
fibz_did you perform a complete scan and enable checking of bad sectors? or just the usual chkdsk?00:00
Unit193mulletman1970: Enablement stack just brings in a newer xorg and kernel.00:00
mulletman1970usual chkdsk00:00
fibz_then yes, try out smartmontools available in the repos to read the hard drives SMART logs00:01
mulletman1970should i boot back to bill and try that and come back?00:01
fibz_you can do that right now00:01
mulletman1970Wish I knew how. lol00:01
fibz_open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install smartmontools   (or search for it in the Ubuntu Software Center)00:02
mulletman1970Doing it via terminal now. thanks00:03
fibz_ooo never knew there was a GUI version00:05
mulletman1970short test, long, or conveyence?00:06
mulletman1970cool. like 5 minutes00:07
mulletman1970DOH! 119 minutes lol00:08
kingplusplusplease how do i install flash on xbuntu00:28
Unit193Either install flashplugin-installer, or add the partner repo and install adobe-flashplugin.00:29
kingplusplusUnit193, please do you know the cmd00:29
Unit193However you'd normally install software, USC, synaptic, apt-get, aptitude, etc.00:30
kingplusplusplease anyone noticed firefox dones't allow saving password on Xubuntu, the save password flashes and viola its gone how can i fix this?00:33
kingplusplusplease how do i fix the audio of my Xubuntu, i wasn't able to edit the volume so i typed alsamixer and increased all options is there a way to make it better because now i am get a tone coming up if the volume is 50% high00:59
fibz_internal sound cards absorb a lot of RFI/EMI, also check your cabling, loosing connections or old/bad cables will cause this as well. also clean up your cabling, interferences jumps between cables. use terminators to help absolrb some of the noise. also if you have a pre-amp control in your alsamixer, turn that down, pre-amp shouldnt be set too high01:34
Psil0Cybinhey guys I am using Xubuntu 12.04 and I am trying to get my screen to dim after idle for 12 seconds, but it does not dim...what can i do to attempt to fix trhis issue02:04
Psil0CybinHey guys sorry I am trying to get my Xubuntu to dim on inactivity my screen using xfce power manager but it seems to not dim at all02:09
=== Poisoned_Dragon_ is now known as Poisoned_Dragon
fibz_broke my tab key binding. Tab works for Alt+Tab switching, but all other functions provided by tab (cycling through cells and input boxes, autocomplete, indenting text and so on) any idea how to fix this?03:07
fibz_problem started after i changed the keyboard shortcut for window resize (changed to alt+1)03:07
holsteinfibz_: you can always blow out your user config and get "default"03:09
fibz_where is it located?03:09
holsteinfibz_: it depends on what you want to remove.. or reset03:10
holsteinfibz_: somewhere in your /home should be all you are looking for03:10
fibz_i dont know what i broke. i am in ./config and not sure where to go from here03:10
holsteinfibz_: then, move the entire thing03:11
holsteinfibz_: test.. then, put back what you want/need03:11
fibz_deleted /home/user/.config/xfce4/ and that fixed it03:27
fibz_thanks holstein03:27
holsteinfibz_: cheers!03:27
Psil0CybinAnyone know how I can diagnose a xfce4-power-manager issue? I cannot get the dim setting to work on my laptop Lenovo G70005:31
NoskcajPsil0Cybin, while not actually diagnosing it, ubuntu-bug xfce4-power-manager would help track down this issue05:35
Psil0CybinNoskcaj, I am kinda new to the process of filing bugs how would I go about doing this?05:39
Psil0Cybinnvm Noskcaj I am doing that now05:40
Noskcajalso, what version of xubuntu do you have?05:43
NoskcajPsil0Cybin, I think it's a bug i fixed in xubuntu 14.0405:45
Psil0CybinNoskcaj, I am using Xubuntu 12.04 LTS.http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2208549 is my thread on the forums05:46
NoskcajIt's bug 1067749 that you have i think05:48
ubottubug 1067749 in xfce4-power-manager (Debian) "Screen refuses to dim on battery" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106774905:48
NoskcajPsil0Cybin, If you're able to, upgrade to 14.04 (we just released beta 1). If not, i can try and make the patch work in precise if you really need it.05:56
Psil0CybinI do not "really" need it, but I would love to learn how to fix this issue and perhaps patch it without adding a PPA? Or doing it manually?06:00
Psil0CybinIs this a difficult task? I am fairly new, but hate adding PPA's as they cause problems later on06:00
Noskcajwell patching it is doing it manually06:00
Noskcajbut you could make the .deb yourself fairly easily.06:01
tsaavikanyone having font issues since the last xubuntu chrome/nvidia/gtk upgrade?06:02
Noskcajtsaavik, That's a lot of different options. Maybe try looking at bug reports for the various packages you mentioned?06:04
tsaavikYeah, been stalking around, no luck so far06:09
tsaavikI pushed the upgrade button and rebooted and WHAM, helvicta is BOLD and almost unreadable :(06:09
tsaavikeven tried hacking up a custom.css to remap helvetica in chrome, but no dice06:10
tsaavikMaybe I can hold out another month for 14.04 :\06:10
Noskcajtsaavik, It's fairly safe to upgrade to 14.04 now06:11
tsaavikAh cool, i'll keep that as an option :D06:16
AussieUpOverTrying to install drivers for my Brother HL-3150CDN on xubuntu 14.04, it seems to list a wide range of Brother printer drivers in xubuntu but misses out the one I need (Which is just typical for me). On the Brother Linux Drivers page now & it seems the drivers from there won't install. Got any tips?08:13
CrypticByteQuestion guys when I run wow64 bit the mouse cursor looks fine but game crashes before it opens, if I run wow 32 bit game works perfectly but the mouse is gray.  What could be causing this?08:21
AussieUpOverNot running it in windows that's what. I can't get it going either.08:23
CrypticByteWorks perfectly using Ubuntu with Unity, OpenSUSE, just cant seem to get it running right with any buntu distro that doesn't use Unity08:24
CrypticByteQuestion guys when I run wow64 bit the mouse cursor looks fine but game crashes before it opens, if I run wow 32 bit game works perfectly but the mouse is gray.  What could be causing this?08:37
xubuntu631Hi there. I am really impressed of the Beta 14.04 Xubuntu, and I am wondering, if I install the Beta 1, will this be updated all the way to final? Or should I make a new install after final is released?08:44
elfyxubuntu631: update it and it will be08:46
xubuntu631elfy: ....it will be.... updated until final? :-)08:48
CrypticByteon that 14.04 xubuntu can you still get the non free ATI drivers?08:49
elfyxubuntu631: if you update - then you'll have the final08:50
elfyCrypticByte: no idea - don't use ATI cards08:50
bazhangfglrx are the proprietary ones08:51
bazhangperhaps he means "radeon"08:51
CrypticBytewell I'm going to make a post on Winehq website about the gray mouse cursor but I fixed the problem08:51
elfylol - like I said - no idea :p08:51
elfyCrypticByte: look on packages.ubuntu.com08:51
CrypticByteIt was in fact a 32bit lib that was missing but doing sudo apt-get install ia32-libs fixed the problem08:51
bazhangCrypticByte, they have a channel here on freenode08:52
elfyno ia32-libs in trusty08:52
CrypticBytetrusty, whats that08:53
CrypticByteI'm just learning linux :P08:53
bazhangrelease next month08:53
bazhangas in 4th month 14 (2014)08:53
CrypticByteso they will no longer be a ia32-libs thats crazy08:53
bazhangyou wont need it08:54
CrypticByteI needed it now, what they do so differently next month08:54
bazhangneed it for what08:54
bazhang!find ia3208:54
ubottuFound: grub-efi-ia32, grub-efi-ia32-bin, grub-efi-ia32-dbg, lsb-core, lsb-cxx, lsb-desktop, lsb-graphics, lsb-languages, lsb-multimedia, lsb-printing (and 2 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ia32&searchon=names&suite=saucy&section=all08:54
CrypticByteworld of warcraft to get the mouse cursor working, only way I found that it works08:55
bazhangwhat version you on08:55
CrypticByteversion of what08:55
bazhanglsb_release -a in the terminal08:56
CrypticByteI'm on Mint currently I been debating on switching over08:56
bazhanguh thats not supported08:56
bazhangirc.spotchat for linuxmint help08:57
xubuntu329Greetings all. In need of some urgent help. After I login, I get no response. Luckily, synapse still functions so I was able to pull up the browser. Otherwise, I have either a grey screen or a nlank wallpaper. Non of the basic desktop loads, not even the toolbar up top.11:00
xubuntu329I was sticking to 13.04 for this concern. But decided to uprgrade since its always bugging me about it, and, many 13.04 packages are no longer updated, etc.11:03
xubuntu392Slve a TUTTI11:10
xubuntu392qualcuno parla italiano11:11
fibz__delete you /home/user/.config11:11
xubuntu329I'll try it...11:13
v1adimirapt-get install -f maybe, to begin with11:14
xubuntu329hmm...nope...seems to have no effect11:16
xubuntu329 Was literally functioning fine 10 minutes ago11:17
xubuntu329Now, I'm completely "greyed out". If I minimize a window, its gone. considering trying fibz___ suggestion11:18
v1adimirif a new user might help, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto11:20
v1adimirbut, this is doubtful..:)11:20
xubuntu329This is a new problem, that is for certain. First time for everything as they say.11:21
v1adimiryeah xD11:23
xubuntu329Can't even access folders...this is nuts11:24
v1adimirxubuntu329: but, did you sudo apt-get autoclean ; sudo apt-get autoremove ; sudo apt-get clean b4 trying to apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade11:24
v1adimir.. and check if old sources are disabled.11:24
v1adimirmaybe it's just something simple :-f11:25
xubuntu329I din't run any terminal commands after install. No clue as to what this issue is. I've seen the no wallpaper hissy fits..but I can't even use my machine. Thanks to synapse, I am able to workaround some.11:26
xubuntu329going to reboot...fingers crossed. Thanks for the assistance.11:29
xubuntu152Rebooted to same predicament11:33
xubuntu152Think I should just wipe the HDD and fresh install 13.04?11:34
meeseeki thought light-locker is replacing xscreensaver, but latest trusty still uses it for locking13:25
meeseekwhats up with that13:25
TheSheepit's not ready yet13:26
meeseekTheSheep, ok. just making sure it's not a bug on my end. im running the daily iso.13:29
any_chaosHallo ich habe ein Problem mit meinem System, ich kann mich als Gast bei einer xfce Sitzung anmelden, nur wenn ich mich mit meinem Konto anmelde komme ich direkt zur Anmeldemaske zurück. Das Passwort ist richtig eingegeben. Kann mir bitte jemand helfen?14:42
ubottuany_chaos,: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!14:42
cubed_rooti tried install gnome using sudo apt-get install gnome-shell, the installation seemed to run successfully, but after logout and restart i'm not seeing the gnome options in the login window15:47
holsteincubed_root: under the session selection15:50
cubed_rooti think that's what i'm talking about:  after install i just see xubuntu and xfce15:51
holsteinhttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/12/upgrade-gnome-3-10-ubuntu-13-10 should be relevant.. though, you may not want the PPA's15:51
holsteinubuntu-gnome-desktop is what they suggest. but, i havent tried it15:53
holsteinyou should be able to just add gnome, and select it15:53
cubed_rootwhat are ppa's again?15:53
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge15:53
holsteini can say, i have installed gnome, and experienced issues15:54
cubed_rooti might leave it alone for now as this is a laptop i use alot15:55
holsteincubed_root: you can always try it in virtualbox, or a live CD :)15:55
cubed_rootactually i've installed it on an older laptop and like it, but i want to try using it for a couple hours to see if i like enough to switch15:56
cubed_root...i want to try doing work on it15:57
holsteincubed_root: you can.. the PPA is probably a good idea at that point15:58
cubed_rootholstein: were your gnome issues with hardware or with having xubuntu also installed16:00
Robertinhoconversaria em portugues?22:08
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.22:08
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=== Guest95629 is now known as Noskcaj
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zukeprimexubuntu 14.04 Beta 1:  still has xscreensaver.  Is that intentional? Don't see lightlocker settings anywhere23:42
fibz_best 14.04 support can be found in #ubuntu+123:45
zukeprimecool thanks fibz_23:45

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