
bachey rick_h_, let's talk about bug 1287977 when you get a chance12:33
_mup_Bug #1287977: searching for rabbitmq locks the GUI up until all 400 results are loaded and rendered <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1287977>12:33
rick_h_bac: sure thing, let me grab my headphones12:33
rick_h_bac: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7ecpjmmfgnbo8cqqqaqelr0j90?hl=en12:34
bacrick_h_: confirmed my rolled days have been added back.  thanks.  #shouldnotbethishard13:02
rick_h_bac: cool, thanks for checking up and glas we got it squared away13:03
* bac reboots13:07
* frankban lunches13:17
* bac trusty vm is being uncooperative13:32
rick_h_bac: did you get trusty to run charmworld? I hit PPA issues when I tried. 13:34
bacrick_h_: yeah, i can run cw...when i can log in13:34
bacright now after typing my password into the ui login it locks up.13:34
baccan get in via ssh13:35
rick_h_cool, will be curious to hear what you used for the ppas in the build when it's running better. 13:35
bacwould that be unity-greeter?13:35
rick_h_bac: oh! sec. I saw someone post asking for a vmware fusion help with X issues (well unity?)13:35
bacrick_h_: was that barry yesterday?  his issue was crashes under weird circumstances13:35
rick_h_bac:  https://twitter.com/pumpichank13:35
rick_h_oh, ok13:35
bacbut he'll be the first person i bug...13:36
* rick_h_ tries it out with non-unity 13:36
bacwait, how's that?13:36
rick_h_I run Awesome, curious to see if it hits the same issue13:37
rick_h_I can get in now, pulling the latest updates and will try again13:37
bacthis is probably ungood13:38
bac[   15.985841] type=1400 audit(1394199451.466:74): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="/usr/lib/telepathy/mission-control-5" name="/var/lib/lightdm/.config/libaccounts-glib/accounts.db" pid=2352 comm="mission-control" requested_mask="rw" denied_mask="rw" fsuid=110 ouid=11013:38
bacthere was an update for unity-greeter that was "held back" from apt-get update.  manually installing it.  may help, may fry everything.13:40
baci've never understoon the 'held back' stuff13:40
bacwhoo hoo13:42
bacnot only does it work, the desktop is now watermarked '14.04 LTS' -- that'd been bugging me!13:42
rick_h_hah cool13:43
bacrick_h_: so i'm back. if you want to talk about charmworld ppa's let me know.13:46
rick_h_bac: not right now, I'll bug you about it later13:46
bacgood answer.  :)13:46
hatchrick_h_ yeah two qa's would be fine14:15
rick_h_hatch: cool, I'm working on one right now14:16
bacbenji: any idea why matt's cw branch didn't land?  https://code.launchpad.net/~makyo/charmworld/charm-urls/+merge/20955614:33
* benji looks14:33
baci see nothing there.  will look at jenkins14:34
rick_h_jenkins is not having a good day? failed autolanding permission issue?14:35
bacrick_h_: and then it just gave up this morning?14:36
rick_h_bac: well looks like it's been running over and over14:36
bacyeah but stopped at 03:38Z14:36
rick_h_about every 10min14:36
rick_h_oh hmm14:37
bacnothing in 9 hours14:37
rick_h_yea guess so. 14:37
bacmaybe that's built in14:37
rick_h_abentley: ^ any insight on the lander there? it's very unhappy on the autoland script14:37
rick_h_wonder if something got changed recently 14:37
abentleyrick_h_: otp14:37
rick_h_abentley: rgr, thanks14:37
hatchrick_h_ so I don't get held up I'm going to land this branch and we can get a few deep qa's after it's all done14:43
rick_h_hatch: rgr14:43
hatchonly one more to go14:44
hatchof course it's the biggest and most complicated lol14:45
rick_h_saved the best for last!14:45
hatchoh wait no there are two left14:45
hatchservice relation and service overview14:45
hatchrelation should be easy14:46
hatchfamous last words!14:46
bacrick_h_: the MP did not have an approved revid.  i've set it now.  can't get a build to kick off, though.14:48
bacabentley: jenkins for charmworld gave up and stopped processing jobs about 11 hours ago.  ideas on how to get it going again?14:49
abentleybac: otp14:49
bacnp abentley.  ping me when you've got a sec.14:49
benjibac: I just added an approval since one was pending.  I think that'll get the bot to land the branch.14:50
bacbenji: it looks like it got angry with us and now is on strike14:50
benjithis should let it land once the scabs are bussed in14:51
hatchapparently you have to be careful what you search for on G+14:56
rick_h_hatch: s/G+/internet14:56
hatchlol - I was definitely not expecting NSFW photos when searching 'black pug' 14:56
bacbenji: i manually kicked off a build.14:57
lucarick_h_: how comes the coming soon simulator doesn't show the landscape restart or security updates on the service block?14:57
rick_h_luca: ummm, I don't know. Should they? /me isn't up on the latest in landscape integration UI design. 14:58
abentleyrick_h_, bac: pong14:58
bacabentley: i figured out how to manually kick off a jenkins build.  will follow up if it fails again.14:59
abentleyIt looks like it's trying to merge charmworld into itself.  Also that it's trying to merge in a revision that does not exist.14:59
bacabentley: 314 was my mistake14:59
abentleybac: Okay, I'll leave it with you for now.14:59
lucarick_h_: I'm not sure, last I knew the restart and sec update should show on the service block, can anyone confirm if they show in the real environment?15:00
benjifrankban: I think I've taken a wrong turn on this branch, do you have a minute to chat?15:04
rick_h_luca: so they show in the inspector with links for upgrade and reboot in the unit list15:04
frankbanguihelp: I need two reviews (no QA) for https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/167 . anyone available? thanks!15:04
rick_h_luca: I don't see anything on the service block15:05
hatchfrankban on it15:05
rick_h_frankban: will look in a sec15:05
frankbanbenji: sure, give me a minute (coffee)15:05
rick_h_luca: so I'm not sure about the block level. It seems it got moved to units?15:05
frankbanhatch, rick_h_ thanks15:05
lucarick_h_: last I knew it was in both places, no worries if it's moved :)15:06
rick_h_luca: yea trying to glance through the code quickl15:06
frankbanbenji: hangout?15:13
benjifrankban: sure, I'll make one15:14
benjifrankban: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7acpiae8apl54n76eg0e0mr1ak?hl=en15:16
frankbanhatch: interesting: is passing context to map more js idiomatic than self = this?15:28
lucarick_h_:  also, there are no hover states for the inspector15:29
hatchfrankban so the difference is because the compiler has to keep the outer scope in memory because it's referencing that variable. If you pass it in, internally it binds the method to that context so it can properly clean up the wrapping method15:32
frankbanhatch: makes sense15:33
hatchit's a pretty trivial performance gain hah, but it cleans the code up a bit imho15:33
hatchthe compiler can then 'compile' the callback fn as well which can lead to some really big improvements in a loop15:33
rick_h_luca: k, sounds like perfect bugs to file for a new starter to hack on 15:36
lucarick_h_: I'll file away15:37
bacbenji: sadness
benji"npm ERR! Error: UNKNOWN, unknown error15:40
benjithat's an odd error15:40
rick_h_benji: hmm, wonder if that's old npm issue15:42
rick_h_benji: we had to update npm in the ppa because of npm no londer allows downloading on the self-signed certs15:42
rick_h_forgot charmworld used npm at all15:43
benjithe fact that it is the very first npm install in the run (as far as I can tell from scanning the output) suggests it might be15:43
rick_h_benji: yea, when we got it on the gui side we had a more helpful error15:43
rick_h_benji: but it's a know recent change15:43
rick_h_known that is15:44
bacjujugui meeting in 415:56
bacbenji: my irc client dropped out.  did you have ideas on the jenkins failure?15:57
benjibac: Rick and I think npm's recent global breakage because of the cert re-issue is a good first thing to check15:57
benji...especially because the failure is the first time in the run that an npm package is installed15:58
bacbenji: ok, perhaps we can chat after the meeting15:59
benjioh, meeting16:00
bacjujugui: review of charm-proof - https://codereview.appspot.com/7217004316:03
hatchjujugui call in 916:06
hatchjujugui call in 316:06
rick_h_jujugui call in 1016:07
bacirc has gone crazy for me.  just getting a lot of queued messages16:07
rick_h_jujugui call now16:07
hatchwoah that was a lag lol16:09
hatchsomeone is probably DDOSing freenode again16:11
lucaMakyo: hatch frankban benji bac rick_h_ https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/file/d/0B7XG_QBXNwY1SjJ5anNYblJva1E/edit16:13
lucaMakyo: hatch frankban benji bac rick_h_ https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/file/d/0B7XG_QBXNwY1N2NHXzI5d0NBZ2M/edit16:13
hatchjujugui lf a really quick review/qa https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/16816:14
hatchluca fyi `jujugui` pings the whole channel :)16:14
lucahatch: oh16:14
hatchwell - we all have it set up to do so16:14
lucajujugui awesome16:14
lucadid it work?16:14
lucaI see16:15
hatchugh more damn inspector design changes16:15
lucaI feel you16:15
hatchI kind of wish the swooshes were part of the design16:15
* hatch I like the new design though...looks 'tighter' 16:16
lucathanks :)16:16
hatchand for whatever reason I love the deploy bar16:16
lucait might change visually, spencer is working on the hard task of actually making it look good16:17
hatchreally? I think it looks great now haha16:17
hatchthis is why I'm not a designer I suppose :)16:17
lucamost probably :P16:18
frankbanhatch: looking at your branch16:18
hatchfrankban thanks!16:18
frankbanbac: https://codereview.appspot.com/72170043 returns "No issue exists with that id (72170043)"16:19
hatchluca if I could....I'd like something which maybe pointed the 'configuration' button out to the user in the first panel16:19
hatchJust so they wan't like 'where do I configure this?' 16:20
hatchoh man I can't type16:20
hatchjust so they don't say 'where do I configure this?'16:20
hatchor we could open it by default16:20
hatchthat would probably be the best16:20
lucahas Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?16:20
hatchI'm actually laughing16:21
hatchEnglish is hard16:21
lucawhen a user deploys a charm from the store16:21
lucathe config panel will be open16:21
lucathey won't see the status panel unless they navigate to it or close and open the service16:22
lucabut we want to add a little on boarding to the status panel to clue people in on what happens once they deploy, since some people may never deploy16:22
hatchyep that's a good idea16:22
hatchfrankban sorry I totally forgot to do something in that branch16:29
frankbanhatch: also have you seen the selenium failure?16:30
hatchyeah I did16:30
hatchI wonder why it's crashing so often16:30
hatchoh that's why I missed it....it's not even in trunk16:32
hatchrick_h_ regression in master https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/128946916:35
_mup_Bug #1289469: Remove relation button missing from relations tab in inspector <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1289469>16:35
rick_h_hatch: k16:36
hatchrick_h_ maybe what we need to do is create a master list of functionality and interactions so before we do a release we can check each one as well as doing the exploratory qa16:36
rick_h_hatch: ugh, qa checklist... hatch well let's start by adding a test 16:42
rick_h_it's the righ thing, bug escaped, write a test, fix it16:42
hatchrick_h_ well no it's not really a qa checklist it's more like 'these are the things that our application does' does it still do that16:43
hatchI mean...yes totally need tests :)16:43
hatchbut this is more of a higher overview 16:44
rick_h_hatch: right, so the thing to look at is qa vs tests. A lot of qa we can automate with functional tests16:44
rick_h_vs a checklist to run down 16:44
rick_h_I do think we need to do more functional tests, but this one seems like just a bug16:44
rick_h_something we can test for16:44
hatchI think as we modularize things more then the tests will become a lot easier to write as well16:44
rick_h_hatch: definitely16:48
rick_h_hatch: frankban they released some new stuff with a new sauce connect and such in the last week. I wonder if we're hitting something in their upgrade16:52
hatchhmm well I hope not16:52
rick_h_yea, not sure. 16:53
rick_h_sorry for the delay frankban 17:10
rick_h_frankban: +1 thanks for the machine view updates there. 17:10
frankbanrick_h_: thank you!17:10
* rick_h_ runs for some grub17:15
hatchso confused...17:35
rick_h_look for the turtles17:35
rick_h_they'll lead you all the way down17:35
hatchwe have events here which don't attach to anything or have callbacks17:36
hatchhow the heck didn't these throw errorsx17:36
marcoceppijcsackett: got a question about the queue and charmworld api17:52
marcoceppijcsackett: as in, is the queue exposed int he charmworld api17:53
marcoceppiqueue being review-queue17:53
jcsackettmarcoceppi: i do not believe so, no.17:53
marcoceppijcsackett: how hard would it be to have it added to the api?17:53
marcoceppiand who would I have to bug to get that worked lined up?17:53
jcsackettmarcoceppi: i don't know off the top of my head; i haven't touched API code in some time.17:54
* marcoceppi bugs rick_h_ ^17:54
jcsackettmarcoceppi: to what end?17:54
marcoceppijcsackett: I want to be able to get the charm review items (not the proof or au questions) as an api endpoint. So created, last updated, status, and link to review item17:55
jcsackettmarcoceppi: i figured that; i'm just curious what you want to consume said endpoint.17:55
rick_h_marcoceppi: hmm, not sure at the moment. You can file the bug and we can see. We'd be happy to help mentor/review some code that did what you guys need :(17:56
rick_h_that is17:56
hatchnananananananananana bug man....submitting bug man17:57
marcoceppijcsackett: so, to start there's a charm review command in charm-tools that poorly re-implements the lp code in the review queue, then also some automation bits for the juju solutions team that reads data from teh queue17:57
marcoceppirick_h_: I was hoping it would be a low level of effort, I'm happy to hack on it since it really only helps me17:58
jcsackettmarcoceppi: ah, dig.17:58
rick_h_marcoceppi: ok, not a problem. We're currently under a crunch to get stuff ready for bundles announcement next week but can try to help look at it after that. 17:59
bacfrankban: (if you're still around) sorry, that RV got deleted due to chunk mismatch.  MP at https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/charm-tools/bundle-proof-warnings/+merge/20975417:59
marcoceppirick_h_: cool17:59
bacmarcoceppi: could you have a look at this extension to charm-proof? https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/charm-tools/bundle-proof-warnings/+merge/20975418:00
marcoceppibac: can do, I need to finish this review for the same bundle announcment but after that (say, 30 mins) I can take a look18:00
bacmarcoceppi: cool.  will take you just a jiffy.18:00
marcoceppibac: actually, this lgtm, I'll pull and make test to verify18:01
marcoceppibac: there will likely be a 1.2.10 release tonight of charm-tools that has this and the other fixes you submitted earlier18:01
Makyojujugui review/QA for minor branch: https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/169 (QA: drag and drop a charm with inspector open, ensure that there are no 'undefined' errors)18:01
bacmarcoceppi: thanks.  note that the version of charmworld to generate those warnings isn't deployed yet, but proof doesn't care18:01
marcoceppibac: right, cool, thanks for getting this in before that's live o/ appreciate it18:02
rick_h_Makyo: woot will look18:02
hatchwhat was the documentation make command to clear out the 'non documented' functions?18:06
hatchsince they are now documented18:06
hatchmake undocumented?18:06
hatchwill try18:06
hatch15 test failures for the overview switchover18:09
hatchnot baaad18:09
rick_h_Makyo: thanks for that, not sure I would have seen that. The traceback was off a different area if I recall18:11
rick_h_Makyo: that's one big method, maybe we can break it up some to help down the road18:11
Makyorick_h_, agreed.  Everything was 'working' in our code, it was d3 trying to assign attributes with undefined values through a callback.18:12
rick_h_Makyo: yea, I mean the UI worked just dumped errors. So it was a strange one to start with18:13
hatchmy keureg machine broke :'-(18:15
rick_h_good, get some real coffee :P18:16
hatchbut then I have to leave the house18:16
hatchIT"S COLD OUT THERE!18:16
rick_h_still make it at home18:16
hatchoh I'm not an espresso fan18:16
hatchdrip or nothing18:16
hatch9 failures.....18:18
hatchoo this one hasn't gone back up after I've fixed ones18:18
hatchthis is unprecedented I'm not sure what to do...lol18:18
mbruzek_rick_h_, I see that my bug was indeed a duplicate.  Sorry about that.  I want to assure you I did search before I created it.18:23
rick_h_mbruzek_: it's all good18:23
rick_h_mbruzek_: we appreciate the feedback. I just want to keep the discussions together for ease of everyone working on things18:24
mbruzek_Yeah that makes sense, I wish I would have found it in my search.18:24
rick_h_don't worry about it. Can't know about all the bugs in all the projects and sometimes search-fu fails18:24
rick_h_appreciate you filing 18:24
mbruzek_I would imagine this issue has been talked about before.  I hope it did not reopen a long dead discussion.18:25
rick_h_yea, and deisgn is aware of it. I think most of us agree with you. The thing was that sometimes design is pulling standards from other places. 18:25
rick_h_phone design, other website, and it takes some tweaking to get right18:26
rick_h_more people saying it's confusing helps us look into it more18:26
mbruzek_Sure and on the bug I opened I figured you already had a discussion and made a decision but I just didn't know where it was written down 18:26
mbruzek_rick_h_, understood.  18:26
rick_h_well in that bug luca mentions that they're working on it18:27
rick_h_so until they figure it out and do some testing/etc we're running with what we have18:27
mbruzek_Have a good weekend rick_h_ 18:27
rick_h_you too 18:27
hatchjujugui lf a review on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/170 the final viewlet to view diff18:31
bacrick_h_: i think i know what is going on with search18:37
bacour input terms are tokenized.  so 'rabbitmq-server' gets split into parts and we return everything with any reference to 'server'18:38
bacrick_h_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7051463/18:39
rick_h_bac: oooohhhhhhhhh18:43
bacdo we really want stemming?18:44
rick_h_bac: wow, ok. What about the revisions ?18:44
rick_h_bac: well it was something requested yes. because of things like this. rabbitmq<enter>18:44
bacdon't think revisions is an issue18:44
rick_h_bac: the dual cinder int he results for rev 17 and 19?18:44
hatchit shouldn't be returning the server ones unless they also match rabbit18:45
bacrick_h_: here are the charms and bundles returned by a search for 'rabbitmq-server' http://paste.ubuntu.com/7051502/18:46
rick_h_hatch: hmmm, so tokenize but treat them as an AND vs an OR?18:46
rick_h_bac looking18:46
hatchrick_h_ yeah 18:46
rick_h_bac: right, so line 40/4118:46
bacso, yeah, cinder returns multi versions of the official charm.  other packages do not.  i missed that.18:47
hatchrick_h_ but it also needs the ability to backup....say if there are no matches for 'rabbitmq-server' but there is for 'rabbit' then it should show those (imho)18:47
rick_h_yea, it's not going to help us a ton18:47
rick_h_the revisions stuff18:47
rick_h_bac: do we get weighted scores back from search?18:48
rick_h_bac: can we tweak the threshhold on something to help cut out some of the noise?18:48
rick_h_or maybe there's a field we're weighing too highly18:48
rick_h_to get back so many 'server' results18:48
bacwe can't know when we tokenize which of x,y,z is creating noise18:49
hatchmaybe we can just use the google search thingy18:49
hatchbac it should query on 'rabbitmq' 'server' 'rabbitmq-server'18:49
bacbut i don't think this is due to a recent change.18:49
rick_h_bac: what do you think of checking on the revision issue (that seems like a bug bug) and maybe there's some suggestion for search we can add to help with the situation18:49
hatchthen we should be able to weight them properly18:49
rick_h_bac: yes, it seems it's not directly a regression but getting more charms and search working too well :)18:50
bachatch: full string gets more weight but you can't differentiate between the others18:50
rick_h_hatch: ES is doing that tokenizing, not us18:50
rick_h_we should be able to see if the scores cut off nicely at some point though18:50
hatchhmm I've never worked with ES....last project was with Solar and we were able to do what i mentioned18:50
hatchIs this a limitation of ES? because ES and Solar are both based on Lucene no?18:51
rick_h_and maybe adjust the weight of description or something that's catching so much 'server'18:51
bacES is lucene based18:51
rick_h_hatch: solr and it depends on what you do. Right now, the tokenizing/scoring is done in ES land18:51
hatchhmm - I don't know enough about ES to say, but it sounds like we 'should' be able to do this18:52
hatchwould kind of make for a crappy search tool if you couldn't tokenize and weight heh18:52
bacyes, i should hope we should18:52
hatchI'm sure there is some 800 page book you could read on it bac ;)18:53
baci'll dig into the ES docs18:53
rick_h_heh yea18:53
rick_h_bac: ok, so you're ok moving forward then? 18:53
bacthere are too many 800 page books18:53
hatchhaha :)18:53
bacthis industry needs more 80 page books18:53
baci remember looking through the index of a 1000+ page book on HTML or CSS or something and there was reference to the Dining Philosophers.  stupid editors.18:54
hatchmoar pages = better right? :P18:55
bacmust be18:55
hatchrick_h_ have a second for a quick hangout?18:56
benjibac and hatch: the _get_text_query method in charmworld/search.py generates queries with weights for the different fields; that might be a good place to start19:03
hatchOh I don't really know enough about the ES functionality to contribute, I was just commenting on what we 'should' be able to do coming from my experience on a project with solr19:04
benjihatch: it sounds like you are now our ES expert19:05
hatchI'll add that on top of my Python and Go training19:06
hatchNO BIG DEAL19:06
hatchjujugui I still need a review on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/170 :)19:06
rick_h_hatch: working on it 19:06
hatchawesome thanks19:06
rick_h_it's in one of these tabs here19:07
rick_h_it so much nicer that lxc containers come up in the same IP address each time. this VM keeps changing it's ip 19:26
hatchthe vagrant one keeps it's ip, my lxc's on my juju box changes the ips every time19:27
hatchI'm going to go grab some lunch19:30
MakyoAlright, that branch merged. Headed out.  Have a good weekend, see you all Tuesday.19:35
rick_h_Makyo: have a good weekend!19:35
hatchso I suppose I Should keep moving on this inspector business20:14
rick_h_hatch: :)20:17
hatchrick_h_ are you going to need me for UDS next week?20:36
hatchor are you handling it?20:36
hatchI just need to know if I should go get a spray tan and stuff.....20:36
rick_h_hatch: well I wanted to see if I could get a volunteer20:37
rick_h_hatch: I proposed we do a bundle/quickstart demo session20:37
rick_h_and answer any questions and such there20:37
hatchhmm well I'm stuck in osx land so I'm probably not the best person to demo20:37
rick_h_well I'll get someone and if I can't I'll do it20:37
hatchI can definitely be there to answer questions and the like20:37
rick_h_but my goal will be to get someone :) 20:38
hatchI don't think a single proc is enough to stream a hangout :)20:38
rick_h_ok, going to head out for the weekend. everyone have fun20:43
rick_h_thanks for all those views this week hatch 20:43
hatchno problem, have a good weekend20:43
hatchjujugui hey anyone around still?21:59
rick_h_hatch: kinda21:59
rick_h_what's up?21:59
hatchoh just wondering if I am going to get a review on the card I'm working on :)22:00
hatchwe put it at a day and it took me 2h so it'll catch me up :D22:00
rick_h_hah awesome22:00
rick_h_the base class?22:00
hatchthe others will take more time22:00
rick_h_ok cool22:00
hatchbut this one is only a few lines heh22:00
hatchsometimes I love YUI22:00
rick_h_well take what we can get after all the bugs you've filed :P22:01
hatchthe inspector tests are going to be a ton of work once the setup switches to these classes I think22:01
hatchbecause I'm guessing they will all need to be rewritten.....hopefully they all use a single 'create inspector' method :)22:02
hatchrick_h_ it's super small https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/171 :)22:07
rick_h_I guess I can put off laundy for a few more min :)22:07
rick_h_hatch: hangout? I'm confused on two points22:17
hatchI was chasing down your comments with my own heh22:17

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