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bonafide Sorry, I tried to pair my Wiimote but all I get is a error message. Bug is already reported.12:49
bonafideWhat can I do?12:49
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=== bschaefer_ is now known as bschaefer
bonafideHej, I'm on Ubuntu 12.04.4 and want to pair my Wiimote as a  Raw HID-Device. Any idea on how to do that?18:08
jtaylormh I did that once, but its been ages18:14
jtaylorI think I did something with hciconfig and blueman18:15
jtaylorthough does the 12.04 kernel already support wiimotes?18:15
bonafidejtaylor: good to hear. i dont know if it does.18:17
jtaylorI think I did it in 13.0418:17
bonafidejtaylor: how can I check? i mean the wii has been around since 2011...18:28
jtaylorseems to be in since 3.1 so 12.04 should be good18:29
bonafidecool, any tip on what to read to proceed, jtaylor?18:30
jtaylorbonafide: maybe https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/XWiimote18:42
jtaylorhm though I didn't use any of the software mentioned on that page, so its probably outdated18:44
bonafidejtaylor: yes, it is. in addition xwii adds an extra layer to it. ill need raw HID.21:43
=== bschaefer_ is now known as bschaefer

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