
=== TheLordOfTime is now known as teward
jack198282882hey i have a hp KU-0316  keyboard how do i sync the led indicator lights on the keyboard with my laptop00:23
Unit193jack198282882: You were told <removed> basketball: so you either left before someone answered or no one knows. alternately, you can use askubuntu or the ubuntu forum00:32
Unit193!forums | jack19828288200:33
Unit193!askubuntu | jack19828288200:33
ubottujack198282882: The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. Kubuntu Forums are found at http://www.kubuntuforums.net. There is also a channel on freenode IRC #ubuntuforums00:33
ubottujack198282882: AskUbuntu is a support resource that offers non-realtime support by the community! Can't get your problem fixed on IRC? Try AskUbuntu! - http://askubuntu.com/ You can discuss AskUbuntu in #ubuntu-stack00:33
jack198282882Unit193,  http://askubuntu.com/questions/430110/two-keyboards-in-ubuntu-13-1000:33
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ianorlindo you have another computer?00:34
Unit193basktball: Good, now wait for an answer there.00:34
ianorlinI have an idea boot other comp plug in usb keyboard hit capslock00:35
ianorlinunplug put back in this comp00:35
phillwhmmm.... is this ground-hog day? I'm sure we did all of this yesterday?01:09
phillwUnit193: you'll be far faster than me... can you pull up the ubuntulog link ?01:11
Unit193DOesn't matter, he doesn't read.01:11
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xsaidxheyy guys12:16
xsaidxi ve an azerty keyboard and thats cool for writin i cant dind out how to type some symbols like star12:17
xsaidxi ve tried many combo  but still the same12:17
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MikaelaIs there some reason why opening links in LXTerminal requires Ctrl to be pressed.14:58
holsteinMikaela: ive just always done it that way.. thought it was something about escaping the terminal15:33
MikaelaI haven't done so anywhere else and other terminals seem to work just by clicking.15:34
ubottuFor information on professional audio tools in Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro15:38
holsteincontrol click here in terminator15:39
holsteinsame in lxterminal15:40
holsteinsame in guake15:41
holsteindont have any others installed here to test with, but, to answer the question, id say the reason is a default preference..15:42
wxlMikaela: not the same in urxvt17:29
MikaelaWeird. I have always clicked links in Terminator and urxvt and they have opened.17:31
wxlMikaela: that's what i mean17:34
wxlMikaela: honestly i prefer urxvt and i guess i'm not alone because urxvt is used as the example to create .desktop files in the lubuntu dox ;)17:35
wxlMikaela: of course, all things being open source i'm sure you could rewrite lxterminal to your liking if you wanted ;)17:35
* Mikaela is missing abilities to do so :(17:36
wxlMikaela: so just use urxvt. especially if you're familiar with it already, more better.17:36
MikaelaI just haven't created the .desktop file yet.17:37
wxlit's in the dox. let me know if you need a link17:37
MikaelaI think that I found it. Thanks :)17:39
skjoneswhat's the latest with lubuntu changing to QT desktop?  is lubuntu still going to be associated with ubuntu?19:40
wxlskjones: don't fret. you'll never notice the difference. lubuntu is still a part of ubuntu.19:41
holsteinassociated? lubuntu *is* ubuntu19:41
holsteinqt is in the ubuntu repos.. upstream lxde would come in...19:41
skjonesso lubuntu is still going to be around as a main flavor of ubuntu as it's been for years?19:42
wxlskjones: yep19:43
skjonesreason i asked, saw an article lately that read "Lightweight LXDE-based spin Lubuntu is also hoping to jump aboard — but with it planning to switch to the Qt-based desktop in the near future it’s not yet clear what sort of commitment, if any, will ultimately be offered."19:43
skjoneswasn't sure what that meant?19:44
holsteinskjones: lubuntu *is* ubuntu19:46
holsteinskjones: it doesnt need to "jump aboard".. if you have a link you are welcome to let them know what *is* going  on there19:47
holsteinskjones: from what i read, lxde is planning to switch19:47
holsteinskjones: regardless, as i said, and you can research and confirm, qt is in the ubuntu repos.. so, going qt doesnt mean you are not with ubuntu, or have to leave the ubuntu core19:48
skjonesexcuse my ignorance, but is QT better than what lubuntu is using now (which is what?)19:48
holsteinskjones: "better" is always a matter of opinion and use case19:49
ubottuthe Qt toolkit (pronounced "cute"), which forms the base of !KDE, is a cross-platform C++ application framework for !CLI and !GUI applications. Install libqt4-dev and see !build to compile Qt4 applications, join #qt for development support19:49
ubottuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI19:49
holsteinAFAIK, unity will be going qt as well19:50
skjoneswhen is unity going qt?  14.04?19:50
holsteinskjones: definitely *not* 14.0419:51
holsteinskjones: and, im not sure.. and you shouldnt say i said it was19:51
holsteinskjones: i didnt.. i said "AFAIK" which = "as far as i know", but i just heard that on a news show19:51
holsteinskjones: i dont personally follow unity development.. could have been talking about the touch UI for all i know19:52
skjonesthanks guys for the info19:52
holsteinskjones: the fact is, lubuntu is ubuntu, and part of ubuntu, and using the same official sources.. going qt or gtk doesnt mean you cant be an ubuntu core.. lubuntu uses lxde, which, as i read is doing the qt switch upstream19:52
skjonesi notice lubuntu offers a Mac version for download, do the other ubuntu distros do this as well?20:19
wxlskjones: most do, but they're all community supported. none are "official"20:20
phillwskjones: +Mac64 is offered by most distros. for ppc machines... it is pretty much only lubuntu now.20:28
phillwskjones: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing/14.04 has the details of our head of dev.20:31
dvorai have a simple question- i have lubuntu. what is the easiest way to upgrade to the newst version?21:51
phillwdvora: which version of lubuntu have you got?21:59
dvoraphillw: i think 12.1022:00
phillwdvora: my best advice would be to make a seperate /home area (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving ) and then simply install 14.04 in a couple of weeks. It is pretty darn stable now if you do not use fire fox etc!22:02
phillwdoing a clean install with your /home area protected will keep all your data and give you shiny new install :)22:03
Unit193IIRC 12.10 was a special case that could upgrade to saucy then trusty.22:03
phillwgoing 12.10 --> 13.04 --> 13.10 --> 14.0422:03
phillwUnit193: lubuntu has never had an upgrade route other than release to release. As Julien himself said, one less thing for us to test :)22:04
Unit19313.04 is EOL before 13.10 with 12.10 being supported, thus exception.22:05
phillwUnit193:  there is still no way to upgrade 12.10 to 14.04 via lubuntu... We only support 13.10 --> 14.0422:06
phillwdo not forget that until this release lubuntu has not followed lts etc.22:06
Unit193Sure, and thus you can do 12.10 -> 13.10 -> 14.04...22:06
Unit193I know..22:06
phillwUnit193: so, the better advice to someone is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving and a clean install.22:07
Unit193Do what you like.22:07
ianorlinwon't doing multiple updgrades like that take a while with lots of bandwidth for each one22:08
phillwUnit193: btw... it is 12.10 --> 12.04 --> 13.04 --> 13.10 --> 14.04.....22:08
Unit193phillw: Again, no.22:08
phillwremove the 12.0422:09
Unit193phillw: You can't downgrade either, and it's not a upgrade path (to downgrade before upgrade?)22:09
Unit193phillw: And 13.04.22:09
ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 27, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/raring22:09
Unit193YOu don't upgrade to EOL.22:09
phillwbtw... it is 12.10  --> 13.04 --> 13.10 --> 14.04.22:09
Unit193Anyway, I'm done, I've said what I've said.22:09
phillwand you are suggesting that doing four upgrades is actually easier / quicker than a seperate /home and a clean install?22:10
phillwindeed... as I think that advice is tosh.22:11
dvoraphillw: do i need to install the iso? or can i do it from terminal? because "sudo do-release-upgrade" says "No new release found"22:16
dvorai don't want to wait, i just backed-up everything.. :P22:17
phillwdvora: Unit193 will talk you through how to upgrade, he does not approve of my method and I know of no other method.22:20
Unit1931. No, busy as I've said.  2. I've said how to, it's not that much different...............22:20
phillwUnit193: nope, you have not said22:21
phillwwiki page?22:21
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