
cmaloneyGood morning12:28
rick_h_morning, but nothing good12:29
cmaloneyThat not good huh?12:30
cmaloneyRealizing one of the "benefits" of sitting by a window at work: getting to see that bright ball of gas in the sky right in my eyeballs12:31
rick_h_having a wife that can talk in her sleep, or say scream "why aren't you running, they're killing you" several times in the night makes for cranky husband12:31
cmaloneyI'll take it though12:31
rick_h_you moved to a window seat eh?12:31
rick_h_very cool12:31
cmaloneyYeah, I'm in the cube that they used to use for storage.12:31
cmaloneyOver where your whiteboard of doom is.12:32
rick_h_Oh ok, so by window it's a bit away still, not right by the window wall12:32
cmaloneyWill PM you a pic when it finishes uploading12:34
cmaloneyrick_h_: So on the plus side at least Erica is trying to save you and not saying "why don't you die you son-of-a-bitch".12:38
cmaloneySo that's a plus.12:38
rick_h_and this is why I like rss feeds with cached content. "ooh, interesting article" click it and "page not found"12:51
rick_h_ooooh, something up there12:51
cmaloneyThis is why I use rss2email12:53
cmaloneyThough I'm finding that graphic-heavy RSS feeds (like comics) are a bit of a pain in Mutt.12:54
rick_h_yea, I love my text but don't think I could do it in mutt12:55
cmaloneyIt's not awful12:55
cmaloneybut it does make you realize how much images help walls of text12:56
cmaloney(or conversely how much images hide a lack of text)12:56
rick_h_that too12:57
jrwrenso... I looked at tpp and I like it, but another text markup language? ugh. no matter how trivial?  seems like just using Markdown would have made a lot of sense.13:26
jrwrenwith a few conventions13:26
cmaloneyI think I'm becoming greg-g14:11
cmaloneyPicked up Cathedral and Kyuss last night.14:11
dzhothis is music I take it14:11
cmaloneyGood music.14:12
cmaloney"Doom metal"14:12
dzho"pain in the Mutt" haha I see what you did there14:12
cmaloneyNo "the" in there, but I'll accept credit. ;)14:13
dzhonow that you mention it14:13
dzhothat, kids, is what we call "closure"14:13
dzhoI've had w3m set in my ~/.mailcap to handle text/html for a while now14:14
dzhobut I just put "auto_view text/html"14:14
dzhoin my .muttrc in the last week or so14:14
cmaloneyYeah, and that's fine for most mail save for graphics.14:14
dzhoI felt I had to do it because our dept is switching to office 365, and other units have already switched, so I'm seeing a lot more mail with only a text/html part14:15
dzhoand replying to that without auto_view is a problem14:15
rick_h_cmaloney: are you planning on submitting a talk for pyohio?15:25
rick_h_heh, well another bookmark app comes out https://unmark.it/15:26
cmaloneyWas thinking about it but not 100% what I could cover that would be of interest.15:36
cmaloneyrick_h_: ^15:36
brouschcmaloney: You can cover all of the bugs rick_h_ left you in his legacy code15:38
rick_h_lol "when the bastard leaves"15:39
widoxrick_h_: odd name choice15:39
widoxoh, its on GH too15:39
widoxheh, free option lets you keep 50 total bookmarks O_o15:39
cmaloney"Sex, lies, and non-PEP8: the hidden code of rick_h_ "15:40
brouschcmaloney: For when you go cyborg http://phys.org/news/2014-03-robotic-prosthesis-drummer-three-armed-cyborg.html15:54
jrwreni must admit - getting better at sed makes me feel a bit dirty :)16:05
brouschjrwren: It has made you more attractive, too16:07
jrwrenI do prefer dirty people to clean people16:08
cmaloneyNothing wrong with sed. Sometimes it's all you need16:10
jrwrensometimes it is all you have16:19
mrgoodcati'm getting really frustrated by something extremely stupid16:51
mrgoodcati'm trying to use sys.stdout.write16:51
mrgoodcatbut i don't want to type out the whole thing16:51
mrgoodcathow can i import it so that i only have to type write()?16:51
rick_h_from sys.stdout import write as write16:52
rick_h_well you don't need the as write16:52
rick_h_I was thinking of saving it as something else, nvm16:52
mrgoodcatno module named stdout16:52
mrgoodcattime to go anyways16:53
jrwrenfrom sys import stdout ; write=stdout.write16:53
jrwrenstdout is the member of teh sys module. it is a file like object so it has a write member on it.16:53
cmaloneyIt's my experience that if you're writing directly to stdout you're overthinking your problem. :)17:22
cmaloneyor you haven't discovered logger. :)17:22
jrwrenso you don't printf?17:31
jrwrenor cout <<17:31
jrwrenor echo in your bash scripts?17:31
rick_h_I typically just print or use logging.17:32
jrwreni means printf in C, cout in C++17:33
cmaloneyjrwren: I mean Python17:36
cmaloneyOf course I have to use stdout in C and C++. ;)17:38
jrwrenyou don't have to.17:39
jrwrenwhy would C and C++ be any different than python with regard to stdout and logging?17:39
cmaloneyjrwren: I mean I don't have to resort to using sys.stdout to get output. I usually just use print / logging17:55
jrwreni was confuzled17:57
cmaloneysi. :)17:58
jrwrennonsequitor: now that i've used RST for a bit, I can totally see why markdown is more popular and won.17:58
cmaloneywhat do you like better about markdown over RST?17:59
cmaloneyI find RST is a hair more strict and less finger friendly.17:59
mrgoodcati like markdown17:59
mrgoodcati don't know rst17:59
rick_h_I just hate markdown ====== Heading =======18:00
mrgoodcatthe problem i have with print is the newline character at the end. How do I print without the newline character?18:00
rick_h_the rst way of underlining makes so much more sense to me18:00
rick_h_why would you not want the newline?18:00
mrgoodcatrick_h_: you can put the ===== underneath Heading as well18:00
cmaloneymrgoodcat: There's a few ways to tackle this18:00
cmaloney1: Build a string in memory using sprintf and then output using print18:01
cmaloneyuse http://stackoverflow.com/questions/493386/how-to-print-in-python-without-newline-or-space18:02
cmaloneyprint('foo'), won't add the newline18:02
cmaloney(note the change for Python 318:02
mrgoodcatbut it will print a space18:02
mrgoodcati just switched to use python 3 syntax18:02
mrgoodcatsolved my problem18:03
cmaloneyyeah, that's probably the better way.18:03
jrwrenrick_h_: really? you like having to maintain the correct length of ==== both over and under your headings?18:03
rick_h_jrwren: meh, it makes sense to me18:03
jrwrenMD makes SOOO much more sense here. you don't change anything except the title when you change the title.18:03
cmaloneyjrwren: yypVR18:03
jrwrenassume i'm using sed :p18:03
jrwrenj/k of course18:03
jrwrenbut RST is just downright mean wiht its errors and what it accepts.18:03
jrwrenMD is much more friendly IME18:04
rick_h_make lint meh18:04
cmaloneyAgreed. RST is a bitch with indentation18:04
cmaloneyand lists.18:04
rick_h_how so?18:04
jrwrenand where does that :: go?18:04
cmaloneylists is what I meant.18:04
rick_h_on a line18:04
jrwrenit has to be indented perfectly and wiht or without the correct newline before and after.18:04
jrwrenfar too strict.18:04
jrwrenMD much more human18:04
jrwrenits must like python18:05
cmaloneyrick_h_: I agree w/ jrwren, and I'm still a fan of RST.18:05
jrwren(1,2) == (1,2,)18:05
jrwrenthis is human.18:05
jrwreni'm a fan of RST too18:05
jrwrenI simply prefer MD for most tasks.18:05
cmaloneyI've had to do some finagling to get my .rst files to compile properly.18:05
jrwrenif I had complex enough docs, I'd want RST18:05
jrwrenbut I don't.18:05
cmaloneyFuck 'em all. Just use LaTeX. ;)18:06
cmaloneyYou had the rest, now use the best.18:06
jrwrensadly, that is a bit more expensive to parse18:06
cmaloneya bit? :)18:06
cmaloneyRuby is a bit expensive to parse18:07
cmaloneyWhen I write in LaTeX I feel like Donald Knuth is peering over my shoulder with a ruler, waiting to smack my hand for not being correct enough.18:07
cmaloneyIf I don't get a warning or two out of my document I wonder if I actually ran the right program.18:08
_stink_hbox overfull18:12
_stink_hbox overfull18:12
_stink_hbox overfull18:12
_stink_is what i get.18:12
jcastrorick_h_, http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/laptops-for-ubuntu-cant-make-up-my-mind/1541/3?u=jorge18:41
rick_h_jcastro: replied...and should have sent my book to the copy editor first heh19:03
mathomastechGot some reasonable success getting arch installed on my Macbook Air (2013). Still having some funky wifi issues. In order to connect to Wifi, I need to run "ip link set dev eth0 down" then "netctl start eth0-<profile>". It then connects to the network, but not the internet. If I put the computer to sleep then wake it back up, it will connect to the internet. Any got any insight as to why it behaves20:09
mathomastechthis way?20:09
rick_h_not picking up dns by default?20:10
rick_h_dhcp that is20:10
mathomastechDoesn't appear to20:10
rick_h_and a wake up grabs it20:10
rick_h_check out dhclient20:10
rick_h_long ago I had to manually run that to pick up dhcp info20:10
mathomastechYep. I've reboot my machine and tested it 4 times. It consistantly does the same thing.20:10
mathomastechOk, that looks promising. I'll test that out. On a related note, I also finally got dropbox working. The AUR package still is broken but wget it directly from dropbox and manually running the daemon works.20:13
mathomastechNow I just need to figure out my ruby environment (for jekyll) and my Django setup and I'll finally be up and running on it.20:15
wafmathomastech: you can make sure your netctl profile has IP=dhcp in it20:52
wafalso maybe look at starting/enabling the dhcpd daemon via systemctl20:53
mrgoodcatapparently some dumbass forgot to properly set up equipment before plugging it into the WMU network and wiped out all of the campus vlans21:09
jrwrenthe fact that your network is vulnerable to an attack like that is the problem.21:20
jrwrenmrgoodcat: how did it happen?21:20
mrgoodcatnot quite sure21:28
mrgoodcati'm not there21:28
mrgoodcat14:52 <+typo> tl;dr he forgot to set a value in one piece of equipment, plugged it into the network, and wiped all the VLANS on westerns network21:30
jrwrenlol, western.21:35
jrwreni read WMU as WSU21:35
jrwrenstill, if the network was vulnerable to that, that is pretty bad.21:35
jrwrenoh, but a net op did it.21:35
jrwrenso he like set the CDP password or something?21:36
jrwrendoes CDP even have a passwrod?21:36
mrgoodcati'm not sure what he did exactly21:59
mrgoodcati used to work there which is how i know this much21:59
mrgoodcatbut the people i know that still work there aren't being very forthcoming with information21:59
mrgoodcati think most people over there still don't know exactly what happened22:00
=== mrgoodcat is now known as redacted

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