
apb1963sarnold: so if I were sending mail from another ISP say.... aol... then I wouldn't have this issue?00:01
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sarnoldapb1963: if the mail is From: or From_ an aol address it would be more likely to work, Ithink..00:02
apb1963sarnold: so.... if I were to have a From: line that matched their domain... that would resolve it?00:04
sarnoldapb1963: it'd probably help, especially if you could pop3 or imap4 to that account from the same ip address shortly before..00:05
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apb1963i'm reasonably sure I send before receiving on the normal use account which works.00:06
apb1963I'm pretty sure it goes out instantly too.00:06
apb1963i.e. not just when I poll for POP00:06
sarnoldlast time I looked into this the usual timings were e.g. five or ten minutes00:07
sarnoldthey could make it a few hours or so..00:07
apb1963Yeah, I poll every 5 or 10 minutes... but outgoing goes as soon as I send.00:07
sarnold(and at this point, it's all speculation on my part that they'd use it :)00:07
apb1963Right... so assuming they don't... then what would I need to change... my /etc/mailname?00:08
apb1963somehow this doesn't make sense... surely other people using freedns send their email out without having to compromise their domain name and rely on the name of their ISP.00:09
apb1963I think this might be where SMTP auth comes in perhaps.00:10
sarnoldapb1963: antispam mechansisms have seriously degraded the ease of setting up mail servers these days :(00:11
sarnoldapb1963: you could investigate using e.g. sendgrid as a way to get your mail onto the internet00:12
apb1963sarnold: ok so since my use case is limited... lets try this a different way.  Lets say I want thunderbird to poll for system mail the same way it polls RR.00:15
apb1963sarnold: It would what... connect to dovecot somehow?00:16
apb1963so just add another account to thunderbird?00:16
apb1963yeah... that sounds good00:16
sarnoldapb1963: I think there's a few approaches; running dovecot locally is one that many of my friends have used for various reasons I never understood :)00:16
apb1963I'm going to try it00:17
apb1963that's the simple solution00:17
apb1963since i'm already running dovecot I think00:17
sarnoldapb1963: this post suggests that you could also use /var/spool/mail/ directly with thunderbird, in case you've got local delivery already working: http://askubuntu.com/a/199453/3381200:18
apb1963sarnold: Thank you!  I suspect that's what I'm looking for.  I was unaware of the need for a .forward file and is probably the reason why my aliases never worked.  That had me puzzled for like a  year now.00:22
apb1963I still don't understand the need for a .forward file... seems like an alias should be enough... but hopefully that's one additional mystery solved.00:23
apb1963In fact... i would think one or the other is all that's needed... not both.  Seems odd to me.  Oh well, that's a different conversation.00:24
sarnoldit's been ages since I've hosted my own email, such a pain.. I don't recall that constraint before, but I'm not sure I'd used aliases extensively back then00:25
apb1963sarnold: Well, thunderbird won't let me choose that directory.... "The Local Directory path "/var/mail" is invalid. Please pick a different directory."  Unfortunately I need to deal with something else so I'll have to come back later.  Thanks for the help!00:40
apb1963Could be permissions.  :(00:41
sarnoldapb1963: good luck!00:41
apb1963Anyway.  Thanks!00:41
* apb1963 leaves00:41
strlngI'm trying to figure out bouncing mail for a specific account with postfix. I have an email address, jim@blah.com that receives lots of spam. So jim now has an address he is using instead, jim2@blah.com. Problem is jim has an account on the server. So I need to have outside mail addressed to jim@blah.com to bounce, but mail to jim2@blah.com to go to user jim. Is there any way to do this?00:43
smosermed_, tht would most certainly be wrong :)01:01
smosercirros most certainly works on virtio:01:02
smoserwget http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.1/cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-disk.img -O cirros-disk.img01:05
smoserkvm -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=net00,mac=52:54:00:12:34:00 -netdev type=user,id=net00 -drive if=virtio,file=cirros-disk.img01:05
smoserthat will work fine.01:05
smoseri suspect your issue is that its looking for an ec2 metadata service, which its not goign to find.01:05
rostamHi I use preseed file to automate installtion of my system. I want to boot into EFI mode, do I have to do anything special in my preseed file with regard to booting in EFI mode? Thx01:49
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basilHi I have a fresh install of Ubuntu 12.04. Yesterday, when I rebooted, it showed 2 fails - Starting configure network drive and Starting configure virtual network drive. Can anyone shed some light please?06:24
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RepoxHi. reverse dns / ptr records. Is this something I need to setup on the server?07:48
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marcus_Hi! I'm having trouble getting my SAS-controllers working under 13.10 server, something seems to hang during startup -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7048825/08:43
marcus_any suggestions on how to proceed?08:43
basil_Hi my new installation of Ubuntu 12.04 won't connect to the Internet using FF - error is "unabale to connect". But I can ping www.google.com, ping and ping my gateaway. My webserver is also working. How can I connect to the Interne tfrom my server?08:56
cfhowlettbasil_, try a different browser: chromium?09:03
basil_had thought of that....but I get an error of "failed to download package files" when I try to install chrome09:06
marcus_Hi! I'm having trouble getting my SAS-controllers working under 13.10 server, something seems to hang during startup. How should I proceed? -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7048825/09:17
jamespagezul, I recut your MP with some extra stuff - https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/neutron/icehouse-b3/+merge/20987009:39
jamespagezul, not sure how you come back from that comment late yesterday09:39
jamespagesarnold, hey - I know you are busy but when do you think you will get to the juju MIR?09:47
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marcus_Hi! I'm having trouble getting my SAS-controllers working under 13.10 server, something seems to hang during startup. How should I proceed? -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7048825/10:27
ikoniamarcus_: what make/brand is the sas controller10:32
marcus_ibm serveraid10:33
marcus_let me find the model number10:33
marcus_IBM Express ServeRAID M101510:34
ikoniawhats the actual problem with it ?10:35
marcus_ikonia: only 8 of 24 drives are detected10:36
marcus_there are 3 of those controllers, and their combined bios detects them all10:36
ikoniathere are 3 controllers, with how many disks on each10:36
ikoniaso that suggests only one controller is being detected/loaded at boot time10:36
marcus_all 3 boot up properly before the OS boots10:37
marcus_and dmesg throws errors on them10:37
ikoniadoes it throw an error on all of them, or just one of them10:37
ikonia(or two)10:37
marcus_not quite sure10:38
marcus_I'm sort of new to troubleshooting with dmesg10:38
marcus_on hardware10:38
ikoniawell, dmesg isn't the only tool here10:38
ikoniawhat does the syslog say ?10:38
ikoniawhat kernel module does it use ? how many instances of that are loaded ?10:39
RepoxHi. I have an issue with an executable. When trying to execute supervisorctl I get an error telling me that "bash: /usr/local/bin/supervisorctl: No such file or directory" . But the file is actually located in /usr/bin, not /usr/local/bin. How can I fix this?10:40
marcus_ikonia: I'm not sure what to look for... should I paste it to a pastebin?10:40
ikoniaRepox: looks like it's hardcoded to look there10:40
ikoniamarcus_: well, look for it starting to bring the disk system up10:41
ikoniamarcus_: look for it making references to the controllers10:41
ikonialook at the kernel module - look how many times it tries/succeeds in loading it10:41
marcus_ikonia: kernel: [  191.668158] megasas: [ 0]waiting for 1 commands to complete <- like this?10:44
ikoniano, but that is useful, so it's still waiting for something, although that may not be a bad thing10:45
marcus_kernel: [  191.668155] scsi 2:0:0:0: megasas: RESET cmd=12 retries=010:45
rahuldroyHi Guys, Can someone help me with with server question. Apache on my EC2 micro instance is using a really really high. It ideals at around 40% but also sometimes maxes the cpu completely10:46
rahuldroyany ideas on how I can debug it?10:46
ikoniamarcus_: issuing a reset......interesting10:47
marcus_[    2.777725] megasas_init_mfi: fw_support_ieee=6710886410:47
marcus_this is the first reference I can find in the syslog10:47
marcus_[    2.777726] megasas: INIT adapter done10:47
ikoniadon't know what that means, looks like its an init and loading of firmware (at a guess)10:49
marcus_grepping mega from the syslog gave me a nice view10:49
marcus_but then there are call traces in the logs, that means something crashed..right?10:50
ikonianot always10:51
marcus_ [  367.079111] megasas: [175]waiting for 1 commands to complete10:52
marcus_guessing this isn't a good sign10:52
makaraany idea what's wrong here? http://postimg.org/image/7yns6gdnv/11:23
jamespagerbasak, are you intending on pushing any more debian-ubuntu mysql resync this cycle?11:31
rbasakjamespage: I was thinking about just doing a merge against the latest release to make future merges easier, but that would probably actually be no code changes in the end, just a version bump.12:08
rbasakjamespage: I don't have anything else to send to Debian, I don't think.12:08
rbasakThere's an upstream microrelease update needed, too.12:08
jamespagerbasak, not worth the churn - lets pick this up again next cycle12:09
jamespagerbasak, is that granted yet?12:09
rbasakjamespage: yes, it's granted. I haven't worried about it too much though, since we can do that at any time and more will surely come along.12:09
rbasak(so I don't see it as critical for release, but a nice-to-have that we release with the current, which may not be today's current)12:09
jamespagerbasak, I wonder if I can piggy back on that for mysql-5.612:09
rbasakjamespage: I expect so. The 5.5 TB decision was not controversial. I'm sure that the 5.6 one will be considered to be the same if we just ask them. I'd also agree that techncially it's the same decision, but since it's a different source package it seems polite to ask.12:10
rbasakjamespage: have you seen bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1284376? Looks like it just needs a merge.12:12
jamespagerbasak, doko already did it12:13
jamespagemarking it so12:13
rbasakYou beat me to it :)12:13
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zuljamespage:  +112:30
zuljamespage:  i just merged it as well12:31
jamespagezul, my neutron changes?12:31
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zuljamespage:  yep12:32
jamespagezul, I need to upload still - doing that now then12:32
zuljamespage:  ok12:32
zuljamespage:  im going to play around with the cloud archive havanna stuff this morning12:33
zuljamespage: right after breakfast and wakeupage12:34
jamespagezul, good-oh12:35
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jamespagezul, oh - btw the hplefthandclient MIR was subscribed to the sru team, not the mir team - fixed that12:44
jamespagezul, now if we can fix beautiful soup for django compressor12:45
jamespagewe'll be clear on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed.svg12:46
zuljamespage:  ill take a look at it today12:48
jamespagezul, great12:48
zulbut i could have sworn i did that :)12:48
jamespagezul, this was the thing that was muddled with lxml I think12:48
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jamespagezul, I think we can just drop the BD - beautiful soup is only required for testing and is an alternative implementation12:59
zuljamespage:  looking13:02
jamespagezul, I got it13:03
* jamespage is going to nail this13:03
jamespagezul, /usr/share/pyshared has gone btw13:03
jamespageI keep hitting packages that assume that will be present13:04
zullike what?13:04
zuljamespage:  yeah doko was rebuilding some packagages since pyshared has gone13:05
jamespagezul, the d/rules in that package uses it to locate django-admin to run the tests13:06
jamespageand then ignores the results anyway13:07
zuljamespage:  when i was looking at this bs4 was being used for python3 compat and beautifulsoup was being used for python2 compat13:07
jamespagein django-compressor?13:08
zultoo bad i dont have the patch anymore13:08
zulthe /usr/share/pyshared stuff is just a no change rebuild fyi13:08
jamespagezul, uploaded - less than ideal but as its not the default parser I'm failing to care this late in release13:10
jamespagegonna raise a bug against this and lxml to say they have optional dependencies on beautifulsoup13:11
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gnuoy`I'm trying to port trusty squid3 to our internal suite (mainly to enable ssl support). But our dak doesn't support xz compression. Previously I've twiddled dh_builddeb -- -Z to gzip and profited but the packaging for squid3 is more complex. As far as I can see the Makefile.am already have "AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = dist-bzip2 ..." which I'd have thought was dictating bzip rather than xz13:46
gnuoy`The message from dak is:13:46
gnuoy` squid_3.3.8-1ubuntu6~0.14.04.IS.PATCHED_i386.deb: third chunk is 'data.tar.xz', expected 'data.tar.gz', 'data.tar.bz2', or 'data.tar.lzma'.13:46
gnuoy`If anyone has a tick could they point me in the right direction pls ?13:47
rbasakgnuoy`: without looking, I would guess that your AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS line is entirely unrelated to your debian packaging ending up xz compressed.13:47
ubottugnuoy`,: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+113:48
gnuoy`rbasak, ah, a red herring13:48
rbasakThat line sounds more related to upstreams making a release tarball.13:48
miceikenhi guys14:24
miceikenim trying to set up dovecot14:24
miceikenand all the stuff they refer to into config14:24
miceikeni cant find it14:24
mardraumall the stuff?14:25
miceikenmarcoceppi_, like the ssl part, I added that by hand. but the protocol imap, pop3 etc14:30
miceiken*err mardraum14:30
rbasakmdeslaur_, lamont: I'd appreciate your thoughts on bug 1288823 please.14:44
rbasak(it's a request for --enable-rrl configuration option, rate-limit stanza to mitigate DNS amplication attacks)14:44
lamontrbasak: doh.  Given that we took the patch before it came into upstream, yeah.  we want that.14:48
lamontthat is, 9.9.5 may have dropped it because of the merge upstream did....  if  you prep the patch, I'd be happy to stuff it into debian14:49
rbasaklamont: so we actually have a regression here?14:49
mdeslaur_I just added a comment to the bug14:49
lamontmaybe.  that would be something to confirm14:49
mdeslaur_yes, we should add --enable-rrl14:49
mdeslaur_I'm not keen on limiting it by default in the config though, that's for a site admin to do14:50
rbasakOK, thanks. Do you want to take it, or shall I leave it open for the server team?14:50
rbasak(to: lamont I think)14:50
lamontI can make time to do it on the weekend, but it'll be sunday afternoon14:53
rbasakThat sounds fine to me - thanks.14:53
rbasakDo we need an FFe for this?14:54
lamontenabled, absolutely.  rate limit by default? hell no14:54
lamontthe only change will be this bug14:54
lamontand any other crits that are trivial that I can find in a few minutes of looking, to be fair14:54
rbasakOK. Thank you!14:54
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jamespagerbasak, I sent you an email re some thinking I did about virtual-mysql-*15:40
jamespagezul, noddy fix - https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/cinder/fixup-getent/+merge/20995115:44
jamespagezul, I should probably know but whats python-openstackclient ?15:57
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zuljamespage:  its like the accumulation of all the clients16:07
zuljamespage:  one client to rule them all16:07
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zuljamespage:  its probably a good idea to have it16:11
jamespagezul, maybe16:11
jamespagezul, so16:11
jamespagewe have some inconsistency about when xxxx-manage db sync or whatever happens in maintainer scripts16:12
zuljamespage:  yep16:12
jamespagezul, glance does not do it if its sqllite16:12
jamespageif ! grep sql_connection /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf | grep -qv "sql_connection = sqlite:////var/lib/glance/glance.sqlite"16:12
jamespagezul, keystone always does it16:13
jamespageif ! grep -q sql_connection /etc/keystone/keystone.conf16:13
jamespage(as the string is 'connection' not sql_connection)16:13
jamespagezul, I like glances approach I think16:13
zuljamespage:  i agree16:14
rbasakjamespage: please could you subscribe ~ubuntu-server to nginx?16:15
jamespagerbasak, oh - go on then :-)16:15
rbasakThank you!16:15
jamespagerbasak, done16:16
jamespagezul, which oauth is keystone using now?16:24
zuljamespage:  oauthlib16:24
zulmarked it fix release16:24
zuljamespage:  if you are on a bug warpath today i think there are some bugs assigned to the cloud-archive project16:26
jamespagezul, looking there next16:27
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miceikenOkay, so I'm trying to set up Dovecot following the ubuntu wiki tutorial. And one of the first thing it says is to amend the line with 'protocols =' but there is no such line17:56
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jamespagezul, gonna kick of the testing in the lab as well18:22
zuljamespage:  okies18:23
jamespagezul, I was able to repro on saucy18:23
zulyay! :)18:23
jamespagezul, something for next week - nested kvm with 3.11 ontop of 3.8 kernel on precise18:23
jamespagenot so great18:23
zuljamespage:  i thought that got fixed18:24
zulsmb: ?18:24
jamespagetop to bottomw18:28
jamespage3.2 3.11 3.818:28
rostamHI does anyone has any experience with Lupin ?18:31
bekks!anyone | rostam18:32
ubotturostam: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:32
sarnoldjamespage: I am anticipating doing the juju mir mid next-week19:10
jamespagesarnold, great19:25
stgrabersarnold: speaking of MIR, what about cgmanager?19:32
sarnoldstgraber: sorry, still not yet started19:41
sarnoldstgraber: also hopefully next week (i'm hoping it'll be quick, since I've already read much of an earlier version of the code)19:41
phillwHi good people, I have a question as to how you specify which kernel is used in the server ISO (I need this for alternate community edition)20:07
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miceikenIs there some way to move all the mail from /var/mail/* to /home/*/Maildir after changing the delivery folder?21:44
sarnoldmiceiken: look into formail and procmail; formail can do operations on every mail in an mbox, procmail can do delivery21:45
miceikenformail -ds old>new?21:47
patdk-wksarnold, that is way too hard21:49
patdk-wkmiceiken, just do a mbox2maildir conversion on the files in /var/mail21:49
patdk-wkthen put the resulting cur/* new/* files into the Maildir folder for that user21:49
patdk-wkmb2md would be a program to do it21:50
miceikenDo I need to do this for all users?21:50
miceikenor does it automaticly do it21:50
sarnoldpatdk-wk: oh much better21:50
patdk-wkper file in /var/mail21:50
patdk-wkor, if you are using dovecot21:51
patdk-wkyou can make dsync do it for you21:51
patdk-wkall users at once21:51
patdk-wkinstructions will be on the dovecot wiki, it's a bit more tricky, but not too hard21:51
miceikennah mb2md is great thanks patdk-wk21:55
miceikenlast question, is /etc/aliases used to anything other than mail aliases?21:55
patdk-wkthat depends on if your email program even bothers to use it21:55
miceikenusing postfix and it does21:55
miceikenlike, if I have users running services (i.e. git) but I want the mail to git@example.com to go to my user instead21:56
patdk-wkif you use default config, yes, postfix will use it21:56
miceikenwould I come in trouble with making an alias?21:56
patdk-wknothing else uses it21:56
miceikenk thanks21:56
miceikenshould I use .forward file over it though?21:56
miceikenwhich would you prefer?21:56
patdk-wkdoes your delivery system (mda) even support .forward?21:58
miceikenI see you can create a .forward file in the user's directory to have all messages automaticly forwarded through another user21:58
patdk-wk.forward is almost dead21:58
miceikenAccording to the postfix guide I'm using it is21:58
patdk-wkif you use the postfix mda (local) probably21:58
patdk-wkwhat imap/pop program are you using?21:59
RoyKhm... bowmore 1521:59
miceikencourier, patdk-wk21:59
tych0hi hallyn, getting lxc-create: Permission denied - failed to create directory '//.local/'22:16
tych0i am probably being evil and running this in a way it isn't supposed to be run22:16
tych0is there a nice way that i can run it in a way that it should work?22:16
tych0(i'm running it as the maas user, which doesn't have a home dir or anything)22:16
hallynfeh, this is probably XDG crap.22:18
hallynstgraber: ^22:18
hallynso if you dont' have an XDG_RUNDIR, it falls back to homedir...22:18
hallyntych0: setting XDG_RUNTIME_DIR might help22:19
tych0ok, to something in /tmp should be ok?22:19
stgraberso it can be two things, either it's the local path trying a fallback because of missing XDG_RUNTIME_DIR22:19
stgraberor it's because HOME isn't set22:19
tych0HOME probably isn't set22:19
stgrabersince it's lxc-create, the latter seems more liekly22:19
hallyntmp is ok if you don't mind the container living in tmp...22:19
tych0ok, let me try something22:20
hallynok :)22:20
stgrabertych0: you may be able to workaround this by setting -P, though the same issue will then hit you for the cache and runtime dir22:20
stgrabermay be easier to just set a homedir somewhere in /var/lib for that system user :)22:21
hallyneven libvirt-qemu has a homedir there :)22:23
tych0ha, ok :-)22:25

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