
=== nudtrobert_ is now known as nudtrobert
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zequenceI'm wondering if it's possible to add new features to an installer for a point release. Backporting is probably not going to do it.14:56
zequenceThe flavor in question is Ubuntu Studio, so not vanilla14:57
xnoxzequence: depends on what the feature is and will need approval from the sru-team.14:57
xnoxzequence: e.g. UEFI & SecureBoot support was introduced in 12.04.2 and was not present in .0 nor .1. But that did fall under hardware-enablement SRU.14:58
zequencexnox: I'm dropping trying to get ubuntustudio-live in this late. Lack of time, and it's getting way past FF. But, the LTS is worth polishing.14:59
zequenceI was thinking of adding the additional plugin(s) to our existing ubuntustudio-live-settings instead, and trying to SRU it, once we got it working for 14.1015:01
xnoxzequence: i'm not sure what you'd gain from it. Most people upgrade, thus whatever features/options install offers must also be possible to get via manual actions on installed/upgraded machine.15:05
xnoxzequence: changing installer is risky, but i guess run it by the sru-team.15:06
xnoxzequence: when ubuntu-one page was developed, it did land in the installed, disabled-by-default.15:07
xnoxzequence: later when testing via boot-time option uncovered nasty issues, we delayed enabling ubuntu-one page by one release.15:07
xnoxzequence: so do land as much code as you can, but keep it disabled / under feature flag until it's ready. that way it would be easier for you to test the built/live cds as well.15:08
infinityzequence: You still have 6 weeks before release, surely you can get your bits in and tested?15:17
zequenceI'm not really that worried it won't work. There's plenty of time for testing until 14.04.1. More worried about time and quality, really15:37
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
xnoxzequence: ship it, if it would need fixing, it will be sru-worthy bugfix for .1.15:54
xnoxzequence: ubiquity as shipped in precise .1 was very different from ubiquity shipped in precise .0. We did drop plugins and fixed a of bugs.15:55
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
bdmurrayslangasek: there was some discussion about webapps and extensions go through the SRU process at some UDS recently right?21:51
bdmurrayslangasek: found it22:07
bdmurrayAnyway, shouldn't the saucy upload of unity-chromium-extension reference an SRU bug?22:08
slangasekbdmurray: yes, I don't think the discussion at UDS changed the overall shape of the process, including the requirement for SRU bugs for tracking22:36
slangasekbdmurray: also, I'm pretty sure we only talked about expedited SRUs for webapps, not for extensions22:36
slangasek(well, I say that as someone who didn't make it to the actual session ;)22:37
bdmurrayslangasek: right I found the blueprint / wiki page and they were related to only webapps22:37
bdmurrayslangasek: so who would I ping about this sync request?22:39
slangasekah, whoever requested it?22:40
bdmurrayThe Ubuntu Archive Robot? or is there somewhere else to look22:40
* slangasek tries to see22:41
slangasekwhere was it synced from/to?22:42
bdmurrayfrom the SRU staging ppa22:42
slangasekwhose SRU staging ppa?22:43
slangasekso I don't know if a reject generates a mail to whoever requested the sync22:43

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