
ahoneybunknome, http://imgur.com/2mRedtA03:50
knomeahoneybun_, so... do you want me to do something for that?11:17
dsmythiesahoneybun_: Where did you get that graphic of the Tahr?16:21
dsmythiesahoneybun_: Desktop help still uses a Quetzal graphic. I have been looking for the offical Tahr graphic to use.16:32
ahoneybun_dsmythies, I made it20:04
dsmythiesahoneybun_: Oh. Can I use it, perhaps only temporarily?22:20
ahoneybun_dsmythies, sure let me set the image without a background you can use it perament if you wish :)22:22
dsmythiesahoneybun_: Thanks.23:53

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