=== TheLordOfTime is now known as teward === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha === PaulW2U is now known as Guest79190 [08:08] Good morning [08:08] morning jibel [08:09] morning elfy [09:43] Morning all === WebbyIT is now known as rpadovani === vrruiz_ is now known as rvr === Guest79190 is now known as PaulW2U === PaulW2U is now known as Guest51244 === Guest51244 is now known as PaulW2U === yofel_ is now known as yofel [13:27] pitti, do you know why https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/core-1311-lts-upgrade-testing is 'not started' ? [13:27] does it need a change in definition or direction or ? [13:28] jibel: I changed it to "beta available" [13:28] no, you can just change the status, it's not automatic [13:28] pitti, okay, thanks. [13:28] jibel: seems the only thing that's left is publishing the results to the dashboard, then we can set it to implemented [13:31] pitti, would a link from the dasboard to the jenkins view be okay, I don't tihnk the CI team will have the bandwidth to do more this cycle? [13:32] grr, it's all yellow :( [13:33] AssertionError: Items in the first set but not the second: [13:33] 'anacron' [13:33] jibel: sure [13:34] * pitti looks [13:34] that sounds new [13:34] it is new, yesterday everything was green [13:34] oh, my new services test [13:35] hm, anacron isn't running here either [13:35] isn't that bad/ [13:35] ? [13:37] $ sudo anacron -s -d [13:37] Anacron 2.3 started on 2014-03-07 [13:37] Normal exit (0 jobs run) [13:37] * pitti compares with precise [13:38] indeed there it stays running [13:39] jibel: so yes, I don't think it's meant to stay running, /etc/cron.daily/0anacron is handling that; I'll blacklist it [13:44] jibel: fixed in r113, rolled out; I'll rebuild these === plars is now known as plars-away [13:45] fun, none of the _vm tests fail [15:15] Happy Friday to you all [15:31] balloons, thanks [15:33] SergioMeneses, how are you! I trust all is well. Staying busy? [15:36] balloons, a lot! I start in a new job.. so learning new technologies [15:37] SergioMeneses, new stuff is exciting..you have a good attitude towards change :-) [15:37] and working on ubuconla this year http://ubuconla.org/ [15:37] SergioMeneses, yes I remember you mentioning that.. The site looks great! [15:38] balloons, thanks! yeah we are working to find sponsors [16:07] hey balloons, how's it going? [16:10] DanChapman, hey, keeping busy ;-) [16:34] balloons.. whats the new URL for Autopilot docs? (not the one at unity.ubuntu.com) [16:34] developer.ubuntu.com/api/devel/ubuntu-14.04/autopilot/ [16:34] it's impossible to find in google. I want to update some links to point to it [16:35] cgoldberg, I need to file to get it syncing on release [16:35] * cgoldberg sets bookmark [17:18] balloons, DanChapman, Hi :) [17:21] hey senan [17:22] DanChapman, it seems you are not busy today.. got reply very fast :p [17:27] * DanChapman wonders how long he should make senan wait before replying to make himself look busy [17:27] * balloons chuckles [17:27] hey senan [17:28] balloons, I didnt understand the mock :( [17:29] senan, :-( why not? [17:31] balloons, can we walk through your comments one by one, if you have time === bfiller is now known as bfiller_afk [17:43] senan, feel free to ask specific questions and I'll help :-) [17:44] balloons, I ran pep8 and renamed file to test_disk_usage_analyser [17:46] senan, sounds good, +1 [17:46] balloons, we will not be able to scan remote folders right..thats why I simply hit cancel..Just UI validation [17:47] senan, that's just fine for now. perhaps we'll come up with a way to do it later or not [17:47] balloons, The asserts like self.assertThat(path_bar_home_label.label,Equals(key_input.lstrip('/'))) fail for me when I run from somewhere other than /home [17:48] I didnt understand [17:48] senan, did I leave my results? the tests fail when I say branched your branch into /tmp and ran it from there [17:49] balloons, Yes you did... [17:51] I seem to remember the test making assumptions about me running from a specific location [17:52] balloons, will other tests run if you run from other directories..for example fileroller ? [17:52] senan, they should be able to run from anywhere.. any assumptions you make about that need to be setup by you :-) [17:53] that was the idea behind mock [17:53] mock allows you to setup a fake /home [17:53] you would know exactly what it looks like because you would set it up [17:53] balloons, I think I need to read more about mock... [17:54] did the example help [17:54] ? [17:54] balloons, no.. I'm 5 :) [17:55] senan, :p [17:55] ok, leaving the mocking aside for a moment, anything else on the list? [17:56] balloons, no..thats the last one [17:56] balloons, I tried running fileroller from tmp but its not running for me [17:57] senan, ohh well, that would be a problem too :-) [18:01] balloons, I just pushed a new version.. can you take a look at it [18:03] balloons, I think I made a mistake...I renamed the file and pushed.. now nothing there in launchpad [18:06] senan, mp link? [18:07] https://code.launchpad.net/~senan/ubuntu-autopilot-tests/DiskUsageAnalyser/+merge/209323 [18:07] I did a bzr add test_**.py and commited..I think now its fine [18:08] k, looks fine [18:09] did you fix pep8? those lines still look long [18:09] balloons, is it running fine ? [18:10] balloons, do I need to fix it manually ? [18:10] senan, you need to fix whatever the output says [18:10] after running pep8 it should return nothing :-) [18:11] the rename doesn't seem to have worked [18:11] oh.. well you should rename the folder too [18:12] balloons, diskusageanalayser ? [18:12] senan, no the test fails for me.. some of it times out I think trying to load my big folders [18:13] balloons, :( [18:15] balloons, you should not put big files in home :p [18:15] senan, lol.. that's the point of you not going to my /home [18:15] the idea of mocking, heh, is to patch the enviroment variable of home [18:15] so while running the test, it thinks /home is actually a temporary directory we define [18:16] balloons, so we are making a fake home [18:16] we create the temporary directory , then we re-assign home to it [18:16] senan, exactly [18:16] inside this fake home then we can add files and folders if we wish as well [18:16] we'll be able to control exactly what it should look like, then ensure the app sees it the same way [18:17] balloons, got some idea now :) ... can I directly rename the folder to diskusageanalyser ? [18:17] senan, bzr mv is useful [18:18] that will keep things consistent [18:18] bzr mv DiskUsageAnalyser diskusageanalyser [18:18] btw, despite what elfy thinks.. it's analyzer :-) [18:18] ok..let me try that..then commit and push right... [18:19] senan, yep [18:19] so senan given the insight, have a look at the _patch_home function I linked [18:19] balloons, yea inside its analyzer but outside its analyser [18:19] you'll be doing pretty much the same thing [18:20] senan, it's a difference between British and American English is all [18:20] or I suppose English, and the stuff we spew from our mouths as Americans [18:20] balloons, yeaa... In school we followed british english.. but in college the books are written in american english.. now its a mix of both :p [18:21] senan, haha.. yea, it's small differences sometimes [18:22] balloons, in school days if we write color then teacher will draw a red line below it saying spelling mistake :p [18:24] colour is french :-) [18:27] balloons, in british english its colour [18:28] balloons, I pushed again...can you check whether the file and directory are correct ? [18:29] balloons, do I need to rename lp:~senan/ubuntu-autopilot-tests/DiskUsageAnalyser also ? [18:32] senan, no branch name matters not [18:34] senan, renames look good [18:34] balloons, ohhh great...pep8 complaining a lot of things...:( [18:36] balloons, any tool for fixing the formatting ? [18:37] senan, nothing automatic to my knowledge.. cgregan cgoldberg ^^? [18:40] autopep8 ;) [18:41] senan, autopep8 fixes most things except camel cased names [18:42] https://pypi.python.org/pypi/autopep8/ [18:42] senan, give it a run.. let me know if you have any issues [18:43] cgoldberg, I've already installed it [18:43] if you've already just committed, run: autopep8 --in-place . [18:44] then do a diff [18:44] I knew cgoldberg would have an answer ;-) [18:44] ;) [19:01] balloons, can you check the formatting now ? [19:01] cgoldberg, thank you :) [19:10] wow, look at the difference [19:10] senan, looks good. Just do the patching and you are set I believe [19:11] balloons, getting indentation error now :) [19:13] balloons, again pushed...going to sleeo now..12.45 am here :( [19:14] senan, I can smell the end. Bug me next week if you don't figure out patching. Do it monday, tuesday is vuds :-) [19:14] senan, I imagine you can copy/paste the example I gave for the most part [19:14] balloons, okay :) [19:14] Good Night :) [19:15] night! [19:25] balloons: is it good if I remove *all* emojis from the wiki? [19:26] not happy faces and those included in moinmoin, but emojis [19:27] jose, from the ubuntu bug hug page or ? [19:29] balloons: yep, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Ubuntu Bug Weekend [19:30] jose, I guess I don't see any... [19:31] hmm, well, I'm seeing a couple there, but anyways [19:32] jose, I see non-printable chars.. 3 of them.. perhaps they are emojiis [19:32] yep, those [21:11] jose, well since I don't see them, heh, they aren't a bother. Do you need something installed to see emojii? [21:11] I think you need to be on a phone? === salem_ is now known as _salem [21:49] evening dkessel [21:55] good evening balloons [21:55] * dkessel raises his wine glass :) [21:56] * balloons hears a resounding clink and offers his cheers [22:07] cheers :)