C|aymore | Hi, installed 14.04 beta1 and there is no sound. Is this a known issue? | 01:59 |
fred`` | which soundcard ? :D | 01:59 |
fred`` | lspci | 02:00 |
ROPA | im running 4 installs of 14.04 Xubuntu on 2 different systems, and Im LOVING it!!! Even the wireless hotkey works (on dell laptop) and someone fixed the dell driver problem so the wireless now works without any mods. THANKS!!!! | 02:06 |
C|aymore | cheers fred. Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) | 02:08 |
lotuspsychje | im having issues to login after messing with lightdm.conf disabling guest login and hide usernames, any clues? | 04:42 |
karra | bluetooth ftp problem is solved in 14.04 ? | 05:55 |
ggreer | so I have a weird problem. I upgraded to 14.04 and ssh-agent starts up | 07:13 |
ggreer | and it starts up after gnome-keychain, so it breaks my normal ssh passphrase unlocking | 07:13 |
ggreer | I'm not sure what starts it. I'll look into it more later, but I was curious if it was a known issue or what | 07:14 |
ggreer | the parent process is upstart, so that doesn't tell me much :/ | 07:14 |
ggreer | also, it seems to be non-deterministic. it affects me about half the time if I reboot | 07:15 |
ggreer | anyhoo, grabbing coffee | 07:16 |
exalt | Hello i experience lockups, a switch from tty 7 to tty 1-6 and back to tty 7 fixes | 08:26 |
exalt | so its not much trouble, but can be frustrating | 08:26 |
antagomir | my locales are not working properly now after fresh ubuntu 14.10 installation | 10:22 |
antagomir | tried all sorts of fixes already | 10:22 |
xsacha | antagomir: 14.10 already? | 10:34 |
bekks | xsacha: Development for 14.10 hasnt even started yet. | 10:42 |
antagomir | xsacha sorry 14.04 | 10:42 |
antagomir | how to edit what i have in /usr/bin/locale | 10:43 |
antagomir | it seems that some of my settings are without quotes: LANGUAGE=fi_FI.UTF-8 while it seems quotes should be threre. This is probably since these variables were originally missing, and I have tried all sorts of tricks to add them there | 10:44 |
nikolam | ckserv identify komitebeuzetamara | 10:52 |
glitsj16 | antagomir: have you followed instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale to set things up? | 10:57 |
antagomir | Yes. Now I managed to fix it after adding export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8; export LANG=en_US.UTF-8; export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 in my .bashrc file, then running locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 && sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales. | 11:00 |
antagomir | The problem was that previously I tried to use fi_FI in the exports | 11:00 |
antagomir | that did not work | 11:01 |
xyzaffa1r | I have installed Ubuntu 14.04 trusty what ever earlier today, but I noticed I have the saucy salamander art work, is the trusty what ever not out yet? | 11:03 |
glitsj16 | xyzaffa1r: i think the 14.04 artwork will be added soon, things like the wallpaper contest etc. are still moving along so it's normal for you to still see saucy labeled stuff | 11:10 |
xyzaffa1r | Ok thank you | 11:11 |
xyzaffa1r | I have noticed a lot of improvments all ready over saucy, and even 12.04 | 11:11 |
xyzaffa1r | Thinks are running a lot smoother | 11:12 |
xsacha | biggest benefit for me has been the video drivers | 11:14 |
xyzaffa1r | Every thing exept meincraft is better, but that seems to be on the meincraft side | 11:17 |
BluesKaj | Howdy folks | 12:17 |
ActionParsnip | Hey guys is Ubuntu Gnome 14.04 LTS too? | 14:06 |
BluesKaj | ActionParsnip, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/01/gnome-3-10-install-in-ubuntu-14-04-lts | 14:13 |
ActionParsnip | BluesKaj: was thinking default no Unity or Compiz is all | 14:14 |
ActionParsnip | Just found #ubuntu-gnome :-) | 14:15 |
BluesKaj | right ActionParsnip, that would be the place to find out :) | 14:21 |
ActionParsnip | Already there dude | 14:21 |
ActionParsnip | Timed new hdd for the release, new 2Tb for /var swap and /home and a new 8Gb SSD for /. | 14:28 |
ggreer | 8GB SSD? | 14:35 |
ggreer | that's really small | 14:35 |
ActionParsnip | My / is currently 4Gb used, so no its double the size I need. Not small at all | 14:36 |
ggreer | smaller SSDs are also likely to be slower | 14:37 |
ggreer | since they can't parallelize access across multiple flash modules | 14:37 |
ActionParsnip | Well its still an SSD over a platter based storage. And its cheap | 14:40 |
ActionParsnip | Ggreer: http://www.techpowerup.com/mobile/196332/mach-xtreme-technology-unveils-postage-stamp-sized-diy-series-ssd.html | 14:42 |
ActionParsnip | Seems ok to me | 14:42 |
penguin42 | neat; although note it's giving the bandwidth specs there for the largest module | 14:43 |
ActionParsnip | Still sweet | 14:43 |
ggreer | no TRIM? | 14:44 |
ggreer | http://www.mx-technology.com/en/product/ssd2.php?sid=36#fragment-2 | 14:44 |
ggreer | Max. Read PerformanceUp to 85 [MLC] MB/s* | 14:44 |
ggreer | Max. Write PerformanceUp to 20 [MLC] MB/s* | 14:44 |
ggreer | for the 8GB version | 14:44 |
ActionParsnip | Plus /var on a diferent drive should make things groovy | 14:44 |
ggreer | how much does it cost? I can't find any concrete prices | 14:45 |
ActionParsnip | Ebay was £20 | 14:45 |
ggreer | ah, neat | 14:45 |
ggreer | http://abughrai.be/pics/Screenshot%20from%202014-03-02%2006_48_19.png | 14:53 |
ggreer | that's from an intel x25-m G2. it's about 4 years old | 14:53 |
xsacha | i have that same ssd | 14:54 |
ggreer | I like it | 14:54 |
xsacha | me too! | 14:55 |
xsacha | i ran the intel ssd toolkit and it says health: 98% which is pretty nice after 4 years of heavy use | 14:55 |
xsacha | 5800 hours it has logged | 14:55 |
ggreer | I got a first-gen 80GB x25-m back in 2009. since then, any computer without an SSD has felt broken | 14:57 |
xsacha | what benchmark app was that? | 14:58 |
ActionParsnip | The drive will rarely change once setup. Its largely just a file server and SSH endpoint for tunnels | 14:59 |
ggreer | just the disks util that comes with ubuntu | 15:00 |
ggreer | make sure you have write benchmarking turned off | 15:00 |
ggreer | otherwise you'll totally ruin your partitions | 15:00 |
ggreer | seriously, that program shouldn't be installed by default. not only does it not let you format USB drives, but it makes it really really easy to corrupt your disk (including windows partitions or whatever) | 15:01 |
xsacha | oh ok | 15:02 |
xsacha | well no windows drives or usb drives here so should be fine | 15:02 |
xsacha | why does it want to unmount the drive to test it? :( | 15:04 |
xsacha | http://i.imgur.com/vKkR3gn.png | 15:05 |
ActionParsnip | Xsacha: so that it isnt used, for accuracy | 15:22 |
xsacha | k | 15:22 |
bublik007 | If I install 14.04 beta can I update to final when it comes out simply by doing apt get update apt get upgrade or is it still advisable to do a clean install? | 15:50 |
jtaylor | you can upgrade | 15:51 |
bublik007 | Without any issues right? | 15:52 |
jtaylor | thats not guaranteed | 15:54 |
bublik007 | How stable is the current build? | 15:54 |
penguin42 | seems ok | 15:54 |
jtaylor | ok, been using it for a few weeks with only minor issues | 15:54 |
bublik007 | What kind of issues? | 15:54 |
stefg | bublik007: /IF/ you have issues (after upgrading to the final release) , it's wise to reinstall from a known good point (release). If everything works fine -> no need to worry. A release is nothing more than a given point in time at which all packages should be in a usable state. | 15:56 |
xsacha | minor issues like: it gives me a popup saying something crashed every time i login after a reboot | 15:57 |
xsacha | the crash reporter sometimes goes in loops | 15:57 |
bublik007 | I understand I just know it's recommended to do a clean install every time a new version is released. I was wondering if the procedure changes if I use beta | 15:58 |
stefg | bublik007: the betas evolve into release as the release evolves over time with its updates. The only thing could be that a buggy package has broken pre-install/post-install script in it that breaks something that the fixed package doesn't repair. | 16:00 |
bublik007 | Wasn't ubuntu thinking of switching to a rolling distro. I'll miss the not having to do clean installs every time coming from debian :( | 16:01 |
stefg | BTW, i'm looking for an official trusty beta one... why is there none? | 16:02 |
ActionParsnip | bublik007: i dont think it will be rolling. If you want rolling then switch to Debian | 16:10 |
bublik007 | Wow you're an asshat in both channels. | 16:11 |
ActionParsnip | bublik007: how is maintaining channel policy being an asshat? | 16:11 |
ActionParsnip | bublik007: and how is advising an alternative distro if you want a rolling release being an asshat? | 16:12 |
bublik007 | I just asked about it because I read it could be heading that way | 16:12 |
bublik007 | I realize I can just use debian. Thanks for the insightful responses | 16:13 |
ActionParsnip | bublik007: sobwas i being an asshat? | 16:13 |
ActionParsnip | So was* | 16:14 |
xsacha | you could use any source-based distro too | 16:14 |
xsacha | where you build each component from source as you go, .. rolling :) | 16:14 |
ActionParsnip | xsacha: its deb based so will be familiar, but yes absolutely | 16:14 |
ActionParsnip | bublik007: can you answer my question please? | 16:16 |
bublik007 | I already did | 16:16 |
bublik007 | Are you going to ban me now for being honest? | 16:16 |
ActionParsnip | bublik007: im not an op | 16:16 |
bublik007 | I wonder why | 16:17 |
xsacha | ergo, chanserv will ban you for being honest instead :P | 16:17 |
ActionParsnip | bublik007: next time you get flustered. Try calming down before throwing insults around. | 16:17 |
ActionParsnip | bublik007: youll look less foolish | 16:17 |
bublik007 | Flustered? Why don't you just try helping people without sounding like an arrogant prick | 16:20 |
bublik007 | If you have nothing informative to say then just don't type | 16:20 |
ActionParsnip | bublik007: i wasnt. I was upholding channel policy. No prickness there | 16:20 |
ActionParsnip | bublik007: then I suggested Debian which was informative | 16:20 |
bublik007 | I mentioned earlier that I already do run debian | 16:21 |
ActionParsnip | bublik007: ok then | 16:21 |
bublik007 | Thanks for chiming in | 16:21 |
ActionParsnip | bublik007: if i can advise i will :-) | 16:22 |
mattv | cant get steam installed on a fresh install of 14.04 | 16:43 |
mattv | getting error Couldn't set up the Steam Runtime. Are you running low on disk space? | 16:44 |
mattv | and You are missing the following 32-bit libraries, and Steam may not run: | 16:45 |
mattv | <mattv> libc.so.6 | 16:45 |
mattv | any ideas? | 16:45 |
penguin42 | do you have the 32bit libc installed? | 16:46 |
mattv | whats the exact name of the file? ill look | 16:46 |
* penguin42 doesn't have them installed - try installing libc6:i386 | 16:47 | |
penguin42 | (or is it :i686 I cna't remember) | 16:47 |
mattv | dell@olddell:~/Downloads$ apt-cache policy libc6:i386 | 16:48 |
mattv | libc6:i386: | 16:48 |
mattv | Installed: 2.19-0ubuntu2 | 16:48 |
mattv | Candidate: 2.19-0ubuntu2 | 16:48 |
penguin42 | sounds right | 16:49 |
mattv | so thats not the culprit | 16:52 |
penguin42 | mattv: Find the stream binary, use ldd on it to see what shared libs it's missing | 16:53 |
mattv | you mean the steam.sh? | 16:54 |
penguin42 | no, the actual binary | 16:55 |
mattv | so this is weird | 17:04 |
mattv | libc.so.6 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 | 17:05 |
mattv | if i look there it shows it | 17:05 |
penguin42 | ok, that's good | 17:06 |
penguin42 | does ldd show any other things? | 17:06 |
mattv | yeah ill have to pastebin | 17:07 |
penguin42 | sure | 17:07 |
mattv | http://pastebin.com/ME2dCXmV | 17:09 |
penguin42 | yeh that looks all good | 17:10 |
penguin42 | (wth does it want libXdmcp for?!) | 17:11 |
mattv | what are the permissions on those steam files supposed to be because i couldnt look at it from gul | 17:11 |
* penguin42 doesn't steam | 17:12 | |
mattv | says owner is user #1002 | 17:13 |
mattv | heres the permissions of the steam folder | 17:20 |
mattv | http://pastebin.com/ceyQtanF | 17:20 |
siavoshkc | I downloaded x86 image | 17:33 |
siavoshkc | use unetbootin to put it in a flash | 17:33 |
siavoshkc | now pc says boot error | 17:34 |
siavoshkc | my pc has no cd-rom | 17:34 |
siavoshkc | so I have to use USB flash | 17:34 |
BluesKaj | EFI mode ? | 17:36 |
penguin42 | you can write the image direct with dd these days - just be careful to get the right device | 17:38 |
siavoshkc | Your warning just reminded me how I ruined my hdd last time | 17:40 |
siavoshkc | EFI mode? ME? no | 17:40 |
BluesKaj | do you have the USB as first in the boot sequence, siavoshkc ? | 17:41 |
siavoshkc | yes | 17:41 |
* penguin42 peers closely at a tiny rendering oddity on the progress bar on the installer - and it's gone | 17:45 | |
BluesKaj | siavoshkc, what about secure boot , enabled or disabled ? | 17:47 |
siavoshkc | As suggested I used w32di | 17:48 |
siavoshkc | it worked | 17:48 |
siavoshkc | now i look stupid because it was gentoo | 17:48 |
siavoshkc | wrong image | 17:48 |
BluesKaj | oops :) | 17:51 |
penguin42 | current trusty Unity image is broken in a vm - compiz reliably crashes on login starting a terminal | 18:02 |
siavoshkc | Made it right now installing, thanks | 18:09 |
penguin42 | bizarre, doing ubuntu-bug on the crash file complains I don't have enough free memory in my vm to report it | 18:32 |
penguin42 | still doesn't with 4GB RAM | 18:33 |
penguin42 | oh it's a core dump limit issue | 18:36 |
penguin42 | hmm maybe not | 18:36 |
penguin42 | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1055166 is apparently what I'm hitting | 18:44 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1055166 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in memmove() from drisw_update_tex_buffer() from dri_set_tex_buffer2() from operator() from compiz::opengl::bindTexImageGLX() from ... from unity::UnityWindow::DrawWindowDecoration" [High,Triaged] | 18:44 |
penguin42 | apparently it was set as High in 2012 - but now makes Trusty DOA | 18:45 |
mdik | hi. i was about to install the beta, but then read the known issues and several would apply to me. would you say it is reasonable to wait for beta2? | 18:56 |
mdik | (i can't assess how straightforward the fixing of these bugs will be) | 18:57 |
mikemonk | hi guys, do you know how stable is 14.04 by now? would you consider it a daily driver for a personal workstation? | 18:57 |
mdik | mikemonk: have a look at the already known issues | 18:58 |
mikemonk | mdik: good point... not yet in detail.. should have done my research | 18:59 |
mdik | (also this decision is dependend on how well your backup strategy is and how depended you are on certain pieces of software (say, the printing system breaks, would this be a show-stopper for you?)) | 18:59 |
mikemonk | mdik: right... let me check it in detail decide from there, and be back if I have any questions, thanks! | 19:01 |
mdik | np (just here to ask questions myself C-: ) | 19:05 |
mikemonk | :) | 19:11 |
=== ryanakca_ is now known as ryanakca | ||
Bublik2002 | i tried right clicking on an app to switch move it to a different workspace but its not working for some reason | 20:36 |
Bublik2002 | anyone else having bugs in 14.04 with workspaces in unity? | 20:47 |
DJones | Bublik2002: Just tested that and it worked ok for me | 20:48 |
Bublik2002 | weird it wouldnt switch programs from one workspace to another for me | 20:48 |
Bublik2002 | when i clicked on the workspace switcher to drag it over the computer froze :( | 20:48 |
Bublik2002 | anyone know how to make the unity panel auto hide? | 22:08 |
Daekdroom | Hm. Does anyone know what are the necessary gstreamer packages for H264 support in Trusty? | 23:55 |
Daekdroom | I found info that gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg was necessary for 13.10, but that package no longer exists in Trusty. | 23:56 |
Daekdroom | Hm. There is gstreamer1.0-libav but no gstreamer0.10-libav, that must be why. | 23:58 |
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