
=== TheLordOfTime is now known as teward
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
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tachyonscan anyone help me11:36
tachyonsin https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/24467611:36
tsimpsontachyons: you should be able to change the build dependency to liblttoolbox3-3.2-dev (>= 3.2-0~)11:46
tachyonstsimpson, in debian control file ?11:49
tsimpsontachyons: yes11:51
tachyonstsimpson, thanks for your time :-)11:52
=== Guest83630 is now known as Pici
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ScottKI've dput clamav - 0.98.1+dfsg-2ubuntu1~10.04~ppa2 (for lucid) to ubuntu-clamav/ppa twice now and it seems to have been eaten by LP.  Would someone check and see what's gone wrong?13:44
cjwatsonScottK: 2014-03-07 04:22:18 INFO    Failed to parse changes file '/srv/launchpad.net/ppa-queue/incoming/upload-ftp-20140307-042126-022565/~ubuntu-clamav/ppa/ubuntu/clamav_0.98.1+dfsg-2ubuntu1~10.04~ppa2_source.changes': File /srv/launchpad.net/ppa-queue/incoming/upload-ftp-20140307-042126-022565/~ubuntu-clamav/ppa/ubuntu/clamav_0.98.1+dfsg-2ubuntu1~10.04~ppa2_source.changes is signed with a deactivated key DDCD686A13:46
cjwatsonwhich means deactivated for your user in LP13:47
cjwatsonthat is, on https://launchpad.net/~/+editpgpkeys13:48
cjwatsonyour old 1024-bit DSA key by the looks of things13:49
cjwatsonwgrant: ^- I wonder if we could see our way clear to mail an error to the uploader in this case, since we do have *a* key - I suppose an inactive key might be compromised but it seems like an unlikely mailbomb vector13:50
ScottKcjwatson: Thanks.  That's exactly what it was.13:53
ScottKAnd yes, it would have been nice to get a mail about that.13:55
mptAh cprov! I was looking for you in #launchpad-dev16:52
mptev said you were looking for help with inline comments16:52
mptPerhaps you could mail me screenshots or test URLs etc?16:53
cprovmpt: oh, cool! It will be nice to have your opinion on that.17:13
dobeyinline comments?17:17
cprovdobey: inline diff review comments for Merge Proposals17:19
=== Guest46403 is now known as nesthib
=== jelmer_ is now known as jelmer
adam_gweird issue with my LP openid url. ive recently left canonical and updated my LP account (gandelman-a) associated email addresses, removing @canonical.com and using @ubuntu.com as primary20:57
adam_gmy old @canonical.com is not associated with my LP acct AFACIS, but i can still login to LP using it. logging in using my @ubuntu.com logs me in just the same, at least when logging into LP20:58
adam_ghowever, when i auth on a 3rd party site using LP (review.openstack.org), LP returns a different identity URL depending on which address im logging in with20:59
adam_ghttps://login.launchpad.net/+id/QAxGXJy (@canonical.com) vs https://login.launchpad.net/+id/yD7xEFH (@ubuntu.com)21:01
matsubaraadam_g, hi there! Might be bug 63796821:01
ubot5bug 637968 in Launchpad itself "Removing email addresses can cause mismatch with Canonical SSO" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63796821:01
adam_gmatsubara: doh ya! looks like it21:04
dobeyadam_g: also, you shouldn't use @ubuntu.com as a primary address, as it's an alias, which i think might be configured to forward to your default address on lp21:07
adam_gdobey: fair enough21:08
adam_gmight as well change it now and get a third identity :)21:09
wgrantadam_g: Hm, why do you have two separate SSO accounts? (it's not LP that's returning the different identity URL, but SSO)22:56
wgrantUsually each person should have a single SSO account and a single LP account.22:59
wgrantOr you get confusion like this.22:59
adam_gwgrant: not sure. at one point i had merged two accounts into one23:12
wgrantadam_g: You probably merged the two Launchpad accounts, but not the two SSO accounts.23:16
wgrantSSO doesn't provide self-service merging.23:16

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