
=== Pici is now known as Guest19876
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Cimitsdgeos, morning!08:39
tsdgeosCimi: hi08:40
tsdgeosmzanetti: do you know what happened with that merge of yours?08:41
tsdgeoswas supposed to be part of a CI train and failed to land?08:41
Cimitsdgeos, was wondering what we plan of doing today :)08:43
tsdgeosCimi: aren't you flying?08:43
tsdgeoslike "now"?08:44
Cimitsdgeos, I'm at the airport lounge, have to kill a couple of hours, then I'll work on the plane08:44
tsdgeosCimi: so my plan is going back to making the qmltests/autopilot tests of  lp:~aacid/unity8/new-scopes-cleanup  finally pass08:44
Cimiyou need help?08:45
Cimiwant to split work?08:45
tsdgeosi still don't know what needs doing :D08:45
tsdgeosCimi: but sure08:45
Cimiahah ok08:45
tsdgeosCimi: get it installled and let's both run qmluitests and autopilot08:45
tsdgeosand let's see if we both get the same errors (that'd be a good start)08:45
tsdgeosand once we know what fails we can see how we split it08:46
tsdgeosdednick: if you have some time could you review https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/indicator_highlight_x_position/+merge/209400 ?08:46
dednicktsdgeos: sure08:46
tsdgeosdednick: added some what to do in the description of the MR08:48
dednicktsdgeos: hm. my indicators aren't showing up at all now (even without your MP).08:52
tsdgeosdednick: :S08:52
tsdgeosdednick: phone or desktop?08:52
addikshi, is there a official git-repository for unity which gets regular updates?08:53
dednicktsdgeos: desktop08:53
tsdgeosright i had this08:53
tsdgeosi don't remember what i was missing08:53
tsdgeostry a build -s && build -c cycle08:53
tsdgeosjust to make sure08:53
dednicktsdgeos: hm. i don't need to recompile things for 5.2 do I? (eg qmenumodel)08:55
tsdgeosdednick: you do08:55
tsdgeosdednick: but there's a ppa for that :D08:55
tsdgeosso you don't08:55
tsdgeosdednick: you using the ppa?08:55
dednicktsdgeos: yep08:55
tsdgeosif so it should give you all you nee08:55
tsdgeosjust dist-upgrade08:55
tsdgeosCimi: also i think you submitted a MR for merging against new-scopes? Saviq said we should target trunk with a pre-requisite in new-scopes08:59
Cimitsdgeos, I did08:59
Cimitsdgeos, https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/carouselTool-new-dash/+merge/20974609:00
tsdgeosmeh, lots of dependencies there09:00
Cimitsdgeos, FAIL!  : tst_DirectionalDragArea::sceneYAndY()09:01
Cimifails for me09:01
tsdgeosCimi: make -i so you run all of them09:01
Cimitsdgeos, do we have log of fails?09:02
Cimitsdgeos, or shall I play with bash?09:02
tsdgeosCimi: wait, the gnome shell doesn't have searching?09:02
Cimitsdgeos, maybe it does, but I expect long output09:02
tsdgeosyou should switch to konsole :D09:03
tsdgeosinfinite output and search09:03
Cimitsdgeos, infinite ram usage09:03
tsdgeosnot really09:03
tsdgeosthere's a thing called, writing to disk ;-)09:03
tsdgeosCimi: actually use lp:~unity-team/unity8/new-scopes-cleanup instead of  lp:~aacid/unity8/new-scopes-cleanup09:05
tsdgeosseems Saviq "stole" the branch and i didn't realize09:05
tsdgeosCimi: also do you have 5.0 or 5.2 installed?09:09
tsdgeosi think we should go with 5.0 first09:09
tsdgeosand once it's clean there09:09
tsdgeosdo the 5.2 dance09:09
tsdgeosCimi: and i just merged trunk into new-scopes into new-scopes-clean-to-trunk and into new-scopes-cleanup, so update :D09:14
Mirvtsdgeos: just in case you're not aware, the upgrade instructions have new PPA:s: https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/qt5-beta2 <- beta2 itself is legacy. not much functional difference, but still, final is final.09:23
Cimitsdgeos, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7048948/09:23
Cimitsdgeos, ok redoing all09:23
Cimitsdgeos, your branch is updated?09:24
Cimiusing unity-team09:24
tsdgeosMirv: isn't that the same ppa?09:31
tsdgeosCimi: this is mine http://paste.ubuntu.com/7048981/09:31
tsdgeosType Shell unavailable looks werid09:32
Mirvtsdgeos: the front page I linked to has the new instructions, since I thought people still go to that page09:32
tsdgeosMirv: so landing.006 has everything that ppa has?09:32
tsdgeosSaviq told me it didn't have everything09:32
Mirvtsdgeos: +beta1 like it says09:33
tsdgeosman i can't read09:33
tsdgeossorry ^_^09:33
Mirvtsdgeos: currently landing-006 now has everything except unity-scope-click and unity8, and those come from the beta1 still until I've landed those two to the landing-00609:33
Mirvno problem :)09:33
Cimitsdgeos, I'm rebuilding the branch from scratch09:33
tsdgeosi wonder how verticaljournal broke09:35
tsdgeosthe damn thing is broken in trunk too :_S?09:35
tsdgeosthat is weird09:36
tsdgeosisn't it passing in CI ?09:36
tsdgeosmy computer is borked, getting all kind of horizontally flashing stuff on qmlscene, let me reboot09:37
dednicktsdgeos: any idea why your panel branch failed CI?09:38
tsdgeosahhhh, i think i know what's wrong09:45
mhr3Mirv, 5.2 landing happening today?09:47
tsdgeossomeone broke compiz09:47
tsdgeosor unity709:47
tsdgeosand that's why verticaljournaltest is not passing anymore09:47
tsdgeoswho do i complain to?09:48
Mirvmhr3: it can happen, but there are two requirements. 1. promote Qt 5.0.2 image (or decide not to promote), 2. fix bug #1207270 in acceptable way (it is now fixed as of today, but has two remaining smaller issues)09:49
ubot5bug 1207270 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Font size too small in browser with Qt 5.1 / DPR rework" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120727009:49
Mirvok, 3. SDK team finalizes QtC plugins so I can land them, but I have no doubt about that :)09:49
tsdgeosawesome, i'm now getting a crash in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/i965_dri.so09:49
tsdgeos\o/ not09:49
Mirvmhr3: so Monday is slightly more probable09:49
Mirvbut still, if all stars align, there's nothing preventing today either09:50
mhr3Mirv, sooo.. realistically tuesday? :)09:50
Cimitsdgeos, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7049072/09:50
Cimitsdgeos, with new branch09:50
tsdgeosthat is closer to what i get09:50
Cimitsdgeos, tell me quickly which ones shall I do on flight :)09:51
CimiI have to leave soon09:51
tsdgeosCimi: note that VerticalJournalTest and OrganicGridTest are because of compiz regressions and they fail in trunk too09:51
Mirvmhr3: haha :) it's really tough debate at the moment09:51
tsdgeosCimi: run them with xvfb-run -s "-screen 0 1024x768x24" make testOrganicGrid and the failures go away09:51
Cimitsdgeos, let me do the first ones then09:52
tsdgeosCimi: so run them all with xvfb-run first to be sure too09:52
tsdgeosand if not move onto autopilot09:52
Cimitsdgeos, I'll do the first ones09:54
tsdgeosCimi: do they fail with xvfb-run too?09:54
Cimitsdgeos, I'll do in a bit, have to leave now09:56
Cimitsdgeos, I'll talk back in London09:56
tsdgeosCimi: sure, run!09:56
=== Guest1533 is now known as karni
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Mirvtsdgeos: locking down unity8 for Qt 5.2 landing10:27
tsdgeosMirv: what does that exactly mean?10:28
Mirvtsdgeos: that means I have an empty merge proposal I'll include in the CI Train, so no other silo can build unity8 but Qt 5.210:28
Mirvnothing else really10:28
Mirvit also means that the last two packages get to the landing-006, so after that it's self-sufficient10:29
tsdgeosthis unity7 regression in view sizes is really a pain10:29
tsdgeostst_DirectionalDragArea is also failing because of it10:30
tsdgeossil2100: do you know who do i talk about unity7 regressions?10:30
tsdgeosdidrocks: or you?10:30
didrockstsdgeos: bregma is the first contanct10:31
sil2100tsdgeos: bregma I would say10:31
Mirvtsdgeos: breg_ma is leading the U7 team, I guess file bugs and ping10:31
didrockstsdgeos: you can as well try Trevinho10:31
didrocks3 for bregma, 1 Trevinho :)10:31
didrockscounts are opened!10:31
sil2100Place your bets! ..?10:31
tsdgeoshe's on the americas, no?10:31
didrocksbregma is in canada, so same timezone yeah10:32
didrocksTrevinho has weird working hours, so if you are lucky… (italia)10:32
tsdgeosMirv: because you didn't do any recent patch to qt 5.0.2, right?10:35
Mirvtsdgeos: "because"? no, no recent patches to 5.0.210:35
tsdgeosMirv: i'm gtting a regression in widget size including decoration size, and wanted to rule out qt being the culprit10:36
Mirvtsdgeos: two latest were 0001-Do-not-overwrite-basePixmap-of-QIconLoader-PixmapEnt.patch + fix_destroy_qapp_segfault.diff10:36
Mirvthose landed Feb 6th10:37
dednicktsdgeos: ping10:42
tsdgeosdednick: yes?10:42
dednicktsdgeos: you know why it's failing? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-phablet-qmluitests-trusty/1298/console10:43
tsdgeosQXcbConnection: XCB error: 148 (Unknown), sequence: 149, resource id: 0, major code: 140 (Unknown), minor code: 2010:43
tsdgeoswhen that happens10:43
tsdgeosyou need to retrigger a build10:44
tsdgeosmay be related to the bug i fixed the other day in Qt10:44
tsdgeosMirv: did you get the email about integrating ↑ in 5.2 packages?10:44
tsdgeosdednick: so just retrigger10:46
dednicktsdgeos: yup. doing10:46
dednicktsdgeos: otherwise the branch looks fine. If that issue was just a random one, I can just approve?10:48
tsdgeosdednick: sure10:48
tsdgeosMirv: so how is this thing going to work? because trunk still has some tests that don't pass with 5.210:54
Mirvtsdgeos: I saw it, but haven't had time for it. trunk seems to have built fine at least11:06
tsdgeosMirv: sure, it builds, running the tests is a differnt thing altogether :D11:06
Mirvtsdgeos: some AP is failing?11:06
tsdgeosMirv: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/fix-5.2-tests/+merge/209058 fixes some qmluitests11:07
tsdgeosi think AP were working11:07
tsdgeosbut it was Saviq trying them11:07
tsdgeosso i may be wrong11:07
Mirvwe should have new PPA AP results soon. and it's not that 100% is green immediately. but that's good to know. if the landing will be postponed to Monday, I may get to make another qtbase upload11:09
Mirvor then afterwards11:09
Mirvtsdgeos: Tuesday's tests had 1 unity8 AP failure http://q-jenkins:8080/job/autopilot-release-gatekeeper/58/#showFailuresLink11:47
Mirvafter that they've unfortunately had adb problems which still seem unresolved11:47
tsdgeoswww.q-jenkins.com '?11:48
tsdgeosMirv: what ip is that?11:50
tsdgeosMirv: never seen that AP test fail11:54
mhr3_Mirv, if i'm looking correctly at the landing-006 ppa, it's no longer necessary to combine it with the beta ppa, right?11:56
Mirvmhr3_: yep, just updated the instructions too12:00
Mirvmhr3_: unity8 and unity-scope-click are now there, which were the last ones (well, aside from two QtC plugins)12:00
=== Guest83630 is now known as Pici
mzanettilol... 50% of the new scopes code is "// TODO karni". I think I know why he left the unity team again :D12:36
karnimzanetti: lol, don't be like that! :D12:37
mzanettikarni: scnr12:37
karnimzanetti: 70% of my TODOs is the damn Ubuntu Palette ;P12:37
Cimitsdgeos, can I push?12:38
tsdgeosCimi: what where?12:38
Cimifixed one test12:38
karnimzanetti: I'm well aware I left a lot of TODOs, but they were not something I could do immediately. I have no idea how we should upgrade Ubuntu Palette without regressing. new version (like, 2.0) for the Phone?12:38
karnimzanetti: :)12:38
Cimithe other one, directional drag area, is yet to be fixed12:38
CimiI understood what's wrong12:39
Cimibut I need more time12:39
tsdgeosCimi: i fixed it12:39
tsdgeosit's compiz that is silly12:39
CimiI'm in london btw :)12:39
karnimzanetti: plus, it's not that I left really. I'm happy to help with any pending TODO that *I* can fix :)12:39
mzanettikarni: no worries... but doing the review those TODO's hit me all over  so I had to say this :)12:39
tsdgeosCimi: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/vjog_compiz_workaround/+merge/20987712:39
karnimzanetti: every single TODO has been thoroughly discussed with tsdgeos and Saviq12:39
karnimzanetti: I understand :)12:39
tsdgeosi guess i can merge it to that branch to the cleanup thing12:39
karnimzanetti: so, it's not like I left those TODO's cuz I felt like so :)12:40
tsdgeosor new-scopes actually12:40
tsdgeosCimi: which test did you fix?12:40
karnimzanetti: if there's any conflicts when merging, I'm also happy to help12:40
mzanettikarni: I think Saviq reverted 99% of the conflicting code so there shouldn't be much of an issue12:41
karnimzanetti: at least I have the balls to sign my TODOs, compared to the whole rest of 'em ;D12:41
mzanettikarni: haha :D12:42
karnimzanetti: I see. In any case, I'm still available if needed :)12:42
mzanettiack, thanks12:42
Cimitsdgeos, genericscopeview12:52
Cimigonna fix dda if you didn't yet12:53
tsdgeosCimi: read up12:53
tsdgeosi did, even gave you a link :D12:53
tsdgeosCimi: what was wrong with genericscopeview?12:53
Cimismall bug12:54
Cimii will push in 30 mins12:54
Cimitsdgeos, same branch?12:54
tsdgeosi'd like to see the diff since it was working here :S12:54
tsdgeosmaybe it was an unstable one?12:55
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Cimitsdgeos, pushed fix13:28
Cimitsdgeos, was due to refactor of the visuals13:29
Cimitsdgeos, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/new-scopes-cleanup/revision/71513:30
Cimitsdgeos, which unity7/compiz regression?13:32
Cimitsdgeos, can it be the CSS window decorator?13:32
CimiTrevinho, we have bugs with height13:32
dandraderkgunn, so, should I take over https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/1289058 ?13:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1289058 in unity-mir "[regression] OSK focus issues" [Critical,Triaged]13:45
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tsdgeosCimi: the decoration is "eating" into the window size14:05
tsdgeosCimi: ah cool, thanks14:05
tsdgeosCimi: can you run autopilot ones now?14:10
tsdgeosso we sync what's failing and not14:10
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mzanetti@unity: standup14:30
TrevinhoCimi: yes, I know, it's a compiz thing... And well I actually just didn't push the correct change :/, anyway once I'm out the rush I?m now, i'll fix it.14:37
greybackdandrader: just to tell you, I'm not trying to fix the OSK bug any more, just was trying to assemble a list of MRs which can unblock mir0.1.614:41
dandradergreyback, ok, so I can have all the fun for myself now! :)14:42
greybackdandrader: if you want :)14:42
greybackdandrader: how was unity8 with qtsg going?14:42
dandradergreyback, well, the simple stage is rock solid now14:43
dandradergreyback, simple as in it supports only one app/window at a time14:43
dandradergreyback, it's all pretty smooth. but there's a lot of work ahead still14:44
greybackdandrader: okay cool14:44
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dandradergreyback, I'm not minding some low level bugs though. will leave them when we meet with mir folks on the sprint14:44
dandraderso I don't get stuck14:45
greybackdandrader: what kind of bugs?14:45
greybackshould we make a list14:45
dandradergreyback, https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1IiHBDIW_e0qnGt-po1D2z5HJKrNhBwh6pdILeEN2sgA/edit#heading=h.u205ol3r35vr14:47
dandraderjust put my local notes into this doc14:47
greybackdandrader: the "not respond to input" issue, did you try tapping the power key? Might be powerd powering down the input hardware, but leaving the screen up14:49
greybackdandrader: also the lightdm thing, are you restarting lightdm (and unity8) to fix it?14:51
dandradergreyback, no, I didn't14:53
dandradergreyback, as for lightdm, didn't play much with it.14:54
dandradergreyback, I was just focusing on getting unity8 work done so that we have something nice to show asap.14:55
greybackdandrader: sure14:55
greybackdandrader: texture provider sounds like a race, as if mir hasn't set up the gl context in time14:59
greybackthe lightdm thing is weird, I don't understand why you can see the app in 1 frame. qt should be only thing drawing that surface15:01
dandradergreyback, very weird indeed15:04
tsdgeoselopio: do you know who can i bug about autopilot? i'm seeing stuff in screen that autopilot vis is not15:07
tsdgeosor anyone for that matter :D15:09
greybacktsdgeos: veebers or thomi maybe, neither about tho15:10
tsdgeosi can try doing some ad-hoc debugging15:14
tsdgeosbut it ain't gonna work :D15:14
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elopiotsdgeos: cgoldberg on #ubuntu-autopilot15:18
elopioveebers and thomi are already getting drunk, they live in the future and it's weekend there.15:18
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Cimitsdgeos, enjoy weekend then :)16:57
Cimitsdgeos, chat you monday16:57
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* greyback eow18:09
dandradermzanetti, still there?18:20
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mhall119Trevinho: do you know where the Unity defaults are defined? And how can I make a separate set of defaults for a separate non-Ubuntu session that uses Unity?19:33
Trevinhomhall119: there are definitions in the compiz-gnome package19:39
Trevinhomhall119: for most of settings...19:39
Trevinhomhall119: for the one on ccsm you can do a new compiz profile19:39
Trevinhofor the "pure" gsettings one you probably need to use migration scripts to define the ones you want based on the session type19:40
Trevinhoif there are no smarter ways using gsettings (that I never looked too in the deep)19:40
* Trevinho about to leave19:41
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