
sarnoldm1sf1t: do you have any error messages from apt-get?00:00
m1sf1tsarnold: one sec...00:00
m1sf1tsarnold: just done apt-get update and it's downloading all the packages fine :S00:01
m1sf1tsarnold: but nslookup isn't working00:02
m1sf1tsarnold: a few have failed to fetch, but they mostly downloaded00:03
m1sf1tsarnold: it all seems to be working again now, ping ok, apt-get working. i think it might have been because i purged virtualbox00:05
sarnoldm1sf1t: check /etc/nsswitch.conf and /etc/resolv.conf files to make sure they look sane..00:05
m1sf1tsarnold: i looked in those while googling, they all seemed fine :S00:06
sarnoldm1sf1t: could be, if you want to re-install and re-configure it, you could check route -n output before and after and see what changes..00:06
m1sf1tsarnold: thanks :) i think i'll just install it on my laptop instead haha, maybe i'll think twice before messing about with my server unnecessarily00:08
sarnoldm1sf1t: haha :) not a bad idea, though it can be tempting to use a big pile of iron to solve problems00:08
m1sf1tsarnold: thanks for the advice :) appreciated00:08
m1sf1tsarnold: haha yeah, a swift kick sometimes helps00:09
sarnoldm1sf1t: have fun :)00:09
m1sf1tsarnold: right i'm off now that i've sorted that issue. it's gone midnight over here. thanks again, bye :)00:10
hallynzul: no new failures from the new libvirt00:44
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hallynzul: smb: bug 1248025 is xen, i assume one of your worthy selves will be taking a look? :)02:53
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eleziumhi ppl, I'm currently installing a home server.  I did not play with Samba since like 10 years ago.  Did it mature?  Is there any alternative as a file server?03:58
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sarnoldelezium: hrm, that sounds like a difficult question to answer; samba was already very mature ten years ago, it's the basis for many (most? nearly all?) NAS systems that have to serve windows users04:00
sarnoldelezium: so I'm curious where you felt it lacking a decade ago..04:00
sarnoldthey have added more features to allow running it as an AD master.. see e.g. http://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba_%26_Active_Directory04:01
eleziumsarnold, the configuration was messy, performance was not great... strange behavior... well, this is the result I got ... but I'm willing to try again.  (Thx for the link, but I don't need a AD... (not yet))04:02
sarnoldelezium: hehe, I was afraid it was going to be configuration. still messy. it's probably worse even, since windows has gone through more iterations and more features ...04:04
eleziumsarnold, I believe I can make it work ... only have 2 computer that will used it ...04:06
sarnoldelezium: "strange behaviour" .. I'm not sure I ever got a network of windows 95 -and- win2k machines to have passwordless access to some shares. I suspect it'll be far easier now that the horrid old windows for workgroups codebase is dead :)04:06
eleziumsarnold, haha.. yeah.. indeed, it was a win nt / 2000 / xp network mostly... but since my 2 computers are running win7.  I guess I can figure out how to make a single share (or two) to dump my files back and forth04:08
sarnoldelezium: that ought to be doable :)04:09
eleziumsarnold, if not, I ask my boss to fire me!04:09
sarnoldelezium: haha, good plan. :)04:11
eleziumsarnold, while you are there, do you know any streaming server software?  I'd like to drop music / video on that server, so I can stream them to my tab/cell/tv using UPnP (I think this is what they call it)04:12
elezium(frak.. I realise that always working with the same software, OS, I get numb with the rest)04:12
sarnoldelezium: I found minidlna to be pretty good; I found that my hardware device was picky about file formats (boo) so it didn't work as well as I would have liked..04:13
eleziumsarnold, humm... not sure if it will like hardware under ESX...04:14
sarnoldelezium: minidnla probably will do fine if it can get a multicast socket on an interface04:15
sarnoldelezium: in my case the problem was the ps3. heh.04:15
sarnoldelezium: time for me to bail, have fun :)04:16
eleziumsarnold, I see... I don't care 'bout my ps3 since my TV is a start thing that can stream (did not try it yet!)04:16
sarnoldelezium: nice :) it might also be picky about formats..04:17
sarnoldgood luck04:17
eleziumminidlna is now calledMedia Ready04:17
eleziumprobably, having one size fit all is hard...04:18
DefunctProcessok I have a very noob question, but its late and i'm afraid i just need a second look04:24
DefunctProcessI used unetbootin to put the iso on my usb stick and chose the usb stick to boot from04:25
DefunctProcessbut it just boots windows instead of ubuntu04:25
DefunctProcessI formatted the stick to fat before i used netbootin04:26
cfhowlettDefunctProcess, edit your bios to boot the USB04:27
DefunctProcessI tried and still got nothin04:27
DefunctProcessIs there anything I need to do ala setting some bootable flag or something?04:28
cfhowlettDefunctProcess, unetbootin should have done all of that for you.04:30
cfhowlettDefunctProcess, for more eyes on this problem, ask in the main #ubuntu channel04:30
SettiteHello. Can someone assist me with removing a package that failed to install properly?04:34
MavKenapt-get autoremove ?04:35
Settitei didn't think apt-get had a force command04:36
Settitewell force option04:36
DefunctProcessmaybe it doesn't i havent used ubuntu in 3 years04:38
geniiSettite: Find it's stanza in /var/lib/dpkg/status and remove the entire reference. It will be as if it was never installed04:40
SettiteWhat will happen when I go to reinstall it?04:41
geniiSettite: It will try to do it as if it has never been on the system previously.04:42
SettiteSo any remnants of it including databases will just be overwritten?04:43
freeflyinggenii: dpkg -P04:43
geniiSettite: So it will overwrite any config files it had for instance. If it failed to install the first time, maybe delete also in /var/cache/apt/archives any file which begins with the packages name04:44
genii( in case the download was corrupt)04:45
geniifreeflying: I think there's also something about reinst-required or similar....04:45
freeflyinggenii: Apt does, but you're running into issues, so before reinstall it, you better figure it out what's wrong04:47
geniiSettite: Could you pastebin the exact messages from apt when you try to install/deinstall?04:48
* genii goes and makes more coffee04:48
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wizard_Ai tried installing ubuntu-desktop on ubuntu-server but the ggui does not show up??08:03
smbhallyn, Not yet, maybe now. But wondering whether libvirt is supposed to work inside a PV guest (which I would tend to deny)08:20
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hxmhi, I have the /homes in a different partition and /var/www in the system partition, is safe or good practice to store the /var/www in a /home?09:49
ikoniahxm: /var/www is on "/var" - so you can't put /var on /home09:51
hxmwith ln -s09:52
hxmi just wonder if moving all the http virtual hosts to other place is ok09:52
ikoniawhy would you want to do that ? what benifit are you trying to get / problem are you trying to fix09:52
hxm36% used for rootfs and 0% used for /home09:53
hxmand it will increase09:53
ikoniaare you at risk of running out of space ?09:53
hxmit could happen in the future09:53
ikoniaif so change the doucmentroot settings of your apache hosts rather than use symlinks09:53
ikoniahxm: you'd probably be better served putting /var on it's own partition and/or changing the documentroot to somewhere with more space09:54
hxmthe server dedicated admin did this by default so I want to think create a different partition for the /home is a good idea09:54
ikoniaagain - not sure why you are talking about /home09:55
ikoniafrom what you have said /home is already on it's own partition09:55
ikonia /home is already on it's own partition09:56
hxmyes and it has more free space than rootfs09:57
ikoniahxm: yes, we already know this, you said earlier09:57
ikoniaapologies, I don't understand what you're asking09:57
hxmi just don't want to fill the system partition with data stored in the wrong place09:58
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ikoniaok, so I've given you two options to resolve that09:58
ikoniayou can do either/both09:58
hxmyes, thanks09:59
setrahello, I like to change the default location of .Xauthority file which is normally in $HOME/.Xauthority for a specific user group. how can this be achieved10:25
setraI tried already a lot but at time of login via ssh -X the location stays always at $HOME/.Xauthority, after login via ssh only the location is changed to what I want, but then it is to late.10:27
cocoa117the iptables MASQUERADE is only apply to private IP address range right? when I want to route IP traffic from internal network with computers on non-private IP range I don't have to use it, do i?11:21
tomixxx3hi i get "unable to install GRUB in /dev/sda": executing 'grub-install /dev/sda' failed. This is a fatal error" while iam installing ubuntu server 12.04.4 lts14:06
beisnertomixxx3, may be of help:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/143678/i-receive-the-error-grub-install-dev-sda-failed-while-attempting-to-install-u     also you might check out boot-repair:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair14:25
tomixxx3beisner: ty14:26
jamespageDaviey, could you put the normal SRU magic into https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openvswitch/+bug/126222514:54
jamespageI guess cause its a new package tools got confused14:54
tomixxx3do i need the grub boot loader? i only have ubuntu on my computer14:57
tomixxx3so, it should start automatically?14:58
tomixxx3beisner: that boot repari tool worked, ty :-)15:29
beisnertomixxx3, np.  glad you're up & running.  there are shorter/quicker/more direct ways of diagnosing and resolving, but that thing is pretty handy as an automagical 'big hammer' tool. ;)15:32
=== MalcontentMatt is now known as mjohnson15
kaffienis unebootin the most reliable way to create a bootable usb stick?15:40
kaffienfor linux that is.15:40
ubottukaffien,: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel.15:45
cfhowlettkaffien, if you prefer it, use it.  or use the alternatives.  your free choice.15:46
kaffienok then i'd like an option that will work.  Must i first format fat32 and then run unebootin?15:46
andolcfhowlett: Well, assuming a task is well defined enough, surely there is a best application then?15:46
cfhowlettandol, we have a poll channel for such discussions.15:47
kaffienok then to be specific when i am creating a bootable usb stick  within windows. Do I have to format this stick as fat32 in order for unebootin to create a proper, bootable image?15:52
andolcfhowlett: Yeah, I can easily agree that such a discussion is off topic here. Mostly reacted against the statement of there not being a best application for a given task.15:52
zuljamespage:  do you remember the sane concurrency default?16:39
jamespagezul, 416:46
smbzul, I have been looking a bit at bug 1248025. Weirdly I cannot reproduce this locally (neither HVM nor PV guest). Somehow my Saucy libvirt seems not to try doing MakeCapabilities. Should be the same versions though (if cloud0 means what I think it means (iow just a rebuild))17:42
zulsmb:  which version of xen?17:43
smbzul, Appears to me rackspace is running 4.1 outside, though since they try to install libvirt inside the guest I am not sure it matters17:44
zulsmb: *sigh*17:45
smbI would just expect the guest side to fail getting the control handle as it does for me17:45
zulcan we get a guest on their system to try it ou?17:45
smbMaybe (I have not asked, yet)17:46
zuli would ask17:47
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zuljamespage:  FFE for libvirt and libvirt-python filed18:30
zulstgraber: can you have a look at the FFE for libvirt and libvirt-python please18:49
mjohnson15_2 /msg nickserv ghost mjohnson15 JoSe4men18:49
kezuhello I have ubuntu 12.04 I have reinstalled apache and i get a page saing index of18:50
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kezuthe www folder isnt recognised and php pages dont load the browser just attempts to download them18:50
kezui think alot has been changed not sure how to get the site back up18:50
kezumaybe the www directory is different18:50
kezuand php has tobe reenabled?18:50
usr13kezu: You might also ask on #apache18:52
kezuno help there18:52
kezuasked hour ago18:52
kezui  guess they dont support ubuntu maybe18:52
usr13Oh ok.18:53
usr13Well, I could get it going, but would have to tinker a bit. YOu get used to the old ways and kinda get lost in the new ones sometimes, that's my problem anyway.18:53
kezuusr13, thanks18:54
kezuill get some sleep and try again when i wake up thanks alot18:55
usr13still there?18:57
usr13kezu  is gone... oh well18:58
MavKenI have postfix installed and have php scripts that will send out mail... other than coding the from address into my script, is there a central location to change the default from address?19:51
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Patrickdkwhere can I locate the ocfs2 kernel modules?20:55
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tom[]where's a good place to set UMASK and UMASK_DIR for the mysql service (12.04)? /etc/default ?21:41
thumperhi folks21:56
thumperwhen I installed my laptop, I did the "hey just give everything to the root partition:21:57
thumpernow I want to hack some bits off to test some btrfs bits21:57
thumperwhat is the safest way to do this?21:57
thumper/dev/sda1      ext4      426G  240G  164G  60% /21:58
thumperI'd like to grab about 60G off that21:58
thumperwithout losing any data obviously21:58
maxbthumper: Probably make a bootable Ubuntu USB stick, boot it, and use gparted22:10
thumperlast time I tried a bootable usb stick it didn't work22:10
thumperprobably me though22:10
thumperany way to resize the filesystem while mounted safely?22:11
* thumper believes we have smart system people who may have written this22:11
sarnoldthumper: don't use the gtk tool to make your usb stick; just dd the image onto the stick22:12
maxbYou can enlarge ext3/4 online, but not shrink22:12
sarnoldthumper: you can online grow ext3/ext4 with resize2fs, but shrinking requires umounting the filesystem.22:13
* thumper nods22:13
thumperneed to reboot for kernel updates anyway22:13
maxbAlso you can't have the kernel re-read the partition table of a device with mounted partitions22:13
sarnoldmaxb: oh, thanks, I hadn't heard that before22:18
maxbNeither had I until I tried to partition some unpartitioned space left unused on a semi-production system for future allocation :-/22:19
sarnoldI could see myself doing something similar22:19
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prgCoderjust rolled out my first production server with ubuntu - HAD A BALL - ALL WORKING GREAT - I love you ubuntu23:55
sarnoldprgCoder: excellent :) glad to hear it, thanks :)23:56

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