
belalobohello everyone. I just installed ubuntustudio on my laptop. I'd like to have other desktop enviroments to choose at login, like the ubuntu standart desktop or gnome 3. is it safe to install without breaking the system? if so how can I do it? thanks12:28
belalobohello everyone. I just installed ubuntustudio on my laptop. I'd like to have other desktop enviroments to choose from at login, for example the ubuntu stardart desktop or gnome 3. is it safe to install without breaking/messing up the system? if so how can I do it? thanks12:34
zequencebelalobo: It's mostly safe, yes. You get additional applications, so you'll have duplicates of some things, like file managers12:44
zequenceAnd in the worst case scenario, there are some user files that conflict between the DEs, but in my experience, it's mostly fine12:45
zequenceDepends on how similar the DEs are, and what you had originally, etc12:45
zequenceYou won't break the system anyhow. Nothing that critical12:46
zequenceholstein: You miss the ol' gnome style? http://worldofgnome.org/gnome-classic-3-12-is-better-than-ever/13:04
belalobodo you know how to install it from the cli?13:04
belaloboi try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop but it doesnt work13:04
zequenceWhich one?13:04
belaloboi'll go for ubuntu13:05
zequencewhat is the error message when you do that?13:05
belalobolet me check again13:05
zequenceThe package should exist. Not sure with all releases.13:05
belaloboUnable to locate package ubuntu-destop13:06
belalobosorry there was a typo13:06
zequencebelalobo: Make use of the TAB key when you write commands13:07
zequenceA lot of commands have auto-complete features13:07
belalobobut now i get this: Media change: please insert the disc labeled13:07
belalobo 'Ubuntu-Studio 12.04.2 _Precise Pangolin_ - Release i386 (20130213)' in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter13:07
zequenceso, if you do: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desk, and then hit TAB, it should auto-complete. Hit a couple of times, and it will show you several alternatives, if there are such13:07
zequenceCould you post me the concents of your sources.list. Do this command: cat /etc/apt/sources.list13:08
zequenceThen paste the resulst in http://paste.ubuntu.com13:08
zequenceAnd pass me the link13:08
zequenceRemember to make use of the TAB key13:09
zequenceIt works really nicely with paths13:09
zequencebelalobo: The first line there should not be there13:12
zequenceYou can delete it, and save the file. To do that, you need to be root. Either use nano (if you know how), or gedit: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list13:12
zequenceThis one: deb cdrom:[Ubuntu-Studio 12.04.2 _Precise Pangolin_ - Release i386 (20130213)]/ precise main multiverse restricted universe13:13
zequenceOnce you've removed that line from the file, and saved it, you need to update the package list cache13:13
zequencewhich is: sudo apt-get update13:13
zequencethen, try to install13:13
belalobohum ok. can you tell me why the line is there anyway?13:14
zequenceNo idea. It should be automatically removed after you installed the system13:14
zequenceWhich I hope you have done :P13:14
zequenceOr maybe you have clicked the option to use the CD in software sources?13:14
zequenceIn any case, you don't need it. Just remove that line13:15
belalobohum dunno really13:15
belalobothis is a fresh install13:15
belaloboanyway i did what you said and now it is installing13:16
zequencebelalobo: Each line in the file /etc/apt/sources.list tell from where to look for packages13:17
zequencebelalobo: First, there are different pockets. Each pocket have up to four repos: main, universe, multiverse, restricted13:18
zequenceOr, I should say,first there are different archives13:18
zequenceTwo of the archives are commented out - the partner and the extra archives13:19
zequenceIf you need applications like Skype or Adobe Acrobat Reader, you'lll need to enable the Partner archive13:19
zequenceMeaning, uncomment that line13:19
zequencecomment == #13:19
zequenceWell, lines starting with #13:20
belaloboi just installed skype and all went well. didn't have to edit sources list13:20
zequencemain is free software, maintained by Canonical. restricted is non-free software, maintained by canonical (nvidia, etc)13:20
zequencebelalobo: Not from apt - you downloaded it13:21
zequenceYou can install it directly doing: sudo apt-get install skype13:21
zequence..if you enable the partner archive13:21
belalobois it ok or should i install it with apt?13:21
zequenceIt's fine13:21
zequenceuniverse is free software maintained by the community - mostly imported from Debian. That is where all the Ubuntu Studio packages are13:22
zequencemultiverse is non-free software maintained by the community13:22
belalobowell... for now I only have one thing to say to you13:22
belaloboand that is13:22
belalobothank you very much sir :)13:22
zequencebelalobo: You're welcome :)13:23
belaloboi'll be back lol13:23
=== arges_ is now known as arges
ana_Hi I am trying to get audio out of my presonus firebox but can not find any information. Any one can help me out.16:31
ana_I am using ubuntu studio 13.1016:31
ana_I just needed to specify firewire as the driver for audio and start qjackctl18:18
ana_finaly got audio18:19
catopetthI want to build my self a brand new ubuntustudio with KDE and ONLY for music production, need help to set up a live cd/dvd here23:33
fibz_hmm... this might be better asked in #ubuntu or #xubuntu   the only way i know how to do it is to build the system the way you like and image it out (using Redo Backup & Restore or FLDT: https://github.com/pennmanor/FLDT )23:44

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