
Kilosmorning Squirm nuvolari not_at_work and others05:23
Kilosinetpro dik water klere vandag05:24
nuvolarihallo oom Kilos 05:32
Spekkomorning morning05:44
Kiloshi Spekko 05:45
Kilosand jabberwocky93 05:45
Spekkomorning Kilos05:46
jabberwocky93more Kilos05:48
Squirmmorning all06:06
* Squirm falls asleep06:18
Kilosmorning ThatGraemeGuy 06:24
inetprogoeie more07:13
Kilosdag inetpro 07:14
Kiloslang water ne07:14
charl_good morning08:43
charl_Maaz: coffee on08:43
* Maaz puts the kettle on08:43
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_!08:47
SpekkoMaaz: coffee on09:03
* Maaz puts the kettle on09:03
charl_Maaz: thanks09:05
Maazcharl_: No problem09:05
charl_Spekko: hi09:05
* Symmetria declares that it is hate on alcatel day today09:06
MaazCoffee's ready for Spekko!09:07
charl_Symmetria: what happened?09:08
magespawngood morning all09:14
Kiloshi magespawn09:14
magespawnhey Kilos 09:15
magespawnSymmetria, what does that mean for those of us who might not understand?09:16
Kilosi missed that09:16
charl_Symmetria: you are building a metro ethernet network?09:16
Kiloswas upgrading 12.04.4 kde 64bit09:17
charl_magespawn: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_Private_LAN_Service09:18
Kiloshi Golynx09:19
Golynxhi Kilos09:19
charl_hi Golynx 09:19
Kiloshi charl_too09:20
Kilosdid you have coffee09:20
Golynxhi charl_09:20
Golynxalready had 2 cups, will have 3rd in a few minutes09:21
charl_hi Kilos 09:22
Golynxin total i take 7 cups a day lol09:22
Kilosi mean charl_with maaz09:23
Symmetriacharl among other things09:23
Symmetriathats a diagram of my home connection09:23
Kilosnormally first thing he does is go coffee on09:23
Symmetriathat I was using as a lab 09:23
GolynxEven the minister of communication says " MTN and Vodacom are holding back SA's technological development " ai!09:24
Golynxhi Symmetria09:24
Kiloshey Symmetria i see afrinic still going on09:24
Kilostell them to go back to drums09:24
Symmetriakilos lol afrinic is full of shit09:25
charl_Golynx: i would say the minister of communication is holding back SA's technological development09:25
charl_Kilos: i unsubscribed from the list, what ever happened to that debate? still not finished?09:26
Golynxcharl_: haha yeah i dont like the ANC either09:26
charl_Kilos: i already had coffee before you came in :)09:27
Kilosnope they still making proposals etc and i cant get to unsubscribe again09:27
Golynxatleast the current government09:27
charl_Golynx: he's blaming private companies for his own inability to regulate the industry09:27
charl_Golynx: and to uncouple infrastructure and services, and get more smaller players into the market who provide local services on a national government-funded infrastructure09:28
magespawnlooks like any large or political organization is Symmetria 09:28
Golynxcharl_: i agree 09:29
Golynxhi magespawn09:29
magespawnhey Golynx 09:29
GolynxThe Democratic Alliance seems more structured than the ANC , and will probably never have these kinda issues. But the ANC will always win , thats sad.09:31
magespawni was reading this morning about TIER and OpenBTS09:32
magespawnmaybe that is the way to take on the big guys09:33
Kiloshi SCR1845-6357A09:41
SCR1845-6357AGood morning Kilos!09:41
Kilosis buenos dias appropriate09:42
Kilosi learned some mex from clint eastwood09:42
SCR1845-6357Ahow's it in af?09:42
Kilosgood here and there?09:42
SCR1845-6357Aoh, I mean, how to say good morning in afrikaans09:43
Kilosuse za instead of af09:43
Kiloszuid afrika09:43
SCR1845-6357Ayeah, I know that hehe09:43
SCR1845-6357Awhy did they change so many names of provinces and cities?09:44
SCR1845-6357Afrom afrikaans to tribal languages09:44
Kilosnew govt dont like old names09:45
SCR1845-6357AI heard that they're about to rename pretoria09:45
Kilosthats been a fight going on for a coupla years now09:45
SCR1845-6357Ato some unpronounciable name09:45
Kilosits half and half Tswane now09:46
SCR1845-6357Atwane municipality already or something, right?09:46
SCR1845-6357AI once downloaded an afrikaans language learning pack09:49
SCR1845-6357Abut never did proper use it of09:49
Kiloswe had a yank here a while back that learned it quite well09:51
Kiloswe have an afrikaans channel too #ubuntu-za-afr09:52
SCR1845-6357Awow I'll check it out09:52
Kilosnot many peeps there thought09:52
SCR1845-6357Aonly you, actually :-P09:53
Kiloswait i have something wrong09:53
Kiloshmm... inetpro what did i do wrong09:54
Kilosis that channel dead09:54
SCR1845-6357Amaybe it is so at certain hours09:56
Kilosit used to be open all the time09:56
Kilosmaybe it was closed through lack of use09:57
Kilosthe pro will know09:57
Kilosmaybe afk09:58
* Squirm yawns09:58
SquirmMaaz: coffee on09:58
* Maaz flips the salt-timer09:58
SquirmMaaz: largest09:59
MaazWhew do you want a bath full Squirm?09:59
SCR1845-6357Awell, you'll see that in the za-aft channel none of us is set as mod09:59
KilosMaaz: coffee please09:59
MaazKilos: Sure09:59
SCR1845-6357Aso, it should mean that it's open09:59
Kiloschanserv used to be there too. maybe i got something wrong09:59
SCR1845-6357Awhen you open a non-existant channel, the server automatically makes you mod10:00
Kilossuperfly: do you know if #ubuntu-za-afr has been closed down?10:01
MaazCoffee's ready for Squirm and Kilos!10:02
KilosMaaz: ty10:03
MaazYou are welcome Kilos10:03
SCR1845-6357Asome roobos with a drop of milk for me, please10:03
Kilosrooibos is very healthy10:06
Kiloshow do you peeps get to know about rooibos tea10:09
charl_Kilos: they sell rooibos tea everywhere in europe10:58
charl_Kilos: i don't know about spain but it is commonplace in NL and DE10:58
charl_in DE they call it "rotbusch-tee"11:00
charl_they even have an info site http://www.rotbuschtee.com/11:01
charl_"Rotbuschtee - gesund genießen"11:01
inetproKilos: why do you want to send people to another channel?11:01
Kilosinetpro: our afrikaans channel11:01
Kilostell me if it was closed or not dont attack me man11:01
inetproKilos: is it relevant to Ubuntu?11:01
Kiloswell duh11:02
inetproI mean your Afrikaans chatter11:02
Kiloswhat walked over your liver today?11:02
inetprowe all still small enough to handle things in this channel11:03
Kiloswas the afr channel closed????11:04
inetproeven if it's Afrikaans here or there11:04
Kilosai! ek sukkel met my volk party keer11:05
inetproKilos: we still have #ubuntu-afr as a channel for those rare occasions when people want to stick to Afrikaans as a language 11:06
inetproKilos: and it is not really meant for discussing politics or religion, these topics can turn into very hot debates very quickly11:08
SCR1845-6357Ahah, thanks for finding it11:08
SCR1845-6357Acharl_ and Kilos, rooibos tea is sold very cheaply here, many varieties of it actually11:09
charl_SCR1845-6357A: do you also have all these flavoured teas that we drink? pickwick/teekanne etc?11:10
SCR1845-6357AI've got like 250-500 grams at home11:10
SCR1845-6357Ahmm I'm not sure, but likely they sell them here too11:10
charl_SCR1845-6357A: because in NL they usually sell rooibos mixed with other stuff, not plain11:11
SCR1845-6357AI buy it a little blindly11:11
charl_you can buy it plain but i have only seen it at the kruidvat once11:11
SCR1845-6357Awell, I have the "cheaper" version and a more pure one which is supposed to be a single variety 11:12
charl_SCR1845-6357A: interesting...11:12
SCR1845-6357Aso, you use to drink it too, charl_ ?11:12
charl_SCR1845-6357A: i like to vary what i drink, not always drink the same thing11:13
charl_at the moment i am drinking green tea with ginseng11:14
SCR1845-6357AI can't stand green tea11:14
charl_this one: http://www.pickwick.nl/thee/groene-thee/ginseng/11:14
SCR1845-6357AI have several others, but not that one11:14
charl_green tea is like pre-dinner mayonaise, it's gooood for you11:15
SCR1845-6357Anever tried gingseng, are they psycho effects felt as much as they say?11:15
charl_i never lost my mind because of drinking it11:15
charl_if i had to lose my mind it would probably be eclipse-related11:15
SCR1845-6357Abut maybe felt greater focus or something11:16
charl_i haven't noticed, but maybe11:16
SCR1845-6357AI've heard that green tea is the one which has the most health propieties11:17
SCR1845-6357Acompared to black white and red varieties11:17
charl_i like to vary it... then you get some of everything :)11:17
charl_i drink both coffee and tea but no soda11:18
SCR1845-6357Aneither me11:18
charl_right now i am drinking kenyan coffee, has a very earthy taste11:18
charl_i'm not sure if i like it or not11:18
SCR1845-6357Alately, I begun to mix every coffe or tea with ginkgo biloba leaves11:18
charl_usually, i prefer this: http://dutchmailorder.com/product/dutch-fairtrade-products/albert-heijn-fairtrade-biological-coffee/11:19
charl_it has a MUCH better taste and aroma11:19
SCR1845-6357Aoh, I thought that kenya was the original procedence site11:19
charl_oh yes ginkgo biloba is very good11:19
SCR1845-6357AI guess that you can even do marihuana teas :p11:20
SCR1845-6357Aas you're on the nl11:20
charl_why on earth would i want to do that, that sounds dangerous11:21
SCR1845-6357Abut have you ever brought it?11:21
SCR1845-6357Aa friend of mine gave me some seeds, which I never sowed 11:23
SCR1845-6357Anow, let's create #ubuntu-zu and #ubuntu-xh11:27
Golynxbad password SCR1845-6357A >_<11:28
SCR1845-6357Ait's a good one11:28
SCR1845-6357Ait never fails11:28
Golynxyou must be spanked! i dont want my password using drugs :/11:29
SCR1845-6357Ahahaha I hate drugs11:30
SCR1845-6357Abut I don't see sense on them being illegal anymore11:30
Golynxthats a good password :)11:30
Kilosaha ty inetprothats what i wanted to know. forgot it was ubuntu-afr man11:32
inetproKilos: sorry if I sounded a bit harsh on you11:39
* Kilos cries and sulks inna corner11:40
SCR1845-6357Aoh the drama11:41
* Golynx gives a tissue for Oscar11:43
Golynxi mean Kilos :p11:43
Kiloshaha you watching it Golynx 11:43
Kilosall the news is about him11:43
Kilosty for the tissue11:43
Kilosbut i was joking, cowboys dont cry, they get even11:44
Golynxya Kilos , but only on twitter11:44
charl_SCR1845-6357A: no i have never bought or used marijuana12:26
charl_SCR1845-6357A: if you use it in tea though that would be dangerous because warm water is rapidly absorbed by the body, i don't know what type of effects that would have12:26
charl_SCR1845-6357A: then again, i guess if you smoke it, you have the same problem12:26
SCR1845-6357Aagreed, was just curious bout it12:27
SCR1845-6357Aactually I hate people that is only into it because it looks cool or rebel12:28
SCR1845-6357Areciently some youngsters died on a uni at here by eating it12:28
SCR1845-6357Amarihuana with eggs12:29
charl_here you get all these shady sh*tbags that hang around those places12:32
charl_the coffee shops12:33
charl_and foreigners of course, tons and tons of foreigners12:33
charl_the only reason i want the law changed is so that we can get rid of the foreigners looking to get stoned12:33
charl_just because they are being opressed in their own countries they now come here and want to get high12:34
Private_Userafternoon people13:29
Private_Userand bots :)13:29
WOLFEYESgood day all13:49
magespawnlater all13:55
Private_Usergood day WOLFEYES13:57
SCR1845-6357Ahi Kilos14:07
Kilosafternoon peeps14:59
WOLFEYESheya Kilos 15:01
WOLFEYEShey Private_User 15:01
Kiloshi WOLFEYES 15:01
Kiloshi not_found 15:37
Kiloshave a good night there15:37
Kiloshi psydroid 16:21
psydroidhi Kilos16:24
kbmonkeyhi Kilos not_found 17:08
Kiloshi kbmonkey 17:08
kbmonkeyis scr having problems?17:11
kbmonkeyoh my it is only 19h1517:15
Kilosi dont think he is kbmonkey 17:16
Kiloshi superfly did you say hellp to me today and i missed it17:17
kbmonkeyI am stuck in a digital tubeee17:18
charl_hey people17:18
charl_i am watching a video of wietse venema about postfix17:18
superflyKilos: no, not sure what you're talking about17:18
charl_this is absolutely fascinating17:19
Kilosoh sorry , hello i mean17:19
Kilosforgive the typo17:19
kbmonkeypostfix? sounds like posix.17:20
charl_kbmonkey: you seriously don't know about postfix the mail server ?17:24
charl_it's like the de facto smtp server now17:24
Kiloshi theblazehen 17:25
theblazehenhey Kilos 17:26
charl_hi theblazehen 17:26
theblazehenhey ChanServ 17:26
theblazehenhey charl_ 17:26
charl_i feel like a troll now17:26
charl_problem ? :)17:26
Kilosyou to young to swear like that17:26
theblazehenKilos, nope?17:27
* theblazehen is getting R25k worth of hardware in around a weeks time...17:27
theblazehenWell not really FOR me, but I get to use it17:27
Kiloswonderful, what hardware17:28
theblazehen4x R9 280x graphics cards, PSU and rest of PC stuff17:28
Kilosbut anyway that word aint good here17:28
Kilosyou gonna kill bitcoin17:28
theblazehenlol, I wish...17:29
theblazehenon litecoin alone around $200 is generated every 3 minutes17:29
theblazehenshared out amongst everyone17:29
kbmonkeyoh the mail server charl_, okay that makes sense. I have not had much dealing with it so I am ignorant in that area.17:36
charl_these issues with spam is amazing and how they are circumventing it17:37
charl_tlsa looks interesting, i haven't implemented that yet on my domain17:53
charl_hi Tinuva 18:01
Kiloswb Tinuva you got split for a bit18:01
charl_hi captine 18:03
captineHi charl_ 18:04
captinehi all18:04
Kiloshi captine 18:04
captinehi Kilos 18:04
charl_hmmm this looks intersting: http://symas.com/mdb/18:07
charl_Symas Lightning Memory-Mapped Database (LMDB)18:07
charl_hi Golynx 18:08
Kiloswb Golynx 18:09
captinecharl_, nice.  do you work with databases?  was little dissapointed that ubuntu are sticking with mysql (although it is the only one I really know how to setup...)  was hoping for MariaDB18:09
Golynxhi charl_18:09
Golynxty Kilos18:09
captinehu Golynx 18:09
charl_captine: as a developer i work with databases daily18:09
Golynxhi captine18:09
charl_redis, mongodb, couchbase, mysql, postgres, oracle, cassandra18:10
captineah.  what sort of dev work do you do?  websites, erp's, mobile apps?18:10
charl_mostly web-related stuff18:10
captinedo you have a company website?18:11
charl_eh i work at a university18:11
Golynxcharl_ thats a great list :)18:11
captineI think I should have gone into development.  Am an accountant by trade...18:12
charl_you need some of all types of people18:12
charl_doing tech as a hobby only is not bad18:12
charl_ok i'm off18:15
charl_have a good evening all18:16
Golynxi only know how to work with 2 of those databases, but then again its just sql at the end of the day :) 18:17
Golynxoops Gone :/18:17
captineyip.  i just like the mysqladmin tools18:19
captinebut lots of opensource ERP's use postgres, so I am trying to learn it a bit18:19
Golynxyeah mysql got the lion's share there18:21
Golynxi never touched postgres , will give that a try someday18:21
Golynxwe just have to keep on learning new stuff if we wana be good at development18:22
Golynxbut always good to stick with one key area too so you can be an expert in that 18:23
superflypostgres is cool, it's like the open source version of MS SQL Server (at least, that's what you tell damagement)18:27
superflythese days I don't use a database directly, I use an ORM18:28
superflyand then it doesn't matter what DB I'm using18:28
Golynxhi superfly18:33
Golynxyeah ORM sounds cool, worth its salt18:33
Golynxhi nlsthzn18:33
Golynxthe easier to use the better, and the more productive too18:34
* Golynx thinks there should be more creative ways invented to spread the name of Ubuntu in SA18:38
Kilosi wonder if the varsity peeps actually use the freedom toasters or is it outsiders that go get ubuntu there18:45
captineorm.  not sure what that is.  will google18:46
Kilosinetpro i can do the tweet thing again. choqok seems fine in 64bit18:48
captineah.  i see.  so are things like codeigniter providing "orm" type functionality, as if I recall, it uses methods etc.18:48
Kiloshopefully can do all upgrades after 11pm18:49
GolynxKilos to me its seems it would be mostly the geeky type hacker/developer wana be type of people that will use that 18:49
Golynxand ofcours for young kids that dont have pc's ,  they will be introduced to it via that toasters18:49
Kilosyeah Golynx but there are lots of IT learners at varsity18:50
Kilosthey have rows of pcs there in the same room as the toasters as well18:51
Golynxbut there should be actual applications that will become popular that should carry the ubuntu name 18:51
Golynxyeah true Kilos18:51
Kilosthey sit and play there on windows and the toaster stands all lonely in the corner18:52
Golynxhmm, that means creativity is lacking in the ubuntu corner18:53
Kilosyeah toasters need a chick in a bikini to attract attention18:54
Kilossame as at car shows18:54
Golynxmake that 10 chicks in bikini's 18:54
Kiloshalf the peeps dont see the cars even18:55
Golynxthe main place ubuntu lacks is creating applications that catch the user and keep them 18:56
Kiloshi Trixar_za 18:56
Trixar_zaHey Kilos18:56
Kiloswe use debian apps18:56
Golynxif that can be achieved then ubuntu will rise to the top18:56
Golynxhi Trixar_za18:57
Kilosit is rising slowly18:57
Trixar_zaHey Golynx18:57
Kiloscities in germany are running linux already if im not mistaken18:57
Kilosand our govt even threatened to go linux a while back18:58
inetprokilos heh!18:58
Trixar_zaAn OS's purpose isn't to produce applications, but be a platform for applications to be developed on18:58
Trixar_zaAnyway, WINE helps bridge that gap anyway18:58
nlsthznOS's purpose is to give access to use the hardware to be able to make it useful via applications :p18:58
Trixar_zaThat too18:59
GolynxTrixar_za thats true, but that wont make ubuntu unique if it keeps leeching off MS18:59
Trixar_zaYou mean Windows - not MS. Other developers and companies produce for Windows - mostly because it's one of the defacto markets (the other one being Apple)19:00
Trixar_zaAlso considering the technology, I think MS has been leeching off Linux and it's children more than just a little.19:01
Golynxyeah i agree there19:01
Golynxaspecially the user accounts permissions side19:01
Golynxthe biggest card i think for ubuntu could be the ubuntu phone OS19:03
nlsthznubuntu touch... coming very soon19:03
Golynxlots of potential there for innovation19:03
nlsthznand I heard it will be world launch via the internet19:04
Golynxnlsthzn yeah that will be cool19:05
Golynxif there are many creative dev's out there to create truly user catching app's , then ubuntu will have a winner there19:06
* nlsthzn might have to let go of his S3 early ... especially if the goal of Touch to have the top 100 applications for android, iphone and bb working in touch becomes reality19:06
Golynxstill thats lacking though19:06
Golynxtoo early to change now19:08
Golynxbetter to wait until its stable enough like the desktop side19:08
Golynxbut yes nothing is easy, and success takes time, if you play your cards right19:09
Trixar_zaNever going to happen19:10
Trixar_zaThere's a reason for it - several actually - but it's a very long article to read :P19:10
Trixar_zahttp://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm <--- read it if you're bored :P19:11
Trixar_za"It is logically impossible for any thing to be better than any other thing whilst remaining completely identical to it" <--- extract19:13
Golynxlol 19:13
nlsthznmakes sense19:14
Golynxno comment19:15
WOLFEYESNight everyone20:32
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:47

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