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rawfodogHi, are there any good xubuntu optimization blogs ? My install is really sluggish even though I have a good laptop03:04
holsteinrawfodog: check the driver support for your graphics card for example03:04
rawfodogI knew it. I figured it was the shotty intel card I have03:05
rawfodogGood call holstein03:05
rawfodog Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (primary)03:06
rawfodogIs there a program I can use that will download some third party drivers for it ?03:07
holsteinrawfodog: no03:09
holsteinrawfodog: have you tested the hardware? does it run slow live? what are the specs of the machine?03:10
rawfodogdual 2.1 4 gigs of ram 120 gig ssd03:11
Poisoned_Dragonwhat I want to know is if the GLX drivers are loaded, with direct rendering working.03:11
rawfodogits a heavily upgraded dell inspiron 142003:11
rawfodoghow do I check ? Sorry I'm so poor when it comes to hardware in gnu/linux03:11
Poisoned_DragonI've noticed that some intel gpus don't quite get configured right, even though xorg supposedly uses the intel drivers.03:11
holsteinPoisoned_Dragon: maybe use glx gears03:11
Poisoned_Dragonglxinfo would tell him.03:12
holsteinPoisoned_Dragon: OH.. i see what you are saying03:12
Poisoned_Dragonglxinfo | grep DRI03:12
Poisoned_DragonIf there is no output, we may have problems.03:13
rawfodoghere you go guys03:14
rawfodogsorry didnt see the grep  message till now :303:14
holsteinrawfodog: did it run "slowly" from the live CD?03:16
rawfodogI think so yes03:16
holsteinrawfodog: why not fire it up right now and make sure?03:17
Poisoned_DragonGLX is running with DRI03:17
holsteinrawfodog: have you ever ran linux on it before? or any other operating system?03:17
Poisoned_DragonThat's the good news.03:17
rawfodogI had sabayon on it for a while03:17
holsteinrawfodog: and?03:17
rawfodogwas pretty snappy actually03:17
Poisoned_Dragonwhat's sluggish about it?03:17
rawfodogbut every other distro sucked. I had fedora with gnome 3, that was crud. The only times this really works decent is when I have a very light DE like lxde or gnome203:18
rawfodogor mate03:18
holsteinrawfodog: ok.. so some version of sabayon configured in a way that we dont know worked03:18
rawfodogWhen I had windows on here the video was slow too03:18
rawfodogI think this videocard is to blame here03:18
rawfodogyou are right03:18
holsteinrawfodog: its not really an indication of "sucked" that the hardware is not supported03:18
holsteinrawfodog: could be that the hardware is going bad..03:18
rawfodogthats what I meant heh sorry03:18
holsteinrawfodog: i dont konw your history with the hardware, but i would test it.. i test the memory and either bypass or test the hard drive, and any other components i can03:19
holsteinrawfodog: i would load up the saybayon you had, if you still have a live installer or live CD, and see what it has.. what kernel.. what grahpics driver, etc03:20
rawfodoghow would I config the intel card to work better with xubuntu ?03:20
holsteinrawfodog: what if its just bad hardware?03:20
holsteinrawfodog: you cant configure software around bad hardware, typically03:20
holsteinrawfodog: you can try the vesa driver.. that would be some type of test03:21
rawfodogwht would I need to do to do that ?03:21
* Poisoned_Dragon shudders.03:21
Poisoned_Dragoneeewwww, the vesa drivers.03:22
holsteinrawfodog: you would read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1270209 ..it says how to create what you need at /etc/X11/xorg.conf and what to put in it03:22
holsteinyou likely wont want to use them, but you can remove the current driver from the equation03:22
holsteinintel devices are typically well supported03:22
Poisoned_DragonI, personally, prefer to add smaller conf files in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/, but to each their own.03:23
holsteindont worry with the resolution. just boot, test the speed.. and go from there03:23
holsteinPoisoned_Dragon: i just havent done it that way.. whatever works :)03:23
Poisoned_DragonIt's actually pretty nice. with an xorg.conf file, you have to make sure everything is in the file. If I read correctly, an xorg file is a complete override of Xorg's autoconfig capabilities. With conf file in xorg.cond.d, you only have to override what is needed. So, you can add one small file to change graphics specs, without effecting the input files or other features.03:25
rawfodogholstein, xorg.conf isnt in etc/x1103:38
Poisoned_DragonNope. If you go that route, you have to put it in.03:39
rawfodogoh ok lol03:40
rawfodogso I'll creat my own xorg03:40
rawfodogWill I be able to get my laptop resolution ? of course huh ?03:40
rawfodogvesa is what puppy and knoppix uses right ?03:40
rawfodogThose run great. Ill try this03:40
Poisoned_DragonThat I'm not 100% on. I'd have to know more details that I'm terrible at helping with remotely.03:41
burgr1ndzif ya are able to blow the fans out, check see if bios can be updated also03:41
Poisoned_Dragonoh, yeah. bios can be an issue to.03:41
burgr1ndzi'm grabben my first ssd tomorrow, dunno if i'll sleep tonight03:42
rawfodogHow do I select vesa now ? I put the conf in x11 folder. Do I reboot ?03:42
Poisoned_DragonI just recently had an issue with the laptop lid switch, after an update for xubuntu 14.04 alpha. Turns out, the laptop was using the original bios. The newest one made it linux friendly.03:43
burgr1ndzi only loaded nvidia drivers one time on linux, had an nvidia boot splash screen afterwards, was an older quadro lappy03:43
rawfodogso I rebooted ... its 1080 now lol03:51
rawfodogHow do I config this to do 1280 X 800 ?03:51
rawfodogholstein, you said this can do 1280 right ?03:53
rawfodogModeline        "1280x1024_60.00"  108.88  1280 1360 1496 1712  1024 1025 1028 1060  -HSync +Vsync03:56
rawfodogGonna add that ... will it blow up ? lol03:57
Poisoned_Dragonworst case, xserver doesn't start and you'll have to log in on tty. then just delete the xorg.conf file, or attack it with nano.03:57
rawfodogk hehehe03:57
rawfodogso my videocard wont exploid or anything ?03:58
rawfodogk gonna reboot03:58
rawfodogSo its the right resolution, how can I tell if it is actually using vesa now ?03:59
Poisoned_DragonWell, you're here. So, it didn't blow up03:59
Poisoned_Dragonglxinfo would tell you04:00
rawfodoghahaha nice04:00
rawfodogok great,04:00
Poisoned_Dragonwait... glxinfo would tell you the driver stuff.04:00
Poisoned_Dragonxrandr might be a faster way to see the current resolution.04:00
Poisoned_Dragoncan also check display in the settings manager04:01
rawfodogdoesnt say vesa04:02
rawfodoghmmm ...04:02
rawfodogtheres got to be a log or something that tells me I am infact using vesa04:02
rawfodogmight be a placebo but it does feel snappier now04:03
Poisoned_DragonUm, cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log?04:03
Poisoned_Dragoncat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep vesa04:04
rawfodoglooks like it's using it04:05
Poisoned_Dragonyay, I think04:05
rawfodogthanks for the help guys04:05
Poisoned_Dragonno prob04:06
rawfodogeverything seems snappier. basically what I want04:06
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lucrushello *08:56
xubuntu846i been trying to build persistent usb linux for days. no luck. can anyone help/09:37
ubottuTo have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence09:37
xubuntu846thanks, i'll check it out09:38
xubuntu021alcune domande prima di installare posso?09:44
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.09:44
ochosiin generale si, ma questo channel è inglese-solo09:44
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:44
ochosiTheSheep: almost ;)09:44
TheSheepochosi: it's all bastardized latin anyways ;)09:45
xubuntu021 ok ok guy09:45
xubuntu021sorry :-]09:45
xubuntu021thanks end by09:45
ochosiTheSheep: hehe, indeed09:45
ochosixubuntu021: di niente, ciao!09:46
maci_hi, I'm using xubuntu 12.10.3 on my old Dell Latitude D-505 and I'd like to share my display with my Samsung HDTV via s-video-scart cable. Is there anyone who can help me how to do it?10:08
maci_does anyone know where can I get support?10:21
slickymasterWork!ask | maci_10:23
ubottumaci_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:23
maci_once again in 1 line:hi, anyone knows how to connect xubuntu 12.10 to HDTV via s-video scart?10:45
peyamXubuntu goes same way ubuntu did with unity12:29
peyamit's just sad12:29
peyamI dont get why xubuntu dont use midori?12:30
peyamI get 12% with FF and have only adblock.12:30
peyamwith midori I get 5%12:30
elfyuse midori then - I don't see why anyone else should have to12:32
elfyand this is better in offtopic than here - it's hardly a support question12:32
peyamnobody is forced to use FF either. but since xubuntu is a lightweight distro. shouldn't it have a light weight webbrowser as wwll12:32
peyamit's a development duggestion since ive been fan of xubuntu for a long time now12:33
elfythis isn't the development channel either12:33
peyamelfy, stop bein annoying12:33
koegspeyam: please use the correct channels instead of "annoying" all others :)12:37
elfypeyam: if you're that interested then read this https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2014-January/009615.html , this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/StrategyDocument and then do something proactive12:38
peyamNo! got no time for that sorry. Got time for complaining and spreading the words12:38
elfythought as much12:39
elfytake it to -offtopic12:39
peyamJust contributed 30 Kr to Wikipedia!12:39
knomepeyam, those who do, decide; either start contributing or stop bothering developers with arguing and insisting12:51
=== SirLagz_ is now known as SirLagz
burgr1ndzi'm on xubuntu/seconion, can't get anyone to say hello over there, anyone got a link on how to get wifi up and runnen on it, love the distro, used to hitting the net non gui anyway, got it set up full install on other box but for whatever reason, i've been googling/reading couple days, haven trouble with the wifi, the box sees wlan0, eth0, even plugged my alfa in saw it wlan1, thanx14:51
holsteinburgr1ndz: to say hello over where?14:52
burgr1ndztheir channel14:52
holsteinburgr1ndz: whos? this is the xubuntu channel14:52
burgr1ndzyeah it's built on this distro14:52
burgr1ndzmaybe why i'm here14:52
holsteinburgr1ndz: we cant support it14:52
holstein!wifi | burgr1ndz may help14:53
ubottuburgr1ndz may help: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:53
burgr1ndzsounds good14:53
holsteincould be a proprietary driver issue such as..14:53
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx14:53
Poisoned_Dragontoo late14:53
Poisoned_Dragonhe poofed14:53
kingplusplusplease i need help installing xubuntu, i have 3 partitions one for windows and 2 unallocated, when i click to install in the free space which i created as unallogated after installing windows it says no root file is defined... please how do i fix this?16:29
elfykingplusplus: 2 unallocated - what sizes?16:33
kingpluspluselfy sorry i mean 2 unallocated partition, 455 GB and its labelled free space16:34
kingplusplusthis is where i want it installed, but when i select the drive and click install it says No root file system16:35
elfyso you just need to create 2 partitions in the unallocated area - select the unallocated area - then at the bottom - should be a new button - that will let you create new partitions - one for swap, one for the install16:36
elfythat's a lot of space though16:36
elfy"sorry i mean 2 unallocated partition" what does that mean - you've made partitions?16:37
elfykingplusplus: open a terminal with ctrl+alt+t or win+t16:38
elfythen run sudo fdisk -l |pastebinit16:38
elfythen give us the url you get16:39
kingpluspluselfy, paste.ubuntu.com/701127416:41
elfykingplusplus: ok - so you've just got empty space after the other partition16:44
kingpluspluselfy, yes16:44
elfyhow much RAM16:44
kingplusplusi have 8 gb ram16:45
elfyok - so using the NEW button in the installer - make 3 partitions, one 8Gb, one 20GB the last the remaining space16:46
elfythe first one - make linuxswap16:46
elfythe seocnd - ext4 and in the mountpoint box /16:46
elfythe last - ext4 and mountpoint /home16:46
elfythen you should be fine to install16:46
kingplusplus ok elfy thankts let me do as specified16:47
elfyyep - I'm in and out - but others are about16:47
kingpluspluselfy no linuxswap so i selected swap area... i that ok?16:48
kingpluspluselfy thanks,16:58
kingplusplusall done, installing now16:59
MeerkatCan I install Xubuntu with the alternate CD and still keep windows on the same disk?17:11
elfyyes - as long as you don't delete the windows partition17:12
Meerkatcan I resize it with the alternate CD?17:12
elfyno idea - long time since I used the alternate - I would assume so17:13
CajunTechieElfy: IIRC, it's suggested that you resize the Windows partition with a Windows tool. At least that's what I read during my latest install. If you're running Win 7, that's an easy thing to do.17:26
CajunTechieOoops. sorry, that was supposed to go to Meerkat17:26
Meerkatit's running XP17:26
Meerkatknow any tool for that?17:27
CajunTechieProbably something like PartitionMagic or someting17:28
elfyMeerkat: I'd really assume that the alternate will do it - the livesession will - and the alternate is more refined17:29
Meerkatwhat worried me about the alternate CD was that when I picked "guided - rezise drive" it wanted to write changes before it would let me do any changes.17:36
molgrumhi, i had my laptop in the closet since october and just now i booted it and upgraded a lot of things, but the kernel wouldn't update. just says that it's "held back"?18:54
CajunTechieHas anyone gotten the Ubuntu developer stuff to install on Xubuntu?18:54
molgrumi did uname -a and it says kernel is from october :/18:55
bekksmolgrum: sudp apt-get dist-upgrade18:59
CajunTechiemolgrum, packages are generally held back if they would require other packages to be installed or uninstalled.18:59
bekksmolgrum: more likely: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:59
molgrumthanks i'll try it19:00
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kingplusplusplease i need some help, i do want opened applications showing on my desktop as icons, how can i disable this21:41
holsteinkingplusplus: you do want open/running appications showing?21:46
kingplusplusholstein, thanks, i had it fixed, it was something i set in the desktop settings21:47
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cubHi, I'd like to have an installation on an usb stick that I can boot up, work on and shut down and it will save both my work and any added applications. What's the best alternative, a persistent live usb or to do a full installation on the usb stick?22:26
cubnote, the usb stick is 32 GB and I want to use it all22:26
fibz_a full install is better22:27
fibz_done use swap on USB22:28
Poisoned_DragonJust do a full install with the usb stick as the target drive.22:28
cubthe instructions I've read about a full install says to create a 2 GB FAT32 partition first called /windows....any idea why?22:28
Poisoned_Dragonfibz_ is right. Swap on flash memory is very bad.22:28
fibz_dont use swap, ext2 is faster than ext4, and during install, make sure grub is being installed to the correct USB cub22:28
cubyes, but couldn't I still use ext4?22:29
Poisoned_Dragonyou could22:29
fibz_you can, but ext2 would be better22:29
cubhave been reading both good and bad about the journaling22:29
Poisoned_Dragonfibz_, what's the diff between the 2 on flash?22:30
fibz_ext2 without journaling will not lock up nearly as much as ext422:30
fibz_ext4 is better, there is a bug with systems not always shutting down gracefully when using ext2, but when running from a flash drive, ext2 will make life better22:31
cubany idea why isntructions suggest to make 2 GB windows partition?22:31
fibz_when creating bootable flash drives, its better to use FAT16 than FAT32. FAT16 is faster22:32
fibz_because if it is ext2, you wont be able to use it in windows22:32
cubI will only boot it into xubuntu, i22:33
fibz_well, again ext2 is the better option here, ext2 can be read by windows with 3rd party apps. ext4 cannot (as far as i know)22:33
cubm not sure how to use it in windows22:33
fibz_then there is no need for the windows partition22:33
cubthat's what I thought. :)22:33
cubcool, time to get to work then. Thanks fibz_ and Poisoned_Dragon !22:34
mulletman1970Hello. Can someone help me with an issue?23:38
knomemulletman1970, why not ask your real question and find out?23:38
mulletman1970Xubuntu 1.02 LTS on an Acer Aspire 5250 dual boot with Win 7. Previously installed Ubuntu, but like XFCE better. Ubuntu worked flawlessly. Xubuntu however has an issue that if the computer is off for a long period of time and I start it up and boot to Xubuntu, it "freezes" after a few seconds. I have my background, icons, etc, but the mouse pointer stops and I cannot even access the terminal. Now if I boot to Windows 7 first, t23:41
mulletman197012.04 sorry23:42
mulletman1970I tried re-installing and same issue. If I do a reboot, it works fine, but like I said if it sits overnight it freezes unless I boot to Win 7 first23:43
mulletman1970This is the only complaint I have and want to keep using Xubuntu, but if I cannot resolve this issue I will try another distro23:45
Unit193Makes sense, but you were cut off at "Now if I boot to Windows 7 first,".  So this is cold boot up it's not taking, but warm boot/reboot it does.23:46
mulletman1970yes! Cold boot freezes, but warm boot fine23:46
Poisoned_Dragon_that's actually not a terrible idea. If you try other distros with the xfce DE, you can determine if it's an issue with the DE.23:47
Unit193What doesn't make sense to me, Ubuntu with the same version doesn't.23:47
Unit193mulletman1970: Different kernel?23:47
mulletman1970Ubuntu was perfect. no problems23:48
mulletman1970I used Ubuntu 12.04 but now have Xubuntu 12.0423:49
Unit193Do you have somewhat newer hardware?  You can try the enablement stack.23:54
mulletman1970The laptop is about 3 years old with an AMD Dual core CPU23:55
mulletman1970Sorry such a newb, but what's an enablemant stack?23:56
fibz_i just a got twinge telling me you should check the SMART status of the hard drive.     reminds me of a failing hard drive i had in 201223:58
mulletman1970How do I do that? I did check the disc for errors via Win 723:58
fibz_that should have caught it. you can install smartmontools to read the actual SMART log (or speedfan in windows)23:59

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