
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
cubed_rootwell_laid_lawn +101:22
cubed_rooti learned something today01:23
rayqwhen resizing panels in Xubuntu, is there a way to configure the length in terms of pixels instead of percentage of screen space?01:41
rayqI find you don't get enough fine control when trying to fit a horizontal top bar panel to a vertical/deskbar panel01:42
GridCubei don't think there is rayq01:48
GridCubeyou might have to do the maths01:48
xubuntu662I've been trying to install Xubuntu on my toshiba laptop satelite once I hit install from the grub nothing happens after a few wirrs from the dvd02:04
budo_I installed xbuntu and it reads broadcom BCM4312 is installed correctly, but my wireless isnt working. Anyone know what the issue is?02:04
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:05
GridCubebudo_, ^02:05
GridCubexubuntu662, check that the iso is properly burn into the dvd, you can always use unetbootin to make a booteable usb02:06
xubuntu662where do I get unetbootin?02:07
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:09
GridCubexubuntu662, http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/02:10
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budo_ok. I followed the instructions. blueman-applet crash02:20
budo_once I 'mobprobe w1'02:21
budo_brb. gonna try to restart02:23
GridCubebudo_, you might want to ask at #bcm-users02:24
budo_it keeps reading broadcom driver is installed and currently in use, when it isnt03:52
budo_broadcom sta wireless driver  for Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY [14e4:4315] (rev 01)03:53
netbraini need a good mail client like geary04:47
netbraincause main is acting rare04:47
netbrainwho can help me with that04:47
bazhangapt-cache search email may provide some results06:05
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=== Visi is now known as Visigoth
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knoipshi, may someone tell me, how i config lightdm to autolog? i am the only one on the pc, so there is no need to set a login desktop10:31
knoipsor maybe to take lightdm complete out of my system? btw i am using xubuntu 12.04 since 2 days and have no experience to linux at all10:33
TheSheepknoips: http://paste.openstack.org/show/72854/10:33
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=== Guest51244 is now known as PaulW2U
nikolamI almost can't stand this s* anymore. Now Software updater itself reported crashing. Who's doing publishing Ubuntu and Xubuntu updates and not testing them?13:08
nikolamand now imageshack wants me to pay to upload photos..13:09
cfhowlettnikolam, imageshack has nothing to do with ubuntu.13:09
nikolamsorry cfhowlett I know, i slipped on it, that's all13:10
cfhowlettnikolam, understood.  details on your error would help.  might even want to switch to #ubuntu to get more eyes on13:11
nikolamI think he posed them automatically, wanted to post an screenshot.. Yeah, #ubuntu., but there were some xubuntu updates I think, so i was here.13:14
AussieDownUnderMy sound settings crashed when I tried to open it & now I can't set individual programs settings for minecraft or web browser. Anyone know a terminal command for refreshing/reloading the system sounds/blah blah blah13:34
dlowingsAnyone up for some troubleshooting ?13:53
dlowingsWas trying to fix a "low graphics mode" issue during boot ..13:54
dlowingsAdded a new graphics card , that I'm not using as my primary display but it seems to be crashing my x13:55
dlowingsAnd I can't get x to load13:55
dlowingsOn the original on board card..13:56
dlowingsUsing 12.04.4 LTS13:57
mattxuis there a good guide to follow to create a raid1 setup and move a xubuntu installation to it?14:26
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto14:33
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=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
melt7777I have a live-usb with a persistence partition. I would prefer to push all of the changes to the live iso (live iso customization) is there a proper tutorial for something like this? and do the same tuts for ubuntu work for xubuntu?22:35
xubuntu473Just wanted to send a thanks the bumb ABI fixed huge issue on a new i686 install22:37
Noskcajmelt7777, Tutorials for ubuntu should work for xubuntu23:08
melt7777ok thx23:10
Unit193Some things may differ, but mainly UI stuff as the core is the same.23:11
melt7777ok i'm going to try using it with ubuntu customization kit and/or manual chroot livecd customization tut23:12
Unit193What changes?23:16
melt7777updates, drivers, and tools23:18
melt7777web server with some stuff in there, some cron jobs, etc.23:18
melt7777yea it turned out great when i did it regular but i ended up with a huge persist partition which i would now like to try incorporating in23:21
melt7777now that i know the concept worked out23:21
melt7777shame i have to go out drinking with my woman on friday night.23:21
melt7777sorry, lol, too many windows23:22
melt7777yea no i was trying to exit ftp on my vm23:22
Unit193Hah, nice.  I just use Ctrl+d23:22
melt7777it's not letting me mount -o loop file.iso mnt23:24
melt7777mount says i must specify fs type23:24
melt7777tried ext2,3,423:24
Unit193modprobe loop23:24
melt7777o well, gg for now...thx23:26
Unit193I've done it many times, sudo mount -o loop file,iso mnt/23:27

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