
redactedwhy did it happen again?00:38
=== redacted is now known as mrgoodcat
gamerchick02what happened mrgoodcat?00:44
rick_h_party party00:49
gamerchick02woo party party00:51
gamerchick02also woo Amy's getting rid of Razer stuff00:51
gamerchick02speaking of, anyone want to buy a DeathAdder and a BlackWidow?00:51
gamerchick02$75 for the set... separate: $30 for the DeathAdder (retail $70) and $60 for the BlackWidow (retail $100).00:55
mrgoodcatgamerchick02: the network at WMU is having major problems today00:57
gamerchick02oh no!00:57
gamerchick02that's horrible. :(00:58
mrgoodcatone of the net ops screwed up and wiped out all the VLANS and took down the network for the whole university at around 2:3000:58
mrgoodcatand the network reset at 7:00 probably as part of fixing it00:58
gamerchick02and that makes it hard to do any work, yeah?00:58
jrwrengamerchick02: $75 for a set!!? oh how I wish I had $75 to give you01:20
gamerchick02well i paid $75 for the board (blue switches, macro keys, no backlighting) and the mouse was on sale too... like $50 i think. not sure01:21
gamerchick02they're older models.01:21
gamerchick02and if you want them you're welcome to them. $75 is a good price for the set, i think01:21
gamerchick02oh and they're CLEAN. i don't eat at my desk at my apartment.01:22
jrwreni won't have the money to spend on it for a while and I don't like to drive to oakland county :)01:22
jrwreni just wish I did have the money and did like to drive to oakland county, in this case :)01:22
gamerchick02well if you have the money and are in oakland county and i still have them and you still want them, we can meet at a Tim Horton's or something.01:23
gamerchick02jrwren, you're not in the detroit area, i take it?01:23
jrwrenAnn Arbor01:23
gamerchick02oh dang01:23
gamerchick02i'm not in Ann Arbor like ever01:23
gamerchick02and i see why you don't come up here. the drive is horrible01:24
jrwreni do come up occasionally to see family.01:30
jrwrennext time I do, i'll ping ya to see if you haven't sold 'em.01:30
jrwrenbut i imagine you could sell those pretty quick.01:30
gamerchick02i've not advertised much, just told a couple people at work and then in the irc room here01:31
gamerchick02i have a flyer but no pics on it. dunno if that makes a difference or not01:32
gamerchick02jrwren, do you want me to hold them for you?02:10
gamerchick02whoa: http://battle-stations.tumblr.com/02:24
gamerchick02hitting the hay. g'night everyone02:54
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
cmaloneyGood moring12:39
cmaloneyI hope your ships are all berthed accordingly.12:39
cmaloney(How about this: Good morning)12:40
rick_h_had to read that twice12:44
rick_h_<3 <3 <3 http://xkcd.com/1339/13:06
=== smoser` is now known as smoser
cmaloneyWhat do you guys use for backups? I think rick_h_ uses a Synology NAS correct?13:49
rick_h_yep, synology nas + cron'd rsync + dropbox + s3 + replicating across 3 computers13:50
rick_h_+ github I should say13:50
cmaloneyWhich Synology? 212J?13:50
brouschcmaloney: For personal I use crashplan13:50
cmaloneyrick_h_: About how much are you backing up?13:51
brouschCrashplan and Dropbox, with Crashplan excluding anything in Dropbox13:51
cmaloneybrousch: Yeah, I'm not 100% sure I need crashplan13:51
brouschIt just works (but requires Java)13:51
cmaloney(he said knocking on whatever is in this Ikea desk)13:51
rick_h_cmaloney: so I backup my $HOME on each computer and my wife's machine. Each time I upgrade I create a new directory on the NAS to rsync to, so I've got 5 copies of my x230 for instance.13:52
rick_h_cmaloney: I've got about 1.3TB on the NAS13:52
rick_h_I only have my music on the desktop and back that up13:52
rick_h_pics are in flickr13:53
cmaloneykk. I'm finding that the 2TB drive I have via USB isn't cutting it anymore13:53
rick_h_yea, I've got 3TB in my NAS and it backs up every monday to a USB 3TB13:53
rick_h_I upgraded from 2's13:53
rick_h_(I've got two drives in mirror)13:53
rick_h_at some point I might go to 4's13:53
rick_h_but will wait a bit longer still13:53
brouschI like the Synology at work13:55
rick_h_cmaloney: http://uploads.mitechie.com/synology.png14:00
brouschI like how rick_h_'s home NAS has 2.5x more storage than my work NAS14:03
rick_h_it's fitting, my desktop probably has 2.5x the ram :P14:03
rick_h_I like to have better stuff at home than the office would give14:04
brouschMaybe. We are all on ThinkCentre i5s with 8GB RAM and 256GB SSDs now14:04
rick_h_hmm, I guess I need bigger SSDs14:04
rick_h_but yea, 4x the ram14:04
brouschWe finally madesome money, so I bought high spec machines in case they have to last 6 years again14:05
rick_h_ouch! 6yr?14:05
rick_h_"yay we can get LCDs!"14:06
brouschWe actually had LCDs14:06
brouschNow they're everyon'e second monitor14:06
rick_h_"but but my child's toy has better resolution than this work monitor?"14:06
brousch24" 1080P all-in-ones with 19" 1280x1024 seconds14:06
rick_h_you will use your 1MP conference camera and enjoy it!14:07
brouschI'm actually really happy with the current desktops. The speed is phenominal compared to the 2006-era crap we had14:08
cmaloneyWell yeah, you finally caught up14:09
cmaloneyGreat, my "Mr Jingles" blocker extension broke this morning14:10
rick_h_Mr Jingles blocker extension?14:10
brouschWhy would you block Mr. Jingles? How can he play with your bells if you block him?14:11
cmaloneyrick_h_: I have ADD when it comes to seeing that little bell with a number by it.14:12
cmaloneyIt's like seeing an answering machine with a blinking light14:12
cmaloneyI have to know what's in there.14:12
cmaloneyThere's someone at work who has her phone voicemail light constantly on14:12
cmaloneyI want to just go over there and ask her to kindly listen to the message14:13
cmaloneyI know it's none of my business14:13
cmaloneybut I would pay her, I swear.14:14
rick_h_"Where's my phone?!"14:14
rick_h_"You can have it back when you can use it responsibly"14:15
rick_h_"Like LISTEN TO YOUR MESSAGES!"14:15
DrDaemonEyecmaloney: my voicemail light is always on... It has this annoying feature that unless I save or delete a voicemail, it is considered "new".  I hate it14:22
rick_h_duct tape, here we come14:22
DrDaemonEyeThankfully, people tend not to call me unless the importance is the same level of that as me on fire14:23
jrwreni use s3 for backups14:30
DrDaemonEyenever heard of it14:31
jrwreni need to rework it so that its per file instead of a tarball, and gpg each file.14:31
jrwrenAWS S3 - Simple Storage Service14:31
jrwrenits probably the single largest file storage system in human history14:31
DrDaemonEyeah okay14:32
DrDaemonEyeI just have access to a few servers scattered around the country that I scp to on a regular basis, so I have not been keeping up with backup systems14:32
jrwrenits not a backup system.14:33
DrDaemonEyeI'll have to check it out14:33
jrwrenits technically an object data store. ;]14:33
jrwreni find the distinction rather silly14:33
jrwreni suppose its because it predates everything being cloud.14:34
jrwrenwe'd have just called them cloud file systems.14:34
DrDaemonEyecool.  It sounds cloud-like to me14:34
jrwrenbut we need some word to separate it from a filesystem in a disk14:34
jrwrenit was cloud before cloud was a thing :)14:35
DrDaemonEyehehe.  :)14:35
jrwrenand distributed filesystem came with such baggage, we didn't want to use that word14:35
jrwrenbut that is what it really is14:35
DrDaemonEyethat it is14:35
jrwrenDrDaemonEye: to be clear, s3 isn't a consumer backup system. its an api for programmers.14:35
DrDaemonEyeah okay.  Still, something for me to look into14:36
brouschDoes JungleDisk still use S3 as its storage?14:37
brouschThat was the first consumer-grade S3 backup I remember14:37
cmaloneyI kind of want to stay away from aything non OSS.14:37
cmaloneysynology is pushing it but I trust them for some strange reason14:37
jrwrencmaloney: what about amazon?14:38
cmaloneyI trust them to be dumb storage14:38
cmaloneybut I have a little problem with them: a) I don't understand S3 that well, and b) what happens if the check bounces one month?14:38
cmaloneyProblem A can be solved by using it, so that's a non-issue14:39
jrwrenyeah, s3 is very easy to use, espeically with boto.14:39
brouschDoesn't Ubuntu have an S3 backup system now?14:40
rick_h_(though I don't use that still)14:40
jrwreni did not like s3cmd14:40
rick_h_no? everyone tells me I should be using that14:40
cmaloneybrousch: It uses Duplicity which can support a number of backends.14:40
brouschMaybe this http://www.duplicati.com/14:40
jrwrenrick_h_: they are wrong.14:40
jrwrenrick_h_: these days you should be using awscli.14:40
rick_h_that's the new boto replacement right?14:41
rick_h_well, has boto common under it14:41
rick_h_yea, I've not played with that yet14:41
jrwrenits the thing that replaced the java tools. *CHEER*14:41
rick_h_and there was much rejoicing14:41
cmaloneyanything that replaces Java is A-OK in my book14:42
cmaloneyas long as it's still cross-platform.14:42
rick_h_unless it's ruby..then maybe14:42
cmaloneyrick_h_: Damn you for taking my ultimatium and ruining it14:42
cmaloneyultimatium: what wolverine's lawyer's claws are made of14:43
jrwrenruby is still better.14:44
cmaloneyjrwren: Ruby is a PITA at times14:44
jrwrenwith java, i don't know how to do anything.14:44
cmaloneyRVM still makes my teeth hurt14:44
mrgoodcati don't use rvm anymore14:44
jrwrenrvm isn't that bad.14:44
mrgoodcatit's all about chruby now14:44
cmaloneywget -O chruby-0.3.8.tar.gz https://github.com/postmodern/chruby/archive/v0.3.8.tar.gz14:45
jrwrenwhat happened to rbenv?14:45
mrgoodcatoh rbenv is nice too14:45
mrgoodcati just use chruby14:45
rick_h_jrwren: I'll take packaged java over non-packaged ruby software most of the time :)14:45
cmaloneyAt least it appears to have an install process that doesn't require me to run a shell script from github14:45
mrgoodcatchruby is just nicer14:45
jrwrenrick_h_: i've never seen non-packaged ruby.14:45
cmaloneyI can at least look at it first.14:45
rick_h_look, that's standard practice now14:45
cmaloneyjrwren: rvm14:45
jrwrencmaloney: that is packaged.14:46
jrwrencmaloney: that is also, mostly bash scripts :p14:46
mrgoodcatrbenv depends on shims and weird context switching14:46
cmaloney\curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash <- This is not an install14:46
mrgoodcatand you have to use rbenv rehash all the time14:46
cmaloneyThis is an attack vector14:46
jrwrencmaloney: lol14:46
mrgoodcatit even puts a slash in front in case you've overridden curl to not allow this14:47
cmaloneyThat's the kind of thing that comes from people who think it's an awesomeo idea to have irc open any link that pops up in channel14:48
cmaloneyMan, i"m making all the right typos today.14:48
jcastrorick_h_, are you on trusty?14:48
rick_h_jcastro: yes14:49
rick_h_3 machines on it14:49
jcastromy trackpoint stopped working14:49
jcastropad works fine14:49
jcastrothere's not some funky keycode to turn that on and off accidentally is there?14:49
rick_h_not that I know of. Only bios controls14:49
rick_h_I use that to turn off the pad14:49
brouschDitch the nips! Pad is the future!14:53
jrwrenhow do you two finger and three finger swipe with a nub?14:54
rick_h_jrwren: you use the middle mouse button to scroll14:54
rick_h_(two finger)14:54
jcastroI have been using the pad for 10 minutes, and I already want to punch someone14:54
rick_h_and you use your keybaord shortcuts for swipe14:54
rick_h_jcastro: when I'm on my air I get angry14:54
jcastroswipe? why am I swiping on my laptop?14:55
jrwrenthat is because its a shitty lenovo chinese pad. you need a real bad, from AAPL, american!14:55
rick_h_jcastro: because it's the only wayt to change desktops and such14:55
jcastroman, kb shortcuts dawg14:55
rick_h_jrwren: thinkpad keyboard and trackpoint > apple trackpad14:55
jrwrenrick_h_: never.14:55
rick_h_jrwren: I speak the truth!14:55
jcastroI didn't touch my bios but I'm going to go check14:55
rick_h_shitty air keyboard14:55
rick_h_do you like some mush with your mush14:56
jrwrenWhy do you think I make so many typos in here?14:56
jcastrothe frustrating thing is every PC laptop maker is following apple with the keyboard and pad14:57
jcastrorace to the bottom14:57
jcastro"people must want touchpads the size of aircraft carriers and keys that travel .00001mm, SHIP IT."14:57
* rick_h_ remembers to see if anyone looked at his discourse reply on the matter14:57
jcastropreach it brother, I read it14:58
jcastroI will heart your response though14:59
jrwrenand right there is why discourse fails for me. you have to remember.14:59
rick_h_well I think it emails me14:59
jrwrenthen it succeeds!14:59
rick_h_but I didn't get an email yet and there's a reply...fail14:59
jcastrorick_h_, it won't mail you unless I do @rick PREACH IT!15:00
rick_h_so he's going to go sys7615:00
rick_h_that's cool, I wish them all the best15:00
rick_h_just don't care for their laptops, not high enough quality15:00
jcastroAfter the last revs of thinkpads15:00
jcastroI think the era of laptops is over15:00
rick_h_ugh, don't say that15:00
jcastroI got a $200 piece of junk chromebook15:00
rick_h_(as I type on my desktop)15:00
jcastroand it's good enough15:00
jcastroI guess I'll buy one of those every year instead of one good laptop that lasts me three. :(15:01
rick_h_guess I'll be hugging my 230 for a while. I'll be one of those crazy linux fools 6 years into a laptop15:01
rick_h_with the keys wiped and unreadable15:01
cmaloneyand a battery life of 3 minutes15:02
jcastrolet's hope my trackpoint working is not a hw issue15:02
cmaloney$5 says he forgot to put us on auto-join15:03
rick_h_I'm afraid to run updates15:03
jcastroall set15:06
jcastroI think maybe it broke when I was waking up from resume, if it happens again I'll report a bug15:06
rick_h_jcastro: ok Im afraid to upgrade15:07
rick_h_but welcome back to the civilized world15:07
jcastronew kernel last night15:08
rick_h_hmm, /me notes to try to upgrade the mac15:08
jcastrobut everything works fine on the 230, other than the brightness is non adjustable after resume, but I need to find time to report it15:08
jrwrencmaloney: if its running linux 3minutes is pretty good bat life.15:18
brouschIt is the era of the Tablet15:34
jrwrenits really not15:35
jrwreni still say those are consumption devices and that production is still primarily on laptop & desktop15:35
brouschIt is coming15:35
brouschKeyboard is the biggest problem15:36
cmaloneybrousch: keyboard, storage15:37
cmaloneybattery life if pushed15:38
brouschCPU and storage only matter if you're developing locally. You should be doing it in the cloud15:41
brouschI think form factors like MS Surface Pro or Lenovo Yoga 2 are the future. Tablet when you want it, keyboard dock when you need it15:47
jrwreni feel content is more important than form factor.15:50
brouschYou mean having a full OS like OSX, Windows, Linux instead of Android/iOS?15:50
jrwreni mean content.15:52
jrwrenpeople don't care about OS or filesystems or filemanagers (finder v. explorer)15:53
brouschSo if your ipad had all the apps you need to do what you want, you'd ditch your laptop?15:53
rick_h_yea, it's scary to see moden tech users16:07
rick_h_my wife does 99% of her email on a phone16:07
rick_h_if it won't work/load on a phone it's dead to her16:07
rick_h_the only time she breaks out her laptop is to upload photos from the camera or entering patient notes on her work laptop16:07
rick_h_but form factor dictates content16:07
rick_h_yea, I easily see a chromebook populace with a small percentage of desktops/laptops for the creators16:07
rick_h_I think most 'users' would/will16:07
mrgoodcatif i have a list a = [1,2,3] and b = [1,4,5], is there a function to only return the values of b that are not in a ([4,5])? or do i need to roll my own function for that?16:07
rick_h_look at the set() data type16:07
rick_h_it'll do it for you16:07
brouschrick_h_: Well if you're creating for Chromebook, you can just do it on a remote server, no laptop required. You will only need a laptop/desktop if you're creating the actual OS16:09
brouschSame with Android. You will develop normal Android apps on Android, but need a full computer to develop Android itself (or ROMs)16:12
mrgoodcati already ditched standard laptop in favor of chromebook16:29
mrgoodcatbut run linux on it16:30
brouschmrgoodcat: That doesn't count :P16:34
mrgoodcattime for lunch16:38
jrwrenbrousch: no, i need a KB :)17:21
rick_h_waf: pebble 2.0 on android now19:22
rick_h_and bookie hits 90K19:36
brouschDo you have a chart of the stats over time?19:38
rick_h_I've got the data, no chart19:38
rick_h_I count bookmarks, unique bookmarks, and tags every hour19:38
brouschget one of your slaves on it19:38
brouschI mean students19:39
rick_h_heh, one's working on a chart for per user counts right now19:39
rick_h_crap, and another import in the queue. Go celery go19:54
jrwrenalternatives to protocol buffers. go:20:01
rick_h_to google's protobuf or just in general?20:02
jrwrenin general.20:03
jrwrenxml too bloated, json has no forward only readers, so those two are out.20:03
rick_h_so the goal is to do fast communication between services?20:03
rick_h_hmm, does bson have forward readers?20:03
jrwrengood question20:04
rick_h_jrwren: I mean thrift is the big guy in the space. I've heard a lot of good things in proobuf, there's a few alternatives I can't speak intelligently on20:08
rick_h_and I'd check out bson as far as a more effecient json if you just need that20:08
jrwrenthrift is rpc framework no?20:10
rick_h_message passing20:10
rick_h_at least I believe it's what you're looking for if you're looking at protobuf and such20:11
jrwreni see it now.20:11
jrwrenbummer about thrift is they seem to focus on api & let impls deal with details of getting wire protocol correct20:12
jrwrenthanks rick_h_20:25
rick_h_jrwren: yea sorry I don't have a good answer. I've not really needed these myself20:25
jrwrenstill, its more than I knew.20:28
jrwreni thought thrift was something else20:28
jrwrenam tip: rm -f /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch20:35
jrwrenon your servers.20:35
jrwrenis there an option to tell add-apt-repository to not add the source repo?21:01
greg-goh, I was hopeful it was more math rock21:38
cmaloneywish granted21:38
cmaloneyMath hardcore21:38
greg-gok, less hardcore then :P21:39
cmaloneyWell, "Deathcore"21:39
cmaloneyTesseract it ain't.21:39
cmaloneybut managed to find this on reddit of all places.21:39
cmaloneySomeone had a "free prog metal" thread21:40
cmaloneyand went through that list lookig for the CC folks.21:40
cmaloneywhich is better than what I was expecting21:40
cmaloneyHad bands like Depths, Galactic Pegasus and Cloudkicker though21:41
cmaloneygreg-g: I'm becoming you though. I picked up The Guessing Game by Cathedral21:42
cmaloneyand Kyuss' last album21:42
cmaloney(..and the circus leaves town)21:42
cmaloneyYeah, was a shrinkwrapped promo copy21:43
cmaloneywhich I found odd and intriguing21:43
cmaloneyand cheap21:44
cmaloneyWe've been heading downtown for J's class / CHC so I've been able to hit UHF (my pusher of choice)21:44
cmaloneyGotta love a place that plays "This is Spinal Tap". :)21:45
greg-g:) :)21:45
greg-gsome day...21:45
greg-gI shall have time to rummage through a used cd store... and listen to my purchases the way they were intended21:47
greg-gbasically, can I be transported back to undergrad, plz?21:47
cmaloneyeven better: they specialize in Vinyl records.21:47
greg-gnever got into vinyl/don't have the equipment21:48
cmaloneyYeah, I'm not a huge fan, but they have a decent used / new section21:48
cmaloneyput this way: They have more metal than most places21:48
cmaloneyalthough the B&N in Royal Oak actually has a metal section21:49
gamerchick02so.  cmaloney.  i went to microcenter. guess who's a proud owner of a ducky zero with mx blacks?23:08
gamerchick02also rick_h_23:09
gamerchick02ya'll are killin me23:09
gamerchick02this is smooth as butter. BUTTER23:13
gamerchick02i'm still selling the razer23:13
gamerchick02no use for blues23:14
gamerchick02blues are too loud23:14
gamerchick02but wow yes. harder to press... reminds me of my first keyboard which might have been a model M i'm not sure. the computer was an IBM compatible from GM.23:15
rick_h_gamerchick02: woot23:15
rick_h_I had sore fingers when I first went to a unicomp23:15
gamerchick02wow but yeah the zero ain't no shine but it also wasn't $15023:15
gamerchick02what switches for that one?23:15
rick_h_buclking spring, model m style23:16
gamerchick02oh cool23:16
gamerchick02i remember i liked the sound23:16
gamerchick02and wow these are way different from the browns23:17
gamerchick02not sure what i like better, browns or blacks23:17
gamerchick02both have merits23:17
gamerchick02blacks are smooth as butta and the browns have that nice little click-bump23:17
gamerchick02i went with full this time. i'm done buying keyboards right now.23:21
gamerchick02who knows anything about the red switches? any lovers out there for MX Reds?23:21

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