
tsdgeosSaviq: that "just remove it" it's not a good enough solution tbh09:53
tsdgeosi want to have both unity8 and unity7 installed09:53
tsdgeoswhy do i need to have two network indicators in unity7?09:53
Saviqtsdgeos, because indicator-network doesn't yet implement everything nm-applet does09:53
tsdgeosSaviq: sure, then indicator-network should be blacklisted for the desktop09:54
tsdgeosor whatever mechanism makes me not have a ugly unity7 experience09:54
tsdgeosSaviq: sent you the email with the crash-tester btw09:54
Saviqtsdgeos, thanks09:54
Saviqtsdgeos, we could potentially disable the network indicator in the desktop profile, but then unity8 on the desktop would lose it, too... I'm not sure nm-applet is good enough with unity809:55
Saviqtsdgeos, but anyway09:55
tsdgeossure, not my biggest problem :D09:55
Saviqtsdgeos, yes, my replies were more to the "I don't know where that came from"09:56
tsdgeoswas just giving my opinion09:56
Saviqrather than this is the right solution09:56
seb128tsdgeos, Saviq: you can edit /usr/share/unity/indicators/com.canonical.indicator.network and drop the desktop section, we should probably do that by default seeing the number of people complaining about it09:56
seb128then people who want to test the indicator on the desktop would need to edit to add back09:57
Saviqseb128, yeah, but as said above, is nm-applet working good enough under the desktop unity8 session?09:57
seb128but opt-in probably makes sense, most people get the indicator through other depends, not because they want to use it09:57
Saviqyeah sure09:58
seb128I've not tried it09:58
seb128but nm-applet is indicator-application09:58
seb128does that work under unity8?09:58
Saviqseb128, it does, somewhat10:01
Saviqhmm it actually seems to work fine10:02
Saviqcan't enable cellular, though10:02
Saviqhmm or maybe that's actually indicator-network in desktop profile, not nm-applet10:03
Saviqbtw, the list of things that get removed:10:03
Saviqwith indicator-network:10:04
Saviqaccount-plugin-ubuntuone* indicator-network* ubuntu-system-settings* ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts* unity-scope-click*10:04
Saviqnot great10:04
seb128Saviq, just drop the sections from /usr/share/unity/indicators/com.canonical.indicator.network to make sure it's not it10:07
Saviqseb128, yeah, no nm-applet under unity8, but that's probably fine (i.e. if you want unity8 and network, you need indicator-network), as long as ↑ those deps get fixed - like account-plugin-ubuntuone depending on the indicator network? what gives?10:07
seb128Saviq, it doesn't depends on it, it depends on ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts10:09
seb128which depends on u-s-s10:09
seb128which depends on i-n since it's the backend used for the wifi panel10:10
Saviqseb128, why does it depend on u-s-s, don't we have a desktop version of that?10:12
seb128mardy, ^10:13
seb128mardy, well I guess we could maybe have a | gnome-control-center-signon10:13
seb128Saviq, ^10:13
seb128but I'm unsure, I didn't look at potential differences10:13
Saviqseb128, right10:14
mardySaviq: removing ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts on the desktop is fine10:15
mardySaviq: not sure about account-plugin-ubuntuone10:15
Saviqmardy, yeah, I didn't think that one would be fine10:15
Saviqyeah, "online accounts" → no Ubuntu One account (I can actually add one (???), but that just shows a grey screen - probably plugins cached somewhere and not reloaded on removal)10:17
Saviqmardy, ↑ bug, btw?10:17
mardySaviq: IIRC, plugins are not cached10:18
seb128Saviq, mardy: if "removing ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts on the desktop is fine" we should probably have account-plugin-ubuntuone depends on "u-s-s-o-a | g-c-c-s"10:18
Saviqso yeah, we need to solve the deps somehow, otherwise people will end up with indicator-network on their unity8-less desktops10:18
mardyseb128: I think so, unless they have a different package for the U1 plugin on the desktop10:19
Saviqmardy, I mean "cached" in signond or somewhere - in memory basically10:19
mardySaviq: I don't think so, but the OA UI is coming from the online-accounts-ui D-Bus service, which exits after a few seconds of inactivity10:20
mardySaviq: if you just briefly closed and re-opened it, it may be that the old process was reused10:20
Saviqhmm on second look it seems that online-accounts-ui doesn't even work on the desktop10:20
Saviqseb128, ↑10:20
seb128Saviq, you mean?10:20
Saviqfor U110:20
Saviqseb128, I mean I can't add a U1 account through g-c-c10:21
seb128right, I noticed that recently as well10:21
seb128it works through ubuntuone-control-panel-qt though10:21
mardyseb128, Saviq: actually, IIRC we never had a U1 account plugin for the desktop10:22
seb128mardy, but it's showing in the list of "protocols" in the u-c-c UI10:22
Saviqseb128, mardy, yeah, so in fact it's probably fine for the plugin to not be there either10:22
seb128mardy, which is confusing10:22
Saviq(there == on the desktop)10:22
Saviqit is10:22
mardyseb128: it definitely shouldn't be listed, but I think it will go away if you remove the plugin10:23
seb128mardy, not sure how I got the plugin installed, I guess that's because of touch stuff10:24
seb128but yeah, still a bug10:25
mardyseb128: yep10:25
Saviqmardy, actually I can't get it to disappear from g-c-c...10:25
Saviqremoved he plugin, killed signon*10:25
Saviqit's still there...10:25
* Saviq files bugs10:25
seb128Saviq, do you have ubuntuone-credentials-common installed?10:26
seb128Saviq, that ships /usr/share/accounts/providers/ubuntuone.provider10:26
Saviqseb128, yeah10:26
seb128if I move that file away it stops being listed10:27
Saviqseb128, +110:27
* Saviq not sure where to file bug... the provider shouldn't be there if the plugin isn't there, should it...10:27
Saviqand it shouldn't be listed in g-c-c anyway, as it's incompatible with it apparently10:27
seb128Saviq, open on gnome-control-center-signon and let mardy reassign if needed I guess? ;-)10:28
Saviqseb128, ;)10:29
Saviqseb128, mardy, bug #128764010:34
ubot5bug 1287640 in gnome-control-center-signon (Ubuntu) "UbuntuOne account plugin does not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128764010:34
seb128Saviq, thanks10:34
mardySaviq: thanks10:34
mzanettiSaviq: in here https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity-api/new-screenshot-and-focusing-api/+merge/19981011:03
mzanettiSaviq: line 157, is this enough?11:03
Saviqmzanetti, should be11:04
Saviqmzanetti, the resulting .pc file has it as the version?11:04
Saviqmzanetti, unity-mir needs an update of Provides, and unity8 needs and update of Depends (and unity8-fake-env of Provides:, too)11:05
mzanettiyep, its in there11:05
mzanettiSaviq: ok... I think we can start reviewing the right edge stuff... there's quite a bit stuff to fix for sure, but I think feedback from reviewers would help me a lot in this stage11:28
Saviqmzanetti, any dep or conflict with new-scopes?11:29
mzanettiSaviq: yes. it'll conflict with new-scopes as is right now... but as I don't know how long new-scopes will still take I based everything on trunk, hoping that the right edge would land first11:29
Saviqmzanetti, ok, let's see that race ;)11:30
mzanettiSaviq: we also could agree on an order... but I'd need an ETA for new-scopes then11:31
mzanettiand last time I asked you weren't sure about that => I went for trunk11:31
mzanettiin any case. the stuff that conflicts is 90% dropping the new-scopes stuff and using the right-edge stuff11:32
mzanettiand I can obviously do/help with the merge, regardless who comes first11:32
Saviqmzanetti, yup, well we'd like new-scopes to land asap, they basically need a review soon, too11:33
Saviqmzanetti, but probably some cleanup first11:33
Saviqmzanetti, could you look into dropping the HUD (just the integration part in Shell.qml for now) and skip the hud tests in autopilot?11:35
mzanettiSaviq: ack.11:35
Saviqmzanetti, btw, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/Checklists/Unity-Mir11:39
mzanettiSaviq: ?11:39
Saviqmzanetti, on your merge for unity-mir, please add the checklists11:40
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
mzanettihuh? isn't it there? /me checks11:40
Saviqmzanetti, ah, I meant -api11:40
Saviqmzanetti, and yeah, it's there11:40
Saviqmzanetti, sorry for the noise11:40
mzanettiso yeah, you start from here https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/right-edge-2/+merge/204798 and all the related ones are listed in the checklist11:41
Saviqmhr3_, what do we do about:11:43
Saviq24-Recommends: ${unity-default-masterscopes},11:43
Saviq25+ unity-scope-scopes,11:43
Saviq26+ unity-scope-onlinemusic,11:43
Saviq27+ unity-scope-mediascanner2,11:43
Saviq28+ unity-scope-click,11:43
=== mhr3__ is now known as mhr3
Saviq<Saviq> mhr3_, what do we do about:11:44
Saviq 24 -Recommends: ${unity-default-masterscopes},11:44
Saviq 25 + unity-scope-scopes,11:44
Saviq 26 + unity-scope-onlinemusic,11:44
Saviq 27 + unity-scope-mediascanner2,11:44
Saviq 28 + unity-scope-click,11:44
mhr3Saviq, hmmm11:45
mhr3we don't really have desktop vs phone now11:45
mhr3so if we keep it as hard recommends it'd be fine imo11:45
mhr3for now anyway11:45
tsdgeosdon't know what i did but my unity8 indicators area is now empt11:53
mzanettiSaviq: when you said disable the hud, you really meant to get rid of the hud completely? as in: if you drag from the bottom edge the hud button would not appear any more?11:53
tsdgeosany idea why that may be happening?11:53
mzanettitsdgeos: same here11:53
tsdgeosoh really?11:53
mzanettitsdgeos: I merged with tnrunk and they appeared again11:54
tsdgeosthat's really unfortunate when i'm trying to fix a crash in indicators :D11:54
tsdgeosmzanetti: hmmm, i'm up to date with trunk11:54
* tsdgeos does a clean build11:54
mzanettitsdgeos: well, I did a run_on_device on my right-edge-stuff and they were gone as of today, I did some merging, rebooting, rebuilding and they appeard again11:54
tsdgeosthis is on the desktop fwiw11:56
tsdgeosnope, nothing11:56
tsdgeoswhat, i'm getting the fake scopes11:57
* tsdgeos puzzled11:57
tsdgeosi must have broken something with the ppa purge :-/11:58
Saviqmzanetti, yes, get rid of it11:59
mzanettimy pleasure, sir11:59
Saviqmzanetti, it's going "somewhere else", but we don't know where yet11:59
tsdgeosand they are back12:00
tsdgeosafter installing unity812:00
tsdgeosthat brought lots of packages that build -c didn't12:00
Saviqtsdgeos, build -c doesn't12:00
Saviqtsdgeos, build -s does12:00
tsdgeosahhhh righto12:00
mzanettiSaviq: that pCell stuff is crazy (the cool way) :)12:01
Saviqmzanetti, indeed!12:18
mzanettiSaviq: is this how you imagined it? https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/disable-hud/+merge/20922612:27
Saviqmzanetti, nah, just remove it from Shell altogether12:27
Saviqmzanetti, so that we don't even instantiate it12:27
Saviqmzanetti, we can easily bring it back with bzr12:27
mzanettitsdgeos: the BottomBar is only there for revealing the hud, right?12:30
tsdgeosmzanetti: yes12:30
mzanettiok. /me removes the BottomBar too12:30
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=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
Saviqdednick, what can we do about the "unity8 exiting kills indicators" thing? ;) it's getting annoying ;D13:53
mhr3saviq, thoughts about adding an activityindicator to a scope view when there are no results visible and the one in the search bar isn't visible either? ie for surfacing13:54
dednickSaviq: um. check if it's being run on desktop i guess.13:54
Saviqmhr3, I think it could fit somewhere in the new header13:55
davidcallemhr3, on a slightly related topic, could we have somehting like "pull to reload", to update surfacing? (eg. news scope)13:55
Saviqmhr3, like replace the looking glass icon13:55
Saviqdavidcalle, nothing to do with mhr3 ;D13:55
mhr3saviq, so basically needs design :)13:55
mhr3davidcalle,  ^^13:55
mhr3i'll talk with mike13:56
mhr3but tbh i'd like the pull to reload too13:56
mhr3would mean caching == solved :)13:56
dednickSaviq: i'll take a look13:57
Saviqdednick, don't worry, was just a I-got-annoyed-by-this-right-now issue ;)13:57
mhr3saviq, same for my indicator issue btw ^ :)13:58
Saviqmhr3, ENOUNDERSTOOD14:01
mhr3saviq, no activityindicator -> also I-got-annoyed-by-this-right-now14:01
Saviqmhr3, ah ;)14:01
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SaviqMacSlow, hey, can I steal you for some investigation on notification ap tests?14:06
SaviqMacSlow, i.e. http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/mako/219:20140304:20140304/6967/unity8/848175/14:06
MacSlowSaviq, looking...14:06
SaviqMacSlow, somehow the assertion fails, even though I can see the notification correctly and the icon is there14:07
Saviqso iconSource is definitely != ""14:07
SaviqMacSlow, so it might be something with ap14:07
MacSlowSaviq, most likely14:08
MacSlowSaviq, I'm still wondering, if those could somehow be moved to pure qmltests... what keeps me away from porting them, is the missing interaction with the real backend14:10
SaviqMacSlow, right, these are of the kind that should stay this way - they're integration tests14:11
SaviqMacSlow, *maybe* less extensive14:11
MacSlowSaviq, I don't know enough of AP's internals to provide a better (non-string based) test there... which might be more robust14:13
mhr3saviq, btw qtry_compare sucks - i replaced it with qsignalspy and shaved off almost 3seconds from make test14:15
MacSlowSaviq, these AP-tests for snap-decisions "failing" have held back jenkins-approvals many times14:18
SaviqMacSlow, yeah, but not that one, I'm getting 100% fail on that14:20
SaviqMacSlow, where before it was just flaky14:20
SaviqMacSlow, and the only failures that we look over currently are unity8 crashes, which that one isn't14:20
MacSlowSaviq, it's not new notification-code at fault I bet, as I'm still waiting on some reviews :)14:21
SaviqMacSlow, yeah I know ;) nothing ours changed recently - while autopilot did14:22
SaviqMacSlow, so ok, I'm looking into it further14:22
MacSlowSaviq, is there maybe a "state" that AP stores, which is not in sync with the real notification?14:23
SaviqMacSlow, not sure, but just confirmed old autopilot passes this test, upgrading 1 by 1 now14:29
MacSlowSaviq, bisecting the other way ;)14:29
tsdgeos@unity: standup?14:31
Saviqmzanetti, bug #1287689 is already marked as dupe of the non-rotating shell14:48
ubot5bug 1210199 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1287689 [Shell] support rotation" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121019914:48
Saviqmzanetti, or maybe we just multiplexed - I was clearing it up with Jamie in #ubuntu-touch14:48
mzanettiSaviq: ok. sorry. missed that14:48
Saviqmzanetti, don't be :)14:49
mzanettibut in any case, Jamie's report seems a dupe of some bug :)14:49
Saviqmzanetti, also14:49
Saviqplugins/Utils/easingcurve.hUNKNOWN*No copyright*14:49
Saviqplugins/Utils/easingcurve.cppUNKNOWN*No copyright*14:49
Saviqqml/Stages/SwitchingApplicationImage.qmlUNKNOWN*No copyright*14:49
Saviqqml/Stages/SpreadDelegate.qmlUNKNOWN*No copyright*14:49
Saviqqml/Stages/TransformedSpreadDelegate.qmlUNKNOWN*No copyright*14:49
mzanettithanks. I'll fix14:49
mzanettiSaviq: doing a hangout on air now for an hour. so if possible, ping me again after 5pm :)14:50
Saviqmzanetti, will do14:50
Saviqmterry, qt is crashing on startup some 5-10% of the runs16:08
mterrySaviq, :(  that makes tests hard to rely on16:08
Saviqmterry, is fixed with 5.216:09
mterrySaviq, ah!  OK, I saw you all talking about that in emails16:09
Saviqmterry, yup16:09
mterrySaviq, well, that branch is ready, I think16:10
Saviqmterry, please chase reviewers, then :)16:11
tsdgeosMirv: we need https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,79857 in 5.2.116:12
Saviqfixes bug #v16:16
Saviqbug #1277206 grr16:16
ubot5bug 1277206 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "QT5.2: Disabling bluetooth crashes unity8" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127720616:16
mhr3_saviq, how do we want to deal with gotoScope / openScope that wants to define the search string / filter/department state?16:32
mhr3_saviq, should i be passing that somehow to the signals, or try to deal with it internally?16:32
mhr3_saviq, basically i'm pretty sure that if i set a .searchString on the scope, you're going to invalidate it as soon as you create the visual component16:33
mhr3_or am i wrong?16:34
Mirvtsdgeos: Saviq: luckily weekly meeting now, pushing a build so that I check it compiled fine in the morning and copy the landing PPA17:07
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kdubmterry, is there a command line way to start usc?22:18
mterrykdub, not really, it heavily relies on its two-way communication with lightdm22:19
mterrykdub, if you want to insert yourself22:19
mterrykdub, edit /usr/share/ubuntu-touch-session/usc-wrapper22:19
kdubmterry, alright, thanks22:20
tedgmterry, So, it seems we did similar work...22:31
mterrytedg, on volume/mute?  bummer22:31
tedgmterry, I've got a bunch of stuff going into account service.22:31
tedgmterry, But not volume/mute22:31
mterrytedg, the source package?22:31
tedgmterry, But I set up nice proxies and stuff :-)22:31
tedgmterry, https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/indicator-sound/account-service-support/+merge/20589122:32
mterrytedg, interesting.  Shouldn't conflict with my stuff though22:35
tedgmterry, Yes, but the volume/mute should probably go into sound settings.22:36
mterrytedg, also, these policykit permissions keep being duplicated around.  We might want to consolidate on com.ubuntu.AccountService.GreeterReadAny and GreeterModifyAny22:36
mterrytedg, settings?22:36
tedgmterry, The account service schema22:36
mterrytedg, like this?  https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas/volume/+merge/20915822:37
mterrytedg, that also can provide the generic polkit actions22:38
tedgmterry, It should go in the one installed by indicator-sound22:38
tedgIt seems they're more about indicator-sound than touch.22:38
mterrytedg, why necessarily?  That package above already contains lots of sound related settings22:38
mterrytedg, they are trying to remove the touch namespace wherever possible22:38
mterrytedg, they renamed the binaries, and will rename source22:39
tedgmterry, === added file 'accountsservice/com.ubuntu.AccountsService.Sound.xml' ?22:39
mterrytedg, that's because com.ubuntu.touch.AccountsService.Sound.xml with the other sound settings exists, but they haven't migrated them to non-touch namespaces yet22:40
tedgWho is setting those?22:40
mterrytedg, telephony-service and ubuntu-system-settings look at the other settings like ringtones and silentmode22:40
mterrytedg, it's true that indicator-sound is the only one that currently needs to look at volume/mute, but they seemed like system-y settings that indicator-sound was just an implementation detail of22:41
mterrytedg, but I'd be happy to move them over if you feel like that's where they ought to live22:42
tedgmterry, Well, I didn't realize that we had an entire repo of random settings… still deciding how I feel about that.22:42
tedgWhat I'd really like is that they're stored in ALSA and the greeter and user session both read from there.22:43
tedgThat's probably a minor pipe dream right now.22:43
mterrytedg, does ALSA have the per-user permission structure to allow that?22:43
tedgI think that's what logind is setting the permissions of using the ACLs.22:43
tedgThe stuff we're getting around with the audio group.22:44
mterrytedg, but for storing settings?  And we'd need to be able to adjust settings when user isn't logged in by logind22:44
tedgWe'll they're not settings. They're state.22:44
tedglogind thinks that the greeter is a login session :-)22:45
mterrytedg, fair.  "but for storing state?  And we'd need to be able to adjust state when user isn't logged in by logind"22:45
tedgYes, it does. It's reading/writing that state to the audio chips. Really it's stored there.22:45
mterrytedg, how does that work for multiple users?22:46
tedgmterry, Well, you only have one set of speakers. So the audio chip doesn't really understand multiple users. Logind gives permission to modify the driver based on who as the active session.22:47
mterrytedg, I get that.  But how does volume setting normally work in that environment?  Like, if I have two users open, who sets the volume when I switch from one session to another?22:48
tedgmterry, I believe it's who ever is the active session. So when you switch, you trade control.22:48
tedgFast user switching volume fight, go!22:49
mterrytedg, sure, but which component is changing the volume is my interest22:49
mterrytedg, because the correct volume to set must be saved somewhere for that user22:49
tedgmterry, I don't  know how Pulse behaves there, but I'd hope it doesn't reset it when you change. You wouldn't want to take your laptop to a coffee shop, mute it, and then switch users to music blaring.22:50
mterrytedg, I thought volume setting was per-user today.  Just not shared with greeter22:51
tedgmterry, It could be. Each user has a Pulse daemon.22:51
tedgmterry, I think the issue is that logind isn't giving access to lightdm?22:52
mterrytedg, ok, so theoretical ideal place for greeter to talk to would be pulse22:52
mterrytedg, but it doesn't have per-user outside-of-home support for accessing/setting state22:52
tedgWell, no, pulse is per-user. ALSA.22:52
mterrytedg, but then when they logged in, pulse would override that state, right?22:53
mterryeither pulse holds the right user volume state or it doesn't22:53
tedgmterry, I'm not sure on that, but I don't think it should.22:53
tedgWe really need diwic here for this.22:53
tedgPerhaps tomorrow morning would be a better time :-)22:53
mterrytedg, anyway, I restarted the design discussion, but the design has been and still is per-user volume state22:54
mterrytedg, hence keeping it in AS22:54
tedgmterry, Hmm, where is that discussion?22:55
mterrytedg, there was some in email, but mostly in long-standing bug 84077722:56
ubot5bug 840777 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Muting sound indicator in Unity Greeter does not mute sound on login" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84077722:56
* tedg subscribes22:56
mterrytedg, the bug description outlines what design (JohnLea) wants.  I recently re-confirmed with him that it's correct.  But mpt and laney disagree22:57
tedgWe have a bunch of multi-user issues. Need to put design time there.23:01
mterrytedg, not too much time!23:01
tedgmterry, We wouldn't want to take away from redesign v10 of the notifications ;-)23:02
mterrytedg, :)  I was more worried about 14.0423:04
tedgmterry, We've got at least 6 weeks before final designs are due for that!23:04

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