
=== TheLordOfTime is now known as teward
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pietro10Hi. After a recent update I can't seem to tab complete filenames if I start the pathname with ~/ - is this a known thing already or is it just me?03:15
pietro10(in the terminal)03:15
AussieDownUnderNot sure if it's just happening in Xubuntu 14.04 beta or whatever you call it but Cheese always poops the bed after I take one photo, I have to swap between desktops to get functionality back with the rest of the programs I had running in the same workspace.04:42
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lanoxxIs anyone here who is familiar with indicator-applet? My skype menu is always smaller than it should be, even if there is lots of space available: https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-flashback-list/2013-September/png2qULukSq8E.png10:49
lanoxxI was looking in the source code but could not find anything thats related to GtkAllocation10:49
BluesKajHowdy all10:52
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Dry_LipsHi... Anyone else seeing what I best can describe as "lag" or "screen tearing" when scrolling in Firefox?13:15
Dry_Lips(DE = xfce, Nvidia drivers installed)13:16
elfyDry_Lips: not seeing it here with xubuntu13:24
Dry_Lipselfy: ok, thanks...13:24
Dry_Lipsbut weird13:24
Dry_Lipsit's bit "jumpy" when you scroll... it's difficult to explain13:25
elfyyea I'm sure it is13:25
elfyautoscroll or mouse wheel?13:25
Dry_Lipsmouse wheel13:26
elfyI'll boot the other one have a look in there13:26
Dry_LipsI don't see the same thing in Chromium13:26
elfyok - yea fine here - back in a bit :)13:26
Dry_Lipsjust in FF13:26
Dry_LipsAh, ok, thanks elfy!13:26
elfyDry_Lips: looks fine in there - that one has nvidia - this one nouveau13:33
Dry_LipsRight... Well, okay... Thanks for bothering to take a look13:33
Dry_LipsI might try to disable Nvidia to see if it makes a difference...13:33
=== plars is now known as plars-away
soeecan someone confirm that after latest updates (nvidia-prime and 331-drivers) it is impossible to switch to nvidia ?15:12
soee$ sudo prime-select nvidia will throw15:12
soeeError: alternatives are not set up properly15:12
soeeError: nvidia mode can't be enabled15:13
Meerkatany chance qtcreator will be upgraded from 2.8 to 3.0 for 14.04?15:13
xsachahow long when i watch a movie in a web browser on 14.04, the screen always tried to go to sleep15:23
xsachahow come*15:23
xsachai have to disable screen sleeping as a workaround15:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1289420 in nvidia-prime (Ubuntu) "Can't switch to nvidia - prime-select fails" [Undecided,New]15:42
utusanmate in repo still at 1.6?  will 1.8 get in time b4 trusty release?17:29
intokIs there a PP setup yet for the latest and greatest mesa and gallium 3d drivers?17:41
Daekdroomintok, https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/graphics-drivers but it's not official.17:48
=== NothingMuchHere is now known as Nothing_Much
Nothing_MuchI need some help18:07
Nothing_MuchApparently my hard drive keeps starting and stopping on me, and it caused my computer to lose most of its configuration18:08
Nothing_MuchRight now I fixed most of the configs, but now I can't seem to get the Launcher to save anything18:08
Nothing_MuchSuch as dragging and dropping an app to the launcher but it immediately disappears as soon as I put the app there and on reboot after I launch an application and lock it to the launcher, it doesn't stay18:09
Nothing_MuchActually it doesn't lock to the launcher period.18:09
yeats_Nothing_Much: sounds like a hardware problem18:18
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Nothing_Muchyeats: I fixed most of the problems regarding configureation18:18
Nothing_MuchThe last thing I need is the unity launcher to save my apps tothe launcher18:19
=== Guest18769 is now known as amblin
Nothing_MuchLooks like Unity Tweak Tool's not working either18:20
Nothing_MuchHow do I reset every configuration settings I have?18:20
NothingMuchHereOkay so I tried a dconf reset -f /org/compiz/18:27
NothingMuchHereCan someone please tell me how to reset compiz or anything regarding Ubuntu's configuration?18:28
Nothing_MuchHow do I move my old home folder into my new one?18:51
intokDaekdroom Thanks much!18:55
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