tsdgeosmaybe using dednick's branch of desktop indicators12:36
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tsdgeosSaviq: waaaaaaaaaai12:37
tsdgeosSaviq: new scopes won't work12:37
tsdgeosin case you need that12:37
Saviqtsdgeos, nw12:37
tsdgeosthough you can always rollback12:37
Saviqtsdgeos, should work without dednick's branch I think12:37
Saviqtsdgeos, and why wouldn't new-scopes work, btw?12:38
Saviqtsdgeos, they're rebuilt for 5.2 no?12:38
tsdgeossure, it's just the fact i don't have bluetooth12:38
tsdgeosbut if you can get it to crash12:38
Saviqtsdgeos, yup, gimme 1012:38
tsdgeosi'll find a bluetooth dongle12:38
tsdgeosSaviq: were are they rebuild for 5.2?12:38
Saviqtsdgeos, in the qt5.2 repo, no?12:38
tsdgeosit's regular unity8 i think12:38
tsdgeosno new-scopes12:38
Saviqtsdgeos, https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/qt5-beta2/+packages?field.name_filter=scopes&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=12:39
tsdgeosnew scopes may be12:39
tsdgeoswhat is not there12:39
tsdgeosis the toolkit stuff12:39
Saviqtsdgeos, ah12:39
tsdgeos Cannot assign to non-existent property "nativeOrientationAngle"12:39
Saviqtsdgeos, ah right, so it's not new-scopes, but mwc12:39
Saviqit's fine12:39
tsdgeosrunning valgrind on the phone is a party of warnings :D12:40
Saviqsil2100, can you reconfigure silo 008 for me please?12:41
tsdgeosi haven't even started12:41
tsdgeosand i have this12:41
tsdgeosthe dlopen ones may be "ok"12:43
didrocksSaviq: should we delay the landing for that? maybe 2 landings will be better?12:43
tsdgeosbut there's some uninit memory that definitely may be worth fixing12:43
didrocksSaviq: as I want to kick an image with the unlock screen fix asap12:43
Saviqdidrocks, ok12:43
didrocksthanks :)12:43
Saviqdidrocks, will take me twice the time to land, but OHKAY :P12:44
didrocksSaviq: well, I'm sure you will have also good fixes on Monday :)12:45
Saviqdidrocks, Monday!?12:45
didrocksand it's taking double time for us as well, do not forget :)12:46
Saviqdidrocks, we want the two crashers in today! ;P12:46
didrocksah, well, if you are quick enough, that's doable :)12:46
Saviq(fixes for them, even)12:46
sil2100Saviq: sure12:46
Saviqsil2100, nope12:46
Saviqsil2100, didrocks overridden my request12:46
sil2100Saviq: un-sure12:46
Saviqsil2100, thanks12:47
Saviqtsdgeos, +1!12:51
Saviqtsdgeos, you get sixpack of beer ;D12:52
tsdgeosbut how do i fix the other bug if i'm drunk?12:53
tsdgeosluch time now, after taht i really need a way to create an indicator that mimics the bluetooth behaviour for the desktop12:53
tsdgeosdednick: if you have any pointers in that ↑↑↑ i'll be terribly happy12:54
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, crashes on desktop13:02
Saviqbregma, do we have any other indicator than bluetooth that hides itself?13:02
Saviqdidrocks, 212 doesn't boot, known? seems the container doesn't start13:03
didrocksSaviq: it does boot for popey though?13:05
* didrocks flashes13:05
Saviqmaybe it failed to flash correctly, /me tries again13:05
Saviqlooks I'm missing system.img13:05
didrockshard to boot without it :p13:06
ubot5Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/13:06
didrocksahah :)13:06
Saviqpopey, obviously you spend more time in the sun...13:07
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davmor2Saviq: You know popey is in England right?  There is no sun :P13:08
popeyThere might not be in the smelly north where you live.13:09
Saviqdavmor2, right, just tar-like rain? ;)13:09
popeyBut down here in the tropical south it's lovely ☻13:09
popeyhttp://popey.com/webcam/ ignore this13:09
didrocksSaviq: beautiful starting system.img here :)13:09
Saviqdidrocks, k, let's see13:09
Saviqpopey, ouch ;D13:09
davmor2popey: haha yeah there are no massive storms hitting the uk again at all :P13:10
Saviqsunny 13° here :)13:10
Saviqin FEBRUARY, no less13:10
Saviqlarsu, maybe you know - any indicator other than bluetooth that would hide itself? or maybe a way to trick the bluetooth one to think there is a bt device when there isn't?13:12
larsuSaviq: sound has a gsettings key to show/hide itself, but that seems to be broken right now13:14
larsuSaviq: bluetooth has a visible key as well13:14
larsubut you're not seeing it because you don't have any devices...13:14
larsuSaviq: keyboard works13:14
larsugsettings set com.canonical.indicator.keyboard visible false13:14
* Saviq tries13:15
Saviqdidrocks, yeah, booted now, not sure what happened there :/13:17
didrocksSaviq: do you have anything in /cache/recovery?13:17
didrocksthere are the logs of different flashing, would be interesting to see if something failed13:17
Saviqdidrocks, only one install log it seems, let me pastebin them all13:18
Saviqlarsu, hmm, keyboard not showing up in unity8 under the desktop profile :/13:19
seb128Saviq, larsu: battery and datetime also has a show key13:19
larsuSaviq: what seb128 says :)13:19
seb128larsu, btw, I was pondering doing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-control-center/+bug/829648 next week13:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 829648 in unity-control-center (Ubuntu) "No easy way to turn the sound menu on/off" [Undecided,In progress]13:20
larsuseb128: apparently that gsettings key doesn't work right now. I can fix that though, should be quick13:21
seb128larsu, there was design disagreement over those UIs back then but we ended up adding the option for the other indicators, so for consistency we should probably do it for sound as well13:21
larsuI agree13:22
Saviqok so... it must be that the state is changing while it's being queried or something13:23
Saviqas no disappearing indicator causes the crash - not unless the change comes from the indicator UI itself13:23
Saviqdidrocks, ↑ all the logs from /cache/recovery, I'm not sure what I'm looking for but nothing stands out13:26
didrocksSaviq: 2 links are the same, wanted?13:26
Saviqdidrocks, dupe, sorry13:27
Saviqdidrocks, 5 logs is all I have13:27
didrocksok ;)13:27
* didrocks looks13:27
dandraderSaviq, do you know if zanetti's right-edge branch also works on tablet mode?13:29
dandrader(with side stage)13:30
Saviqdandrader, the branch should work, yes13:30
Saviqdandrader, not right edge, of course - it "switches" to old behaviour on tablet13:30
Saviqdandrader, I haven't tried though - it is meant to work13:30
Saviq/food, too13:32
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tsdgeosSaviq: it does? awesome!13:44
* tsdgeos starts looking for a bluetooth dongle13:44
Saviqtsdgeos, data point: it has something to do with you interacting with the indicator panel when it's going away13:45
tsdgeosSaviq: what do you mean?13:45
Saviqtsdgeos, or maybe the checkbox still wants to animate but is destroyed13:45
tsdgeosSaviq: i think it's the checkbox thing13:45
Saviqtsdgeos, I mean that if you hide the indicator from outside13:45
tsdgeoslarsu: you do indicator stuff, right?13:46
Saviqtsdgeos, it will not crash13:46
greybackhey folks, any sbuild user ever get this fail on creating an armhf chroot: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7010432/13:46
tsdgeosi wonder what's easier, finding someone close to me with bluetooth adaptor or coding a similar indicator :D13:47
tsdgeosi guess i can just fork indicator-bluetooth and fake the backend part...13:47
* tsdgeos tries13:47
larsutsdgeos: what are you trying to do?13:48
larsuand why don't you have a laptop with bluetooth :P13:48
tsdgeoslarsu: i'm trying to get an indicator with a checkbox that when i click on it the indicator disappears from the indicators, like the bluetooth one does13:48
tsdgeoslarsu: that is indeed a good question :D13:48
larsutsdgeos: datetime and power have such a check (see the discussion we jut had a bit earlier in this channel)13:49
tsdgeoslarsu: where is that checkbox? i can't see it13:50
larsutsdgeos: settings / time and date / clock / "Show a clock in the menu bar"13:50
seb128larsu, he wants a control in the indicator menu to disable the indicator I think13:51
seb128larsu, they seem to think their bug happen when you turn off the indicator from its own UI13:51
tsdgeoswhat bluetooth does13:52
seb128larsu, you can turn bluetooth off from the bluetooth indicator13:52
larsubluetooth does this?13:52
larsuwhen I turn it off, I still see it13:52
seb128it has a on/off toggle13:52
larsuoh, this is phone13:52
seb128unity8 issue13:52
tsdgeoslet's call it QML issue for now ;-)13:53
seb128it should be easy to patch e.g power to add a checkbox that toggle the gsettings show key13:53
larsuI can hardly believe that the reason for it crashing is that the toggle is in the indicator ui13:53
tsdgeoslarsu: well, you can find it hard to belive, but it is what it is13:55
tsdgeosyou can trust my informed opinion or not13:56
tsdgeosthat's up to you13:56
tsdgeosi'm asking you not for help in fixing my bug but in creating an indicator that behaves like the indicator one13:56
tsdgeosif you can do that, cool, if not i'll do it myself13:56
larsutsdgeos: fair enough. Quickest way is proabably to add a fake device in the bluetooth indicator13:58
tsdgeosyep, i'm trying that13:59
larsutsdgeos: something like this should be enough: http://paste.debian.net/84568/13:59
seb128did you try asking pitti if he has some mock you could use to fake a bluetooth device?14:00
larsutsdgeos: oh wait, which profile are you using?14:00
seb128the phone one I guess14:00
tsdgeosnot sure tbh14:01
Saviqlarsu, seb128, we have a patch to use the desktop profile optionally14:01
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, phone is default14:01
tsdgeosproblem is, it bails out earlier14:01
seb128the desktop profile doesn't hide the indicator when bluetooth is off iirc14:01
tsdgeossince it can't find anything in bluez14:01
tsdgeosneed to find out where that's happening14:01
seb128easier option "go out, buy a bluetooth dongle"14:01
larsuseb128: on the phone it seems to be always visible when bluetooth is enabled14:03
larsuah, I guess the toggle disables bluetooth instead of just hiding the indicator?14:03
seb128the indicator hides by a side effect of bluetooth turning off14:04
Saviqdidrocks, so, only failure I got was the StateNotFound one, is that ok?14:06
didrocksSaviq: can you check on that one with elopio? He told StateNotFound is normally because of badly written tests14:07
tsdgeosseems to be working14:07
didrocksand can help fixing them :)14:07
Saviqdidrocks, ah no14:07
Saviqdidrocks, I had my bluetooth disabled14:07
didrocksoh ;)14:08
didrocksthat can explain14:08
Saviqdidrocks, yeah, it's fine14:10
didrocksgreat ;)14:10
didrockssil2100: can you test unity8 as well? Maybe that can still make it for that image ^14:10
tsdgeoscrash \o/14:13
tsdgeoslarsu: thanks for the pointers :)14:14
* tsdgeos starts debugging in a proper environment (i.e. !phone)14:14
mhr3Saviq, if you have a sec - https://code.launchpad.net/~mhr3/unity-scopes-shell/category-order/+merge/20880614:22
sil2100didrocks: once I finish frying I'll move on to unity8 ;)14:23
didrockssil2100: taking a break? lucky you :p14:23
Saviqdidrocks, kick the button on silo 008 please!14:25
didrocksSaviq: we are doing a second check to protect any bad things happening as long as we are in this flaky world, which is what sil2100 is going to do14:26
Saviqdidrocks, sure14:27
tsdgeos@unity: standup14:33
SaviqMirv, I could try and help from unity PoV for the landing, unless you need someone from the landing team14:39
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tsdgeosdednick: easy one https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/importcomponents/+merge/20882214:45
tsdgeosSaviq: ↑↑↑14:45
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, saw that yesterday14:46
Saviqtsdgeos, seems like 5.2 cleans the scope somewhat?14:46
Saviqtsdgeos, that doesn't fix the crash, does it?14:47
MirvSaviq: it needs mostly landing team I think, but for all CI Train packages we'll need a merge request to use anyhow. the landing line for Qt 5.2 is 24, I guess MR:s can be piled up there but only in the order of the pad.ubuntu.co14:47
MirvSaviq: the order in which stuff will be landed to the PPA is at http://pad.ubuntu.com/qt52-dependencies14:48
tsdgeosSaviq: unfortunately not :D14:48
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MirvSaviq: so to be short probably not needed aside from fixing bugs and if some Qt 5.2 fix can't be merged before landing it'll be needed to be known. otherwise landing team will probably just do an empty MR for each package.14:50
SaviqMirv, yup, works for us14:51
Saviquh oh, looks like findInvisibleChild stopped working with 5.2 :/14:53
elopioSaviq, kgunn, can we meet next week to talk about the test plan for the release? set dates for the testing activities, and things like that.14:55
Saviqelopio, sure14:56
kgunnelopio: is there a plan that the testing will be different in terms of actually ux/scripting vs what we have today ?14:57
elopiokgunn: well, that's what we should talk about. We need to make sure that all the experiences involving unity and mir are tested, hopefully automatically.14:59
elopiowhat we have are some general guidelines, that we need to discuss with you, and make sure the test plans make everybody happy.15:00
elopiokgunn, Saviq: what about monday after the stand up?15:01
Saviqelopio, works for me15:01
tsdgeosdednick: what provides Indicators.RootActionState ?15:06
tsdgeoslarsu: do you know? ↑15:07
larsutsdgeos: the indicator service15:08
tsdgeoslarsu: launchpad project?15:08
tedgOkay bregma, the reason I couldn't login is your fault :-)15:08
larsutsdgeos: indicator-*15:08
larsutsdgeos: every indicator has one of those15:08
tsdgeoslarsu: i mean the qml code for Indicators.RootActionState15:08
tsdgeosor c++ code15:08
larsutsdgeos: err, libqmenumodel I guess?15:08
tsdgeoscan't find it in there15:09
tedgbregma, Something in the unity8 demo session installed a file: /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/55-unity8.conf15:09
tsdgeosah wait we do in unity815:09
tedgbregma, But when it got removed, it didn't delete it, because, well /etc15:09
tedgbregma, That file needs to get installed in: /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d15:10
* greyback finally able to build packages in cross compiling chroots15:10
bregmatedg, yeah, that's gotta be a bug (we can;t remove it because /etc, but it should not stop the world either)15:10
tedgbregma, I think if it's in /usr it should be fine.  I'm guessing that's why the usr directory exists :-)15:11
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* greyback regretting using cross compiling chroot to compile mir as a test15:14
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dednicktsdgeos: it's the indicators plugin in unity815:21
tsdgeosdednick: thanks fount it :)15:21
Saviqgreyback, congratz!15:28
Saviqgreyback, and yeah, mir still takes probably quite some time ;)15:29
greybackSaviq: it failed :(15:30
Saviqgreyback, how?15:30
Saviqgreyback, you get the full log in a file symlinked from a .build file in wherever you built it (or ..)15:30
greybackSaviq: I know. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7010931/ is the message.15:32
Saviqgreyback, interesting, this looks like a legit error15:36
greybackSaviq: yep. Am gonna try compiling unity8 before trusting the chroot, just in case15:37
Saviqgreyback, I'll kick one here, too15:37
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* Saviq loves it how VBox asks ~6 times whether you want to upgrade the extension pack15:56
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SaviqMirv, so we have row 28 in CI train that fixes the unity8 crasher, maybe it'd make sense to just include it in your silo16:03
SaviqMirv, want me to list it somewhere?16:03
SaviqMirv, looks like Qt is almost complete in there \o/16:04
Saviqsil2100, any word on the Unity8 landing? found any issues?16:04
Saviqtsdgeos, one unfortunate result of 5.2 is that try* stops working - «module "Qt.test.qtestroot" is not installed», we'll have to see how we can work around that16:08
tsdgeosoh :/16:08
sil2100Saviq: no issues, published16:08
Saviqtsdgeos, worst thing is, it's actually only exported in qmltestrunner16:10
Saviqtsdgeos, so yeah, we'll need some trickery16:10
tsdgeosSaviq: didn't we have our own testrunner? maybe we can just fake it?16:10
Saviqtsdgeos, we have something, but it's not always used16:10
Saviqtsdgeos, but yeah, some faking needs to happen16:10
Saviqsil2100, oh great, thanks!16:11
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tedggreyback, I'm confued by this: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mir-team/unity-mir/trunk/view/head:/debian/com.canonical.Unity.conf17:52
tedggreyback, It seems like we're setting up a user process to get a well known name on the system bus?17:52
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greybacktedg: yes, is wanted by powerd17:54
greybacktedg: not a long term solution obviously17:54
tedggreyback, Yeah, it breaks my desktop :-)17:54
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tedgWell not breaks, causes errors to be generated everytime dbus restarts.17:54
tedgWhy isn't powerd talking to the system compositor for that?17:55
* greyback EODs18:15
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ChrisTownsendmhr3: Hey, are you around?  I have a question about a home scope behavior.18:57
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mhr3ChrisTownsend, hey20:32
ChrisTownsendmhr3: Hi20:33
ChrisTownsendmhr3: What is the expected behavior when you do a search and get "More suggestions", close the Dash, then open the Dash and havea clear Search bar?  Should the previous "More suggestions" still be there?20:35
ChrisTownsendmhr3: Ok, then we have a bug.  I take it that you don't know of an already existing bug for this.20:36
ChrisTownsendmhr3: Ok.  Thanks for confirming the expected behavior.20:37
ChrisTownsendmhr3: One last question.  Would you say that is a home scope issue?  I'm trying to figure out what to report this bug against.20:39
mhr3maybe some caching race20:50
ChrisTownsendmhr3: It's quite easy to reproduce and an AP test fails almost every time because of it.20:52
mhr3how are you supposed to clear the search?20:53
mhr3cause doing that resets everything here20:54
ChrisTownsendmhr3: I would think an empty Search Bar would be enough to clear the search.20:54
mhr3yea, but how do you do that20:55
mhr3just backspace the previous search after opening the dash?20:55
ChrisTownsendYeah, that's how the AP does it.20:55
mhr3works fine here20:56
ChrisTownsendSo if I type something like playstation, I get More suggestions for stuff.20:56
ChrisTownsendThen I close the Dash and then reopen and Backspace the search bar and More suggestions is still there.20:57
ChrisTownsendMaybe my machine is borked????20:57
SaviqChrisTownsend, I think I get the same, looks like the scopes are waiting for the network21:03
SaviqChrisTownsend, if you wait a bit (a few seconds), do the results get reset?21:03
ChrisTownsendbschaefer cannot reproduce and I have another machine that cannot reproduce the issue.21:03
ChrisTownsendSaviq: Nope More suggestions stays there on this one machine.21:04
ChrisTownsendI'm running a locally built version of Unity on this machine though.  I wonder if some env is getting screwed up.  I'll try the version from main and see what happens.21:05
bschaeferChrisTownsend, very odd indeed, im running trunk compiz/unity/nux21:05
* ChrisTownsend Shrugs21:07
ChrisTownsendSorry for the false alarm21:07
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ChrisTownsendUsing Unity from main on the same machine does not reproduce the issue.21:10
ChrisTownsendI'll go quietly back to my corner:)21:10
bschaeferChrisTownsend, let me upgrade first :)21:17
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