
=== Neozonz is now known as Guest12485
herehi alljj00:01
herei upgraded to 13.10 and the 3.11 kernel is crashing on boot due to a network driver r8169 , which is a somewhat known issue...00:02
herehowever, nothing is showing up in /var/log/kern.log for those boots to help me diagnose.00:03
herewhen i boot into 3.8 kernel, there is no problem, and the full boot log shows up.00:03
hereany tips on getting a boot / kernel log from the crashing startup with 3.11 ?00:03
hereI do see a bunch of ^@^@^@ where the log should be, possibly from the force reboot (holding down the power)00:04
jcrowgeyhey ubuntu folk.  i'm on a fresh install and i'm getting an weird error in firefox.00:05
jcrowgeyfirefox segfaults and refuses to open, however, if i click report bug on on the error reporter that opens,00:05
jcrowgeythen firefox does open to the launchpad page.00:06
jcrowgeyid' like to find a workaround.  ive seen the bug reported but i can't find any resolution.00:06
herejcrowgey: link to the bug? what versions, possibly try an earlier ver of ff?00:06
jcrowgeyyes, perhaps that's what i need to do.  one moment i can link you to the many bug reports00:07
jcrowgeyGLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed00:07
jcrowgeythat's the error, if you google it you will find it reported again and again.  i can google it for you if you need.00:08
jcrowgeywhat's the easiest way to downgrade ff?  do i need to add an older repo and apt-get -t olderrepo install firefox?00:10
jcrowgeysomething like that?00:10
=== chalcedony_ is now known as chalcedony-
jcrowgeyanother issue i'm having is pretty much exactly like this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/156042/click-and-drag-from-touchpad-stops-working00:12
jcrowgeyexcept that i'm not using unity, i'm using lxde.  so i can't apply the solution from that thread.00:12
jcrowgeymy final question is about installing one of the netflix options for silverlight thingy.  which is more recent, the ehoover solution or the pipelight thingy?00:13
jcrowgeyany advice appreciated.00:13
jcrowgeycan anyone explain what TabButton2=3 means.  I'm guessing it's that tapping with 3 fingers is a right click?00:15
jcrowgeyto TabButton2=2 would be 2 fingers for a right click and TapButton2=0 would be disabled?00:15
herejcrowgey: seems like it is still an open bug - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=833117 I would follow that thread.00:16
ubottuMozilla bug 833117 in Startup and Profile System "Does not disable glib slice allocator with glib >= 2.35" [Critical,New]00:16
jcrowgeyhere: are you referring to the firefox issue?00:16
jcrowgeyi will look at that url.00:17
herejcrowgey: yes.  re-netflix, write netflix and help request support ... I gave up on linux solutions and just watch via android, which is insane.00:17
marco__how do I install latest wayland development libraries in ubuntu 12.04?00:17
heremarco__: http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/saucy/wayland00:19
jcrowgeyhere: fair enough.  i had used the pipelight thingy on my debian box last year and it worked ok.  i just googled and found 'netflix desktop' which seemed to be a different solution than the one i had used.  i didn't know if one was better or more recent than the other.00:19
=== sysadmin_ is now known as VlanX
sashasparrowcould someone help me with this problem? i'm not sure what it is but it's weird.00:22
Waheediok guys simple I'm using this sudo kill -HUP 19845 to kill 19845 service with a normal sigterm as if you kill it with -9 or any other thing service will respawn it00:22
Waheedithe -HUP trick didn't work out the process stays alive00:22
daftykinssashasparrow: unfortunately the channel psychic equipment is in for repair again, so you MIGHT have to tell us what's up00:23
glitsj16jcrowgey: TabButton2=3 means that a 2-finger tap will perform a 3d mouse button click, middle-click iirc .. man synaptics has all those options explained00:23
TJ-Waheedi: the service is set tp respawn in the init daemon, stop it using initctl00:23
=== chalcedony- is now known as chalcedony
marco__I'm trying to compile some gnome modules with jhbuild. It currently stops when building cairo with the following message: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libEGL.so: undefined reference to `wl_display_bind'. How can I solve it?00:24
sashasparrowwhen the prompt to allow a mic or camera or more space to be shared to a webpage pops up in firefox i can't click anything00:24
marco__here: tried to do what you suggested, but the problem persists00:24
sashasparrowand i'm not sure why00:24
sashasparrowanyone know what i could do to fix it?00:26
eskrimaHi does anyone know if ubuntu had been released for android galaxy s2? Thanks00:27
Beldar!touch | eskrima00:27
ubottueskrima: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch00:27
eskrimaThanks ubottu00:28
sashasparrownobody knows anything?00:28
Beldar!patience | sashasparrow00:29
ubottusashasparrow: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/00:29
sashasparrowugh never mind.00:31
Jordan_Usashasparrow: Flash is terrible, but flash in Linux Flash from Google Chrome (which is a newer version than is available for Firefox) is slightly less terrible. Try to avoid flash were possilbe, and where not possible try Google Chrome.00:31
Beldarsashasparrow, There is a #firefox channel if you like.00:31
adam__join #nammbot music00:31
MogushaI have a question regarding networking. I have two NICs and I need to prevent them from transmitting, but I need to be able to monitor their input using tcpdump. The network manager seems to make this task difficult. Anybody got any ideas?00:31
Beldaradam__ /join00:31
daftykinsMogusha: so you want them to listen only?00:33
Mogushadaftykins: Yes, that's exactly what I'm looking for.00:33
jamesdMogusha: don't give them an ip address...00:33
daftykinsMogusha: maybe try ##networking00:34
Mogushadaftykins: Thanks, good suggestion.00:34
peterrooneyMogusha: network-manager is intended for a different use case, namely always keeping them active.00:34
webgenJordan_U hey are you there? I had a break in the plan lol00:34
Mogushapeterrooney: Yes, I know, which is precisely why I have a weird use case.00:34
Jordan_Uwebgen: Yes. What is the problem?00:35
webgenJordan_U so I did boot as you said, but the problem is that it doesn't see other partitions/drives so it doesnt see the grub.cfg or grub.lst that my grub uses to boot with00:36
Jordan_Uwebgen: Do you have a separate /boot/ partition?00:36
webgenJordan_U no i installed it on the drive without any partition00:37
Jordan_Uwebgen: Instealled what?00:37
webgenJordan_U i mean the bootloader, at the installation step when u install ubuntu?00:37
webgenJordan_U where you choose which partition to put the OS on and which drive to put bootloader on00:38
webgenJordan_U and I put it on the same drive as the ubuntu and windows are on, it is ssd00:38
Jordan_Uwebgen: Ok, backing up. I thought that you had a physical installation of Ubuntu that already works when booted normally (not in a VM). Is that true?00:38
ki7rwhas anyone tried this? http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2013/12/install-kde-4-12-ubuntu-1310-1204/00:39
webgenJordan_U yep i have a dualboot00:40
=== mndo_ is now known as mndo
Jordan_Uwebgen: OK. And right now you have a VirtualBox VM with two virtual drives, one which is a virtual HD whose contents are the contents of your Ubuntu partition, and the other which is a virtual CD whose contents are the Super GRUB2 Disk iso. Correct?00:41
=== jje is now known as Guest27693
Beldar!ppa | ki7rw00:44
ubottuki7rw: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge00:44
webgenJordan_U i found this video, the guy in first 20 seconds or something says the process isnt easy00:45
Beldarki7rw, Bot is slow, PPA's are not supported here technically, and anyone is a poll basically not allowed as well.00:45
Beldarki7rw, Does not mean however if you can give a concise description that no one will answer.00:45
=== dcmorton_ is now known as dcmorton
Jordan_Uwebgen: Is that a yes or a no?00:46
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webgen1Jordan_U xchat disconnected if u wrote something i  didnt see00:50
Jordan_Uwebgen: OK. And right now you have a VirtualBox VM with two virtual drives, one which is a virtual HD whose contents are the contents of your Ubuntu partition, and the other which is a virtual CD whose contents are the Super GRUB2 Disk iso. Correct?00:50
=== Matthew_ is now known as Guest21070
webgen1Jordan_U , nope I just have GRUB2 Disk, not the virtual HD, I wanted to boot real partition from the GRUB2 Disk as planned :P00:54
=== madLyfe is now known as 23LAACRV2
Jordan_Uwebgen1: Software in the VM can only access virtual disks. If there is no virtual HD, then there is nothing for the software in the VM to access.00:56
webgennope I just have GRUB2 Disk, not the virtual HD, I wanted to boot real partition from the GRUB2 Disk as planned :P00:56
Jordan_Uwebgen: You need to configure VirtualBox to pass on the contents of the physical Ubuntu partition as a virtual hard drive.00:57
=== midenistis is now known as xaostheory
webgen1Jordan_U so how do I do it? :S01:00
webgen1Jordan_U i also get the error the: most likely, the virtualbox com server is not running or failed to start, what server ? :S01:00
Jordan_Uwebgen1: Try #virtualbox for those questions.01:01
webgen1Jordan_U haha ok thanks dude x) :D01:01
andornautAnyone know how to get halt to default to halt -p (poweroff) ? without using an alias that is.01:03
Jordan_Uwebgen1: YOu're welcome.01:04
sgenI have 2 services listed from sudo service --status-all, both of which are not no longer installed(?). What could be causing this and how can I remove them?01:04
Jordan_Uwebgen1: So why haven't you joined #vbox?01:05
webgen1Jordan_U i am reading this thing on vbox ticket #11307 but if it doesnt help i will join :)01:05
Beldarwoot 12 min bot answer01:06
stunts513is there a way to set unity up to use gksudo? i'm kinda sick of my graphical prompts being able to go under another window01:12
Beldarstunts513, I think you have to install gksu01:13
stunts513i believe i have it installed01:13
Beldarstunts513, Do you get an error, it should say what is needed?01:13
stunts513i'm not having any errors, its just that in the default setup the promp for the password will go under anotehr window if you bump a window or something01:14
webgen1Jordan_U well i did join that channel but so far no one answered :S01:15
stunts513i prefer the oldschool gksudo where it forces the prompt to the top and darkens the rest of the screen01:15
Gallomimiahi gang. i'm trying to make an install on a RAID under LVM. i'm looking at following some directions such as https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID but this is nothing like the installer i have. it refers to using an "alternate" installer, but the links it refers to have no such thing! any tips welcome01:15
Beldarstunts513, I don't understand that description is all, I assume you are familiar with gksudo.01:15
stunts513beldar:yes with gksudo it darkens the screen and brings a promp up you would actually have to cancel out of to get rid of it01:16
Beldarstunts513, So it goes below another window if another is clicked?01:16
stunts513the default setup does yes, its not using gksudo for the default setup though01:17
=== Granis` is now known as Granis
Beldarstunts513, Hmm, mine does in saucy, have you changed the themes or messed with desktop controls?01:17
stunts513well i have slightly but nothing that should have effected that, all i did was mess with my window close buttons locations and a few minor tweaks to unitys search menu01:18
=== Sickki_ is now known as Sickki
Beldarstunts513, Not sire enough here for a definitive answer, I would try reversing some of those and see if it returns as it should.01:19
=== computerxpds is now known as comp
Gallomimiacan anyone tell me what installer image to use to put a fresh install of 13.10 desktop on a software raid? i seem to be missing something as to the directions on the help.ubuntu site01:20
dotnettedhey all - I'm running the catalyst 13.11 drivers in Ubuntu 13.10  (Installed from binary packages) - I'm getting 2 mouse pointers and all kinds of crazy flickering and one of my screens randomly turns green - I have 2 monitor plugged into one 7970 -- any ideas appreciated :) thanks01:20
stunts513belder: do you know what the default program is unity is using for elevating privledges?01:21
=== comp is now known as computerxpds
Beldarstunts513, Not the exact program per-say I use sudo or gksudo, I don't know the intricacies of what is there.01:23
Gallomimiahttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LVMOnRaid expectations: You have burned a copy of the Alternate ISO and are using the text based installer.  I cannot find this "alternate ISO" please point it out to me01:23
stunts513ah, i just want my oldschool gksudo back as the default elevation handler, it looked much nicer when it asked for your password, i can run it manually but thats besides the point01:24
TheKernel-workhi all, I have a fresh install of 13.10 and about once every 6 hours it completely locks up requiring a hard reboot. dmesg doesn't show anything out of the ordinary. Where can I look to see why it locks up or how do I capture it the next time it happens?01:25
BeldarTheKernel-work, You sure it is not swapping?01:25
Beldar!reisub | TheKernel-work01:26
ubottuTheKernel-work: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key01:26
Jordan_Ustunts513: Policykit and sudo/gksudo are very different ways of obtaining permissions, and they are not interchangeable.01:26
stunts513jordan_U: ah ok thanks, i at some point was goign to install mate, so i can always get it back on their i believe.01:27
Jordan_Ustunts513: The Desktop Shell is not generally what uses policykit, it's other individual applications.01:28
Gallomimia*IS* there an alternate install disk for 13.10? seems to be completely absent from release pages with no apparent explaination01:28
TheKernel-workBeldar, Yeah I have a little monitor going, I had 19GB free01:28
webgenJordan_U it worked had to run VMbox manager itself with admin privs + run command ... :S....01:29
=== xibalba_ is now known as xibalba
stunts513Jordan_U: ah thats very interesting, so in a sense(this is probably an insult to linux) like how windows has a manifest to ask for elevated privlidges?01:30
BeldarTheKernel-work, How much memory do you have?01:31
=== Zachary_DuBois is now known as Zachary_DuBois|A
=== dark is now known as Aaron
BeldarTheKernel-work, Others will know better areas to check, not sure here.01:32
TheKernel-workBeldar, thanks, I've started a tail -f /var/dmesg > /tmp/dmesgcheck.txt &01:35
TheKernel-workBeldar, maybe it will pickup what goes wrong next time?01:35
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
Gallomimiaalternate installers? install on raid? anyone got any idea?01:35
BeldarTheKernel-work, I rarely have had to use these kind of commands so not really up on them.01:36
BeldarGallomimia, The alternate went to the mini in 12.10, so that website may not be exactly right, it says needs updates.01:36
Gallomimiait does01:36
Gallomimiamini aka network install?01:37
BeldarGallomimia, Mini is a network yes, I believe it has about the same use, I haver never done a raid set up though, so not your best help.01:37
Jordan_Ustunts513: Now that I look into it more, even though individual applications are requesting privileges via polkit, the Desktop Shell may be registering itself as the Authentication Agent that confirms that asks the user for their password, and thus the Desktop Shell can decide to make this dialog system-modal.01:37
=== ValicekB_ is now known as ValicekB
=== tlyu_ is now known as tlyu
staticwarphi, can anyone recommend a place to download a version of ubuntu desktop that will fit on a cd?01:38
GallomimiaBeldar: that makes two of us :) i'm sure this will help get me on the right track. i'll try to document my experiences and have a go at updating the wiki\01:38
BeldarGallomimia, Says it neds cleanup and is related to a unsupported version.01:39
stunts513jordan_U: so basically the elevation prompt i see is built into unity or some of its components?01:39
Gallomimiayeah. ubuntu 0601:39
Gallomimiaa wee bit old :O01:39
Beldarlol that was my first install01:39
Jordan_Ustunts513: All I know is that it could be, I don't know if it actually is.01:39
staticwarpi was hoping to use 10.04, but i can only find a link to the server version on ubuntu.com01:40
Gallomimia10.04 is out of support staticwarp. server version is still barely in support01:40
=== Zachary_DuBois|A is now known as Zachary_DuBois
Jordan_Ustunts513: Why don't you want to use 12.04 LTS or 13.10?01:41
Gallomimiai think....01:41
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com01:41
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »01:41
AaronGallomimia,  message the bot,01:41
Aaronand play with it...01:41
Gallomimiayeah i'm done at guessing what the right command is01:41
Bashing-1mstaticwarp: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu as a desk top .01:42
staticwarpthanks, i know it's unsupported at this time. i have kind of a wierd situation, i need something that can be installed on a pentium 4 with 512mb ram, it has to boot from a cd since i don't have a dvd drive and it wont boot from a flash drive.01:42
staticwarp"it" being the old pc i'm using, that is. :)01:42
Gallomimiai'm going to guess that maybe a newer version of lubuntu with a network install will help your situation01:42
stunts513jordan_U: i'm on 13.10, call me oldschool but i always preferred the old gnome interface, i have mate installed on my desktop but it still ahs a ways to go in my opinoin so ive been dealing with unity on my laptop, i just prefferred teh old gksudo elevation prompt01:42
Bashing-1mstaticwarp: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PAE is a tutorial on installing Lubuntu with out the PAE enablement.01:43
Jordan_Ustunts513: Sorry, that last commend was meant for staticwarp.01:44
gpartedhelpanyone here formilar with gparted or partioning01:44
staticwarpthanks, i will read that :)01:44
Gallomimia!ask | gpartedhelp01:45
ubottugpartedhelp: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:45
Gallomimiain particular, i'm someone who'd like to observe your question and the answer cause i'm trying to learn how it works01:45
gpartedhelpOk sorry, is moving a partition on external drive a bad idea?01:46
Jordan_Ugpartedhelp: What is your end goal?01:47
Nothing_MuchCan anybody explain to me why the software sources won't show up on a daily basis?01:47
Gallomimiamoving? i can't see why it would be any more or less a bad idea than an internal drive. other than the danger of mistakenly unplugging it during the operation01:47
staticwarplooks like i will run into another problem with the non-pae install. my network is wireless and i don't have access to a wired connection. i tried using the ubuntu mini iso but couldn't complete it since my wireless card was not identified during setup. :(01:47
Nothing_MuchCan anybody explain to me why the software sources won't show up on a daily basis? In fact, it hasn't prompted me any updates for a month.01:48
Nothing_MuchOr months*01:48
gpartedhelpOk so I had an 250gb drive formatted fat32 with 94 gb used, i need it ext4 so i shrunk the fat partion add a ext4 partition and add all the data from the fat to the ext4 partition now im going to delete the fat and resize the ext4 to take up the whole drive01:48
Bashing-1mstaticwarp: That is a real pain to get wireless up without a wired connection ! . easy thing is to take that box to a wired connection.01:49
sakter12yo how do i make the font in gnome terminal bigger via keyboard shortcut?01:49
sakter12or unix command?01:49
Beldargpartedhelp, Never had a problem, being backed up is your best insurance though.01:49
gpartedhelpSee thats the problem i dont have an where to hold that 9401:50
Beldar!who | gpartedhelp01:50
ubottugpartedhelp: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:50
Nothing_MuchCan anybody explain to me why the software sources won't show up on a daily basis? In fact, it hasn't prompted me any updates for months.01:50
staticwarplol that's true. i may end up doing that, i'm just impatient to get something going right now without it. i'm going to try the most recent version of linux mint that will fit on a cd. if that doesn't work i'll haul this thing to a wired connection and use the ubuntu mini non pae installer.01:50
Beldargpartedhelp, You were here yesterday and had several operations set to run in gparted and had a freeze, just be sure to run one at a time, you should be fine.01:51
gpartedhelpbeldar what prompted my feat was gparted gives me this warning "Moving a partitoion might cause your operationg system to fail to boot01:51
Beldargpartedhelp, That is a standard prompt.01:52
gpartedhelpBeldar haha yes i was01:52
Bashing-1mstaticwarp: That's the spirit !.. I have Lubuntu installed on an old AMD platform, and it performs well !01:52
gpartedhelpBeldar is that irrevelvant to me then01:52
Nothing_MuchCan anybody explain to me why the software sources won't show up on a daily basis? In fact, it hasn't prompted me any updates for months.01:52
Jordan_Ustaticwarp: The Lubuntu images still fit on CD.01:53
staticwarpi tried to install lubuntu on this machine and was surprised to find that it freezes at the splash screen, considering that i had previously installed the same version of lubuntu on an older pc with a truly ancient amd processor (doesn't even support sse2).01:53
staticwarpi was bummed that lubuntu was not going to be an easy option since i really like it.01:54
Nothing_Muchstaticwarp: What are your exact specs?01:54
Beldargpartedhelp, It is if this partition is a OS that boots, moving it can possibly need a grub reload is all at times.01:55
Nothing_MuchBecause maybe Puppy Linux might be a better option for you staticwarp01:55
Bashing-1mstaticwarp: My expereience installing Lubuntu; do not enable the preliminary options to d/l 3rd party software, nor do any updates while installing.01:55
webgendoes it make a BIG difference if i put xubuntu instead of ubuntu on VM? is it much faster or not so much?01:55
staticwarpi have a dell d865glc with a pentium 4 3ghz, 624mb ram, a cdr drive, and a broadcom wireless nic.01:55
Nothing_MuchOhh, that's odd, you should be able to boot into Lubuntu no problem01:56
Beldarstaticwarp, are you sure the freeze is not just a black screen?01:57
staticwarpi should probably also mention that there is an ati radeon 9800 128mb gpu in there that i want to use.01:57
Nothing_Muchstaticwarp: Which version of Lubuntu? 13.10 or 12.04?01:57
Jordan_Ustaticwarp: Did you try disabling the boot splash and seeing what the last boot messages were?01:57
staticwarp@beldar yes, i get to the lubuntu splash screen and the little "loading dots" flash for a few minutes, then the process stops and the cd quits spinning. the system will just hang like that, it doesn't even get to the "black screen of waiting" XD01:58
GorrothHey all.01:58
staticwarpit was lubuntu 12.0401:58
GorrothIn the Unity/Gnome terminal's keyboard shortcuts, do you know how to disable shortcuts?  I can only figure out how to enable them.01:58
Nothing_Muchstaticwarp: You should probably use 13.10, since 12.04 I believe is not LTS01:58
Nothing_MuchFor Lubuntu at least, the other flavors ARE LTS01:59
staticwarpi didn't try disabling the boot splash.01:59
Gorrothfigured it out01:59
staticwarphmm i will try lubuntu 13.10 then and see what happens01:59
Nothing_MuchAlright, good luck staticwarp02:00
webgenJordan_U so I am gonna peace out for today, i will be back sometime ^.^02:01
=== finchd_ is now known as finchd
Nothing_MuchCan anybody explain to me why the software sources won't show up on a daily basis? In fact, it hasn't prompted me any updates for months.02:01
staticwarpthanks! i will let you guys know how it goes, i'm downloading lubuntu 13.10 now.02:01
webgenguys which one should I use for virtual machine? ubuntu xubuntu or lubuntu? is there much difference at speed on core 2 duo ?02:01
Jordan_UNothing_Much: Please pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get upgrade".02:01
Nothing_Muchwebgen: You should probably use Lubuntu/Xubuntu since Ubuntu might not handle well on a Core 2 Duo02:02
Nothing_MuchJordan_U: On it02:02
webgenNothing_Much and which one from xubuntu/lubuntu ? :D02:02
Nothing_Muchwebgen: If you want something similar to XP, try Lubuntu, for a semi Mac OS X look, Xubuntu. They use about the same resources, but Lubuntu is a tiny bit lighter than Xubuntu.02:03
=== SirLagz_ is now known as SirLagz
Nothing_MuchJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/K3rTxGC802:04
Nothing_MuchI can always use those commands02:04
webgenNothing_Much ok dude thanks alot!02:04
Nothing_MuchBut I wish I was prompted because most of the time I forget02:04
webgenpeace everybody02:04
Nothing_Muchno problem webgen02:04
roastedHello friends. I'm trying to install software known as Mimio (listed as compatible with Ubuntu 13.10) and getting these errors. Anybody have an idea? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7008217/02:05
Nothing_MuchUbuntu has its own Pastebin? O.O02:05
Nothing_MuchCan anybody explain to me why the software sources won't show up on a daily basis? In fact, it hasn't prompted me any updates for months.02:07
kaihithey everybody02:11
Nothing_MuchIt looks like a bug!02:13
Nothing_Muchhopefully it'll get fixed in 14.04 right?02:14
Jordan_UNothing_Much: Did you find a bug report?02:14
Nothing_MuchJordan_U: Yes I did02:14
Nothing_MuchHold on02:14
Nothing_MuchJordan_U: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/104656302:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1046563 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "update-manager never appears on lubuntu precise" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:15
Nothing_MuchBut the thing is02:15
Nothing_MuchI'm on 14.04, but the upgrades JUST appeared02:15
Nothing_MuchSo hopefully it was some sorta conflict I guess02:15
Jordan_UNothing_Much: If you're on Ubuntu 14.04 then you should be asking in #ubuntu+1 .02:16
Nothing_MuchJordan_U: I did but I got ignored02:16
Jordan_UNothing_Much: That doesn't make this the correct channel.02:17
muhammadni am building a package on launchpad for precise...02:17
Nothing_MuchProbably because of my impatience with this upgrade thing02:17
Nothing_MuchYeah I know02:17
muhammadnand i got this error.02:17
muhammadnmake: dh: Command not found02:17
muhammadnmake: *** [clean] Error 12702:17
Nothing_MuchBut I think it's fixed02:17
etfbJust today, my windows have developed a weird bug around the frames.  The title bar is full of what looks like static, as if they were being drawn from an image in unitialised memory. Is anyone else getting that? I think it's a recent update.02:17
muhammadnwhat are the dependencies that i need to add to make it build successfully?02:17
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ImSoExcitedHey guys. Guess who just joined the Ubuntu family. :)02:21
Nothing_MuchWelcome ImSoExcited!02:22
Nothing_MuchBut you should try out #ubuntu-offtopic02:22
Nothing_MuchThat's where most of the general discussions go02:22
snypIf I install nvidia drivers from nvidia's site, will it cause any problem? i guess the driver is downloaded in binary form, so ubuntu kernel updates can perhaps break it?02:34
staticwarphi guys, i'm trying to install lubuntu and get stuck at the boot splash screen i've waited about 10 minutes with no progress. how should i proceed?02:35
snypuh i should just use the drivers from Additional Drivers menu i think02:36
Beldarsnyp, You have to reinstall with kernel upgrades yes generally.02:36
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snypBeldar, that's why i should use Additional Drivers' driver, since it is integrated with apt-get right?02:37
Beldarsnyp, Sometimes the proprietary drivers in the additional drivers as well.02:37
snyphm.. i see02:37
johnmbergmanI would stick with what is available in Additional Drivers if possible02:38
Beldarsnyp, It's not apt-get integration, but ubuntun developer tweaked drivers02:38
Beldarerr or was that ubuntoon02:38
Beldara lame joke02:42
Actionparsnipstaticwarp: what gpu do you use?02:45
staticwarpit is an ati radeon 9800 pro 128mb gpu.02:45
ActionparsnipBeldar: ubuntu developers cannot tweak the proprietary drivers02:46
Actionparsnip They are not open source02:46
staticwarpi just tried booting linux mint as well and get the same problem, it freezes up and will not continue with the installation.02:46
dugan /server irc.google.com02:46
Actionparsnipstaticwarp: try the boot option : radeo02:46
eskrimaHi are there any down falls fit ubuntu for phone? I tried looking around but couldn't find nothing for galaxy s202:47
Actionparsnipstaticwarp: radeon.nomodeset=102:47
Beldar!touch | eskrima02:47
ubottueskrima: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch02:47
staticwarpok, i'm up for trying that. how can get to the console to try and use that  command?02:48
eskrimaOk let me check thanks02:48
Actionparsnipstaticwarp: its not a command.  It's a boot option02:48
Actionparsnipstaticwarp: you add it to Grub02:48
johnmbergmanstaticwarp: it is done in Grub02:48
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:48
staticwarpthankss, i'll view that thread now02:50
johnmbergmanDoes everyone here mostly stick with Unity or what is your favorite window manager?02:53
staticwarpthe installation still freezes when booting with nomodeset. can i access grub from the lubuntu boot choices menu (the "try lubuntu without installing, install lubuntu" etc)?02:57
Bashing-1mstaticwarp: try: when bios screen clears, depress and hold the right shift key -> language screen, escape key to accept -> boot options screen.02:59
staticwarpthanks, i will try that now03:00
staticwarpi typed radeon.nomodeset=1 at the command line and got the error could not find kernel image: radeon.nomodeset=103:03
Bashing-1mstaticwarp: at that boot options screen F6 key -> boot parameters -> choose "nomodeset".03:04
Beldarstaticwarp, You might just do a text install and use radeon.nomodeset=1 in grub if needed.03:05
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staticwarp@bashing i tried booting after selecting nomodeset, it still froze up. @beldar is grub the "boot" prompt i get when holding shift after the bios screen?03:07
Beldarstaticwarp, That was Bashing-1m area, you can tab complete nicks so they are correct.03:08
Bashing-1mstaticwarp: are we back to PAE issues - old systems can not support newer kernels -, got to have the fakePAE to work-a-round.03:09
Beldarstaticwarp, You got mine right but misspelled the others, you want them notified is all like you see yours is when we answer. ;)03:09
staticwarpthanks guys. I'll reread the PAE page linked to earlier and choose the best option.03:10
staticwarp@beldar thanks, i'll make sure to spell them properly XD03:10
Beldarstaticwarp, lubuntu is not a pae install.03:10
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Beldarnor xubuntu03:11
staticwarp@beldar thanks for confirming that, i should have known that trying lubuntu again would yield the same results that got me here in the first place XD.03:12
Bashing-1mBeldar: Maybe I best go do some homework too, HUH ?? .. Will at this time reread the reference.03:12
BeldarBashing-1m, Heh, easy mistake, I just happened to see that here.03:12
Bashing-1mBeldar: FYI "Lubuntu and Xubuntu offered a PAE and a non-PAE release up to and including 12.04, but from 12.10 only the PAE releases are maintained. " Still reading !03:14
Beldarstaticwarp, Lubuntu must have a choice of install without getting to the desktop, I would try that, if not a mini will, then worry about the radeon issues than if it installs.03:14
BeldarBashing-1m, I have not really researched it, I suspect they sense which to install just a guess however.03:15
Beldaror run03:15
staticwarpBeldar: i'm considering trying a mini install, just need to get this thing onto a wired connection. i noticed at the non-pae guide this sentence: "Only if you get the error kernel requires features not present on the CPU: PAE this guide comes into play."03:16
staticwarphow can i check if i'm getting that error since i'm getting a freeze at the boot splash screen?03:17
dotnettediso a guide on how to completely purge catalyst to attempt reinstallation03:18
staticwarpi would like to confirm the pae issue before proceeding with anything else.03:19
Beldarstaticwarp, I would ask in #lubuntu to.03:19
dotnettedmy system is so far broken it's not even funny - catalyst 13 drivers on 13.10 give me 2 mouse pointers and flickering screen areas03:19
staticwarpBeldar: ok i will give that a shot as well. thanks :)03:20
dotnettedanyone else running radeon 7970 cards with saucy?03:20
Beldardotnetted, probably what you need here read carefully. http://askubuntu.com/search?q=purge+catalyst03:21
dotnettedI have purged in 1000 different ways following 20+ guides - I still have the same problems after reinstallation03:22
dotnettedI was looking for someone that has actually successfully "needed" to purge heh03:22
sgo11hi, I heard unity 8 is faster. will that be faster than lxde? thanks.03:22
Beldar<dotnetted> iso a guide on how to completely purge catalyst to attempt reinstallation   Hmm seemed like you wanted to purge.03:23
dotnettedBeldar: didn't say I didn't03:23
dotnettedbut I have some specific issues that are not solved by the purging listed in all the available articles (apparently :( )03:24
Beldardotnetted, If I might say, be clear with what you have done and what you want is all.03:24
Beldarsgo11, Not really an issue to address here, at best biased opinions based on no real data is what you will get.03:26
dotnettedI have tried both catalyst 13.11/13.35 drivers installed as both built saucy packages and via the installed - I have purged in between each reinstallation by using bother the installers --remove and dpkg --remove fglrx/fglrx-dev/fglrx-ccc and removed xorg.conf03:26
BeldarTo many variables at the least03:27
dotnettedI rebooted and ran aticonfig --initial between all removals and updates -- I now have 2 mouse cursors (one works) and half of my secondary monitor flickers03:27
sgo11Beldar, as long as there are some opinions, that is fine. I don't care if they are biased opinions or not. thanks.03:27
dotnettedand my mouse cursor will change randomly to a caret cursor and the black X - the primary monitor will turn green and restart x randomly03:27
Beldarsgo11, This is support not polling is all .;)03:28
Bashing-1mstaticwarp: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Alternate_ISO ; Have you tried this route ?03:28
sgo11Beldar, ok. :)03:28
barrettis there any widget (in gnome classic) to display the output of a command or script?03:28
dotnettedanyone have issued in 13.10 unity where the cursor will change to a text cursor / black [ X ] when nearing the edge of the screen or over the launcher?03:30
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therefguy, i've installed ubuntu on my rig, is installing catalyst driver for my r9 290 is a must?? i read it somewhere ubuntu by default already uses open source Radeon driver03:35
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Beldartheref, Your choice depending on if the open source is suitable and what you need.03:37
therefi want to play some high end game on my ubuntu Beldar03:38
Beldartheref, Do we assume than the open source is not working for that, have you tried?03:39
Beldartheref, Note, I'm just answering really basic questions, I'm not really a driver guru.03:40
staticwarpBashing-1m: i hadn't considered that, thanks. :)03:41
therefnot yet Beldar03:41
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therefits just, ive installed catalyst and it gave me error03:41
therefand it broke my ubuntu!03:41
Beldartheref, Ah, might that be a better contention of your inquiry?03:42
therefso i just reinstalled my ubuntu again and decide not to use that catalyst again,03:42
Bashing-1mstaticwarp: Your last in reference to the "alternate .iso" ??03:44
staticwarpBashing-1m: yes, that's right. this looks like a good option since it will fit on a cd. i'll still need to haul it to where i can set up a wired connection. i hope that a non-graphical installer will help speed things up a bit. I still haven't confirmed the "kernel requires features not present on the CPU: PAE" error, i'm trying to figure out where to find that during the installation process.03:46
Beldarstaticwarp, If it's a net install, (I have not followed exactly) the install is a longer time.03:48
staticwarpBeldar: true, it will be slower because of the download time - i guess i was a bit vague. i meant that it will hopefully be faster aside from waiting for things to download. :)03:50
Beldarstaticwarp, I have found that with lubuntu the net install is a lighter running setup, not sure why.03:50
Beldarhas all the same apps though.03:51
Beldarless memory to be more exacting03:51
staticwarpBeldar: interesting. :) the only thing i'm trying to figure out before i proceed is how to confirm the pae issue. during the process of booting from the live cd, where should i look for this error: "kernel requires features not present on the CPU: PAE"03:52
staticwarpthe installers usually just have some generic graphical loading progress thing like a bar or dots, and don't show the lines being executed in the console, so i can't figure out where to look for that.03:53
Beldarstaticwarp, Not sure from a install disc, there must be a no splash boot to see the text.03:53
Beldarthe mini is a no pae I believe03:54
staticwarpBeldar: thanks, i think i will just give the alternate installer a shot without worrying about pae then. if it doesn't work then i'll worry about it. XD03:54
trumpettingwould the ubuntu stackexchange be an okay place to ask if my ubuntu will help me get more performance out of my lenovo g505?03:54
claycorni would love to update my video drivers on ubuntu03:54
Beldartrumpetting, So ubuntu is not installed this is just a inquiry as to its use on that unit?03:55
trumpettingBeldar: that's right.03:55
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Bashing-1mstaticwarp: PAE flag: if you get to where you can boot the liveCD -> terminal command ->cat /proc/cpuinfo <- look in the flags field.03:57
Beldartrumpetting, that is opinion area not really definable, I would just install it and see, and try various desktops. Problem is your definition more performance which can't really be quantifiable.03:57
staticwarpBashing-1m: excellent, thank you. ;)03:58
Bashing-1mstaticwarp: No problem, just try'n all we can to get you up on Lubuntu !03:59
Beldartrumpetting, Certainly fast enough.03:59
claycornshould i update my video card?04:00
Beldar!details | claycorn04:00
ubottuclaycorn: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:00
trumpettingBeldar: thanks beldar, i will try and so something like that, i suppose04:01
Beldartrumpetting, Cool this is a W8 computer you up on UEFI installs?04:01
trumpettingBeldar: sorry, not sure what you mean?04:01
Beldartrumpetting, W8 computers use a different file system and uefi protection, it is a gpt04:02
Beldar!uefi | trumpetting04:02
ubottutrumpetting: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI04:02
trumpettingBeldar: yes, it is a windows 8 computer04:02
claycorni would like to update my video card how do i do that?04:03
rannongabuy video card take out old video card put in new video card04:03
Beldartrumpetting, And it is a different install situation no use of the mbr, here is another link. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729504:03
claycorni have a lapttop04:03
trumpettingBeldar: thanks! i'll check that out04:03
Beldartrumpetting, Cool, notice in the UF link the focus on a backup of windows to cover your booty.04:04
Bashing-1mclaycorn: What driver is in use now ? And what prompts you to change it ?04:04
trumpettingBeldar: right, that's what i am in the process of doing right now :)04:05
Beldartrumpetting, Cool, make a recovery disc to and you will be prepared for any OS failure.04:06
claycornhow do find the drivers info?04:06
trumpettingBeldar: sounds good04:06
Beldarclaycorn, your graphic hardware will show in running lspci in a ubuntu terminal.04:06
Bashing-1mclaycorn: also: terminal commands ->lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 vga , sudo lshw -C display (pastebin them for help).04:08
claycorn VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RS880M [Mobility Radeon HD 4225/4250]04:08
claycornthis correct?04:10
bazillHey, I don't suppose anyone would be willing to help me out with some ubuntu installation issues?04:10
Beldarbazill, If you share the issues and anyone knows, likely yes.04:11
Bashing-1mclaycorn: ; Beldar :: Mobility ->  HD 4225/4250 -> legacy status and no propriatary drivers available as AMD dropped support ??04:12
BeldarBashing-1m, No idea, I just see people struggle with radeons04:13
bazillUbuntu seems to want to boot into low graphics mode because it cannot configure my monitor or gpu. When I attempt to boot into low graphics mode it just pulls up the console.04:13
rcw2dragon player can play dvds but not vlc.  any suggestions?04:13
Beldarrcw2, every dvd, vlc has a a lot of codecs when installed? You install the restricted-extras?04:14
Bashing-1mclaycorn: ; Beldar 90% sure this is the case ( I know it is for the "normal"  HD 4225/4250 series, no suppoort past 12.04.1 !).04:15
Beldarbazill, you know the graphic hardware?04:15
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bazillI do. Radeon 7790.04:16
claycorndont bother updating eh?04:16
bazillI have had some issues with AMD and linux in the past. Normally I could at least get to the desktop though.04:16
Beldarrcw2, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs take a looksie here.04:16
agentcaseyin order to play dvd's on vanila linux systems, one must first install libdvdcss from here http://www.videolan.org/developers/libdvdcss.html04:17
Bashing-1mclaycorn: Well, IF you really need to go with fglrx drivers, then install release 12.04.1 :D04:17
Beldarbazill, Cool, that helps the channel to help you, out of any area of knowledge for me though.04:18
claycornhow do i go about doing that?04:18
whyrusleepingI want to set up my desktop to ssh into a server whenever i log in, how would i do that?04:18
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)04:18
Beldarwhyrusleeping, ^^^^^^04:18
bazillThat's alright man. I'm unsure where to start. I've tried researching online but I can't seem to find anything on the subject.04:18
Bashing-1mclaycorn: If you want to use the proprietary AMD/ATI driver, install Ubuntu 12.04.1: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04.1/ <-.04:19
bazillI'd normally just post on a forum but I'm unsure what information you guys need.04:19
rcw2i dont see how to fast forward besides using the chapter skip on dragon.  ????04:19
whyrusleepingBeldar: i know how to use ssh, but i dont know how to make it happen on login04:19
whyrusleepingim using pub/priv keys so theres no need for passwords04:19
Beldarwhyrusleeping, Ah, cool.04:20
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claycornim running 13.1004:20
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babinlonstonHow can i Assign a Host-name and IP address automatically for 100 Systems in LAN Using DNS server or DHCP server, any one guide04:21
Bashing-1mclaycorn: honestly, the support for open source drivers in 13.10 is great, I would think hard before reverting to 12.04.04:21
claycornim not gonna revert04:22
Bashing-1mclaycorn: Again, with 90% certainty, as AMD has dropped support you have no other alternative than the driver you now have .04:26
claycornwhere r the open source drivers i need ?04:26
claycornohh ok thanks bashing04:26
Ubuntu1missing this, dont know what it is, can someone help with this?--http://pastebin.com/dVNM9Gbr04:26
Bashing-1mclaycorn: It is installed, you can verify what with the commands I provided, for display and card/driver info.04:26
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Ubuntu1missing "GLX"  can someone help with this????  http://pastebin.com/dVNM9Gbr04:39
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Duckilyis this the right channel for help with a server running ubuntu?04:44
nijois nexus 4 decided to be primary dev phone for ubuntu touch for quite a long time???04:44
rwwnijo: probably better off asking #ubuntu-touch04:45
Duckilyrww: is there a channel for basic ubuntu sysadmin help04:46
rwwDuckily: here or #ubuntu-server are the right channels for help with a server running ubuntu04:46
rwwpeople tend to respond more to questions about specific issues :)04:47
Duckilyok, i have a server running out of memory all of a sudden and i'm looking for a little help in diagnosing the problem04:47
Duckilyi'm very new and looking to perhaps be just pointed in the right direction04:48
rwwinstall the htop package, run htop, see what's using all the memory04:48
rwwyou could use top instead, which is already installed, but less colorful and less easy to use04:49
Duckilyrww: answered my next question :-)04:49
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Duckilyrww: when VIRT says 426m that means a process is using 436mb of ram?04:54
Duckilyi meant 426mb04:55
rwwubottu: ram04:56
ubottuIf you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html04:56
rwwDuckily: first link is pretty good, ignore the silly graphics04:56
rwwdon't think it discussed virtual memory, though, hrm04:56
rwwDuckily: anyways. nope. the ones you should probably be looking at are MEM% or RES04:57
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Duckilyrww: thanks for the link, but i have the opposite problem. it says its 3.9gb are used, but it doesn't show processes using that much ram04:59
Duckilyrww: i think it might be a problem with a process forking too much and not one process taking a lot of memory :-(05:01
spikebikehrmpf, looks like most ubuntu flavors have a beta1 release out, anyone know the schedule for the main ubuntu beta1?05:02
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kostkonspikebike, there isn't going to be one https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule05:03
spikebikeso no opt-in = no beta?05:04
kostkonspikebike, yeah, only for the other *buntu flavours that have opted in05:05
spikebikekostkon: thanks.05:05
kostkonspikebike, np05:06
spikebikeI've got a crashing desktop issues with a nvidia driver, was thinking to reinstall05:06
spikebikethe dreaded: NVRM: os_schedule: Attempted to yield the CPU while in atomic or interrupt context05:09
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johnakabeanwhy does ubuntu require more than 2gb for 64-bit?05:17
johnakabeanany way to disable unnecessary services?05:17
spikebikeshould work fine, just not optimal05:18
spikebikeand it's not the "unnecessary services" that takes the ram05:18
johnakabeanxserver is culprit05:18
spikebikewell even things like thunderbird and chrome can take up a fair chunk of 2GB05:18
johnakabeanyes but anyway to get it unbloated? I just tried lubuntu and the repo is limited05:18
spikebikedon't all the flavors share pretty much all the packages?05:19
johnakabeanyeah and if you used the repository of ubuntu on it, it failed requiring xserver as dependency for everything05:19
johnakabeanno its ubuntu without xserver05:19
kostkonjohnakabean, lubuntu is based on lxde which in turn needs X to work05:20
spikebikeI call that server ;-)05:20
johnakabeanim helping a friend who just wants to browse internet and she liked debian i run; she cant afford more ram or a new laptop or a license for windows 705:20
johnakabeankostkon, when i tried to install simple fancontrol it failed, with apt-get05:20
johnakabeaneven openssh-server05:20
kostkonjohnakabean, maybe you installed an eol release?05:20
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:21
johnakabeanwhat apt-get add-repository line would you suggest for lubuntu, to use same packages as ubuntu?05:21
kostkonjohnakabean, it should have the access to the same repos as ubuntu05:21
johnakabeanit doesnt....i went to package manager, nothing like my debian05:22
johnakabeani went to games, it only had 705:22
johnakabean7 total, 1 not installed05:22
FourFirehhhhheeeeeelllllo pllesehhhhelp me v12.04 kkkkeyinputis ufubar what cmannnnd termnal to restart+05:22
Beldarjohnakabean, Have you run a update?05:22
kostkonjohnakabean, try downloading lubuntu 13.10, you might have installed an unsupported version05:22
johnakabeanill put lubuntu back; she had outdated bios and fan was not spinning fast enough so kept shutting off05:23
johnakabeani updated bios05:23
johnakabeani had to put windows on there to update stupid bios JUST install windows to update bios *sigh*05:23
Beldarjohnakabean, How about lubuntu, you have to run a update to sync the repos after an install.05:23
johnakabeani had to sit laptop's intake vent overtop of my top fan on desktop :)05:23
FourFiremmmmykkkkeeeys are all behaving like stttiiiicky shiffffft05:24
BeldarFourFire, regular words and be clear.05:24
johnakabeanill try again beldar, i didnt do update BEFORE adding another repository05:24
FourFirehow do     i undo+?05:24
kostkonFourFire, reboot?05:24
kostkonthere you go05:25
johnakabeanis kubuntu with kde?05:25
kostkonjohnakabean, yes05:25
spikebikeah, update-release -d allows me to upgrade to alpha for trusth tahr05:27
Beldarspikebike, If you update the support will be on #ubuntu+105:27
Beldartill release05:27
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spikebikebtw, my favorite light weight ubuntu release is xubuntu, XFCE is awesome on memory and speed05:28
spikebikeBeldar: cool, thanks.05:28
johnakabeandoes xfce use all the packages of ubuntu?05:28
Beldarspikebike, No prob05:28
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spikebikejohnakabean: pretty much last I checked, of course some apt-get installs will trigger kde libraries, etc.05:29
Beldarjohnakabean, Nope, it uses xfce packages, found in the ubuntu repos05:29
spikebikeBeldar: isn't the overlap close to 100%?  Sure some packages are unity specific, but not many05:30
Beldarspikebike, Some but xfce is a lighter desktop, so less packages and some different versions such as leafpad rather than gedit05:30
kostkonspikebike, not really, xfce/xubuntu comes with a different set of apps and utilities05:31
spikebikeBeldar: sure, but apt-get install gedit works right?  It just pulls in the related gnome libs05:31
spikebikekostkon: by default, not limited by repo though05:31
kostkonspikebike, agreed05:31
Beldarspikebike, yes, but that is not within the context if the original question, they use the same repos, you can have what you want.05:31
subhojit777Hello, I have synapse installed. I find it much better than dash as per my requirements. I want to change default shortcut of super key in Ubuntu, so that when I tap super key it opens synapse instead of dash05:32
spikebikeBeldar: well the complaint was limitations by repo and app unavailability05:32
Beldarsubhojit777, Not gonna happen probably, synapse needs a password/05:32
Beldarspikebike, The complaint was based on no idea of the repos being the same, and no update run.05:33
tarelerulzDo any of you have  4.3  android samsung phone ?  if so how does it work with  Ubuntu 13?  Can you get a both the internal and external storage ?05:33
subhojit777synapse password? I dont get it. Synapse, an application that lets you open apps using fuzzy search (similar to unity dash), just synapse is faster than dash05:34
kostkontarelerulz, nautilus et all should be able to recognise it fine05:34
Beldarsubhojit777, Ah sorry I was think synaptic, you can change synapses key to open in its preferences.05:35
kostkonoh ok i got it right05:35
kostkontarelerulz, ^05:35
spikebikeBeldar: ah, sorry, I missed that05:35
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subhojit777:) np but it does not accepts only <Super> key05:35
Beldarsubhojit777, preferences is in drop down from button in top right corner.05:36
kostkontarelerulz, can't be more specific than that though, about being able to recognise both external and internal.05:36
Beldarsubhojit777, I use ctrl-shift for synapse05:36
subhojit777Beldar, yes I got that but no way to specify only <Super> key as shortcut05:36
Guest61524where can i get lib6c:i386 for 310 64 bit ubuntu05:37
subhojit777Beldar, ok that can be done but I got a habit of tapping super key for opening an application05:37
subhojit777Beldar, and dont want to change my habit :)05:37
kostkonGuest61524, install it, sudo apt-get lib6c:i38605:37
kostkonsudo apt-get install lib6c:i386 *05:37
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Guest61524says it can't find it05:38
Beldarsubhojit777, Mine wont either, ubuntu has the keys somewhat locked to specificities the windows key is pointed at the dash, not sure how to change that.05:38
subhojit777Beldar, ok thanks05:38
tarelerulzHow does  Ubuntu support  mtp protocol?05:39
Guest61524says it can't find it05:39
kostkonGuest61524, install it, sudo apt-get libc6:i38605:41
Beldartarelerulz, with packages05:41
kostkonGuest61524, it turns out it's libc6 not lib6c05:41
rwwspecifically, libmtp05:41
johnakabeanyeah beldar i skipped the wifi connection on first install; no wonder it flew through the install05:42
Beldarlibmtp-runtime, libmtp9, libmtp-common05:42
johnakabeantaking much longer now05:42
tarelerulzHow well is it supported (mtp) ?  after hours I got it working on 12.04 ,but it was not great.  I could not see movie files ect05:44
rwwmtp isn't great regardless of OS05:45
kostkontarelerulz, it should work fine in all releases after 12.0405:45
Beldartarelerulz, 12.04 needs a ppa the rest above work fine05:45
rwwdepends on your device05:45
kostkontarelerulz, out of the box*05:45
tarelerulzI have Samsung  Galaxy note 3 .05:46
Beldartarelerulz, You have android 4.3 ubuntu reads that fine.05:47
tarelerulzHow much room does 13  need?05:48
Guest61524how do i get 32 bit libs for 64 bit sys so i can run 32 bit apps05:49
Beldartarelerulz, I think it is around 4.5 gigs now at the least.05:49
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Guest61524it can't find libc6:i386 either05:52
sajanGuest61524: Prior to 13.10 you could run: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs.  However, as of 13.10 I'm not sure how to install 32bit libraries.05:52
tripelb12.04 Adobe flash has a problem. I tried the web page which brings up the software center whi9ch says no adobe update.05:52
tripelbadobe web page05:52
sajanGuest61524: Supposedly, it's in the universe/multiverse repositories.05:52
Beldartripelb, The ubuntu repos have the highest available adobe flash the chrome browser has a higher version built in.05:54
=== YourBestFriend is now known as mozzarella
spikebikeyeah the newest flash has a newer API to make browsers more relaible05:54
spikebikefirefox however has decided not to support it05:54
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Beldaradobe does not support linux ix the issue05:55
spikebikewell they do, just not the API firefox uses05:56
tripelbbeldar, spikebike. What shall I do? The Daily show stalled 2 minutes into a segment "buffer full". > Corrected question:12.04 The Ubuntu Update fails on Adobe flash - a problem. I tried the adobe web page - install flash for apt for ubuntu 10.04+ which brings up the ubuntu software center which says no adobe update exists.05:56
Beldarspikebike, Runs fine in windows05:56
spikebikeBeldar: right, they get the legacy API05:57
tripelbspikebike, beldar - should I uninstall something? I am using chrome not firefox.05:57
kostkontripelb, buffer full?05:57
kostkontripelb, have you tried restarting? also, do you have enough free space05:57
Beldartripelb, I'm really sure what the actual issue is, nor am I an expert in this area.05:57
BeldarI'm not*05:58
tripelbkostkon - after the video just sat there I pressed pause, then it said buffer full. pressed play, still stalled. (the web page said it in the lower left corner of the "tv screen". Not ubuntu saying it.05:58
rwwspikebike: no they don't. Google supports flash on chrome linux, they took over from Adobe05:58
tripelbhow much free space should I have kostkon?05:59
spikebikerww: really?  Adobe gave google the flash source?05:59
kostkontripelb, it could have been a server side problem then05:59
spikebikerww: last I heard google and adobe partnered on a new api to allow greater seperation between browser and flash for security, performance, and reliability reasons.05:59
tripelbkostkon, I have 4.5 GB free space, also have "some contents unreadable" (??)06:00
kostkontripelb, where do you see that message?06:00
tripelbI have had to restart ubuntu often. I never had to do that with ubuntu before 12.04 - wassup?06:01
tripelbbaffled and tired. I keep trying to solve the puzzle of a working for me computer.06:01
rwwspikebike: and now the only flash releases on linux come from Google, and are only supported by Google, not by Adobe06:01
tripelbtb waites.06:01
tripelbtb waits.06:01
spikebikerww: cool, no wonder it got better so quick ;-006:02
tripelbhi rww.06:02
rwwhi tripelb06:02
kostkontripelb, im not really sure what your problem really is. having said that, 4.5gb of free space could cause you problems in the future06:03
tripelbkostkon I see the message on the "tv screen" of the Daily show, just above where the pause or play symbols are.06:03
kostkontripelb, even if you reload the page?06:04
tripelbhow much free space should I have kostkon06:04
tripelbI will try again, ie reload the page.06:04
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tripelbsee you another day. I am going to try the update center again. more updates anyway. thanks.06:06
Guest61524how do i get to them06:06
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kostkonBlazin, HI06:14
kostkon!caps | Blazin06:15
ubottuBlazin: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.06:15
R0b0t1How do I use two network adapters at once?06:15
R0b0t1I have a router I need to update the firmware on eth0 and I don't want to have to disable wlan0 to use it06:15
spikebikeer is this an ubuntu question?06:16
kostkonR0b0t1, you could just open your network settings, set up an wireless connection to your router06:17
kostkonR0b0t1, oh misunderstood the question. actually, i can understand it at all06:18
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spikebikeMy router has two wifi interfaces and 5xGigE.  My laptop, phones, and tablets connect over wifi.  My 2 desktops over ethernet.  But the router is runnign ddwrt, not ubuntu.06:22
R0b0t1kostkon: I should be able to have two connections up at once06:27
R0b0t1one with each interface06:27
R0b0t1one to my existing wlan, one other eth to my router06:27
thurstylarkI'm trying to run a jar in screen and using an alias to launch both screen and the java app at the same time. When I run it in screen, it doesn't load necessary files that are in the same directory, but it does load the files if I run the java app outside of screen. is there a way I can fix that?06:28
qinR0b0t1: what firmware? Anyway to make i.e. use only wlan0 you can for example: http://superuser.com/questions/241178/how-to-use-different-network-interfaces-for-different-processes06:35
qinthurstylark: maybe #screen would help.06:36
johnakabeanok lubuntu does have a lot of apps like games in repo, I see now. Is the desktop usually buggy as hell? Half the time I cant click on anything except the programs I have open and im using both touchpad and regular mouse (usb) on her laptop06:36
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johnakabeanI saw an error on startup and shutdown that point to this fix: cgit.freedesktop.org/~danvet/drm-intel/06:37
Beldarjohnakabean, You double clicking on desktop stuff?06:37
johnakabeanwould that cause the "mouse"06:37
johnakabeanno, beldar, just trying to click on "start" menu06:37
spikebikenot used it, sat in front of xfce for quote awhile though06:37
johnakabeanor anything06:37
johnakabeanlike right now its stuck in package manager and the task manager open; i cant click on anything in task manager and package manager will only allow clicking every other try06:38
johnakabeanis drm-intel available on repo?06:39
FreewheelinFrankcan someone help explain disk devices and boot files...one 'device' is at 99% capacity06:41
winsoffPlaying Pokemon Blue with random input at 1000x speed: twitch.tv/randomplaysgames06:41
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johnakabeanFreewheelinFrank, is that 99% /boot?06:42
johnakabeanif so, thats normal06:42
FreewheelinFrankits a block device06:42
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FreewheelinFrankpretty sure i got a warning06:42
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!06:43
oxfordthat still exists06:43
johnakabeando you have a shell? df command06:43
R0b0t1qin, thanks, looking06:45
FreewheelinFrankjohnkabean: no /boot is /dev/sda2 but the block device is ...'mounted at filesystem root' /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root06:45
FreewheelinFrankjohnkabean: system freezes up and I have to restart occasionally, no real draw on power on new system 4cpu06:47
R0b0t1qin: No, I do not think that helps sadly. I am kind of confused how I'm not capable of delegating certain connections to different interfaces06:47
R0b0t1surely this must exist06:47
oxfordR0b0t1: beep boop boop beep06:48
FreewheelinFrankjohnkabean: I read my log file, can you decipher these codes?06:48
qinR0b0t1: You can, servers simply require configs with set ip, clients either binding (it works) or fiddling in ip tables (like all HTTP trafic to certain interface)06:49
R0b0t1qin: Do you have anywhere I could start06:51
R0b0t1I've found basically nothing06:51
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IamTryingLinux s 3.11.0-17-generic #31-Ubuntu - I have installed. But everytime my internet is very slow in the same network i have Windows PC  and its not slow. Is it a BUG in Ubuntu 13.10 i have been having this problem every single day06:59
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IamTryingInternet browsing is dead slow with Ubuntu 13.1006:59
IamTryingIn the same network Windows PC internet browsing is working without any issue.07:00
spikebikemaybe your network or DNS isn't setup right07:00
FreewheelinFranklog the router07:00
oxfordIamTrying: no you are not07:00
oxfordyou're definitely not TRYING07:01
oxfordmore like LYING07:01
rwwoxford: that isn't helpful.07:01
oxfordIamTrying my best.07:01
rwwand you're evading a +q. If you want to talk in #ubuntu, please join #ubuntu-ops and discuss it there.07:02
FreewheelinFrankoxford: well maybe its sending too many network requests or something is running in the background07:02
IamTryingoxford, why would i do that please? i have network up and i have same network with broadband internet and internet browsing is slow.07:02
oxfordhow am I evading?07:02
rwwoxford: by changing your nick to one that isn't quieted07:02
IamTryingoxford, when i do ping is perfect07:02
spikebikeI'd compare your IP address, subnet, router, and dns settings to the known working config07:02
IamTryingoxford, but when i do $ google-chrome www.ubuntu.com its dead slow07:02
oxfordthen ban appropriately, I don't part channels, freenode's been wonky causing my nicks to change on their own, you can easily +q my hostmask instead of my nick07:03
IamTryingFreewheelinFrank, no ethernet cable to the router straight (Same with Windows 7 PC)07:03
IamTryingFreewheelinFrank, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7009021/07:04
IamTryingoxford, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7009021/07:04
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FreewheelinFrankiamtrying: can you test with cat5?07:04
IamTryingFreewheelinFrank, YES its with cat507:04
spikebikeIamTrying: cat /etc/resolv.conf07:05
IamTryingFreewheelinFrank, When i browse local HTTP its working perfectly too. But when i browser external internet pages its dead slow07:05
FreewheelinFrankiamtrying: apologies i thought you said 'no ethernet cable'07:05
IamTryingFreewheelinFrank, YES using Ethernet cable straight to the router (and my router is broad band with fiber internet. enterprise internet package i have)07:06
IamTryingspikebike, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7009045/07:07
IamTryingspikebike, i am pasting it from Windows PC its dead slow my Ubuntu 13.10 to browse the page paste.ubuntu.com07:07
FreewheelinFrankiamtrying: i dont know enough about ubuntu but im a new user on 13.1 and internet is crazy fast. if you set up the router correctly i would think its good07:07
interwebHow do I can install tinytinyrss on my ubuntu and use it on my computer ?07:07
IamTryingFreewheelinFrank, Router is fine Windows PC is working in same network07:07
spikebikeIamTrying: is it graphically slow (slow scrolling), slow to connect?  Slow to look up address?07:08
spikebikeis dig +short paste.ubuntu.com slow?07:08
IamTryingspikebike, slow to look up address, slow to connect (not slow to scrolling not GUI or memory or CPU issue)07:08
qinIamTrying: did you already change nameservers to google ones in resolve.conf?07:08
FreewheelinFrankiamtrying: is it a dual boot on the same cpu or two different cpus? If two different, you have two different internal IP addresses, they each should have the same settings...same protocol07:09
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FreewheelinFrankiamtrying: apologies i read again.07:10
IamTryingspikebike, see my Ubuntu 13.10 is getting auto disconnected in IRC too. Its dead slow since i am using Ubuntu 13.1007:10
interwebHow do I can configure an openvpn on a server and connect to it ?07:11
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub207:11
spikebikeIamTrying> spikebike, slow to look up address, slow to connect (not07:12
interwebcould anyone help07:12
spikebikeIamTrying: is dig +short paste.ubuntu.com slow?07:12
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack_
IamTryingI just rebooted my Ubuntu 13.10. but still Internet browsing is dead slow07:15
spikebikeIamTrying: you won't get help if you don't answer questions.07:16
rannongahi rj07:16
rjhI have a question regarding checking what installation (amd/intel) for ubuntu is that possible? (couldnt find any on google searches, maybe a bad search query). Im developing on an ubuntu 13.10 machine and some dev stuff are acting up.07:16
spikebikerjh: there isn't a different install for amd vs intel07:17
rjhspikebike: so when I see some amd-packages installed, thats no worries? or have my eyes been out of sleep for too long?07:18
spikebikeamd64 just implies 64 bit, not amd vs intel07:18
spikebikeamd made the first x86 64 bit standard, which intel adopted.07:18
rjhspikebike: ok, thanks... thats all ensurance I needed (then threes some other stuff acting up, sigh...)07:19
IamTryingeth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr d4:be:d9:55:91:4a07:19
IamTrying          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
IamTrying          inet6 addr: fe80::d6be:d9ff:fe55:914a/64 Scope:Link07:19
IamTrying          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:107:19
IamTrying          RX packets:1053 errors:853 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:84507:19
IamTrying          TX packets:1339 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:107:19
IamTrying          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100007:19
IamTrying          RX bytes:768028 (768.0 KB)  TX bytes:176927 (176.9 KB)07:19
IamTryingerrors showing in RX07:19
spikebikethere's ia64, but that's a very expensive and not at all compatible with any normal computer07:19
R0b0t1 Why does "route add -net netmask dev eth0" fail with "route: netmask doesn't match route address"07:26
sadboxR0b0t1: Do you mean to use for your net?07:27
jak2000hi all07:28
IamTryingI have been retrying over and over, but its same problem. My internet is deadly slow how can i fix it?07:28
jak2000why when i run this command: a2ensite somain.com i get an error: ERROR: Site itsol.mx does not exist!  the file exists: in /etc/apache2/sites-available   somain.com  thanks07:28
sadbox255.255.255.0 = a full 254 addresses, that doesn't work unless your subnet is a *.0 one07:28
IamTryingif my ETHERNET card is broken. then why i can still ping and upload/download over same local area network GB size files????07:32
IamTryingif my ETHERNET card is broken, i sould not be able to browser intranet . but my problem is i cant browse internet its deadly slow still after reboot, or after restarting the ethernet services07:33
spikebikeDNS problems, subnet, or router problems can easily slow down remote connections, but not local07:33
IamTryingspikebike, how can i force Ubuntu 13.10 to use Primary , Secondary DNS. I can replace my router with another router from HP, Cisco, Juniper enterprise routers currently i am using DrayTek Vigor 2920 enterprise router where Windows PC working fine.07:35
R0b0t1sadbox: No. I mean to be able to access 192.168.0.x over eth0.07:35
spikebikeIamTrying: how is your network on your linux box being configured?  DHCP?07:35
IamTryingspikebike, DHCP or Static both tried and both had same result. basically i use DHCP as default07:36
R0b0t1sadbox: Ah07:36
spikebikewindows is via dhcp as well?07:36
IamTryingspikebike, YES - windows PC is via DHCP mode configure.07:36
R0b0t1sadbox: Okay, so the route added successfully. Now I've got privoxy getting in the way of it.07:37
R0b0t1^ channel07:37
spikebikeand your DNS in both cases is set by DHCP as well?07:37
sadboxR0b0t1: Awesome =)07:37
energizer1This question doesn't exactly belong, but I don't know where else to ask. I need an in-browser pdf-viewer that i can set the default to "fit screen". I'm lost in a sea of PDF viewers and i can't find what i need.07:37
spikebikeenergizer1: I just download and use evince07:39
R0b0t1sadbox: I'm unable to connect to my router though. Anything I can check07:41
energizer1thing is, i'm watching a lecture where it sends each individual slide to the browser as the lecturer gets to it (every 5 seconds) and i have to click full screen on every one or i cant read it -- unless i can automatically open downloaded pdfs in evince without having to click "open"?07:41
IamTryingspikebike, YES both case it was set by DHCP (router ) as well.07:41
IamTryingI have enterprise routers DrayTek, HP, Juniper, Cisco.  I am using the most easy configure router which is DrayTek right now.07:42
IamTryingBehind those routers i have Dell R310 running server with CentOS no problem at all07:42
sadboxR0b0t1: I'll have to leave that to the rest of the channel, it's 1:40am here and I've gotta work tomorrow07:42
IamTryingSince i use Ubuntu 13.10 i have this problem in my Laptop07:42
spikebikeubuntu 13.0 is a fine OS that networks well.  Given correct info over DHCP (router, subnet, DNS, etc.) it shoudl work fine07:45
pashIs anyone willing to help me with ddrescue, I'm trying to recover data from a failed drive.07:45
codingeekI have a problem with priter... Maybe someone can help me07:45
codingeekAlficio Ricoh 250007:45
spikebikeassuming you used the same cable/port with windos on the same hardware07:45
IamTryingspikebike, How do i explicitly setup in my Ubuntu 13.10 primary dns and secondary dns (by ignoring the one set by Router)07:45
codingeekon any Ubuntu distribution doesn't work properly07:45
IamTryingspikebike, YES - same cable same port (where windows works)07:45
spikebikeIamTrying: what ethernet chipset are you using?07:46
spikebikecodingeek: I don't know/do/use printers07:46
IamTryingspikebike, 07:00.0 Ethernet controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR8151 v2.0 Gigabit Ethernet (rev c0) (Alienware Dell Laptop)07:46
energizer1How is it determined where a new evince window will open on the screen?07:48
IamTryingspikebike, in the same LAN to LAN , PC to PC, PC to Router the same ethernet chipset is perfectly working (So its not hardware issue )07:48
IamTryingspikebike, only to go outside LAN to INTERNET networks is dead slow07:48
R0b0t1sadbox, thanks for the help then, gn07:49
po1lanyone had any problems here installing amd drivers on ubuntu 13.10 specifically hd7xxx ?07:49
spikebikeIamTrying: looks like a problematic chipset07:49
spikebikethere's plenty of hits on Atheros AR8151 ethernet not working and related07:50
IamTryingspikebike, How? If i use LiveCD it works, if i use Windows on it it works07:50
IamTryingAnd like i said it cant be hardware. Because Local area network i can send GB, TB of data..07:51
IamTryingOK - thank you spikebike what i will do is 1) keep as it is 2) i will go and buy some USB external USB to Ehternet adapters (if you know some compatible brand let me know) 3) on same broken PC i will  try brand new Ethernet devices and see if that solves 4) if not then i will finally download the drivers latest what-ever avaialble and then retry to simulate the same problem07:54
spikebikeseveral of the above have fixes07:54
spikebikeone just selects an older driver, some compile different kernel or moduels07:55
IamTryingspikebike, YES - but that does not answer me the issue. Why yesterday worked , day before yesterday worked but exactly right now not working. I want to find the reason and know why..07:55
maddmaxxHallo is there any to tell me how i get my laptop chipset?07:56
IamTryingspikebike, The idea was install fresh brand new Ubuntu 13.10 (So that drivers problem are gone) but it did not worked after using few weeks. With liveCD it works07:56
spikebikeIamTrying: the installer often has tweaks like using a single cpu or noacpi07:56
spikebikeIamTrying: anything interesting in dmesg07:58
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jnhghyHi, I have an external hdd 500 gb that doesn't seem to mount, I've did a fdisk -l /dev/sdb/ and got back it's details but I don't know what else should I do to check it ... can anybody help?07:59
spikebikejnhghy: it prints some partitions?07:59
Beldarjnhghy, NTFS?08:00
IamTryingOK -  thank you. I do not see anything surprising in dmesg either. So its totally a brand new ISSUE. It always worked with me, like Ubuntu 11. 12. but since i move to 13 i have this all stupid issues08:00
EleanorEllisI just upgraded from Ubuntu 12.04 to 13.10 and I'm wishing I hadn't. Problem 1:  I forgot to mount my separate home partition. Problem 2: All my packages and settings have disappeared. Problem 3: After installing Gnome Fallback session, my gnome panel seems to be bigger than my (second) monitor and when I add items to it, they don't fit unless I move the panel to my larger monitor. Before upgrading I backed up my root and home partitio08:00
rannongahi helmut08:00
spikebikeIamTrying: I'd just go back to 13.0408:00
spikebikeor whatever worked before08:00
jnhghyspikebike, beldar: http://pastebin.com/BEhLtLAU this is what I got...08:01
spikebikejnhghy: that shows no partitions08:01
spikebikeIamTrying: anything interesting in dmesged)08:01
spikebike(unless it's truncated)08:02
spikebikejnhghy: what happens if you fsck /dev/sdb08:02
jnhghyspikebike: does it mean it's not formated? I need to format it with gparted? is there a way to check if it has data on it?08:02
spikebikeusing a block device with partitions is possible08:02
spikebikeI'd fsck it first and see if it autorecognized a filesystem type08:03
jnhghyspikebike:this is what fsck shows: http://pastebin.com/dwNxe8Pu08:03
spikebikenot sure if your setup supports fat32/ntfs08:04
Ben64jnhghy: try sudo parted -l /dev/sdb08:04
spikebikeyou can partition/mkfs it if you want, but that risks anything there08:04
jnhghyBen64: the command is running now... thanks08:05
Ben64jnhghy: running? it should take about 0.1seconds08:05
spikebikeunless the disk spun down08:06
jnhghyBen64: thought sow... that is why I told you it's running... it's still running ... should I cancel it and try again?08:06
spikebikethats somewhat scary08:06
Ben64jnhghy: are you doing | pastebinit, because it does need you to type your password in for sudo perhaps08:06
jnhghyBen64: it asked for password, I entered the password and then it jumped to a new row and sits there...08:07
Ben64jnhghy: well thats not good...08:07
spikebikejnhghy: anything in dmesg08:07
jnhghyspikebike: dmesg? sorry ... what?08:08
Ben64jnhghy: kill it, and try "sudo parted /dev/sdb"08:08
spikebikesay dmesg | tail -2008:08
Ben64then when you're in parted, type "p" to print the info08:08
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Ben64then "q" to quit parted08:08
jnhghyspikebike: this is for dmesg: http://pastebin.com/0Lm56UGm08:10
spikebikethat looks bad08:10
spikebikeI'd double check your connections, cables, etc.  But somethings very unhappy08:10
spikebikeconnect the drive directly to your machine, not a usb hub or monitor based usb hub08:11
spikebikeyour drive, the cable, or the power supply to the drive might be dying08:11
spikebikesome external drives actually require *TWO* usb connections for power... or a power cube08:11
jnhghyBen64, spikebike: thanks for the help, parted stoped working and I agree I have to connect the device to the MB so I'll go for now but thanks a lot for your time/help...08:12
=== MrsDalloway is now known as sallyowens
fidelhi, is there a way using gnome3/gnome shell to define a shortcut which hides all windows of the current running app. hide as in minimize. i am used to that workflow from osx08:17
MinyunDoes anyone know how to set up the firefox add on "Better Privacy" (for flash cookies) on Linux?08:18
MinyunIt says it can't find the flash cookie folder, which I',m told is in ~/.macromedia, but it the add on won't let me put that in and makes me find the folder manually08:18
k932I am having a small problem, when I ssh into my vm via putty and use nano, everytime I use "§" it turn into "�.", I was wondering if there is a way to fix that?08:19
k932* turns into08:19
spikebikeMinyun: I'd disable flash.08:19
Ben64k932: thats a problem with windows and/or putty, not sure about it, check the settings08:20
Minyun@Spikebike: I am trying to use greasemonkey, but it seems to be conflicting with my other add ons08:20
k932Ben64: I found the solution, I just needed to set the remote character encoding :)08:21
jnhghyspikebike, Ben64: I'm back, how can I do a sudo parted -l for the second hdd? I know the first one is sda, and that an external is sdb but I don't know the second s???08:21
MinyunSpikebike: i have to mess with noscript, request policy a ton and do all sorts of stuff then it works sometimes but not sure how to make them all work together seamlessly08:22
spikebikedrives are generally sda, sdb, sdc, ...08:22
spikebikegpartd -l won't hurt anything08:22
spikebikedmesg often shows info when you connect a new drive08:23
Ben64jnhghy: if you just "sudo parted -l" it will show all drives08:23
jnhghyBen64: thanks, sudo parted -l shows only my main hdd, nothing about the second one, I'll do a demsg right now08:24
spikebikeif you can more similar spew from dmesg it's things dying as they try to recognize/scan/detect/mount the new drive08:25
jnhghyspikebike: I've checked the last 20 messages from dmesg and they are not related to hdd, is there a way to grep only for hdd messages?08:26
spikebikewell if your main drive is sda08:27
spikebikethe new drive should try as sdb (assuming it's the 2nd drive)08:27
spikebikeso dmesg | grep sdb might work08:27
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fidelrezan: www.DONTUSECAPS.com ;)08:28
jnhghyspikebike: dosen't show anything about sdb only sda08:29
spikebikeyou could unplug and replug08:29
spikebikeany new crashing/errors and related imply things are bad08:30
jnhghyspikebike, ok, thanks08:30
fidelrezan: if its about ubuntu - check: https://help.ubuntu.com/ ...maybe helpful08:30
ice9I'm looking for biometerics authentication application for mouse and keyboard08:33
Ben64!caps | rezan08:33
ubotturezan: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.08:33
fidelman - lesson one is really to write like normal humans ;)08:34
kostkonrezan, why do you have caps on?08:34
fidelapart from that-  administration is a big big field. as long as you dont have a specific area you want to start with ...its kinda difficult fur us to help you. keep in mind this is an ubuntu support channel and not an administration-tutorial course here ;)08:34
rezanhahah....thanks for support ubottu08:35
=== ravn is now known as vravn
rezanfidel:- then help me with bluetooth step by step..i dont see any bluetooth icon on my ubuntu08:37
ubotturezan,: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup08:37
rezani have ubuntu 12.0408:37
rezanubittu:- i did went there but fail to activable bluetooth08:38
cfhowlettrezan, http://www.hecticgeek.com/2012/09/how-to-set-up-a-bluetooth-connection-in-ubuntu/08:39
fidelrezan: ubottu is a bot - people inhere use it to automate repeating tasks/texts. there is no need to adress him directly as we will NOT talk to you like humans might do08:39
ice9chromium doesn't resolve localhost or when using socks proxy08:47
=== makije is now known as makije|away
sgo11hi, my laptop has two graphic cards. one is built-in intel and another one is nvidia graphic card. "Additional Drivers" can not find any drivers for me. what should I do in this case? nvidia-prime? thanks.08:56
rwwsgo11: are you using a currently-supported version of Ubuntu, or Ubuntu trusty?08:56
rwwsgo11: if the former, please don't crosspost in #ubuntu+1. if the latter, please don't crosspost here.08:56
sgo11rww, I used both. dual-boot.08:57
sgo11rww, both has the same problem.08:57
rwwsgo11: then just post here08:57
rwwAnyways, more on-topicly, I don't use nvidia, but https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics seems relevant.08:58
skyzzangdoes anyone know how I can go to #android-dev08:59
skyzzangim new to this irc thing08:59
rwwsgo11: and/or http://askubuntu.com/questions/36930/how-well-do-laptops-with-nvidia-optimus-work , and/or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee08:59
Priceysgo11: You'll probably want the bumblebee solution.08:59
rwwthanks Pricey08:59
rww!register | skyzzang08:59
ubottuskyzzang: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode08:59
rwwskyzzang: do that ^, then /join #android-dev08:59
skyzzangoh ok thanks09:00
sgo11rww, Pricey, thanks a lot. :)09:00
solofighti am running version 13.xx of ubuntu - and when i try to open a webex meeting - it says no message center avail for your os09:06
solofighti checked ubuntu forums and they suggested to install oracle java09:06
solofightso i installed the latest version 8 using apt-get09:06
solofighteven now i get the same error09:06
solofighthow do i solve this ?09:06
solofightis it not possible now to join a webex meeting from ubuntu ?09:07
Guest1234567Is there a way to backup databases residing on a remote server, and back them up to the local server?09:07
=== Imdsm_ is now known as Imdsm
SamGoodyhi all. I would like to setup sudo so that when I login it keeps me in till 30 min without activity09:12
SamGoodyI have a server at several hosts, and each keeps me in for different amount of times before I need to put in my 160 character password again09:12
SamGoodyAnd I looked at the sudoers file, and I don't see where that is set09:13
SamGoody[pass not really 160 chars, but it feels that way when I keep typing it in]09:13
SamGoodyhi? This is the Ubuntu room, right?09:14
BeldarSamGoody, took 3 seconds. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudoTimeout09:16
SamGoodyhowd you find that?09:16
SamGoodyOK, will read. But I had googled first09:16
=== jamesarnett is now known as YeOldScallywag
BeldarSamGoody, Looked with ubuntu sudo time out09:17
=== YeOldScallywag is now known as RedAnon
BeldarIf I have learned anything on this channel it is google foo09:19
gordonjcpBeldar: then you have learned the most useful thing09:20
=== RedAnon is now known as YeOldScallywag
Beldartrue, I ask for help about once a year09:20
Guest1234567I get the following error when backuping up with mysql dump: Got error: 1142: SELECT,LOCK TABL command denied to user 'root'@'localhost' for table 'cond_instances' when using LOCK TABLES09:21
Guest1234567ANything i can do to stop it?09:21
SamGoodyI edited as suggested, and exited the session. Then re-logged in and did two commands, It still asks for pass each call09:21
SamGoodydo i need to reboot the computer?09:23
chaotic_goodpostgresql and firebirdDB are better than mysql09:24
stikling_Anyone else have issues with the captcha in software center?09:24
ubottustikling_,: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.09:24
stikling_I cant figure out how to register a software center account.09:25
stikling_The captcha is seriously messed up09:25
SamGoodyrebooted the computer after visod'ing but it still demands a pass each time09:26
SamGoodyDefaults        timestamp_timeout=3009:27
SamGoodyAny idea what else could be forcing the timeout to 0?09:28
BeldarSamGoody, That search has a page of hits, I would use the release rather than ubuntu.09:29
solofightok i waited for some time so reposting my question now09:31
solofighti am running version 13.xx of ubuntu - and when i try to open a webex meeting - it says no message center avail for your os09:31
solofightso i installed the latest version 8 using apt-get09:31
solofighteven now i get the same error09:31
solofighthow do i solve this ?09:31
solofightis it not possible now to join a webex meeting from ubuntu ?09:32
solofight[14:39:00] SirLagz_ [~SirLagz@ppp121-45-237-196.lns20.per1.internode.on.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 25209:32
cfhowlettmsenda, greetings09:32
solofighti checked ubuntu forums and they suggested to install oracle jav09:33
msendai hav a question09:33
stikling_I cant figure out this captha-thing. it is so fuzzy. ideas?09:34
SamGoodyBeldar - thanks - got it working09:41
interwebWhen I want to use gpg -c command it opens a gui window to enter the password how do I can disable gui ? I want it to ask me it in command line09:42
interweb could anyone help ?09:44
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
chaotic_goodhelp is here09:56
interwebchaotic_good, when I want to enter a password using terminal it opens a gui that asks for password but I want it in my terminal10:01
interwebwhat do I can do ?10:02
chaotic_goodnsswitch.conf perhaps hmm10:02
chaotic_goodso you instaleld ubnut?10:02
chaotic_goodor is this preexisting box or?10:02
MarkDavieshi. Where does exactly the version of vim for Ubuntu come from?10:03
kostkonMarkDavies, debian repos10:03
MarkDavieskostkon: this version is awesome. I've tried version pre-installed with some other systems and they lack some features.10:04
kostkonMarkDavies, you said it bro10:04
MarkDavieskostkon: for example, it is very easy to go to the end of the line, while in a lot of builds it gives you some problems.10:06
kingplusplusdo i get support from xubuntu10:11
ikoniayou can do, or you can use #xubuntu too10:12
DJoneskingplusplus: Yes you will, just ask you question in the channel10:12
kingplusplusikonia, meanwhile my reason for wanting to install xubuntu is because i need something light weight Unity freezes like hell, i hate the bug error found every time Nautilius crashes10:13
icedwaterkingplusplus: just install xfce and use that instead?10:17
icedwaterq info10:18
kingplusplusicedwater, yes do i like have to install Ubuntu first ? because i just format my pc10:18
icedwaterOoops. OK, well, then you have a choice of installing either Ubuntu or Xubuntu.10:19
kingplusplusicedwater, thanks, am going to download Xubuntu now10:19
* icedwater waves10:19
fabijanbHi Guyz10:21
icedwaterfabijanb: hello10:22
Guest81498кто русский?10:23
icedwater!ru | Guest8149810:23
ubottuGuest81498: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.10:23
fabijanbHi guyz10:23
cfhowlettfabijanb, greetings10:24
ActionParsnipkingplusplus: you dont have to reinstall, if you have ubuntu installed in some way, run:  sudo apt-get install xfce4    log off then log in to the XFCE session in Lightdm10:24
cfhowlettGuest81498, stop doing that.10:25
lost_and_unfoundGreetings fellow geeks, I need to purchase a laptop which I can run Ubuntu on. I have looked at the hardware list ( http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/desktop/ ) and would like to know from your experience what you would suggest as a decent laptop (+- 700USD / 400GBP ) in terms of reliability and driver support. Thanks10:25
kingplusplusActionParsnip, thanks, i have already formatted because i needed to clean the entire pc10:25
icedwaterActionParsnip: yeah, see above :P10:25
ActionParsnipkingplusplus: ok then reinstall with Xubuntu and the extra step wont be needed :D10:26
ActionParsnipicedwater: :P10:26
Guest81498how to register a nickname?10:26
icedwaterGuest81498: just use /nick yourpreferredname10:26
DJones!register | Guest8149810:26
ubottuGuest81498: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode10:26
icedwaterIf you really must register, see above :P10:27
icedwaterThanks though DJones10:27
Guest81498!register | Viones10:27
ubottuViones: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode10:27
=== Guest81498 is now known as Viones
VionesOh Yeah!!!!!!!!!! ;)10:28
icedwaterlost_and_unfound: let me know what answer you get, I'm heading off now. I generally believe any computer is decent, have been lucky so far.10:28
Vionesкто сдесь русский а?10:29
ubottuViones,: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.10:29
Viones!ru | Viones10:30
ubottuViones, please see my private message10:30
lost_and_unfoundicedwater: lets just say I have had some colourful times with Acer Hardware on laptops... so I prefer to avoid it =]10:30
Vionesand that finally discussing here?10:31
icedwaterAh, OK. I have had Fujitsu for 3 years+ and then an Asus for about the same amount of time.10:31
ubottuViones,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:31
icedwaterI only stopped using the Fujitsu because I dropped it on its screen..10:31
ubottuViones, please see my private message10:31
icedwaterOh and some keys had to be removed10:31
Viones :)10:32
icedwaterWell in between I had another laptop, but that had fan issues I don't think were due to Ubuntu :P10:32
icedwaterViones: please consider #ubuntu-offtopic if you're not going to ask for help about Ubuntu.10:32
Vionesand nafig me some help about ubuntu?10:33
cfhowlettViones, 1. state your ubuntu problem10:34
VionesWindows the best of the best!!!10:35
cfhowlettViones, stop spamming this channel.10:35
Vionescontinue spam.............10:35
ActionParsnipViones: please be a decent human, the channel is for support only10:36
DJonesViones: This channel is for Ubuntu support only, if you have an ubuntu support related question, you are welcome to ask it, but the channel isn't for general chat10:36
Vionesokay I entered the convent10:37
beingHumanNothing is impossible. :)10:37
Vionesdo not tell me the room to potrollit?10:38
=== makije|away is now known as makije
Vionesall all I have left...10:40
maci___hi, anyone knows how to connect xubuntu 12.10 to HDTV via s-video scart?10:42
Guest1234567How can i stop the port bind made with this command? ssh -f -L3310:localhost:3306 user@ -N10:42
llutzGuest1234567: kill the ssh-process10:43
Guest1234567llutz: how would i add that to a script?10:45
llutzGuest1234567: put the $PID into a var, kill the pid when needed10:47
Guest1234567llutz:  but the pid will change over time10:47
elachecheHey.. Any one have news about the UPC → http://www.ubuntu.com/news/ubuntucert ?10:48
llutzGuest1234567: when you create the connection, save the pid, it won't change10:50
Guest1234567llutz: but the connection is made automaticly at 1:00 at night10:51
llutzGuest1234567: by a script?10:51
llutzGuest1234567: so change the script, add the pid-saving part10:52
Guest1234567i need to setup the local port binding and after i am done with it it needs to unbind it\10:52
llutzGuest1234567: if you can be sure there is only one of those ssh-sessions, use pkill -f --uid=.... "L:3310"10:54
llutzGuest1234567: before you ask: read "man pkill" for more info/help10:55
Guest1234567alright, got it working, thanks llutz10:58
iscapeafter an update X crashes as soon as i start libreoffice, chrome, firefox etc.11:07
iscapeam on 13.1011:07
iscapesamsung laptop, thus nothing exotic11:07
iscapehow do i track this down ?11:08
iscapei.e. X still starts, but crashes once an application is launched11:09
Tom1which output driver to choose in vlc media player in ubuntu11:09
Tom1or vaapi?11:10
skid-vicious1hey all. wondering if there might be any X60s thinkpad users on board...?11:11
jamie694is ppa.launchpad.net working?11:13
jamie694I am getting lots of 403  Forbidden from ppa.launchpad.net11:13
ddsscjoin #python11:13
aleksandraproblem with installing anyting on new xubunty11:14
=== jamie694 is now known as vorsprung
hyp3rkydhi all, I am trying to use a folder in /media which contains a shared folder (this is an ubuntu guest server 12.04 inside a MAC OS host) and I do not have the appropriate permissions. Only root can access the folder and I have tried to chown the folder or change permissions chmod -R 777 but the access remains the same. any ideas ?11:18
snypCan I use 14.04 now?11:25
james-ubysseyis there any way in xfce to limit secondary monitor to just one workspace11:26
dfrankdear All. I need for some utility that could count bandwidth per application. I mean, how much traffic each application ate. I know about nethogs, but it shows just realtime traffic. I need a daemon that will count the traffic all the time, and I can see results. Is there such daemon?11:26
DJonessnyp: If you know what your doing you can use it while its being developed, but if you want a stable system, its probably better to wait until April when it released, best place to ask about it is #ubuntu+1 which is its support channel11:27
snypi see11:27
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest66268
=== kludge` is now known as kludge`_
=== kludge`_ is now known as kludge`
scxcan anyone show me result of this command?: nslookup fraps.com11:47
ikoniawhy ?11:47
ikoniasurly it's more important what you are getting as that will determain what you get11:47
ActionParsnipscx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7009905/11:48
scxActionParsnip: thx11:49
ActionParsnipscx: you could have use mx tools too11:50
ActionParsnipscx: there are _tonnes_ of sites that can do that stuff for you11:50
test4i have theoretical question http://bpaste.net/show/183293/  are the steps something like check the links on ports, tcpdump in linux routers, acl and routing tables in all the devices, server side netstat, iptables, service configuration?11:52
ActionParsniptest4: how is that Ubuntu related?11:53
=== newbie is now known as Guest16425
cristian_cHow can I use dbus-monitor to check if devices are announced?11:54
cristian_cAny ideas?11:54
test4ActionParsnip: lets say linux routers are ubuntu and machine A and B are also ubuntu11:54
cristian_cwonderworld, ?11:55
cristian_cah, ok11:55
ActionParsniptest4: Id ask in #networking to be sure the logic is sound11:55
test4ActionParsnip: ok thanks11:55
=== hewhomust is now known as rannonga
lovedear frieands i have MRTG installed in ubnutu 12.04 and during test i have  aproblem in  createing  mrtg configuration file? is teher any one who can help me12:05
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lovedear frieands i have MRTG installed in ubnutu 12.04 and during test i have  aproblem in  createing  mrtg configuration file? is teher any one who can help me12:10
usr13love: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MRTG12:10
usr13love: DO you get a specific error? (What command do you give [exactly], what error do you get [exactly].)12:13
bu5hm4nwhy is there still the old libvirt in the lts ? I need 1.1.1 what can I do ?12:18
narcosAnyone got a box with uptime >=119 days?12:18
gordonjcpnarcos: yes12:19
narcosgordonjcp: Could you please run this command and tell me if the output is +ve or -ve?     python -c "import os; print os.times()[4]"12:20
* gordonjcp is quite often using a box with ~3000 days uptime12:20
gordonjcpnarcos: no, it doesn't have python installed12:20
narcosnm :)12:20
narcosI'm getting a weird overflow issue12:20
gordonjcpand it's not something I can fanny about with12:20
narcosJust on this box with 119 days uptime, so wondering if uptime is overflowing some clock12:20
yeats!info libvirt12:20
ubottuPackage libvirt does not exist in saucy12:21
yeats!info libvirt-bin12:21
ubottulibvirt-bin (source: libvirt): programs for the libvirt library. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.1-0ubuntu8.5 (saucy), package size 3094 kB, installed size 10235 kB12:21
narcosgordonjcp: But nice on 3000 days uptime. It'll be a teenager soon.12:21
yeatsbu5hm4n: you can upgrade to saucy or wait another month and move to 14.0412:21
bu5hm4nyeah I got a bug in libvirt and my VMs are not starting because of apparmor, does that mean I am fucked up because I have to stay on LTS ?12:22
bu5hm4nyeats, ^12:22
gordonjcpnarcos: good old VMS12:23
yeats!bug | bu5hm4n12:24
ubottubu5hm4n: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.12:24
gordonjcpnarcos: also I've got a Solaris box with about six months uptime, and I expect it to get to the login prompt any day now12:24
yeatsbu5hm4n: I'll mention that I've been running VMs on libvirt in 12.04 for years with no problem, though12:24
narcosgordonjcp: heh12:25
hello123server irc please :D12:25
bu5hm4nyeats, this is a known bug, I see no reason to fill a second bug report ! Nice to heare that but it doesnt matter anything on my problem, so am I understanding it correctly that there is no way to install 1.1.1 ?12:26
DJoneshello123: #ubuntu-server is the specific ubuntu server channel12:26
yeatsbu5hm4n: you can look around for PPAs or you might consider compiling from source... note that PPAs are unsupported in this channel, but you gotta do what you gotta do12:29
yeatsbu5hm4n: this is for an older version of libvirt, but it might serve as an example if you end up installing from source: http://blog.scottlowe.org/2012/11/05/compiling-libvirt-1-0-0-on-ubuntu-12-04-and-12-10/12:30
bu5hm4nyeats, will think about that, thx ! :)12:31
FillFeileyeats: did bu5hm4n mentioned that libvirt is running on an old version?!12:32
yeatsFillFeile: ?12:33
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
belalobohello everyone. I just installed ubuntustudio on my laptop. I'd like to have other desktop enviroments to choose from at login, for example the ubuntu stardart desktop or gnome 3. is it safe to install without breaking/messing up the system? if so how can I do it? thanks12:34
yeatsbelalobo: yes, should be fine - you can install ubuntu-gnome-desktop and ubuntu-desktop12:36
yeatsbelalobo: note that both packages will pull in lots of dependencies, so you may end up with clutter ;-)12:37
belaloboi think i'll use only one. do you know which one is more stable?12:38
yeatsbelalobo: ubuntu-desktop is better supported12:38
yeatsbelalobo: but both are stable12:39
belalobogreat thanks. i'll need to add ppas and all that right?12:39
yeatsbelalobo: nope - those should be in the standard repos12:39
yeats!info ubuntu-gnome-desktop12:40
ubottuubuntu-gnome-desktop (source: ubuntu-gnome-meta): The Ubuntu GNOME metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.24 (saucy), package size 3 kB, installed size 27 kB12:40
yeats!info ubuntu-desktop12:40
ubottuubuntu-desktop (source: ubuntu-meta): The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.307 (saucy), package size 4 kB, installed size 59 kB12:40
belaloboso i just run the command sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and i'm done?12:40
=== badon_ is now known as badon
yeatsbelalobo: yep - that should do it12:40
belalobothanks alot!12:40
=== Thorium220 is now known as Thor|Away
AZDrew17join #android-root12:47
VentuGood morning All12:52
=== makije is now known as makije|away
allopyanwhen i start dhcp i got " Can't create PID file /var/run/dhcp-server/dhcpd.pid: Permission denied."?? my dhcpd.pid file is empty , any idea ??12:53
allopyancan any one tell me what i should do plz12:54
ActionParsnipallopyan: what command are you using to start it?12:55
ActionParsnipallopyan: is it a dhcp server, or dhcp client?12:55
allopyandhcpd -cf /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf -pf /var/run/dhcp-server/dhcpd.pid wlan012:55
ActionParsnipallopyan: wont that need sudo?12:56
allopyani used sudo -i12:56
ActionParsnipallopyan: I see12:56
allopyan <ActionParsnip>  it's dhcp server12:57
ActionParsnipallopyan: i guessed12:57
ThuboI'm exporting an NFSv3 mount. The clients mount with 'vers=3,mountvers=3'. On the Server I get errors like 'svc:, port=885: unknown version (4 for prog 100003, cordell nfsd)'. Any ideas why this is?12:57
allopyan <ActionParsnip>  dhcpd.pid is empty ??!12:57
ActionParsnipallopyan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/isc-dhcp/+bug/98541712:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 985417 in isc-dhcp (Ubuntu Precise) "dhcpd cannot write /var/run/dhcpd.pid" [Low,Fix released]12:57
ActionParsnipallopyan: seems to be an apparmor thing12:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 985417 in isc-dhcp (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #974054 dhcpd cannot write /var/run/dhcpd.pid" [Low,Fix released]12:58
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest66759
usr13bu5hm4n: Are there packages you've installed by means other than the apt?12:59
bu5hm4nusr13, what ?13:00
usr13bu5hm4n: I was a bit far back in the buffer... (My question may have been out irrelevant)13:00
usr13bu5hm4n: Have you solved your issue yet?13:01
kingplusplusi have a UEFI enable laptop which comes with windows 8, i removed windows 8 and installed windows 7. Although i have created Unallocated Partiong but do i need to do anything to be able to install Xubuntu?13:01
bu5hm4nusr13, not really ... The problem still appears, but I am not sure if the issue is libvirt related or m23 related :/13:02
bu5hm4nm23 is the VM ...13:02
usr13kingplusplus: As long is you don't delete the little EUFI partition, you should be ok.13:02
kingplusplususr13, i have deleted it long long ago but since am able to install Windows 7 cant i still install Xubuntu13:03
usr13bu5hm4n: I don't know either, but my  question was;  Have you installed any pacakges not uing Ubuntu's package management system?13:03
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usr13kingplusplus: If you can install Win7, you can install Ubuntu as well.13:04
kingplusplususr13, thanks, i appreciate your help, in other for me not to screw grub, does that mean i should leave all to default?13:04
usr13kingplusplus: (I suppose what you are saying is that you've set your PC to bypass the EUFI and are booting in legacy mode.)13:05
[Gentoo]kingplusplus: choose custom install and install root to that partition13:05
[Gentoo]after making ext4 on it or whatever13:05
kingplusplususr13, that is currect13:05
coffnixae galera,estou com uma dúvida.... pra que serve o comando :(){ :|: & };:13:06
usr13[Gentoo]: Are you sure?  (Seems to me that he would just install grub to MBR. Like normal.)13:06
[Gentoo]usr13: i mean the unallocated partition13:06
allopyani followed this to configure my dhcp is it outdated ? ?http://askubuntu.com/questions/140126/how-do-i-configure-a-dhcp-server13:06
kingplusplus[Gentoo], ok13:06
usr13[Gentoo]: Yea, install Ubuntu to the unallocated free space13:07
kingplusplus[Gentoo], usi will see what comes up as i install it, am creating the USB right now13:07
usr13kingplusplus: What [Gentoo] is saying is that if you have already shrunk the Win7 partition and have enough free space, (unallocated, unpartitioned HD space), then just tell the installer to partition and install on that "free space".13:08
=== Freejack_ is now known as Freejack
siberiannerdwhere can i ask some questions about cross-compiling and package building process for armhf arch using emdebian toolchain?13:08
bu5hm4nusr13, no !13:09
usr13bu5hm4n: Then you should be able to fix what you have without problems.  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -f install13:09
bu5hm4nusr13, the package has the wrong version !13:10
usr13bu5hm4n: Again, you should be able to fix that.  sudo apt-get clean13:10
usr13bu5hm4n: I have to go now. (Have work to do.)  ttyl13:10
kingplusplususr13, ok thanks13:10
kingpluspluskeep you guys posted13:11
bu5hm4nusr13, the package is not in the repository !13:11
bu5hm4nusr13, bye ! :)13:11
krupaHi there!13:15
krupacan any one please help with "EFi Disk read error"13:16
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=== Thubo|away is now known as Thubo
krupacan any one please help with "EFi Disk read error"13:16
krupacan any one please help with "EFi Disk read error"13:16
krupacan any one please help with "EFi Disk read error"13:16
krupacan any one please help with "EFi Disk read error"13:18
hornydevilHow R U ?13:21
hornydevilWhy are you scared ?13:22
Phil42krupa:  is that happening on when you boot?13:22
* narcos hides behind [Gentoo] 13:22
hornydevilNo, I'm french, but not a boot ^^13:22
Jackallfine thanks13:24
hornydevilI quit, Goodbye.13:24
JackallMe 213:25
[Gentoo]me 313:25
kingplusplususr13, [Gentoo] i am trying to install xubuntu now but my problem is that, i clicked try i am able to see two drives as my hdd is 1tb and on desktop i see 455bn (Which is my unallocated partition) and 500GB which is my windows partition. But wile trying to install i see whole drive as 1tb without the partition listed like sda and sda113:27
astroduckHi! I upgraded to ubuntu 13.10 from 13.04 a few weeks ago And since then when I wake it up from hibernate, it goes on standby. Is this a common problem or is it just me?13:28
Phil42i don't know anything about that13:29
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theManag3RHello, I'm having trouble booting Ubuntu 13.10 with ASUS UEFI Bios. It is a Z87 board. The issue is not in boot order, and not in the image itself, since it boots properly with another computer. The way it goes: it boots to the windows where I can select whether to try ubuntu, install ubuntu, install "OEM?" or check the USB. When I select "Install Ubuntu" it jumps to the Ubuntu loading screen, and in about 5 seconds, computer reboots and comp13:34
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bjorn96how do i restore boot in windows 8.1?13:50
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llutzbjorn96: /join ##windows        and ask again13:51
Guest72405Hello can any one tell me how to add an external drive formated ext4 to fslab13:51
bjorn96i forgot to say "after deleting grub". sry13:52
webgenhey guys is anyone here familiar how to make window snap in lubuntu?13:55
bjorn96llutz, no one answers me..13:56
swizgardhi. how long may it take for a bug report to be acknowledged in launchpad?14:02
tyler_dhappy friday everyone :) http://i.imgur.com/OVSgxyV.jpg14:02
tyler_dswizgard: all depends on how many people are involved in it.. even then it could be never14:02
bjorn96how do i restore boot in windows 8.1 after deleting grub menu? i know the its a command to use, but what?14:04
swizgardtyler_d: it's cups. my impression is that there is no place to really get heard when it comes to bugs in cups14:04
Munsterbjorn96, why did you delete grub?14:04
swizgardand it's annoying probably easy to fix issue, too14:04
bjorn96Munster, i haven yet, but i think i will if it goes wrong with install of mint.14:05
unrockbjorn96: It used to be "fixmbr" from the windows recovery console, but I don't know if that still works for win814:08
Munsterbjorn96, run sudo update-grub, that should put W8 into the menu14:08
unrockMunster: probably a better idea than mine! fixmbr would wipe grub completely14:09
bjorn96i incert the dvd for win8 and open command. then im supposed to type bootrec.exe / something its that something i want to know. :P14:09
Munsterbjorn96, sry, never heard of that14:10
llutzbjorn96: still offtopic here, but http://www.fixedbyvonnie.com/2013/12/how-to-repair-the-efi-bootloader-in-windows-8/#.UxCY9HX5MiQ14:11
Munsterit's proly UEFI thing and I don't use it, I install OSs in the legacy mode, less troublesome14:12
ActionParsnipbjorn96: you need to boot to the CD if you want to reinstate the Windows boot loader to the drive14:14
ActionParsnipbjorn96: the guys in ##windows will help with that14:14
bjorn96i have found what i need, thanks. :D14:14
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=== Lebby1 is now known as Lebby
kleushey guys i need help14:29
kleusi have two screens that work in different resolutions yet nvidia seems to count the second monitor as an extension of the first14:30
kleusinstead of being a different monitor by itself14:30
kleusi have nvidia 331 and nvidia-prime installed14:30
kleusi was wondering if i could get a hand fixing this14:31
zetheroois anyone here using 14.04 .. if so how is it? ...14:31
TeraJLis there any way to something like this? http://hothardware.com/cs/cfs-filesystemfile.ashx/__key/CommunityServer.Components.ImageFileViewer/CommunityServer.Components.UserFiles. by app or terminal14:33
Satan8why are my youtube videos running really slow14:36
h4k1mhello guys14:36
Satan8even playing mp3s is a problem14:36
Satan8or downloading them14:36
ActionParsnipkleus: do you have a switching GPU?14:36
Satan8they keep breaking up even when it has fully loaded the media14:37
h4k1mis there a way to install ubuntu mobile on my samsung android phone?14:37
ActionParsnipSatan8: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue14:37
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ActionParsnipTeraJL: pulse does that14:38
Satan8ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS \n \l14:38
ActionParsnipSatan8: have you tried the Unity2D session?14:38
Satan8is that a desktop manager ?14:38
ActionParsnipSatan8: its a session selectable from the login screen14:39
kleusI have two monitors, but on the nvidia xserver screen it's shown as 1 large monitor, how can i fix this?14:39
ActionParsnipSatan8: you'll use metacity wm instead of compiz14:39
Satan8ill try it out14:39
Satan8that means i need to log out and log into14:39
ActionParsnipSatan8: yes, see if its the same there too14:40
TeraJLActionParsnip: can you help me how?14:40
ActionParsnipTeraJL: http://i.stack.imgur.com/LfOh3.png14:42
kleusso i figure i have to add my external monitor to the xorg.conf?14:43
kleushow to i do that?14:43
kleusshouldn't nvidia detect my external monitor automaticaly?14:43
satan_nah its not helping14:44
satan_i switched to the 2D14:44
satan_perhaps my flash player dint install properly ?14:44
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satan_i dont know why it takes so much time to install the flash player14:44
satan_i havnt actually got a screen saying ..flash player was installed14:44
satan_so it could be that14:45
satan_i dont know if playing soundcloud also needs flash player14:45
satan_ubuntu is a fine operating system ...except for the little things you need to get invovled into14:45
satan_like setting things up ..which windows carry the banner for14:45
satan_at one point i could not install any application without having low speed14:46
satan_then someone told me to just change th emirrors14:46
satan_and it worked14:46
satan_little things like that..if i dont know about it ..i wont have an idea..but changing them makes i run perfect14:46
satan_i installed ubuntu hoping flash and such would be default installed14:47
satan_multimedia would be available and easy to use14:47
satan_without any problems14:47
kleussatan_, it drives me nuts14:47
satan_i know but thats the burden of having something free14:48
roaldThere was a box you could tick during install which installs most of the codecs14:48
satan_plus linux was more of a hobbies poerating system14:48
satan_i did that roald14:48
roalddvds took an extra line in the terminal for me14:48
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satan_it wwas third party apps to install..so i could run multimedia14:49
satan_mosto  fthem14:49
satan_i really appreaciate what the linux comunity is doing14:49
satan_my interest falls into cheap and experimental14:49
satan_and thats where linux rules14:49
tyler_dI like linux because toast14:49
roaldah, ok - linux can be a bit funny when supporting multimedia14:49
roaldtoast is good14:49
satan_ill break my teeth chewing on iron14:50
satan_but what can i do about running multimedia14:50
satan_do you guys have problems to ?14:50
satan_just basic mp3 playing14:50
satan_ahh shizz14:50
satan_what version are you running ?14:51
satan_is it 13 ?14:51
tyler_dI have 4 machines running from 10 all the way up to 1314:51
satan_14 perhaps14:51
roaldum...mp3 should be no problem...(12.04)14:51
satan_so they all work just fine14:51
satan_same here14:51
satan_some problem somewhere14:51
satan_no idea how to fix it14:51
shafox /j #emberjs14:51
tyler_dshafox: fail14:52
llutz!enter | satan_14:52
ubottusatan_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:52
Gabriel403Is it possible to ask apt to download but not install a package? so when installing it's cached?14:52
llutzGabriel403: -d14:52
shafoxtyler_d, sad14:52
tyler_dapt-get install -d14:52
tyler_dshafox: :) you were so close though14:52
MattiasI'm trying to run guard under Ubuntu 13.10 and saving files with VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Jan 29 2014 13:10:12). The problem is, after saving a coffeescript file, it compiles and creates the js file, then instantly removes the js file. Seems to be a linux specific issue. Has anyone found a fix for this?  More info here:14:53
Mattiashttps://github.com/netzpirat/guard-coffeescript/issues/28#issuecomment-36354950  (everyone with a problem has used ubuntu)14:53
ignaciouy_Hi al14:53
shafoxtyler_d, just missed by extra space14:53
shafoxtyler_d, 9gag meme:: close enough14:53
ignaciouy_I have a mac book pro, and I want to install ubuntu on it and dont remove mac os x, is there any way?14:53
Pessimistdual boot, ignaciouy_ ?14:54
ignaciouy_Pessimist: yeah, and maybe -3 boot with windows- but I need ubuntu right now14:54
ignaciouy_I installed it Ubuntu Gnome14:55
ignaciouy_but I'm trying to boot t14:55
Pessimistignaciouy_, reduce the size of os x partitions, create a few new ones and install ubuntu on them. You might want to try running ubuntu in virtualbox if a lower performance is not an issue for you14:55
ignaciouy_my laptop is i7 but idk xD14:56
ignaciouy_I installed Ubuntu Gnome now.14:56
ignaciouy_But this didnt show much, only a gray screen14:56
kleusi need help14:57
kleushow can i use xrandr to force a resolution on a monitor?14:57
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ignaciouy_http://pbrd.co/OJKiYJ Only gray screen14:59
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/14:59
popalguem falan portugues?14:59
DJones!pt | pop15:00
ubottupop: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.15:00
* ignaciouy_ try to start ubuntu from recovery mode15:00
ignaciouy_This is slowly15:01
ignaciouy_"node #0, CPUS: #1" and nothing more15:01
ignaciouy_!es | CesarMadrid4215:02
ubottuCesarMadrid42: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:02
grogi broke sshd and it's not starting up, where does it log to?15:04
ikoniaand the console15:04
tyler_dgrog: what do you mean you broke it... how did you break it15:04
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grognot permanently, just setting some sftp/chroot options and it refuses to start15:05
DustyCrustyHey guys. I did something wrong with iptables and know I can't connect to my virtual machine via ssh. How can I recover?15:05
grognothing in syslog15:05
llutzDustyCrusty: revert what you made wrong with iptable15:06
Wilkimhello, how are you guys?15:06
DustyCrustyIlutz: But how? I can't access the virtual machine via ssh?15:06
iptablellutz, you rang?15:06
WilkimI have a development server using ubuntu-server running nginx, phpmyadmin and all. We use "sudo git" commands, and I am trying to combine our various development machines into one15:06
DustyCrustyiptable: How can I recover you? :)15:07
iptableDustyCrusty, reboot. that will remove the rules. if you locked out, you locked out15:07
Wilkimis it possible for multiple ppl to use: "sudo git" while maintaining different users15:07
iptableDustyCrusty, I am beyond recovery :D15:07
kleushey guys when i try to change he resolution using xrandr it says the resource is unavaiable on xserver. Why is that?15:07
kleushow can i change the resolution on xserver?15:07
Wilkimlike user: mark uses it, and bit-bucket/github lists it as the right person15:07
DustyCrustyI was playing with iptables, and then I was kicked..15:07
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iptableDustyCrusty, just executing iptables command line? eiher connect to console or reboot. not other way. If you made the changes permanent usin ufw or some script of yours, you need console.15:08
DustyCrustyiptable: ok15:10
Na3iLhey all15:10
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ignaciouy_ok guys15:11
ignaciouy_thx anyway15:11
gordonjcpis there a PPA for a supported version of uwsgi in Ubuntu?15:15
BPSTravisSo I made a Ubuntu installer flash drive using universalusb installer. I boot the machine and the only options I get are memory check/recover no install option. Any ideas what I am missing?15:17
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BPSTravis12.04 LTS serer.15:18
tyler_dBPSTravis: use dd15:18
gordonjcpBPSTravis: use dd15:18
* gordonjcp is ditching Ubuntu Server15:18
tyler_dgordonjcp: for?15:18
kleusits driving me nuts that i can't fix my dual screen setup15:18
BPSTravisI don;t have a native linux host15:18
gordonjcptyler_d: don't know yet, something that I can run a web server on15:19
tyler_dBPSTravis: :( makes me sad15:19
gordonjcptyler_d: Ubuntu doesn't support uwsgi15:19
BPSTravisHeh, I can't help it :/ I guess I could make a VM quick15:19
gordonjcptyler_d: I don't want to use "hand-compiled" stuff15:19
BPSTravisEverything here is windows based15:19
BPSTravisWhy would I ned to use DD, i've used universal usb installer before without any issues :/15:20
tyler_dgordonjcp: umm... I found it for 12.0415:20
gordonjcptyler_d: nope15:20
gordonjcptyler_d: that's an old, unsupported version that just plain doesn't work15:20
tyler_dBPSTravis: hrmm. I would say try your method again, be sure to check the iso's md5sum as well15:21
gordonjcptyler_d: uwsgi 1.4 is the oldest LTS15:21
siberiannerdwhere can i ask some questions about cross-compiling and package building process for armhf arch using emdebian toolchain?15:21
TPSSalut !15:22
catopettLooking for UBUNTU for HAMRADIO use15:23
gordonjcpcatopett: what sort of things do you want to do?15:24
DJonescatopett: This link might well of use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHams Looks like there is an Ubuntu team with its own IRC channel15:24
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catopettgordonjcp > I am looking for all kind of hamradiorelated ubuntu, or kububntu15:26
arayaqsiberiannerd: Their website says they have a mailing list15:26
Picicatopett: Theres also a pretty big ham presence on freenode, in ##hamradio , they might have some app suggestions as well.15:26
tyler_dgordonjcp: why not just compile from source though? what is wrong with that?15:26
BPSTravistyler_d: Says MD5's are th same, here goes nothing :/ Maybe the third time is the charm.15:26
tyler_dBPSTravis: I have had very mixed results with live usb's tbh15:27
arayaqsiberiannerd: debian-embedded@lists.debian.org15:27
BPSTravistyler_d: Sadly I have no blank CD's. BEtween offices right now :/15:27
DJonescatopett: Also join #ubuntu-hams thats the Ham radio teams IRC channel according to their team page, if anybody knows, the people there will probably be the best ones to speak to15:27
BPSTravistyler_d: All i've got is a laptop and some flash drives and a server rack :P15:28
siberiannerdarayaq, thank you for pointing that out, but the question not worth it, because i will deal with it today or will find some workaround eventually, but thanks15:28
arayaqsiberiannerd: mail is a quick workaround ;)15:29
gordonjcptyler_d: I don't want to have to build custom packages15:29
gordonjcptyler_d: and I don't want to have a full install of gcc on a server15:30
tyler_dgordonjcp: if you aren't willing to do those things...(should do it on a prod server) then you are correct maybe an rpm distro would have them "pre-compiled" for you?15:30
gordonjcptyler_d: possibly15:31
tyler_dgordonjcp: that should say (should not do it on a prod server_)15:31
gordonjcptyler_d: I've been increasingly concerned about the stability of Ubuntu LTS for a while15:31
tyler_dgordonjcp: I personally don't see a problem with compiling packages? it's a bit more lengthy however the advantage is that you know how it is built15:31
siberiannerdarayaq, the thing is that i wanted to solve it myself, it only requires showing some directions, i can't bother mailing lists which, as far as i know, being read by maintainers, i just need to ask the right question to myself with the help of community and deal with it reading manpages, i thought that irc is ideal for that15:31
gordonjcptyler_d: "not changing stuff" seems to have trumped "not being broken"15:31
catopettWhy does KUBUNTU have more support for hardware then gnome has?15:32
gordonjcptyler_d: it's a waste of time15:32
gordonjcpcatopett: it doesn't15:32
gordonjcpcatopett: the underying OS is identical, it's just got a different desktop environment15:32
tyler_dgordonjcp: I don't have an answer for you; part of the disadvantage to open source I can only assume.15:33
catopettYes it does, i tryed GNOME and got NO soundcard for instance, but with KUBUNTU i got the soundcart working good15:33
arayaqsiberiannerd: you're right in that. The problem is that AFAIK there isn't a IRC related to them15:33
gordonjcpcatopett: that's literally not possible15:33
gordonjcpcatopett: there is absolutely no functional difference between the two distros15:34
catopettTell me why then15:34
gordonjcpcatopett: you can even install KDE desktop on "normal" Ubuntu and vice-versa15:34
gordonjcpcatopett: possibly because you had something not set up properly?  Maybe the volume was turned down?15:34
catopettYes but with KDE i got soundcard working, not with GNOME15:34
arayaqsiberiannerd: ignore that last thing: ##debian-embedded on selenoid.oftc.net15:34
siberiannerdarayaq, well, i would gladly listen about other ways of doing it, if there is someone who used to do it himself and being ready to spend some priceless minutes of his time, that is why i'm asking for backup from raspberrypi community as well15:35
gordonjcpcatopett: what did you try, to find out why there was no sound?15:35
siberiannerdarayaq, thank you for that!15:35
catopettThe same problem do i have with the wifi15:35
gordonjcpcatopett: sounds like you need to start learning to ask the right questions first15:36
catopettI love UBUNTU15:36
catopettthe right questions first is?15:36
arayaqsiberiannerd: you are welcome and good luck!15:37
meomichey, im trying to upgrade to 14.04 from 13.10 (using sudo upgrade-manager -d) and i am getting this error 'could not calculate upgrade' - is there a way to overcome this?  and yes i know 14.04 is not yet released and that it possibly has some bugs etc. - i know what i am doing15:38
catopettHow do i get OSX-looking on ubuntu?15:38
MarkDaviessupport for wi-fi is completely independent on modem used?15:39
roaldcatopett: try noobslabs macbuntu tutorial15:39
sajancatopett: Try using the radiance theme for a start.15:39
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roaldcatopett: http://www.noobslab.com/2012/06/mac-os-x-lion-theme-for-ubuntu.html15:40
Slartmeomic: there used to be a channel called #ubuntu+1 for help with a coming version15:40
catopetti cannot find out why the wi-fi does not work in GNOME but work in KDE15:40
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meomicSlart: ah oke, didnt know, thanks15:40
Slartmeomic: you're welcome15:40
BPSTravistyler_d: still no dice :/15:40
BPSTravistyler_d: what would stop it from offering me an install option?15:41
john_ramboIs there any tool with which I can download Google books ?15:43
eugdis there any way to log in to an ubuntuforums account that existed before 'ubuntu one'?15:44
eugdi have an account, 'emugod', but now the login for the forums redirects to ubuntu one15:44
Picieugd: probably best to ask the folks in #ubuntuforums15:44
DJoneseugd: Probably best asking in #ubuntuforums somebody there might have an idea, from memory, I don't think you'll be able to though15:44
eugdok sorry didn't realize it had it's own irc15:45
catopetteugd, There is many IRC-clients in UBUNTU15:45
gordonjcpthis is incredible15:45
gordonjcpuwsgi 1.4 won't even build on Ubuntu 12.04 because *everything* is too old15:46
catopettIs there something called HAMBUNTU?15:46
gordonjcpand 13.10 seems to still be pre-alpha15:47
catopettSomeone there is Norwegian here?15:48
ubottuHvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!15:49
catopettSomeone that is radioham in here?15:49
gordonjcpcatopett: probably quite a few, why?15:49
catopettCause i am, and want to chat with others radioham15:50
gordonjcpcatopett: you could try ##hamradio15:51
gordonjcpcatopett: or, you know, fire up your radio equipment15:51
catopettWhy is it ## in front of hamradio15:52
cyfordhi  i have inalled java    but its not working on my browsers15:52
catopettCannot send to channel: ##hamradio15:54
Picicatopett: you need to be reigstered and identified to speak there.15:57
Pici!register | catopett15:57
ubottucatopett: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:57
catopettI have used IRC since 198915:57
catopettSo i know15:57
gordonjcpcatopett: you need to be registered15:58
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:59
sgo11hi, when I run firefox and google-chrome, it will report segmentation fault. can not be run. but with 'sudo', they can be run successfully. any ideas? thanks.16:00
catopett /msg nickserv register 5eiknygt catopett@yahoo.no16:02
sajanI'm pretty sure that happens at least once a day.16:03
Picicatopett: you probably want to use a different password, and not put a space in front of your command so that the rest of us don't have to see it.16:03
sajancatopett: Please, oh PLEASE go and change your yahoo password right now if that's what it is.16:04
MarkDaviesI don't actually know where to ask this question - free VPSes - do they really exist?16:05
ikoniaMarkDavies: not here, maybe #ubuntu-offtopic ? or ##hardware16:05
ikoniamaybe #defocus16:05
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arayaqMarkDavies: let me know if you find one16:08
ubuntu1have a massive problem---partial HD failure, running on USB....I have a copy of ISO on a flash card but running under "try Ubuntu" I cant get the card recognized,  also have a prob. installing from USB -  error " ubi-partman has failed with exit code 10"16:08
satan_so no real way to solve my multimedia problem16:10
bodhi_zazenubuntu1: sounds as if you need a new hard drive, probably not something you can fix16:11
satan_cant play mp3 or flash videos without then jamming16:11
=== makije|away is now known as makije
satan_how do i reinstall flash on this system ?16:12
ubuntu1bodhi: is the iso on the USB not checking the hard drive because it sees an OS on it already?16:12
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bodhi_zazenubuntu1: why would the usb check the hard drive ? you can try fsck, but sounds as if your hard drive is dead16:14
bodhi_zazen!sound | satan_16:15
ubottusatan_: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:15
satan_okay i am uninstalling flash and reinstalling it16:15
tyler_dffs, solve the problem you actually have by investigating and asking the right questions... don't simply re-install16:16
satan_does it take tons of time to remove and install flash16:16
satan_because thats what happening on my system16:16
satan_and there isnt even a proper bar ..that shows me the progress16:16
roaldsatan_: depends how fast your internet is, it shouldn't take too long16:17
satan_its preety fast but dont know why this one is slow16:17
satan_everything elese i install ..happens in a flash16:17
satan_stuff thats about 20 mb and above..install in no time16:17
satan_but the flash player seems to be a really slow install16:18
satan_perhaps its the mirrors16:18
roaldsatan_: you have some weird stuff going on there dude...16:18
terrasapieni choose to do a dist-upgrade from 13.04 to 13.10 only because 13.04 was no longer doing any updates16:20
terrasapieni didn't want to do it because I know . . .16:20
terrasapienand yes, KDE no longer works16:20
satan_KDE needs some milk16:20
terrasapienwho do I bribe?16:20
satan_i cant get flash to install16:22
terrasapienKDE will will boot up after the hideous blood stain splash screen, and the "this OS is an error" error drum roll16:22
terrasapienbut it's flat, no movable windows, no kicker16:22
satan_thats what you get for free ?16:22
Guest75104i heard that microsoft will buy ubuntu?!16:23
satan_ubuntu is good enought...why not16:23
satan_hopefully they will make it a cheaper alternative to windows16:24
satan_and add all that windows goodies to it16:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:24
setrahi guys, I like to mount a directory read only to another mount point, but the other mount point contains files. so I would like to meld both, and deltas get written into the directory. how can that be established? oh..if files exist on the mount point the newer files should overrule older ro files16:24
BlackBoxCoderi heard that facebook will buy microsoft and Linux ;)16:24
terrasapieni know when i see the trade mark "dried blood on a slide" *"artwork"* slash screen, and hear the error drum roll that I'm not going to have much success16:24
satan_so its true16:24
Guest75104BlackBoxCoder, and twitter will buy google16:25
Ben64terrasapien, satan_, BlackBoxCoder: take it to #ubuntu-offtopic ... keep this channel clear for actual support16:25
satan_we are doing to the age where we were afraif of microsot monopoly on operating systems ..now its going to be the web16:25
BlackBoxCodersorry for OT16:25
terrasapienBen64, how can I get KDE to work properly after upgrading?16:26
Guest75104is ubuntu based on debian or debian is based on ubuntu16:26
webgenhey guys I cant run mysql package after installing .deb ... its in /opt/mysql dir how do i run it?16:26
webgenGuest75104 ubuntu is based on debian16:27
siberiannerdwebgen, via `service mysql start`16:27
Piciwebgen: what deb? Did you not install mysql from Ubuntu's repositories?16:28
webgenPici ubuntu rep mysql is old16:28
webgensiberiannerd, it doesnt see mysql as installed thats the problem. I know the directory it is installed in though, i still cant run it :S16:29
kingplusplusplease i need help installing xubuntu, i have 3 partitions one for windows and 2 unallocated, when i click to install in the free space which i created as unallogated after installing windows it says no root file is defined... please how do i fix this?16:29
xpistosHello All. I have a NFS share that was not mounted and something got copied to a local version of the folder. I have remounted the folder so the NFS is back in place, but I need to get the files that are on the local version of the folder. How can I do that?16:30
siberiannerdwebgen, i'd recommend you to install it in a different way, the proper one is from repos, what is `cat /etc/lsb-release` of yours?16:30
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llutzxpistos: umount the nfs to gain access to the underlaying dirs/files16:31
webgensiberiannerd it is ubuntu 13.10 but actually its lubuntu16:31
xpistosllutz: like umount FILE_LOCATION16:31
siberiannerdwebgen, what version of mysql do you need?16:31
cyfordhi,  i installed sun java,  and it is installed however my  firefox doesnt see it16:32
cyfordinstalled using  sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer16:32
webgensiberiannerd i dont need specific but i thought 5.6 would be better idea16:32
xpistosllutz: do I have to force it?16:32
siberiannerdwebgen, if you don't have any special requirements which make you to switch to the different version instead of shipped one over repos - use the one from repos, there is a reason for that often16:33
ActionParsnipcyford: https://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp16:36
ActionParsnipcyford: does it show there?16:36
cyford We are unable to verify if Java is currently installed and enabled in your browser.16:37
llutzxpistos: to prevent that in future, "sudo chmod 000 /mountpoint"  when it's NOT mounted16:37
cyfordaford@CyfordAsus:~$ java -version16:38
cyfordjava version "1.8.0"16:38
cyfordJava(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0-b129)16:38
cyfordJava HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.0-b69, mixed mode)16:38
xpistosllutz: thanis16:38
webgensiberiannerd ok thanks dude will install the 5.5 :P16:39
effedettoHello !16:39
ubottueffedetto: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:40
siberiannerdwebgen, maintainers often include some certain versions of packets, after testing and stuff, so have a bit of trust, they keep an eye on it, i swear lol, until you meet some extra situations16:41
webgensiberiannerd will do xD....16:42
ActionParsnipcyford: if you use:   about:config   in firefox, do you see Java listed?16:43
cyfordits on system,  but not  firefox16:43
ActionParsnipcyford: what is the output of:   sudo updatedb; locate libnpjp2.so16:43
ActionParsnipcyford: it will take a little while16:44
cyfordi just tryed 816:46
janghey all. Just done an upgrade, 12.04 -> 13.10. During that process my /etc/cups/mime.convs has disappeared. Does anyone know what package brings that? At the moment I can't convert any format for output.16:46
ActionParsnipcyford: run:  mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins; ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/jre/lib/amd64/libnpjp2.so ~/.mozilla/plugins/libnpjp2.so16:46
ActionParsnipcyford: then close all browsers and rerun16:46
cyfordalso 64bit system  with 32 bit firefox i think16:49
roddhi, whenever i try to delete a file I get "xx cant be put in the trash. do you want to delete it immediately?" Any ideas on what's wrong?16:50
moroHey guys16:51
webgenrodd it might be too big for trash?16:51
roddwebgen: a few kbs16:51
webgenrodd just use shift-delete on it, might just be a weird file16:51
roddwebgen: happens to all types16:51
xanguajang: you mean you did a clean install of 13.10¿16:52
webgenrodd then I dont know :S16:52
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cyfordAny other idea's   pls16:53
jangxangua: no; I did an in-place dist-upgrade. Actually, during that the cups system wedged, so I had to apt-get remove a load of it before the dist-upgrade would complete16:54
roddwebgen: got it, root owned my local trash16:55
ActionParsnipcyford: ahh then you will want the 32bit Java, the package system will see your 64bit OS and install 64bit Java which wont work in 32bit firefox16:55
ActionParsnipcyford: why are you not using 64bit Firefox?16:56
webgenrodd glad your resolved it ^.^16:56
ActionParsnipcyford: what is the output of:  file `which firefox`16:56
cyfordi didnt think there was a 64 bit firefox lol16:56
daftykins^nor me16:56
ActionParsnipcyford: sudo apt-get install firefox    will install 64bit firefox if you have a 64bit OS16:56
cyfordaford@CyfordAsus:~$ which firefox16:57
daftykinsand if you run file on it?16:58
gregf_hi, my home is about to run out of space(guest os in vbox). i've resized the disc and added 30G more16:58
gregf_i was looking for adding 20 gigs to my home and leave the rest16:58
ActionParsnipcyford: that isnt the command I gave16:58
ActionParsnipcyford: what is the output of:  file `which firefox`16:58
jangah-ha. Copied /usr/share/cups/mime/mime.* to /etc/cups and restarted the cups service - that seems to have got it16:58
daftykinsgregf_: righty-o, you can add a second disk to mount as /home, boot the ISO into live mode then format, partition and edit the mounts to make the second disk /home then16:59
cyfordaford@CyfordAsus:~$ which firefox16:59
gregf_i saw some links how to do it using gparted, but none were quite clear please if someone could help :/16:59
cyfordaford@CyfordAsus:~$ `which firefox`16:59
cyford(process:6329): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed16:59
daftykinsgregf_: so have you added a second virtual HDD to the system yet?16:59
ActionParsnipcyford: the command is:   file `which firefox`17:00
daftykinscyford: can you stop pasting things to the channel please.17:00
ActionParsnipcyford: the command is NOT:    which firefox17:00
ActionParsnipcyford: the command is NOT:  `which firefox`17:00
cyfordthe second paste is corrected17:00
ayoobkhani m new to irc.. is it just lik a forum?17:00
ActionParsnipcyford: why are you not copying and pasteing the command I gave17:00
daftykinsayoobkhan: more like IM17:00
ActionParsnipcyford: no it's not, thet is not the output of:   file `which firefox`17:00
cyfordaction  the second paste was corrected17:01
ActionParsnipcyford: the word 'file' is a command17:01
gregf_daftykins: well, thats what i want to do. but my home atm is 9G, i wanted to increase it by 20G. is it possible as well?17:01
gregf_daftykins: nope, not a second disk. i've just resized my previous disk image17:01
ActionParsnipcyford: ok you are clearly struggling with this so I'll make it easier17:01
ActionParsnipcyford: what is the output of:   file /usr/bin/firefox17:01
cyford/usr/bin/firefox: symbolic link to `../lib/firefox/firefox.sh'17:01
ayoobkhanahh good..17:02
daftykinsgregf_: what do you see if you run gparted right now?17:02
ActionParsnipcyford: THAT is what the command:  file `which firefox`   would have outputted17:02
ActionParsnipcyford: see the difference17:02
ActionParsnipcyford: in future COPY the command given17:02
cyford  usually  i see quots  or them sybols  i use whats in it lol17:02
ActionParsnipcyford: what is the output of /usr/lib/firefox/firefox.sh17:03
gregf_daftykins: http://postimg.org/image/71imwsgz7/c5a8270c/  <== this is what gparted shows me17:04
gregf_daftykins: i needed to add more space(from unallocated) to my home primary partition17:04
ActionParsnipcyford: what is the output of:  file /usr/lib/firefox/firefox17:06
daftykinsgregf_: ah, swap's in the way. ideally it'd be best to just make that unallocated space into /home and move it then17:06
ActionParsnipjust had to install firefox to see the files17:06
linuxlite1983linux mint debian ????17:06
tyler_dstarting vpn from network-manager(openvpn) spits out the base device for the vpn connection was not active... (confirmed this configuration works from term using openvpn --config myconfigfile start17:06
gregf_daftykins: please if you could provide a link :/17:06
ActionParsniplinuxlite1983: not supported here17:06
daftykinsgregf_: right click on that unallocated space and select to create a new ext4 partition17:06
cyford(process:6836): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed17:07
ActionParsnipcyford: again, you missed the word 'file'17:07
ActionParsnipcyford: what is the output of:  file /usr/lib/firefox/firefox17:07
palOmbOtar xvzf advanced_menu.tar.gz -C $HOME/.xchat217:07
cyford lol opps17:07
* tyler_d chuckles17:07
* daftykins slides ActionParsnip a coffee17:07
gregf_daftykins: should i allocate 15 gigs to it? and choose primary_partition?17:07
MihsonHey guys. When I execute "lsmod | grep ip", then I see that "iptables-"-kernel-modules are not loaded. But I can use the "iptables" command. What happens if the iptables modules are not loaded?17:08
daftykinsgregf_: extended and all of the space available, should already be the max number for all 20GB in there17:08
gregf_daftykins: so allocate it all?17:08
ActionParsnipcyford: then your firefox is 64bit17:08
cyfordohh  so it is 64 bit17:08
daftykinsgregf_: yep17:09
cyford  so  how i make this java work17:09
abhirupwhat are the best features of ubutnu 14.04?17:09
daftykins!trusty | abhirup17:09
ubottuabhirup: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+117:09
gregf_daftykins: done17:09
daftykinsgregf_: now you're going to need to attach the ubuntu ISO you downloaded to the VM again, then boot into LiveCD mode17:10
Mihsoncan anyone help?17:10
Wilkimhello, I installed dnsmasq on ubuntu server 13.10, configured some things in my /etc/hosts file, restarted dnsmasq, but I can't ping the new domains I added to the hosts file17:10
cyford<ActionParsnip>    Any idea why java not working?17:10
gregf_daftykins: so shutdown and attach the iso?17:10
daftykinsgregf_: yep17:10
gregf_daftykins:ok, and what about my prevous home partition files?17:11
daftykinsgregf_: we'll move them over so don't worry about that for now17:11
Wilkimanyone have any advice? :(17:12
gregf_daftykins: ok i've loaded the iso now17:13
ActionParsnipWilkim: can you ping the IPs ?17:13
abhiruphello guyz....whats are the best features of 14.04??17:13
ActionParsnipabhirup: ask in #ubuntu+117:13
Wilkimno, says no host found17:13
daftykinsgregf_: so boot into 'try ubuntu' mode and reach the desktop17:13
ActionParsnipabhirup: Trusty is not discussed or supported here. It is ALL in #ubuntu+1 til release day17:13
gregf_adftykins: should i now tick the box live CD as well?17:13
cyford<Wilkim>  try   ping
ActionParsnipWilkim: then you have no route to the IP17:14
Wilkimh/o one second17:14
engammalskoI'm using php 5.5 and I want to install phpize but it depends on php 5.4 packages. Is there anyway I can keep 5.5 but install packages depending on different versions?17:14
daftykinsgregf_: no real need, just boot up into it17:14
abhirupcan i add my facebook photos to any photo manager in ubuntu?17:14
WilkimHere is my host file: http://pastebin.com/YcAVCF4t17:15
gregf_daftykins: ok, i've clicked on try ubuntu17:15
cyforddid u try ping
cyford host file should be ip  domain name17:16
Wilkimyes it works becaause of my network interfaces: http://pastebin.com/WNYPssXB17:17
cyford10.1.10.100  dev.phpmyadmin.domain.com17:17
Wilkimi've also tried adding first in the list too17:17
=== flo is now known as Guest70478
cyfordip   domain    ...  not the other way around17:17
gregf_daftykins: i'm on the desktop now. how would i now make the new partition my primary partition17:18
Wilkimi dunno why I put it that way, let me try switching it, thanks17:18
Wilkimi've done this a thousand times lol..17:18
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daftykinsgregf_: so the first thing to do will be to open up a terminal window, (Ctrl+alt+t will work)17:18
cyfordtype nslookup  google.com17:19
gregf_daftykins: i can see that the home is now on a different partition :/17:19
ActionParsnipcyford: nice catch17:19
gregf_some temporary partition17:20
tyler_ddig +short @ yahoo.com17:20
ActionParsnipWilkim: notice how the localhost lines are, then look at yours17:20
daftykinsgregf_: no it'll still be on the installed ubuntu right now, but you're not booted into the installed ubuntu :P17:20
ActionParsnipWilkim: other way around, as cyford said17:20
cyford<ActionParsnip> ty :)17:21
gregf_daftykins: ok :)17:21
daftykinsgregf_: so does your VM have a working internet connection right now?17:21
gregf_daftykins: so theres no way to use the previous 10 gigs? i.e can i not add it to the new partition?17:21
gregf_daftykins : yep17:22
daftykinsgregf_: hrmm well, we might be able to do it that way.17:22
daftykinsgregf_: type "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gparted"17:22
StrangeloveMDHah, xchat drops you in #Ubuntu by default.  Never knew.17:22
gregf_daftykins: i've got gparted17:22
daftykinsgregf_: oh ok it's already installed on the livecd?17:23
gregf_daftykins: well i installed it using apt-get17:23
cyford<ActionParsnip>  any more thoughts on my java issue?17:23
daftykinsgregf_: on the install though right, not on the livecd? :P17:23
daftykinsgregf_: they both act as completely separate installations. click the dash icon top left anyway and type gparted, it might be there arleady17:24
gregf_daftykins: well nope not the live cd.17:24
cyfordcyford:  test17:24
gregf_daftykins: both as in from the live CD and using the package manager?17:25
gregf_both installations are different?17:25
daftykinsgregf_: ignore the theory behind package management and installs for now and just run gparted if it's there ;)17:25
gregf_daftykins: done17:25
abhirupwhat the best language if i want to develop apps for ubuntu????OR can i use html??is there  any future in  the developer world   if i know html/css/js ?17:26
daftykinsgregf_: so right click the 'linux-swap' partition and select 'swapoff' then right click again and select delete17:26
daftykinsgregf_: then right click delete the one we created at the end too (sda6)17:26
gregf_this live CD thing is some kind of a layer of abstraction to me. i usually do a sudo spt-get install :/17:26
daftykinsa live environment is a totally in-RAM temporary session17:26
gregf_daftykins: one at the end? the 20 gig one?17:27
daftykinssoftware in there will only be what's available in the live session17:27
daftykinsgregf_: yep17:27
abhirupwhat the best language if i want to develop apps for ubuntu????OR can i use html??is there  any future in  the developer world   if i know html/css/js ?17:27
gregf_daftykins: done17:27
daftykinsgregf_: then delete the extended one also17:27
gregf_daftykins: wont mess things up right :/17:27
daftykinsgregf_: nope17:28
daftykinsgregf_: so now there should only be two entries in the list, sda1 and unallocated.17:28
gregf_daftykins: the delete option is greyed out17:28
daftykinsfor which?17:28
gregf_daftykins: for the extended one17:28
gregf_should i turn swap off?17:29
daftykinsdid you not already...17:29
satan_its been an hour now17:29
satan_and flash hasnt uninstalled17:29
daftykinsgregf_: delete sda6, turn swap off, delete swap (sda5), delete extended17:29
satan_it says progress window that searching is cancelling17:29
ubottuPlease don't spam17:29
satan_but it dosnt17:29
satan_how do i stop searching17:29
satan_in the ubuntu software center ..it says ..in the progress tab17:30
abhirupok than you.......can u plz suggest me some cool  things to customize my ubuntu 13.1017:30
daftykinsgregf_: you may have to click the green tick to apply the changes after deleting the two partitions, but prior to deleting extended17:30
satan_that searching i cancelling but till that dosnt happen...i cant install or do anything else17:30
gregf_daftykins: yeah, was wondering if i had to do that after deleting the 20 g partition17:30
satan_well there is the ability to use a OpenGL desktop manager17:31
daftykinsgregf_: alright, down to just sda1 and unallocated now? :)17:32
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daftykinsgregf_: ...17:36
jjavaholicwhat app can I use to a write an Audio CD?17:36
pxlvisionhey abhirup17:40
pxlvisionnew to ubuntu too?17:40
NET||abusehi folks, anyone ever seen a wireless mouse you can recharge from your laptops usb17:45
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tmmunqnope. even hard to find cradles now17:46
NET||abusei was thinking a flexible usb to microusb connector on the front of the mouse so you can connect and disconnect the cable from the mouse but also use the mouse while it's pluggedin.17:46
satan_why would you need that ?17:46
NET||abuseso i can have a portable mouse i dont need to return to a basestation to keep using.17:47
satan_just get rechargable batteries17:47
satan_i dont know if such a mouse exist ..i havnt seen one myself17:47
NET||abuseso a standard phone microusb charger cable, or a more flexible one, just lets the mouse behave like a regular cabled mouse while charging, but then a nice simple wireless mouse otherwise.17:47
daftykinsNET||abuse: i have this logitech anywhere MX dark field job, a pair of AA's last forever in it17:47
satan_maybe in china or japan17:47
NET||abusedaftykins: yeh, i have a logitech with the dock at home, not surif it's the darkfield one at all though17:48
NET||abuseabout 6 years old that mouse17:48
NET||abusebut it recharges in the cradle so it's handy17:48
satan_best bet ...look for a chinese electronic store17:49
satan_they have all sorts of weird things and usefull ones i bet17:49
satan_hmm funny ...17:50
satan_i downloaded an mp3 file and now even that wont play17:50
amireldorsatan_: try ogg17:50
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amireldorsatan_: and this nickname is very inappropriate. I'll report to you the admins if you don't follow the Ubuntu CoC17:55
yeuridoes ubuntu maverick still have packages in its repo even though its out of date ?17:56
* amireldor why is it so quiet here? my account was hacked and now i'm here17:56
gordonjcpamireldor: friday teatime, everyone's in the pub17:56
daftykinsyeuri: i would expect its' packages have been removed17:56
amireldoramireldor: I Come From The Future UTC+2 sir17:57
amireldorgordonjcp: &&&&17:57
ophukin bash if I have a variable called passwd and I wanted to pass passwd to a command with expect/send but the passwd variable contains a $ in it so it's complaining it cant define the last part after the $ - how do I fix this?17:57
daftykinsophuk: at a guess... i'd talk to #bash17:58
gordonjcpamireldor: :-)17:58
ophukdaftykins: I'm in there as well and just asked it. Though they can be a bit slow at answering questions at times due to less people. Figured somebody might know in here -  might also try #redhat17:59
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gregf_daftkins: you still around?17:59
daftykinsah-har netsplit over XD17:59
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gregf_daftkins: the irc server went down :/17:59
daftykinsgregf_: sooo, two items in the list now? :)17:59
gregf_daftykins: :)18:00
amireldorgordonjcp: i'm 24/7 like that :-(18:00
gregf_daftykins: what do i do next :/18:00
daftykinsgregf_: just sda1 and unallocated right now, yes?18:00
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daftykinsgregf_: so now, right click on sda1 and select resize/move18:01
amireldorI got 13.10 and my root account has been compromised18:01
gregf_daftykins: ok, i did that and added the extended with swap :/18:01
amireldorI think I gave it a password before a few days18:01
daftykinsgregf_: in the window that opens, drag the right hand end of sda1 in the little graphic until there's 1024MB left free at the end18:01
gregf_daftykins: i've completed that part :/. resized and added the rest18:02
amireldorcan anybody please tell me my IP?18:02
amireldorso iwon't need to call the poolice/ (Police.)18:02
daftykinsgregf_: you left a gap for swap though yes?18:02
amireldorIt's static.18:02
daftykinsamireldor: why do you think root is compromised? root doesn't have a password as default18:03
gregf_daftykins: yeah, 1 gig18:03
gregf_daftykins: mysql does_not start now :/18:04
glitsj16yeuri: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com should still have them18:04
daftykinsgregf_: you didn't reboot into the install did you? :(18:04
gregf_daftykins: when does the user get to see that screen : try ununtu/install ubuntu?18:05
gregf_daftykins: that itself confuses me, as i've installed ubuntu :/18:05
daftykinsgregf_: on a physical install to the hard disk it never exists.18:05
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gregf_daftykins: i've done a physical install to disk :/18:05
daftykinsgregf_: ok let's focus on the task at hand because i need to be somewhere18:05
gregf_daftykins: sure18:05
daftykinsgregf_: yes but you're in a temporary live session running in RAM right now18:06
bekksgregf_: then take out the cdrom/usb install medium.18:06
daftykinsbekks ugh do not interrupt this one :P18:06
daftykinsmen at work!18:06
daftykinsgregf_: so right click in the unallocated and create a new extended partition18:06
bekkskk ;)18:06
amireldordaftykins: ok18:06
amireldorI got your nicnkame. I'm not sure if Xubuntu or Debian18:06
gregf_daftykins: done, i've created the extended with swap and allocated 1 gig18:06
amireldorand I might have done sudo su18:07
daftykinsgregf_: turned it on also?18:07
gregf_daftykins: do i now reboot?18:07
daftykinsno no no18:07
daftykinsnot yet :D18:07
gregf_daftykins: turn swap on?18:07
gregf_one sec18:07
daftykinsgregf_: then make sure everything's applied and happy in gparted before closing it.18:07
amireldordaftykins: sudo passwd18:07
gregf_daftykins: ok, sure18:08
daftykinsamireldor: ok, ignoring my first question of why would you do that - do you think you're compromised because you try to switch to it but the password is 'wrong' ?18:08
daftykinsgregf_: now go to a terminal window and type "sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sda1 /mnt"18:08
daftykinsgregf_: that should complete without returning anything at all, yes?18:09
gregf_daftykins: yep18:09
amireldordaftykins: yes, I try to do recovery console mode and can't get to root. I don't want to call my 100 which is 911 in the +118:10
amireldordaftykins: neither my regular user AMIR18:10
daftykinsgregf_: good good. now type "blkid" and copy the UUID from between the "'s next to /dev/sda5 which will have "TYPE="swap" " written beside it18:10
amireldor(not caps)18:10
bekksamireldor: root has no password set. even in recovery mode, and you dont need a root password at all, in recovery mode.18:10
daftykinsbekks: see the bit where he ran sudo passwd :'(18:10
jaropehi package manage gurus about this evening18:10
CatKillerHi there! Using openssl on Ubuntu, is it possible to use a single openssl.cnf file to setup multiple CAs? I know it's technically not completely a Ubuntu question but not sure where else to ask18:10
daftykinsjarope: just ask the question18:10
bekksdaftykins: Then root has a password, but he still doesnt need it. :)18:11
amireldordaftykins: bekks: yes. I live in UTC+2 and I am afraid of MITM attacks.18:11
amireldormaybe i f i reconnect18:11
amireldorand you see i have the same IP18:11
amireldori'm serious!18:11
amireldorWait wait wait wait18:11
daftykinsgregf_: how's it going?18:11
amireldoris this crazy time again?18:11
bekksamireldor: read more and write less? MITM have nothing to do with your root password and the recovery mode at all.18:11
amireldorcoz it's friday?18:11
gregf_bekks: are you the same becks from vbox :/18:11
bekksgregf_: Yes I am.18:12
jaropeI have dependancy issues and apt-get install -f doesnt work18:12
amireldorbekks: just a moment let me draw it18:12
amireldoron a paper :)18:12
daftykinsyay artwork18:12
bekksamireldor: We dont need no paper at all.18:12
daftykinsgregf_: did you get the UUID?18:12
bekksamireldor: Why did you set a root password at all?18:12
jaropecould someone help me figure this out18:12
EaglemanGot this error when starting MySQL from an NFS share: http://lpaste.net/56406837579009228818:12
amireldorbekks: coz i'm an Idiot? I don't know I was high :)18:12
daftykinsjarope: paste the output and maybe someone will have an idea where to start18:12
EaglemanIs it safe to mount the nfs share with nolock?18:13
jaropedisabled all the extra ppa's and tried again18:13
jaropecool daftykins18:13
daftykinsjarope: with paste.ubuntu.com of course18:13
bekksamireldor: And whats the exact problem now with your recovery mode?18:13
jaropewas just checking where daftykins thanks18:13
daftykinsgregf_: i'm running out of time here so if you could speed things up it'd be much appreciated else i must leave18:14
bekksEagleman: No, it is not.18:14
gregf_daftykins: i got the id, what should i do next?18:14
amireldorbekks: i'm not on XP with webchat. Does that qualify for "ubuntu laptop needs to be reformatted"?18:14
Eaglemanbekks how can i fix this issue then?18:14
amireldori got my pen and paper now (20AM long day)18:14
jaropethere you go!18:14
daftykinsgregf_: make sure it's copied and in your clipboard, then type "sudo nano /mnt/etc/fstab"18:14
daftykinsgregf_: within that file, you need to replace the existing /dev/sda5 swap UUID with the one you just copied18:14
amireldorbekks: i'm NOW* on Woe32\18:14
bekksamireldor: No. You are saying things without any relation to each other, and you are not answering the question people asking. So I am afraid, I will rest your case.18:14
amireldoron a diff machine18:14
daftykinsgregf_: then hit ctrl+x, y, enter to save it, sound good?18:15
gregf_daftykins: i dont see swap in there :/ <== sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sda1 /mnt18:15
gregf_bah sorry18:15
bekksamireldor: And PLEASE, do NOT use enter as a punctuation sign.18:15
gregf_daftykins: one sec18:15
amireldorbekks: I never do, I'm a LoCo Lead. Thanks, bbsoon18:15
bekksamireldor: Well, I am wondering how you got that lead then. Honestly.18:15
gregf_daftykins: blkid returns this: /dev/sr0: LABEL="Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS amd64" TYPE="iso9660"18:16
daftykinsgregf_: nothing for /dev/sda5 ?18:16
jaropeSo I have followed as many guides to solve this as I could find but still cant shift the package error18:17
gregf_daftykins: nope :18:17
jaropecurrently unity is broken - due to elementary desktop - but gnome cant complete install18:17
daftykinsgregf_: try "sudo blkid" to see if it makes any difference18:17
amireldorbekks: i can give you the full story in private18:17
bekksamireldor: I am not interested.18:18
amireldorbekks: thank you. see you l8r when i take my drugs18:18
jjavaholichow long should I expect Brasero to be normalizing tracks for a full 700Mb audio track?18:18
bekksamireldor: I fear that, too.18:18
gregf_daftykins: http://postimg.org/image/ldaeqfg1p/feb8f40d/18:18
amireldorbekks: I fear that as much as you do!18:18
amireldorbekks they make me t ake it :(18:18
gregf_daftykins: yeah, i need to run it as root :/18:19
daftykinsgregf_: close gparted and run it again18:19
JebusHow do I make my normal account root not using sudo -s i want it to be completely root18:20
gregf_its there now18:20
bekksamireldor: It has nothing to do with Ubuntu, and thus is offtopic in here.18:20
gregf_daftykins: so sda5 huh?18:20
daftykinsgregf_: oh ok, so copy the UUID of /dev/sda5 the swap partition into your clipboard, then type "sudo nano /mnt/etc/fstab"18:20
bekksJebus: Using sudo -s, you are full root, in fact.18:20
bekks!root | Jebus18:20
ubottuJebus: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:20
gregf_daftykins: ok, i prefer vim :/18:20
daftykinsgregf_: well whichever text editor, just update the UUID for /dev/sda5 :P18:20
gregf_daftykins: done18:22
gregf_daftykins: now i get you :)18:22
daftykinsgregf_: save and quit your editor, type "sudo umount /mnt" then reboot18:22
gregf_daftkins: done18:22
Jebusbekks, will the commands in that link allow me to login as root18:23
gregf_daftykins: do i now reboot?18:23
gregf_ah ok18:23
bekksJebus: Why do you want to login as root, after having read the article given?18:24
Jebusbekks That I do not know18:25
gregf_daftykins: thats it ?18:26
daftykinsgregf_: yep you should now have the full disk space at your disposal. confirm with 'df -h'18:26
gregf_daftykins: yay!. its there18:27
daftykinsright i gotta run :) enjoy!18:27
gregf_daftykins the swap space one in fstab, is that needed as well :/. wont creating a new swap partition change the fstab entry?18:27
gregf_daftykins: Thanks very much indeed! you take care!18:28
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daftykinsgregf_: lol. that's why we edited the UUID to update it to refer to the newly recreated partition instead of the old deleted one18:28
gregf_daftykins: yeah, never knew i had to do it manually :/18:29
gregf_cuz the first time i create the swap partition, i never made an entry manually, but good to know :)18:29
ePaxI have thinkpad and light on thinkpad logo is not on. And i can not change it with echo "on" > /proc/acpi/ibm/light18:29
daftykinsgregf_: the installer would've created it18:30
daftykinsePax: i've got to be honest, in the grand scheme of issues i don't think a logo light being on is a MAJOR issue ;)18:30
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gregf_daftykins: hmm, ok. perfect. as i specific it on installation. never used gparted there :/18:31
ePaxdaftykins, Its not major issue but i would like it ot work :D18:31
daftykinsgregf_: you're a new user i take it? :)18:31
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gregf_daftykins: nope :) i've been using ubuntu for quite some time. just that i'm a dev guy and never had to do this space allocation myself :/18:32
daftykinsah ok. anyway ttfn!18:32
gregf_hey sure, thanks again!18:32
antagomirjust installed ubuntu 14.04 on HP Folio Elitebook. According to screen texts the installation was successful. When I reboot, I get the text that tells I should install operating system (although I thought I just installed it already). Any tips what might go wrong?18:33
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Jordan_Uantagomir: #ubuntu+1 for Ubuntu 14.04.18:36
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yash069antagomir: how did u install it ?18:37
yash069usb ?18:37
yash069antagomir: did u change boot order after install ?18:38
Jebusbekks I read the article twice now and I don't that many downfalls18:39
amireldoris my ip hidden?18:40
llutz!ot | amireldor18:41
ubottuamireldor: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:41
OerHeksamireldor, no, not standard.18:41
antagomiryash069 i didnt, so if this might be the problem then i should try asap18:41
amireldorOerHeks: ok, then I know I'm registered. thank you18:41
OerHeksamireldor, join #freenode to get a cloak18:41
amireldoramireldor: I do not require a clock :)18:41
yash069if u installed using usb u might have change boot order18:42
amireldorOerHeks: I will now write ym full problem and someone will help my war-fatigued problem18:42
antagomiryash069 i installed using DVD via USB18:42
yash069did u change boot order ?18:42
Jordan_Uantagomir: Please install a supported version of Ubuntu or ask in #ubuntu+1 only.18:43
yash069then u might have not installed grub18:43
antagomiryash069 ok18:43
bekksJebus: Basically there is no reason for setting a root pssword - it only introduces more downsided than benefits.18:43
antagomirJordan_U right, tnx]18:43
Jordan_Uantagomir: You're welcome.18:43
JebusWell I am not enabling it18:44
jaropehow do I fix a broken package issue please  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7011758/18:44
JebusThank you bekks18:45
Jebusbekks is there anyway to run sudo and it not ask for your password everytime18:47
amireldorbekks: #ubuntu-offtopic are just making fun at me :q18:48
amireldorit's still not shabbat where I come from18:48
yash069bekks: what the problem with setting up root pass ?18:49
bekks!root | yash06918:49
ubottuyash069: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:49
ZeloZelosuse sudo su for terminal session to only ask for the password 1 time, then you no longer need the sudo command at all18:50
compdocI was also told there was no spoon, and look at how that movie turned out...18:50
yash069bekks: u know without root password people can change user account password via ubuntu recovery ?18:50
bekksyash069: Sure. Everyone with physical access can do that.18:51
Jebusis there anyway to run sudo and it not ask for your password everytime18:51
bekks!sudo | Jebus18:52
ubottuJebus: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo18:52
yash069doesnt setting root pass help prevent people to get into recovery ?18:52
bekksyash069: No.18:52
issphpHello, how do you pass a command to another command from the terminal (or python script), for example: kill -9 pidof(sh)18:53
pranith__Noskcaj, hey... any update on using the latest global for Ubuntu 14.04?18:53
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issphpor kill -9 pidof(firefox)18:53
cyfordwow it took  installing Icedtea Java Plugin   to get java to work with my firefox18:53
Noskcajpranith__, What was the responce we got from debian last time?18:54
yash069issphp: do u mean redirecting output ?18:54
issphpyash069: yup18:54
pranith__Noskcaj, the debian upstream maintainer is not happy with GNU global developer...18:54
FevixAre there any simple performance tweaks that won't wreck the computer in 13.10? The system only has 2GB memory and it's really chuggung.18:54
llutzissphp: cmd $(othercmd)18:54
pranith__he asked me to send a patch to fix the global in debian18:54
yash069issphp, use pipe ( | )18:55
pranith__can we bypass debian and have latest global in ubuntu?18:55
yash069!pipe | issphp18:55
ZeloZelosFevix, you could try a different windows manager like xfce18:55
bgardnerissphp: For Python scripts, see subprocess.Popen() ... and see also ##python, rather than #ubuntu18:55
Noskcajpranith__, Possibly. Ask in -devel if anyone will update it for you?18:56
issphpllutz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7011967/18:56
kingplusplusplease how do i set sound for xbuntu18:56
Noskcajalso, was the patch request sent?18:56
pranith__Noskcaj, I packaged it and have it in a PPA18:56
llutzissphp: man pidof18:56
pranith__you suggested to make some changes which I did not get around to18:56
issphpllutz: oh my bad18:57
issphpllutz: the () confused me :P18:57
pranith__Noskcaj, patching the global in debian is not worth it IMHO18:57
pranith__it is a 6 year old release last updated in 200818:58
FevixAnything else? Like, a system tweak or anything?18:58
pranith__too many changes have been made upstream18:58
llutzissphp: easier to use "pkill firefox"18:58
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issphpllutz: or killall firefox, i know but i just wanted to know how :P18:58
Noskcajpranith__, Get either a bzr branch or a debdiff of new version and someone might be able to upload it18:58
issphpAlso, i tried to look it on google but i didnt find the answer.. how do you actually get a list of all running executables files in the system.. "ps" command shows scripts and stuff and i need only executables files .. like files that written in C/C++18:59
pranith__Noskcaj, debdiff is out of the question because of the number of changes... have to do it like a new package19:00
Noskcajpranith__, Edit the debdiff so it's just the changes in the debian/ folder19:01
pranith__ok, will give it a try19:01
Noskcajpranith__, Making a bzr branch wouldn't be that hard though would it?19:01
notebookany channel on ansys related discussions please19:01
notebookcan anyone guide me to ansys irc cannel19:03
Pici!alis | notebook19:03
ubottunotebook: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*19:03
pranith__Noskcaj, naah. Should be easy using bzr-svn19:04
notebookPici: thankyou very much19:04
tcpsynMight anyone know what part of X is eating my pcspeaker beep? I can beep with the beep command, I can echo -e '\a' in a tty, but not within a gnome-terminal, or anywhere inside of X.19:06
tcpsynIt's driving me crazy19:06
jhutchinstcpsyn: What desktop are you running?19:07
tcpsynI know the pcspkr module is loaded, its not muted, xset b is on, and it works outside X... somethings eating it. I can also see the beep events, but no audible beep.19:07
tcpsynjhutchins: xfce19:07
jhutchinstcpsyn: Don't suppose you know how to get the start menu back on the taskbar?19:07
tcpsynright click on it and add it back?19:08
tcpsynAhh. The beep is playing through the line out.19:08
jhutchinstcpsyn: INteresting.  I was going to suggest checking the mixer.19:09
tcpsynmixer seems unrelated. It is playing, it's just going through the line out and not the pcspkr19:10
jhutchinstcpsyn: Start menu isn't listed as an adable item.19:10
jhutchinstcpsyn: Oh, yeah, that's expected.19:10
tcpsynIt's not what I want though19:10
tcpsynI want it to use the pc speaker19:10
jhutchinstcpsyn: Not sure why.19:10
tcpsynjhutchins, if you get really stuck, you can delete ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-config-per-channel/xfce4-panel-settings.xml19:13
tcpsynand it'll recreate the defaults on next login.19:13
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tcpsynbut you should be able to find it in the available panel modules. It won't be called start menu though, it's not windows19:13
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jaropeok so it says my problem is over writing a file so I removed that and it still says it has the same problem19:15
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jaropei cant add dependancies because it will not finish the install19:16
* jarope going round in circles19:16
jaropedoes anyone have a moment to help?19:17
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ryanpriorI was messing with keyboard shortcuts and pressed Ctrl+P (don't try it!) which switched my display off. Pressing it again switched my display back on, and I went to the Google to find out why that happened. Turns out it's a hacky, non-disablable behavior of Compiz which improves compatabilities with certain laptops, and the bug to make it disable-able in the keyboard shortcuts menu is closed wontfix. Welp. Anyway, I found out you c19:24
ryanpriorBut now whenver I log into that account on my computer, it switches my display off. And since I disabled ctrl+P, I can't switch it back on that way.19:25
tcpsynjarope: apt-get -f install?19:25
ryanpriorHow do I fix my configuration?19:25
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jaropehi tcpsyn thqanks but nope19:25
jaropeI tried that and a bunch of other stuff19:26
tcpsyndid you apt-get update to refresh the repos?19:26
jaropetcpsyn, I tried apt-get clean and apt-get update19:26
jaropetcpsyn, I removed the files in /var/cache/apt/archive manually and did it all again19:27
jaropetcpsyn, I removed the file it was struggling to over write and still nope19:27
tcpsynthat package could be bad in the repo. What are you actually trying to install?19:27
jaropetcpsyn, a working desktop19:28
jaropeI tried the elementary desktop but then going back to unity found some issues19:28
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jaropewindow decoration was glitching, going transparent but only on Radiance and Ambiance19:29
Guest69039HI! Im from argentina!! :D19:29
Guest69039HI! Im from argentina!! :D19:29
jaropeso tcpsyn trying to fix that cuased more issues and screwed unity up19:29
Guest69039can anybody helpme with xubuntu? im new19:29
Guest69039hola jarope19:29
tcpsynwhat I would do, is apt-get remove evolution evolution-data-server-online-accounts19:30
tcpsynand try to get them out19:30
tcpsynthen reinstall them19:30
jaropeok thanks tcpsyn will try it19:30
tcpsyndunno if that's gonna work, apt can be a pain in the ass like that19:30
ryanpriorWhen I log into my account, my display switches off and displays an error message saying "input signal out of range." I can log into a guest session fine. All the help on Google when I type in that error message assumes that the computer won't boot at all, and suggests a fix to Grub. But my problem is only with one user account. What do I do?19:30
jaropetcpsyn, noe doesnt want to do anything19:31
jaropesame error19:32
Noor_egyhello after i upgraded my ubuntu from 11.10 to 12.04 mysql not work at xammp19:32
ubottuWe do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.19:34
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jhutchinsGuest75104: What did you try to do?  How did you try to do it?  What did you expect to happen?  What happened instead?19:36
tcpsynjarope, you see why it's complaining?19:38
tcpsynjarope: line 2119:38
tcpsynin your paste19:38
jaropeyes tcpsyn so I tried making that write for all19:38
jaropeno help19:38
jaropetcpsyn, then I deleted it still no good19:39
tcpsynnope, try uninstalling switchboard-plug-online-accounts19:39
jaropecant as its still trying to install the otherone first19:39
jaropetried that19:39
tcpsynthats why you gotta uninstall with dpkg and not apt19:39
tcpsyndpkg -r switchboard-plug-online-accounts19:39
thoraxeis there something special to do to enable scp?  i am very new to ubuntu (mostly centos user)19:39
tcpsynthoraxe: you need to enable openssh19:40
tcpsynscp is part of ssh19:40
thoraxessh already works19:40
thoraxescp gives me: ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host19:40
tcpsynssh works and scp doesn't?19:41
thoraxethat's what i said, yes.19:41
jaropetcpsyn, BOOM worked19:42
tcpsynjarope: word.19:42
jaropecool must get to know dpkg more19:42
tcpsynnot a lot to know19:42
tcpsynapt just wraps around it19:42
jaropetcpsyn, thats how I understood it19:42
jaropebut obviously there are benefits to knowing more!19:42
jaroperight now to start working~!19:43
thoraxei don't even really see a way to disable it19:43
thoraxeunless scp is a part of sftp, which i don't believe it is19:43
tcpsynif you ssh to the box, is scp available there?19:43
tcpsyndo you have openssh-client installed on the target host?19:44
tcpsyncant imagine why you wouldn't... but...19:45
thoraxeopenssh-client is already the newest version.19:45
tcpsynscp -vvv hostname19:45
tyler_dpass it the ssh version in your scp command19:45
tcpsynsee if that gives you more information19:45
thoraxetcpsyn: on the destination (ubuntu) system, on my source system?19:45
tcpsynfrom the client to the server19:46
tyler_dthoraxe: and give us the exact command you are running19:46
thoraxehmm it appears scp works for non-root users19:48
tcpsynwhen weird shit like that happens, it's always limits.conf19:48
tcpsynor.... there's a nologin file too19:48
=== VoidWhisperer is now known as Guest85035
thoraxei can ssh in as root19:49
thoraxewhere is limits.conf ?19:50
tcpsyn. /etc/security/limits.conf19:50
jattnever ever ssh as root19:50
tcpsynjatt, don't give bad advice for no reason19:50
tyler_djatt: your not my supervisor19:51
thoraxejatt: that is a fairly ridiculous and somewhat baseless tatement19:51
tcpsynssh as root is fine.19:51
thoraxepermitting ssh root login is not reasonably advised, but "never ever ssh as root" is silly19:51
Flannel@comment 59954 Bot.19:52
ubottuComment added.19:52
Flanneloops.  Well, whatever.19:52
thoraxeis there a rosetta stone for centos/EL -> ubuntu ?19:52
tcpsynthoraxe, do you have PermitRootLogin no in /etc/ssh/sshd_config19:52
thoraxetcpsyn: no, permitrootlogin is absent from sshd_config19:52
thoraxeand if it was set to no, i wouldn't be able to ssh as root.19:53
tyler_ddefault is no19:53
thoraxetyler_d: then this system is configured bizarrely.19:56
llutztyler_d: ubuntus default is yes (even withthe disabled root-account)19:56
tyler_dwell that's an excellent in(security) feature19:57
tyler_dwe shall call it, feature rich19:57
llutzyep, they argue "well there is no root-password/key, so what..."19:58
tyler_dbut when I go ahead and change my root pw cause I'm jive like that19:59
Flanneltyler_d: You don't "change it", you "set it", but yes, your comment is valid.19:59
llutztyler_d: you#re not supposed to do so (next argument...)19:59
llutztyler_d: security by obscurity19:59
tyler_doh but I did, because I can... and as previously stated... I'm jive like that20:00
tyler_dlong time Flannel :)20:00
larsemilhi. i used a ppa to get newer versions of xbmc.20:06
larsemilnow i wanted to downgrade so i removed ppas and did apt-get update.20:06
larsemilwhen i try to install xbmc it fails because the xbmc-bin the system acceses is to new.20:06
larsemili have tried to ppa-purge, apt-cache clear, and apt-add-repository -r20:07
larsemilbut still same problem20:07
OerHekslarsemil, add that PPA again, and use PPA purge to roll back20:07
larsemilOerHeks: will try20:07
larsemilOerHeks: seems no luck20:09
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larsemilmaybe now20:10
OerHekslarsemil, i would remove xbmc complete, and then reinstall without ppa20:11
larsemilOerHeks: thanks. now it worked.20:12
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OerHekslarsemil, have fun :-)20:13
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guest5691203the sound preferences dialog in ubuntu has a "Output" tab where you can choose through which output you want to play sound20:14
guest5691203anyone here who know how to do that in lubuntu? i tried installing pulseaudio + pulseaudio volume control (pavucontrol). but i don't see where and how this setting could be achieved from within pavucontrol20:15
guest5691203is there any way to do it via pavucontrol? or can the ubuntu sound preferences app be installes in lubuntu?20:16
Beldarguest5691203, These guest names are a pain use a real nick, one option, http://askubuntu.com/questions/80384/where-are-the-lxde-sound-preferences20:17
styks1987I am having an issue where someone cannot access our server. I checked my IP tables and it does not appear to have any ips restricted. Does anyone else know where I should look?20:17
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=== guest5691203 is now known as LubuntuAudioOutp
peppohi! I'm on Z77/NVIDIA GTX 680, and no nvidia drivers are showing up in the restricted drivers tab, and installing "nvidia-current" (from stock or edgers ppa) results in broken X. nvidia module couldn't be loaded... advice? I've not found anything on Google citing similar problems20:19
Beldarpeppo, YOu probably had the correct drivers installed to begin with, was everything working?20:20
peppoBeldar, nouveau. They are horrible20:20
peppoperformance is abysmal20:20
peppoI've not even attempted anything 3d20:21
Beldarpeppo, Ah, helps for us to know that.20:21
LubuntuAudioOutpBeldar: thx. nick changed. i came up with that page myself and already tried pavucontrol and xfce4-mixer. can you tell me where i can choose the default output in pavucontrol and/or xfce4-mixer?20:21
BeldarLubuntuAudioOutp, Thanks on the nick, I just googled your issue, not an area I'm up on.20:21
=== BillyZane2 is now known as Mikuru_Asahina
kingplusplushow do i install java and eclipse in xubuntu20:25
rwwkingplusplus: 13.10, or some other version?20:25
rww(of Ubuntu)20:25
kingplusplusrww 13.1020:26
rwwkingplusplus: install the packages default-jdk and eclipse. e.g. at a commandline: sudo apt-get install default-jdk eclipse20:26
kingplusplusrww thanks20:26
JonEdneyHas anyone run into any issues running  14.04 on Virtualbox?  I'm having problems getting things running after initial installation & reboot.20:31
Beldaralejandr1, Do you have a support issue?20:31
BeldarJonEdney, You were on the correct channel this is for releases T\try #vbox20:32
JonEdneyThanks Beldar I didn't see the correction20:32
Beldarno biggie it happens20:32
JonEdneyYes, multi tasking is getting the best of me today.20:32
quemsince upgrading to 13.10, my scanner no longer works. any ideas?20:33
quemi hope sane hasn't phased out support for it or something.20:33
Beldarquem, You tried simple scan?20:33
quemBeldar: yeah20:35
quemBeldar: sane-find-scanner detects it, along with my webcam and bluetooth device.....20:35
Aossiwhats up people20:37
Beldarquem, I suspect the no read is a config issue, have you checked the preferences?20:38
BeldarAossi, ubuntu support is up.20:38
quemsimple scan's preferences don't offer much.20:38
quemi've tried xscan too, but it doesn't detect it either20:39
AossiBeldar: xD i know if it wasnt for this channels help id still be screwed on my ubuntu system20:39
BeldarAossi, The channels are valuable to many. ;)20:39
Aossiindeed Beldar indeed20:39
* Aossi hugs his terminal20:43
LubuntuAudioOutpBeldar: do you know what the ubuntu sound preferences is called? i'd like to install them in lubuntu20:44
streulmahello, I have an SSD with 128GB, does I need swap? How much, 8GB (same as ram)?20:44
BeldarLubuntuAudioOutp, Not really, you might check on the #lubuntu channel as well.20:45
Aossistreulma: what are you trying to do exactly?20:45
Beldarstreulma, If you don;t want to hibernate I doubt you need a swap, depends on your memory use really.20:45
streulmaAossi: I have a Macbook and want to install Ubuntu on it, I do repeatly 8GB swap, 30GB / and rest /home20:46
streulmafor Ubuntu installs20:46
jiffe98alright, I tried adding ipv6 to one of my interfaces and something's messed up now, I can't get any traffic out including local network pings, I commented out the ipv6 lines and reboot but still broke20:46
Aossistreulma: hrmmmm did you follow any of the turtorials they have online first??20:47
compdocstreulma, some swap is always good20:47
jiffe98this isn't a production machine but I'm curious what isn't working about it20:47
streulmaah compdoc hello :)20:47
compdochalf the ram is ok, or the whole amout20:47
streulmaso, 4GB is ok?20:47
compdoclikely you'll never use any. hopefully20:47
crunch-chocohi there, anyone tried 14.04? how unstable is it?20:48
Beldarstreulma, be sure to set up or use trim.20:48
Beldar!14.04 | crunch-choco20:48
ubottucrunch-choco: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+120:48
jiffe98nevermind, after rebooting the NIC order seems to have changed so they were on the wrong vlan20:49
Beldarcrunch-choco, Not really an answerable question, general advice is don't use a development as your main install.20:49
crunch-chocothat's a wise advice Beldar, thanks :)20:50
francesco2Guys I would like to ask how I should divide a partition for ubuntu if I wanna do manually ?20:52
Beldarfrancesco2, From a live cd, can you define "divide a partition"?20:53
Beldardone from a live cd rather20:53
francesco2I am doing it from a USB20:54
Beldarfrancesco2, Give us a screen shot of gparted, and define the end goal.20:55
Beldar!screenshot | francesco220:55
ubottufrancesco2: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.20:55
francesco2I can't atm it is on another machine, the goal a normal desktop pc )20:55
Beldarfrancesco2, Than define what I asked.20:56
Beldarfrancesco2, "divide a partition" is a strange syn tax, not really enough detail20:56
Beldarfrancesco2, Can we get on the machine you want to change from a live cd?20:58
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francesco2Beldar: it is a lenovo amd21:01
francesco2pretty new machine21:01
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francesco22GB of RAM, 2 processors21:02
francesco2500GB HHD21:02
Beldarfrancesco2, I have the feeling we are not communicating, is it a language issue?21:04
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francesco2mmm I dunno, didn't you ask me on what machine I want to install ubuntu?21:05
Beldarfrancesco2, no, just if we could get on it on a live cd, see gparted and define divide partition.21:06
francesco2I don't know what is gparted I put obuntu on a usb drive and I am trying to install it, ) sorry21:07
Beldarfrancesco2, Does the divide the partition to create a unallocated for ubuntu to be installed in?21:07
Beldarfrancesco2, Does the divide the partition mean to create a unallocated for ubuntu to be installed in?21:08
francesco2I need to know just how how memory I have to allocate for the swap, journal , ...21:08
saitx_hey there, i have a question, How to change the path of the default bookbarks in nautilus, for example i wanna change the path of the folder Documentes, i wan to set it to another partition, i just neet to know where can i do that thanks.21:09
Beldarfrancesco2, If you have windows on the computer use its partitioner to resize the windows partitions creating a unallocated.21:09
francesco2there is nothing on21:10
Beldarfrancesco2, Did it have W8 perchance?21:10
francesco2never had any OS on21:10
Beldarfrancesco2, Is it a uefi/gpt21:10
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saitx_???  How to change the path of the default bookbarks in nautilus, for example i wanna change the path of the folder Documentes, i wan to set it to another partition, i just neet to know where can i do that thanks.21:11
francesco2I suppose :P21:12
OerHekssaitx_, http://askubuntu.com/a/42234521:12
Beldarfrancesco2, hmm, you suppose, are you familiar with a efi install?21:12
OerHeksctrl b = edit21:12
Beldar!who | HappyPants21:13
ubottuHappyPants: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:13
HappyPantsok :)21:13
francesco2Beldar: I know only how to install ubuntu with  the normal ubuntu step by step installation21:13
Beldarfrancesco2, Ah, well I still have no idea what your are doing, others may be able to decipher.21:14
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saitx_0erHeks thanks, that is what i need.21:15
OerHekssaitx_, have fun :-)21:15
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Jef91where can I find a netinstall iso for 14.04?21:15
francesco2Beldar: ok nothing thank you anyway )21:16
BeldarJef91, not available till release and the 14.04 channel is #ubuntu+121:16
Jef91Beldar, how about a minimal install ISO, no desktop preinstalled21:19
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User321I managed to install ubuntu but with secureboot disabled, it doesn't get past GRUB. Once I select ubuntu, all i get a ubuntu background colour and nothing21:21
User321with secure boot enabled, it complains that keys can't be verified21:21
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=== Guest99786 is now known as Seveas
BeldarUser321, You can do a text boot to see what is going on. Have you tried a nomodeset or failsafe x boot?21:25
francesco2when I finish to install it tell me: pxe-m0f exiting intel pxe rom operating system not found21:26
BeldarUser321, I believe if you hit the esc key after choosing ubuntu it goes to text.21:26
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User321Beldar, I managed to get into recovery mode and then select normal mode which got me into text mode. Manage to login. Is there anything I can do here?21:27
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riceandbeansI have a question about some ubuntu magic21:27
SeveasUser321: check the X logs21:28
riceandbeansvmware is moving away from using a windows client21:28
BeldarUser321, I would run the update/upgrade and check additional drivers.21:28
riceandbeansthey're moving to a web client21:28
riceandbeansthe web client is flash21:28
riceandbeansit requires flash >= 11.521:28
riceandbeansadobe stopped linux support at 11.221:28
Beldarriceandbeans, and this relates to ubuntu how?21:28
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SeveasBeldar: you might find out if you let him finish the question :)21:28
riceandbeansI have a coworker with ubuntu, and magically, the web client works out of the box on his system21:28
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BeldarSeveas, keep it to yourself21:29
Seveasriceandbeans: probably the check for 11.5 isn't that strict21:29
riceandbeansare you using some proprietary binaries from windows wrapped into browser bundles?21:29
riceandbeansSeveas: actually it is21:29
Akiva-Mobilemy file operations is stalling on a certain file, but working on others21:29
Seveasriceandbeans: or he installed a windows browser and a windows version of flash with wine21:29
riceandbeansSeveas: he didn't, he's running firefox, out of the box install21:29
Akiva-Mobilethe certain file is a zip, containing a build for ubuntu touch.21:29
OerHeksriceandbeans, Chrome does use pepperflash 11.5 or something21:30
riceandbeansthe hell is pepperflash?21:30
Akiva-Mobileit just stops at 292 mb, with 2 mb togo, and yah21:30
Seveasriceandbeans: well, that's one google query away from finding out :)21:30
SeveasAkiva-Mobile: what are you trying to do with it?21:30
BeldarAkiva-Mobile, What are you doing with this image exactly?21:31
User321Seveas, is it in /var/logs ?21:31
SeveasUser321: yeah /var/log/Xorg.0.log usually21:31
User321Beldar, I can't find any drivers. Got an kernel upgrade. Will see if that helps.21:31
BeldarUser321, You check additional drivers?21:33
User321Seveas, it says Fatal server error: (EE) no screens found (EE)21:33
User321Seveas, before that line it says Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration21:34
SeveasUser321: there must be things above that, it's likely that loading the graphics driver failed. What kind of videocard do you have?21:34
MrQuist HIya guys, im sure there's some bash guru's here. Say i have a string "this is my very is own string" - Then how can i get the LAST part of the string, up to IS? so, in this example "own string". In this one; "this is a test string" -> a test string "what is the word is to you?" -> to you?21:34
User321Seveas, is there a way for me to pastebin the log from CLI?21:34
User321Beldar, doesn't apt-get update && upgrade cover that? Sorry not a proficient Linux user.21:35
UK_Spikeyhi all im having trouble installing ubuntu alongside W8, my livecd doesnt detect that I already have W8, I dunno how the partitions thing works its seems complicated21:36
SeveasMrQuist: echo ${mystring##*is}21:36
riceandbeansOerHeks: that was it exactly now that I look into it, I thought he was running firefox21:36
UK_Spikeyshould I try 12.04 , would that detect that I have W8?21:36
SeveasUser321: sudo apt-get install pastebinit :)21:36
Seveasalejandr1: english please :)21:36
BeldarUser321, One would hope so, but there is a additional drivers area to show you what is available, and answer the question on the graphic hardware.21:37
riceandbeansanyway, as on official debian user, I'd like to apologize to you guys for my distro bringing your distro into systemd21:37
geirhaMrQuist: See http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/100 for more on string manipulation in bash21:37
Seveasriceandbeans: no need to apologize. Systemd is awesome and the debian soap opera was hilariois :)21:37
riceandbeanswe had a good run21:37
User321Seveas, cheers. Here is xorg log http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7012718/21:38
riceandbeansSeveas: soap opera?21:38
riceandbeansit was a civil war of the GNUs21:38
riceandbeansSeveas: beyond an unusable init client, it boiled down to the commercialization and corporate takeover of GNU/Linux by a singular entity, guiding the fate forever of open source, and redhat won...21:39
SeveasUser321: hmm, did you muck about with the X server config or video drivers? Or is this a fresh install?21:39
riceandbeansWayland, network-manager, udev, systemd21:39
riceandbeansredhat won man21:39
Beldarno one died, the US civil war had more american deaths than all wars after combined21:39
Seveasriceandbeans: well, that's a discussion for another channel.21:39
Seveaslet's stick to support in here. No ranting.21:39
riceandbeansworse still, some of that technology bleeds into BSDs too, it was more than just a disagreement of init systems, I'm just saying, it's a big deal21:39
sadboxriceandbeans: Oh no, how dare redhat help to build a useable stack of software21:39
User321Seveas, it is a new install. I used boot repair to fix the boot menu as windows managed to override initially.21:40
sadboxriceandbeans: Go back to BSD, you silly goose21:40
Seveassadbox: riceandbeans: please no offtopic chatter here. Especially on subjects that can erupt into flamewars.21:40
SeveasUser321: but did it work before you did that?21:40
riceandbeanssadbox: I've already begun migrating everything off linux after 10 years of debian21:40
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riceandbeansit was a good run, but linux as a viable, open source, desktop not corporately owned, is dead21:41
riceandbeanshave fun guys21:41
Seveasriceandbeans: stop.21:41
User321Seveas, ubuntu live cd won't boot with secure boot disabled. So I installed it, then swapped to legacy boot inorder to boot into ubuntu as windows overwritten the boot loader. Used Ubuntu boot repair to fix grub. Reboot again and flip to secure boot.21:42
User321Seveas, so I initially installed with secure boot21:43
SeveasUser321: unfortunately I can't see any reason for any of this to break the X server and the log doesn't help me either. Sorry to be useless :(21:43
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User321Seveas, no worries. thank you. Secure boot is seriously a headache.21:45
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User321Seveas, is it possible to sign the ubuntu with a key?21:46
SeveasUser321: no idea, I use hardware that respects my freedom :)21:46
groutseveas: like a mac?21:48
User321Seveas, it is a laptop so there isn't a lot of choices. Just learned the hard way to never get a Toshiba laptop in the future. They are  a pain. On other hand hp laptop seems to better.21:48
=== Thor|Away is now known as Thorium220
Seveasactually, mostly dell lately, as that's $work's laptop vendor of choice. The fact that it works perfectly with Ubuntu is a happy bonus :)21:53
Seveasthis one even came with Ubuntu preinstalled!21:53
User321Seveas, Dell XPS laptop?21:53
SeveasUser321: E623021:54
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User321Seveas, noted. HP isn't bad either. I also have a HP laptop. Envy 15. Came with windows 8 but was able to install ubuntu with no issues. I was able to switch off secure boot and fast boot with no issues.21:58
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User321Seveas, apt-get update && upgrade from CLI seems to have resolved the issue. After downloading and updating the linux kernel, ubuntu was able to boot.22:03
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=== herb_ is now known as herb
Miguel2706Freenode is under DDoS attack :(22:09
lickalottGents, If I wanted to use the built in hardware virtualization whats the best front end software to use?22:10
mdevkvm is pretty nice and comes built into distros now I believe22:11
mdevis much more virtualized than say openvz22:11
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== elijah is now known as elijah|away
phdpI'm having a really hard time doing something very simple: changing the default font for Japanese to "AR PL UKai CN". It was the default font before I installed a bunch of new ones (that I really need), so there must be a way to set it as default. Googling only yielded this (http://askubuntu.com/questions/73721/how-do-i-change-the-default-chinese-font) but it's apparently depreciated. I tried simply adding the font in the sans-serif section of "/etc/fonts/conf.22:17
phdpd/65-nonlatin.conf" but it does absolutely nothing (note: I'm using openbox with Lubuntu 13.10).22:17
=== frecel____ is now known as frecel
bankshow do i install a zip file?22:23
banksunpack it i mean22:23
CarlFKbanks: unzip22:23
banksCarlFK, yes22:24
CarlFKbanks: unzip is the command.  man        unzip - list, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive22:24
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Beldarbanks, More details help, a zip needs extraction generally. What ever is in it did you check if in the ubuntu repos first?22:24
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banksBeldar, its the android app IDE, and yes i checked if it was in the software center and its not22:25
lickalottmdev, i don't have it on this distro (12.04)  I only see a dummy type file in the software center.  Can i apt-get it?22:26
mdevyeah i'm sure you can, google "how to install kvm ubuntu"22:27
mdevnot sure how indepth it is, if it's a single package or what22:27
mdevI thought it was built into the kernel, guess not22:27
banksi unzipped it,now i dont know where its installed, is there a default location for this kind of stuff?22:27
lickalotthow bout that, 2nd hit as soon as I typed kvm....lol22:27
yofun_So....my server is kinda blocked from the outside. Only thing that works from the outside is apache (80) and ssh (22) my ICRM22:29
yofun_My irc and other services aren't accessible from outside22:29
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Beldar!details | yofun_22:30
ubottuyofun_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:30
_zap_Phil42:  hi phil, i'm here to report the result of my experiment with replacing grub by another version. so indeed uefi boot works with my other grub version.22:30
yofun_What can I look at to figure this out?  It used to work. Nobody was in ssh went the server connections died22:30
yofun_Nobody from outside can access anything but ssh and apache22:30
banksBeldar, what is the default folder that zip files get installed?22:31
yofun_And I have no idea where to start to look22:31
FuuqUmiisthow can you install FireFox ESR?22:32
yofun_I run a Ubuntu server. And we run a few different services irc, apache, minecraft and so on. And it seems nobody can connect22:32
daftykinsyofun_: sounds like ufw is blocking some services22:33
Phil42_zap_:  what did you have to do to make it work?22:34
Phil42_zap_:  just use a newer version of grub?22:34
xmetalwow ...didn't even meant to arrive in this room but nice to see it again22:35
daftykins_1_Squidnationz: no more links thanks22:36
yofun_yofun@leonard:~$ sudo ufw status22:37
yofun_Status: inactive22:37
yofun_Not according to that22:37
daftykinsyofun_: iptables -L ?22:38
CarlFK1yofun_: you can ssh in right? "My irc and other services aren't accessible from outside"  can you connect locally?   (even just telnet localhost 6667)22:38
yofun_Yes I can connect locally22:39
=== CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK
yofun_Inside LAN22:39
daftykinsyofun_: so - you do actually have ports forwarded?22:40
CarlFKyofun_: what do you mean "Inside LAN" ?22:40
yofun_Inside the network22:40
dgarstangWhere can I get ubuntu-12.04.3-server-amd64.iso from? it's been replaced by ubuntu-12.04.4-server-amd64.iso22:40
yofun_Out of nowhere my bots died and most connectons died22:40
daftykinsdgarstang: why do you want to go back?22:41
dgarstangdaftykins: cuz that's what we're currently using22:42
IdleOnedgarstang: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/precise/22:42
CarlFKyofun_: your description of your problem doesn't sound consistent with .. um.. other things you say22:43
yofun_CarlFK: ?22:44
CarlFKyofun_: "My irc and other services aren't accessible from outside "  are you running an irc server?22:45
blindhey i have a weird issue. i'm have this weird package and it looks like it's coded to remove some programs when it's removed with apt-get remove.. i want to keep these programs.. is there a file i can edit to tell it to not remove X packages?22:45
yofun_It seems all connections incoming and outgoing just died. Like irc won't let you connect and none of my bots connect to their other places22:46
=== Seveaz is now known as Seveas
Seveasblind: if you remove a package, all packages that depend on it will be removed too. So likely your 'weird' package is needed by the ones you want to keep. So keep it :)22:46
CarlFKyofun_: " irc won't let you connect"  where is the client, where is the server?22:47
deltwhat's a good DVD player for *buntu?22:48
deltmplayer /dev/sr0 "kind of" works....22:48
daftykinsdelt: VLC perhaps22:48
yofun_CarlFK: client is in LA,  server is in tx22:49
yofun_But nobody can connect22:49
yofun_Unless they are local22:49
deltdaftykins: thanks for your advice22:49
blindSeveas: it's not.. it's like a safeguard or something. it was preloaded and i need to update virtualbox and it wants to remove out proprietary packages that i can't replace22:50
deltdaftykins: installing now.... i promise i won't hold you personally responsible if it doesn't work :D22:50
daftykinsblind: rather than talk in theoretical terms, why don't you pastebin the output of trying to remove said package to share?22:50
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daftykinsdelt: good good, 'cause i've never used it in my life \o/22:51
daftykinsi just know how popular it is22:51
CarlFKyofunto_:  if you can connect to the sever on lan the sever is on, but not from la, the server is probably fine but the routing between the two is messed up.22:52
Guest37067hey all. i'm running a do-dist-upgrade and i just hit the 'config file has been modified' option. i hit 'd' to look at the diff, but couldn't exit. i tried ctrl+z and now i'm at a weird tabbing prompt. fg lists no job. any ideas?22:52
Seveasblind: ok, pastebin the command you're running and its full output.22:52
Seveasand ignore the keyboard mashing above, my computer was being wonky :)22:53
yofun_CarlFK: its not only me. Its everyone22:54
yofun_All the users22:54
CarlFKyofun_: that would happen if the routing is messed up22:55
BeldarGuest37067, try esc22:55
CarlFKyofun_: what connects the lan to the internet?22:55
deltthis is weird, mplayer gives me only video / no sound, and vlc gives me only audio / no video22:56
Guest37067Beldar, i tried esc :(22:56
yofun_The only services I can access is apache2 and ssh22:56
yofun_From outside22:56
yofun_(considering I am outside)22:56
yofun_I can ssh and use telnet to whatever22:56
yofun_And it works22:56
yofun_Ssh does22:56
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yofun_Anyways I think its a system issue22:56
yofun_Ufw is disabled already22:56
yofun_And my iptables are http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=JRjNKaAj22:57
Guest37067ctrl+c, the lot. i reckon i've ended up killing the upgrade mid way through22:57
Guest37067is there a way to get an upgrade to pick up where it left off?22:57
SeveasGuest37067: dpkg --configure -a && apt-get -f install && apt-get dist-upgrade22:58
Seveasthough you may need to run that a few times22:58
CarlFKyofun_: oh right.. you can ssh in.  what do you mean "and use telnet to whatever" ?22:59
yofun_I can ssh in and type telnet localhost 666722:59
Seveasyofun_: well there you go, your firewall is blocking all but a select list of services that do not include irc or other things you're complaining about22:59
Seveasyofun_: pastebin output of iptables -L -v -n23:00
Guest37067Sevas: right, returns 'database is locked by another process'. guess that means the upgrade is still running in the other terminal23:00
Seveasthe -v is critical, as I don't believe rule 2 in INPUT23:00
SeveasGuest37067: yup23:00
SeveasGuest37067: ig you merely hit ^Z, use fg to bring the upgrade process back23:01
Arw0ranyone knows a good access database software to work on ubuntu ?23:01
Seveasah you tried that. did you try it in the same terminal as where you "killed" it?23:01
sardiorUbuntu 13.10, AMD64 Toshiba, broken screen on laptop so am using crt monitor for display. Works fine until someone logs out, then reverts to the broken screen and won't come back. Have to shut down with power button press to restart the computer. Help.23:01
Guest37067Severas yeah, i tried that. reckons there isn't a job23:01
Seveasit only work in the same terminal as where you hit ^Z23:02
sardiorworked fine until update.23:02
Guest37067yeah. it's a bit tricky though. the prompt in that terminal is, err, weird. like, it doesn't show what you're typing23:02
SeveasGuest37067: use "reset"23:03
Seveas(the command, don't reset your PC :P)23:03
dinctrl+l works too23:03
Seveasdin: not always23:03
dinthink that just clears it23:03
qinsardior: hit dash, type display, run Displays, and set as you want it (swith off laptop sceen?)23:03
dinreset is best23:04
Seveasqin: that doesn't work from the login screen :)23:04
kutzui have a network card with 4 ports, each with a unique MAC and IP. i connect two ports to the network but according to a Windows machine's ARP on the network, both of them have identical MAC. i have /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/arp_filter set to 1. does anyone know why?23:04
Seveassardior: try with the lid closed (so you'll need an external keyboard too :)23:04
CarlFKSeveas: re: yofun_ says things will connect from the lan, so I am guessing there is a firewall between the lan and the rest of the Net23:04
TaraxI don't have any sound through HDMI even though I chose it in sound settings23:04
sardiorDisplays are set right. Checked that first. Don't think the Toshiba will work with the lid closed, goes into sleep mode.23:05
Guest37067Seveas reset works to get back to working terminal, thanks. turns out there aren't any jobs though23:05
qinSeveas: "untill someones logs out..." I have always thought that Ubuntu using mirror display by default23:05
SeveasCarlFK: and I'm thinking that line 2 might explain it (-i eth0 to accept all from the lan for instance), but that doesn't show up without -v23:05
sardiorI am using external keyboard and mouse.23:05
SeveasGuest37067: ps aux | grep 'dpkg\|apt'23:06
yofun_Seveas:  And CarlFK23:06
abadayis it possible to download a no window VLC mediaplayer?23:06
daftykins'no window' = ?23:06
abadayno xwindow*23:06
yofun_It can't be the Router we have it configured for a wild card forwarding23:07
Seveasyofun_: yup, your firewall is blocking it all.23:07
deltHappyPants: your pants are pointing23:07
Seveasyou have a DROP policy on the INPUT chain with ACCEPT rules only for web, mail, ping and localhost traffic23:07
User3question about mplayer: does it maintain the library automatically?23:07
Seveasand ssh23:07
HappyPants@delt, what ????????23:08
sardiorIt was set on 12.10 with laptop disabled and only using CRT. Now it works on startup correctly, but when someone logs out it goes back to the laptop display with side by side setting and mouse able to move between the two screens.23:08
TaraxI don't have any sound through HDMI even though I chose it in sound settings, how can i make it work?23:08
SeveasTarax: by also using it for displaying23:08
abadayim streamin videos from my ubuntu server, and the subtitles are messed up on my TV, but when I play it on my PC using VLC everything is fine. So maybe if I install VLC on my server, the streaming quality will be better?23:08
qinabaday: cvlc, package vlc-nox23:08
Guest37067Seveas http://paste.ubuntu.com/7013161/23:09
abadayqin: do you think it will help for streaming to the tv?23:09
yofun_Seveas: command to fix? I doesn't make sense because no roots were on when it went down23:09
yofun_I guess it could be iredmail.....23:09
TaraxSeveas:  what do you mean? I've chosen HDMI on TV, I have the same picture as on monitor23:09
yofun_Seveas: what's the command to accept all connections and ports etc23:10
Seveasyofun_: if you don't want iptables to block anything: sudo iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT && sudo iptables  -F INPUT23:10
qinabaday: videolan do pretty much anything. as do mplayer23:10
Beldar!tab | HappyPants23:10
ubottuHappyPants: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:10
abadayqin: do I have to specify in some config that the server should use VLC for streaming?23:11
SeveasTarax: oh :( Well that was the only useful information I have about this. Hopefully someone else in here knows more!23:11
qinabaday: what server?23:11
TaraxSeveas: ok23:11
abadayqin: Im streaming from my ubuntu server to my TV23:12
abadayI use plex23:12
yofun_Seveas: thank you!!23:13
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Guest37067Seveas so do you reckon i should just kill that process?23:14
sardiorok... I guess I'll sudo gedit and see what I can find in the config files in /etc. bye23:14
SeveasGuest37067: no. I reckon you should run ps auxf and pastebin its output :)23:14
SeveasGuest37067: more than likely there is a child process that you can kill. That'll still break the upgrade but not as disastrously23:15
Bj007proCan someone tell me what is Ubuntu23:15
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com23:15
Bj007prothats what I thought it was,23:16
Bj007prothank you23:16
qinabaday: no clue, plex support would be better place23:16
Guest37067Seveas thanks :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/7013177/23:16
Bj007prois there a little something that you can download23:16
SeveasGuest37067: ooh crap, truncated output. Try this: ps auxf | cat23:16
Bj007prothat opens a window that show linux on it?23:17
BeldarBj007pro, http://www.ubuntu.com download the iso23:17
Bj007proand how can I make that bootable?23:17
Bj007proI don't buy DVD ROms23:17
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:17
BeldarBj007pro, burn it to a dvd or usb a usb loader23:17
Seveas(as you can see, you're not the first with this question :))23:18
Guest37067Seveas ok http://paste.ubuntu.com/7013199/23:20
SeveasGuest37067: ok, look at line 209-212 of that paste, that's the upgrader running23:21
Seveasby killing the 'pager' process, you will make the install of one package fail, but the rest should continue. So sudo kill 1368523:21
SeveasGuest37067: and keep an eye on that part of the process tree  with ps auxf | grep -A10 ubuntu-release-upgrader23:22
SeveasGuest37067: if it hangs again, on pager, kill it again. If it hangs on something else: pastebin and yell23:22
Guest37067Seveas yep, tht got back the diff message, but then dropped straight back to th prompt23:24
thoraxeis there a way with upstart to do something like "chkconfig --list"?23:27
SeveasGuest37067: so it's progressing now?23:27
usr13thoraxe: service --status-all23:27
usr13thoraxe: Is that what you are looking for?23:27
Seveasthoraxe: or initctl list23:28
SeveasGuest37067: k, run that last ps command again and pastebin output23:28
thoraxei want to see a list of what services are enabled or disabled in what runlevels23:29
thoraxechkconfig serves that purpose and can also be used to define which runlevels a service runs (or not). for example "chkconfig httpd 345 on" or similar23:30
Seveasthoraxe: runlevels are an outdated concept. Upstart and systemd don't use them.23:30
daftykinsubuntu doesn't use runlevels last i heard23:30
Guest37067Seveas http://paste.ubuntu.com/7013244/23:30
thoraxeSeveas: ok, so how do i determine the list of services that will start on the next boot23:30
SeveasGuest37067: that definitely seems to be progressing to me23:30
thoraxeubuntu lts 12.whatever23:31
zumba_addicthi folks, we're running Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS. I'd like to add php support on our apache. How do I add it?23:31
SeveasGuest37067: check your harddrive light. It should be blinking like mad23:31
usr13thoraxe: Runlevels are a bit outdated (as Seveas points out), nowdays we are just in runlevel 2 (unless we choose something else).23:31
thoraxeusr13: that's well and good.  still doesn't answer the question :)23:31
Guest37067Seveas heh, nope. not really flashing. also, no output to the terminal. and no fg jobs.23:31
FinnTheMewzumba_addict: If you did it yourself, check the wiki page about the LAMP stack. If you used tasksel, I don't know what happened23:31
Seveasthoraxe: initctl show-config23:32
thoraxeyou're talking to someone stuck touching ubuntu who is used to using EL5/623:32
mjuszczakAre there any negative effects of installing strace?23:32
zumba_addicti don't know who installed it23:32
Seveasmjuszczak: no.23:32
SeveasGuest37067: o...k... sudo strace -p 3119123:32
kimgonilli have a rsync question. I have a cifs share set to mount on boot '/media/symlinks' i then have a cronjob set up to sync that mount to a local directory '/media/raid0/nas'. My question is up until now i haven't been using the --delete operator out of fear that if for some reason the cifs share becomes unmounted and the /media/symlinks directory is empty then my entire backup will be deleted.23:33
kimgonillcan someone point me in the right direction on how I can make sure that doesn't happen?23:33
SeveasGuest37067: and hit ctrl c after a few seconds, then pastebin output23:33
thoraxeSeveas: so looking at the output of that I do not see apache2 -- does that mean it will not automatically be started on the next boot?23:33
daftykinsking1337-2: why don't you just run a small test.23:33
daftykinsoops highlight fail23:34
daftykinskimgonill: ^23:34
daftykinsking1337-2: sorry.23:34
Seveasthoraxe: or that apache has not yet been converted to an upstart job. You'll also need to ls /etc/rc{2..5}.d/S*23:34
FinnTheMewzumba_addict: Type into Terminal  "sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 && sudo a2enmod php5 && sudo service apache2 restart"23:34
thoraxewow this is rather attrocious23:34
Seveasit is23:34
Beldarmjuszczak, only your ability to use it. ;)23:35
Seveasand you shouldn't invest a lot of time into learning upstart - everybody is swtching to systemd anyway.23:35
thoraxeit appears apache2 is configured to start in 234523:35
thoraxeSeveas: believe me, i'm not trying to23:35
usr13thoraxe: service apache2 status23:35
thoraxethe only reason i'm touching ubuntu in this particular way is because our vhost provider stopped offereing centos and it was either this or debian23:35
thoraxeusr13: that shows the status of the service, not the status of its configuration23:36
Seveasthoraxe: or a different VPS provider :)23:36
thoraxeSeveas: i would, but our physical servers are arleady in the same DC, so it's a convenient (read: fast) backup location23:36
thoraxeanyway, just need enough to have a minimal apache2 and an SCP-only user23:36
thoraxeit looks like apache2 is configured right23:36
thoraxei think i got the firewall right.  now just need scp user23:36
kevin_Seveas: read(0, ^CProcess 31191 detached <detached ...>23:37
Seveaskevin_: ah crap, it wants some info from you23:37
thoraxeis there a way to create an scp only user ?23:38
Seveasthoraxe: using a ForceCommand in ~/.ss/authorized_keys23:38
Seveas~/.ssh/authorized_keys that is23:38
usr13thoraxe: ls -l /etc/rc2.d/*apache2 /etc/rc4.d/*apache2 /etc/rc4.d/*apache223:39
beandogSeveas: really?  That's pretty simple.  Never thought of doing it that way.23:39
Seveaskevin_: which Ubuntu version are you on? and is it 32 or 64 bit?23:39
thoraxeusr13: so it sounds like there is no chkconfig equivalent worth a crud23:39
kevin_Seveas 6423:39
thoraxeSeveas: hmm i'll have to google around for that23:39
usr13thoraxe: Sure there is, (in RedHat)  :)23:40
thoraxeusr13: uhm...23:40
Seveaskevin_: ok, let's do a trick: using reptry you can reattach dpkg to your terminal. But since you cannot install reptyr, you'll need to grap a binary from me23:40
thoraxeSeveas: so the scponly "shell" was dropped in lts 12?23:40
usr13thoraxe: (Sorry for the tastless attempt at humor, but I've not use a RPM pased distro in a long time.;)23:41
kevin_Seveas haha, ok23:41
Seveasthoraxe: no idea never used it23:41
thoraxeSeveas: do you have any docs on that forcecommand?23:42
thoraxeis there an equivalent of /etc/redhat-release  that tells me what version i'm running?23:42
KiborgHi a short question. Is the map layout in Thunderbird set by the server? All my folders are under inbox as sub-folders23:43
Seveaskevin_: wget http://www.kaarsemaker.net/static/reptyr && chmod +x reptry && sudo reptyr $(pidof dpkg)23:43
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usr13thoraxe: Actually the answer to your question is yes, there is.  (sudo apt-get install chkconfig)23:43
Seveaskevin_: and then hit enter and hope for the best23:43
Seveasthoraxe: /etc/issue or the output of lsb_release -a23:43
usr13thoraxe: (I knew that but somehow forgot it.)23:44
thoraxehttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man1/scponly.1.html <- this makes it seem like scponly is available in precise23:45
thoraxebut apt-get install scponly can't find it23:45
kevin_Seveas cool. currently getting "[-] Timed out waiting for child stop." and hanging23:45
thoraxehttp://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=scponly this says only lucid though23:45
Seveaskevin_: ugh.23:46
kevin_Seveas: yeah23:46
Seveaskevin_: can you do me another ps auxf | cat23:46
kevin_Seveas sure http://paste.ubuntu.com/7013303/23:47
Seveashmm, process is not stopped, so reptry should have no problem whatsoever. Sadly it seems to have :(23:48
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Seveaskevin_: are you up for doing it the more dangerous way? You'll need to make sure we finish this properly before rebooting which may take a while.23:49
kevin_Seveas: hold up a moment. from that ps auxf i should be reptyr id 31675 right?23:50
usr13!info scponly | thoraxe23:51
ubottuthoraxe: Package scponly does not exist in saucy23:51
thoraxeusr13: rssh apparently does something similar23:51
kevin_Seveas: or 3119123:51
usr13!info chkconfig | thoraxe23:51
ubottuthoraxe: Package chkconfig does not exist in saucy23:51
Seveaskevin_: I was trying to get only the dpkg process, but you may be right. Kill reptyr and try grabbing the other one23:51
thoraxeis there a way to do a "rpm -ql" with apt ?23:51
thoraxelist the files in a package23:51
Jordan_Uthoraxe: dpkg -L package23:52
Seveasthoraxe: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=650590 -- for more on why scponly was removed and what to do instead23:52
ubottuDebian bug 650590 in ftp.debian.org "RM: scponly -- RoQA; RC buggy, unmaintained, replacement exists" [Important,Open]23:52
thoraxeso "apt-*" is kinda like yum and dpkg is kinda like rpm?23:52
Jordan_Uthoraxe: Correct.23:52
thoraxeSeveas: rssh looks like it does the job23:52
usr13thoraxe: Well, chkconfig is available for 12.04 lts, but I wonder where it is going from there?  (And I wonder if systemd will have some effect?>?)23:53
Seveasusr13: 'chkconfig' is pretty useless on Ubuntu23:53
Seveasand systemd will force package maintainers to overhaul their init support yet again23:54
kimgonilli did do a test by unmounting and doing a 'dry run' rsync and yes it would have deleted everything.....23:54
kevin_Seveas: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7013335/23:54
usr13Seveas: Yea, that's what I was thinking.  There may be several things that will become obsolete.23:54
Seveaskevin_: ok, time to break ot the sledgehammer and patch up the damage.23:55
kevin_Seveas: righto!23:55
Seveaskevin_: open up a rootshell or 3 with sudo -i so you have some backup shells if things go really pear shaped23:55
Seveaskevin_: then in one of them, kill the dpkg process23:56
Seveaskevin_: then check if the ubuntu release upgrader actually quits (it should) and run this in the rootshell: dpkg --configure -a23:56
Seveasthat should make dpkg continue where it left off. When that finishes try apt-get -f install. And finally apt-get dist-upgrade23:57
kevin_Seveas okie doke23:57
hoverboardone time my cat stepped on the touch pad on my laptop...23:59
hoverboardand all sorts of sentences were formed in a text box23:59

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