
lars_GapeRazOr is a very offensive user who is spamming, swearing and insulting people in the #hardware channel04:05
lars_his spamming was really nasty and he angered and upset a lot of users04:06
lars_I hope smn reports him04:06
IdleOnelars_: we have no control over #hardware04:07
lars_aren¨ẗ you the ops?04:08
IdleOneyou should try reporting to #hardware operators or maybe #freenode04:08
IdleOnewe are ops for the ubuntu* channels04:08
lars_I dont know who those ops are, I thought they were all the same for all IRC channels04:09
lars_Iĺl try Freenode, thanks04:09
Unit193lars_: See /msg chanserv access ##hardware list04:09
IdleOnePlease make sure to part this channel.04:10
IdleOneolyrey: anything we can help you with?04:11
Unit193Been there, done that.04:18
bazhanginstalling nvidia drivers for an ati card causes blackscreen07:46
=== IdleOne- is now known as IdleOne
=== phunyguy_ is now known as phunyguy
ikoniahello sergkov21:39
Unit193ikonia: Bot.21:40
ikoniawhats the deal with it /21:40
Unit193No idea, it's one of the many, many bots.21:44
Unit193Doesn't do anything though, and no CTCP version.21:44
ikoniaooh that suggested botnet thing21:44
ikoniajust found the ip in the list21:44
Unit193Did that to me too, not sure if kick actually works better on them.21:44
Unit193FWIW, takes 21 bans to block the entire botnet. :/21:47
ikoniasounds fun21:47
jussiikonia: ping?22:00
jussiikonia: please see pm. :=)22:01
PriceyWho's sergkov?22:08
Unit193Pricey: Part of the botnet.22:09
rwwthoughts plz on !foocoin is <reply> Ubuntu does not include packages for many cryptocurrencies out of the box. You will need to use a !PPA or compile from source to get these packages. Since neither of these options is officially supported, consider asking your cryptocurrency channel of choice for help.23:21
rwwwith aliases, obviously23:21
elkywe'll need something23:22
rwwi note that bitcoin-qt is not in trusty and is removed on upgrade from previous versions23:22
rwws/to get these packages/to get them/23:23
rwws/asking.*$/asking your cryptocurrency's IRC channel or forum for help./23:24
rwwupdated: !foocoin is <reply> Ubuntu's repositories do not include clients for most cryptocurrencies. You will need to use a !PPA or !compile from source to get them. Since neither of these options is officially supported, consider asking your cryptocurrency's IRC channel (see !alis) for help.23:27

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