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pittiGood morning06:39
elfyballoons: thanks - merged and synced and edited the testsuite - all looks normal now \o/07:20
pittijibel: FYI, I'll probably get the wolfes reinstalled in the next days (coordinating with smoser)10:31
pittijibel: they will get proper grub so that they will always run the latest kernels10:31
pittijibel: I adjusted the setup-adt-lxc.commands to the latest changes (apparmor profiles, proxy, etc.); does the jenkins setup there look sufficient?10:31
pittijibel: i. e. install jenkins-slave, write /etc/default/jenkins-slave, start jenkins-slave?10:32
pittijibel: i. e. if I'd disable them from jenkins, reinstall them, and re-enable them, should they work? or is there a step missing?10:32
* pitti is eager to try his two-command set up again :)10:33
davmor2Morning all11:01
jibelpitti, it should work.11:10
pittijibel: merci11:10
pittijibel: do you have a way to interpret http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-setup-testbed/148/13:24
pittijibel: or is this just jenkins gobbledigok?13:24
jibelpitti, it is because I forced a rebuild on wazn/amd64 withouth replaying the full matrix13:38
pittijibel: ah, thanks13:38
jibelpitti, in this case jenkins doesn't update the rsult on the master job13:38
pittijibel: FTR, stopping wolfe-03 and 04 from jenkins now, reinstalling those13:51
elopiodavmor2: I can't open the notes app. I have just flashed devel-proposed.14:48
elopiois that a known issue?14:48
davmor2elopio: works here14:50
davmor2elopio: was it a fresh install or an update?14:53
elopiodavmor2: flashed with ubuntu-device-flash14:53
elopiobut I kept my old data.14:54
davmor2elopio: right so effectively and update then :)14:54
davmor2elopio: popey can open notes too15:09
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elopiohey robotfuel, this is great: https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/python/guide/mocks18:08
elopiobut how would you tell the rss qml to use the mocks intead of the real ones?18:08
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robotfuelelopio: you tell the rss to look at a local server that returns your mocks, you might have to add an input flag that overrides the default server address.18:40
elopiorobotfuel: that's the part I don't know how to do on the qml + js, overriding the default server.18:41
robotfuelelopio: they are currently hardcoded so you'd have to change that here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-rssreader-dev/ubuntu-rssreader-app/trunk/view/head:/GoogleFeedApi.qml18:45
elopiorobotfuel: but is there a way with javascript or qml to get the value from an env variable?18:48
robotfuelelopio: yes I had to do some looking18:59
robotfuelelopio: http://askubuntu.com/questions/336083/how-to-use-arguments-in-qml-without-getting-qmlscene-arguments18:59
robotfuelelopio: this looks like the best way it's in the sdk http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-1.0/Ubuntu.Components.Arguments/19:01
elopiorobotfuel: nice :D19:02
* elopio goes for lunch.19:43
dkesselgood evening :)20:14
balloonsdkessel, good evening.. How are you?20:21
dkesselfine, thank you. updating to image 223 on my nexus 7 ;D20:22
dkesseli also did some package testing of xubuntu yesterday. found a few bugs :)20:23
balloonsdkessel, ubuntu touch not so bad on the nexus 7 is it? I was pleasantly surprised :-)20:39
dkesselballoons - well i really look forward to another "promoted" image... but anyway, i like it, yes :)20:41
dkesselmhhh. app icons really should be cached somehow....20:46
dkesselballoons, good to see nobody has built a "pioneers" port yet :) that's what i plan on doing...20:48
balloonsohh Siedler!20:49
dkesselja :)20:49
dkesseli need to go, bb20:53
balloonsveebers, if I can get you to leave a comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~veebers/autopilot-qt/reintroduce-exporting-qobject-children-of-qml-items/+merge/207581, I'd appreciate it. Just wondering what the status is. We still have an outstanding mp awaiting it's goodness21:47
thomiballoons: it changes the order of objects exported by select_many, and several test suites rely (incorrectly) on that order21:49
thomiso we cannot release it until everyone updates their tests21:49
* balloons facepalms21:50
thomiwe're planning on building it into a PPA, so people can update their suites more easily21:50
thomibut we're fighting a few fires on othe fronts at the moment21:50
balloonsok, so hmm..21:50
balloonsI'll update the mp and I guess we'll have to decide21:50
thomiwell, we're still committed to getting it out21:51
veebersballoons: sorry was making coffee. Yeah it's not good news sorry, what thomi said21:51
thomiand TBH, it's better that you're blocked21:51
thomi...means you'll have motive to fix all the test suites :)21:51
balloonsbeen blocked for quite some time.. the mp original date is 1-1021:51
veebersballoons: also, sorry I should have kept you updated21:51
balloonsand been trying to land since the end of Jan ;-)21:52
thomiI know21:52
thomiit sucks21:52
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balloonselopio, have you seen this error before? "RuntimeError: Application under test exited before the test finished!"22:13
elopioballoons: I have, when the app crashes.22:54
balloonselopio, right.. I guess I'm trying to land my tweaks to the weather app and I want to make sure I'm not causing it22:54
elopioballoons: are you talking at the branch I approved? That would be highly unlikely, you are not changing any behavior.22:55
balloonselopio, https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-weather-app/fix-acitivity-timings/+merge/20977622:56
balloonselopio, we landed a fix for your bug22:57
balloonswithout refactoring and changing a bunch, I did tweak the activity timings22:57
elopioballoons: that's nice. Can I make some suggestions?22:58
balloonselopio, yes.. for instance, I know you might be able to suggest how to move the common utility check back into the emulator22:59
elopioballoons: _wait_for_activity should be a public method in MainView22:59
elopioand probably, a better name is wait_for_activity_to_finish22:59
balloonselopio, yep I agree.. It was there22:59
balloonsbut I didn't take the time to figure out how to wean it off of asserts23:00
elopioballoons: your problem is with the eventually, right?23:00
balloonsI assume I can cobble something with wait_for23:00
elopioballoons: that's what I was going to suggest.23:00
elopioget_activity_indicator, first, make it private, _get_activity_indicator23:01
balloonsI know.. I simply haven't done it23:01
* balloons listens23:01
elopiothen let it just return self.select_single("ActivityIndicator")23:01
elopioremove the running and the try except.23:01
elopionow  wait_for_activity_to_finish could be:23:02
elopio    self._get_activity_indicator().running.wait_for(False)23:02
elopioexcept StateNotFoundError:23:02
elopio    # No activity in progress.23:02
elopio    pass23:02
elopiowhat do you think?23:03
balloonsah-hah, me gusta23:04
balloonsyes I feel silly, but I'm pretty bonkers today.. I thought about wait_for for 10 seconds before I did this, and realized, nah, I need a property for it to work23:06
balloonsI'll have to think about it later.. then I use one anyway.. whoops23:06
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balloonsok elopio so I'll pick your brain on one further thing23:08
balloonsinside the tests you'll notice this interesting pair of lines: loadingPage = self.main_view.wait_select_single("Tabs", objectName="rootTabs")23:08
balloons        self.assertThat(loadingPage.visible, Eventually(Equals(True)))23:08
balloonsin every case he's simply trying to ensure this call works: tabObjects = self.main_view.select_many('LocationTab', objectName='LocationTab'). Thoughts on cleaning that up?23:10
balloonsI ask specifically because the errors I mention above hit on that pair of lines repeatedly23:10
elopioballoons: hum23:19
elopioprobably, we need to encapsulate that on a wait_for_location_tabs() method23:20
elopioand there must be a better way to do it.23:20
balloonsyes, obviously methodize it.. but there has to be a better way, exactly23:20
elopioballoons: this is probably wrong select_many('LocationTab', objectName='LocationTab')23:21
elopiothe objectName should identify uniquely, so when you see it on a select_many, it smells.23:21
balloonsI don't want to dive too deep into the tests, but heh.. slippery slope23:21
elopiogenerally, we add an index to the objectName, like, locationTab1. So if you have 3 location tabs, and are waiting for a new one to appear, you would only do23:22
elopiowait_select_single(LocationTab, objectName='locationTab4')23:22
balloonsright.. if you know you want a second one, which in these tests, that is the case23:22
elopioI still haven't read all the tests, so I might be wrong, but something like that is what I would try.23:23
balloonsI haven't read everything either.. maybe I'll have to go that far at least23:23
elopioballoons: and when you find some helpers that are close to what you need, but not quite, it might be that the existent test is taking the wrong approach.23:26
elopioif that's the case, it's easier to start from scratch than to adjust the helpers.23:26
balloonsyea, see like this test is adding a location. The sane thing to do would be to kill all this silliness and add a single assert to assure the location is added23:26
elopioballoons: +1. Check that there's one more tab, check that it's selected, and check that the tab title is the same as the city you selected. That should be it.23:37
robotfuelelopio: balloons are you trying to do the same thing as wait_for_destroyed() with your try except?23:42
balloonsrobotfuel, commonly we'll perform an action and then an activity spinner is displayed23:43
balloonsso we want a few things. wait for the spinner to appear, then wait for it to finish and carry on23:43
balloonshowever sometimes it'll go so fast, the test will never see the spinner23:43
elopioballoons, robotfuel: I don't like this. I see this as a thing to add in the design.23:45
elopiowe need a place on the ui where you can tell if something is loading, and it should be consistent on all applications.23:45
elopioand it should just not be visible if nothing is loading.23:45
elopioit should never be destroyed.23:46
balloonselopio, part of the issue with this app is there are multiple activity indicators.. your original suggestion fails because of that :-)23:46
balloonsyes, all unique objects doing the same thing. fun23:46
elopioballoons: multiple activity indicators in the same app, that surely is a bug :)23:47
robotfuelelopio: the gallery shows each image loading with an indicator for each, I don't think design will agree23:47
balloons*as designed*23:47
elopiorobotfuel: well, that could be an exception.23:47

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