
racarr_kgunn: Ok will at least write up some sort of study on it by tomorrow00:06
racarr_RAOF: Ping?00:07
racarr_ / anyone else who has thought about client cursor APIss00:08
racarr_I think it might be time00:08
racarr_xmir doesnt want the cursor00:08
racarr_nested unity8 does00:08
racarr_rather than add another hack to USC XMir should request to turn off the cursor I think00:08
greybackkgunn: just tried reproducing bug 1289058 now, but I can't even get the signon UI to appear00:38
ubot5bug 1289058 in unity-mir "[regression] OSK focus issues" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128905800:38
RAOFracarr_: Pong.01:39
RAOFracarr_: I think that both XMir and Unity8 want usc to handle the cursor at some points, and to handle the cursor themselves at other points.01:41
RAOF(Although U8 will likely want to handle the cursor more often than XMir)01:41
RAOFracarr_: I've suggested to greyback that U8 just turn off the cursor and handle it themselves, to unblock things.01:42
racarr_RAOF: MM its not to hard to unblock things...I was just thinking maybe its a nice excuse to add client cursor API02:03
racarr_and figured if anyone had an opinion on how that should look it would probably be you02:03
RAOFAh, if you've got time to do a client cursor API then that'd be aces.02:04
racarr_I mean its pretty simple right, MirCursor *c = mir_upload_cursor_sync(connection, pixels); mir_surface_set_cursor(surface, pointerid(?), cursor)02:05
racarr_well we dont hae multiple cursors right now so ignore that lol02:05
racarr_just surface, cursor02:05
racarr_and there is not much more to it02:05
racarr_I think?02:05
RAOFThe other option is to only expose symbolic pointer names in the API.02:07
RAOFWhich I think would be better?02:07
dufluracarr_: Don't forget the hotspot x/y parameters with each image :)02:09
RAOFRight :)02:10
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1206780 in Mir "[enhancement] Clients cannot change the hardware cursor" [Low,Triaged]02:10
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1189775 in Mir "Mir cursor has no hotspot setting, assumes (0, 0)" [Medium,Triaged]02:10
RAOFracarr_: So, I think the API should probably look something like... mir_cursor_set_cursor(MirSurface* surface, char const* cursor_name); mir_cursor_load_theme(char const* theme_name);02:20
RAOFracarr_: Hm, or something similar.02:23
RAOFracarr_: Actually, maybe a first go could be MirCursor c = mir_upload_cursor(connection, buffer_containing_xcursor_data); mir_surface_set_cursor(surface, cursor);02:27
RAOFracarr_: And copy http://cgit.freedesktop.org/wayland/wayland/tree/cursor/xcursor.c again :)02:27
racarr_RAOF: duflu: Aha sorry my IRC client hung03:47
racarr_symbolic names mebbe...Im not sure03:48
racarr_I feel like some clients will reasonably want to upload custom cursors03:48
racarr_GIMP, etc03:48
racarr_im not sure03:48
racarr_so maybe thats better done at the toolkit level03:48
racarr_maybe we should support both03:48
racarr_I dunno03:48
RAOFracarr_: Yeah.03:50
RAOFracarr_: Did you get all my comments?03:50
RAOFParticularly: racarr_: Actually, maybe a first go could be MirCursor c = mir_upload_cursor(connection, buffer_containing_xcursor_data); mir_surface_set_cursor(surface, cursor);03:50
RAOF... racarr_: And copy http://cgit.freedesktop.org/wayland/wayland/tree/cursor/xcursor.c again :)03:50
racarr_RAOF: Yes I did03:51
racarr_yeah I think that is going to be03:51
racarr_the first go03:51
RAOFThe next cut being MirCursorTheme t = mir_cursor_theme_from_$X(connection, <filename, symbolic theme name, buffer>); MirCursor c = mir_cursor_from_theme(t, char const* symbolic_name);03:52
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alf__rsalveti: @glmark2, sure, I will prepare a package update branch and contact you for further guidance08:28
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kgunnanpok: so i saw AlbertA's post in the bug...so do we think there's a combination of MP's that will allow mir0.1.6 to get promoted ? (...while we may have to hold back some of our bug fix?)11:37
kgunngreyback:  based on https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/1289058/comments/811:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1289058 in unity-mir "[regression] OSK focus issues" [Critical,Triaged]11:42
kgunnsounds like we need a update to the namespace patch seperate from the fix for 1240400.11:43
greybackkgunn: I'm rebuilding as I type. Sadly the PPA disappeared11:43
kgunngreyback: actually https://drive.google.com/a/canonical.com/?tab=wo#folders/0B4GvOYxwuvpFdm5DbXNYUzFDdG811:43
kgunni saved it off11:43
greybackoh yay11:43
kgunnsorry..i should have mailed that last night..but i was getting weird11:44
kgunngreyback: i don't want to suck you into this...so if you just want to redo your branch...anpok or i can test11:47
kgunnwe might even get a silo back up soon11:48
kgunnooo...maybe soon is optimistic, we're in line behind the qt landing :P11:48
greybackyeah I noticed that11:48
anpokkgunn: i tried to reproduce the issue without mir 1.6 this morning .. and could not12:22
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kgunnanpok: thanks...when you tested 0.1.6, what did you test it with in terms of the unity-mir configuration ?? (or usc for that matter?)13:09
kgunn...and when you say mir0.1.6 do you mean lp:~mir-team/mir/trunk-0.1.6 ?13:10
kgunn...avoiding the confusion that maybe you tested mir-devel tip :)13:10
anpokno not yet with 0.1.613:14
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anpoki couldnt imagine that it could relate to mir changes so I thought to reproduce it with my current setup..13:36
anpokmy wifi was flaky ..13:36
anpokkgunn: do you already have a reduced branch that only resolves the MirSurface colision in unity-mir?13:37
greybackanpok: almost done13:38
* greyback loves when a C++ error message contains more lines than his scrollback buffer13:43
greybackanpok: lp:~gerboland/unity-mir/namespace-to-prevent-collision213:51
kgunndandrader: "maybe" is the answer to your ques from the other channel13:57
kgunni think greyback's branch ^^ might do the trick13:57
dandraderkgunn, ok, let me know if I should jump on it14:01
greybackkgunn: that's not fixing the bug, but it means we could land the few branches needed to unblock mir0.1.6 anyway14:03
kgunngreyback: @"not fixing bug"...which bug :) ?14:05
kgunnthe osk one ?14:05
greybackkgunn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/1289058 yeah14:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1289058 in unity-mir "[regression] OSK focus issues" [Critical,Triaged]14:06
kgunngreyback: oh i see...trying to reduce the outstanding MP's down to just the lp:~kgunn72/unity-mir/um-mir-0.1.614:07
greybackkgunn: right. Thought it best to shrink the landing queue to unblock mir14:07
kgunndandrader: yeah...so if you would take a look today at 1289058 that'd be great...14:08
kgunngreyback: quick one...so you've basically now tests AlbertA's post and proved it wrong ?14:09
kgunnmeaning...removing the bug fix for 1240400 didn't help14:09
greybackkgunn: http://studio.sketchpad.cc/f2Lr8RTY8z is list I'm proposing for landing. I'm just building now to check everything is ok.14:10
kgunngreyback: +1....i actually had the same list/idea last night....but it got late...and now we gotta wait :)14:12
kgunnanpok: greyback dandrader...i gotta step out for some banking...bbiab14:13
* greyback also has to step out a bit, back in 1014:15
anpokgreyback: ok14:18
rsalvetialf__: thanks14:31
anpokis it really done that way that osk forwards all input of the side or main stage application?14:41
anpoki mean motion input at the upper half of the surface14:41
anpokhave to go and get some stuff.. will be back later14:42
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greybackanpok: yeah14:46
greybackit is a full screen surface, to support all the orientations necessary. Therefore its surface has transparent parts, and shell tries to position an InputArea over the opaque bits, so that the OSK surface gets those touch events14:48
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AlbertAgreyback: it looks like the namespace changes actually are the culprit15:56
AlbertAgreyback: I used your new branch15:57
AlbertAgreyback: if I just change the name of MirSurface instead, then focus issue is gone15:57
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kgunndandrader: ^ focus issue = osk issue on 0.1.616:01
kgunnAlbertA: so you've done the clean-image-test, verified you're packages installed, and everything ?16:02
AlbertAkgunn: I'm manually installing (i.e. pushing with adb to /usr/lib)16:03
kgunnAlbertA: got it...but once you see it, then a dpkg -a to double check (...at least i think its -a)16:04
greybackanyone have a few minutes to review https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity-mir/namespace-to-prevent-collision2/+merge/209930 ?16:06
greybackAlbertA: odd. What have I screwed up...16:06
dandradergreyback, I can do it16:12
greybackokay, I'm just rebuilding to see16:12
dandradergreyback, btw unity-mir is clashing with what mir symbols specifically?16:13
greybackdandrader: "MirSurface"16:14
dandraderkgunn, so the mir branch to use for this bug is lp:~mir-team/mir/trunk-0.1.6 , right?16:30
kgunndandrader: correct16:31
kgunnso...wanna join16:31
anpokdandrader: alf__ AlbertA: hmm had connection issues again..16:44
anpokQ_DECLARE_METATYPE seems to need some additional love..16:44
dandraderkgunn, so we have a unity-mir branch that renames MirSurface (instead of putting it in a namespace) and it solves bug 1289058 ?17:04
ubot5bug 1289058 in unity-mir "[regression] OSK focus issues" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128905817:04
anpokdandrader: i think AlbertA does not have published one yet..17:05
greybackdandrader: that'll work I suppose. Why namespaces breaking it still mystifies me tho17:05
anpokgreyback: ^17:06
greybackanpok: yep, I knew about that17:06
greybackbut usually a nice loud error message accompanies that17:07
kgunngreyback: so dandrader says "we just shouldn't go there"17:08
kgunni'm gonna leave that bug open tho....maybe it should go against Qt ?17:09
greybackkgunn: the fastest solution is that yes. Looks like a bug I can beat my head against for a day or two, something subtle with Qt/qml and namespaces17:11
AlbertAgreyback: kgunn: I think we found the issue17:11
AlbertAgreyback: kgunn: it is indeed the Q_PROPERTY in inputarea.h17:11
AlbertAQ_PROPERTY(MirSurface* surface READ surface WRITE setSurface NOTIFY surfaceChanged)17:11
AlbertAchange to17:11
AlbertAQ_PROPERTY(unitymir::MirSurface* surface READ surface WRITE setSurface NOTIFY surfaceChanged)17:12
greybackah feck17:12
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greybackAlbertA: that's if17:13
AlbertAgreyback: we need to do that for all Q_PROPERTY items17:13
AlbertAgreyback: kgunn: yep confirmed on the n417:13
AlbertAkgunn: greyback: so what do you want to do?17:15
kgunnAlbertA: wow...so if that confirms it, sounds like we should just poperly use the Q_PROPERTY17:16
kgunn....unless, did dandrader|lunch say there was some other knock-on bug ?17:16
greybackAlbertA: I'm updating the namespace branches now17:16
greybackAlbertA: I reapproved your https://code.launchpad.net/~andreas-pokorny/unity-mir/fix-1240400/+merge/207302 since it was not to blame17:17
greybackanpok ^^17:18
AlbertAkgunn: well in this particular case17:18
AlbertAkgunn: there was no qt error17:19
AlbertAkgunn: because I suppose MirSurface * got resolved to Mir's version17:19
kgunnAlbertA: greyback anpok dandrader|lunch ...thanks all nice work, and so, the MP list should remain as it is...i'll just assume gerry's update will be on the original17:20
greybackkgunn: yep17:21
greybackok fix pushed17:23
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dandraderkgunn, using fully qualified names in all qt macros might solve all woes indeed. It's just that I've been bitten by such issues before thus I would rather avoid this namespace vigilance if possible17:35
dandraderAlbertA, kgunn and that includes all signal-slot connections and parameters as well, if I'm not mistaken17:36
AlbertAdandrader: just for my own curiosity, what sort of issues have you encountered? To they manifest as crashes? weird behavior? something else?17:39
dandraderAlbertA, a connection between a signal and a slot may fail, for instance (mismatching parameters due to namespace confusion). and that failure, depending on how you do that connection in C++, will fail silently at runtime17:42
dandraderAlbertA, but it was a while ago, so I don't recall details.17:42
greybackdandrader: well C++11 does give us nicer compile time signal/slot connections, which can help - it does parameter matching if I'm not mistaken17:52
dandradergreyback, yes17:52
greybackadding more symbols to the global namespace will inevitably cause collisions. namespaces necessary evil. They're tricksy with Qt annoyingly17:53
anpokhmm ok now the nexus 4 shows a black screen with a grey sign, red letters: Download Mode Do not unplug the device until the process is complete..17:58
kdubeh, its lying17:58
kdubprobably just a wrong key combo when it was booting17:59
anpokk restarting18:01
* greyback eow, but will be back online in a few18:10
anpokswapping the usb cable did the trick..18:52
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