
xnoxdesrt: or like fix the tests to not assert, or allow error margins on floating point results, since there will be errors.00:04
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desrtxnox: i mentioned before... this is not about having a testcase produce any particular result00:35
desrti don't care what the result is00:36
desrti only care that if i do the calculation twice, i get the same result both times00:36
desrtthat doesn't seem like too much to ask :)00:36
Fudgeyhi, wondering if anyone can suggest how to elaborate on this, think it is a Compiz problem, Bug #127213100:41
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1272131 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Totem regains focus on a window when it is not supposed to." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127213100:41
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pittiGood morning05:49
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xnoxdesrt: it is too much to ask, all floating point calculation are unstable and will not get same results. http://software.intel.com/sites/default/files/article/164389/fp-consistency-122712_1.pdf is a fun read.08:28
RAOFpitti: That's not technically true - there *is* a concept of equality for real numbers in mathematics. It's just uncomputable.08:31
pittiRAOF: well, that depends on which definition of real numbers you want08:32
pittiRAOF: some are merely uncomputable, some are not even defined08:33
RAOFOr, rather, a real number is generally defined as an equivalence class.08:33
pittiRAOF: but I guess  either way, uncomputable already rules out the possibility of using that in a programming language :)08:33
RAOFIndeed :)08:33
RAOFIf you're talking about decimal expansions, then you've already lost :)08:33
pittiRAOF: you can't even write down an equivalence class, only some representatives (and then you again can't compare them)08:33
RAOFOh, absolutely.08:34
RAOFThere's a legitimate argument in mathematics as to whether real numbers are a well-formed concept.08:34
pittiI'm a computer scientist, so I refuse AC08:34
RAOFBut if you accept the _existence_ of real numbers, then they've got a well-defined equality. It's just that you can never write down a real number.08:35
pittiany object which doesn't fit into our universe and requires infinite amounts of energy, information, decisions, and space to write down is not real to me :)08:35
RAOFOooh, a hardcore finitist!08:35
pittipeople have done fairly well with finite approximations so far :)08:36
RAOFExcept you can't do any calculus with them.08:36
RAOF(This is really, really terrible)08:37
pittiwhy, we do, without ever having to write down a singlel real number08:37
RAOFRight, but calculus is defined only for real numbers.08:37
RAOFOtherwise you find rather awkward things, like the integral of all functions being 0.08:38
RAOFpitti: You know what's hilarious? My unit tests die with SIGHUP in umockdev_testbed_teardown() when built with gcc, but not with clang.08:39
pittiyou can easily get derivatives of rational functions just purely algebraically08:39
pittiI don't know how to do the integration algebraically, but ISTR that I've once seen a clever way to do it08:40
pittiRAOF: oha, which one is that?08:40
pittiwhat a strange signal to die with08:40
RAOFIt's “someone's closed your pty”08:40
RAOFWhich is totally true, apart from the bit where I don't have any fds to the child end of the pty open.08:41
RAOFAlso, it's rather hard to algebraically differentiate such unimportant trancendental functions as, say, sin(x) ☺08:41
pittiyes, of course, as they are not algebraic in the first place08:43
pittibut we can only approximately calculate them anyway, so any integration etc. is necessarily also approximate08:43
pittiexcept for the usual school book special cases of course08:44
RAOFMathematicians are rather unhappy with the whole “just approximate it” schtick :)08:44
RAOFAnd you can't approximately derive those special cases.08:44
seb128good morning desktopers, happy friday!08:45
RAOF(It's not entirely clear how you'd do a non-infinitesimal integration, and how you'd show that it's the area under the curve. I guess there's always numerical integration, but that's not interesting to mathematicians :P)08:45
RAOFseb128: Yo!08:45
seb128RAOF, hey! how are you?08:46
RAOFI'm good.08:46
pittihey seb12808:46
RAOFI'm wondering what precisely causes gcc to generate code that dies when clang doesn't :)08:46
pittiRAOF: some race condition perhaps?08:47
pittiRAOF: did you strace in both cases? do you actually see the sighup?08:47
RAOF(I added a sighup handler, and it is indeed called)08:47
pittiperhaps in one case the sighup arrives a tad later when the destructor is already done or so08:47
RAOFI think there might be a umockdev bugfix release in the near future. It seems that, rather than the difference being clang/gcc, the difference might be umockdev 0.6 vs 0.7.08:48
seb128pitti, hey, wie gehts?08:48
RAOF !!!08:49
RAOFNo, that's not it either?08:49
pittiseb128: gut, danke! und Dir?08:52
seb128pitti, auch gut, danke!08:52
pittiRAOF: you mean it's not related to 0.6 vs. 0.7?08:54
pittiRAOF: or do you perhaps still have some local clang-built umockdev around? could that be the difference?08:54
RAOFpitti: Yeah. I've just rebuilt the tests with clang again and... it receives SIGHUP08:54
pittiRAOF: so it's not clang and it's not the umockdev version?08:55
pittijust a nice classic nasty race condition?08:55
pittiRAOF: it doesn't try to compare real numbers in the condition to send SIGHUP, does it? :-)08:55
RAOFFor added giggles, it doesn't show up if you *only* run the tests that use umockdev.08:55
pittiRAOF: of course, as that would make debugging easier; can't be08:56
RAOFWhat this means is that it's time to fix all of the (many) fd leaks in the unit-tests and see which one unbreaks it.08:57
pittiRAOF: hm, you think you have some old PTY fds which perhaps time out, and the SIGHUP on those spills over to the next test?09:02
RAOFPossibly something like that.09:03
pittiRAOF: you can also try running just that one test in a loop and doing some load in the background (find / > /dev/null, cat /dev/urandom > /dev/null or similar)09:03
Laneyhappy friday09:06
seb128Laney, hey, you too! how are you?09:08
pittihey Laney09:08
Laneyhey seb128, pitti09:12
LaneyI'm doing good thanks!09:12
Laneyand you?09:12
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tsdgeosanyone knows how/where i file against the mesa drivers crashing?10:01
tsdgeosfound it10:02
tsdgeoslaunchpad is such a confusing thing10:02
seb128tsdgeos, if you need somebody to have a look you can try pining mlankhorst10:04
tsdgeosmlankhorst: i've got crashes in i965_dri.so in trusty i was not having a few days, filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/1289243 tell me if you need something else or want me to try anything10:06
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1289243 in mesa (Ubuntu) "Regression in trusty, i965_dri.so crashes" [Undecided,New]10:06
mlankhorsttsdgeos: can you try to downgrade mesa to rc1?10:13
tsdgeosmlankhorst: do you know the exact package name by heart? i mean is it 10.1.0~rc1-0ubuntu1 ?10:15
mlankhorstought to be10:16
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tsdgeosmlankhorst: hmmm, i guess i'll ahve to build the packages myself? trying to apt-get that version tells me it doesn't exist10:23
mlankhorstold versions are removed, but still available on launchpad10:25
tsdgeosmlankhorst: ah, cool thanks10:28
tsdgeosmlankhorst: do i need to restart X?11:14
tsdgeosTrevinho: ping11:15
mlankhorsttsdgeos: probably not if the crash is in compiz, but might need to restart opengl applications11:19
tsdgeosmlankhorst: not in compiz, in a separate app11:20
tsdgeosmlankhorst: so just starting the app should be ok, no?11:20
tsdgeosmlankhorst: then it still crashes :_11:37
mlankhorstcan you try 10.0.1-1ubuntu2 ? :P11:38
mlankhorstafk, can you post the result if it occurs there on that bug, and then ask in #intel-gfx ?11:43
tsdgeosi guess i can try11:46
tsdgeosmlankhorst: same thing, that is weird, may it be a kernel regression or something?12:00
tsdgeosi'll try jumping into  #intel-gfx anyway12:00
tsdgeosbut next week, need to get some work work done12:01
seb128pitti, so, another trusty regression is that if you have "do nothing on lid close when on power" selected and close the lid docked, the laptop suspends... do you have any debug hint?12:01
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pittiseb128: hm, run gnome-settings-daemon with G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=power (not sure if that works, use "all" if not)?12:03
seb128pitti, is g-s-d supposed to put a logind inhibit? how do I list those?12:03
pittiseb128: it coudl either be that gsd doesn't properly evaluate that config option and suspends anyway, or doesn't configure the logind suspend inhibitor properly12:03
pittiseb128: yes, it is; if there's no g-s-d running (i. e. just text consoles), lid close will be handled by logind12:04
pittiseb128: hm, I don't quickly find a loginctl command to show inhibitors, but there's a d-bus call; hang on12:06
seb128pitti, I found that in my tomboy old notes12:06
seb128gdbus call --system -d org.freedesktop.login1 -o /org/freedesktop/login1 -m org.freedesktop.login1.Manager.ListInhibitors12:06
pittiright, that very12:07
seb128pitti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7049587/12:07
pitti I get the same here12:07
seb128same issue on power cord without dock12:08
seb128so it's not dock specific12:09
pittiwhere 5105 ought to be your g-s-d pid12:09
pittifor me it's unity-settings-daemon, so that seems right12:09
seb128indeed, that's u-s-d12:10
pittiseb128: btw, I suggest creating a script which does exit 1 in /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/00break12:14
pittiso that it doesn't actually suspend (might ease debugging)12:14
pitti(needs to be executable)12:14
seb128pitti, thanks!12:15
desrtxnox: c99 disagrees with you :p12:23
desrtas does ieee75412:23
seb128desrt, good morning, happy friday!12:24
xnoxdesrt: i'm a human, not a walking set of standards =)12:25
desrt"damnit jim! ..."12:26
seb128mhr3_, hey, please fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libunity/+bug/127466912:26
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1274669 in libunity (Ubuntu) "scope-runner-dbus.py crashed with signal 5 in g_variant_new_va()" [Medium,Confirmed]12:26
seb128mhr3_, I just got is with the same steps as the bug description (typed "disk" and ran gdu in dash)12:27
mhr3_seb128, sounds like a bug in manpages scope12:30
seb128mhr3_, who maintains that? ;-)12:30
mhr3_i wonder the same thing12:30
mhr3_seb128, plus it's python, just remove it :P12:30
seb128mhr3_, https://errors.ubuntu.com/?package=libunity&period=year ... man, your code is buggy!12:31
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Laneypitti: Hm, php5-gearman-dbgsym in ddebs.u.c has no Description: which makes update-apt-xapian-index segfault here13:14
Laneydo you know how that could have happened?13:14
Laneybug #122001313:18
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1220013 in apt-xapian-index (Ubuntu) "update-apt-xapian-index crashed with SIGSEGV in File()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122001313:18
seb128Laney, thanks for debugging that ;-)13:19
Laneyyeah I got lost in the code for ages13:19
Laneybut it's too hard13:19
LaneyI'm going to brain dump13:19
seb128I've moved /bin/true over apt-xapian-index earlier in the cycle13:19
seb128I was tired to get apport prompting me every morning13:19
Laneyyeah me too13:19
seb128I though it was only me13:19
Laneyso I decided to debug it :P13:19
seb128I tried to debug for a bit but failed13:19
seb128well, to be honest I went "ok, that's not trivial, I can't be bothered spending a morning on it"13:19
Laneyyeah that's why I pinged about the origin of the problem13:20
Laneyit violates policy to not have a description there13:20
Laneyfixing that would make the problem go away for ddebs users anyway afaict13:20
seb128that might not be a code fix but that would already be a good step toward less annoyance for us ;-)13:21
Laneyhopefully mvo or don will see the problem13:22
pittiLaney: not off-hand; it doesn't look any special to me13:23
LaneyIt seems correct in the main archive13:24
* pitti builds php-gearman locally in sbuild with ddebs13:24
pittiLaney: indeed sbuild -d trusty php-gearman_1.1.2-1build1.dsc reproduces that13:28
Laneyit has some substvar magic13:28
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Laneypitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7050008/ ?13:53
Laneylunch, will look to upload that when I get back if you think it's ok13:55
pittiLaney: could certainly do with a test case, but if that fixes it, fine for me13:56
pittiaah, Description: ${phppear:summary}13:56
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seb128bregma, Trevinho: can you please fix the compiz reduce windows by their decoration height before we start on putting a landing ask for the lockscreen?14:42
seb128bregma, Trevinho:it's creating test issues, it's driving people crazy, it's annoying everyone, that should be an high priority to fix, before new features14:42
pittioh, is that related to terminal windows and the keyring dialog now being too small?14:49
Trevinhoseb128: ok, I move to that now14:50
seb128Trevinho, thanks14:51
mdeslaur_it's driving me crazy too14:51
Trevinhothat's why at the beinning i accepted windows to go below bottom side :P14:51
seb128Trevinho, well, you should have let it that way until you could fix it properly I guess ;-)14:52
Trevinhoseb128: probably... but I didn't notice at the beginning :P14:53
Sweetsharkseb128: so, I would like to do one more LO/LO-l10n upload for trusty: To get bumped to upstream 4.2.2, to fix bug 1200277 and bug 1288378. Im still collecting random bits and pieces. Can we do that even after next week?14:53
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1200277 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "[LibreOffice] - libreoffice-writer.desktop when drag/drop to desktop, 100% broken. " [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120027714:53
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1288378 in libreoffice-l10n (Ubuntu) "libreoffice-help-en-us no longer built" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128837814:53
Sweetsharkseb128: (random bits and pieces include: fixing the autopkgtests for example)14:53
seb128Sweetshark, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule14:53
seb128Sweetshark, you have some weeks for bug fixes, etc14:54
mdeslaur_seb128: no! the bottom side bug was driving me insane too! :)14:54
* mdeslaur_ 's sanity only typically hangs with a thread14:54
Sweetsharkseb128: yep, looked at that already. Im aiming for UI freeze, so that Ill make it for ~DocString Freeze ;)14:55
seb128Sweetshark, sounds fine to me14:56
seb128mdeslaur_, we should get lightdm on the session bus, that would give enough things to think about and you would stop focussing on those compiz issues ;-)14:57
mdeslaur_AAAARRRRGH! :)14:57
* mdeslaur_ demotes seb128 to universe14:57
seb128mdeslaur_, be nice of we might claim chrisccoulson back!14:58
Sweetsharkmdeslaur_: dont be nice15:08
Sweetsharkwe want chrisccoulson back anyway.15:09
mdeslaur_Sweetshark: he's high maintenance, you should see the beer and steak bills15:09
Sweetsharkmdeslaur_: yeah, he makes me stand out less.15:10
Laneypitti: I'll see what I can do about a test15:23
Laneyis there a vcs or just the archive?15:23
pittiLaney: I just use the UDD branch15:24
pittii. e. with actual committing, not just auto-importing15:24
seb128pitti, hum, turned out my lid close/suspend issue was local screwup in the config (just as a status update)15:44
pittiseb128: in your gsettings you mean?15:44
pittiseb128: good to hear15:45
seb128pitti, my ipod is still showing the wrong icon though :p15:45
seb128if you ever get some free slot to debug that15:45
seb128(I might in fact have a look to it now, good eow debugging I guess)15:45
pittiah, I'm just doing some sponsoring now, so let's have a look15:46
pittiseb128: so it looks like a normal USB drive, right?15:49
pittiseb128: sorry, I'm afraid I forgot all context15:50
seb128pitti, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=72539015:50
ubot2`Gnome bug 725390 in daemon "ipod displayed with an usb key icon" [Normal,Unconfirmed]15:50
pittiit's an old-style mass storage USB player15:50
seb128pitti, that has the gvfs-mount output15:50
seb128but yeah15:50
seb128  themed icons: [drive-removable-media-usb] [drive-removable-media]15:50
seb128pitti, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/118396495/gvfs_1.14.0-0ubuntu2_1.14.0-0ubuntu3.diff.gz was the fix you did by then15:52
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seb128pitti, but I guess that "set x-content/audio-player" hack stopped working15:52
pittiseb128: does your device have ID_MEDIA_PLAYER?15:53
seb128iirc yes, let me check15:53
pittithat was supposed to be fixed in https://git.gnome.org/browse/gvfs/commit/?id=4d39b17547648a15:54
seb128E: ID_MEDIA_PLAYER=apple_video-ipod15:55
seb128E: ID_MODEL=iPod15:55
seb128E: ID_MODEL_ENC=iPod15:55
seb128pitti, hum, https://git.gnome.org/browse/gvfs/log/monitor/udisks2/gvfsudisks2mount.c ... that file didn't change much since15:57
pittiyes, the code is still there15:57
pittiseb128: what's the gvfs-mount -i output while the device is mounted?15:57
seb128pitti, what's in the bugzilla I pointed you, or do you need more?15:58
pittiseb128: sorry, -li15:58
pittiseb128: ah right, sorry15:58
pittiseb128: hm, no, I want hte mount15:58
pittior the volume, not the drive15:58
seb128pitti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7050647/15:59
pittisymbolic themed icons:  [drive-removable-media-usb-symbolic]  [15:59
pittiok, so no music player16:01
pittiactually, what's that "media"?16:01
seb128pitti, https://git.gnome.org/browse/gvfs/commit/monitor/udisks2?id=dff2d84d15b7a62a162031f2da3015e989c0eadc16:01
pittias in "USB medium", or as in "music/video"?16:01
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seb128well I guess that doesn't apply here16:02
pittiseb128: ah, so it gets the icon straight from udisks16:02
pittiright, we have a drive16:02
seb128pitti, well, for symbolic icons, yes16:02
seb128that commit doesn't change the non-symbolic codepath though16:02
pittiseb128: do you have anything "Icon"ish in udisksctl dump?16:04
pitti(which could override the detection)16:05
pittisorry, it's too long ago that I looked at all this stuff, I don't remember the details any more16:05
pittiso this needs some deeper debugging16:05
seb128    HintIconName:16:05
seb128pitti, no worry, I guess I can debug myself, I thouh maybe you would know offhand where to look16:05
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bregmaseb128, I have a couple of client-track BPs for UDS that need approval, would you like to do the honours?16:52
seb128bregma, sure16:53
bregmado you need a link or is there a magic queue somewhere?16:53
seb128urls please16:53
bregmac'est ca16:54
seb128bregma, hum, I can add them, but the first one seems not so much content for a session (I'm also not sure a session is the right venue to decide on defaults, everybody is going to have an opinion but there is no way to determine who is right)16:57
seb128bregma, the second one, it seems a bit late in the cycle to discuss plans that still apply to this cycle?16:57
bregmaseb128, the second one is more for discussing plans for what will land after release to trusty, since the Touch work does not follow Ubuntu release cycles per se17:00
seb128bregma, ok, unity8 one approved17:00
bregmaseb128, as to the first one, I would think a public community discussion of the defaults and settings is entirely appropriate, although yes the content may be a bit thin ... it's up to you to approve or reject, I'm completely fine with either one17:03
seb128bregma, I'm approving it, the schedule as space, but by experience that doesn't seem like an useful session ;-)17:04
seb128(it's like the "default apps" sessions we stopped to have)17:04
seb128you are going to have people who tell you why they hate the integrated menus17:04
seb128and some who tell you why they hate the local menus17:04
seb128and that's going to be an argument for the length of the session17:05
seb128with an akward "so, what do we do"17:05
mitya57seb128: Hi, can you please look again at my nautilus MP? That blocks moving Flashback to u-s-d, which blocks new g-s-d upload darkxst wants to do.17:05
bregmayes, I anticipate Fun17:05
seb128mitya57, hey, I can try have a look when I'm done with what I'm doing, though it's getting late so it might be on monday17:06
seb128mitya57, I still don't understand why we have that classic .desktop and why those sessions are different from unity in how they start nautilus17:06
mitya57darkxst: ^ Any idea?17:08
ara_seb128, I would like to see the unity7 one approved (and attend), as those are very important features for our customers, so it would be a good way to know what's there and what's not17:08
ara_(high dpi, not local menus)17:09
mitya57The AutostartCondition is "GSettings org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons", so that shouldn't be an issue.17:09
seb128ara_, I don't see what there is to discuss on hi-dpi, the factor should scale with the dpi value, the level is probably better determined by user testing than by a discussion17:11
seb128bregma, ara_: anyway, approved, let's see how useful that turns out to be17:11
seb128ara_, I would expect e.g oems to define their default scale value for a particular model and tweak that by model17:13
ara_seb128, yes, but I would like to know more what's going to happen with gtk apps, and with browsers. currently they don't scale with unity17:14
seb128ara_, yeah, that one is a good point to discuss, though the GTK factor is an int, so the best we can do is probably to round the value of our factor and apply the gtk value the closest17:15
ara_seb128, yes, I guess that's the best we can have, but yes, some open discussion during UDS seems like a good thing to have17:20
seb128ara_, yeah, let's see, doesn't hurt to have a session, even if it's a short one17:20
Laneyok, got to get a train18:03
Laneyhappy weekend!18:03
didrocksLaney: needing a silo? (kidding :p)18:08
didrockshappy weekend Laney!18:08
=== mjohnson15_2 is now known as mjohnson15
attentebschaefer: does ibus' candidate window pop up for you?19:22
bschaeferattente, i dont seem to have ibus running atm :)19:23
* bschaefer stats it up19:23
bschaeferattente, nope, i also dont get the preedit window :(19:24
bschaeferlet me update though, its been a few days19:25
bschaeferattente, soo preedit window back, but no candidate window19:49
bschaeferthe candidate window is the little pop up box that show you possibly languages to switch to? (Somewhat like a language switcher?)19:49
attentebschaefer: candidate window shows the list of characters that match the current preedit text19:52
attentealso called the lookup table in ibus' api19:52
bschaeferattente, sound like the preedit pop up window to me :), i might be mistaken19:52
bschaeferi have it though19:52
attentebschaefer: do you know what you did to get it back?19:53
* bschaefer doesn't really know the correct names for things in ibus haha19:53
attentei'm fully updated19:53
bschaeferattente, i just updated19:53
bschaeferattente, and killed the daemon19:53
bschaeferand restarted it19:53
bschaeferkillall ibus-daemon; ibus-setup (which restart it for you with a message)19:53
attentebschaefer: thanks, that worked19:54
bschaeferattente, yay!19:54
attentebschaefer: quite strange though...19:55
bschaeferattente, hopefully...thats not needed every login though19:55
attentebschaefer: could be an indicator-keyboard bug19:56
bschaeferattente, hopefully not...was your system fully updated on the last login?19:56
* bschaefer hopes your daemon was just out of date :)19:57
attentebschaefer: yes, it was19:57
bschaefershoot, it could also be one of the settings possibly attached to the daemon when started19:57
attentebschaefer: so it's working for you now, right19:57
attentebschaefer: can you do killall indicator-keyboard-service?19:58
attentethen try again?19:58
bschaeferattente, back to preedit window broken :(19:59
bschaeferor candidate window broken :(19:59
bschaeferthats not goo20:00
attentebschaefer: ok, at least i know where the problem is thanks to you :)20:01
bschaeferattente, np! Good luck!20:01
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