
bluesabrebrainwash: yeah, I think that would be a nice value-add00:19
bluesabregotta go, bbl00:20
jjfrv8knome, slickymaster, ochosi, others: proposed intro to the four icons in whisker: http://imagebin.org/29642601:51
jjfrv8and then the modified way to refer to Settings Manager througout the rest of the docs: http://imagebin.org/29642701:51
AussieDownUnderpleia2, I have some photos of a folder full of ubuntu/xubuntu flyers on a table that I left to be handed out at a Permaculture group meeting this afternoon, I was supposed to attend but I injured myself & had to leave lol.03:07
pleia2AussieDownUnder: doh! hope you get well soon03:08
pleia2AussieDownUnder: feel free to send over some photos, I can share them03:09
AussieDownUnderpleia2, yep doh, thanks. Lesson learnt I'm not a Kangaroo & can't jump down shipping crates onto concrete.03:09
pleia2haha! oh no :)03:10
* pleia2 seeks dinner03:15
AussieDownUnderI only just had lunch03:16
AussieDownUnderpleia2, check yol email yol03:22
Noskcajali1234, Is there an exact xfwm4 patch for us to use yet?08:14
ali1234there is no patch to the source code required, only build options08:14
ali1234just build it with -DMONITOR_ROOT_PIXMAP08:15
Noskcajoh yep, i remember now08:15
NoskcajAny other changes we should put with the merge?08:15
ali1234i have a lot of patches but they're not really suitable for wide use08:16
ali1234like bug 1063108:17
ubottubug 10631 in php4 (Debian) "php4: PHP4 couses apache and apache-ssl to crach on start with Bus error" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1063108:17
ali1234xfce bug 1063108:17
Unit193xfce 1063108:17
ubottuxfce bug 10631 in Decorations "please support mwm hints completely" [Normal,New] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1063108:17
ali1234xfce bug 1062508:17
ubottuxfce bug 10625 in General "Gtk3 menus are constrained by struts from all monitors." [Normal,New] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1062508:17
NoskcajAre any safe/worth it for after feature freeze?08:18
ali1234for +1 you mean?08:18
Noskcajfor me to add right now08:19
ali1234well, not really08:19
NoskcajAlthough at this rate it won't be sponsored till unicorn anyway08:19
ali1234they're all safe in my opinion08:19
ali1234but they're quite ugly08:19
ali1234i've got some trivial patches in other components that really should go in though08:20
ali1234some were applied upstream, some not08:20
ali1234the gtk3 bookmarks one should go in08:20
ali1234and the notification window fix08:20
Unit193Thunar already got the bookmark patch.08:21
ali1234really? upstream?08:21
Unit193No, Xubuntu.08:21
ali1234oh, well xfce-places-plugin needs an identical patch08:22
* Noskcaj adds that to todo list08:22
ali1234the xfnotifyd patch went in upstream but there's no new release08:23
* ochosi will be away for most of the weekend09:52
ochosijjfrv8: re:intro to whisker: looks nice, but you'll have to remove "switch users" as that's now identical to "lock screen" and hence won't be active/shown in whisker by default09:53
ochosiali1234: why would you say the mwm patch is ugly?09:54
ali1234the mwm patch isn't ugly... but it is large09:54
ali1234the struts patch is ugly09:54
ochosithat one would be a nice-to-have09:54
ochosiyou could push the mwm patch to a user-repo on git.xfce09:54
ali1234yeah i need to push all my work there09:55
ali1234it's all on github09:55
ochosithat way hopefully more people check it out and also nick will review it09:55
ali1234pushing it would give me an excuse to post it on the ML again09:55
ochosii'll try to give it some testing too09:55
ochosithat'll give me an excuse to reply to your post on the ML ;)09:55
ali1234i've been using my stuff with your tabwin stuff merged since ages ago09:55
ali1234no crashes or anything... but i never use alt-tab09:56
ochosiright :)09:56
ochosithe tabwin stuff seems to have a little oddity, sometimes when the mousecursor is outside the tabwin-window or not above a window-button there's still one highlighted09:56
ali1234someone was asking about alt-tab the other day09:56
ochosihaven't been able to hunt that one down yet09:56
ali1234wanted it to show the full window instead of the border09:57
ali1234i said that would be hard due to window raising...09:57
ali1234but i don't really know if there's another way09:57
ali1234compositor could probably do it09:57
ochosiit's certainly a different workflow09:58
ali1234no, it's the same09:58
ochosithen you practically don't need an alt-tab window anymore09:58
ochosicause you're looking only at windows, not at the icons09:58
ali1234well, kind of09:58
ali1234i dunno... i don't even use it09:58
ochosior: the icons are "in the way" and distracting09:58
ochosihow do you switch then?09:58
ali1234yeah i suppose you could look at it that way09:58
ali1234i click on the task bar09:58
ochosiyup, that makes sense too09:59
ali1234i don't use keyboard short cuts at all09:59
Unit193Win7 style! :P09:59
ochosifor that it would be nice to get that "taskbar"-plugin into shape09:59
ali1234i use them inside programs... like blender09:59
ali1234i sent some fixes for it09:59
ochosioh, you did?09:59
ochosidid they get merged/reviewed?09:59
ali1234i forgot about those actually09:59
ochosicool, will have to check it out again i guess10:00
ali1234for multimonitor, it used to lose windows10:00
ali1234it put the window on the taskbar on the monitor containing the middle pixel of the window10:00
ochosiit definitely could use some theming improvements from what i remember from last using it10:00
Unit193I like the idea of hacking xfwm to force old menus in gnome applications. :P10:00
ali1234so if you moved it halfway off the screen it wouldn't show on any taskbar10:00
ochosihah, fun bug10:00
ali1234it has a bug with desktop reshaping too10:01
ochosi"great" way to hide your pr0n10:01
ali1234if you just rearrange monitors normally then it works fine10:01
ali1234but there's a bug in gnome-settings-daemon/unity-settings-daemon where if you have no monitors.xml it trashes your config and resets it to default10:01
ali1234and for some reason the taskbar does not pick up this change10:01
ochosiali1234: btw, have you seen the way unity-greeter handles multimonitor setups?10:09
ochosi(i.e. login-window follows mouse-focus)10:09
ochosido you like that?10:09
ochosii'm wondering what way we should go with the gtk-greeter10:09
ali1234i do kind of like it10:09
ochosicurrently we're not really doing anything10:09
ali1234but i think i would prefer to have a login window on every monitor10:09
ochosior just another login-window?10:10
ali1234just another window, if possible10:10
ali1234or follow the mouse if not10:10
ali1234see bug 1283615 screenshot10:10
ochosifollow the mouse shouldn't be hard, as we can port that from unity-greeter10:10
ubottubug 1283615 in unity-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "gnome-settings-daemon trashes monitor config" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128361510:10
ali1234that's what can happen when it follows the mouse and you don't get the monitor layout right10:10
ali1234unity-greeter is written in vala...10:11
ali1234i have three monitors... the one you can't see is an oculus rift10:11
ochosiyeah i know10:11
ali1234X decided that by default that monitor is in the middle10:12
ochosithat looks empty10:12
ali1234so when unity ignores the xorg.conf it defaults to putting the mouse and login on the middle screen, which you can't see without strapping on a headset10:12
ali1234it's really gnome/unity-settings-daemon that does this anyway, not the greeter itself10:14
ali1234unity-greeter is the only one that loads up the settings daemon though10:14
ochosiyeah, weird though, cause in general it seems to be an advantage to have such a daemon running in the greeter10:15
ali1234you can disable modules of g-s-d, so you can disable the xrandr module and it won't mess the layout10:15
ali1234it used to work this way, then someone decided to enable it10:15
ali1234really though it should leave the config alone if it finds nothing at all10:15
ochosigotta run10:21
astraljavaUnit193: I'm not sure, but searching the net based on your suggestion, ClientAliveCountMax might do the trick. Thanks, I'll fiddle with the configuration.12:02
elfybluesabre: there is no getting menulibre to do anymore than add a menu item in menuobre - not showing in any menus14:01
bluesabreelfy, releasing a slew of fixes today14:02
elfygiven I can't get it to work - there's little chance of a testcase - nor getting anyone to test it14:02
elfyoh lol - ok - was just leaving that message for you when you were about :)14:02
bluesabreyeah, I'll try to get the release out early-ish today and getting it to the repos asap14:03
elfyok 14:03
elfyI'll watch for it 14:03
jjfrv8bluesabre, since you're here, can you give me a sneek peek so I can start writing the docs paragraph? Will it only edit whiskermenu indirectly?14:04
jjfrv8I mean will you see the old applications menu loaded in MenuLibre?14:04
bluesabreok, so xfce4-applications-menu, whisker-menu, and menulibre all use xfce4-applications.menu14:05
bluesabrewhisker menu has an option to show the menu hierarchy, but it is disabled by default14:06
bluesabreso instead, it shows the menus ordered by name14:06
bluesabreadding new applications should place them in their relative locations, but toplevel items (e.g. those not under a menu) will not be shown because of the way whisker-menu works14:07
bluesabreor if they are, they'll likely be under Other14:07
bluesabreNew directories should be displayed by default14:07
bluesabrebut yes, the old menu is what will be seen in menulibre, to directly answer your question14:08
jjfrv8thanks, that clears a lot up. I've checked the 'show menu hierarchy' and it doesn't seem to change anything.14:09
jjfrv8so, for example, there is no way for someone to put a settings manager launcher, like Mugshot, onto whisker, even as a favorite?14:11
bluesabreI believe that is the case, unless you make a new launcher with menulibre14:12
bluesabreI'd suggested focusing efforts elsewhere for now, and wait until the next menulibre release14:12
jjfrv8you mean a release after this weekend's?14:13
bluesabreno, the one that will be released this weekend14:13
jjfrv8will do. Thanks again.14:14
slickymasterafternoon guys16:08
jjfrv8hey, slickymaster 16:13
slickymasterjjfrv8: the paragraph with the four proposed icons looks great16:13
slickymaster:) and afternoon jjfrv8 16:13
elfyhi slickymaster jjfrv8 16:13
jjfrv8hey, elfy16:13
slickymasterI think we should really go forward with the icons addition16:14
slickymasterhey elfy 16:14
slickymasterit seems I'm in england betwenn the fog and the rain :P16:14
slickymaster* between16:14
jjfrv8it's still like mid-winter here on March 1 :(16:15
jjfrv8slickymaster, did you see where I'll be holding off on the MenuLibre paragraph awaiting bluesabre's new release?16:16
slickymasternot yet jjfrv8, did you made a MP?16:17
elfyslickymaster: piskie went and added a bunch of other stuff to that mp 16:17
* elfy couidn't stop him 16:17
slickymasterelfy: I was going to ask about that16:17
slickymastero you want me to review your revision 283?16:17
elfy:) at some point 16:18
slickymasterwill do16:18
jjfrv8yes, I pushed a revision this morning, 15016:18
slickymasterjjfrv8: going to pull it16:18
jjfrv8it's got the panel config paragraph in it16:19
slickymasterjjfrv8: I'll drop a few lines there16:19
jjfrv8hmmm, the new icons in the images folder didn't get pushed. don't know how to make that happen.16:27
jjfrv8bah, got called into work. maybe back later.16:42
brainwashali1234: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=220855317:33
schproodlewhen apport reports a problem and then opens the browser with a login screen to launchpad, I am not sure what to do.17:44
schproodleWell, I logged in eh17:44
bluesabreok, almost done with the menulibre update, will have it out later, bbl19:30
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