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DarthFrog | Urk! I've done something dumb. :-) I don't suppose there's anything surprising in that, mind you. During my last boot, KDE threw up a screen about all the audio devices it wanted to discard and without thinking about it, I merely clicked OK as I was absorbed in doing something else and I just wanted the bloody interfering window to go the hell away. Now, after rebooting, there are no devices for sound playback at all! There's only | 01:52 |
DarthFrog | the dummy output device. WTF? | 01:52 |
DarthFrog | Can some kind soul tell me how to get my SoundBlaster X-Fi recognised again? pavucontrol is no help. | 01:53 |
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valorie | DarthFrog: have you tried alsamixer from the cli? | 02:36 |
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DarthFrog | valorie: No. Not yet. | 03:15 |
DarthFrog | That's an excellent idea. | 03:16 |
irctc782 | I need some help with Quassel | 03:35 |
DarthFrog | !ask | 03:36 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 03:36 |
irctc782 | Quassel randomly stops showing up, it works but it just stops showing up after some weird glitch | 03:37 |
irctc782 | I'm using Ubuntu though so maybe Compiz is at fault, but no windows pop up when I kill Compiz | 03:37 |
irctc782 | I'd have to delete ALL of my data from Quassel JUST for it to show up again! | 03:38 |
irctc782 | What is going on? | 03:38 |
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jargon | how do i solve this problem without network access? i tried downloading the .deb suggested in the Solution, copy to thumb drive then copy to the networkless laptop with no wifi drivers. now Package Installer is whining about Unsatisfied dependencies. meanwhile,the download site mentioned no dependencies. https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-nettool/+question/198758#comment-6 ... | 09:54 |
jargon | ... http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/i386/linux-backports-modules-cw-3.6-quantal-generic/download | 09:54 |
ikonia | jargon: please don't cross-paste your questions, it's boarderline spam | 09:54 |
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BluesKaj | Hey folks | 11:53 |
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* cvfdfdf saluda!! | 15:07 | |
DarthFrog | To restore deleted sound devices in KDE, delete ~/.kde/share/config/phonondevicesrc and delete ~/.pulse. Then restart KDE. | 16:00 |
Dan_D | How do I write and boot from the Kubuntu disk image? I wrote it, from Xubuntu, using the startup disk creator. I then boot from the USB stick with the bios, but the screen stays black and nothing happens. I left it this way for half an hour before I gave up. Solutions?: | 17:07 |
Dan_D | Hello??? | 17:12 |
DarthFrog | Dan_D: Hi. | 17:17 |
Dan_D | Hello | 17:17 |
BluesKaj | Dan_D, di you setup your BIOS to boot from usb? | 17:17 |
Dan_D | Yep | 17:18 |
Dan_D | I have done it successfully before with the Xubuntu image | 17:18 |
Dan_D | Is there a command line way of doing it? I feel that would be more reliable. | 17:18 |
DarthFrog | Did you verify the integrity of the ISO image before burning it to the thumbdrive? | 17:19 |
BluesKaj | Dan_D, does your machine use UEFI? | 17:19 |
safridzal | I just restart after upgrading to kubuntu 14.04, and I already have a problem. I cannot play any videos on this new system. Smplayer, VLC, even mplayer from konsole resulting auto logoff.. any suggestion? | 17:19 |
Dan_D | I do not know BluesKaj, DarthFrog I did do the mdsum thing | 17:19 |
DarthFrog | Dan_D: when you say you've been previously successful, do you mean on this same machine? | 17:20 |
DarthFrog | i.e. same hardware | 17:20 |
Dan_D | Yes. | 17:20 |
BluesKaj | there's an EFI option in the bios if your machine is newer than 2010 | 17:20 |
Dan_D | I did it by command line last time, cannot remember what commands though. | 17:20 |
DarthFrog | Dan_D: I would do it by "dd if=<ISO image name> of=/dev/sdb" if the thumbdrive is /dev/sdb. | 17:22 |
Dan_D | Ok | 17:22 |
Dan_D | How do I find out what the thumbdrive is | 17:22 |
Dan_D | The name I mean | 17:23 |
Dan_D | Also I will need to format it. | 17:23 |
DarthFrog | unplug it. Issue the "dmesg" command. note the last line. Plug it in and see what dmesg says. | 17:23 |
Dan_D | Ok | 17:23 |
DarthFrog | No you will not. | 17:23 |
Dan_D | Oh ok. | 17:23 |
DarthFrog | the ISO image already contains a file system. | 17:23 |
Dan_D | Cool | 17:24 |
DarthFrog | You do not want to mount the thumbdrive. Also, "dd" will blow away anything already on the drive. | 17:24 |
Dan_D | OIk | 17:24 |
Dan_D | How do I avoid mounting it | 17:24 |
Dan_D | ? | 17:24 |
DarthFrog | If that doesn't work, I guarantee double your money back. :-) | 17:25 |
Dan_D | Ok | 17:25 |
Dan_D | Does this sound like the device name? [ 1125.858652] scsi5 : usb-storage 1-1:1.0 | 17:25 |
Dan_D | Or [ 1126.856819] scsi 5:0:0:0: Direct-Access Verbatim STORE N GO 1.0 PQ: 0 ANSI: 2 | 17:25 |
DarthFrog | Just stick the drive in and issue the dd command. Be *very* careful that you identify which device it is cuz if you get it wrong, you can overwrite something you'd rather have not overwritten. | 17:26 |
Dan_D | Ok | 17:26 |
DarthFrog | No. dmesg will tell you /dev/sd<something or other> | 17:26 |
Dan_D | Ok | 17:26 |
Dan_D | There are so many things dmesg is saying I am finding it hard to see anything that is /dev/sd<blahblah> | 17:28 |
DarthFrog | It'll be at the bottom after you plug in the thumbdrive. | 17:29 |
Dan_D | Ok | 17:29 |
Dan_D | Very bottom? | 17:29 |
Dan_D | This is the bottom thing: [ 1328.461008] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk | 17:29 |
DarthFrog | Yes. | 17:29 |
DarthFrog | Last screen. | 17:29 |
DarthFrog | there you go, /dev/sdb | 17:29 |
Dan_D | Ah, thanks | 17:29 |
Dan_D | SO: dd if=kubuntu-13.10-desktop-i386.iso of=/dev/sdb is the command I want? | 17:30 |
Dan_D | Also, if it works, will it overwrite my hard drive when I install kubuntu? I DO want it to ideally. | 17:31 |
Dan_D | I mean the whole hard disk in my machine. | 17:32 |
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Dan_D | DarthFrog, I ran dd if=kubuntu-13.10-desktop-i386.iso of=/dev/sdb in the directory, it said it needed root privs.SO I did sudo dd if=kubuntu-13.10-desktop-i386.iso of=/dev/sdb and entered my password. Nothing is happening, or am I just impatient? | 17:34 |
DarthFrog | Wait. | 17:37 |
Dan_D | Ok | 17:37 |
Dan_D | Ok, it is finished DarthFrog. I should now try booting from it? | 17:40 |
DarthFrog | Up to you. | 17:40 |
Dan_D | Thanks for the help! | 17:40 |
DarthFrog | If it works, you're welcome. If it doesn't, I deny any knowledge. :-) | 17:41 |
DarthFrog | BTW, what's your end goal here? | 17:41 |
BluesKaj | he left | 17:49 |
safridzal | I just restart after upgrading to kubuntu 14.04, and I already have a problem. I cannot play any videos on this new system. playing video using Smplayer, VLC, even mplayer from konsole resulting auto logoff.. fglrx is installed and working. wobbly windows, game, runs well. but not videos. any suggestion? | 17:49 |
BluesKaj | safridzal, install kubuntu-restricted-extras | 17:49 |
DarthFrog | BluesKaj: My internet connection has been as slow as pouring molasses in a polar vortex for the past day. :-( I have severe lag. | 17:49 |
DarthFrog | Shaw is not my friend right now. | 17:50 |
BluesKaj | hey DarthFrog, bummer.... must servicing the servers | 17:50 |
BluesKaj | be | 17:50 |
BluesKaj | bell just shuts our switch off here , without any warning when servicing | 17:51 |
DarthFrog | BluesKaj: I'm waiting for a call-back from their tech support. | 17:51 |
BluesKaj | lag here is 54ms | 17:51 |
DarthFrog | Lovely. I'm getting ping times of over 2 seconds to the Shaw network. | 17:51 |
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olimazi | does kubuntu support UEFI installation? | 18:12 |
olimazi | anyone ever try it... | 18:13 |
Dan_D | Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. The Kubuntu install keeps on failing with an error. It says it is most commonly caused by a faulty disk. However, I was not getting any errors while running the OS I used to have on it (Xubuntu). So now... my computer is screwed up (no OS on it at all) and I cannot install one (Kubuntu won't install) | 18:14 |
Dan_D | This is being posted from a different Windows computer by the way. | 18:14 |
Dan_D | And I need the computer tomorrow for school. I have at least backed up all my schoolwork. | 18:15 |
Dan_D | Help anyone? | 18:16 |
lordievader | Dan_D: Have you tried Unetbootin? | 18:17 |
Dan_D | What is that? | 18:17 |
Dan_D | If it is an installable program, then no. | 18:17 |
lordievader | Dan_D: Unetbootin is a tool for making live-usb sticks: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ | 18:18 |
Dan_D | I did it by command line from Xubuntu | 18:18 |
Dan_D | The 'Try Kubuntu' option works, but installing fails with a hard disk error | 18:18 |
lordievader | Dan_D: Did what? | 18:19 |
Dan_D | I wrote the .iso to usb stick with command line. | 18:19 |
lordievader | Dan_D: Should work, but I have bad experience with it. Unetbootin works usually for me. | 18:20 |
Dan_D | Ok | 18:20 |
Dan_D | I will try it then. | 18:20 |
=== calin is now known as crucerucalin | ||
windows | hi | 18:39 |
BluesKaj | hi windows | 18:42 |
windows | hi | 18:43 |
windows | is there any way to get guvcview or cheese to work like motion security cam | 18:44 |
windows | ;) on laptop | 18:44 |
windows | I must say that after 2y of ubuntu usign kubuntu rocks this is PRO | 18:45 |
genii | windows: I don't think there's a way to get motion detection working in guvcview or cheese, but that app I directed you at in -offtopic *does* do motion detection. And if you want more like an actual CCTV system, look into ZoneMinder instead | 18:49 |
genii | !info zoneminder | 18:49 |
ubottu | zoneminder (source: zoneminder): Linux video camera security and surveillance solution. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.25.0-4ubuntu2 (saucy), package size 1845 kB, installed size 5915 kB | 18:49 |
windows | yes nice idea I can setup zoneminder server and use it XD | 18:56 |
windows | tnx | 18:56 |
genii | np | 18:57 |
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest54688 | ||
Guest54688 | hallo | 19:19 |
Guest54688 | ist jemand da? | 19:20 |
DarthFrog | !de | 19:20 |
ubottu | In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! | 19:20 |
Nek | hello guys | 19:25 |
Nek | My computer have a resolution of 3200x1800 | 19:25 |
Nek | Any tip for having something beautiful as workspace ? | 19:26 |
kubuntu_ | привет | 19:34 |
genii | !ru | kubuntu_ | 19:34 |
ubottu | kubuntu_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 19:34 |
bprompt | something beautiful as workspace? | 19:46 |
Nek | bprompt, currently, my desktop is not workable | 19:55 |
bprompt | ? | 19:56 |
Nek | bprompt, http://i.stack.imgur.com/qiELb.jpg | 19:57 |
Nek | that's my screen on ubuntu | 19:57 |
Nek | it's worse on kubuntu | 19:57 |
bprompt | hmhmmm I am not sure I follow what you mean by ..... "worse" :/ | 20:01 |
Nek | bprompt, imagine that my screen is a 15" display | 20:19 |
Nek | You can imagine that i cannot read text from a distance of 30cm of the screen | 20:20 |
Nek | And I want to be able to read from 1meter (seems legit) | 20:20 |
Nek | On ubuntu I can make fonts bigger (again too small on my screen after manipulation) | 20:21 |
bprompt | you mean the resolution is too high? | 20:21 |
Nek | yep | 20:21 |
Nek | On kubuntu I can set font higher but it doesn't work for every texts (as in ubuntu in facts) | 20:22 |
bprompt | in kubuntu you can change the resolution by "system settings" > display and monitor | 20:22 |
Nek | But on the text it works, it's readable. | 20:22 |
Nek | Problem: it brokes the entiere interface | 20:22 |
bprompt | then change your resolution | 20:27 |
genii | You can try cycling through available resolutions with ctrl-alt-<keypad + or - > | 20:35 |
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windows | kubuntu I think it will be nice if there was app for sync privete phone - pc ---- whole mobile on your PC just with linux XD | 21:11 |
acidmeltdown | hello | 21:52 |
acidmeltdown | anyone home tonight? | 21:52 |
* bprompt is not really here tonight, he's really off sleeping and couting cows | 21:53 | |
bprompt | s/cou/&n/ | 21:53 |
dougl | how do I remove a repository? | 21:55 |
dougl | ppa | 21:55 |
DarthFrog | dougl: Edit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | 21:56 |
dougl | thanks | 21:56 |
Pici | !ppapurge | also | 21:56 |
ubottu | also: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html | 21:56 |
dougl | :) | 21:59 |
dougl | thanks guys | 21:59 |
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GNURocco | Hello | 23:28 |
GNURocco | i need some help with kwin | 23:28 |
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Rocco_- | why kwin windows is opening up automatically maximized? | 23:29 |
Rocco_- | every single windows | 23:29 |
Rocco_- | i have ubuntu xfce with -kwin | 23:29 |
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