
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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erkulesIs there a way to manage lxc containers on different hosts? afaik local in environments.yaml is on one machine only00:54
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mwaltonHi, I'm new to juju, I've managed to deploy juju-gui, but I'm having trouble because I need to obtain charms via a proxy. Does anyone know now to set the proxy for juju-gui?09:08
frankbanmwalton: what problems are you encountering?09:11
mwaltonwhen I try to add a charm via the gui I get a name resolution error (the proxy I've set for juju is an IP) which means it's not using the proxy to access the charm store09:14
mwaltonyet I can browse the charms09:15
mwaltonsearch works09:15
mwaltonThe deployment errored: [Errno socket error] [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution09:15
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adeuringfwereade: could you have another look at https://codereview.appspot.com/68000045/ ?11:33
fwereadeadeuring, sure11:34
jamespagemarcoceppi_, hey - I just pushed some commits to my percona-cluster charm branch which use a new method for distributing passwords across a cluster12:05
jamespageall in mysql.py12:05
mgzjam: eg, http://ubuntu-cloud.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-updates/cloud-tools/main/binary-amd64/Packages12:17
prathameshi am writing a client/server zabbix charm13:13
prathameshi wrote the zabbix server charm and it works fine13:13
prathameshnow i need to add a zabbix-client charm13:14
prathameshso when i do juju add-relation zabbix-server zabbix-client13:14
prathameshthe client can upload entries into the server13:14
prathameshmysql is integrated in zabbix-server13:15
prathameshso i just need a relation between the zabbix server and client13:15
prathameshcan someone tell me how to write the relation-joined hook13:15
prathameshor relation-changed13:15
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mwaltonhas anyone had much success using juju in an environment that requires a proxy for internet access?13:47
mwaltonI've managed to use set-env http-proxy to configure the proxy, but found that on an install hook of keystone, it tries to access localhost, and tries to go through the proxy for that13:49
lazyPowermwalton: did you have a look at this post? http://askubuntu.com/questions/11274/setting-up-proxy-to-ignore-all-local-addresses14:23
lazyPowerim not real familiar with how juju forwards the proxy information around, but i assume that you can set this type of configuration on the proxy server so it auto-configures the hosts.14:24
lazyPowerand more implicitly - http://askubuntu.com/a/42271/6807 that response.14:24
jamsinzui: ping about bug #128937614:32
_mup_Bug #1289376: Cannot build r2379 on amd64+precise <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1289376>14:32
jamthat looks like your build host suddenly changed what version of "go" it is using14:32
jamthe one that is in the Precise archive can't build juju-core today14:32
jamyou have to use the ppa:juju-core/golang one14:33
jamoops, should be in the other channel14:34
sinzuijam, I thought I was.14:34
jam*I* should have been14:34
marcoceppi_Can we agree just not to use camelCase in bundle names?15:07
marcoceppi_we hardly use camelCase at all anywhere else in juju, why it's envExport and not env-export or envexport or export is beyond me15:08
marcoceppi_nothing, it's just, we're tip-toeing down the path of php where we don't have a really well defined convention and it's going to make a lot of sad pandas15:08
mbruzekI am all for having a recommended convention.  What do you suggest?15:11
lazyPowerI +1 the notion of consistency, whether that be camelCase or _underscore usage, just be consistent.15:11
marcoceppi_the precendence seems to be mostly "-", with second most being _15:11
marcoceppi_and I don't think I've come across a camelCase example except for what the GUI exports15:11
lazyPoweri smell a bug # in marco's future15:12
marcoceppi_I'm composing one atm15:12
mbruzekJust to be clear the charm and bundle authors can write in camelCase right?15:13
mbruzekmarcoceppi_, is just talking about the juju tools not using camelCase15:13
marcoceppi_right, there's no limiting you to what you can use, I just thing we should /strongly/ recommend people follow a convention15:14
marcoceppi_and then promote consisteny inside that charm/bundle15:14
marcoceppi_so if a charmer /really/ //really// wants to use camelCase in config options, they can, but all config options should be in camelCase at that point15:14
mbruzekBut required fields that the juju tools read in should not be in camelCase.15:15
marcoceppi_mbruzek: expand15:16
nessitahello everyone! quick question: I have juju installed from ppa:juju/devel, and I was wondering if I can have amulet from somewhere (devel ppa does not provide it)15:16
marcoceppi_nessita: add the stable ppa15:17
mbruzekI don't like imposing rules on creative people.  Let them write in camelCase if they want.  But we can make guidelines that the required fields or words that are in the config.yaml, metadata.yaml and other things that Juju looks for are not camel case.15:17
marcoceppi_nessita: all tools, and stable relesases of juju are in ppa:juju/stable; dev releases of juju are in ppa:juju/devel15:17
nessitamarcoceppi_, ok, so the 2 ppas will not "conflict"?15:18
marcoceppi_nessita: correct, juju stable releases are versioned as 1.EVEN and development releases are 1.ODD; so if you add the stable and devel ppa you'll always get the latest (wether it's dev or stable, depending on the release cycle)15:19
marcoceppi_so, current stable is 1.16.6 and devel is 1.17.4; in dpkg 1.17.4 > 1.16.6 so you'll get that. when 1.18 (next stable) lands you'll just be upgraded to that automatically15:19
nessitamarcoceppi_, it sounds great. Thanks a lot!15:20
marcoceppi_lazyPower: did you confirm that d.sentry.wait is actually problematic on your deployments outside of the jenkins stuff?15:20
mbruzekmarcoceppi_, I think it is fine that Juju has consistency on the keywords that it expects to see in the files (as not being camel case).  But some programming language guidelines recommend camel case for variables and Juju should accept those as valid.15:21
marcoceppi_mbruzek: I'm not talking about in hooks, just in general, charms should be consistent within themselves. So a bundle shouldn't have a camelCase name with a bunch of options that are -/_ delimited. Same with a config.yaml file. It shouldn't have a mix of camEl/_/- delimited config keys15:22
marcoceppi_It should use one method and stick to it15:22
marcoceppi_and we should recommend X for users who don't know what to use15:22
mbruzekYeah that looks logical.15:22
jcastromarcoceppi_, I can agree to no camelCase.15:22
jcastromarcoceppi_, my opinions on the entire bundle URL structure are well documented. :)15:23
mbruzekmarcoceppi_, The first thing I would check is that there are no camelCase keywords in Juju or Amulet, or Charm-tools, etc so that we are consistent before recommending others do the same.15:24
marcoceppi_right, just saying envExport is misleading and I'm going to file a bug15:24
marcoceppi_mbruzek: I know for a fact that amulet and charm-tools have no camelcase options15:24
jcastromarcoceppi_, hey, while you file15:24
mbruzekI don't know what envExport you are referring to.15:24
marcoceppi_and I'm like 99% that all configuraiton optoins are also not camelCase'd in juju15:24
jcastroit's silly that the export tool exports something that is not immediately redeployable15:24
marcoceppi_mbruzek: export a bundle from teh gui15:24
marcoceppi_jcastro: basically,  yes, it is15:24
jcastromaybe have it generate something?15:24
marcoceppi_jcastro: as I understand it, the gui team has a task to prompt for a name15:25
marcoceppi_jcastro: at least, that was my impression for roadmap stuff15:25
marcoceppi_may want to double check that15:25
jcastroroadmap as in handwavy roadmap from rick_h_ or have you seen a real bug report?15:25
marcoceppi_jcastro: hand wavy, but can't remember who waved their jedi-like hands at me15:26
jcastrothat's because they were tricking you15:26
marcoceppi_which is why I recommend dbl chking15:26
* jcastro nods15:26
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jcastroI'll file my bundle UI nitnoids now too15:26
marcoceppi_lazyPower: what charms did you write already, papertrail and...?15:28
nessitamarcoceppi_, when you can, would you please give me a hand with amulet usage? every command I've tried is failing, even --help as per https://pastebin.canonical.com/106147/15:36
nessitamarcoceppi_, even involkin $ amulet with no params fails15:37
marcoceppi_nessita: sorry, that's a bit of a misnomer that's being removed in the next release, amulet the command line option doesn't do anything. Currently it's only available as a python module15:37
marcoceppi_nessita: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/tools-amulet.html15:37
nessitamarcoceppi_, thanks15:37
marcoceppi_the Programmable api section of the docs are forthcoming, but not currently available and a few releases ago broke what little functionality there was15:37
lazyPowermarcoceppi_: just papertrail is all that's been accepted to the store. i have a WIP for Errbit, GitLab-CI, GitLab, and i'm rewriting PHPMyAdmin in ansible15:47
lazyPowermarcoceppi_: d.sentry.wait() isn't misbehaving outside of the CI stuff. Its working fine when invoked via the juju test runner.15:49
marcoceppi_lazyPower: then it's something in the CI that's being weird16:07
marcoceppi_sinzui: is there anyway I can get access to the instance that's running the charm testing stuff?16:07
sinzuimarcoceppi_, I think you have.16:07
marcoceppi_via ssh?16:07
marcoceppi_huh, let me try16:07
marcoceppi_lazyPower: is there a bug for the amulet post deployment commands not working?16:07
lazyPowerthere was you closed it16:07
lazyPowerlet me see16:07
lazyPoweryou mean what i found on wednesday, nope. Let me file one real quick16:08
marcoceppi_lazyPower: thanks16:15
marcoceppi_lazyPower: just file bugs and how you got the bug when you see them, I tend to forget when they're just reported in IRC16:16
marcoceppi_lazyPower: it's easier to close a bug as not a bug than remember all the little errors I've codified into these projecs16:16
lazyPowerack. i'm running the test on jenkins now with a config change16:19
lazyPowerto get you a strace16:19
marcoceppi_lazyPower: won't it take, like 45mins to error out because it's hitting timeout?16:19
lazyPowermarcoceppi_: no because the d.configure() statement turned into chunky salsa16:20
lazyPowerhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/7039200/ -- which is goign in the bug report16:21
lazyPowerand now i'm getting the forever timeout on d.sentry.wait() - thats so strange that I wasn't hitting it yesterday16:23
lazyPowerthis is very inconsistent16:23
lazyPowerah, disregard, it was hung up on haproxy doing its thing.16:23
marcoceppi_lazyPower: we're talking about two different bugs I think16:24
marcoceppi_there's d.sentry.wait not working in jenkins, but elsewhere16:24
marcoceppi_and then there's post deployment commands failing16:24
lazyPowermarcoceppi_: i'm talking about post deployment commands failing16:25
lazyPowerbecause d.sentry.wait() works locally, but not in jenkins.16:25
marcoceppi_lazyPower: right, I'm investigating the jenkins thing in abit16:25
lazyPowerand i don't have any information there. the only thing i can figure is its using an older release of amulet - that doesn't have that rework of d.sentry.wait() applied. Did we validate that its running 1.3.3?16:26
marcoceppi_lazyPower: it installs it in a fresh LXC for every run16:26
* marcoceppi_ will investigate later16:26
lazyPoweri'll spin up a precise VM and run via juju test runner to validate its not coming from that config, and isolated to being run through the substrate dispatcher in jenkins.16:27
lazyPowerrunning now, here goes nothing16:35
bloodearnestrick_h_: random question: any plans to make the gui code browsers understand symlinks to a hooks.py? I guess that's a Hard Problem.16:53
bloodearnestunless they parse @hooks.hook(name)16:53
rick_h_bloodearnest: so no current plans. I thought we duped the file contents in charmworld. Which charm?16:53
rick_h_oh, no we don't do any of that16:53
bloodearnestrick_h_: mongodb16:54
bloodearnestrick_h_: yeah, it's tru=icky, but it makes the code browser difficult to use in such cases16:54
bloodearnesttrue and icky - truicky16:54
rick_h_yea, don't think it's on the radar at the moment16:54
bloodearnestrick_h_: fair enough16:55
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zchanderHi all. I am trying to get Maas and Juju working together as a test for our school network. Does anyone have any documentation about how to set up the network so we can access  deployed charms when the nodes don't have any access to the school network. (maas region/cluster controller combo is gateway for nodes)?19:14
=== sarnold_ is now known as sarnold
manjirihello all. What guidelines do I need to follow for including the 'charmhelpers' in my charm that I would like to push to my launchpad account?20:26
kliieefwhich one?20:44
kliieef1. sudo apt-get install juju-core20:45
kliieef2. sudo apt-get install juju juju-local charm-tools20:45
kliieefjuju / juju-core?20:46
marcoceppikliieef: juju is juju-core20:53
marcoceppimanjiri: you need to embed them directly from lp:charm-helpers20:53
zchanderWhat would be the best solution to reach my deployed/exposed juju-gui when the node is in a private (cluster)network with MAAS? Do i need to set up some reverse proxy, or....?21:35
marcoceppi_zchander: either a reverse proxy, or a VPN to that network21:57
zchanderOK, is there some how to available on the net? I tried to do a reverse proxy (using apache 2 on the MAAS controller), but somehow I don't succeed.21:58
manjirimarcoceppi: Can you elaborate on what "embed directly" means?22:13

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