
Unit193yano: Hard to tell when you're alive, so I have to ask now... Are you? :P04:03
yanoUnit193: i am alive05:26
=== ronnoc_ is now known as ronnoc
gilbertpaultag: i apparently have a doppleganger ;)18:08
gilbertpeople that share my name seem to like chromium :)18:10
paultaggilbert: :D18:32
gilbertpaultag: i'm kinda surprised that there was no blow up after the init decision.  seems like everyone just accepted it and moved on (except for the trolls)18:53
paultagyeah, most people were pretty willing to just accept *a* decision18:54
paultageveryone just had an opinion18:55
paultagbut once someone says it's the way it is, tha'ts tghe way it is18:55
paultagwell, people seem cool to do that18:55
gilbertubuntu abandoning upstart also helped i think18:57
gilbertwhich was pretty surprising in itself18:58
paultagmeanwhile, I'm getting death threats \o/18:58
gilbertwould be nice to see the same w mir18:58
paultagwell, vorlon said as much18:58
gilbertin real life?18:58
paultagno, on the lists18:58
paultagcan't remember where18:58
paultagbut it was basically that he wasn't going to fight a losing war18:58
paultagor something18:58
paultagit was implied he'd give up if Debian droped it18:58
gilbertanyway the fact that it is selected does i think mean that it was in the end the right decision19:00
gilberti mean the fact that the decision isn't being fought means that it was the right one19:00
gilbert(although the fact that it got done via political brinkmanship doesn't still doesn't sit well with me)19:01
paultagbut I'm glad it's over19:03
gilbertyeah, at least the arguing is finally done and everyone can move on19:04

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