ochosi | Noskcaj: btw, did you refresh the xubuntu-artwork tarball yet? | 00:10 |
jjfrv8 | bluesabre, are you about? | 00:56 |
jjfrv8 | bluesabre, I've been testing the new version of menulibre and it's working well except there's still one thing I don't understand | 01:02 |
jjfrv8 | i.e., what's the correlation between 'hide from menus' in menulibre and 'show' in alacarte? | 01:03 |
jjfrv8 | for some launchers, there seems to be a direct correlation but not for others | 01:03 |
jjfrv8 | e.g., under Accessories, I can click Show for Accessibility in alacarte and it will show in whiskermenu... | 01:09 |
jjfrv8 | then if I click Hide from menus in menulibre, it will disappear from whiskermenu... | 01:09 |
jjfrv8 | but if I unhide it in menulibre, it does not come back. | 01:10 |
jjfrv8 | to get it to show again, I have to go back into alacarte. Am I missing something? | 01:11 |
bluesabre | jjfrv8: that is bizarre | 01:46 |
bluesabre | I notice that it happens with accessibility, but not with gnome-calculator | 01:46 |
bluesabre | I wonder if its some issue with items that are also in the settings manager | 01:46 |
jjfrv8 | hmmm, maybe so. I didn't check to see where the launchers were, I was just trying to get some of the ones that were in the list to show up. | 01:48 |
bluesabre | since you were also experimenting with alacarte, does it fare any better? | 01:55 |
jjfrv8 | as far as showing and hiding things, yes, it seems to. | 01:56 |
bluesabre | ok, I might have to look into that | 01:56 |
jjfrv8 | I just tried Gigolo, which is not in Settings Manager, and it too only seems to work with alacarte | 01:57 |
bluesabre | showing and hiding that app seems to work for me | 01:58 |
jjfrv8 | hmm | 01:58 |
bluesabre | I suppose one thing you can try | 02:00 |
bluesabre | remove ~/.config/menus/xfce-applications.menu | 02:00 |
bluesabre | and then try it again | 02:00 |
bluesabre | might be an issue left over from the previous menulibre | 02:00 |
jjfrv8 | wilco | 02:01 |
jjfrv8 | no joy. I saw menulibre recreate the file but when I turned Hide from menus off, gigolo still did not show up. | 02:04 |
jjfrv8 | I had to turn it back on with alacarte | 02:04 |
bluesabre | and I assume you're saving after the change? | 02:08 |
jjfrv8 | yes | 02:09 |
bluesabre | ok, I'll take a look at that | 02:09 |
bluesabre | maybe I can make some sense of it | 02:09 |
bluesabre | or add a hack-tastic fix :) | 02:09 |
jjfrv8 | :) | 02:10 |
Noskcaj_school | ochosi: I refreshed it on saturday. Check the bug to see if there's been changes since my last tarball | 02:48 |
Noskcaj_school | Still waiting for sponsors for it | 02:48 |
bluesabre | Noskcaj_school: I sent in my request to join PAPT last night | 02:49 |
bluesabre | not sure how long that takes to get approved | 02:51 |
bluesabre | if you're eager, I released mugshot 0.2.1 over the weekend as well | 02:52 |
bluesabre | https://launchpad.net/mugshot/0.2/0.2.1 | 02:52 |
bluesabre | heh | 02:52 |
Noskcaj_school | bluesabre: I'll package it when i get home. Going to the #debian-python channel in OFTC and asking one of the PAPT admins should help you | 03:10 |
Noskcaj | mugshot 0.2.1 packaged, the d/watch appears to need work though | 06:02 |
Noskcaj | bluesabre, The people you have to ping to get PAPT access: scottk, p1otr, bzed. Some of them are in ubuntu channels too | 06:05 |
bluesabre | ochosi, lderan: added a method for light-locker restarting here: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~light-locker-settings-team/light-locker-settings/trunk/revision/42 | 12:15 |
bluesabre | if you want to utilize that to make it so you no longer have to restart your session for settings to take place | 12:15 |
bluesabre | requirements: python-psutil | 12:16 |
brainwash | bluesabre: bug 1165266 | 14:44 |
ubottu | bug 1165266 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "missing keyboard shortcuts" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1165266 | 14:44 |
brainwash | fix released, correct? | 14:44 |
ali1234 | that reminds me of something | 14:50 |
ali1234 | xfce bug 10630 | 14:50 |
ubottu | xfce bug 10630 in General "keyboard settings panel ignores state of "startup-notification" key when resetting to defaults." [Normal,New] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10630 | 14:50 |
ochosi | lderan, bluesabre (and everyone else i guess): light-locker-settings just got uploaded to the archive! | 14:52 |
lderan | \o/ | 14:52 |
knome | ochosi, thanks for taking care | 14:55 |
ochosi | well, i got lucky | 14:55 |
ochosi | this could've also taken days | 14:56 |
ochosi | brainwash: yup, that fix should be released already | 14:59 |
brainwash | I leave it to bluesabre then to close the report :) | 15:01 |
ochosi | lazy brainwash | 15:04 |
brainwash | ochosi: looks like we can drop these files | 15:04 |
brainwash | http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/trusty/xubuntu-default-settings/trusty/files/head:/etc/skel/ | 15:04 |
brainwash | or keep them for people who like to switch back to xscreensaver? | 15:04 |
ochosi | i'd say keep them for now | 15:04 |
ochosi | i don't see a reason to remove them | 15:04 |
ochosi | there are ppl who might prefer the locking of xscreensaver | 15:05 |
brainwash | we dropped xscreensaver | 15:05 |
brainwash | yes, right :) | 15:05 |
ochosi | apart from it being butt-ugly, it works fine | 15:05 |
brainwash | and it's very light | 15:05 |
brainwash | lighter than light-locker :P | 15:06 |
ochosi | as is light-locker | 15:06 |
ochosi | so what's the diff of the two processes running then? | 15:06 |
brainwash | both processes are light I guess | 15:09 |
brainwash | but lightdm-gtk-greeter has a bigger footprint | 15:10 |
ochosi | well luckily that's not the part that keeps running in the background ;) | 15:10 |
koegs | will we be able to drop light-locker and use xscreensaver instead? | 15:11 |
brainwash | of course | 15:11 |
ochosi | i'll probably write a blog-post for xubuntu.org about the switch | 15:12 |
brainwash | ochosi: any idea regarding bug 998649 ? the mythbuntu package conflicts with the xubuntu one starting with 13.04, can we mark it as "won't fix" then? | 15:14 |
ubottu | bug 998649 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "package mythbuntu-default-settings (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/skel/.xscreensaver', which is also in package xubuntu-default-settings 12.04.11" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/998649 | 15:14 |
brainwash | a fix for precise/quantal seems to be very unlikely | 15:15 |
ochosi | yup, very | 15:16 |
brainwash | ok | 15:17 |
brainwash | knome: ^ | 15:18 |
brainwash | so fix for precise/quantal very unlikely -> mark xubuntu-default-settings as "won't fix" | 15:20 |
brainwash | ochosi: did you read bug 1286846 ? | 15:26 |
ubottu | bug 1286846 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "wiskers menu search/button placement" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1286846 | 15:26 |
brainwash | I like the idea of moving the search field and action buttons to the top, but making it the default.. not sure about that | 15:28 |
brainwash | please comment on this request | 15:29 |
koegs | what about changing the order of the buttons? | 15:35 |
koegs | if you have the whiskermenu on the right, the order is not ideal | 15:36 |
brainwash | ochosi: thanks for commenting | 15:37 |
ochosi | koegs: we're only talking the default setup here | 15:37 |
ochosi | ppl who can move the menubutton to a different position can also change the settings | 15:38 |
brainwash | pleia2, slickymaster: is bug 1255835 still occurring? | 16:27 |
ubottu | bug 1255835 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Incomplete Lanugage Support dialog on first bootup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1255835 | 16:27 |
slickymasterWork | brainwash: As I'll have to set a new VM box to confirm it, and right now I'm sort of stuck with a prblem ina database at work, I'll have to get back to you on that tomorrow | 16:32 |
slickymasterWork | s/prblem ina/problem in a | 16:32 |
brainwash | slickymasterWork: but the information dialog is nothing special, or is it? | 16:32 |
brainwash | do the (missing) language packages usually get installed during the actual xubuntu installation? | 16:34 |
slickymasterWork | brainwash: no, the language packages aren't installed during the xub install | 16:38 |
slickymasterWork | brainwash: to what information dialog are you referring? | 16:39 |
brainwash | about the incomplete language support | 16:39 |
brainwash | bluesabre: seeing that you did the latest changes to xubuntu-meta, could you also please take a look at bug 1279470 | 16:42 |
ubottu | bug 1279470 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "xubuntu, lubuntu images missing secure boot packages" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1279470 | 16:42 |
slickymasterWork | brainwash: back then I didn't gave it to much importance since not only the install went through successfully but also it allowed to afterwards install the languages packages | 16:42 |
* slickymasterWork apologizes for the delay in the responses, but he's with an eye on the channel and the other in a server log | 16:43 | |
brainwash | slickymasterWork: thanks for answering :) I'm just trying to clean up launchpad | 16:44 |
brainwash | so nothing of importance :P | 16:44 |
slickymasterWork | brainwash: no problem. And thanks for taking care ;) | 16:44 |
pleia2 | brainwash: yeah, I think so :( I won't have time to test this week though (not at home) | 17:41 |
Unit193 | bluesabre: If you look at the bug brainwash linked to, the key is in ship-live. | 17:42 |
brainwash | pleia2: no worries! :) | 17:43 |
elfy | ochosi: I thought that we were having -messages and -network in the indicator panel, or is today's daily just not up to date | 17:45 |
ochosi | elfy: i'm not sure whether micahg merged everything for the seed and uploaded it yet | 17:48 |
ochosi | and -network is misleading | 17:48 |
elfy | ok - wasn't sure | 17:48 |
ochosi | we're not actually using indicator-network | 17:48 |
ochosi | we're using nm-applet, which uses indicator-application | 17:48 |
elfy | oh - ok | 17:49 |
ochosi | which is still buggy (known issues of gtk3 indicators) | 17:49 |
ochosi | so it mostly falls back to a trayicon | 17:49 |
elfy | mmm - seems to be ok here - if that's what I've actually got :) | 17:49 |
Unit193 | Downgrading indicator-application worked fine when I did it in VM. | 17:50 |
elfy | whatever I've got - is sitting in indicator plugin | 17:50 |
ochosi | Unit193: downgrading to what? | 17:53 |
Unit193 | The saucy one. | 17:54 |
ochosi | yeah, that's not really an option | 17:54 |
Unit193 | For xubuntu? No. For elfy? Maybe. :P | 17:54 |
brainwash | we are still waiting for the ubuntu guy(s) to fix it =S | 17:54 |
* Unit193 is reminded of the "still waiting for" meme... | 17:55 | |
* elfy has been downgrading elfy for a long time - he's looking to get to the 25 year old version and pin it ... | 17:55 | |
brainwash | The amount of launchpad bug reports is too damn high! | 17:56 |
ali1234 | elfy: it works for you because you applied the workaround................... | 18:13 |
elfy | ali1234: aah - ok - I'm completely lost with the whole shebang | 18:15 |
ali1234 | i could be thinking of someone else, but it's the ALLOW_NO_WATCHERS thing | 18:16 |
Unit193 | #! | 18:16 |
elfy | ali1234: I'd assume so - now I remember it | 18:18 |
ali1234 | ochosi: bodhi switched to lightdm with gtk-greeter :) | 18:59 |
ochosi | ali1234: oh nice :) | 18:59 |
ali1234 | http://jeffhoogland.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/bodhi-linux-300-alpha-release.html | 18:59 |
ochosi | they're also using greybird it seems | 19:02 |
ali1234 | yes | 19:02 |
ochosi | and it looks like they're missing a session-badge | 19:02 |
ali1234 | for the login screen - they use e for the desktop | 19:03 |
ochosi | for whatever session they're running (i guess e17) | 19:03 |
ochosi | yeah, but for gtk apps they still seem to be using greybird: http://www.enlightenment.org/ss/e-53125f5c5e1919.84283754.jpg | 19:04 |
elfy | ochosi: do you have any idea why the mail reader in whiskermenu is a different size? | 19:05 |
ali1234 | the icon? | 19:05 |
elfy | yea - helps if I write whole sentences ... | 19:05 |
ali1234 | also http://www.reddit.com/r/xfce/comments/1zfvve/giant_icons/ | 19:05 |
ochosi | elfy: depending on what icon-size you're using that size might be missing from elementary-xfce | 19:06 |
elfy | livesession | 19:06 |
ochosi | well, i have no idea what the default setting is right now | 19:07 |
ochosi | you can show me a screenshot, then i can tell you | 19:07 |
ochosi | the size we'll be using in xubuntu is "smaller" | 19:07 |
ochosi | (aka 24px) | 19:07 |
elfy | http://imagebin.org/297220 | 19:08 |
ochosi | as soon as xubuntu-artwork has been uploaded, this will be fixed | 19:10 |
elfy | cool - I shall pass that on :) | 19:11 |
elfy | thanks ochosi | 19:11 |
ochosi | no problem | 19:11 |
ochosi | and feel free to set whiskermenu to use the "smaller" appicons | 19:12 |
ochosi | in the properties | 19:12 |
ochosi | as that'll be our default | 19:12 |
elfy | was pqwoerituytrueiwoq on the forum asking that | 19:12 |
elfy | my default is smaller already for the menu here | 19:13 |
ochosi | ok | 19:13 |
ochosi | that guy should probably hang out on irc more | 19:13 |
ochosi | he submits many bugreports | 19:13 |
ochosi | most of them valid and useful | 19:13 |
ochosi | feel free to encourage him | 19:14 |
elfy | yep | 19:14 |
elfy | I do - I mentioned the meeting Thursday there - as he was also asking about Software Centre being a default | 19:14 |
Unit193 | "being a default"? | 19:15 |
elfy | in the list you see | 19:15 |
Unit193 | [13:12:26] queuebot:#ubuntu-release: New: accepted light-locker-settings [i386] (trusty-proposed) [1.0.0-0ubuntu1] | 19:17 |
elfy | is that going to be in the seed - I assume it is | 19:17 |
Unit193 | (Yes, I read the words above that.) | 19:17 |
elfy | the now known as words? | 19:18 |
ochosi | Unit193: yup, i know | 19:18 |
ochosi | Unit193: 15:52 ochosi$ lderan, bluesabre (and everyone else i guess): light-locker-settings just got uploaded to the archive! | 19:18 |
Unit193 | ochosi: Heh, knew you knew, backlog there says as much. Didn't happen to see that here. | 19:19 |
ochosi | :) | 19:20 |
ochosi | but yeah, i'm happy it landed finally | 19:20 |
elfy | I'd not read the backlog - but I did then | 19:21 |
Unit193 | Sooo, I'm going to call the upgrade a fail, fglrx doesn't work. | 22:07 |
ochosi | Unit193: having xorg problems? | 23:40 |
Unit193 | Terrible res, bit fuzzy, and lag as if I was running mir. Somehow I got fglrx to work, not really sure how... (Had reinstalled, swapped it out for -updates, and many others which all left me with a black screen, removing would get me the terrible display.) | 23:42 |
ochosi | and radeon doesnt work for you? | 23:42 |
Unit193 | That was the first bit, terrible. | 23:44 |
Unit193 | But, fglrx is fixed somehow. | 23:44 |
bluesabre | brainwash: re https://launchpad.net/bugs/1279470, need an answer to gilir's question first... and... | 23:44 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1279470 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "xubuntu, lubuntu images missing secure boot packages" [High,Confirmed] | 23:44 |
bluesabre | *buntu-meta are auto-generated from the current seed, so also dependant on that | 23:45 |
Unit193 | bluesabre: See my ping? | 23:54 |
bluesabre | Unit193: yes, but that didn't make it clear as to what needs to be added to ship-live, unless I should actually look at ones that do work... | 23:56 |
Unit193 | bluesabre: * shim-signed [amd64] and * grub-efi-amd64-signed [amd64] | 23:59 |
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