
ochosiUnit193: FYI, -power will land today with the xfce4-powerman recommend10:12
elfyknome: ok - did the new testcases, then I've deleted the original results from LTS tests and then moved them all to real LTS results - so the tracker numbers and bugs are all at least correct10:26
elfyochosi: thanks :)10:26
ochosijust FYI, i made the icons in whiskermenu for screen-locking and the shutdown-dialog a bit more obvious: http://imagebin.org/29752310:36
knomeelfy, nice :)10:47
elfythat really really annoyed me lol10:54
bluesabreochosi: nice10:55
bluesabregotta go, bbl10:55
elfybluesabre: cya later - but did you see that paste from me yesterday?10:56
bluesabreelfy, yeah, we even both responded to it10:57
elfylol ok 10:57
bluesabreI'll get that fixed tonight or tomorrow10:57
elfyI'll better look at the scrollback ... sorry 10:58
elfyhave a good day :)10:58
bluesabrethanks, you too10:58
ochosijjfrv8: as i just closed that workitem for myself, xfdesktop docs are at: http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfdesktop/4.11/start11:00
knomebrainwash, updated bug 115515111:42
ubottubug 1155151 in parole (Ubuntu) "Can't play an OGV file" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115515111:42
ochosiknome: xubuntu-artwork was just updated, the latest whiskermenu icon changes aren't in yet (just FYI)12:08
ochosibut at least our plymouth theme should say 14.04 now12:08
ochosiUnit193: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/indicator-power/12.10.6+14.04.20140306-0ubuntu112:56
jjfrv8knome, I won't be able to make the meeting today. I don't know if we still need the agenda item about Settings Manager in Whisker Menu13:23
jjfrv8knome, if you're okay with how it reads/looks in my latest MP, we can just go with that. Unless you want to open it up at the meeting13:24
jjfrv8ochosi, I'll substitute those new whisker icons in the docs once I can get a copy of the png's13:25
=== wickz is now known as minderbinder
=== minderbinder is now known as wicks
ochosijjfrv8: the original svgs are already on github, if you wanna grab them from there and convert them14:06
schproodleelfy, http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/306/builds/55995/testcases/1580/results does not seem to correspond the settings program in 14.04 daily15:27
starratsGot a question for all or any of you wonderful developers of 14.04.15:48
starratsWhen I do my daily updtes and dist-upgrades, are the older ones removed?15:48
ali1234older whats?15:48
starratsthe older update/upgrades15:49
ali1234not old kernels though15:50
starratsI know the old kernel stays but just other things like the newer ones replace the older ones can't think of an example at the moment, sorry15:51
starratsah okay thank you15:51
neyder_hi there!18:44
knomeneyder_, hello18:45
neyder_i have an upgrade deployement fron 12.04 to 14.04 so I want to help testing Xubuntu (bases system to install education packages)18:45
knometalk with elfy; or more briefly, check iso.qa.ubuntu.com18:45
neyder_ok :D18:47
brainwashknome: can you please close 2 bug reports (won't fix)?18:49
brainwash1) bug 117311418:49
ubottubug 1173114 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu Raring desktop uses Quantal wallpaper by default" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117311418:50
brainwash2) bug 99864918:50
ubottubug 998649 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "package mythbuntu-default-settings (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/skel/.xscreensaver', which is also in package xubuntu-default-settings 12.04.11" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99864918:50
brainwashraring is gone and the 2nd bug has been fixed in the mythbuntu package18:51
brainwashthank you :)18:52
neyder_BTW (downloading daily) how can I develop a custom desktop session based in xubuntu? (school personalization with wallpaper and panel in bottom)18:57
neyder_I do it copying my personalization in /etc/skel18:58
knome#startmeeting Xubuntu community meeting18:59
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Mar  6 18:59:49 2014 UTC.  The chair is knome. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.18:59
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick18:59
knome#topic Open action items from previous meeting19:00
knome#action ali1234 follows up on gtk3 indicator status 19:00
meetingologyACTION: ali1234 follows up on gtk3 indicator status19:00
knomeali1234, ?19:00
knome#nick ali123419:00
ali1234still waiting for the fixes from tedg19:00
knome#action ali1234 and micahg to follow up on gtk3 indicator stack issues19:00
meetingologyACTION: ali1234 and micahg to follow up on gtk3 indicator stack issues19:00
knome#nick micahg19:00
knome#action     lderan to create the individual merge proposals for the basic Xubuntu tests 19:01
meetingologyACTION: lderan to create the individual merge proposals for the basic Xubuntu tests19:01
knomelderan, that done?19:01
knomenot that i remember seeing it, moving on19:01
knome#action micahg to talk with the DMB and separate -dev from upload rights so we can allow more people to push to xubuntu branches 19:01
meetingologyACTION: micahg to talk with the DMB and separate -dev from upload rights so we can allow more people to push to xubuntu branches19:01
knome#action Noskcaj to be in touch with elfy on xkb-plugin testing 19:01
meetingologyACTION: Noskcaj to be in touch with elfy on xkb-plugin testing19:01
knomeelfy, done?19:01
knome#nick Noskcaj19:02
slickymastero/ sorry for being late guys19:02
knome#nick lderan19:02
knomeslickymaster, you're fine. :)19:02
knome#action     pleia2 starts working on getting the Processes wikipage updated and cleaned 19:02
meetingologyACTION: pleia2 starts working on getting the Processes wikipage updated and cleaned19:02
knomepleia2, shall we move this to the blueprints?19:02
pleia2I should be able to get to it this week19:02
pleia2I bumped it up in priority19:02
knomethanks, will keep it in the agenda then19:03
knome#topic Team updates19:03
knomeuse #info and #action as appropriate please19:03
knome#info knome worked on the flyer, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Marketing/Projects/Flyers for progress19:03
pleia2#info got a few more translations of the startubuntu flyer http://xubuntu.org/marketingresources/19:03
knomepleia2, did you catch the finnish one yet?19:03
knomelet me dig that up19:04
pleia2great, thanks19:04
knomeany other updates?19:05
knomei know people have been working on this and that, but can't really remember it all19:05
knomeokay, let's list them on the next meeting then19:06
GridCubei don't know if we are going to do the desktop features things or not19:06
GridCubei have not made any changes on the deviartart page because i don't know how that will go on19:06
knomelet's discuss that soonish19:07
GridCubeok :)19:07
knome#topic Announcements19:07
knome#info UI freeze in a week, Documentation string freeze in two19:07
knome#topic Agenda19:08
knome#subtopic Start the discussion on the technical review for the Strategy Document 19:08
knomecarrying on19:08
knome#subtopic 12.04 > 14.04 upgrades, removing xscreensaver 19:08
knomewho added, what do we want to discuss?19:08
* GridCube doesnt know19:09
knomethanks for the insightful comment :P19:09
knomecarrying on19:09
knome#subtopic Discuss adding the workspace switcher applet to our new panel layout (Rationale)19:09
knomei have info on this19:09
knomeso, based on the feedback on the panel layout, we've decided to do two things:19:09
* GridCube does know who added that 19:09
knome#info 1) we will disable the change-workspace-on-scroll by default19:10
knome#info 2) we will make the logout button stand out more in whiskermnu, eg. change it to a "power on/off" icon19:10
knomewe feel that these two actions address the feedback and are most in line with the original proposal spirit19:11
knomeand should remove the problems/issues mentioned19:11
GridCube:) i agree19:11
knomeGridCube, what was the "desktop" question?19:12
knome#topic Other items19:12
GridCubethe desktop of the week project we wanted to start19:13
knomeok, so it's coming up19:13
knomei still need to set it up19:13
knomekeep on pinging me, i'll do it when i have time19:13
GridCube:) perfect19:13
knomewe have basically everything ready for it now19:13
knomebut should do the last push19:13
GridCubeits not super important19:14
knomeand sort out the access-stuff, eg. who changes the desktop weekly19:14
knome#action knome to work on the desktop of the week -stuff19:14
meetingologyACTION: knome to work on the desktop of the week -stuff19:14
knomeoh, related19:14
knomewe need new screenshots on the frontpage19:14
knomethe screenshot(s) are smaller than the space we have because it's the old screenshot19:14
knomeand wordpress doesn't automatically create new sizes of old uploads when the media sizes are changed19:15
knomeso is somebody willing to boot up saucy and do a few screenshots?19:15
GridCubei can take screenshot of my vbox using the new wallpapers19:15
GridCubei can have a bunch tomorrow 19:15
knomewe probably want to advertise those only just before the release19:16
knomeso it's good to have them, but at this point, i'd like some default shots from saucy19:16
knome(we don't want people to think trusty is out yet)19:16
GridCubeok, i dont have any saucy sorry19:16
knomesomebody willing to boot up a default saucy and take some screenshots?19:17
slickymasterI'll do it tomorrow knome 19:17
Noskcajxubuntu-artwork 14.04.0 is now in trusty19:17
Noskcajbluesabre, Shouls pexpect be a depend or reccomend, i just realised i had never added it to d/control for catfish19:18
knomeslickymaster, ok, thanks19:18
GridCubei have to go now19:19
GridCube:) 19:19
slickymasterI'll ping later today regarding what specifc screenshots you require19:19
slickymasteror better, of what?19:19
knomeslickymaster, just default saucy desktop, shot with thunar and something else open19:20
brainwashNoskcaj: looks like it won't start without pexpect19:20
knomeand if you want, more19:20
slickymasterokie dokie knome 19:20
knomeanything else for the meeting?19:20
slickymasterI'll spam your mail :P19:20
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Mar  6 19:22:36 2014 UTC.  19:22
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2014/xubuntu-devel.2014-03-06-18.59.moin.txt19:22
pleia2thanks knome 19:23
knomehmpf, next meeting next weeks WED19:23
knometo be one day ahead of UIF19:23
slickymasterthanks knome 19:23
knomeminutes are up19:24
ochosicrap, that was a quick meeting :/19:33
ochosithought i'd arrive late, not too late...19:33
NoskcajDid we have time to discuss any extra 4.11 parts wanted?19:38
brainwashare there any left?19:39
ochosii think we might want another bugfix release for the indicator-plugin19:41
ochosihopefully upcoming in one or two weeks19:42
ochosiNoskcaj: do you think you could prep another xubuntu-artwork upload early next week?19:42
ochosii've done some final changes that didn't go into this upload19:42
NoskcajJust let me know when it's fully ready19:42
ochosigreat, thanks19:43
slickymasterbbl ->19:43
ochosii'll try to take care of shimmer-themes myself19:43
ochosior find someone to do it19:43
ochosistill need to do a few releases for that this weekend19:43
ochosithen we're UI freeze ready19:43
ochosifrom my POV19:43
elfysorry - missed that completely19:49
ochosielfy: seems like most did20:00
Noskcajfor better or worse, xfdesktop wins most active bug for 14.0420:05
brainwashglad that we have apport, otherwise we wouldn't have noticed this bug so early :)20:07
brainwashthat reminds me of the users-admin segfault on exit20:08
Noskcajbrainwash, You said you were applying for bug control soon. good luck for that.20:09
brainwashthanks, still need to write my application =S20:10
ochosihah, for a second i thought you were writing an app :)20:10
brainwashwrong wording?20:10
brainwashoh, and we need to merge the abiword fixes (ruler + crash when saving as pdf)20:13
brainwashnow that we got the fixes (svn commits)20:14
brainwashochosi: just noticed that the nm-applet indicator icon isn't monochrome anymore20:17
brainwashicon theme from PPA20:17
ochosiyou have to be a bit more specific20:19
ochosiit's still monochrome here20:19
Noskcajgood work on the xubuntu-artwork icons, the new terminal one is definitely better20:22
* ochosi tries20:25
ochosibrainwash: you have to be a bit more concrete about the nm-applet icon problem, cause i don't see it here20:31
ochosiNoskcaj: xfce4-indicator-plugin 2.3.1 has been released, that'd be a bugfix we want21:18
Noskcajjust packaged it then21:19
Noskcajbut i have to go to school now21:19
ochosik, cya21:19
ochosiand hf @school21:19
RosenholterI'm new to all this Linux, so i wanna learn how to "code". Any advice?21:54
holsteinwhy not just use the OS a bit? maybe try and work with some bugs..21:54
ochosibugfixing is usually a good way to start21:54
ochosidepends on what you wanna work on in general though21:55
Rosenholterbu ti don't got any idea of how to do it?21:55
Rosenholterdon't you know a website for a newbie?21:56
ochosithere are tons, again, depends on what you want to work on21:56
holsteinRosenholter: are you using the OS?21:56
Rosenholteri just want to learn how to use it?, i think ..... but im not using it right now?,21:57
holsteinRosenholter: as i suggested, i would start with using the operating system.. then, as i and ochosi suggested, the bug system is a great place to start21:58
Rosenholterholstein: okay, ill boot it up and be right back!21:58
brainwashochosi: yeah, I'll try to find out why the wired nm icon isn't monochrome anymore22:01
brainwashcannot remember that I've changed anything other than switching back to the daily PPA some days ago22:02
ochosiwhat does it look like?22:02
brainwashblue arrow up, violet arrow down22:02
brainwashother panel icons look ok22:03
brainwashbooting the system now22:03
ochosithat sounds like it's using a different icon from the theme, specifically that one of the notifications22:03
brainwashI'll test with -dark and normal22:04
RosenholterHolstein: Something went wrong... could boot suddently...22:08
holsteinRosenholter: id say sorting out why linux wont boot there will be a great step towards learning it22:09
RosenholterHolstein: True that!22:09
knomeRosenholter, generally, the "point me to a resource where i can learn X" -idea is not really working, because it all comes down to how you learn the best, and if you have motivation to learn22:10
holsteinfolks dont typically put youtube vids of there terminal screens up, either22:11
holsteinyou will find relevant python tutorials.. but, it really all depends22:11
RosenholterKnome: i got the motivation, i got the freetime... it's just the skill that's leaking. i just need a startpoint22:12
holsteinRosenholter: start by using the OS.. and i dont mean just firing it up for a minute, i mean *use* it22:12
RosenholterHolstein: i could imagine, there is alot of distro's out there22:12
knomeRosenholter, work on something that scratches your own itch.22:12
RosenholterI'll see what comes in mind first 22:13
Rosenholterthanks for the advice guys!22:14
lderanknome, not yet on the individual mp's want to add a bit to them & tidy them up before hand22:29
knomelderan, ok, np, was just asking if i should keep that action item or not22:30
ochosilderan: btw have you tested bluesabre's last commits to light-locker-settings yet?22:40
lderannot yet22:40
lderanshall do so now22:41
lderanochosi, so far it is working okay.22:50
ochosilderan: great, what did you test so far?23:00
lderanthe screen time out23:02
lderanshall test the light locker stuff now23:02
lderantho seems to be restarting it when i click apply23:02
ochosithe light-locker stuff is essential23:03
ochosithe screen-timeout didn't change23:03
lderanlooks to be working alright23:05
ochosiso the light-locker settings get applied without restarting your session?23:06
ochosican you e.g. activate and de-activate it?23:06
lderanyup, shall continue testing23:10
brainwashNoskcaj: can we get xfce4-appfinder 4.11 in? no ui changes, but some fixes and api related changes under the hood23:43
ochosiguess that'd need a FFe23:44
ochosi(and i'm not sure we want another 4.11 release that hasnt seen any testing)23:45
brainwashit's just the appfinder, people will use the whiskermenu search now anyway :)23:46
brainwashbut you are right, the lack of testing is an issue23:46
brainwasheven for a small app23:47
ochosiand the argument "it's just the appfinder" works both ways...23:47
ochosii'd rather get a FFe for lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings23:47
ochosiif you wanna test something, test that23:47
brainwashit fixes bug 104880523:47
ubottubug 1048805 in xfce4-appfinder (Ubuntu) "xfce4-appfinder launches very slowly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104880523:47
ochosithat at least gives us some extra functionality23:47
ochosimaybe the fix for that could be cherry-picked23:48
brainwashwell, it fixes the issue for people who use overlay scrollbars23:48
brainwashnah, not need to cherry pick it23:48
brainwashbut it's strange that no one confirmed my findings in the report23:49
brainwashthis issue (which also affects some other xfce components) made me stop using the overlay scrollbars :/23:52

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