
xnoxArchive Admins: please decruft unity8-desktop-session on arm64/powerpc/ppc64el.09:30
xnoxseb128: ^09:30
seb128xnox, k09:31
seb128oh, right, I see what you mean09:32
seb128xnox, done, let's see if that makes britney happy09:36
seb128xnox, bregma: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8-desktop-session -> it's in the release pocket now10:49
Laneythat still wants to install libhybris :(10:56
xnoxLaney: and it needs a custom ppa to run anyway....11:14
mlankhorstcan I request a syncpackage for libevdev? doesn't seem to have any reverse-depends so a soname bump should be fine11:22
bregmaseb128, thanks for unblocking -- Laney the libhybris installation would go away if bug #1261935 got fixed properly in the platform-api project and xnox the PPA is required because the Mir project hasn't incorporated the fix for bug #1279092 in any of its last 3 releases12:07
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1261935 in platform-api "platform-api needs a non-NULL Desktop sensor implementation" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126193512:07
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1279092 in Mir "Nested Mir crashes with - what(): MesaNativePlatform::create_internal_client is not implemented yet!" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127909212:07
Laneybregma: The problem is that if you install libhybris then it breaks a lot of egl programs like totem12:08
xnoxRAOF: are you doing MIR releases? why above MIR fixed was not included yet?12:08
LaneyI wonder...12:10
RAOFxnox: I'm not doing Mir releases, generally; you'd be looking for duflu and/or kgunn. But that hasn't landed because it doesn't work with >1 monitor (both displays freeze rapidly)12:10
xnoxbregma: is there fix for multi monitor?12:11
xnoxbregma: i have dual screen, if you want to ssh/test12:11
bregmaxnox I am not a Mir developer I have no idea what their plans are12:11
xnoxbregma: at least it should do no harm.... and e.g. fail the unity8-desktop-session.12:12
xnoxbregma: who wrote the required mir patch?12:12
infinitymlankhorst: Done.12:14
xnoxbregma: if uniy8-desktop-session crashes mir under dual-screen or relies on external ppas, it's not fit for release or to be in the archive.12:14
mlankhorstinfinity: ty12:14
bregmaxnox, do you not mean if unity8 crashes it is not fit for the archive?12:15
xnoxbregma: unity8 package does not crash and is fit for the archive.12:21
xnoxbregma: i run it all the time, as a stand-alone app.12:21
xnoxbregma: unity8-session-desktop package however, is not fit in the archive at the moment - as the archive does not have things it depends on in the archive.12:22
xnoxbregma: (the -mir one, -x11 one is fine)12:22
xnoxbregma: RAOF: please agree and find how to fix bug 1279092, cause otherwise we can't ship unity8 desktop session on mir in trusty.12:23
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1279092 in Mir "Nested Mir crashes with - what(): MesaNativePlatform::create_internal_client is not implemented yet!" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127909212:23
xnox(... or assign/delegate someone to drive fixing it)12:24
RAOFxnox: racarr is investigating the ‘hangs with multiple outputs’ issue at the moment; it looks to be something not-treadsafe being threaded, but we're still not sure what.12:25
RAOFxnox: Once we know how to make it work, it'll land.12:26
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argesinfinity: hi. can you remove-package from quantal/precised -proposed for iproute? the package is verification-failed. thanks14:24
rtginfinity, please reject Precise intel-microcode 0.20130906-p-1ubuntu1 in the Unapproved queue. I've got a newer version at Intel's request.14:32
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cjwatsonHas anyone had a chance to consider bug 1282311 yet?  I'm almost ready to land it now, pending review16:58
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1282311 in click (Ubuntu) "[FFe] libclick" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128231116:58
LaneyI'll spend a chunk FFeing in a minute16:59
jamespageplease could the binary package for openvswitch-lts-saucy be accepted into precise-proposed17:10
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cjwatson^- not strictly required but would be nice to make the click test suite handle failures better.  feel free to apply pressure-free judgement23:26
dokocjwatson, ftbfs23:58

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