
=== Pici is now known as Guest19876
=== Pici is now known as Guest83630
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
=== Guest83630 is now known as Pici
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, dogs, turkeys, hamsters and everything else13:21
InHisNameProfessorKaos64: meh13:23
InHisNamesudo system-config-samba          ----> ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack   <--- so what does this mean for this system ?13:24
ChinnoDogAnyone know a user friendly replacement for FTP that still supports large files and resumes?15:10
waltmana protocol that supports resumes?15:13
=== ssweeny` is now known as ssweeny
ChinnoDogA protocol that resumes or a client that lets you resume. I don't want to ask clients to re-upload databases that are multiple gigabytes.15:16
waltmanoh, THAT resumes. Not the job history kind of resume.15:18
waltmanwhat's wrong with FTP?15:19
JonathanDresume transport protocol15:19
waltmanJonathanD: exactly!15:19
JonathanDI'm thinking of doing a second asterisk talk.15:20
waltmanI'm thinking you should just talk about asterisk every month.15:20
JonathanDthat might get old15:20
JonathanDI was thinking I'd go back to west with a physical phone in hand, demo connecting it to voip.ms on it's own and some functions you get there, then demo connecting it to asterisk.15:21
waltmanThen again, it might not. You never know!15:21
JonathanDand again some feature demos.15:21
ChinnoDogOur FTP server sucks. But beyond that, a lot of users don't know how to FTP anymore.15:21
JonathanDwaltman: I'm really happy with my home phone now.15:22
waltmanIs it like Star Trek where it knows where you are and only rings in that room?15:22
ChinnoDogs/in that room/your com badge/15:23
ChinnoDogIn the 24th century I expect us to be using implants, not com badges.15:24
waltmanThey're better than those back-of-the-hand badges they used on Babylon 5.15:24
waltmanThe problem with implants is upgrades.15:25
waltmanand changing the battery15:25
ChinnoDogstandardized implant interface socket15:25
ChinnoDogBattery? You are a battery.15:25
waltmanThat worked so well in The Matrix15:25
JonathanDwaltman: thats a great idea.15:28
JonathanDwaltman: I'll get to work on that.15:28
ChinnoDogLook, power from co215:29
ChinnoDogConnect implant to blood stream, generate power from CO215:30
ChinnoDogDon't ask me what you do with the leftover bicarbonate.15:30
waltmanChinnoDog: You just belch that out.15:37
ChinnoDogOh. There is already lots of bicarbonate in your body. I guess that is true then.15:41
waltmanI just made that up.15:44
lazyPowerawesome thread to tab into16:41
lazyPoweryou guys get my +116:41
=== yoda_van is now known as jedijf

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