
=== Nigel_ is now known as G
TheMuso`6/c -all00:42
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ScottKJust like the good old days.01:23
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happyaro1cjwatson: http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/trusty/ibus-pinyin02:30
happyaro1cjwatson: the removed one isn't the android one, but open-phrase.02:30
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ScottKhappyaro1: You'll probably have more luck filing a bug since it's the middle of the night for him (assuming he's not travelling)02:31
happyaronScottK: that's not a bug, cjwatson asked me about it02:32
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ScottKOh.  OK.02:45
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lamonttab completion seems to have gone away in trusty  - or is it just me?04:20
lamontah, it just seems to have gotten smarter in stupid ways04:21
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cjwatsonslangasek: hw-detect still uses it to try to figure out whether it needs to install mouseemu to support single-button mice on Mac laptops ... dunno if there are any other reasons06:25
cjwatsonhappyaron: I don't much care what packages.ubuntu.com thinks is built, it's wrong.  Check Launchpad - if you look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus-pinyin/1.5.0-1ubuntu1/+build/5641888 you can see it isn't building the android package06:26
sarnoldheh, love the description of mouseemu that mentions "only works on 2.6", where "2.6" is The New Kernel :)06:26
cjwatsonhappyaron: Or, you know, you could just look at the source package you uploaded and see that it doesn't have an ibus-pinyin-db-android in debian/control?06:28
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=== minefield is now known as hyperair
pittiGood morning06:36
cjwatsonslangasek: ubiquity also uses laptop-detect as part of its default hostname generation06:37
cjwatsonslangasek: there may be a few other embedded uses here and there06:37
pittislangasek: -schroot patch> Debian bug or ubuntu bug preferred, but pretty much anything else (mail/pastebin/etc.) WFM :)06:37
pittislangasek: ah, saw your bug, thanks07:04
slangasekcjwatson: ah; so a lot of undeclared dependencies?07:19
cjwatsonslangasek: I think so07:20
slangasekok :)07:20
cjwatsonOr optional use-if-present but we kind of want it, I guess07:20
pittihm, error07:20
pittiLaney, xnox: ^ it seems your codesearch instance is broken ATM? it doesn't seem to find anything07:21
Logan_ooh, I didn't know that existed07:22
Logan_I was actually looking for something like that last week07:22
pittiit's an instance of http://codesearch.debian.net/ for Ubuntu07:22
pittior, rather, was07:22
pittibut yes, codesearch.d.n is incredibly useful for questions like that (undeclared dependencies, finding users of deprecated API, etc.)07:23
sarnoldwoot, I thought it was dead entirely after the grand canonistack purge07:23
pittisarnold: ah, so that's probably the cause07:23
chilukcjwatson, bdmurray, apparently my changes to try to fix memtest86+ for bug 560839 caused a regression.  I've uploaded a debdiff that reverts the changes for the serial console, but keeps them for regular terminal.  It wasn't till now that I had a machine up to test serial console on.  off to sleep see you guys in the morning.07:23
ubottubug 560839 in memtest86+ (Debian) "error: too small lower memory (0x99100 > 0x98400)" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56083907:23
pittisarnold: AFAIR Laney set it up, and xnox set up DNS for it for convenience07:23
sarnoldpitti: the dns is news to me tonight :) it -is- convenient, hehe07:24
pittislangasek: anyway, http://codesearch.debian.net/search?q=laptop-detect might be a bit helpful, but I'm fairly sure that we have some more usages in Ubuntu07:24
dholbachgood morning07:30
Logan_hey Daniel :)07:31
Noskcajevening Logan_, dholbach07:32
Logan_hi Jackson07:32
Logan_it's actually 2:30 AM where I am, and I should be off to sleep07:32
Logan_except for the fact that I'm definitely going to do awful on my exam :(07:32
dholbachhi Noskcaj07:33
dholbachhi Logan_07:33
sarnoldLogan_ :/ -- more sleep almost always trumps more study in my experience..07:33
NoskcajLogan_, If you're going to be awake anyway, could you add a testimony to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Noskcaj#MOTU ?07:34
Logan_sarnold: even if you don't have a basic solid understanding of the material? ;P07:34
Logan_Noskcaj: ha07:34
sarnoldLogan_: definitely, it's easier to reason about completely novel things on a fresh brain07:34
NoskcajThis month is probably the last one i can apply for MOTU in07:34
Logan_sarnold: hmm, that seems valid07:35
Logan_ironically, I should know this because my test is on cognitive science :/07:35
Noskcajyep, on april 6th 19UTC becomes 5am07:35
Logan_Noskcaj: it seems awfully soon to do that again, no?07:35
Logan_don't tell me it's just because of making meetings07:35
sarnoldLogan_: hehe :) good luck and stay calm, that also helps :)07:36
Logan_thanks man :)07:36
NoskcajLogan_, daylight savings ending + i'll never apply by email again + i think my only failure was not getting better testimonials in my 2 month wait07:36
Noskcajand the gnome-xchat screwup07:36
Logan_personally, I'd give it more time07:37
tvossdoko, around?07:37
Logan_Noskcaj: whether or not you might think you're a better candidate a month later, it's not enough time for people to get a new impression of you07:37
Logan_and they may think you're being overeager by applying again so quickly07:37
NoskcajI'd would wait, but ~8 months is too much time07:38
sarnoldNoskcaj: why the pressure? ubuntu will probably still be here two, three, four months away..07:38
happyaroncjwatson: I see, will deal with it today.07:38
happyaroncjwatson: should be generated from src:libpyzy now.07:38
Logan_sarnold: Noskcaj has been experiencing firsthand how broken applying by email is right now07:39
Logan_since he's in the land down under, it's hard for him to make DMB meetings07:39
Noskcajsarnold, it's very frustrating waiting for sponsorship07:40
Noskcajespecially with xubuntu having no one who has time to sponsor stuff ATM (dev lead gone + micah always busy)07:40
sarnoldNoskcaj: ohhh, how long does it take for the queue to be handled, typically?07:40
sarnoldLogan_: meetings during sleep time are -also- unfun. hehe.07:41
dokotvoss, yes, but in sessions07:41
Noskcajsarnold, I've got stuff that's been in 2+ weeks currently07:41
Logan_oh dear07:42
Noskcajand a few things that are fairly release critical to xubuntu07:42
sarnoldNoskcaj: ahhhhh. by the time you get feedback on things your brain has long since moved on. makes sense. thanks :)07:42
tvossdoko, ack. Wanted to ask if you have had a chance to look into the thread sanitizer example I sent you by mail?07:42
Logan_okay, imma sleep now07:43
sarnoldnn Logan_,07:43
dokotvoss, sorry, no07:43
sarnoldgood luck07:43
Logan_everyone cross his or her fingers that I don't fail cogsci, lol07:43
Logan_thanks :)07:43
tvossdoko, ack07:43
dokotvoss, did you check this with 4.9 too?07:43
Unit193Logan_: Awwwh, darn.  Right when I wanted to tell you about a cryptsetup upload you can't do. :P07:43
tvossdoko, I haven't, yet07:43
Logan_Unit193: wat07:44
Unit193Good luck on cogsci.07:44
Logan_thanks Unit :P07:44
Logan_lol, I'll try to be a core dev eventually07:45
Logan_a lot of people assume I am for some odd reason07:46
Logan_but anyway, sleep07:46
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Laneyhey pitti, it regularly breaks09:04
Laneylet me give it a kick09:04
pittiLaney: FYI, I just added the xauth test dep to glib-networking's debian svn (I think that was discussed between you and seb128 yesterday)09:05
Laneypitti: no, not discussed but I did add it to some other ones09:05
Laneynot that one though09:05
pittino 2.39.91 to package, though; I won't upload it just for that09:06
seb128yeah, that can wait the next update09:06
Laneythose failures I only saw in Debian anyways09:06
pittiLaney: ah, which ones were you looking at?09:06
Laneyglib and pango09:07
pittiglib for sure09:07
pittiah, good09:07
LaneyI just forgot about -networking otherwise I would have added it there too09:07
* Laney goes to kick codesearch now09:07
pittiLaney: can we sync pango1.0 from Debian, btw?09:07
Laneythere's a s/Breaks/Conflicts/ that I didn't do in Debian09:08
pittisid now has 1.36.2, we have 1.36.1-0ubuntnu109:08
Laneybut I have an FFe in for that version09:08
Laney(as it adds the new tests package)09:08
pittian FFE for a new test? ugh :)09:08
Laneyshould be easy, maybe somebody looked at it already09:08
Laneypitti: hm, what search didn't give you results? works here, for example09:12
Laneyalso, whoops09:12
Laney@pilot in09:12
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Trusty Beta 1 released! | Archive: feature freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> saucy | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: Laney
pittiLaney: I tried on http://ubuntu-codesearch.surgut.co.uk/09:13
Laneyshould be the same09:13
pittiLaney: but indeed it seems to work again; this morning it immediately returned with "no search results" for anything I threw at it09:13
pittislangasek, cjwatson: so http://ubuntu-codesearch.surgut.co.uk/search?weighted=1&q=laptop-detect is indeed working again, that should answer the "undeclared reverse depends"?09:13
darkxsthey Laney, pitti09:43
pittihey darkxst09:43
darkxstLaney, can you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~darkxst/gnome-themes-standard/3.12-backgrounds09:46
Laneydarkxst: hey, sure09:47
jodhpitti: re sbuild dep8 on ppc64el - looks like the lxc config is still missing the required 'lxc.aa_profile = ...' for mounting /proc.09:47
pittijodh: yes, I was just about to look at that09:52
pittijodh: I'm using stgraber's adt profile, but this needs some modifications09:52
pittijodh: I'll test it on one machine, and if it works, roll it out to all ~ 1009:52
jodhpitti: thanks!09:52
pittijtaylor: FYI, the recent ipython failure seems to be an autopkgtest bug, with having multiple tests create artifacts; I'll look into that10:01
seb128doko, hey, did you see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bash-completion/+bug/1288031 ?10:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1288031 in bash-completion (Ubuntu) "Tab expansion only auto-completes directory names" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:04
pittijodh: yay, works locally10:08
pittijibel: ^ see above bug, that's the one you mentioned an hour ago10:08
pittireally unnerving bug10:09
Laneyyeah, not sure why we took the new bash... I didn't see an FFe for it.10:15
xnoxhappyaron: cjwatson: ibus-pinyin android-db is removed and replaced by a dependency on libpyzy (commit by chromium.org person upstream). adjusted the seeds appropriately for the three seeds that seeded -db-android, it's not needed anymore as far as i can tell.10:21
seb128Laney, yeah, that update looks not trivial and should have got a ffe imho10:22
xnoxhappyaron: src:libpyzy should generate it? hm. ok.10:23
jodhpitti: sbuild => yay! :)10:26
pittijodh: c'est vert! https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/trusty-adt-sbuild-ppc64el/9/10:26
pittijodh: hah,  snap10:26
jodhpitti: :)10:26
pittijodh: armhf still running10:26
xnoxhappyaron: yeah, you are right, i should revert my seed changes.10:27
* jodh crosses ahem, arms...10:27
seb128xnox, are you doing the 2 sides of the conversations yourself? ;-)10:27
seb128xnox, or just going through night backlog and commenting as you go?10:27
xnoxseb128: yes, yes indeed the latter one. former one sounds bipolar.10:28
xnoxseb128: i don't think i'm bipolar.10:28
darkxstLaney, thanks10:34
Laneyno problemo10:35
pittijodh: aaand success! https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/trusty-adt-sbuild-armhf/9/10:35
pittijodh: thanks again10:35
jodhpitti: phew. np :)10:35
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Laney@pilot out13:05
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Trusty Beta 1 released! | Archive: feature freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> saucy | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
seb128Laney, going close from 40, good job!13:06
cjwatsonseb128: IIRC I added _removable to "click list --manifest" for something you were doing (system settings?).  Do you remember where the code that uses that is?13:29
cjwatsonseb128: I'm wondering whether existing users would tolerate it being a JSON boolean instead, or if I need to keep it as an int for compatibility13:30
cjwatson(I must have been drunk the day I made that be 0/1, or something)13:30
seb128cjwatson, hum, that doesn't ring a bell, what is _removable doing?13:30
cjwatsonIt indicates whether this particular version of the package can be removed, as opposed to a preinstalled version13:31
cjwatsonMaybe it wasn't you then, I'll look elsewhere.  Could've been the scope ...13:31
cjwatson./src/click-interface.vala:130:        const string REMOVABLE_FIELD = "_removable";13:31
seb128yeah, shouldn't be us13:31
cjwatsonah, there we go13:31
cjwatsonget_int_member.  I guess I'll leave it alone13:31
seb128cjwatson, https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/unity-scope-click/prevent-non-removable/+merge/18861613:33
cjwatsonYeah, I dug it up eventually13:34
seb128(click is not an easy name to google for :p)13:34
seb128yw ;-)13:34
cjwatsonThe name wasn't my idea ...13:34
davmor2seb128, cjwatson: it gets worse when you type installing a click package, You get the first couple of pages of google play, amazon store and ios eventually13:40
cjwatsonOh, mind you, get_boolean_member would map back and forth implicitly anyway13:40
davmor2cjwatson: the most confusing thing seems to be that click has an install option but that's not how you install an app on touch grrrrrr :)13:42
sergiusenscjwatson, are you planning on changing that?13:43
cjwatsonsergiusens: I was thinking of it just because it's ugly and I was rewriting that code anyway, but I won't do it if it actually breaks anything13:44
cjwatsonAs it happens I'm pretty sure it wouldn't break the scope.  Do you know of other users?13:44
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sergiusenscjwatson, fwiw I'm not using it yet, but was planning to add it to a couple of packages13:46
sergiusensso I can hold off until the change is made13:46
cjwatsonsergiusens: I would say, if you're writing anything new please be prepared for that field either being int or boolean13:52
cjwatsonsergiusens: if you're using json-glib, then get_boolean_member is AFAICS fine for this, it'll cope with the value being an int13:52
cjwatsonsergiusens: I probably won't change it for the moment just to minimise risk13:52
sergiusensI'm only adding it to the manifest; not using them directly; and the click scope is where I believe the magic happens13:53
sergiusensthe merge request linked to seems from last year though13:54
sergiusensI thought the scope was under a rewrite13:54
cjwatsonwait, you're not allowed to add that key to the manifest13:54
cjwatsonit's dynamically-generated13:54
cjwatsonand it has to be, because the same .click package might wind up being removable or not depending on the way it's installed13:55
cjwatsonclick build will warn you and ignore the key if you try to add any manifest key starting with an underscore13:56
sergiusensgreat; I was going to look at the docs again wrt this13:58
sergiusensso this is a garbage collection thing or an uninstallable flag?13:59
sergiusensseems only applied to garbage collection13:59
sergiusensdo we have anything for making it uninstallable?14:00
cjwatson_removable basically means that the package is in a writeable location14:00
cjwatsonif it's preinstalled on a read-only fs, it's not removable14:00
cjwatsonthe only real point in having a removable flag otherwise is to prevent people accidentally screwing themselves by say hiding the dialer app (because you can "remove" a preinstalled package by slapping a whiteout-style hidden flag on top of it)14:01
cjwatsonwe don't have a flag for that right now, but it's possible.  I'm not sure that the manifest is the right place for that though; I think again it ought to be a property of how the package is installed rather than embedded in the package14:02
sergiusensa property on how it's installed is fine; and yes; use cases are dialer and friends as well as gallery and camera as they are default 'providers'14:04
cjwatsonmaking sure that people can always make emergency calls was the case I'd heard14:05
xnoxand i like that on android, i can revert to the stock version of the app.14:05
cjwatsonright, that's true on Ubuntu too14:05
xnoxso e.g. to unbreak my music app, i've cleared the data and "uninstalled" updates.14:06
cjwatsonI patterned that very loosely after experience on Android14:06
cjwatson(I don't know if the scope exposes it, but it's definitely in place in click)14:06
xnoxi guess we just don't have ui to unhide pre-installed clicks yet, then.14:06
xnoxi guess "register that version for a user again"14:07
cjwatsonthat would work though it's simpler to unregister the updated version14:07
cjwatsonremove => unregister pretty much14:08
xnoxright, i see.14:08
cjwatsonstgraber: https://code.launchpad.net/~click-hackers/click/trunk/+merge/209698 - please could you silo me up?  I'd like to try to squeeze this in before Qt 5.2 if possible14:10
cjwatsonstgraber: (and I have Ubuntu dual-booting on my phone now so testing should be less painful than my last attempt on a Nexus 7)14:10
cjwatsonstgraber: (never mind, getting Seb to do it)14:17
hallynsmoser: hey look!  infinity mentioned my transmeta laptop.  "not widely deployed", he says.  pshaw!14:48
hallyni misread email headers.  wasn't him.14:49
tkamppeterxnox, hi15:23
xnoxtkamppeter: hey.15:24
tkamppeterxnox, you tell in the Blueprint about printing that you have soved the Upstart/CUPS socket trigger problem, but I do not see any comment in the bug and nowhere a patch or fix.15:26
xnoxtkamppeter: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/1.7.1-5ubuntu6 ?15:27
xnoxtkamppeter: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/168508764/cups_1.7.1-5ubuntu5_1.7.1-5ubuntu6.diff.gz15:27
tkamppeterxnox, thank you very much. Can you comment on the bug report and, if appropriate, close the Upstart task?15:30
xnoxtkamppeter: i didn't remember there was a bug =) which one is that?15:31
tkamppeterxnox, it is bug 1276713, also linked in the Blueprint.15:33
ubottubug 1276713 in upstart "upstart socket activation for cups" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127671315:33
cjwatsondoko: do you desperately need https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/aarch64/+build/5665607 (on powerpc)?  I could use a powerpc builder ...15:37
dokocjwatson, cancelled. please give it back when resources are available15:39
cjwatsondoko: thanks15:40
Laneyxnox: rsalveti: can we upload ubuntu-touch-meta for the gst split?15:41
LaneyI see it's committed but not uploaded15:41
Laneywait one second, meta is attached to a landing15:43
rsalvetiLaney: yeah, probably mir15:45
rsalvetiLaney: but sure15:45
Laneywhyever are we adding gst-0.10?15:45
rsalvetithat's weird15:45
rsalvetiogra: ^^15:45
Laneyis that because it's used by camera or something15:45
Laneyand those are going to click packages15:46
rsalvetiI believe it's used by gallery-app15:46
ograLaney, ask sergiusens, i only merged it15:46
rsalvetiDepends: libc6 (>= 2.14), libcontent-hub0, libexiv2-12, libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1), libgl1-mesa-glx | libgl1, libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.12.0), libgstreamer0.10-0 (>= 0.10.0), libmediainfo0 (>= 0.7.52), libqt5core5 (>= 5.0.2), libqt5gui5 (>= 5.0.2), libqt5qml5, libqt5quick5, libqt5sql5 (>= 5.0.2), libqt5widgets5 (>= 5.0.2), libstdc++6 (>= 4.1.1), gstreamer0.10-plugins-base, gstreamer0.10-plugins-good, qtdeclarative5-accounts-plugin, libqt5sql5-sqlite, qtdecla15:46
rsalvetirative5-qtquick2-plugin, qtdeclarative5-qtmultimedia-plugin, qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin, qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-extras0.1 (>= 0.1+13.10.20130829-0ubuntu1), qtdeclarative5-window-plugin15:46
Laneyman oh man15:47
rsalvetiwonder if we can get that ported soon15:47
sergiusensLaney, rsalveti correct, gallery requires it15:47
rsalvetibfiller_afk: can we get someone to drop support for gst0.10 in gallery-app?15:47
rsalvetibetter, just port to gst1.015:48
tkamppeterxnox, I have downloaded the fixed CUPS now, thank you very much.15:48
rsalvetiit uses gst0.10 and qtmultimedia15:48
rsalvetiwhich creates an issue for us15:49
rsalvetibecause qtmultimedia still uses gst0.1015:49
rsalvetibut wonder if that is still really needed15:49
rsalvetior if we could just use the mediaplayer-app to play videos or such15:50
xnoxtkamppeter: no problem, i was a pain to figure out. I've ended up writing a pure service in python3 and then in C and both worked, and then when i copied all of my stuff from C into early main() was when i realised that -F/-f both set "fg" variable with very diff semantics.15:51
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stgraber@pilot in16:15
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Trusty Beta 1 released! | Archive: feature freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> saucy | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: stgraber
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
OdyXxnox: it'd be nice to report the non-upstart specific cups bugfixes to cups.org16:17
OdyX(as well as merging the upstart support code in Debian properly (on a branch that others can review before including) )16:18
xnoxOdyX: yes, after we shake it out. It only took 3 people and multiple attempts to get it at all do something useful.16:18
xnoxOdyX: plus it's still buggy in a few ways.16:18
xnoxOdyX: i'm planning to submit it, but at the moment, it's split across 3-4 messy patches.16:19
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xnoxOdyX: my last one is on top of the stack of the others...16:19
OdyXxnox: it won't be made easier as I did the same work for systemd in parallel16:20
xnoxOdyX: and the two are incompatible. since in upstart you get only one socket, and cups by default uses many sockets. thus while it is started up, it's only partially managed by upstart =(16:31
OdyXxnox: with my latest patch iteration, cups manages it's socket configuration for systemd and then systemd wakes up cups on incoming connections on any of the sockets.16:38
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pittibdmurray: hm, seems your gpg fix to software-properties wasn't sufficient?16:41
xnoxOdyX: that's the proper approach to do it. Where can I see those patches?16:43
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bfillerrsalveti: I think we've dropped it already when the MR to use libthumbnailer16:43
bfillerrsalveti: let me check the MR16:43
xnoxOdyX: it wouldn't be quite easy to do with upstart as is, without me re-engineering the socket-bridge (essentially embedding one into cups =/)16:43
bdmurraypitti: right, I've just uploaded a new version of gnupg and will sort out software-properties shortly16:44
pittibdmurray: splendid, thanks16:44
pittibdmurray: oh, something in gnupg itself regressed? interesting16:44
Logan_pitti: looks like it works now: http://ubuntu-codesearch.surgut.co.uk/search?weighted=1&q=laptop-detect16:44
pittibdmurray: right, just read the diff; it's an unexpected place to find a gnupg regression, but *shrug* nice :)16:45
pittiLogan_: yep, seems Laney prodded it hard enough16:46
tkamppeterxnox, socket-activated CUPS works now. Thank you very much.16:46
xnoxOdyX: where is your systemd work / patches for cups?16:47
tkamppeterOdyX, starting CUPS socket-activated works now via Upstart, too.16:47
tkamppeterxnox, OdyX16:47
tkamppeterxnox, OdyX' work is all on the Debian repo of CUPS, master branch.16:48
tkamppeterxnox, not (yet) in Ubuntu CUPS, due to FF (or do we need an FFE here?).16:49
smagounseb128: Hey, I think you were working on the LIM changes for Nautilus? There is a regression in nautilus (and probably other apps). Each new window is smaller than the previous one, it looks like we're subtracting the height of a menu bar when we shouldn't be. I filed bug 1288855.16:49
ubottubug 1288855 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Shrinking windows - each new window is smaller than the previous one" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128885516:49
seb128smagoun, hey, that's a compiz bug, Trevinho is working on it16:51
smagounseb128: oh, cool. Good to know16:51
seb128Trevinho, if it's an easy fix you might want to just roll that one out and then get back to lockscreen and other things16:51
Laneymardy: syncevolution is going up now16:51
xnoxtkamppeter: well. yes and no, only one of the three default sockets is upstart socket activated, and the other two are self-allocated by cups. And that's upstart socket activation limitation - it only triggers upon one socket, and only passes one socket to the daemon.16:51
seb128smagoun, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/128747216:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1287472 in Compiz "compiz unnecessarily shrinks new windows" [Medium,Triaged]16:52
smagouni'll mark 1288855 as a dupe of 128747216:53
seb128smagoun, feel free, I marked it invalid on nautilus with a comment saying it's a compiz issue16:53
infinitysmagoun: Have you upgraded and logged out recently?  A bug not unlike that one was just fixed.16:54
seb128infinity, it's a non fixed issue16:54
infinityOkay, so it's not https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/1282305 ?16:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1282305 in Compiz "Repeatedly undecorating and redecorating a window shrinks it vertically" [Medium,Fix committed]16:54
infinityJust vaguely related, I guess.16:54
seb128infinity, the previous one (which got fixed) was that windows were shifted by the decoration height16:54
infinityseb128: The one you're referring to is 1282304 (I filed both), but smagoun's sounded more related to 128230516:55
seb128infinity, no, the new one is happening without hidding the decorations16:55
infinityAhh, fun.16:55
seb128infinity, click on nautilus in the launcher, ctrl-W it, cycle16:55
seb128and notice how nautilus shrinks16:55
tkamppeterxnox, here is the /etc/init/cups.conf which I using successfully for tests. It starts once CUPS on boot, for the case that there are jobs or shared printers, if not cupsd stops after 30 secs, after that it is triggered on either localhost:631 or /var/run/cups/cups.sock and also stops after 30 secs of inactivity: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7045084/16:57
tkamppeterOdyX ^^16:57
tkamppeterxnox, OdyX: Changes are the "start on ..." rule and the added "-x 30" (30 sec timeout also when started on boot) in the cupsd command line.16:58
xnoxtkamppeter: next upstart release will have INET6 socket as well. I think there are corner cases, where it would fall apart. Let me test it here more.16:58
rsalvetibfiller: cool, maybe we just forgot to remove that dependency from the control file17:00
rsalvetiwhich would be easy to fix :-)17:00
xnoxtkamppeter: as root: stop upstart-socket-bridge; stop cups; start cups; start upstart-socket-bridge; stop cups; lpstat -v  -> error bad file descriptor17:00
bfillerrsalveti: we're testing it now on this branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/gallery-app/gallery-app-sdk-thumbnailer/+merge/20722217:00
xnoxtkamppeter: thus imho this is fragile, and shouldn't be enabled by default. And only use socket-activation on the phone, via .override file for "start on" and "exec" stanzas only.17:01
xnoxtkamppeter: because we know that on phone we will not be cups-server / sharing printers.17:01
dholbachpitti, infinity: if you're around... the CC is catching up with the TB in #u-meeting17:03
* pitti joins17:03
tkamppeterxnox, if you could provide me an appropriate /etc/init/cups.conf would be great.17:05
xnoxtkamppeter: it should be reproducible (the bug) with yours cups.conf.17:06
tkamppeterxnox, my simple test of the pasted cups.conf and not stopping and starting cups and socket bridge makes everything working for me.17:06
xnoxtkamppeter: correct. in a simple/common case it works. I'm showing the buggy behaviour that it has.17:07
xnoxsudo -i -c "stop upstart-socket-bridge; stop cups; start cups; start upstart-socket-bridge; stop cups; lpstat -v"17:07
xnoxsudo sh -c "stop upstart-socket-bridge; stop cups; start cups; start upstart-socket-bridge; stop cups; lpstat -v"17:08
tkamppeterxnox, sorry, I want to say the following: I will upload cups 1.7.1-5ubuntu7 with your last fix plus some further (upstream for general stability, not Upstart socket) patches and it would be great that you then upload -5ubuntu8 with appropriate .override.17:09
tkamppeterxnox, this would be great.17:09
xnoxtkamppeter: hm? all of my patches are uploaded into the archive as ubuntu6.17:10
xnoxtkamppeter: yeah, upload anything/everything that's needed, but don't change upstart job to auto-shutdown/be socket activated.17:11
xnoxtkamppeter: i'll do that on touch only.17:11
tkamppeterxnox, and I have downloaded this and backported some upstream patches (for other bugs) and upload this as ubuntu7.17:11
tkamppeterxnox, OK, I will upload ubuntu7 then.17:11
xnoxtkamppeter: gotcha. cool! =)17:12
tkamppeterxnox, the bug you mention I can reproduce with my cups.conf.17:12
xnoxtkamppeter: ack.17:15
tkamppeterxnox, ubuntu7 uploaded.17:15
tkamppeterxnox, now, once I have reproduced the bug you mention, socket activation stopped working for me. How can I reset it.17:21
rsalvetibfiller: cool, but this MP is still not removing the dependencies from debian/control17:22
bfillerrsalveti: I know, it needs to be updated if all is working17:22
xnoxtkamppeter: to recover - sudo sh -c "stop upstart-socket-bridge; stop cups; start upstart-socket-bridge; lpstat -v"17:23
tkamppeterxnox, thanks.17:30
pittibdmurray: nice, fixed again; thanks!17:39
tkamppeterxnox, OdyX, it seems that some apps need to get modified so that they do not keep a connection to CUPS open through the whole session and are not able to reconnect when CUPS has shut down while the app is still running.17:41
tkamppeterxnox, OdyX, system-config-printer seems to have problems.17:41
xnoxtkamppeter: i hope I've done my bit, and don't have to work on that =)17:42
tkamppeterxnox, I think so, too.17:42
xnoxtkamppeter: i daubt it will be the only issue, e.g. i can think of monitoring systems going crazy "cups is not there, oh wait it's not there, oh it's back again" set to flapping & tripping off sysadmins.17:43
xnoxtkamppeter: hence the siding to only ship socket activation on touch/mobile by default for 14.04, but keep working on enabling it by default.17:44
tkamppeterxnox, OK.17:46
bdmurraypitti: did you see my bug about apport and default browsers?17:52
pittibdmurray: yes, I did17:53
mapreripitti: I can't reproduce the issue -.- I also write a short pbuilder hook (http://goo.gl/exXIbN) to call adt after the build, but the tests now are always successful :S18:06
mapreriwhat do you suggest to try now? I'm very new to autopkgtest, maybe I'm missing something...18:06
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mapreri(if you have time right now, of course)18:07
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tkamppeterOdyX, I have uploaded cups 1.7.1-5ubuntu7 to Ubuntu and also committed it to the Debian GIT, in the master-ubuntu branch. It has basically working (still with some bugs) Upstart-based socket activation support, the official upstream patch for supporting avahi-daemon restarts, and several patches backported from upstream for general stability. Perhaps you want to merger one or another patch to Debian.18:29
psusiso I'm trying to debug a coredump and gdb bt just shows kernel_vsyscall, ??, ??, then stops saying previous frame is inner to this frame ( corrupt stack? ).  Is this just one really messed up core dump, or am I doing something stupid, like forgetting to install debug symbols...18:54
psusiwait... is the current trusty kernel generating broken core dumps?  there was some sort of bug about that upstream18:58
NoskcajLaney, Thanks for the sponsoring19:38
seb128Noskcaj, you need to get upload right for universes so you can help cleaning the queue ;-)19:50
Noskcajseb128, I want to. I'm thinking i might apply for MOTU again this month, since my timezone makes it impossible to apply after april 6th19:51
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seb128Noskcaj, you can apply by email if needed I think19:52
slangasekNoskcaj: the calendar jumps straight from april 6 to Jan 1 in your timezone?19:52
Noskcajslangasek, 19utc becomes 5am19:53
slangasekoh ;)19:53
slangasekI thought there were provisions for applying by mail19:53
Noskcajseb128, That took 2 months and 2 irc meetings to be told i didn't have enough testimonials, so no19:53
seb128Noskcaj, just a recommendation, you need to forward to Debian directly when the change apply to them (especially if we have no delta in Ubuntu)19:54
Noskcajseb128, I do, whenever possible19:55
sladenNoskcaj: where's your list of testimonials, how 'lacking' is it---should be reasonably easy to solve...19:55
argesbdmurray: hey, checking in. have you looked at the queue yet19:55
seb128Noskcaj, it would also be nice if you followed up on bugs you create with your sync requests19:55
seb128Noskcaj, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/cherrypy3/3.2.2-4ubuntu4 ... is was possible for example ;-)19:56
Noskcajsladen,  ... is was possible for example ;-)19:56
Noskcajstupid irc copy/paste19:56
Noskcajseb128, That's been forwarded to debian i think19:57
Noskcajseb128, All the sync bugs that i've left are from some time ago and are because i lack the skills to fix the issue, so i wouldn't be making the bad syncs again19:59
seb128Noskcaj, k, I was just mentioning it because that's the sort of think I would point in your wikipage if you asked me to write some feedback in it20:00
seb128Noskcaj, https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/trusty/cherrypy3/lp-463065/+merge/207852 ... I didn't notice it was commited to debian because there was no bug in the bts and no tag in the patch, you also didn't reply to my review comment until I changed the status 10 days later20:02
Noskcajseb128, ok. I'll look into the current rc bug for cherrypy3 so i can get an upload with the ubuntu delta gone20:02
seb128Noskcaj, that's not the issue, we can carry a delta for that release, as long as the change is forward so we don't have to carry it forever20:03
Noskcajthe lack of response was because i had already done the changes in debian and had thought you'd merged it20:04
seb128ok, need to go20:04
* lamont grumbles at bash completion... grep string file<tab> no longer completes - known?20:07
ChrisTownsendlamont: Yes, very annoying.  Here is the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bash-completion/+bug/128803120:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1288031 in bash-completion (Ubuntu) "Tab expansion only auto-completes directory names" [High,Confirmed]20:08
lamontChrisTownsend: ta20:09
ChrisTownsendlamont: np20:09
bdmurrayarges: no, I haven't yet20:21
argesbdmurray: ok. I see some green ones20:22
bdmurrayarges: Why don't you focus on the queues and I'll look at the pending ones20:22
argesbdmurray: sure20:23
argeshallyn: hey I see two unapproved uploads of libvirt in the saucy queue. I think you just want the latest one. Is that right?20:34
hallynarges: yup.  everyone was scared off by teh first one :)20:36
argeshallyn: cool thanks20:36
hallynthank you20:36
cjwatsontedg: I'm working on the upstart-app-launch changes to make use of libclick, or at least the first batch of them, and was wondering if you could advise on testing21:44
cjwatsontedg: the test for click-exec is going to need to tell libclick to use a different database directory, to replace the current scheme where it relies on tests/click being on $PATH21:45
tedgcjwatson, Yeah. Or you can just mock out the libclick API.21:46
cjwatsontedg: would it be OK to have click-exec check an environment variable and use a different DB dir if that env var is set?21:46
cjwatsontedg: or would such a change have to be only compiled in while testing?21:46
cjwatsonI'd rather be able to test the as-installed click-exec binary if possible21:46
cjwatsontedg: Yeah, I could mock it out, but it would be better to integration-test if possible I think21:46
tedgcjwatson, I don't see any reason that would be an issue, we control the environment through Upstart. If someone can add environment variables to upstart it seems we're kinda screwed.21:47
cjwatsontedg: Not least because I've just about had my fill of strange LD_PRELOAD hacks for this month21:47
cjwatsontedg: Right, and it doesn't matter if somebody runs click-exec by hand?21:47
tedgcjwatson, No, it's just set environment variables for their terminal :-)21:47
cjwatsonOK, cool21:47
cjwatsonIn that case I'll send you over the first branch tomorrow (just about done for today)21:48
cjwatsonA "click info" replacement isn't in place yet, so it's just "click pkgdir" for now, but I have a branch in progress for "click info" too21:48
cjwatsonWill hopefully speed things up a bit ...21:48
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