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valorie | amigamagic: sounds like your settings have been corrupted | 00:32 |
valorie | best thing to do is from the terminal (not while logged into kde) `mv .kde/ .kde-old` | 00:34 |
valorie | then when you log into your kde session, your settings will be refreshed | 00:34 |
valorie | if you have done some configs you want to save, then you can move them back from -old | 00:35 |
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amigamagic | valorie: I have done that and indeed it works | 01:08 |
amigamagic | but I've lost all my previous desktop settings | 01:08 |
amigamagic | so I think for now I will stick to another desktop manager | 01:09 |
amigamagic | it's a shame because kde is beautiful, but it's not stable | 01:09 |
amigamagic | for example, if you try to enlarge the bottom panel, and you enlarge it too much, the clock widget in the bottom bar will display a broken calendar in the upper left area of the desktop and you cannot disable this calendar without removing the clock widget | 01:10 |
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kubuntummmm | hi | 05:22 |
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return0 | Soo, how's 14.04 doing? Ok for regular use? | 08:06 |
valorie | that's what I'm now running | 08:06 |
valorie | so far, so good | 08:06 |
valorie | and we could use more testers | 08:07 |
valorie | since it's an LTS | 08:07 |
return0 | it seems most ubuntu spins are fairly stable now | 08:08 |
return0 | xfce and gnome are working fine for me | 08:08 |
return0 | unity and lxde had bugs but i think they're fixed too | 08:08 |
return0 | My 13.10 install feels soo old :P | 08:08 |
valorie | well, this seems even better than 13.10 | 08:10 |
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valorie | KDE is in bug fixing mode right now too | 08:10 |
return0 | feature frozen? | 08:10 |
valorie | because of the frameworks work, under the hood | 08:10 |
valorie | yes | 08:10 |
return0 | i find after feature freeze things get fixed real quick | 08:11 |
valorie | we hope that we'll be able to do a "testing" release for 14.10 | 08:11 |
return0 | have 14.10 be the test for changes to be ported back to 14.04 LTS? | 08:11 |
return0 | I've seen that happen in 12 lts | 08:12 |
return0 | and 10.. and 8... | 08:12 |
valorie | return0: in applications and security updates, for sure | 08:14 |
valorie | but frameworks is the future | 08:14 |
valorie | that is "kde5" along with qt5 | 08:15 |
return0 | I want qt5 and kde3 :P | 08:15 |
valorie | which can't be ported backwards | 08:15 |
valorie | really? I never miss kde3 | 08:15 |
return0 | Nor did I, but it's be funny | 08:15 |
return0 | kde3 used at a lot of companies for some reason | 08:16 |
valorie | because it was stable and easily configurable | 08:20 |
valorie | no brainer! | 08:20 |
valorie | gnome beat us out for awhile in the 3 >4 changeover | 08:21 |
valorie | but I think we're back on top | 08:21 |
return0 | then gnome comitted suicide | 08:21 |
valorie | now, now | 08:21 |
valorie | some people still love it | 08:21 |
return0 | went from by far #1 to... | 08:21 |
return0 | each version removes as many things as they add | 08:22 |
return0 | it's going maximum tablet | 08:22 |
return0 | whereas kde has a seperate tablet-mode | 08:22 |
valorie | right, but there are strengths to both ways of design | 08:23 |
valorie | Unity is also one form factor | 08:23 |
valorie | we'll see what ends up being best | 08:23 |
return0 | i wish i could use crypto coins to buy kde swag | 08:25 |
valorie | return0: we're discussing it | 08:26 |
valorie | it takes a bit to set up a way to get the coins, and then to monitize them | 08:26 |
valorie | so far, no one has stepped up to make that happen | 08:27 |
return0 | there's services which automatically deposit USD/CAD/EURO to an account when people buy with coins | 08:27 |
return0 | or just have a dude do it manually, but you'd have to stock him up | 08:28 |
return0 | there's crypto coin services like kickstarter which would work | 08:29 |
return0 | or plain old bit pay | 08:29 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 08:32 |
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MikeDK | Am I the only one having trouble with kde-telepathy since latest backport kde update? | 08:57 |
valorie | what sort of trouble, MikeDK? | 08:58 |
MikeDK | Just doesn't connect to any of the accounts I had in it, before the update | 08:58 |
MikeDK | maybe I should try re-adding the accounts? | 08:58 |
MikeDK | could that help? | 08:58 |
valorie | I'd try with one, and see | 08:59 |
valorie | I've been meaning to install that to test on trusty | 08:59 |
MikeDK | ooh, kde-telepathy isn't default on trusty? | 09:01 |
valorie | not sure; I did an upgrade | 09:01 |
valorie | we're oversize on the iso, so trying to cut things out | 09:01 |
valorie | not installed here, but perhaps I uninstalled at some time in the past | 09:02 |
valorie | not sure | 09:02 |
MikeDK | yeah :-) I'm not bothered with the size I only use USBsticks for installs | 09:02 |
valorie | I don't like things popping up at me | 09:02 |
valorie | I prefer IRC | 09:02 |
valorie | not everyone is on a fast connection | 09:02 |
MikeDK | aah yeah, I follow you in that one. | 09:03 |
valorie | and some computers won't boot from a usb | 09:03 |
MikeDK | yeah old laptops for instance :-) have a old thinkpad E570/E600 model PII 398MHz and maxed out with 198MB memory :-D running crunchbang atm :-D | 09:04 |
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Sunby | Hey. A "quick" question. I would like to install a relatively old version of KDE (2.2.2) on an Ubuntu/Kubuntu installation. Anybody tried that? | 10:25 |
lordievader | Sunby: That will probably land you in dependency hell. | 10:37 |
_nedr | hello guys.. just wondering how gaming performance (Steam, dota2, in particular) is on kubuntu.. also how is nvidia optimus support? | 10:42 |
soee | _nedr: good morning | 11:08 |
_nedr | soee, hi, good morning | 11:08 |
soee | few days ago i just finished Metro Laast Light :) there were small problems where game just exit during loading but basically all worked nice | 11:09 |
soee | on Kubuntu 14.04 we have nvidia-prime available and it works great with 331 drivers | 11:09 |
soee | you can easily switch to intel or nvidia | 11:10 |
soee | i played whole game on my laptop and performence was great | 11:10 |
soee | https://plus.google.com/110954078302330754910/posts/MzE3uiEEjor | 11:10 |
soee | i have also tired Dota2 some time ago, worked smooth | 11:11 |
soee | same with Serius Sam 3 etc | 11:11 |
_nedr | soee, nice to hear,.. could you compare it with any other desktop environment? | 11:12 |
soee | in general i have no problems with steam | 11:12 |
soee | well im Usign only Windows to play some CS:GO | 11:12 |
soee | no big difference for me | 11:12 |
_nedr | i am on ubuntu 13.10 with unity and primus and i have huge problems with steam and dota2 (very slow, crashes, etc) | 11:12 |
_nedr | i don't know it might be my particular laptop or some installation issues.. | 11:13 |
Walex2 | _nedr: it all depends on the OpenGL driver... | 11:13 |
_nedr | it was a paint just to get primus installed | 11:13 |
Walex2 | _nedr: and how new is your X WIndows server and GL libraries. | 11:13 |
soee | also at the begining of 14.04 there were huge problems with performance (not sure if it was nvidia-prime or drivers ) | 11:13 |
soee | but now all works smooth | 11:13 |
Walex2 | it works fairly well for me on 12.04 with X server backported and with AMD drivers, but it occasionally freezes, but I suspect that is because of CPU power supply issues | 11:14 |
soee | _nedr: i think the problems were related also to bumblebee - are you using it ? | 11:14 |
_nedr | soee, might be.. yeah i installed it .. not sure how effectively it works.. which is why want to reformat and do clean reinstall | 11:15 |
_nedr | Walex2, sorry quite newb to all this.. i have no idea about much of this... i tried installing bumblebee.. if i recall it was with nvidia-331, | 11:15 |
soee | _nedr: with nvidia-prime you dont need bumblebee | 11:15 |
_nedr | soee, what is nvidia-prime ? is it primusrun? | 11:16 |
soee | _nedr: more or less, it allows you to switch to intel or nvidia | 11:16 |
Walex2 | switching GPUs is hell of a way to beg for trouble :-) | 11:17 |
_nedr | Walex2, thats what i do with bumblebee.. otherwise my laptop becomes a finger-toaster | 11:18 |
Walex2 | guys, Intel/nVidia/AMD won't tell you but graphics chips are incredibly buggy bits of hardware held together with elastic bands and prayers... | 11:18 |
soee | Walex2: it easy :D | 11:18 |
soee | http://wstaw.org/w/2yip/linki/ | 11:18 |
_nedr | couple of year ago i never thought i would say this... but i wish my linux would just work like my windows | 11:19 |
Walex2 | _nedr: it is better then to get a system with a single chip. I understand why you would want to do it, but not all things that are possible are also reliable... | 11:19 |
soee | _nedr: on ubuntu you have also prime inditcator http://www.webupd8.org/2014/01/prime-indicator-lets-you-quickly-switch.html :) | 11:20 |
_nedr | Walex2, don't have money for new system right now ( i didn't know there was such a issue as nvidia optimus other i would never buy this)... also thats Apple thinking( program don't work.. just buy a new laptop) | 11:20 |
_nedr | crossing fingers that nvidia-prime is ready by 14.04 .. ubuntu people really need to get back to making distros for humans | 11:21 |
soee | _nedr: it didn't work for me on 13.10 as i would liek, now on 14.04 its more mature but still in developement | 11:22 |
_nedr | soee are you running kubuntu 14.04 with nvidia-prime | 11:22 |
soee | anyway all i can say i have no problems with optimus now | 11:22 |
soee | _nedr: yes i do | 11:22 |
_nedr | thats awesome to hear... i hope my configuration won't be screwed over | 11:23 |
soee | _nedr: wht i noticed was that after upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04 i couldnt run system becaus eof nvidia-prime and some configuration issues | 11:24 |
soee | after fresh installation all works smooth | 11:24 |
soee | also as nvidia-prime is in development all the time somethimes something might not work as it should :) but the good news is if you report it it can be fixed very fast | 11:25 |
_nedr | hello soee, just wondering is nvidia-prime using nouveau or nvidia proprietary drivers? | 11:51 |
soee | propriety | 11:53 |
soee | 331 i think | 11:53 |
soee | can't be lower but im not 100% sure | 11:53 |
_nedr | ok thanks | 11:55 |
mike_s2 | Hi, how do I install kubuntu with luks on a laptop with an installed windows 8 using truecrypt system encryption? | 11:59 |
mike_s2 | I already have all the necessary partitions set up from a previous opensuse install, but I am not sure how to set it up without removing my truecrypt bootmanager. | 12:00 |
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BluesKaj | 'Morning folks | 13:56 |
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miglo | can anyone propose an alternativ mail client for kmail? | 16:20 |
DarthFrog | I use Thunderbird. | 16:22 |
lordievader | +1 for Thunderbird. | 16:23 |
miglo | but is thunderbird still under development? | 16:25 |
DarthFrog | what more is needed? | 16:27 |
miglo | Is it maybe possible to use kmail independently from akondai? | 16:27 |
miglo | if thunderbird still gets bug fixes and security updates than I will give it a try | 16:29 |
DarthFrog | Well, it is a Mozilla project so it is overwhelming likely that security updates will be made. | 16:32 |
miglo | is it possible to import mails from kmail into thunderbird? | 17:01 |
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Rish_ | how to find version of libgit2 | 17:25 |
Rish_ | ? | 17:25 |
Rish_ | on kubuntu 12.04 LTS | 17:25 |
tsimpson | "apt-cache policy libgit2-0" or use the package manager and search for libgit2 | 17:29 |
Rish_ | how should i install libgit-2.0 0.19.0 for kubuntu 12.04? | 17:49 |
tsimpson | you can download the source code and compile it manually, or download the source package and build a .deb package manually | 17:53 |
lordievader | !info libgit-2.0 | 17:53 |
ubottu | Package libgit-2.0 does not exist in saucy | 17:53 |
tsimpson | it's libgit2-0, and it only exists in raring+ | 17:54 |
lordievader | I see, so an alternative is upgrading to Saucy. | 17:54 |
tsimpson | sure but if you're still on 12.04 you probably want the LTS, so I didn't suggest breaking out of LTS | 17:56 |
tsimpson | though waiting a month or so and upgrading to Trusty is an option :) | 17:56 |
lordievader | True, it might not be the most desired alternative. But as a last measure it is still an alternative. | 17:57 |
Rish_ | tsimpson: can you please guide me how to go aboout doin it? | 17:57 |
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tsimpson | Rish_: install cmake, download the source https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2/releases and follow the instructions in the README.md file | 18:05 |
Rish_ | tsimpson: okay...thanks a lot | 18:05 |
=== kevin is now known as Guest61068 | ||
beltorak | hi all; i am trying to get my laptop to hibernate when the lid is closed and the power is unplugged, but I am getting this dialog saying that it requires authentication because multiple users are logged in. how do i make it just hibernate? | 19:26 |
roney | beltorak, i suppose that was a design decision from the devs | 19:32 |
roney | why would hibernate if other people are still logged in? | 19:33 |
beltorak | my concern is more security focused - someone just yaking the laptop and running | 19:34 |
roney | imagine that you logged via ssh from a remote place, would you like this to happen? | 19:34 |
beltorak | for me yes, for everyone... up to them | 19:34 |
roney | well, i wouldn't like if say my wife closed the laptop's lid while i'm remotely logged | 19:35 |
beltorak | granted; and i don't want it to do that if the power is still plugged in | 19:36 |
roney | sleeping is not enough for you? | 19:37 |
beltorak | defeats the point of FDE wouldn't you say? | 19:37 |
roney | what's FDE? | 19:37 |
beltorak | full disk encryption | 19:38 |
roney | it depends on the tool you use | 19:38 |
beltorak | what tools do you have in mind? | 19:39 |
roney | truecrypt decrypts on demand, as far as i know, and only for the user who unlocked the disk with the right key | 19:39 |
roney | but I'm probably wrong, not an expert | 19:40 |
beltorak | you are right, but the usage scenario you are thinking of is a private area for the user - my entire system (root fs included) (except for the boot partition, i'll get to that some other time) is encrypted | 19:41 |
beltorak | the dialog in question has a reference to the systemd/polkit id "org.freedesktop.login1.hibernate-multiple-sessions" so i figure there has to be a setting somewhere that's making it require authentication... so my question is "how do i override that or (failing that) change it?" | 19:45 |
roney | you're probably right, but I can't think on a possible way to solve this in an elegant way | 19:48 |
roney | it may be possible to run a script before hibernating | 19:48 |
roney | this script could log all users out | 19:49 |
roney | it would require root permissions, naturally | 19:49 |
beltorak | by "elegant" you mean providing some warning to the others logged into the system? yeah, i can't think of a way to do that either, and so for my case i would rather err on the side of security | 19:49 |
roney | but that's a very macgyverish | 19:50 |
roney | thing | 19:50 |
beltorak | besides, there are no other real users logged onto my laptop, so i figure it must be some sort of background service running as it's own account | 19:50 |
roney | hm.... | 19:50 |
roney | system users then | 19:50 |
beltorak | $ ps -ef | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | sort -u | tr '\n' ', ' ==> 102,123,124,avahi,beltorak,colord,daemon,dirmngr,nobody,root,rtkit,syslog,UID, | 19:52 |
roney | what a suspicious username "rtkit" | 19:53 |
beltorak | what's the command for dpkg to show info about a package? | 19:54 |
beltorak | nm; found it | 19:55 |
beltorak | rtkit == "Realtime Policy and Watchdog Daemon" | 19:55 |
beltorak | i suppose they could have picked a less suspicious package/username ... | 19:56 |
roney | perhaps and intended joke, I liked :-) | 19:58 |
roney | but what kind of rootkit would call itself rootkit? | 19:58 |
roney | the lamest one | 19:59 |
beltorak | beta v0.0.1? | 19:59 |
roney | hahaha | 19:59 |
roney | "plz test my new rootkit" | 19:59 |
beltorak | hahaha | 19:59 |
beltorak | hhmmmm.. i found a bug report that it's the dirmngr service that's causing the problem | 20:08 |
roney | beltorak, then it's a matter of time to get it solved | 20:18 |
roney | if you're a programmer you could try to solve it yourself :-) | 20:19 |
beltorak | yeah, and supposedly there's a workaround to make the dirmngr daemon use start-stop-daemon instead of su because su creates a login session | 20:19 |
roney | then you're done! | 20:20 |
beltorak | i am :) now i just gotta find the file to edit | 20:20 |
roney | cool | 20:20 |
beltorak | and i can put off overriding the permission thing some other time | 20:20 |
roney | solving those kinds of problem is very fun, but terrible for non techies | 20:21 |
beltorak | yeah | 20:21 |
roney | man, i still regret the day I installed kubuntu on my wife's laptop | 20:22 |
beltorak | the dialogue supposedly gives me the option to edit the policy (it says "click here to edit") but it does nothing :-/ | 20:22 |
roney | kwin crashed terribly during her thesis presentation | 20:23 |
beltorak | linux hates my wife | 20:23 |
beltorak | oh ouch | 20:23 |
roney | I got instantly ashamed and promply jumped on the "stage" (don't know the right word) to help her | 20:23 |
roney | she got embarassed and more nervous | 20:24 |
roney | it was terrible | 20:24 |
beltorak | yikes | 20:24 |
roney | that event made me rethink a lot of my concepts about free software | 20:25 |
beltorak | yeah, i hear a lot of governments are switching to various forms of linux, mentioning the savings involved due to not having to pay for licensing etc | 20:25 |
beltorak | on the one hand I think that's great; on the other, I wish they would consider re-purposing some of that gained budget into donating to the open source projects | 20:26 |
roney | I love free software and wish all software was rock solid and free | 20:26 |
dougl | I don't know if enough goes into the office applications included with linux. | 20:26 |
roney | but sometimes I have recognise the technical superiority of proprietary software | 20:26 |
roney | I'm a kde contributor | 20:27 |
roney | talking for calligra I believe there's a lot of work happening | 20:27 |
roney | even so, that's jut the beginning | 20:27 |
beltorak | yeah, proprietary software has one advantage over free software - somebody is *forced* to code the ... uninteresting bits | 20:28 |
beltorak | dougl: like you said, and i think office software is one of those areas that could use some work | 20:28 |
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beltorak | another area that free software seems to never touch adequately is project management and HR | 20:29 |
roney | i work on proprietary software to make a living | 20:29 |
beltorak | how many open source projects could be in any way a contender to SAP or Oracle (the HR stuff, not the DB stuff)? | 20:29 |
roney | my conclusion is: proprietary software development sucks a lot | 20:29 |
dougl | Gimp beltorak, gets developed libre office not so much | 20:30 |
roney | why it works sometimes? lots of money | 20:30 |
beltorak | lol roney - yeah, exactly | 20:30 |
beltorak | dougl: yes, exactly that too | 20:30 |
beltorak | and there are some areas I really really wish we could work on - it's my opinion that the only think keeping strong security out of the hands of the masses is the gawdawful UIs surrounding things like key management | 20:31 |
roney | pretty much yes | 20:31 |
roney | I'm glad that lots of intelligent people are perceiving now that security should be transparent | 20:32 |
beltorak | lots of intelligent people have always known that - bruce schneier (sp?) being one of the more promenant ones | 20:33 |
beltorak | unfortunately they aren't always the ones making the decisions.... | 20:33 |
roney | that's the point! | 20:33 |
beltorak | hahaha | 20:33 |
roney | you know what is about making decisions? | 20:34 |
roney | politics, my friend | 20:34 |
beltorak | yeah, agreed | 20:34 |
roney | and I'm not talking about the parties clashing against each other | 20:34 |
roney | politices is everywhere | 20:34 |
beltorak | just basic human interaction and getting people to see things your way.... | 20:34 |
roney | yes | 20:34 |
roney | it ranges from small patches being reviewed to big design decisions that will impact the life of thousands of users | 20:35 |
beltorak | coders and other highly technically minded people can drop all the social niceties and argue purely on merits; but for the most part people are social creatures, and "winning people to your side" is much more of a social interaction than a rational discussion about the pros and cons of alternatives | 20:36 |
roney | because programmers are usually good on a technicall level, they tend to think they're intellingent enough to talk about everything, be it arts, philosophy, history etc | 20:37 |
beltorak | i wonder what in a few generations the (so called) brogrammers impact will be | 20:37 |
roney | i'm afraid of the future | 20:37 |
roney | with things like "code for america" (I don't live in the USA) the future tend to be not so good | 20:38 |
roney | that's a different subject, i know | 20:38 |
beltorak | is that the push to get kids to program? | 20:38 |
roney | yes | 20:38 |
beltorak | yeah i don't know how useful it really will be; i haven't looked into it | 20:39 |
roney | because programming is more important than everything etc | 20:39 |
roney | programmers tend to think they're special magicians and what they do is so important that everybody should learn it as well | 20:40 |
beltorak | it could be construed that way, sure; but if they approach it more as practical problem solving.... you know, like what math should be taught as | 20:40 |
roney | i enjoy the idea of teaching programming | 20:40 |
roney | but i don't think it is more important than philosophy, art, history or mathematics | 20:41 |
beltorak | philosophy is dreadfully important, and it gets almost no respect | 20:41 |
beltorak | but you are right; no one is really more or less important than the others | 20:42 |
beltorak | i'd have to hear your argument on why art is important | 20:42 |
roney | simple: because art embodies (or at least tries to embody) the perception we have about ourselves and the world we live in | 20:45 |
roney | that being said, art is not conceivable on its own | 20:45 |
roney | art spans itself throughout everything that is considered to be human | 20:45 |
roney | i.e.: philosphy, history, mathematics, programming, social interaction, etc etc etc | 20:46 |
beltorak | ok; i can see your point | 20:47 |
kevthanewversi | I'm trying to install kubuntu alongside windows and I cannot see my windows partitions in the kubuntu installation hard disk setup. When I 'try kubuntu' and run fdisk-l I get this error "The util fdisk doesn't | 20:49 |
kevthanewversi | support GPT . Use GNU Parted." | 20:49 |
kevthanewversi | Anyone experienced such a problem before? | 20:50 |
beltorak | kevthanewversi: are you installing using the GUI or purely commandline? | 20:54 |
kevthanewversi | beltorak the gui | 20:54 |
beltorak | so you booted up the CD in live mode and clicked the install icon on the desktop? have you tried the kde partition manager? | 20:55 |
kevthanewversi | But I'm accessing terminal via the try kubuntu option during install | 20:55 |
kevthanewversi | beltorak yeah it won't show any of my windows partitions. :( | 20:56 |
beltorak | I think you can install packages in the "try" mode so you might try to install gparted; i don't know what tool would be best to use for partitioning GPT drives | 20:57 |
beltorak | I wonder if cfdisk (which is another cli program) can handle it | 20:57 |
kevthanewversi | In the partitioning page it shows the whole of my hard drive as free space. | 20:58 |
kevthanewversi | I'm trying to install kubuntu alongside windows and I cannot see my windows partitions in the kubuntu installation hard disk setup. When I 'try kubuntu' and run fdisk-l I get this error "The util fdisk doesn't | 21:01 |
beltorak | you might try installing gdisk - that seems to support GPT drives: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man8/gdisk.8.html | 21:02 |
beltorak | kevthanewversi: how big is the hard drive? the simple answer is that fdisk does not support GPT-partitioned drives. you will have to use a different tool. | 21:09 |
kevthanewversi | beltorak 750 gigz. A tool like? | 21:12 |
beltorak | a tool like gnu parted (gparted or parted) | 21:15 |
kevthanewversi | beltorak so what exactly will I do? | 21:16 |
beltorak | open the package manager (K menu, type in package manager), in the search bar type in "parted" - it should be the first result | 21:17 |
kevthanewversi | beltorak I'm asking after I get the package. | 21:19 |
dougl | sfdisk? | 21:21 |
alphacrypt | hey, I get qtmixing issue and don't know what to do | 21:22 |
beltorak | dougl: the fdisk family of tools can't handle GPT; there's supposedly a replacement but I didn't see them in the package manager | 21:25 |
beltorak | I thought that parted would have a GUI, or that the KDE partition manager would be able to handle GPT, but alas... | 21:25 |
beltorak | kevthanewversi: can you pm me the results of "sudo parted -l /dev/XXX"? | 21:27 |
=== calin is now known as crucerucalin | ||
beltorak | ok; patching /etc/init.d/dirmngr solved my immediate hibernate problem; now I want to figure out how to resume :) but this is how I think it should work. on a fresh real boot the swap partition should be created and encrypted with a random key that is saved to the root device. on resume it should decrypt the root device to find the swap key. | 22:49 |
beltorak | how do i go about making this work? | 22:50 |
=== MangaKaDenza is now known as thefakeazneD525 |
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