
mungerHey guys. Just installed UbuntuStudio for the first time today and I cant get my m-audio fasttrack working. Pretty sure the driver is loaded as I see traces of it in Sound Settings01:11
catopettm-audio is dificult to make work in linux01:47
catopettTry google01:47
holsteinmunger: have you used JACK before?02:50
ubottuFor information on professional audio tools in Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro02:50
holsteinmunger: there are users using that device in #opensourcemusicians02:50
holsteinits plug and play, AFAIK02:51
mungerNo, I haven't used JACK before, Yes, I have tried Google. I see the device as a microphone on the volume control settings and also as an analogue output12:03
MungerIs there an easy way to test if a usb audio input is actually producing anything?13:21
Mungeri.e. before configuring JACK13:22
studio-user117hi to all13:22
MungerOK. Putting my audio woes behind me for a while, is there any way to get my touchscreen working? It works out of the box on Ubuntu 13.1014:36
holsteinMunger: ubuntustudio *is* ubuntu.. so it will work with ubuntustuduio15:07
holsteinMunger: what do i suggest? if it works "out of the box" with ubuntu 13.10, then, install main ubuntu 13.10, and add what you like from the audio packages15:08
holsteinMunger: i would say, my suggestion to you would be, use main ubuntu.. and download a live CD, either the ubuntustuduio live CD, or AVlinux, and use that to configure, and test JACK and get used to things in the pro audio work flow15:08
MungerI realise it's basically the same thing. Just seemed odd that US didn't work out of the box. Something is clearly different in the default configuration15:17
edoardohi everyone15:30
edoardo i'm trying to make an internet radio i'm streaming more "professional"15:30
edoardoi have a compressor, an eq, a fast lookahead limiter and some other things thanks to jamin15:30
edoardoplaying with the parameters i found a way that sounds ok15:30
edoardobut i can still hear distortion, and the eq is a bit harsh15:30
edoardodoes someone know something about mastering?15:30
holsteinedoardo: you actually dont need to konw about mastering, i dont think15:40
holsteinedoardo: distortion is what i would address15:40
edoardoholstein, looks like the compressor is giving distortion15:40
holsteinedoardo: i would start by auditioning other streams, and see how the levels look and feel15:40
holsteinthen, try and match that level.. not trying to push it too hard15:40
edoardowhat do you mean with auditioning?15:40
edoardowatching the spectrum?15:41
holsteinedoardo: im talking about using the ear15:41
edoardooh ok :)15:41
holsteinedoardo: just listen.. match the level :)15:41
holsteinedoardo: you could be just pushing it too hard15:41
edoardomaybe the attack/release time15:41
holsteintry removing each element one at a time and see15:41
holsteinbut.. they can have an additive effect15:42
edoardoi'll try find a cool radio, record it, and try to accomplish the same result using the same song on the deck15:42
edoardomaybe it's the booster15:42
holsteinjust because limiter and comp alone are ok doesnt mean that together, the cumulative effect isnt too much15:42
holsteinedoardo: could be15:42
holsteinedoardo: i would try and KISS15:42
holsteinedoardo: do as little as possible.. "gold in, gold out" as they say15:43
edoardokeep it simple stupid i think :P15:43
holsteinedoardo: lol15:43
holsteinedoardo: i prefer, "keep it stupid simple" :)15:43
edoardoit's better to make it "stupid simple"15:43
edoardoso it's idiot proof :P15:43
holsteinwell, and it really shouldnt take too much processing15:44
holsteinyou can always go to what normal radio broadcast do as well15:44
holsteinbut, that is not the same as "mastering" for an album, or CD15:44
edoardoa bit of loudness and stop?15:44
holsteinits much more compressed, typically15:44
holsteinyou could emulate what a radio station does on the way out, though15:45
edoardoi'll try and do dat15:45
holsteinwhich, is basically what i read that you are doing..15:45
edoardoi'll let you know15:45
holsteinedoardo: i bet, just relaxing it will do the trick15:45
edoardoany good radio to start with?15:45
holsteinedoardo: i would just go for a few that you like15:46
holsteinsomething you really like the sound of15:46
edoardowell, the only one i like has an horrible sound D:15:46
holsteinmaybe something with dynamics.. an acoustic music show15:46
holsteinedoardo: hehe.. its typical15:46
holsteinedoardo: try something from a radio station.. BBC.. something that they spend money on15:46
edoardoi have to add eq both on the player and on the amplifier, also it has a hiss on 6khz15:47
holsteinwhere is that coming from?15:47
edoardowhat, the stream?15:47
edoardothe stream is directly from their studio to the net15:48
holsteini would try for optimal bandwidth.. test that locally. get that going with no regard to bandwidth issues.. then, kick it down to whatever you are going to be streaming and test and adjust15:48
edoardothey use 96kbit AAC+15:48
holsteinits all a compromise15:48
holsteinbut, you can likely find something comfortable.. i would remove it all, and start over15:48
edoardoi reset the settings15:49
holsteinif you are notching a big chunk out of 6khz, try and see why, and try and remove it from the source if possible15:49
edoardoi'll redo everything from scratch15:49
holsteinsee where it is being introduced15:49
holsteinOH.. jupiterbroadcasting does nice streams15:49
holsteinsome audio and mostly speech15:49
holsteinedoardo: you can also check with #opensourcemusicians and see if any streaming folks have15:49
holsteinany big ideas15:50
edoardoasked there but no response so far15:50
edoardothe jupiterbroadcasting stream sounds nice15:51
edoardothe mic is confortable to hear15:51
edoardoseems like my Samson Go Mic15:51
holsteinMunger: we have a lowlatency kernel.. and xfce16:00
holsteinMunger: maybe one of those is not supporting your touchscreen16:00
holsteinMunger: AFAIK, none of us are testing touchscreen specifically in ubuntustuduio.. but, you can add what you find works for you from main ubntu16:01
holstein*however*. i think, since you are not using JACK, it would be an arguably friendlier experience to just use main ubuntu, and add what you want from the studio packages.. which are in the main repos16:01
cfhowlettwould #ubuntu-touch work?16:01
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch16:04
holsteinmaybe.. tough, i think that is more phone related..16:04
cfhowlettholstein, I would assume the tablet packages might have a workable touchscreen16:06
nixninehey guys, i am using studio 13.04 and want to upgrade to 13.10.  How do I back up my system prior to the upgrade?17:57
holsteinnixnine: however you like17:57
nixnineis there a recommended backup program?17:57
holsteinnixnine: you can drag what you want to a drive. you can use ubuntuone.. you can use clonezilla.. some online storage.. literally anything17:58
holsteinnixnine: you would need to elaborate foro me to make a recomendation based on your specific needs17:58
holsteinnixnine: whatever the data, you need to determine the importance, and make plans for what is needed17:59
nixnineThat's okay.  I was planning on just copying everything to a partion on an external hd17:59
holsteinincremental backups.. longterm storage.. a few gigabytes. a bunch of 10+ gigabyte audio projects17:59
holsteina few hundered 8+gb video files..17:59
holsteinnixnine: you may just want to wait and catch 14.04 in april18:00
holsteinnixnine: there is no good reason to stay one version behind for stabilty, if thats what you are doing18:00
nixnineYeah, that was what I thought18:00
holstein14.04 will be a long term support release18:01
nixnineso should I upgrade now and then when 14.04 comes out?18:04
holsteinnixnine: there is no "should".. just what is best for your needs18:04
nixninewell, i like to be up to date with the programs I use.  haven't had any updates in a couple months.18:07

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