[04:35] brainwash, If you're willing to make the FFe (including screenshot of the app working), i'll do the packaging === PaulW2U is now known as Guest79190 [08:11] brainwash, If you're willing to make the FFe (including screenshot of the app working), i'll do the packaging [08:12] Noskcaj: what's this? ACTION: Noskcaj to be in touch with elfy on xkb-plugin testing [08:12] elfy, I'm still waiting for sponsorship on that one [08:12] elfy: Think leftovers that was taken care of 3 meetings ago? [08:13] Ah. [08:13] Noskcaj: k - thanks [08:13] * elfy forgets he read that [08:15] http://goo.gl/UPtH7i looks right to me. [08:17] not to me it doesn't [08:18] shouldn't the time be 7pm [08:20] DST [08:20] Everything gets messed up... [08:21] I tend to set times to UTC [08:21] that's early for DST [09:14] Unit193: Thanks for the tip re: ssh, now I set ServerAliveCountMax and ServerAliveInterval so that under a minute, without a connection, they die and free up the corresponding tab. [09:22] brainwash: tested the icon-bug in nm-applet yet? === Guest79190 is now known as PaulW2U === PaulW2U is now known as Guest51244 [11:10] knome, ping. You around? [11:15] slickymasterWork, for a sec [11:15] knome: it's quick [11:15] go ahead [11:16] the screenshots you need, do you want thunar to occupied the all desktop or do you want the desktop also visible? [11:16] probably better that the desktop is also visible [11:17] besides thunar, do you want what application? [11:17] * knome shrugs [11:17] i don't mind too much, it'll be up for a month or so [11:18] you said yesterday thunar and something else open, Do you mean simultaneously ? [11:18] yeah, or something. [11:18] use your imagination ;) [11:18] thanks [11:18] that's all, I'll mail them in a moment [11:18] or look at http://xubuntu.org/screenshots/ and see what we've done before [11:18] anything works [11:18] but uäm running [11:18] *i'm [11:18] see you later [11:19] ttyl [11:44] morning [11:45] what screenshots are we wanting? [11:48] hey elfy, good morning [11:49] see this -> http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/03/06/%23xubuntu-devel.html#t19:14 [11:49] I already mail them to knome [11:49] oh [11:49] saucy is long gone :p [11:50] yeah, I had to setup a box just for those [11:52] slickymasterWork reminds elfy of a job he needs to do [11:53] * slickymasterWork appreciates the reminder as he doesn't seems to remember what it is [11:53] :P [11:53] it doesn't involve chorizo nor chickpeas [11:53] hmmm.. sadly [11:54] but what is it? [11:54] * elfy wants to check that a default panel is readable with the supplied wallpapers [11:54] but can never remember what one actually looks like :p [11:55] astraljava: Sure, glad it helps. [11:56] I'm not getting you elfy. Are you saying that you don't remember how a panel looks like?! [11:56] hey Unit193, morning [11:56] Howdy. [11:56] or are you referring to the wallpapers? [11:58] nvm - I also forgot that a default panel isn't completely see through :p [11:58] not quite elfy, that's configurable [11:58] yes I know it is :) [11:58] mine is completely see through ... [11:59] mine also :) [12:00] ohhhh, now I see, elfy. You were not talking about something that I needed to do, but rather about something you needed to do [12:00] silly slickymasterWork [12:02] yea - sorry - head is elsewhere ... again === Guest51244 is now known as PaulW2U [12:45] knome, as you must have probably forgotten, you still have these three MP hanging: 1) https://code.launchpad.net/~jjfrv8/xubuntu-docs/chapters-3-4-revisions/+merge/208951 2) https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/xubuntu-docs/xubuntu-docs/+merge/208035 and 3) https://code.launchpad.net/~unit193/xubuntu-docs/new-appendix/+merge/207310 === yofel_ is now known as yofel [13:04] ochosi: yes, your commit fixed it, thanks [13:22] afternoon, slickymasterWork [13:30] I must say, I'm impressed how if Windows crashes & I try to boot to xubuntu first, it won't mount the drives windows was using at the time until I re-boot to Windows for whatever reason it is that Windows fixes something before I can use those drives in xubuntu, I figured it's a safety feature to save hard drive corruption or data loss on those hard drives. Can anyone tell me the rifght info if I'm wrong? [13:31] slickymasterWork, knome, I just pushed a new version of 1) ^^ that has a MenuLibre paragraph in it. [13:32] AussieDownUnder: hey, this looks like a general ubuntu question, please try asking in #ubuntu [13:32] Youre' clearly brainwashing me. I'm using xubuntu [13:33] knome, if you approve the proposed Settings Manager entity changes, we can get busy updating the rest of the chapters. [13:34] AussieDownUnder: both ubuntu and xubuntu use the same system components and serivces [13:35] AussieDownUnder: did the behavior change in Xubuntu 14.04? [13:35] brainwash, no idea, I went from Ubuntu 12.04 to xubuntu 14.04 beta. [13:36] What's more confusing is how different ubuntu or any of its derivatives look if you install & log in with that desktop stuff that let's you choose what interface loads, then the different distro looks the same as a different distro. [13:38] it's always ubuntu [13:38] so you can install any desktop environment you like [13:39] that is the reason why your initial question might be a general ubuntu one [13:40] forget it [13:52] 2 lightdm-greeter instances in taskbar after login on i386 daily [13:53] What's up with that? [13:54] ochosi: ^ [13:55] schproodle: do you use the daily lightdm-gtk-greeter PPA? [13:55] qatracker iso test [13:56] * elfy boots daily [13:56] so, no ppa [13:56] did you file a report already? [13:56] no [13:56] ochosi also mentioned this issue yesterday [13:57] yes, I thought I saw that yesterday gut something else went screwy with the vm [13:57] I saw it too. [13:57] schproodle: install and login - or login to live session? [13:58] install and login only on i386 -- not on amc64 [14:00] right click on entry in taskbar brings of a window -- not responding - selecting quit closes both instances [14:01] run "ubuntu-bug lightdm-gtk-greeter" [14:01] maybe we can get some debug hints from the logs [14:02] just did "erase and install" -- did not happen this time [14:04] installing it in vm now [14:05] brainwash, ubuntu-bug may not be useful without the problem or is it? [14:06] you run it after the problem has occurred [14:06] ok [14:07] otherwise log files might have been overwritten/replaced in the meantime [14:07] so what am I actually looking for here - is it easy to see [14:08] yes, two instance of lightdm-greeter in task bar but no window on desktop [14:08] if it happens again, I will try a screenshot. [14:14] mmm looks same as ever to me [14:15] elfy, that is, nothing in the taskbar, correct? [14:15] just indicators [14:15] what's expected [14:15] I am installing another one for iso test now... [14:22] done, no problem this time. [14:24] sigh ... thunar [14:30] bah [14:58] hey elfy, as you're in testing mode can you verify something for me, please? [14:58] I'm always testing - but I've not got daily booted [14:59] ok, but I noticed that you've just setup a trusty box [14:59] I can boot it [14:59] but I am about to afk for 30 minutes [14:59] so, what I want you to test is the 'Help' button from Settings Manager -> Desktop [15:00] it's just a matter of seconds ;) [15:00] does nothing [15:00] yeaps, just wanting to confirm it [15:00] I already have the bug ready [15:01] going to report it [15:01] ok - can confirm [15:21] elfy: [15:30] elfy, brainwash, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfdesktop4/+bug/1289411 [15:30] Launchpad bug 1289411 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "Help button of Desktop Settings UI doesn't open application's online help" [Undecided,New] [15:30] going to file also upstream [15:31] ochosi: ^^^ [15:53] Noskcaj, can you please raise the bug status of https://bugs.launchpad.net/xfdesktop/+bug/1289411 to 'Triaged' [15:53] Launchpad bug 1289411 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "Help button of Desktop Settings UI doesn't open online help" [Undecided,Confirmed] [15:57] slickymasterWork: confirmed [15:57] PaulW2U: hi [15:58] hi elfy, reading channel on the bus, went over a bump, clicked on something in error and attracted your attention, sorry :o) [16:06] thanks elfy [16:09] buses ... === GridCube_ is now known as GridCube [19:39] Is anyone else able to add a testimonial to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Noskcaj#Xubuntu_PackageSet ? [19:39] micahg, ^ [21:04] Noskcaj: any idea what's wrong here? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/168642293/buildlog.txt.gz [21:06] brainwash, Not really, can you paste you d/rules? [21:07] I'm trying to build https://code.launchpad.net/~thad-fisch/ubuntu/trusty/gnome-system-tools/fix-1185396 [21:07] via (daily) build recipe [21:09] or should I try via dput? [21:20] brainwash, try dput, but i doubt that's the issue