
sergiusensrobru,  plars, doanac` we are good for the test target change (no need to install camera-app-autopilot and gallery-app-autopilot)00:02
robrusergiusens, according to the plan, plars should handle that.00:03
sergiusensrobru, yeah, was just a general broadcast :-)00:03
robrusergiusens, ok great00:03
robrusergiusens, ok so i'm a little bit confused: we got the debs *out* of the seed... but where is the change that makes those click apps be preinstalled?00:04
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
sergiusensrobru, lp:click-sync00:08
sergiusensrobru, it's not a package though00:08
sergiusensrobru, it's something run on snakefruit00:08
robrusergiusens, what's snakefruit? the image builder?00:09
sergiusensrobru, archive00:10
sergiusensrobru, meh, it's not the archive per se00:10
robrusergiusens, ah ok. well it looks like you have it under control. very well, carry on ;-)00:10
sergiusensrobru, but it does have access to http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/click_packages/click_list00:11
* sergiusens will brb00:15
ToyKeeperIf r224 doesn't land soon, I might not be testing it today.00:53
robruToyKeeper, r224 of what?00:56
robruimage 224?00:56
sergiusensrobru, do you know of anyone else who can make the testing changes on ci?01:02
ToyKeeperYes, image 224.  Looks like it may have landed though.  My phone lied to me, probably because I was messing with PPAs.01:10
robrusergiusens, nope, sorry. well, maybe fginther01:10
robruToyKeeper, nope, just 223 so far. I don't think we're ready to start 224 just yet01:11
robruAlright, I'm heading out for dinner, but i should be back within an hour.01:15
ToyKeeperHmm, where did balloons manage to get r224?01:17
ToyKeeperOh well, will check later.01:17
plarssergiusens: robru: doanac`: psivaa: ok, the mp I proposed earlier for removing the pkg installs for gallery and camera, as well as om26er's unlocker change have both been merged.01:37
robruplars, thanks!01:54
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
sergiusensplars, awesome02:15
* sergiusens goes to bed02:15
robrukgunn, what's the scoop? are you giving up on the mir landing for now?02:24
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kgunnrobru: if you're still on...yeah...i can give up my silo....i'm gonna leave that line & MP's in place...i'll try again after we debug a little...02:54
robrukgunn, "can"? no need to give it up right now if you're still working.02:57
kgunnif you can leave a note with someone...tvoss will need me out to unlock platform-api...which i'm happy to allow him....until then, some of my guys might use the ppa02:59
kgunnrobru: ^02:59
rsalvetikgunn: please also send an email to the ml03:03
kgunnrsalveti: which ml ?03:03
robrukgunn, was more wondering if I should expect a publish request from you anytime soon, or if I can EOD ;-)03:06
robrukgunn, sure thing03:06
kgunnrobru: no way...go to bed :)03:06
kgunnor watch tv :)03:06
robrukgunn, only 7PM here ;-)03:06
kgunnnot gonna happen tonight03:06
rsalvetikgunn: ubuntu-touch/phone03:07
rsalvetikgunn: didrocks had a plan to land mir today03:07
rsalvetiso please just give a heads up that it's not going to happen03:07
rsalvetiso he knows what happened once he's online again03:07
rsalvetirobru: the build happens at 3am utc03:22
rsalvetiso yeah, cdimage should be done by now already03:22
rsalvetiactually, in ~20min03:22
rsalvetiMirv: morning05:30
rsalvetiMirv: it seems florian got the needed fixes for webkit05:30
Mirvrsalveti: url or it didn't happen!05:44
rsalvetiMirv: he updated the bug05:44
rsalvetibug 120727005:45
ubot5bug 1207270 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Font size too small in browser with Qt 5.1 / DPR rework" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120727005:45
rsalvetithere's an additional unity-mir change05:45
Mirvrsalveti: oh, so qtwebkit does not need to revive the DPR patch, but unity-mir instead?05:46
Mirvok, great, I'll build again today and get pope_y testing too05:47
rsalveti=== Building image 225 ===06:11
rsalveti=== Image 225 is done ===07:02
rsalvetididrocks: image 225 should be available in a few minutes in system image07:13
rsalvetididrocks: probably asac explained already, but all tests failed because they were looking for a python module that's available in unity8-autopilot07:13
didrocksrsalveti: hey, oh, what change does it contain? It was just for the infra revert, right?07:13
rsalvetithat was not installed by default before either (only as a side effect of gallery-app/camera-app debs)07:14
rsalvetididrocks: just infra, but we don't know how to trigger the tests again07:14
didrocksrsalveti: right, we still have an issue with the infra in general where no tests are run but we have 83% of tests passing :)07:14
rsalvetiso we just decided to do a new image07:14
didrocksyeah, sounds the best way :)07:14
rsalvetididrocks: right, well :-)07:14
didrocksthanks for looking at that!07:14
didrocks(and for the messages on the phone ML, was nice to get all updates in the morning)07:15
rsalvetithe problem is that we don't know how many tests we should be running before actually running then07:15
rsalvetiyeah, too bad mir didn't land, more fun for today :-)07:15
didrocksright, and also, if no test run, everything is counted as a test:07:15
didrocksphablet-test-run failing07:15
didrocksteardown :p07:16
didrocksphablet-test-run is clear not 20% of the global results :)07:16
didrocksrsalveti: I'm not upset to not have Mir today TBH ;) But maybe that will be after Qt 5.2?07:16
rsalvetias the last big fix for qt5.2 should be in today I guess07:17
rsalvetiMirv should know more, but florian got some additional patches for that issue07:17
didrocksok, anyway, let's try to ensure we get Mir soonish07:19
didrocksit prooved the dogfooding was done seriously, so it's not a failure per say :)07:19
Mirvrsalveti: hey. I still have input problem with DPR07:29
rsalvetiyeah :-)07:30
rsalvetiMirv: hm =\07:30
MirvI just updated https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1207270 - graphically it's now good, aside from the one glitch I'm mentioning there07:30
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1207270 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Font size too small in browser with Qt 5.1 / DPR rework" [Critical,In progress]07:30
rsalvetiMirv: even after unity-mir?07:30
Mirvrsalveti: yes, well, it's more minor, ie unlocking is harder than before07:30
Mirvnot sure if it's worth landing to Qt 5.2 PPA or not, ie is it better now than without fixes07:30
Mirvthere are two images and a video there07:31
rsalvetiright, awesome07:32
rsalvetilet's try to get Kaleo to fix the remaining issue asap then07:33
=== popey_ is now known as popey
Mirvdidrocks: the landing-003 was freed from Mir, but prepare-silo still claims unity-mir is attached to there. is there a need to do reconfiguration of landing-003 with null, or something else?08:02
didrocksMirv: hum, shouldn't, is landing-003 really freed?08:02
didrockslet me look08:02
didrocksMirv: who freed it?08:03
Mirvdidrocks: o/08:03
didrockshow did you do that? :p08:04
Mirvdidrocks: with the menu option08:04
didrocksremember, it's written "admin only", it's not what it's supposed to :)08:04
didrocksso, this is really when the spreadsheet is out of sync with the backend08:04
didrocksremember that the spreadsheet can't run jobs in the backend08:04
didrocksthe way to free something is:08:04
didrocks-> build with "only free silo"08:04
Mirvright: "merge and clean with "ONLY_FREE_SILO" selected."08:04
didrocksyep :)08:05
didrocksthis would have removed the line on the spreadsheet as well :)08:05
didrocks(so, normally you don't need that menu option)08:05
Mirvargh indeed. I'm updating my notes08:05
Mirvand doing merge-and-clean08:05
Mirvsorry, and thanks to you08:05
didrocksMirv: do you have any suggestion on how to make that menu option really scary? :p08:05
didrocksMirv: no harm done ;)08:05
didrocksit's just like, let's say, the spreadsheet is going crazy and can't sync from the backend…08:06
Mirvdidrocks: "didrocks only"? :)08:06
didrocksMirv: ahah, that can be :p08:06
didrocksok, just need to wait on the ppa to be freed08:06
didrocksand you can take the lock!08:07
Mirvyes, preparing some manual uploads meanwhile08:07
didrocks(waow, they did build quite a lot of packages)08:07
didrocksyou can see how many times people retried :p08:07
Mirvyeah, I saw there was some middle-of-the-night efforts already the day before08:07
didrocksbut I liked the fact that they prefer to back out08:07
didrocksand communicate08:07
didrocksvery positive experience in the end08:08
Mirvyes, the process was working well08:08
Mirvalso, this "do something while waiting for Qt 5.2" worked well with robru08:08
Mirvhe e-mailed me on the status and also reminded to rebuild the new trunk against Qt 5.208:08
Mirvfor qtorganizer5-eds08:09
didrocksMirv: do you have a lock on the toolkit?08:09
didrocksMirv: as for clock app, we may have a fix to be able to promote an image08:10
didrocks(but need more infos first)08:10
Mirvdidrocks: yes, a lock is there on the ui-toolkit, can be removed temporarily if/when needed.08:10
didrocksMirv: ok, let's keep an eye on that08:11
sil2100Almost though Freenode was down08:31
popeydidrocks: balloons posted a new weather app at 5am (bzr 217) and asked me to test it.. I get 8 failures of 23.08:36
didrockspopey: so, more than the previous version?08:37
didrockspopey: are the changes related to test only?08:37
popeynot analysed, just ran and pasted so far08:38
popeydidrocks: aha! I think I may know why..08:52
* popey tests again08:52
didrockspopey: all your fault again, I assume! :)08:52
Mirvcjwatson: was it that there is zero way of rebuilding or removing a single arch of "successfully" built package in the PPA? I've gone through the landing-006 PPA and found 12 packages that will be a problem for proposed migration because they built for powerpc or pp64el with the old Qt08:53
popeyof course, my fault the phone dropped off wifi, and I have no 3g data allowance left ☻08:53
Mirvcjwatson: so the problem comes from that they depend on libqt5core5 instead of the new libqt5core5a08:54
Mirvthere was a time where powerpc build was not available of qtbase, and then when ppc64el was added there were some uploads made before qtbase was rebuilt for that (in those cases powerpc binary is fine but ppc64el isn't)08:55
didrockspopey: ah, and as the tests are not isolated… :p08:55
Mirvso either those should be handled at the proposed migration time or I'll reupload 7 packages manually and have CI Train rebuild 5 packages08:55
bzoltandidrocks: would you please point me the bug report about the Clock app issue?08:57
didrocksbzoltan: I think it was bug #128595808:58
ubot5bug 1285958 in Ubuntu Clock App "Reccuring Alarm can't be set for sunday" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128595808:58
bzoltandidrocks: thanks ... that is what I have too :)08:58
didrocksbzoltan: I heard qtorganizer5-eds was half the fix08:59
didrocksbzoltan: not sure about the other half :p08:59
bzoltandidrocks:  I am looking after that one ... btw, why it is not "Critical"?08:59
didrocksbzoltan: because the sdk team set it to high?09:00
didrocksZsombor Egri (zsombi)09:00
didrocksUndecided → High09:00
didrocksand bill set to high as well before09:00
bzoltandidrocks: if you consider a bug to be critical, please ping me in the future. I can take care of the prioritization.09:01
didrocksbzoltan: sure, will do that. You were supposed to be in touch through Nicholas though09:01
didrocksnot sure why he didn't happen09:01
didrocksbzoltan: as we thought first it was in the application itself09:01
didrocksI just learnt yesterday it was in the sdk09:02
popeydidrocks: indeed.. FAILED (failures=2)09:02
popeygetting better09:02
didrocksbzoltan: when I did pinged you09:02
didrockspopey: better than the previous version for you, with the same setup, right?09:02
popeybetter than the above 8 fails09:02
popeywill roll back and run again to compare once I have 3 runs under my belt09:03
didrockspopey: ok, can you also try to dogfood that one like crazy, as: can we promote an image with that version?09:03
popey"that version" - the one in the store?09:03
popeyIt's not in the image yet09:03
popeystore has 211, I'm testing 21709:04
didrockspopey: the new one09:04
bzoltandidrocks: as far as I know it was/is a problem what required fix from both sides. Anyhow, we are working on it now. I will keep you posted.09:05
didrocksbzoltan: thanks a lot, please do, we'll get that landed ASAP and kick an image with it (potentially the image we'll promote) :)09:05
didrocksthe so-awaited-pre-qt5.2 image :)09:05
bzoltandidrocks: One communication  mistake we made ... I was not t old and so I was not aware that the so-awaited-pre-qt5.2 image has higher priority than the also so-awaited-qt5.2 image09:08
psivaasil2100: didrocks: initial indication is that gallery app has some issues during the conversion to click.. camera is good09:10
didrocksbzoltan: ah, probably, I tried to make it clear in my email, but the idea is always to decouple risk09:12
didrockspsivaa: ok, please look at the gallery-app one :)09:12
psivaadidrocks: yea, the tests are looking at /home/phablet/.local/share/com.ubuntu.gallery/gallery-app/database/gallery.sqlite whilst that's available in /home/phablet/autopilot/gallery_app/data/default/.database/gallery.sqlite during the click setup09:13
bzoltandidrocks: of course... I am not against it :) we just need to double handshake these priorities09:13
sil2100psivaa: thanks for the heads up, too bad...09:13
didrocksbzoltan: yep :)09:14
didrockspsivaa: oh, so the tests need to be changed as well, do you think you can try ugly-patching those once the run is done to see the results?09:14
sil2100psivaa: ah, I thought they ran the gallery-app tests before publishing and everything was ok09:14
didrockssil2100: I think gallery-app (debs) was still installed09:15
didrocksI'm ready to bet all my money on that09:15
didrocksand popey's one as well :)09:15
seb128can I bet popey's money as well?09:15
psivaadidrocks: i could do that.. but i'd let the other tests to finish first09:15
didrocksahah ;)09:15
sil2100didrocks: maybe, although I saw Sergio talking to Robert about wiping the system clean and installing the click ones for testing ;p09:16
didrocksseb128: we all can, I heard09:16
popeyseb128: s/money/bitcoins/09:16
sil2100But I don't want to bet your and popey's money for that!09:16
didrockspopey: what, you are a billionar then? :)09:16
* sil2100 wants some dogecoins09:16
popeyhah. 0.00000000000000001 bitcoin millionaire.. right?09:16
sil2100Wow wow, such currency, much worth09:16
didrockssil2100: yeah, but wiping won't remove the debs09:16
didrockscjwatson: FYI, deployed the ppcel64 list (need to improve the logic in a long term and get a couple of hours to think about it). I'll need to do the same change for arm6409:23
sil2100didrocks: from the logs I see they were removing the debs first and then installing the clicks, but maybe they missed up on something indeed!09:26
didrockssil2100: interesting…09:27
didrockspopey: time to dress and join us!09:30
mhr3sil2100, silo for row 40 pls?09:56
sil2100mhr3: lookin'!09:56
sil2100mhr3: assigned!09:59
mhr3sil2100, ty09:59
Mirvralsina_: hi! I'm sorry but I'm going to free up the unity-scope-click silo so that Qt 5.2 landing can continue. unity-scope-click is the only package remaining from Qt 5.2 landing10:01
Mirvralsina_: the silo wasn't marked as being tested, so that's why it cannot be released either. anyhow, it will be quick to reassign the silo and build after Qt 5.2 has landed.10:02
Mirvcjwatson: FYI I've started the powerpc/ppc64el related rebuilds in landing-006. my belief is that after those are done there are no other immediate ppc issues.10:04
Mirvbecause ppc64el was added late, some builds will start only when the copy will be made10:05
sil2100didrocks: I'm upgrading my device to the latest image, I have a hunch that I know what might be wrong with gallery-app, but need latest to be sure10:06
=== WebbyIT is now known as rpadovani
cjwatsonMirv: I can remove them from trusty-proposed after copying, but I might be able to remove those binaries10:11
cjwatsonMirv: is it still needed or are you just rebuilding everything?10:11
cjwatsonMirv: I don't think the web UI exposes it, but you should be able to remove single builds from a PPA using the API10:11
cjwatsondidrocks: thanks10:12
Mirvcjwatson: well I'm doing the rebuilds now, shouldn't be too much of a problem. in case I missed something, some ppc mangling may be needed still but I went through the whole list and opened DEBIAN/control of the binary package to see10:12
Mirvcjwatson: it's good to know that there's such a thing in the API. in that case I could do / find out it too.10:13
MirvI'm nowadays somewhat used to LP API via python :)10:13
sergiusensdidrocks, I am looking at the results and feeling bad :/10:13
cjwatsonMirv: the method is BinaryPackagePublishingHistory.requestDeletion10:14
sil2100sergiusens: no worries ;)10:14
sergiusenssil2100, I can fix it easily though10:14
cjwatsonMirv: actually, it looks like I included PPA handling options in remove-package in lp:ubuntu-archive-tools10:15
sil2100sergiusens: it simply seems that gallery-app has problems with the right database directory10:15
cjwatsonMirv: so you don't even need to use the API directly, you should just be able to use that script10:15
sil2100sergiusens: oh, I was looking into that just now, but I guess you have more power over the process10:15
sergiusenssil2100, it's easier than that ;-)10:15
cjwatsonMirv: just be careful to use the -b option :-)10:15
sil2100sergiusens: so, if only you have a moment, please ;)10:15
sergiusenssil2100, it just needs to be ignored10:16
cjwatsonMirv: sorry I was up a bit late this morning, could've saved you some builds ...10:16
sil2100As I just now upgraded to the latest image10:16
sil2100sergiusens: you mean, the lack of the database in the AP tests?10:16
Mirvcjwatson: oh, nice. again, good to know. no problem, it's not the first time that PPA is seeing rebuilds after rebuilds..10:16
sergiusenssil2100, yeah; it's a save my state so I keep my database after the tests are run10:17
sil2100sergiusens: well, I guess you know more on how things look, so I leave the fix to you ;) Thanks!10:17
didrockssil2100: keep us posted :)10:19
didrockssergiusens: ah, what was the issue? You didn't remove the .deb packages?10:19
didrockssergiusens: the fix will be in the click app itself or anything else?10:19
=== vrruiz_ is now known as rvr
didrockscjwatson: Mirv would be able as well to use remove-package on the ppa, right?10:21
didrocksah, right10:21
sergiusensdidrocks, in the test setup10:21
didrocksdidn't backlog after that line, ignore me :)10:22
didrockssergiusens: ok, leaving it to you then :)10:22
didrockssergiusens: there was some additional fun infrastructure issue related to that as well btw (unity8-autopilot not pulled anymore)10:22
didrockssergiusens: so, it relaunched a discussion with the QA team :)10:22
sergiusensdidrocks, yeah, saw the unlock one10:22
sergiusensdidrocks, I knew that wouldn't be me, but was scared anyways :-P10:23
didrocksheh :)10:23
didrockssergiusens: see, any safe change always have unseen side-effects :p10:23
didrocks(that's why we should really build an image as per airline from the ppa)10:23
sergiusensdidrocks, well, I never said migrating to click was easy; not with all the infra stuff that needs to happen in parallel at least10:24
sergiusensand the test rewriting10:24
sergiusenstoo many non click environment assumptions exist in them10:24
didrocksanyway, let's try to get everything under the same process10:25
didrocksand dream about the future :)10:25
sergiusensdidrocks, well I saw a comment from ev saying he wants to not use PPAs for anything, I guess the same thing would apply for not using branches as well10:26
sergiusensthat would somehow fit in the airline10:26
evto be clear, what I said was that I want our infrastructure running the LTS as much as possible. If a non-testbed system needs additional packages, I consider that a leaky harness. If we absolutely must install packages and they're not in the LTS, we should backport them and put them in a PPA.10:27
didrocksev: no ppa?10:27
evI do not want us upgrading to trusty all over the place.10:28
didrockshum, not sure you are talking about the same thing10:28
sergiusensev, oh, I misunderstood, so the PPA part was fine then?10:28
didrocksbuilding packages and testing those packages :)10:28
evthat's the only place I mentioned PPAs, as far as I recall10:28
sergiusensdidrocks, ignore me then ;-)10:28
evback in a tick10:29
sergiusensdidrocks, I was trying to get infrastructure changes under control as well ;-)10:30
didrockssergiusens: I'm *happily* ignoring you! (kidding :p)10:31
mhr3sil2100, didrocks, wrt row 40, since there's a qml plugin now in mediascanner2, ppc et al builds won't finish, so even though it's saying that it's still building, it already built everything that can be built10:34
sil2100qml plugin? uuh10:35
didrocksmhr3: ah, so it's built on ppc in the distro?10:35
sil2100didrocks: yes, I remember that being on ppc10:35
mhr3didrocks, yea, it didn't have qml plugin until now10:35
didrocksmhr3: ok, let me check the rdepends10:36
cjwatsondidrocks: yes, the PPA owner can remove publications10:36
didrocksok, seems we don't have any rdepends from libmediascanner-2.0-0 that are on those archs10:37
didrocksmhr3: so, I'll be able to remove from the distro10:37
mhr3didrocks, cool, thx10:37
didrockscjwatson: meanwhile, you can stop the build (if the rest is published) and start testing10:37
didrocksmhr3: ^10:37
didrockssorry cjwatson :)10:37
mhr3didrocks, already tested10:38
mhr3didrocks, do i just abort the jenkins job?10:38
didrocksok, let me remove the packages10:38
didrocksmhr3: yep10:38
didrocksmhr3: so, removing powerpc, ppc64el and arm6410:38
didrocksfortunately, this dance will be soon not needed10:39
ralsina_Mirv: ack, np. It was a matter of which thing got done first :-)10:39
didrocksralsina_: we normally try to discuss with you first, but timezone one and seeing the rush in Qt 5.2, wasn't easy, sorry man :)10:40
mhr3ralsina_, i warned you yesterday :)10:41
davmor2didrocks: much happier with 225 + new weather app.  I have all the apps open now and still no crash, I'll go back to opening and closing them all a couple of times which is a likely user trait (open an app, can't remember why, close it, remember why and open it again) and see if that triggers anything10:43
didrocksmhr3: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7049288/ -> done10:43
didrocksmhr3: you will be able to rerun build with "watch only" if you want to get it clean (after next publisher cycle) :)10:43
didrocksdavmor2: excellent!10:44
mhr3didrocks, will do, thx10:45
davmor2didrocks: indicators are back to their old tricks of closing as soon as you select and item, so you can't select geoip and gps for example10:50
didrocksdavmor2: oh, this is fairly new, right?10:51
didrocksdavmor2: wasn't that one disappearing with a reboot?10:52
davmor2didrocks: it's an old issue that was fixed and now seems to be back10:52
davmor2I will reboot to check10:53
davmor2need to go to mother-in-laws back in an hour10:53
didrocksok, see you!10:53
sergiusenssil2100, can you be my reviewer? https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/gallery-app/test_fixes/+merge/20989111:03
sil2100sergiusens: sure ;)11:07
sil2100Let me check11:07
sil2100sergiusens: code looks ok, testing in a moment :)11:09
sergiusenssil2100, I was compelled to refactor; but I don't want to introduce any errors11:11
* didrocks likes the safety approach from sergiusens :)11:19
sil2100sergiusens: so far it seems to be working fine on my device, but I have been wondering if maybe we shouldn't remove the database/thumbnails after the tests are finished when there was nothing previously?11:20
sil2100sergiusens: doesn't seem to be serious enough for us to care though11:20
sergiusenssil2100, shouldn't be a problem as we remove it prior to running11:24
didrockssil2100: ok, going out for a run, so please feel free to work with sergiusens to get those released :)11:24
sergiusenssil2100, could be considered though11:24
didrocksbzoltan: refresh us when you get any news on the sdk fix for clock-apps11:24
bzoltandidrocks: of course11:24
sil2100didrocks: sure ;)11:25
sergiusenssil2100, I preloaded l42 in the train to get the silo11:27
sil2100sergiusens: ok, let's consider that some other time11:27
sil2100Anyway, all tests pass now, yay11:27
sil2100sergiusens: approved11:28
sil2100Let me assign a silo11:29
sil2100Mirv: eeek!11:31
sil2100sergiusens: hmmm11:31
sil2100sergiusens: come to think of it, do we need a silo for gallery-app? It's click now, right? What's the way it gets released now?11:31
sil2100sergiusens: since I can't assign a silo because of Mirv's Qt 5.2 landing, and I don't know now if we should ask Mirv to release the lock for it for a moment or maybe we can simply release it to the click store some other way11:32
sergiusenssil2100, can I merge to trunk myself?11:34
sergiusensif I can do that; that solves the issue11:35
popeydavmor2: #225, first run of music app unity seemed to barf..11:36
sil2100sergiusens: I guess we'll have to deprovision gallery-app from CITrain anyway, let me poke Mirv just to be sure11:37
sil2100Mirv: ping11:37
sergiusenssil2100, I think Mirv just needs to rebuild due to the qreal issue11:37
popeydavmor2: how do I know if this is the known unity issue?11:38
sil2100If it's an empty merge rebuild then I guess we have green light on pushing11:38
Mirvsil2100: pong11:40
Mirvsil2100: so why it needs to be deprovisioned if it's click now? not that I'd otherwise have anything against it11:41
popeydavmor2: got white screen starting system settings too11:45
Mirvelopio: any more luck with AP test runs / adb issues?11:47
sergiusensMirv, sil2100 with that logic, you don't need to lock it yourself either ;-)11:49
sergiusensMirv, I need to merge to trunk; that's where the tests come from11:50
Mirvsergiusens: I need to lock it so that when Qt 5.2 is landed there is no package in the archives that depends on libqt5core5 which would prevent proposed migration11:50
sil2100sergiusens: just merge it ;)11:51
davmor2popey: working fine here12:01
davmor2popey: is there a crash file in /var/crash?12:01
davmor2popey: either for unity8 or qmlscene12:01
popeydavmor2: yes, one for unity812:02
davmor2popey: okay so I'll pm you with what to do as soon as I open the file12:02
sil2100sergiusens: so, how's it going?12:05
sergiusenssil2100, hey, missed that comment; merged and no building the click12:06
davmor2popey: didrocks: I'm going to do a bootstrap install and just ensure that everything is working as smoothly from a full install rather than just an update12:08
sergiusenssil2100, this might be a problem in the future as gallery is click + deb (and so are all the other ones in bfiller's umbrella)12:08
sergiusensthe core community apps don't have this problem as they don't land in distro12:08
davmor2didrocks, popey: but for me so far big thumbs up I don't know what happened but everything has been opening fine12:08
popeydavmor2: mine was a clean fresh install of the previous image, updated to 22512:10
popeysergiusens: we're planning to land core apps in universe soon...12:10
sergiusenspopey, hmm; that's going to be interesting12:11
sergiusenspopey, why not just click?12:11
* sergiusens wonders about contradicting goals12:11
popeysergiusens: click packages don't work on desktop do they?12:12
davmor2popey: so my updated version was working really well but it is updates with data from a couple of days ago and I don't want false hope pinned on possibly altered files :)12:12
popeyunless that's changed since I last spoke to cjwatson about it12:12
cjwatsonnot yet, I still hope to get it working for 14.04 but it'll be tight12:13
cjwatsonand there's still the issue of presenting unconfined click apps being a dangerous thing to do12:13
cjwatsonso actually I'll probably only get the infrastructure in place for 14.04 if that, it won't be something we'll be able to advertise12:13
cjwatsonwe can't really do click apps properly on X because we can't confine them properly12:14
popeysergiusens: ^12:15
sergiusenspopey, they do12:15
cjwatsonerr they don't12:15
sergiusenswell they don't work confined; true12:15
cjwatsonok, you can install them by hand, kind of12:15
cjwatsonbut there's no aptdaemon integration12:15
sergiusenscjwatson, I just upstart-app-launched com.ubuntu.calculator_calculator_${version} on unity712:16
cjwatsonand getting the right click install invocation is tricky.  we shouldn't be advertising them to users12:16
cjwatsonsure, it can be done by hand12:16
cjwatsonit's only sensible for developers though12:16
cjwatsonreasonable way to test/develop your app, not a reasonable way to deliver it12:16
cjwatsonwe agreed at the client sprint that we oughtn't taint the general message of click by advertising it when it's basically a malware vector12:17
sergiusensI would just focus on them working with unity8/desktop which should be the focus next cycle anyways (unless priorities changed)12:17
cjwatsonwell next LTS cycle anyway, yes12:18
popeydavmor2: are you flashing clean right now?12:20
davmor2popey: just finished now I'm transferring things onto it12:21
davmor2popey: and without the fix weather app is crashing12:22
popeydavmor2: can you try this... swipe to home after putting music on it - I see no thumbnails yet - tap a song and click play, quickly12:24
popeybefore it has a chance to get thumbnails etc12:24
popeythats when I had the unity crash12:25
davmor2will do let me get the music on first :)12:25
popeyyeah, you kinda need to be quick before mediascanner does its stuff12:27
sil2100Mirv: just to double check - there is no lock required for dbus-cpp, location-service or platform-api regarding Qt5.2, right? Didn't see those on the pad ;)12:27
Mirvsil2100: yep, those don't depend on Qt12:28
davmor2popey: yeah I think I missed it all mine have album art (well all the ones that it thinks has album art) :)12:28
Mirvpopey: davmor2 too: beta1 is obsolete -> if you reflash, only add landing-006 (without reflashing or manually upgrading, you keep older versions of unity8 at least)12:31
davmor2Mirv: nice, does 006 have the dpi fix in play now?12:33
davmor2popey: I'm bound to reflash some point I'll try it again as the music is transferring see if I can't trip it up that way :)12:34
tvosssil2100, didrocks can I get a silo for the process-cpp landing, and one for dbus-cpp, too?12:37
davmor2popey, didrocks: weather app updated now everything works :)12:41
Mirvdavmor2: DPR fix by apt-add-repository ppa:canonical-qt5-edgers/qt5-beta-proper - I'm uncertain if to put it yet in landing, testing and after that opinions very much welcome! it turned out the graphical glitch is no more, the unlocking/input problem only one remaining and Kaleo is now awake12:41
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sil2100tvoss: I already assigned for dbus-cpp, it's building12:48
sil2100tvoss: let me see the process-cpp one12:48
tvosssil2100, thanks12:48
ogra_dbus-cpp is dead, long live dbus-go12:48
sil2100tvoss: so, line 7 is ready for silo assignment, yes? Since we didn't touch it as it's set to Ready: No ;p12:49
seb128sil2100, can we still get landing for components in the old "autolanding" schema (e.g not in CI train)?12:49
Mirvdidrocks: with a hunder packages the package building status check is a bit slow, maybe it could be parallized a bit some day
didrocksseb128: no, it's unwired now12:50
seb128didrocks, then manual uploads? ;-)12:50
seb128didrocks, it still autocommit to trunk so I was unsure12:50
didrocksseb128: I don't think so, we need to sort out and find a lander12:50
didrocksseb128: yeah, that's going to be removed next week12:50
tvosssil2100, referering to 35 here12:50
seb128didrocks, so if we have no lander we get stucked?12:50
didrocksseb128: we need to find someone owning the component12:51
seb128didrocks, I guess I'm just going to wait for you to need to land the new icons for touch, that's going to mean landing ubuntu-themes one way or another :p12:51
didrocksseb128: we can have an existing lander taking it as well12:51
seb128I don't want to take it12:51
seb128and I didn't find anyone to do it12:51
sil2100tvoss: oh, ok12:51
didrocksseb128: who touch this package the most?12:52
seb128so I guess I'm just going to wait for somebody to need theme updates enough to sort it out12:52
sil2100tvoss: that one is set to Ready: no as well, but let me see if we can assign12:52
seb128didrocks, design?12:52
seb128didrocks, you? ;-)12:52
didrocksMirv: it's only the checking, and packages are not checking once published on all archives, not really sure we need to parallelize that12:52
seb128didrocks, I saw your mrs for the packaging cleanups, adding a new binary, etc12:52
didrocksseb128: I'm happy to take it if needed12:52
Mirvdidrocks: yeah, might be12:53
sil2100tvoss: it might be a problem with assigning process-cpp, as Mirv has a lock on unity-mir right now for Qt 5.212:54
tvosssil2100, ack12:55
sil2100brb, jumping out for lunch12:56
elopioMirv: the device issues where supposed to be fixed, but now it says error: device not found :/13:08
elopioI'll retry.13:08
=== josepht changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: josepht | CITrain support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Landing instructions: http://goo.gl/8H1Du3. Landing in degraded mode (see http://goo.gl/J1EqPW)
davmor2we need to stop the haptic feedback on camera snapshot button, If you zoom in and try to take a photo is blurs it all because of the vibration :)13:11
didrocksahah ;)13:12
Mirvelopio: just update: landing-006 PPA _only_ now13:17
davmor2didrocks: https://bugs.launchpad.net/camera-app/+bug/1289353 only bug to date13:17
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1289353 in camera-app "Haptic feedback on the shutter button makes for fuzzy zoomed in photos" [Undecided,New]13:17
didrocksdavmor2: ok, sounds gooddddd! :)13:18
elopioMirv: it seemed to be flashing. I stopped it, updated the PPA parameters, and ran it again.13:19
Mirvelopio: ok, let's see..13:20
didrockspsivaa: do you mind looking at the test results and telling if all issues are known ones/due to the crash?13:20
psivaadidrocks: sure, just a sec. was trying to rerun gallery_app with the modified path in the test.. having some issues13:21
didrockspsivaa: don't worry too much on that one. sil2100/serio were on it I guess :)13:21
psivaadidrocks: the difference in 225 is that there is webbrowser and messaging app crashes and have the associated failures13:24
didrockspsivaa: ok, d8f8?13:24
psivaadidrocks: the other failures were flakiness/qmlscene crash and known clock app failure13:24
psivaadidrocks: let me check that13:25
didrocksok ;)13:25
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davmor2didrocks, popey: so after playing on this for an hour this is the only thing in /var/crash http://paste.ubuntu.com/704991513:26
didrocksdavmor2: not bad, so no application crash on regular application startup?13:26
cjwatsonwhat's the desktop hook crash?13:27
davmor2didrocks: not so far only tested the core apps post fresh flash so I'm going to install a few of the common click apps and see what happens then13:27
cjwatsonnot seeing such a thing on errors.u.c or LP13:28
davmor2didrocks: but it is looking promising so far :)13:28
didrocksdavmor2: ok :)13:28
davmor2cjwatson: I get it on every fresh install13:28
didrockscjwatson: yeah, I don't know how e.u.c is supposed to work and publish the data, I've several reports which never showed up13:28
didrocks(from the phone)13:28
cjwatsonoh, there is something on errors.u.c, it's just making my browser incredibly slow ...13:29
cjwatsonYeah, I have it here too13:29
psivaadidrocks: messaging app is d8f813:29
davmor2cjwatson: I wonder if it is something to do with the touch start guide as it is on all fresh installs without actually unlocking the phone13:31
psivaadidrocks: and the same with webbrowser app crash13:31
cjwatsondavmor2: no, it's a click hook13:32
cjwatsonthose run on session startup13:32
cjwatsondavmor2: does yours contain "AppID: com.ubuntu.notes_notes_1.4.242"?13:32
cjwatsondavmor2: this is the thing that updates ~/.local/share/applications/.  it seems to have an appropriate .desktop file for notes here though, and the .crash file is labelled "RecoverableProblem"13:34
davmor2cjwatson: duplicate sig for icon-path.....notes_notes_1.4.24213:34
davmor2cjwatson: and AppID: is indeed com.ubuntu.notes_notes_1.4.24213:35
cjwatsonit's not notes' fault, though13:36
didrockspsivaa: I don't really mean it but "great" :)13:37
didrockspsivaa: thanks a lot for looking!13:37
cjwatsonoh, maybe it is13:37
davmor2cjwatson: I'll leave that one with you then :)13:37
psivaadidrocks: haha, yw :)13:37
cjwatsondavmor2: right, the problem is simply that notes-app.desktop says Icon=notepad but there's no notepad icon in the package13:38
cjwatsondavmor2: bug 126788213:39
ubot5bug 1267882 in notes-app "notes-app, errors from click-hook, missing icon path" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126788213:39
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davmor2popey: care to confirm https://bugs.launchpad.net/camera-app/+bug/128935313:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1289353 in camera-app "Haptic feedback on the shutter button makes for fuzzy zoomed in photos" [Undecided,New]13:56
Mirvdidrocks: sil2100: quick FYI seems to have gotten confused that various ppc64el builds are ongoing while those builds do not exist13:57
Mirvat least some of the packages were uploaded before ppc64el was added to the PPA. but that didn't happen before I now fixed a couple of other ppc builds today.13:58
didrocksMirv: hum… let me look then, seems I was too quick on how fixing it (relying on what I've done on other archs)14:00
davmor2popey: if you install a click app does the click store part refresh the whole scope?14:01
didrocksMirv: it's really really interesting, it's in the ARCHS_TO_EVENTUALLY_IGNORE list though14:01
didrocks# an arch we will ignore for publication if latest published version in dest doesn't build it14:02
didrocksI guess they don't exist in dest14:02
didrocks(and it was working for other components like powerpc until then)14:02
didrocksMirv: and seems it works for the rest, like
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cjwatsonI wonder if copying the source with binaries over itself would create the missin gbuild record14:03
cjwatson*missing build14:03
cjwatsonI think it probably would14:03
Mirv(sorry hangout after hangout)14:04
didrockscjwatson: ahah, that might explain…14:04
MirvI don't immediately have anything new to build though, before DPR input branch is final14:04
didrockscjwatson: don't you think the "no signer" as well will be an issue?14:04
cjwatsonwhat "no signer"?14:05
didrockscjwatson: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-006/+packages14:05
cjwatsonoh, on +packages?  that just means it's a copy14:05
cjwatsonfrom a Debian import I presume14:05
cjwatsontry: copy-package -p ci-train-ppa-service --ppa-name landing-006 -b qtsvg-opensource-src14:05
cjwatsonI think14:06
cjwatsonhang on a sec14:06
seb128didrocks, Mirv: things like ubuntu-system-settings are locked until qt5.2 lands right? (nothing urgent, we have some bugfixes/tweaks and I was pondering putting a landing ask for those)14:06
didrockscjwatson: sure14:06
didrocksseb128: I think you're part of his set, let me check14:06
didrocksseb128: yeah14:07
didrockspopey: alarms were working in last promoted image, right?14:07
cjwatsondidrocks: yep, can you try the above?14:08
didrockscjwatson: sure14:09
popeydidrocks: on a hangout atm...14:09
cjwatsonit's actually supposed to be forbidden by copy-package but that check isn't working due to a bug somewhere; but that's all to the good :)14:09
didrockscjwatson: done14:09
cjwatsonthere you go, https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-006/+build/566890214:10
sil2100thostr_: hi! I'll try landing your landing-001 in a moment14:10
cjwatsonso you can do that for all affected packages14:10
didrocksah nice :)14:10
didrocksMirv: ^14:10
didrocksthanks cjwatson14:10
didrockshey rsalveti14:11
Mirvthat's magic, thanks cjwatson :)14:11
rsalvetididrocks: hey, did our revert work in the end?14:11
didrocksrsalveti: the Mir one? we flushed out yet, so that Mirv finish the Qt 5.2 landing14:12
rsalvetididrocks: oh, cool, but was asking about the dashboard revert14:12
rsalvetihopefully can we can fix remaining qt5.2 issues14:12
didrocksrsalveti: oh, asac's fix was good and working for the time being :)14:13
didrockswe had an issue due to gallery-app click conversion14:13
didrocks(tests looking at the wrong directory)14:13
didrocksbut sergiusens fixed it14:13
didrocksand weather-app fix is in14:13
didrockswe are just pending on the clock-app fix (in the sdk?) from zsombi and bzoltan for now to decide if we can get an image promoted14:13
didrocksdavmor2 is collecting data on the number of crash in "normal" usage14:14
didrocksso that we can assess14:14
bzoltandidrocks: zsombi is on the Qt5.2 standup, he will tell you the details after that14:14
didrocksthanks bzoltan14:14
didrocksogra_: would have been good if you used the train for mtp btw (as there is an upstream branch)14:15
cjwatsondidrocks,Mirv: so I guess you just need to run: copy-package -p ci-train-ppa-service --ppa-name landing-006 -b qttools-opensource-src libqtdbusmock unity-voice libqtdbustest libdbusmenu-qt qtserialport-opensource-src qdjango qtscript-opensource-src14:16
cjwatsonwe have ten ppc64el builders, so ;-)14:17
* didrocks did to win some time for Mirv14:19
* sergiusens reads14:19
elopioasac: I'm wondering what you would like to see on the qt5.2 jenkins results to be happy about releasing it.14:20
elopiotaking the notes app as an example, their user acceptance tests are failing but not because of anything that affects a user story.14:20
sergiusensrsalveti, didrocks, the gallery fix should land in the next image build14:20
elopioasac: it's a combination of poorly written tests, with not using the right tool, and a bug we are hitting by a combination of those two things.14:20
Mirvdidrocks: thanks for helping14:20
elopioasac: if you want the dashboard to be green, it will take some time to improve the tests.14:21
didrockssergiusens: published in the store, right?14:21
davmor2ogra_: daft question can't you wait adb on mtp loading?14:21
rsalvetisergiusens: didrocks: great14:21
bregmahey didrocks, it looks like we need to bump our Nux ABI, which should really have a package version change -- do I just go ahead and manually dch the debian/changelog or is there a better way under ci-train14:21
ogra_davmor2, no, they are separate and can run independently14:21
davmor2ogra_: ah okay now it makes more sense :)14:21
didrocksbregma: just do it manually in debian/changelog. The commit message associated to it though won't be collected (as you change debian/changelog manually)14:22
didrocksbregma: but please, don't land that for now, as it may impact the Touch image14:22
didrocksdavmor2: I can't get the alarm working even on the promoted image14:22
sergiusensnux impacting touch still?14:23
bregmadidrocks, we're hours away from landing, I'm just trying to get our ducks in a row14:23
didrocksbregma: ok, ensure all you dependencies are sorted out :)14:23
didrockssergiusens: we still install libunity-core, so nux as well14:23
ogra_sergiusens, havent you heard ? we port from Qt to nux now .. the 5.2 landing is to painful :P14:23
sergiusensdidrocks, how do I cleanly delete line 42? do you have a script?14:24
didrockssergiusens: it didn't land?14:24
sergiusensogra_, what?14:24
didrockssergiusens: I meant, no silo/package side?14:24
davmor2didrocks: first crash by the look of it,  I used OSMtouch opened a link and then closed the browser once the link had opened, crunch. Looks like the phone is just locked14:25
sergiusensdidrocks, I followed sil2100's rec14:25
didrocksdavmor2: please write and report :)14:25
bregmaaren't we  having a session at the next UDS to discuss moving Unity8 from Qt to Nux?14:25
didrockssergiusens: we won't have any desktop .deb package landing ever?14:25
sil2100didrocks: it's a click package right now, so we're not really using CITrain for those anymore, right?14:25
sergiusensdidrocks, this doesn't affect desktop; and the deb is still needed for desktop14:26
didrockssergiusens: but you want your branch to be merged to trunk,right?14:26
* sergiusens would prefer getting rid of debs sooner; but seems it won't be happening soon14:26
seb128bregma, what are you landing next?14:26
sergiusensdidrocks, it's already merge (think of it as a translation update)14:26
didrocksah you did it manually14:26
didrocksso yeah, just delete the line14:27
didrocksor put "Landed"14:27
didrocksin column 314:27
didrocksit will turned green14:27
sil2100It's a translation merge, it's translating from 'broken tests' to 'working tests'14:27
sergiusenssil2100, for the record; citrain is still necessary; debs are still required14:27
* sergiusens wants to run aways from the process :-)14:27
davmor2didrocks: think it might of been the frame buffer the phone seems fine just the gfx stuck and no crash14:27
didrocksdavmor2: maybe you want someone from kgunn's team to remotely debug?14:28
sil2100sergiusens: I think I understand, but here anyway we would have problems with Mirv's Qt merge14:28
davmor2didrocks: had to reboot to get it back up and see if it was reproducible14:28
bregmaseb128, we're trying to prepare the lockscreen, we'll want to coordinate some landings with you for that14:28
sergiusenssil2100, yeah, it does't matter here particularly14:29
sergiusenssil2100, but I would prefer an either/or approach instead of an and14:29
didrocksit will be restack on top of Mirv's landing14:30
didrocksfor the deb part14:30
seb128bregma, right, that's why I'm asking, I'm still pondering the details (Trevinho started an email discussion early today, should probably have CCed you, about changing gnome-screensaver to trigger the unity locking under Unity)14:30
asacelopio: at best same results as on main dashboard14:30
asacelopio: if not, we should look at the cases14:30
asacand understand then a bit14:30
didrocksasac: elopio: the only failure you should see now are the clocks and weather app ones14:30
asacdidrocks: and crashes randomly14:30
didrocksasac: hum, we still have crashes with 5.2?14:31
didrocksasac: all crashes we have are the d8f8 ones14:31
* didrocks erases user-data14:32
bregmaseb128, as long as we're making progress:  I'd like to land everything in a single silo (I've started line 43 for this)14:33
seb128bregma, +114:33
seb128bregma, thanks, it's about time to land that ... that's the one remaining feature right? then bug fixing? ;-)14:33
didrocksseb128: bregma: pleae do test your landing on touch14:33
bregmaseb128, right14:34
didrocksit's really not the time to break it :)14:34
seb128bregma, btw you might want to do a landing to fix windows shrinking first, before people hunt your team down because that's driving them crazy14:34
seb128didrocks, yeah, don't worry, I don't think that's likely to land before qt5.2, locking is going to need integration with GNOME components and indicators and we didn't sort out those details yet14:35
elopiodidrocks, asac: yes, I understand that all the errors not in the main dashboard are a regression caused by the qt5.2 upgrade. But if it doesn't affect the current user experience at all, I'm wondering why do we see it as critical and a blocker, instead of high priority to be fixed before april.14:35
bregmaseb128, ack, the lockscreen may stretch into next week at the current rate14:35
didrockselopio: because then it's hard to know if we have another regression or if the failure is impacting even more14:35
didrockselopio: and we missed real regressions due to that in the past14:35
tvosspopey, ping14:36
popeytvoss: pong14:40
tvosspopey, hey there, can you help with testing of silo 3?14:41
didrockspopey: and my question first! :p14:41
* didrocks reflashed/bootstrapped in between14:41
popeydidrocks: no, because the clock app can't be updated in latest promoted14:42
popeywell, thats partly the problem.14:42
didrockspopey: so, we don't have user regression on that one, just tests regression?14:42
didrockson clock apps14:42
popeywell, alarms dont work on #194, so no.14:43
didrocksit did work in the past, right?14:43
didrocksor am I crazy?14:43
popeyonly in non-promoted images14:43
popey#194 is last promoted right?14:43
popeyIt's what I have on my main phone14:43
popeyand no alarm clock in the indicator when I set alarms14:43
didrockspopey: so, there actually only test regression on clock14:43
didrocksno user-visible regression?14:43
elopiodidrocks: well, yes. The thing is that we are finding some of these bugs through autopilot just by coincidence. It's not the right tool for it in most of the cases.14:44
elopiowhat I'm trying to define is a process to go back to green.14:44
elopioIf what we want is to get all the bugs fixed, then I don't have to do anything. Report the bug and wait for the devs to fix it.14:44
elopioIf what we want is just to be green again, I can workaround the issue and make all the tests pass.14:44
elopioWhat I would really want is to refactor the tests so we leave autopilot only checking user stories, and we use lower level tools and tests to check everything else.14:44
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didrockselopio: it's not waiting for the devs, it's getting status, pinging the devs, trying to get ETAs and so on14:45
elopiothat will leave us with autopilot tests still failing for some time. Then they will go green, but the bug will not yet be fixed. What will be failing now are the unit tests.14:45
didrockselopio: well, putting stuff that degrade test results don't allow us to know if there is a regression then14:46
didrocksand we never recover14:46
didrockslook at Mir last cycle14:46
didrocksand maguro14:46
didrockswe never went back to 100%14:46
didrocksand we never knew if it was a race or a regression, loosing hundreds of hours14:46
didrocksbut yeah, agreed that some part should be unit14:46
didrocks15:44:17     elopio | If what we want is just to be green again, I can workaround the issue and make all the tests pass.14:46
didrocks-> seems to me the best path?14:46
didrocksogra_: anything again building an image now?14:47
ogra_nothing at all14:47
didrocks==== image #126 building ====14:49
elopiodidrocks: well, no. Unless we block new releases for a project based on the autopilot results on the dashboard, AND on the critical bugs reported against the project.14:49
didrockssil2100: popey: davmor2: this will be the promotion candidate ^14:49
davmor2didrocks: 3 === and surely it is 226 right?14:50
didrockselopio: why critical bugs and not on autopilot results on the dashboard first?14:50
sil2100I like the sound of that14:50
popey126 is a bit retro ☻14:50
elopiothis would be so much easier for me to discuss if you speak spanish, or we were at a bar drinking :)14:50
didrocksheh :)14:50
elopiodidrocks: because I would like autopilot to test only user stories, right?14:50
* sil2100 didn't even notice the typo ;p14:51
didrockselopio: I think it's too late on the cycle for doing that reshaping14:51
didrockswe learnt what gave "landing things with test failing" multiple times already14:51
davmor2didrocks: I don't want my phone back in the stoneage14:51
elopioour current suite is testing a lot more than that, and that's why I'm having so many troubles checking the results.14:51
didrocksdavmor2: ahah :)14:51
didrockselopio: agreed, but I don't think that the Qt 5.2 transition will be a way to block on that14:51
didrocksso I would propose, landing 5.2 finishing trusty14:51
didrocksand then, we can have that as a goal14:52
didrocksrepurposing AP to AP tests14:52
didrocksand not unit test14:52
didrocksbut not something that needs to be decided on the fly14:52
sil2100davmor2: hmm, I can't seem to reply to a message by using the indicator - is that a known problem?14:53
davmor2didrocks: it lasted too long weather app finally didn't open :D  That's not too annoying though 2hr 30 minutes of hammering apps one mir lock up one app not opening :)14:54
davmor2sil2100: worked here14:54
didrocksdavmor2: yeah, I won't call that "user blocker"14:55
didrocksI will call that "popey blocker" :p14:55
didrocks"If I do x, y, z, and then back o and p, I'm getting d"14:55
davmor2sil2100: just retested and it worked again14:55
sil2100For me the 'Send' button was grayed out all the time14:56
davmor2didrocks: ToyKeeper is better, If I drag in all the 4 sides I get 6 images on the screen14:56
Mirvdum dum14:56
didrocksdavmor2: ahah :)14:57
davmor2Mirv: Dum dum14:57
elopiodidrocks: I agree it's late, and its a goal for next cycle.14:57
elopioso what I'm asking is, now what should I do with the notes?14:57
elopioAs you said, get a dev to dig into the issue and get it fixed, that's ok. But in the mean time,14:57
elopioif I workaround the bug or improve the test, we will get back to green, but as we are not blocking on critical bugs that will mean we will release with the regression. Am I right?14:57
davmor2dum dum dum dum dum didledum and a shark14:57
MirvI'm trying to EOD but the builds linger still a small bit14:58
didrockselopio: I'm not sure to understand the case. If you improve the test, the test will fail if the behavior doesn't work anymore, and so, we'll pick regressions, right?14:58
elopiodidrocks: no, this is the case: https://bugs.launchpad.net/notes-app/+bug/128887614:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1288876 in notes-app "When clicking the header, the notes are not collapsed" [Undecided,New]14:58
didrockselopio: ok, so this is a bug which is a regression14:59
didrocksand it's making some AP tests failing, right?14:59
elopiowe find that not because it's part of a user story. We are getting the error just because somebody thought it was a nice idea to start all the tests clicking the header and checking that everything is collapsed.14:59
elopioif I were to improve the tests, I would just remove that step and turn it into a qml runner test that will not be displayed on the dashboard but block on MPs15:00
didrocksok, but the fact that notes are not collapsed anymore is not wanted?15:00
elopiodidrocks: well, as a user, I don't care if the notes are collapsed or not when I click the header.15:01
elopioas a user, I want to add notes and read notes, and that doesn't affect the user story at all.15:01
didrockselopio: sure, but I'm not talking about that15:02
elopiowhat the bug probably means is that the header is not clickable when it has only one item.15:02
didrockslike what's the expected behavior?15:02
didrocksis it the one with Qt 5.215:02
didrocksor 5.015:02
elopioand that's a problem of the header, to be tested on the toolkit, not on the notes.15:02
didrocksbut again, you are mixing 2 valid things :)15:02
elopiowith makes one bigger valid things? :)15:03
didrocks- ok, the test shouldn't test that, and should really really not due that in all test :)15:03
didrocks- but here, we are talking about 5.2 transition ONLY and we expect to have the same behavior than 5.015:03
didrocksam I right?15:03
elopioyes, you are.15:03
didrocksso I guess you have nothing to change in the test itself in that case (for now) and the bug/behavior change itself should be fixed15:04
didrocksfor 5.2 transition15:04
didrocksthen, yeah, decoupling the concerns will be a nice thing to do :)15:04
elopiook, I can wait after 5.2 is released to improve the test.15:04
didrocksyeah, I would really suggest that :)15:04
didrockstreat the tests just as a non regression checker behavior-way15:05
didrockseven if it's testing too much things15:05
didrocksor not at the right place15:05
elopionow, zsombi seems to be really busy with the other blockers.15:05
elopiodidrocks: who would you suggest to take care of this bug?15:05
didrocksthen, this work of refinement will be needed anyway15:05
didrockselopio: is it a sdk one?15:05
didrocksseems so, either notes-app or sdk15:06
elopiodidrocks: maybe. I don't know how to know. It could be the sdk, or it could be the notes app using the sdk in a way it's not supposed to.15:06
didrockselopio: I think the sdk guys will be the best to analyze this one15:06
didrocksas they already started15:06
didrocksdrilling down to a small case15:06
didrocksso bzoltan's team ^15:07
elopiodidrocks: do you have permissions to make the bug critical? I don't.15:07
didrocksogra_: if you broke my mtp, I'll hunt you down to death! ;)15:07
didrockselopio: oh sure15:07
bzoltandidrocks: yes sir15:08
ogra_didrocks, what do you do with mtp ?15:08
didrockselopio: maybe affect as well sdk?15:08
didrocksogra_: I don't do anything, I just want to promote an image ;)15:08
elopiodidrocks: maybe. I suppose I can add it, and they will remove it if it's not the case.15:08
didrocksogra_: ok, let's say "if you broke my adb…" :p15:08
ogra_yeah :)15:08
ogra_adb didnt change15:08
didrockselopio: please, and then, I'm bumping the priority15:08
didrocksogra_: yeah yeah… I heared that already :)15:08
bzoltandidrocks: what can I do for you?15:09
elopiobzoltan: so, this bug it's really not a big one affecting the user in a big way, but it could be an important regression.15:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1288876 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "When clicking the header, the notes are not collapsed" [Undecided,New]15:09
elopioso it's blocking the 5.2 release. We need a dev to take a look at it.15:09
bzoltanelopio: why not to ask the app's dev?15:09
elopiobzoltan: I don't know. I'm following didrocks' suggestion. Who's the notes dev?15:10
bzoltanelopio:  there could be like a million different reason for that.15:10
pmcgowanelopio, talk to bfiller, ugo works on notes, but remember also it is being replaced by reminders15:11
didrockselopio: done15:11
bzoltanelopio: nerochiaro15:11
didrocksyeah, between the 2 teams, you should get to something :)15:11
elopiobfiller: any input about that?15:11
bfillerelopio: lets disable it15:12
bfillerit's going away15:12
bfillernot worth spending any time on15:13
didrockselopio: you don't have the same behavior on any other apps, right?15:13
elopiobfiller: so, yes, but the failing test is not the important part here. The important part is to check if qt5.2 is introducing a regression here that might affect something else.15:14
Mirvsil2100: didrocks: final final update, Qt 5.2 landing is now complete. except for the Kaleo's qtubuntu + unity-mir + ubuntu-ui-toolkit branches from bug #1207270 since he's still working on the swipe input regression although otherwise they now work as of today.15:14
ubot5bug 1207270 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Font size too small in browser with Qt 5.1 / DPR rework" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120727015:14
elopiodidrocks: there is no other application that I no of that has only one tab.15:14
didrocksMirv: so, they will ping us?15:14
didrockselopio: even in the click store?15:14
elopiothis for sure doesn't affect tab switching.15:14
sil2100Mirv: excellent, should we poke the SDK team about that one leftover issue?15:15
elopiothat's what the tab is for.15:15
elopiodidrocks: sorry, no other application /that I know/15:15
didrockspopey: do you know about any app in the store having that particular case? ^15:15
Mirvdidrocks: I asked Kaleo to keep the bug + branches up-to-date, I believe pmcgowan & co may check the EOD situation, ie. shall we land the branches to the PPA15:15
elopiothere's system settings, but it has no behavior when you click the tab.15:15
sil2100Mirv: so no reconfigure will be needed, only rebuilds if anything, yes?15:16
popeydidrocks: what use case?15:16
Mirvsil2100: Kaleo is the one, yes15:16
Mirvsil2100: reconfigure needed, since those three branches are not in the config at all since before today it was pretty broken15:16
sil2100Ah, ok15:16
didrockspopey: something like that: https://bugs.launchpad.net/notes-app/+bug/128887615:17
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1288876 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "When clicking the header, the notes are not collapsed" [Critical,New]15:17
sil2100Mirv: so we'll be keeping an eye on Florian then, just hope they will also ping us directly when the fixes are ready15:17
didrockspopey: so clicking on the tab "dismiss" or "ack" an edit15:17
Mirvsil2100: ppa:canonical-qt5-edgers/qt5-beta-proper, if used in addition to landing-006, gives Florian's branches readily compiled as they are currently15:17
Mirvsil2100: yep, I hope so too15:17
popeydidrocks: hmm, not seen that, sorry.15:17
didrockspopey: no "good" :)15:18
didrockspmcgowan: I think we are fine if we don't know of anyone using that "feature" to break that behavior between 5.0 and 5.2?15:18
didrockspmcgowan: well, apart from clock apps, which is rewritten15:18
pmcgowandidrocks, reading, so notes tab behavior somewhat busted with 5.2?15:19
pmcgowanah one tab15:20
pmcgowanyeah I think we can whitelist this15:20
didrockspmcgowan: yeah, basically it seems that if you edit a note and tap on the tab to dismiss/ack the change with one tab, it doesn't end up the current transaction15:20
didrockspmcgowan: and popey-who-install-always-all-click-apps-from-store doesn't know of any application using that behavior15:20
didrocksso I guess we can call that behavior change a non issue, just checking with you :)15:21
pmcgowandidrocks, yeah, not likely to fix that, will deprecate note apps first, but I see the point about checking it vs sdk15:21
didrocksok, so elopio, seems the way to go for now is just to remove that part of the test15:21
didrocksmaking sense?15:21
didrocksthanks pmcgowan for the confirmation :)15:21
elopiodidrocks: yeah, it does.15:22
didrockselopio: let me remove the sdk from the bug then15:22
elopioI mean, the whole problem shouldn't be exposed here anyway.15:22
elopioactually, there's something I can try to see if there's actually a bug in the sdk.15:23
* elopio goes to code.15:23
didrockselopio: bug updated and assigned to you then :)15:23
didrockssure :)15:23
elopiojaja, that's what I get for talking to much, one more bug to my bag ;)15:25
thostr_sil2100: what about silo1? doesn't seem to be published yet?15:35
thostr_sil2100: also, can you get me a silo for line 4415:35
sil2100thostr_: almost done with silo 1, looking at line 4415:36
balloonsping josepht15:39
josephtballoons: pong15:39
balloonsjosepht, can you check and see if a package is installed or missing on the core apps jenkins merge bots; it's passing tests which should be failing and we believe it's because it's missing an eds package15:40
sil2100thostr_: silo assigned, publishing 1 now15:40
thostr_sil2100: thanks15:40
balloonsjosepht, the package is qtorganizer5-eds15:41
davmor2didrocks: hows 226 coming along?15:48
didrocksdavmor2: building nicely, did you finish and prepared the report on crashers?15:48
didrockslike is it good enough, not yet, horrible? :p15:49
davmor2didrocks: I'm yet to have one, still only got the upstart-app-launch_desktop-hook in /var/crash15:50
didrocksdavmor2: oh, so no crash even hammering the click apps?15:50
davmor2didrocks: that's right15:51
didrocksgreat ;)15:51
davmor2ah speaking of which weather just died on me15:51
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
davmor2didrocks: first qmlscene crash let me confirm it is d8f815:52
didrocksdavmor2: yeah, then remove the crash file15:53
didrocksto get more :)15:53
davmor2didrocks: so I think this is the same issue popey saw earlier #0 0xb5e7b150 in ?? ()15:56
davmor2didrocks: ah no different again15:56
didrocksdavmor2: ah?15:56
davmor2didrocks: on a plus side it was definitely the weather app that triggered it15:57
didrocksok ;)15:57
didrockskeep us posted on social and other heavy-js apps15:57
davmor2didrocks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7050648/15:59
=== bschaefer_ is now known as bschaefer
didrocksdavmor2: ok, we saw some corrupted stacks which were the same16:01
didrocksso identical frames, let's put under the same "V8 issue"16:01
bfillerfginther, sergiusens : is there a place where I can download the deb (amd64) for this build? http://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/thumbnailer-trusty-amd64-ci/2016:07
* bfiller trying to avoid buiilding it16:07
dbarthdidrocks: hey didier, the webbrowser / oa reverts, is that automatic? cause this branch still has the commit from that silo16:07
dbarthrev 454 has not been reverted16:07
didrocks==== Image #226 built ====16:07
didrocksdavmor2: ^16:07
didrocksdbarth: it will have it, once qt 5.2 lands16:07
fgintherbfiller, it's not saved, but the jobs can be quickly changed to do so16:08
didrocksdavmor2: jump on it!16:08
* davmor2 jumps on it and 226 breaks into a million tiny shards16:08
davmor2didrocks: installing16:09
=== pmcgowan_ is now known as pmcgowan
bfillerfginther: don't worry about it16:09
josephtballoons: do you have a link to an example job?16:12
davmor2didrocks: I'm going to do a bootstrap to give it every chance being as it is so important :)16:12
didrocksdavmor2: yeah, it completely deserves a bootstrap :)16:12
didrocksdavmor2: continue on the click apps look I guess16:12
davmor2didrocks: so facebook, googlemaps, g+, osmtouch and twitter were all fine, as I say only crash was weather and that took nearly 3 hours of constant hammering opening reopening interacting with alll the different apps to get that to happen :)16:14
sergiusensbfiller, no artifacts are stored for that16:14
didrocksdavmor2: ok, sounds solid!16:14
pmcgowango davmor2 go davmor216:14
davmor2didrocks: now everyone cross your fingers that 226 is the same16:14
* didrocks wants to see fingers crossed here as well16:15
didrocks(but continue working :p)16:15
balloonsjosepht, the clock-app jobs specifically16:15
balloonsjosepht, as part of
josephtfginther: is mediumtests-slave offline for a reason?  I need to get into it.16:20
josephtballoons: from dpkg-l.post.log it looks like it's not installed16:21
balloonsjosepht, ok, could we get it installed? I can open a bug to do so16:21
fgintherjosepht, yes, it's an old saucy image, it shouldn't be used by anything16:22
fgintherjosepht, reading the backlog16:22
josephtballoons: yes please open a bug16:23
josephtfginther: sorry I was looking at the wrong node16:23
fgintherjosepht, no worries16:23
fgintherballoons, so the clock app tests need a dependency?16:24
davmor2didrocks: well the guide works \o/16:24
didrocksdavmor2: SHIP IT!16:24
fgintherjosepht, I'll have to check on this, there aren't any ssh keys setup for anyone else16:25
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davmor2popey: managed to hit play on a blank piece of music,  music-app took it's time to open but played in the end16:25
josephtfginther: ack, thanks16:25
cjwatsondidrocks: could you run "copy-package -p ci-train-ppa-service --ppa-name landing-006 -b qtdeclarative-opensource-src"?  Should let qttools-opensource-src build16:26
didrockscjwatson: sure, done. (thanks for looking, too many things at the same time)16:27
didrockscjwatson: I can give you access to the ppas if you need, but you will get a lot of more spam :)16:27
cjwatsonno thanks :-)16:27
fgintherballoons, do you know if that's going to wreck other tests? that's the problem we had earlier... And if so, is there a reason the clock-app tests can't specify this as a dependency?16:27
fgintherballoons, and I can confirm it's not currently installed16:28
cjwatsondidrocks: I'll try to check through for other things.  I can use my buildd-admin privileges to retry stuff16:28
didrockscjwatson: ok, as you wish :)16:28
cjwatsondidrocks: qtpim-opensource-src too16:28
cjwatsondidrocks: qtwebkit-examples-opensource-src qtwebkit-opensource-src qtx11extras-opensource-src qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src16:31
cjwatsonsorry, will hopefully be done soon, just trying to chase that jenkins failure ...16:31
didrockscjwatson: no worry, rather thanks you for looking into that :)16:32
balloonsfginther, yea, I'll have to dig into the clock dependencies.. if it's specified it should be getting installed eh16:33
balloonsfginther, so I suppose I would argue since it's in the images, it should be in the test environment. That said, it'll be added for clock as a dependency16:44
fgintherballoons, I guess that is a weird thing, but I think it's the right answer as long as we're using apt. I assume this goes away when we start installing and testing these as click packages (although I admit to not knowing how the mechanics of that works)16:49
balloonsfginther, yea, that would be even closer to the real thing :)16:49
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ogra_grrr google17:01
didrocksogra_: davmor2: sil2100: joining?17:01
didrocksogra_: it's because the mpt change! :)17:01
ogra_so let me upload a revert then if google will start working17:02
didrocksplars-away: really away? :p17:02
didrocksev: anyone else from your team to join the "kick the image" side?17:02
sergiusensdidrocks, I'm considering myself off the hook with http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/flo/226:20140307.2:20140304/7039/gallery_app/17:03
evdidrocks: hm? I'm a bit heads down on Mt Hood. Do you need people to help with something?17:04
=== josepht changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CITrain support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Landing instructions: http://goo.gl/8H1Du3. Landing in degraded mode (see http://goo.gl/J1EqPW)
didrocksev: just ensure that someone is looking/rerunning image #226 for CI test results17:05
didrocksif needed17:05
davmor2popey: have a look as the camera app icon on the home page and the apps page do they look the same?17:05
tvosssil2100, ping17:05
popeydavmor2: no17:06
evpsivaa: ^ can you have a look?17:07
sil2100tvoss: pong, did you see that dbus-cpp and others successfully built on the PPA?17:07
sil2100tvoss: on the first run!17:07
psivaaev: ack, will do17:07
evpsivaa: thanks!17:08
tvosssil2100, yup, pete-woods and Wellark are helping with the testing17:08
tvosssil2100, so do you need any further information on the merge proposal or are we good?17:08
tvossthat is, mps for location service17:09
psivaaev: yw17:09
sil2100tvoss: I think we're cool - could you just double-check if the list of merges in the landing is correct and has all the necessary ones?17:11
=== retoaded changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: retoaded | CITrain support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Landing instructions: http://goo.gl/8H1Du3. Landing in degraded mode (see http://goo.gl/J1EqPW)
balloonsdavmor2, can you send along the pastebin again? did you file a bug? and what version of weather?17:15
davmor2balloons: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7050648/17:17
tvosssil2100, ack17:21
balloonsdavmor2, what version did you run? ohh I suppose it was old as r226 contains new weather17:21
balloonsdavmor2, I just assume you hit the bug which was fixed17:22
davmor2balloons: the updated version on 22517:22
balloonsdavmor2, how did you install it ?17:22
davmor2balloons: however I got the same error on 226 which it the new one17:22
davmor2balloons: from click17:23
balloonsdavmor2, blah, fine17:23
balloonsdavmor2, bug?17:23
davmor2balloons: not yet busy busy testing everything17:23
tvosssil2100, list of mps look good17:25
tvosspete-woods, Wellark are you guys done with the testing?17:25
pete-woodstvoss: I'm happy it works17:26
tvosspete-woods, ack17:26
tvossWellark, ?17:26
pete-woodstvoss: I think antti is running the Unity AP tests right now17:26
davmor2popey: did you file a bug for the camera getting the line traveling across it17:26
tvosspete-woods, ack17:26
pete-woodshe's AFK, though17:26
tvosssil2100, you happy with pete's feedback?17:28
robrumhr3_, there's a dependency problem with your silo 2 landing17:28
robrumhr3_, the new package depends on "mediascanner (= ${binary:Version})" but that's wrong, should probably be "mediascanner2.0 (= ${binary:Version})"17:29
davmor2popey: it looks like if you zoom in any and then click to focus on something then take a shot it starts to do the scrolling line17:29
mhr3_robru, indeed17:29
robrumhr3_, can you add a commit and rebuild? then I can publish it17:30
mhr3_robru, can't, not my branch17:30
mhr3_robru, can only create new mp17:31
robrumhr3_, bah. ok, please do, then I can reconfigure for you17:31
tvosssil2100, ?17:31
=== tvoss is now known as tvoss|test
=== tvoss|test is now known as tvoss
cjwatsonurgh, qtdeclarative/ppc64el is going to need the usual patch we applied to a bunch of places17:33
mhr3_robru, so just this http://paste.ubuntu.com/7051141/ right?17:34
robrumhr3_, close, it needs to be '2.0' to match the binary package name17:34
mhr3_robru, ah, right, good that i checked17:35
mhr3_robru, added mp, pls reconf and feel free to build too, i will eow in a bit17:38
robrumhr3_, ok no worries.17:38
didrocksrobru: reusing the new reconf one? :)17:39
robrudidrocks, yes, it's working! ;-)17:39
didrocksphew ;)17:39
robrudidrocks, thanks for that, it's pretty slick.17:39
didrocksrobru: great! glad that you like it. Will be officially announced next week and opened to everyone :)17:39
robrudidrocks, ahhh I was wondering when. excellent!17:40
didrocksrobru: just be aware that if you add a new component that isn't in the list, it will yell and force you to use prepare-silo17:40
didrocksas it's the goal of it :)17:40
robrudidrocks, perfect17:40
* mhr3_ waves17:40
didrockssee you mhr3_!17:40
robrumhr3_, bye17:40
mhr3_enjoy weekend didrocks, robru!17:41
tvossdidrocks, sil2100 do we see some u8 crashes on the current image?17:41
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didrockstvoss: we do17:42
didrocksu8 + random apps17:42
tvossdidrocks, hmmm ... wellark is reporting 5 crashes when running the u8 ap test suite17:42
didrockswe can have less or more17:43
tvossdidrocks, is that in the baseline image, too?17:43
mhr3_robru, crap, forgot to set prereq branch for the mp, although i guess it should work without that as well17:43
didrockswell, you can check as well :)17:43
didrocksand see all my emails on the phone ML17:43
didrocksbut yeah, 5 can happen17:43
didrocksyou can check them17:43
tvossdidrocks, ack17:43
didrocksthe address is finishing by d8f817:43
didrocks(from frame 0)17:43
didrockstvoss: so easy to check ^17:43
tvossdidrocks, that's the v8 issue, correct?17:44
Wellarktvoss, pete-woods: ping17:44
didrockstvoss: yep17:44
tvossWellark, see backlog17:44
tvossdidrocks, I'm seeing 2 crashes locally17:44
robrumhr3_, should be fine since they're in the right order. it's already building17:44
Wellarktvoss: ack17:44
Wellarkso unity8 ap tests are flaky17:45
tvossWellark, could you check for the address in the crashes?17:45
Wellarkhow do I retrace them manually+17:45
tvossWellark, hmmm, might even be enough to look at the crash file. didrocks^?17:45
didrocksjust unpack the crash file17:45
didrocksgdb the coredump17:45
didrocksand look at frame017:46
didrocksno need for symbols17:46
didrocksas we just need the address17:46
tvossdidrocks, thanks17:46
didrocksyw :)17:46
Wellarkdidrocks: how do I "unpack" the .crash file?17:48
didrocksWellark: apport-unpack <crash_file> /tmp/foo17:48
didrocksand then, you will have the CoreDump in /tmp/foo17:48
Wellarkdidrocks: ack17:49
balloonsdavmor2, I can't recreate your crash in weather. when you have a chance, more info please17:50
didrocksdoanac`: psivaa: anything change in the way you install deps? http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/manta/226:20140307.2:20140304/7038/messaging_app/17:52
didrocksit's like if ofono-phonesimd isn't installed17:53
didrocksasac: FYI ^17:53
didrocks(don't have the console log for now)17:53
ogra_i noticed that too17:53
didrocksdoanac`: psivaa: at worse, once the tests are finished, can you ssh, install the dep (ofono-phonesimd) if not there and try?17:53
psivaadidrocks: this is on manta though.. i'll try once the tests complete17:54
didrockspsivaa: yeah, let's wait on mako, it's running as we speak it seems :)17:54
ogra_manta also has no working BT yet17:54
ogra_so the Bt indicator test will always fail17:54
didrockspsivaa: ogra_: you're right, they were as well failing on manta17:55
didrocksweird that it has this side-effect (it's failing on the setup)17:55
didrocksok, ignore for now, let's really focus on mako17:55
didrockscurrent results look promising :)17:55
ogra_well, the craches get populated at the end :)17:56
sil2100Now this is interesting, after meddling with my device I now have a landscape keyboard when in portrait and the other-way around ;)17:56
sil2100Useful feature17:56
ogra_thats dual user mode17:57
dobeyhow long is this qt5.2 "no change rebuild" going to take?17:57
sil2100ogra_: :D17:57
ogra_bringing people together and such :)17:57
didrocksdobey: it's not a non change rebuild exactly, people are working on latest bugs, early next week we hope17:59
dobeydidrocks: we have branches piling up for the click scope, and the silo we had for a few of them got wiped away because of the rebuild thing18:00
didrocksdobey: well, your lander was contacted first18:01
didrocksdobey: but if you can help getting the 5.2 Qt things out, your help is welcome :)18:01
dobeywhat qt 5.2 things?18:02
tvossWellark, any insight?18:02
didrocksdobey: bugs/regressions18:02
Wellarktvoss: still running the ap tests18:02
tvossWellark, ack18:03
Wellarktvoss: tvoss seems I got one crash at least18:03
Wellarkok, checking now18:03
dobeydidrocks: so i should just ignore the "no change rebuild" MPs from Mirv and ask to get the other branches landed?18:03
tvossWellark, okay18:04
didrocksdobey: no, they have a lock on the component, don't throw their testing away18:04
didrocksdobey: check with your landers, he knows how that work18:04
dobeyeven on things that are not on the "ci train"?18:04
psivaadidrocks: messaging on mako came back all passing18:05
didrocksdobey: you can land anything that are not locked by the Qt 5.2 (through the ci train)18:05
didrockspsivaa: thanks \o/18:05
Wellarkdidrocks, tvoss: the adress of frame 0 is 0x3cb0d8f818:08
didrocksWellark: so yeah, the V8 crash18:08
sil2100didrocks: forgot asking this during the meeting - did you get any news from Kaleo regarding that last-standing 5.2 bug?18:08
Wellarkok. ignoring them then18:08
sil2100The one Mirv mentioned18:08
tvossWellark, perfect, thank you18:08
didrockssil2100: just that he's working on it18:08
didrocksno more news18:09
tvosssil2100, ^, so pete-woods, Wellark and me tested silo 318:09
tvosssil2100, as far as we can tell, things work as good as before18:09
sil2100tvoss: no suprises, no CPU eatage and location-service working normally?18:09
tvosssil2100, yup. Wellark, pete-woods could you guys please check top, too?18:09
sil2100Wellark, pete-woods, tvoss: just to make sure the 100% CPU is really not an issue ever again ;)18:10
tvosssil2100, yup, but that was caused by gcc intermixes back then :)18:11
tvossanyway, better safe than sorry18:11
sil2100didrocks: you think we could also publish this one today? Me or Robert could also double check if it's not causing any regressions, but as long as it's not eating up 100% CPU or something similar, it shouldn't even interfere in existing integration tests18:11
didrockssil2100: yeah, can you double check to ensure before landing? then, it will be fine for me IMHO18:11
didrocksanyway, WE are going to promote #226 isn't it?18:12
didrocksisn't it? :)18:12
sil2100didrocks: the components to be released are dbus-cpp, location-service and platform-api (p-api has only a build-dep bump, so a rebuild with latest dbus-cpp)18:12
sil2100Ah, right ;)18:12
tvosssil2100, would appreciate you giving the silo a spin, too18:13
Wellarktvoss, sil2100, pete-woods: np. we will run the tests again and this time look at top aelo18:13
Wellarkseriously speaking. didn't notice any 100% cpu usage so we should be all fine18:13
sil2100tvoss: sure thing, upgrading in a moment and spinning18:14
didrockssil2100: tvoss: Wellark: we are as well usually trying to get lock up from the browser from a location webpage, might be worth looking at it18:14
didrocks(and it's not winter anymore, so not cold to have the window opened for 10 minutes!) :)18:14
sil2100tvoss: in the meantime, as you're the official lander, could you set the landing 003 to 'Tested: Yes' on the spreadsheet? ;)18:15
Wellarkdidrocks: is there a bug filed in LP?18:18
davmor2balloons: I opened it, added a city, change the F to C18:18
balloonsI've done all that and more.. you can reproduce consistently?18:19
balloonsand of course the tests do the same18:19
davmor2balloons: then I changed the backend once that was working and crash, then I opened it back up changed back to the other backend and crash again18:19
tvossdidrocks, pete-woods tried to get a fix in the browser and managed to do so after the usual 10 minutes :)18:19
didrockstvoss: ah, excellent and top wasn't crazy after that? :)18:19
davmor2balloons: pass but have you checked the /var/crash dir?18:19
davmor2balloons: for the second crash everything worked but the crash still appeared18:20
tvossdidrocks, not for me, but it might be a 100%18:20
balloonsdavmor2, I can.. but I don't visually see any issues18:20
tvossdidrocks, that's well known :)18:20
tvosssil2100, didrocks setting it to tested18:21
didrocksgreat ;)18:21
Wellarksil2100: missing a submitter checklist on this one, please add it18:21
balloonsdavmor2, ahh.. it's the re-opening that might be what you mean18:21
Wellarksil2100: https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/location-service/bump_deps/+merge/20816918:21
davmor2balloons: while I am testing I run adb shell and then watch -d ls /var/crash18:21
Wellarktvoss: mising a submitter checklist on this one, please add it18:21
Wellarktvoss: https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/location-service/switch-to-transact-method/+merge/20945118:21
davmor2balloons: that highlights everytime a file ends up in there18:22
balloonsdavmor2, I think I finally reproduced18:22
Wellarktvoss, sil2100: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/Checklists/location-service18:22
davmor2balloons: \o/18:22
balloonsdavmor2, thanks for the explainations18:22
davmor2balloons: no worries18:22
davmor2balloons: it is a lot more stable than it was :)18:22
sil2100Wellark: will add, thanks ;)18:23
Wellarksil2100: we are ready to land the MR, so only thing blocking is the checklist18:24
Wellarkand me and pete are way over EOD :)18:24
sil2100Wellark: that MR will only land when we click the publish button anyways ;)18:25
tvosssil2100, do you add the checklist?18:25
Wellarktvoss: to his own MR, you still need to do yours :)18:25
Wellarkit's a small one18:25
Wellarkjust copy and paste18:26
didrocksdavmor2: balloons: don't break the images guys, and keep us posted!18:27
* didrocks really EOW now :)18:27
davmor2didrocks: nooooooooooo18:28
didrocksdavmor2: what's up? last minute crisis? :p18:28
sil2100tvoss: added18:28
davmor2didrocks: No I just don't think you should go :P18:29
sil2100tvoss: ok, by some dogfooding I see it working pretty ok18:29
davmor2didrocks: Keep your eyes out for the  email, It will be long18:29
sil2100Didn't get a GPS signal yet though18:29
sil2100Ok, need to drive to pick up my girlfriend, be back later to do the final publish18:29
davmor2sil2100: takes about 15 minutes18:29
didrocksdavmor2: sure ;) (my wife disagrees with you and thnk I should go and help painting the kitcken :p)18:29
sil2100tvoss, Wellark, pete-woods: give me a final +1 if all is ok and I'll publish once I'm back ;)18:29
davmor2didrocks: go man go, life won't be worth living else  ;)18:30
didrocksheh, see you guys!18:30
cjwatsonCould somebody with ci-train-ppa-service access please run "copy-package -p ci-train-ppa-service --ppa-name landing-006 -b qtsystems-opensource-src" to create the ppc64el build?18:31
cjwatson(from lp:ubuntu-archive-tools)18:31
tvosssil2100, Wellark pete-woods adjusted https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/location-service/switch-to-transact-method/+merge/20945118:31
balloonsdavmor2, I lied.. the crash was mediascanner18:36
balloonsweather is fine :-)18:36
davmor2balloons: haha18:36
tvossWellark, anything to add?18:37
Wellarktvoss: nope, looks good.18:37
tvossWellark, ack18:37
tvosspete-woods, ?18:37
Wellarktvoss: now, only waiting pete-woods to approve the last two18:37
pete-woodstvoss: done18:38
Wellarkthen sil2100 or robru need to switch testing to green on the landing sheet18:38
robruWellark, what's tested?18:38
pete-woodssilo 318:38
Wellarkrobru: silo 00318:38
Wellarkwe would like to see that landed please :)18:39
Wellarktvoss: ^18:39
robruWellark, ok, I can publish it soon, I just have to poke at it a bit18:40
asacrobru: please continue double cehcking etc.18:40
asacuntil we have shot qt5.218:40
robruasac, yes18:40
asacwe want to preserve ability to do a firedrill fix on monday after we promoted the image monday morning18:41
asacrobru: can you help cjwatson ?18:41
asacor was he already helped?18:41
robruasac, oh i dunno. what did he need?18:42
cjwatson18:31 <cjwatson> Could somebody with ci-train-ppa-service access please run "copy-package -p ci-train-ppa-service --ppa-name landing-006 -b qtsystems-opensource-src" to create the ppc64el build?18:42
asaccjwatson: i think we should give you access to such things18:42
cjwatson18:31 <cjwatson> (from lp:ubuntu-archive-tools)18:42
cjwatsonasac: I didn't want the mailspam :)18:42
cjwatsonasac: it's a transient problem, new uploads won't be affected, it's just for things that happened before we switched on ppc64el, so just trying to clean things up a bit18:42
tvosssil2100, so pete-woods, Wellark and me are +118:42
asaccjwatson: what team is it?18:42
cjwatsonI'd actually rather not be able to affect that directly18:43
asaccjwatson: yeah, but in general i feel saver if we have our strong core-devs able to do something in case there isa  big problem18:43
asaccjwatson: your call18:43
robrui don't think I have that access.18:43
cjwatsonit's not urgent, anyway, I just noticed its build-deps aren't satisfiable in any case, so drop it18:43
asaccjwatson: let me see. maybe i can give you access and remove after18:43
asaccjwatson: yes, i own that team18:43
asaclet me know18:43
cjwatsonit'll need https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/kubuntu-packaging/qtdeclarative-porting/+merge/209981 first, don't worry about it18:43
asaccjwatson: seems quite a few already are in that team18:44
asacthink all CI-trained core devs are addded there18:44
cjwatsonyeah, I haven't had training18:44
cjwatsonprobably should at some point but it's not the most urgent thing18:44
cjwatsonstgraber ought to be there if that's the condition, though?18:45
Wellarkrobru: anything you need from us anymore? or can it be landed now without any additional input from me, pete-woods or tvoss ?18:45
cjwatsonbut probably best ask him :)18:45
robruWellark, ideally tvoss should be around in 2-3 hours to merge & clean after the publish, but if he wants to EOW, I can take care of it.18:46
robruWellark, but only tvoss, everybody else can go if they're done18:46
Wellarkrobru: so if tvoss needs to EOW, you can still take care of everything? OK. good.18:46
robruWellark, yep18:46
Wellarkgreat! :)18:46
robruWellark, pete-woods have a good weekend!18:47
Wellarkrobru: you, too18:47
pete-woodsrobru: you too!18:47
asacogra_: since you might get tricked into believing that we promtoe the image when jfunk gives a +118:47
asacogra_: please dont do that until monday morning18:47
asactry to get up early though18:48
asacwe dont want to end up having people work weekend in unlikely case there is something that we need to react on18:48
tvossrobru, I really have to eow18:48
asactvoss: man, go off18:48
tvossrobru, would appreciate your help18:48
ogra_asac, i wouldnt do any promotion without either your or didrocks approval anyway18:48
tvossasac, thanks :)18:49
asacyeah. just saying because jfunk will send an official mail18:49
* tvoss waves goodbye18:49
Wellarktvoss: good luck and good weekend!18:49
* asac hugs tvoss18:49
robrutvoss, i'm on it, have a good weekend!18:49
* Wellark gives tvoss a man-hug18:49
rsalvetitvoss: and good luck as well :-)19:00
balloonssergiusens, https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-tools/emu_prov/+merge/207440 works fine. I asked for the option to not do the setup if I wish19:08
sergiusensballoons, #2 is an option I use myself :-)19:12
balloonssergiusens, well then, it must exist!19:13
sergiusensballoons, all these options make me think it's time to move aways from a script though :-)19:15
balloonswell, yes I know it makes things feel more and more cobbled together19:16
sergiusensstill making the change19:18
davmor2balloons: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-weather-app/+bug/128953619:19
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1289536 in Ubuntu Weather App "Crash opening weather app and switching backends" [Undecided,New]19:19
balloonsdavmor2, you know I still don't believe you :-)19:19
balloonsdavmor2, I did find this, but.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-weather-app/+bug/128798219:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1287982 in Ubuntu Weather App "Refreshing when no weather data is found crashes the app" [Undecided,Incomplete]19:21
balloonsno one believed me :-)19:21
balloonsrsalveti, can you ack this? https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/phablet-tools/add-cmake-dependency/+merge/20426919:21
rsalvetirobru: can I get a silo for line 45?19:24
rsalvetilet me check19:24
rsalvetisergiusens: why recommends in this case ^?19:26
rsalvetifrom the description it needs cmake to function properly19:26
rsalvetishouldn't it be depends then?19:26
om26erfginther, hey is the new unlocker not being used in production anymore ?19:27
sergiusensrsalveti, probably right; I'm splitting that package into tiny bits today as well19:33
fgintherom26er, it's in use, what's not working?19:34
om26erfginther, just wanted to make sure, i seem to have noted something in didier's email, so was under the impression the script was reverted19:35
balloonssergiusens, rsalveti so put it back into depends then? It's a trivial thing, but tools fail for new users if we don't install things we need :-)19:35
rsalvetisergiusens: how to proceed then?19:37
robrursalveti, sure19:37
sergiusensrsalveti, balloons, yeah, or do like the devscripts where mk-build-deps asks for equivs to be installed19:37
sergiusensbut doesn't make the whole package depend on it19:37
robrursalveti, ok, you got silo 1. please build19:38
rsalvetirobru: thanks19:38
robrursalveti, you're welcome19:38
balloonssergiusens, not sure how to setup mk-build-deps to ask for equivs19:44
* robru --> lunch19:47
sergiusensballoons, no worries, assign the problem to me and I'll get it proposed19:51
balloonssergiusens, done. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/phablet-tools/+bug/128955819:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1289558 in phablet-tools (Ubuntu) "Click-buddy requires cmake, but it's not specified in dependencies" [Undecided,New]19:56
rsalvetidavmor2: http://goo.gl/l5i9SV is not public20:03
davmor2pmcgowan, ogra_, asac, didrocks(sciving off painting kitchens), popey please may I draw your attention to the phone mailing list there is a nicer breakdown of the email I sent and a big thumbs up from qa enjoy :)20:03
rsalvetiogra_: should we then promote 226? :-)20:03
davmor2rsalveti: sorry jfunk set it up20:03
pmcgowanrsalveti, I believe the plan is first thing monday to avoid weekend danger20:05
rsalvetipmcgowan: yeah :-)20:05
rsalvetinot a good thing to do on a friday evening20:05
pmcgowandavmor2, was that terminal font thing a known issue?20:05
davmor2pmcgowan: yeap it's happened on and off for a while, it's my EOD and EOW so Monday first things I'll add the bugs and file any new ones20:06
pmcgowandavmor2, ok asac and I were just wondering20:06
davmor2pmcgowan: all you have to do to fix it is set a font size20:06
pmcgowandavmor2, slacker not working the weekend?20:07
asacdavmor2: oh sorry. sent another mai. ill check that new mail20:08
davmor2pmcgowan: I know right, some people have wives that insist on them not going near computers all wekend cause they'll wind up working :)20:08
davmor2pmcgowan: and She is lovely, but scares me more than you guys ;)20:09
pmcgowandavmor2, understood20:09
davmor2asac: it has minor niggles and the weather app is flakey but mostly only the weather app so we are happy big thumbs up20:10
davmor2rsalveti: the doc should be public now too20:10
davmor2asac: and popey is happy too so :)20:11
rsalvetidavmor2: thanks20:11
davmor2asac: is that good enough for you?20:13
davmor2right guys I'm off enjoy your weekends20:16
asacdavmor2: i dont see that mail :/20:17
asacdavmor2: is that hidden within a thread?20:18
asacpmcgowan: do you see the mail by davmor2 to phone ML?20:19
pmcgowanasac, no I see it20:19
pmcgowanimage r226 Testing Results20:19
asacpmcgowan: on the public ubuntu-phone list?20:19
* asac goes to archive20:20
asacit is in archive, not in my inbox20:20
asacguess google is again trying to slow us down :P20:20
pmcgowanasac, stop using tbird ;)20:21
asacdavmor2: what is missing is what got fixed that was bad in last image20:21
asacdavmor2: like "click apps didnt get updates"20:21
asacand making a tablet to put them against each other.20:21
asacanyway, i wont bother20:21
asacgoes into micro managing :P20:21
* asac still feels jfunk should have sent a big message20:21
asacclick scope being busted20:22
asacis scary20:22
asacand we need to know if it existed in previous build20:22
asacotherwise we dont know20:22
pmcgowanasac, its not busted its just wonky, has been for quite a while20:22
asacso yeah the comparison wasnt done20:22
pmcgowannot sure about 19420:22
asacright, but i wanted a comparison as we make calls based on last image vs. this20:22
asacthe fact that they say we dont know is scary20:22
asaci asked for that explicitely for days20:22
pmcgowanwell I dont know, dav probably does20:23
asacwell, he marked it as "New breakage, needs to be checked if it existed in previous build"20:23
asacpmcgowan: see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UB-bk31kLZMlsDFT81LWoFg1tZt_lLeKcRVLIExrAi8/edit20:23
asacthe RED with white font20:23
asacso thats a regression20:23
pmcgowanhe said needs investigation20:24
pmcgowanasac, I had asked about that very issue, and I think it was ralsina_ that said its expected the way the scope works, but at some point needs to be improved for sure20:26
asacpmcgowan: well, that i dont really care about. i want to know was it in previou build or not. if it was not in previous build i want a mail from jfunk20:26
pmcgowanor maybe it was saviq20:26
asacputting the new regressions in comparison to the old bugs20:26
asacand making a good argument20:26
asacwe can also decide that here20:26
ralsina_pmcgowan: what issue?20:27
asacand probably will, but i feel that QA should be able to make tha tcall20:27
asacif its not a clear black and white decision anymore20:27
pmcgowansure nt disagreeing20:27
asacbut having a good assessment and describing symptoms, arguing why and so on :)20:27
asacwe should learn how to do that20:27
asacyeah. i will continue to ask him fo rthat20:27
asacpersonally would really like to understande what this really is :)20:27
asacralsina_: click scope is buggy in latest image20:28
asacralsina_: see davmors mail to touch mailing list...20:28
asacralsina_: err here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UB-bk31kLZMlsDFT81LWoFg1tZt_lLeKcRVLIExrAi8/edit20:28
asacralsina_: Glitch after each app install it removes the section from the scope, flashes and then returns the updated list.20:28
asacin section Click packages20:28
ralsina_asac: right20:28
pmcgowanasac, it needs to refresh the entire sections to remove the app from available and put it in installed20:29
ralsina_asac: all the scope does is invalidate the results because one result has moved from one section to the other20:29
pmcgowanthere is no api for moving it20:29
pmcgowansorry didnt see you there20:29
pmcgowanralsina_, so did this change recently?20:29
ralsina_maybe the refreshing in the dash can be made smarter or happen before the preview is closed, or something20:29
pmcgowanralsina_, seems more intrusive in the latest20:29
asac"it has to refresh"? ... what does the user experience exatly?20:29
ralsina_pmcgowan: no, we had the call to invalidate there, and then the dash started actually invalidating. No change in the scope there like for a month20:30
asaci dont want to know what the fix is, but what the experience is right now :)20:30
pmcgowanit clears the page and repaints it20:30
ralsina_asac: otherwise the installed app will be listed in the store section, not the installed section20:30
pmcgowanralsina_, I think part of the issue is the user sees the scope, then it blanks and refeshes20:30
asacso just some flickering?20:31
pmcgowanralsina_, would be good if it was already blanked and simply restores for example20:31
pmcgowanasac, yes20:31
asacbut no user impact?20:31
ralsina_pmcgowan: right, so things could be made smoother by changing order of things, to avoid flickering20:31
pmcgowanI do it all the time20:31
pmcgowanI logged that bug ;)20:31
asacwaht ralsina says above sound more like the app continues to stay in the wrong section (e.g. store, not installed)20:31
pmcgowanno it moves20:31
pmcgowanjust flashy20:31
asacpmcgowan: you do what? if its just flickering then you dont need to do anything :)20:31
ralsina_asac: it would stay in the wrong section if we did not invalidate the results (whcih then causes the flashing)20:32
pmcgowanwhen you install an app20:32
asacralsina_: ok but we ALWAYS invalidte after install?20:32
ralsina_asac: yes, we have to20:32
pmcgowancoming back from the app install view, it shows the scope, then clears then paints it with the app in the right place20:32
asacpmcgowan: how long is that flickering action in seconds?20:32
asac0.1? 1, 10? :)20:32
ralsina_< 120:33
pmcgowanyeah <120:33
ralsina_depends on network tho20:33
ralsina_we could refresh the old results and make it take no time, but since the scope has to be stateless we can't.20:33
pmcgowanjust did one and around .1 secs, very quick20:35
asacdoesnt sound critical20:35
asacwe should track it though20:35
pmcgowanralsina_, that transition could be improved20:35
pmcgowanits not nice20:35
ralsina_pmcgowan: +1 yes20:35
asacwe can make the rick test... will he complain :)?20:36
ralsina_pmcgowan: the dash could be smarter, get the new results and then do something pretty20:36
pmcgowanralsina_, has it always been this way?20:36
pmcgowanis it worse now for some reason?20:36
ralsina_pmcgowan: since the dash started doing invalidation it has always been the same20:36
pmcgowanah so before you would not see the new app without searching20:37
asacthe other way to decide if it would block is to check if we would have catched this as part of our normal image validation procedure.20:37
pmcgowanasac, now I remember20:37
pmcgowanasac, so it changed, but to fix the bug that the new apps were not shown20:37
pmcgowanat some point20:37
asacif neither rick-will-start-buggin-devs and that test are negative its good for promotion :P20:38
asacpmcgowan: can we at least upgrade click apps now?20:38
pmcgowanwe can witht he upgrade app still20:38
pmcgowannot yet in settings20:38
asacso even that wasnt fixed yet? wow20:39
pmcgowanprobably backed up on CI20:39
asacso no improvement over 19420:39
pmcgowanits fine, run the app upgrader20:39
sergiusenspmcgowan, it was worse before; installing a new app kept the old ref and the app was unlaunchable until a search was triggered20:40
pmcgowansergiusens, exactly20:40
asacpmcgowan: the doc says in "settings" section: updates work20:41
asacjust auto download option is ignored20:41
asacpmcgowan: are you disagreeing with that?20:41
ralsina_asac: maybe that means system image updates20:41
asacthis was the biggest issue we had identified in 19420:41
ralsina_the click scope is weird, it's the only scope where using the search result changes the search results :-P20:41
asacit was tracked by CI, then was claimed fixed20:41
pmcgowanasac, I do not think app updating is in system settings20:42
asac21:38 < asac> pmcgowan: can we at least upgrade click apps now?20:43
asac21:38 < asac> :)20:43
asac21:38 < pmcgowan> we can witht he upgrade app still20:43
asac21:38 < pmcgowan> not yet in settings20:43
asacso "not yet in settings" is a fewature?20:43
asacguess then it just means that the upgrade app didnt work in 19420:43
pmcgowanyes, its staus quo20:43
asacso all good20:43
asacdont have any other explanation20:43
pmcgowanthere is a branch waiting to make it so20:43
ralsina_updating apps is not in settings, that was reverted, use the updater until  https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-system-settings/click-updates/+merge/208567 merges20:44
asacyeah. if it was never in, then thats surely not what i mean20:44
asacFull list of changes in Friday's email. However, just want to mention (if you didn't read other exchanges on this mailing list), that this version introduced a download manager issue on click apps.20:46
asacmaybe thats the one?20:46
asac* this one contains the bug fix for the download-manager with click app issue. Dogfooding confirmed it's now fixed.20:46
asacbut that wasnt in the promoted image20:47
* asac notes it down to post-mortem what was going on here :)20:48
asacogra_: do you know what was broken with click apps not updating?20:49
asacwhat exactly that was :P20:49
ralsina_asac: that was that the fix for the system-image issue with download manager (atomic downloads) broke click apps downloads because noone followed the full test plan because of assumptions and lack of devices20:50
Laneyclick app updates was never in settings20:50
asacralsina_: right. but that wasnt in 19220:50
asacso its not the thing20:50
asacwhat ways to update click apps do we expect to have?20:51
asac1. upgrade app20:51
asac2. scope?20:51
asac3. automatic?20:51
ralsina_"expect" as in "now" or "expect" as in "someday"?20:51
asacralsina_: 19220:51
ralsina_in 192, just the upgrade app20:51
asacralsina_: 170?20:52
ralsina_there was one image where the upgrade app was bogusly removed, don't recall the number20:52
asacralsina_: ok i think thats 19220:52
asacunless we had some other way to upgrade apps20:52
ralsina_ok, so that was it20:52
ralsina_nope, no other way20:52
asacwqe never had another way to upgrade apps?20:52
asacthat thing is back now. so thats fixed :)20:53
* asac doesnt know if its right, but at least can get some rest with this believe now20:53
ralsina_asac: good enough to go to bed on a friday indeed20:54
ralsina_asac: just as a heads up, starting monday I am phasing off as a manager into a dev position in lucio's team, so click scope will be in thostr's capable hands20:55
asacpmcgowan: ralsina_: sorry for annoying on this one. we have a way to improve our problem tracking planned, then i could just look it up20:55
ralsina_asac: of course I'll be around to help as much as needed20:55
asaci am happy now. we achieved a lot this week20:55
asacand are good for a qt shot :)20:55
asacralsina_: thanks!20:55
pmcgowanwe certainly did20:56
asacyep. qt cracking20:56
asacimage fixing20:56
* asac phases out from active discussions for the day20:56
asaccu around monday20:56
sil2100See you on Monday!20:57
asacerr wednesday... :)20:57
asaci am most likely off20:57
asacbut we will see20:57
dobeyhmm, i presume all the "no change rebuild" merges are blocked on qt5.2 landing, or something? is there a silo for that, or what?21:04
robrudobey, yep, silo 621:10
robrudobey, we're looking at landing those monday21:10
dobeyrobru: and what about the rebuilds for things that aren't on ci train yet?21:12
davmor2asac you still about?21:12
robrudobey, what isn't in ci train yet? everything should be in there by now. if not, I dunno, you'd have to ask Mirv how he'll handle those21:13
dobeyrobru: ubuntu-purchase-service isn't21:13
robrudobey, I guess Mirv will have to migrate it to citrain on monday then. not sure21:14
davmor2asac: it was the camera and weather click apps that were updated I needed to make sure that both of those were included in the new build but had updated them through the click store on 22521:16
davmor2at least I think it was the the camera app anyway :)21:17
dobeyoh, meh, ok21:18
davmor2asac: the title is [Ubuntu-phone] Image r226 Testing Results I kept it separate so it stood out from the list.21:20
asacdavmor2: yes, was received, just came through late. have a great weekend21:46
asacdavmor2: sure that 226 just had those two changes?21:47
asacdavmor2: did we do smoke tests on 226?21:47
asacpopey: ?21:47
asacdavmor2: popey: there have been other changes, so if we havent even booted etc. we run kind of risky :)21:48
asacdont worry21:53
asacjfunk confirmed that you guys tested 22621:54
asacthanks and enjoyu!21:54
davmor2asac: no we tested on 226.  All I was saying was I upgraded from 225 to 226 but had already updated the click apps on 225 so did a fresh install to make sure that 226's image had actually pulled them in.21:55
davmor2asac: as they were kinda key to making weather app more stable21:55
davmor2asac: not perfect but more stable :)21:55
davmor2asac:  if there is anything else I'll stick around for a bit21:55
asacdavmor2: nice. so extra care. thanks21:56
kgunnplars-away: i think i'm supposed to chat with you ? [Bug 1236525] Re: unity8 killed/crash then restart can result in mir unable "could not unblank display"21:59
ubot5bug 1236525 in unity-mir "unity8 killed/crash then restart can result in mir unable "could not unblank display"" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123652521:59
kgunnone quick question for whomever....wrt "Special landing mode process while we are recoveringon ubuntu Touch"22:02
kgunnif Qt5.2 has a project associated with it during this time before "final qt5.2 landing"22:02
kgunndoes that lock out others ?? (e.g. i'd love to reattempt mir - we fixed our 1 regression we found, but qt has unity-mir as a rebuild)22:03
robruI gotta head out, anybody need anything before I EOW slightly early?22:05
robrukgunn, yeah, projects can only exist in one silo at a time. qt5.2 is locking an enormous number of things right now22:06
=== retoaded changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CITrain support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Landing instructions: http://goo.gl/8H1Du3. Landing in degraded mode (see http://goo.gl/J1EqPW)
plars-awaykgunn: is this related to the update we got to the unlocker that didn't work?22:18
kgunnplars-away: not completely sure...i got a mail from alexander but didn't quite know what it meant...ended with "talk to plars" :)22:19
plars-awaykgunn: If it's what I think it is, om26er is probably the better one to talk to. He's the one that patch came from. But is there a specific question? I'm not really familiar with that bug22:20
kgunnok, i'm ending soonish...but i'm sure anyone will be glad to help euro mornin monday22:20
asackgunn: plars-away: i just dropped a comment that wahtever patch landed that was referring to the bug was backed out23:04
asacas it broke all tests23:04
asacthat was an infrastructure patch i referred to... guess it was omer etc.23:05
asaci dont know mnow ,mor :)23:05
asachave a great weekend23:05
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