
Beldarrohan, with an optimus setup that is the idea00:03
rohanBeldar: wow, so i don't need bumblebee any more?00:03
rohanBeldar: last i heard, nvidia-prime could do the graphics multiplexing, but it kept the nvidia card on always00:04
Beldarrohan, I would not know, I have not used a optimus setup.00:04
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sgo11The channel is logged. where can I find the log?02:54
sgo11Any developers here? firefox failed to bu run in trusty amd64 build. and here is a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/127806202:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1278062 in firefox (Ubuntu) "firefox crashes on startup (but apparently layunched properly to enable me to post this)" [Medium,Confirmed]02:54
rwwubottu: 1984 | sgo1103:55
ubottuError: Could not gather data from Ubottu for bug #1984 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1984). The error has been logged03:55
ubottusgo11: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.03:55
sgo11rww, thanks.03:56
sgo11checked yesterday log. nobody replied a single word for firefox segfault at startup error. many apps segfault at startup. and no devs are assigned or aware by this bug.04:01
Fudgedoes thunderbird do it too09:07
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BluesKaj'Good early Morning to all'10:56
antagomirmy IRC discussions do not show non-ASCII characters properly, how to correct this? I already set encoding and they appear correctly on IRC discussion screen. But not before posting when I type them in11:13
antagomiralso non-ASCII chars from others are displayed incorrectly11:14
antagomiri am using ubuntu 14.04 on accessing IRC via distant ssh server11:14
Lieselldo proprietary GCD work on beta1?13:48
Phil42when i run latest tahr cdimage in kvm the mouse disappears  :(13:51
Phil42not just the latest, almost all of them13:52
BluesKajPhil42, darn I'm in the middle of installing a guest on kvm as we speak :/13:55
BluesKajPhil42, have you updated/upgraded since yesterday, it might help13:56
BluesKajthere's new kernel as well, dist-upgrade13:57
BluesKajnew kernel version is more accurate14:03
Phil42it still happens.   i have the latest http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/current/trusty-desktop-amd64.iso     i am running nvidia 8400GS graphics14:25
Phil42with nvidia factory 295.71 driver14:25
BluesKajPhil42, nope I have the same gpu , running nvidia-331 here14:27
Phil42i was having stability problems with later drivers,   so i went back to the latest stable on my hardware14:27
BluesKajhave a few graphical artifacts alright, but nothing serious14:30
xsachahi, i'm using ubuntu 14.04 with a hybrid graphics card setup and have noticed that, using the opensource drivers, the intel GPU is the default and I must set 'DRI_PRIME' to 1 for an application to use the AMD gpu14:35
xsachais there a way to use only the amd gpu?14:36
C|aymoreHi folks. Just upgraded to Kubuntu 14.04 beta and have no sound. Removed ~/.pulse and ~/.config/pulse* and rebooted but that didnt help. Any ideas?14:55
BluesKajC|aymore, did you try setting the audio up in system settings > multimedia>audio&video settings>devices preference ?14:57
C|aymoreYes BluesKaj. The "test" button doesn't create any sound14:58
C|aymoreAlso tried: aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav - no sound14:59
BluesKajC|aymore, which audio chip, run aplay -l15:00
C|aymorecard 1: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: VT1708S Analog [VT1708S Analog]15:00
C|aymoreI have a dedicated card that Im not using (card0)15:01
C|aymorealsamixer shows something interesting. It lists default, Card0 and Card1. The "default" is neither card0 or card115:02
C|aymoreDoes this indicate an alsa issue?15:02
BluesKajC|aymore, also check that you don't have automute enabled in alsamixer.15:06
C|aymoreI did have automute enabled. Disabled now. Still no sound15:09
AlanBellhi all16:14
AlanBellhave the filters gone from the dash? is that intentional?16:14
siavoshkcsudo apt-get install ubuntu-emulator18:01
siavoshkcE: Unable to locate package ubuntu-emulator18:02
siavoshkcBut whay18:02
hitsujiTMOsiavoshkc: ensure universe branch is ensbled18:03
hitsujiTMOsiavoshkc: are you running from the live cd?18:03
siavoshkcintalled it on VMware18:03
hitsujiTMOcan you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list18:04
siavoshkchow can i do it in terminal?18:04
siavoshkclets see18:04
hitsujiTMOsiavoshkc: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list18:06
siavoshkchitsujiTMO: 701748318:17
bekkssiavoshkc: Thats a number, not an URL.18:18
Penchohi guys!18:18
hitsujiTMOsiavoshkc: sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu $(lsb_release -sc) universe"18:19
hitsujiTMOsiavoshkc: universe was not enabled. after running that command do: sudo apt-get update           then you can continue to install the package18:20
Penchoi have a problem with my USB drive, i tryed to mount it with 'mount -t vfat' and it doesn't works. I took a look in disks and it's recognized but it doesn't have format (content: unknown). How can i fix it?18:20
bekksPencho: By creating a filesystem on ot.18:20
bekks*on it.18:20
Penchobekks> how i can do this?18:21
bekksPencho: you can use the mkfs command - but beware, that all contents on that device will be lost.18:21
Penchobekks> there are any way to recover it?18:21
bekksPencho: You have to decide what you want to do. Either you want to recover contents, or you want to create a new filesystem.18:22
Penchobekks> i want to recover the data18:22
hitsujiTMOPencho: can you pastebin the output of: sudo fdisk -l18:23
PenchohitsujiTMO> yes, one second18:24
siavoshkcwhy universe is not enabled by default18:24
hitsujiTMOPencho: is /dev/sdc the device in question?18:25
hitsujiTMOPencho: whats the output of: sudo blkid /dev/sdc18:26
Penchoapparently nothing lol18:27
hitsujiTMOthats ok. it should be blank18:27
Penchowhen i try to mount it, doesn't work18:29
hitsujiTMOPencho: can you pastebin the output of: sudo dd if=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1 | hexdump -C18:29
Penchoif i do a dmseg tail18:29
Penchoi have this message18:29
bekksPencho: Then use photorec.18:30
hitsujiTMOPencho: thats because there is no filesystem directly on the device18:30
siavoshkccan I do these things on Mint?18:31
Penchosiavoshkc> what things?18:32
hitsujiTMOsiavoshkc: mint is not supported here. you'd have to ask mint support18:32
siavoshkcMint is based on Ubuntu18:32
siavoshkcbut you do not have any partnership or relation?18:32
hitsujiTMOPencho: sorry, wrong device to read. please do: sudo dd if=/dev/sdc bs=512 count=1 | hexdump -C18:33
hitsujiTMOsiavoshkc: mint has nothing to do with ubuntu18:33
hitsujiTMOsiavoshkc: its not an official derivative18:33
siavoshkcdo I have to start x to be able to use the emulator?18:34
hitsujiTMOsiavoshkc: ofcourse18:35
siavoshkcI am experiencing som compatibility problems on my VM18:36
bekksIn which manner?18:37
Penchosiavoshkc> VM doesn't support a lot of hardware... maybe you can try it by a live-CD/USB18:37
hitsujiTMOPencho: its indeed an invalid partition table, and an invalid filesystem. lets see if we can guess where the filesystem started: losetup -o $((2048 * 512)) /dev/loop0 /dev/sdc18:39
hitsujiTMOPencho: then: sudo blkid /dev/loop018:40
PenchohitsujiTM0: device is busy18:40
hitsujiTMOPencho: sorry: sudo losetup -o $((2048 * 512)) /dev/loop0 /dev/sdc18:40
Penchoyep, i did it with sudo18:41
hitsujiTMOPencho: then: sudo blkid /dev/loop018:41
Pencholosetup: /dev/loop0: device is busy18:41
Penchonow: /dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"18:41
hitsujiTMOPencho: lets use a different loop device: sudo losetup -o $((2048 * 512)) /dev/loop1 /dev/sdc18:41
hitsujiTMOPencho: then: sudo blkid /dev/loop118:42
Penchonow returned blank18:42
hitsujiTMOfrom blkid?18:42
hitsujiTMOcool. so thats not the filesystem there then: sudo losystem -d /dev/loop118:43
hitsujiTMOcool. so thats not the filesystem there then: sudo losetup -d /dev/loop118:43
hitsujiTMOPencho: second command ^18:43
Penchoblank other time18:43
hitsujiTMOPencho: then try: sudo losetup -o $((63 * 512)) /dev/loop1 /dev/sdc18:44
Penchoblank xD18:44
hitsujiTMOPencho: and once again: sudo blkid /dev/loop118:44
Penchoyep, its blank18:44
hitsujiTMOPencho: crap. filesytem is also gone. you'll have to use photorec so then18:45
Penchohow i can install photorec? apt-get doesn't find it18:45
hitsujiTMOPencho: i think the package is testdisk18:46
Penchothanks, i will try it18:48
hitsujiTMOPencho: lets hope that the disk hasn't been wiped with /dev/urandom or shred18:48
Penchowell, photorec is working... i dont know if it will works19:15
hitsujiTMOjust let it do its thing19:20
Penchoit gave me errors on reading sectors19:21
bekksThen the medium is damaged physically.19:22
Penchomaybe, the usb drive cover is broken19:22
exalthello, which nvidia driver is better ? 319 or 331 ?19:54
penguin42the one that works for you19:55
exaltpenguin42: yea the same as de choice between icewm and gnome... thats not what im searching, which one is faster for a quadro1000m or is there no difference ?19:56
exaltit has optimus support19:57
penguin42exalt: I don't honestly know, but generally I've found with graphics drivers it's very system specific; I generally start with the newest, if it works then be happy19:58
rohanexalt: 33120:03
exaltrohan: i cant find nvidia-settings-331 why is this ?20:14
linuxuz3rnautilus crashes on me when i open class files20:15
linuxuz3rcan someone help20:15
penguin42sounds like it's broken,  file a bug20:21

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