
knomeUnit193, thanks.00:00
Unit193belkinsa: Hello, is there something the OPs team can help you with?01:03
Unit193IdleOne: Poke, around?01:03
belkinsaUnit193, I'm waiting on the answer for knome's question.\01:03
IdleOneany channel owner can set the forward from channelA to channelB01:04
belkinsaDo you know how to do it?01:04
IdleOnewhen the forward is set ask everyone to rejoin and they should be forwarded01:04
IdleOneI need to look it up again. gimme a few01:05
belkinsaSure thing.01:05
pleia2I think https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/MovingChannels is the one you want01:14
belkinsaThank you, IdleOne.01:14
IdleOnethanks pleia2 :)01:14
belkinsaEr, pleia2.01:14
IdleOneI think that should be it01:15
belkinsaThank you.01:15
=== kloeri_ is now known as kloeri
=== head_victim is now known as jared
phunyguy@mark #ubuntu-offtopic amireldor spamming again....19:19
ubottuThe operation succeeded.19:20
IdleOnelittle random, annoying maybe. I didn't see spam19:31
phunyguybad choice of word19:34
phunyguy@mark #ubuntu-offtopic amireldor not spamming, I meant annoying semi-flooding again....19:34
ubottuThe operation succeeded.19:34
=== PriceChi1d is now known as Pricey
miseria"El Tiempo no agrada a todo el mundo, libre albedrio, quien seria yo si pudiera hacer lo que el tiempo no puede?" bienvenidos: http://castroruben.com *temo_a_un_ser_sin_rival*22:45
AlanBellstaff can I have an ubuntu/bot cloak for unopaste please23:37
rwwceci n'est pas un #freenode :P :P23:49
IdleOneAlanBell: rww a raison. Vous devriez faire votre demande a la bonne place. PROCESS!23:49
AlanBellau revoir23:50
rwwhuh, i understood that23:50
rwwbut yeah, it's always seemed amusing to me that Ubuntu GCs request cloaks in #ubuntu-irc or #ubuntu-ops instead of being normal :P23:50
AlanBellah, there is a reason for that23:51
rwwqu'est-ce que c'est?23:51

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