
manchickenI seriously need a packaging training session/04:11
manchickenTo the YouTubes!04:17
ahoneybunhello all05:45
ahoneybunvalorie, nice message to the kde-docs05:49
valorieI'm not sure what to say to the ubuntu translators though05:49
valorieI don't know the doc folks, how it works on launchpad, or anything05:50
valorieapachelogger wrote about 6 of our apps that should be translated (localized) from LP, but are not05:51
valorieand I don't fully understand why05:51
valorie"needs review" on LP05:52
valorieto me that seems even more important than user docs05:53
ahoneybunsorry was reading something so did not see your reply06:13
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soeehi, how can i empty text file ?10:43
soee(from command line)10:43
yofelsoee: if you want a file without content 'echo -n > file' will do the job10:47
soeeyofel: just did simple: > foo.txt10:49
soeeand worked10:49
yofelor that ^^10:49
BluesKaj'Good early Morning to all'10:56
ovidiu-florinHello world12:46
ovidiu-florinI've managed to get Kubuntu in a school. All the computers in the Informatics Lab. Will run Kubuntu by the end of the day.12:47
sgclarkshadeslayer: are you here?13:00
ovidiu-florinI have a question. For this project, I need to make eighter a script/program that changes some KDE settings and installs and configures some programs, mostly from the repos; eighter make a "new distro" or flavor based on Kubuntu that comes with these settings by default.13:49
ovidiu-florinWhat do you guys think?13:49
ovidiu-florinIs there room for a Kubuntu for education?13:49
ovidiu-florinsince Edubuntu provides Unity or GNOME2, which is very far from windows in the terms of looks13:50
ovidiu-florinThe default Kubuntu apps are great, all it needs is a script/program to install aditionall programs on first boot.14:08
Peace--Riddell: what about http://wstaw.org/m/2014/03/01/plasma-desktoppE2341.png 14:20
Peace--Riddell: the standard default option doesn't look like fine here everytime 14:21
Peace--Riddell: i mean fonts are a little bad ... on yours machine they are good ?14:21
lordievaderGood afternoon.14:33
shadeslayersgclark: yeah15:37
sgclarkshadeslayer: the plasma package failed because it is missing the patch15:38
shadeslayermoment, I remember removing it locally15:38
shadeslayerand then I forgot about it15:38
shadeslayersgclark: uploaded15:41
sgclarkshadeslayer: ty15:41
* shadeslayer pushes 4.12.3 branches15:41
sgclarkshadeslayer: also I was told the new release was today but I have yet to see it, what time do they usually release15:41
shadeslayersgclark: there are tars on depot.kde.org15:42
sgclarkshadeslayer, ok thanks15:42
shadeslayersgclark: plz don't upload them to public locations15:42
shadeslayersgclark: http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ninjas-status/build_status_4.12.3_trusty.html15:42
shadeslayersgclark: okteta needs fixing15:43
shadeslayerpatch doesn't apply cleanly15:43
shadeslayerif you want to work on something :)15:44
sgclarkshadeslayer: I promised Riddell i would work on frameworks today . depot.kde.org webpage not available, and not sure what you mean with public location, is bazaar branch public?15:45
shadeslayerdepot.kde.org isn't a webpage, it's a server you ssh into15:45
shadeslayersgclark: aren't frameworks done?15:46
sgclarkshadeslayer, last release yes, new alpha release was suppose to be today15:46
sgclarkhense why I got up at 4am on a Saturday >.<15:47
shadeslayersgclark: http://download.kde.org/unstable/frameworks/15:51
shadeslayernothing here yet15:51
shadeslayercheckout the ML15:52
sgclarkoh mailing list15:52
* shadeslayer goes back into hiding15:53
apacheloggervalorie: I still don't know what user documentation on the wiki the mailing list thread is talking about16:06
kubotu::runtime-bugs:: [1286561] kcmshell4 filetypes suddenly starts crashing @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1286561 (by andschuster)16:15
ovidiu-florinhow can I modify the default settings for the guest user?16:33
ovidiu-florinI want to change the favourite apps, and the name, to put something else instead of guests.16:34
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apacheloggerkmail - resetting column sizes since 199917:09
apacheloggeralso you'd think it would use kde font size settings17:11
ovidiu-florinshadeslayer: how can I run a script when the user logs in, before the KDE session starts?17:28
ovidiu-florinI want to copy the KDE settings files with my custom settings.17:28
kubotu::runtime-bugs:: [1286561] kcmshell4 filetypes suddenly starts crashing @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1286561 (by andschuster)17:46
manchickenI'm trying to build this thing - and install it - in a chroot. Hopefully that helps factor out the polkit/dbus conflicts that I think are causing some of the weird behavior.18:13
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: you don't copy settings over, you use cascaded settings features 18:25
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: checkout kubuntu-settings-desktop18:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: looks like someone did a s/save/safe/ in your email18:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: oh, indeed18:44
apacheloggershadeslayer: I blame the wine18:44
apacheloggerI tell you, the wines is the devil18:45
apacheloggeron the manchicken is gone again18:45
shadeslayerwhy consume it then18:45
apacheloggerbecause the devil is the yummy18:47
apacheloggeryummy yummy I got horns in my tummy18:47
apacheloggerwhy that sounded all wrong18:47
shadeslayerneed to get water, bbl18:49
QuintasanScottK: You do not have an Amazon account perhaps?20:58
Quintasanapachelogger: ping21:00
apacheloggerQuintasan: yuz21:01
Quintasanapachelogger: Is t3h musics on Amazon MP3 DRM free?21:01
Quintasanor you do not purchase music?21:03
apacheloggerQuintasan: real men buy vinyl records21:20
valorieapachelogger: I found, and I think you found some wiki pages which were labeled CategoryUserDoc22:17
valorieonce we're done with the Trusty docs, and start on 14.10 stuff, we'll look at those and decide what to do with them22:18
apacheloggervalorie: ah, I see22:29
valorieno biggie if they are lost, but they might be useful22:29
valorieI was going to give manchicken the packaging page on the wiki, but it was marked as rubbish, so I didn't22:30
valorieis it just outdated?22:30
valoriethis one: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/ReleasePackaging22:32
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