
aliasbodydpkg-source: error: no upstream tarball found at ../gnome-panel_3.6.2-0ubuntu3.orig.tar.{bz2,gz,lzma,xz}00:00
aliasbodybut the file is there, it just has a differente name00:01
NoskcajThat's a different file00:07
aliasbodythis is the file which came out from the apt-get source00:07
Noskcajthe .orig contains everything that gnome made, the .debian has all the special debian/ubuntu stuff00:07
aliasbodyI don't have any .orig file, how can I get it ?00:08
Noskcajdebian/rules get-orig-source00:11
Noskcajrunning that *should* get it00:11
aliasbodyThe problem seems to be solved. I've done a dpkg-buildpackage00:16
aliasbodyit told me that there was some packages missing, I installed them, and then I've make it again00:16
aliasbodyit finished and then I made a ./configure and it worked00:16
aliasbodylet's see if everything goes well after this00:16
NoskcajJust remember that you are working with an old version of panel. good luck00:18
aliasbodyI know, but I would like to correct some bugs on this version until the new LTS is out :)00:18
aliasbodyJust need to solve the clock.c:60:42: fatal error: libedataserverui/e-passwords.h: Inexistant file or directory problem, but that's another thing00:19
darkxstNoskcaj, you have time to help prepare gnome-desktop FFe today?00:54
Noskcajyeah, i guess. What bit's do you want me to do.00:54
darkxstcan you make branches for unity-settings-daemon and unity-control-center with all quilt patches applied directly00:56
darkxstgrab the source from ppa:darkxst/gnome-desktop00:56
darkxstactually I already did u-c-c, but it might need rebase https://code.launchpad.net/~darkxst/unity-control-center/gnome-desktop-310b00:57
darkxstand link them to Bug 122876500:57
ubot5bug 1228765 in Ubuntu GNOME "Need to implement DisplayConfig dbus interface within Unity" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122876500:57
Noskcajok, i'll do u-s-d now00:59
Noskcajif my internet decides to work. My brothers have decided that the next few days must be spent downloading skyrim01:05
darkxstlol, priorities!01:06
Noskcajwell u-c-c and u-s-d are both packages already. What is it that i need to be adding?01:09
darkxstNoskcaj, the quilt patches need to be directly applied to the branch (i.e. bzr git-apply <patch>)01:12
darkxstand revert source/format to "1.0"01:12
Noskcajok. format 1.0 or 3.0 (native) ?01:13
darkxstthe upstream branches are 1.001:14
* Noskcaj is so confused. u-c-c and u-s-d have no patches.01:15
NoskcajI really should follow the workings of gnome more01:15
darkxstNoskcaj, u-c-c and u-s-d are now upstream branches in launchpad01:15
darkxstmy packages on gnome-desktop ppa, have all the git backports applied via quilt01:15
darkxstthey need to be applied directly to the upstream branch (rather than using quilt)01:16
NoskcajJust the patches or the depends change too?01:23
darkxstyes you need to merge packaging changes as well01:28
Noskcajdarkxst, both done, test building in my PPA now01:40
darkxstNoskcaj, thanks, can you do g-s-d and g-c-c as well then? just need a general cleanup and perhaps rebase against archive versions01:52
Noskcajok. Should i merge it all into one patch or leave it as multiple?01:59
darkxstleave patches as they are02:04
darkxstand packaging only branches against ~ubuntu-desktop branches02:06
Noskcajcrap, now i have to do everything again02:16
Noskcajdarkxst, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/168035398/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-amd64.unity-control-center_14.04.3%2B14.04.20140226-0ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz02:50
darkxstNoskcaj, did you add ppa:darkxst/gnome-desktop as a dependency on your ppa?02:59
Noskcajno. Should that fix the failure?03:00
darkxstyes, and probably want to bump gnome-desktop dep in control.in03:00
darkxst>= 3.1003:00
NoskcajShould i be using the ~ubuntu-desktop branches for u-c-c and u-s-d as well? if so, which branches?03:05
darkxstNoskcaj, no03:07
Noskcajok. Provided this all builds, i should be done03:08
darkxstI *think* its just lp:unity-control-center and lp:unity-settings-daemon03:08
Noskcajoh, ok03:09
darkxstok, I have to head out for a bit, will get the rest sorted when I get back03:09
darkxstthanks for your help !03:09
Noskcajno problem, bye03:10
darkxstNoskcaj, please attach buildlogs from the ppa builders to that bug also03:12
darkxstNoskcaj, oh shit, g-c-c branch is screwed (still has unity crap in it), but I guess will do for now....03:20
* darkxst really gotta run now!03:20
NoskcajI think we might want to contact robert ancell about dropping all the unity stuff when you get back. I'll only propose the fixes to unity- for now03:22
darkxsthah, like https://code.launchpad.net/~darkxst/gnome-control-center/vanilla3.803:23
darkxstthat should have been uploaded, but it never was ;(03:23
Noskcajunity merges proposed, waiting on other uploads for gnome merges04:02
darkxstNoskcaj, probably really need the FFe to be approved first before proposing merges!06:01
NoskcajSince unity-* is to upstream, it should be ok06:02
NoskcajAlthough what happened to having unpatched versions uploaded/synced from debian?06:02
Noskcaj(of g-c-c and g-s-d)06:03
darkxstNoskcaj, I don't want to regress to much06:12
darkxsthence why https://code.launchpad.net/~darkxst/gnome-control-center/vanilla3.8 still has some ubuntu patches06:12
darkxstbut the delta with debian should reduce significantly06:14
sandGorgon_does anyone know if the 14.04 beta has 3.10 ?09:57
darkxstsandGorgon_, check the release notes perhaps?12:12
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